r; TOL. VI. the Populists Will Contest Twenty Dem ocratic Seats EEPUBLIOAN GOVERNMENT OVER THROWN In Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louis iana and Texas Wholesale Frauds Were Perpetrated The Sonnd Money League (From our Washington Correspondent) .Lai lor WEALTH Makers: It in now certain that the Populists will have ten members in the House of the 54th Congress. The figures given in my Iut letter have been' verified and the ten will receive certificates of election. The Populists will contest about twenty seats of Democrats in Georgia, Alabama, Mis fiissippi.Louisiuna and Texas, the whole Bale frauds committed in these states have never been equaled since the days of reconstruction. If there had been a per. fectly fair election, we would have elected four members in Georgia, four in Ala bama, two in Mississippi, two in Louis- ana, and eight in Texas. Here are twenty seats in five states that the Democrats have wilfully and maliciously stolen from us, all of which will be contested, and there is little doubt but that the twenty Democrats will be unseated and the seats given to the Populists to whom XI 1 I- 1 OI t . . , uiry uunesu, ueiong. Oliouia THIS De done the Populists will then have thirty members in the lower house of the 54th Congress. . It has been given out at Republican headquarters that the entire delegation claimed to be elected by the Democrats in the state of Virginia, will be thrown out and a nevvelection ordered on the ground that the state has not got a Republican form of government, and tiiat the put-sent infamous election law of that state absolutely does away with the will of the people, and puts the election in the hands of the politicians of the party in power. Of course the law was enacted for that very purpose. In article four section four, of the constitution of the United States, it is declared thai, "The United States shall guarantee to every etate in this union a Republican form of government." Chief Justice Taney of the Supreme Court has rendered thefollowing decision on this section of the constitu tion: "It rests with Congress to decide what government is the established one in a state for, as the United States guarantees to each state a Republican government, it must necessarily decide what government is established in tin state before it can determine, whether it is Republican or not. And 1 when the Senators and Representatives of a state are admitted into the counciis of the union the authority of the government under which they are appointed, as wo!! as theRepublican character, is recognized by the properly constituted authority. And its decision is binding on every other department of the government, and could not be questioned in a judicial tribunal." "Quoted and approved. Ex part coupland, 2S Texas, 434 Federa list, No. 23, paire 112." It follows from this decision that Con gress has the sole power to determine whether or not any particular state has a Republican form of government. There can bo no doubt that the founders of our government, and the framers of our constitution intended that any state not having a Republican lorm of government should be denied representation in the councils of the nation, until such time as the government should be modified, and amended, so that it would be Republican in form. The very foundation stone of a Republican government is a free ballot and a fair count. " When this is vitiated by intimidation, bribery, corruption and fraud, the Republican form disappears at once, and you have a government of the politicians, by the politicians and for the politicians, instead of for the people. We claim upon testimony that can not be successfully disputed that the states named above do not have a free ballot and a fair count. Some of the most re putable democratic newspapers, and citizens of these Btates became so dis gusted with the high-handed way in which the Democratic politicians stole everything in the late election that they have been compelled to acknowledge and condemn it. Then it follows that these states in reality have no Republican form of gov ernment, and hence arenotentitled under the constitution of the United States to representation in the councils of the na tion. The Democratic politicians.in these states intend to perpetuate themselves in CON power, and will never permit a fair elec tion. The 54th Congress owes it to the honest hard working people of these states, to declare the seat of every Representative and Senator from these states vacant, and also emphatically declare by joint resolution that these seats will remain vacant and the states unrepresented un til such time as they shall prove to Con gress that they have had an honest elec tion and restored the Republican form of government. This is plain duty, and the people o the United States will hold to strict ac count the party in power in the 54th conirress. Unless this or something else of the kind is done to guarantee honest elec tions, bloody revolution is inevitable in the near future. To avert th is by proper legislation as contemplated by the con stitution is the first and most impera tive duty of the 54th congress. As predicted in my last letter the banks of the east are drawing the gold out of the United States treasury with which to pay for the $5(1,000,000 bond issue, ha v ing already drawn out more thamf4, 000,000 in the past four or five days. The Democratic politicians now in tin city are very much worked up over what is renorted will be contained in Mr.Cleve- land s coming message, lhere is little doubt but that he will recommend and urge the passage of the bill formulated by the American Rankers' Association at its recent meeting m the city or lialti more. This bill contemplates the absolute de struction of silver, greenbacks and other paper currency except gold and national banknotes. The country will be permanently and almost hopelessly on a single gold stan dard, and at the mercy ot the national banks, because they will then have the entire control of the volume of the cur rency and the power to fix the value of every dollar s worth of property in the land, and the compensation of every day's work. We will then have wage slavery in all its beauty and perfection The goldbugsare now contemplating the organization of a "bound iMoney League" in this city, to be operated on the plans of the American Bimetallic League. They propose to flood the country with literature teaching the peo ple correct ideas on the money question and'the great benefits and beauties of a single gold standard. J. H. Turner. November 24, 1894. , Reminiscence and Comparison Editor Wealtt Makers: In 1848 I cast my first vote for presi-dt-nt. I voted for Martin Van Buren, the Free Soil candidate, put forward at Buf falo, New York. He got over 300,000 votes, but I have not the exact vote at command just now. He did not carry any state,butallthe old Hue Abolitionists voted for him except the Garrison wing. The Wilmot Democrats, the Barn Burn ers, and all voters opposed to allowing slavery in the territories rallied to Van Buren. But in 1852 the Democrats had made up their quarrel and left the Abo litionists to themselves. The Whigs had hung together all this time. But the Abolitionists were middle of the road men, and nominated John P.Hale and stayed with him. Their popular vote that year was about 160,000, only about half what it was four years before that. It would have been even less than that, but Mrs. Stowe had given the world Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1850-5 and so all the world had their attention directed to the subject of slavery. This greatly strengthened our vote. In 1852 the fugitive slave law was in the Statute book, and both Whigs and Democrats.in their nation:. 1 conventions, resolved that slavery should not be discussod anymore in Congress or out of it. You ought to have seen the old line Abolitionists then. They all, with heart and voice, defied both the old parties and declared themselves ready for mar tyrdom. But the dose was too strong for the Whigs. It killed them and never again did they meet in national conven tion. By 1856 Seward, Greeley, Liucoln, and all like them were ready to meet Sumner, Uiddings, Hale and others on equal terms, and then the Republican party was born. It threw its banner to the breeze, "'Free spech,- free states and free men." "Union and liberty, one and in divisible, now and forever." In 1856 we carried thirteen states. In 1860 we elected Abraham Lincoln. All the world knows the rest of my story. It took form in 1840, when James G. Birney was put forward as an anti-slavery candidate nndgot 6,000 votes in '60 toelect Lincoln. Twenty years, half as long as Israel was in the wilderness, attended with discour agement, hardship, persecution, Kansas war, Uncle loms Cabin and John Brown, were needed to get Lincoln into Washington, and then a four years' war to keep him there. But "Tbonrtt of freedom once began, nequrathpd from bleeding sire to son. Though Taolliatlni? oft are ever won," proved true in this case and will prove true again. The observing men who lived through all those -tiine.iu.otiW .J; hft. aia...eonepj of, men and parties in power. Their judicial blindness was patent to men of strong. common sense and quickened patriotic LINCOLN; NEB., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1894. conscience. "On Ibe side of the oppressor there was power," but "one man und God" weighed more than all their power. So it is now, and so it will be until this far-reaching evolution of the human race is wrought out. "To him that belie veth all things are possible." We had men then that "fainted by the way" and "wtit Imck and followed wiih us no more," and we shall probably have some such now. The cause never stopped then and it cannot and will not stop now. Bad management can destroy any party, and we cannot hope to be exempt if we manage badly. But the eternal Tight ness of our cause can no more die than immortal truth can perish. Just as well expect the tides to cease from the ocean, or gravitation cease to govern worlds, ns to suppose the labor movement will stop short of its God given rights. I do not believe it will fail here in the United States, though I see the possibility of failure and the danger of it, too, if we take any backward steps. But we will not take any backward steps. Our Heav enly Father will not permit us to do it. Cowards may go back, but we have a host who will "lap water" and shout at midnight, "The sword of the Lord und of Gideon." " Eroml840to 1860 we contended for free states to be carved out of all new territory. The question and struggle grew until it ended in free men and free Btates everywhere. Four millions of col ored men were then in sight as the cen tral point of interest the storm center was there. But vastly more was involved, and now we see that the negro was only a part of the fight. Not a few among us want one plank just 16 to 1, and nothing more. They may get it, but if they do it will only postpone matters of greater importance, steam, electricity, land, minerals, and transportation would still be left to monopoly. These gifts of the All Father must be free for all before this struggle ends in peace. If we allow it to fail in the United Statee then "deliverance shall arise for Israel-' in some other place" and by the hands of some other, people. We and our "father's house" may be destroyed, but truth will never die. Cowper saw that when he wrote his immortal stanzas. Many others ha ve seen it and God always sees it. Forty years ago we saw and contended for the rights of four millions of colored men. Now four hundred millions of white men are in sight. For myself I was true to the four millions, and I cannot now be false to four hundred millions. Yours for "victory or death," J. M. Snyder. Verdurette, Nov., 1894. Let ua Deal Dirtclly Wiih fcach Other Sartoha, Neb., Nov. 23, 1894. Editor Wealth Makers: In our Alliance work I have never been very favorably impressed with the farm ers going outside their immediate sphere in their operation. I thought to educate and agitate would surely cause people of all classes and callings to see and accept the truth that government is but a trust for the benefit of the whole people, that what concerns one should concern all, that there should bo no special privileges etc. But it seems that the supreme sel fishness to which we are addicted blunts our conscience and understanding of what is best for the whole people, and conse quently for ourselves. So I have, ttiere fore, concluded the proper thing .for the farmers to do is to organize themselves iuso trade assemblies for the purpose o selling their produce direct to the con suiners in the cities, the labor organiza" tions there and the farmer organizations iii the country to be the means of bring ing the two classes together, I would not allow any middleman whatever to make one cent in all the transactions of the year or until such time at least as they recognize the fact, that agriculture is the basis of our national prosperity and that the middleman will consent to assist by their votes to lift the burdens class laws have placed upon us. I see no reason why the farmerscannot combine to grind their wheat and ship their flower, cure and ship their meats, poultry, etc., etc., through their own members and sell -to the city laborers through their organizations, but in re turn take our supplies from them direct, and thereby save several middlemen's profits on each side in each transaction. And I think it high tme the farmers were sending to the factories for their clothing, boots, shoes, etc. There likely will be considerable objecting done by those who are interested, but perhaps by these means they may learn not to kill thearoose that lays the golden egg. I trust the State Alliance and other orga nizations will provide wavs and means at the next meeting toputtheResuggestions into effect. Mr. Editor, I trust those of your contributors having the requisite experience will write up this matter, for the Lord knows under our monopoly rule, the fewer leaks the better for ns all. Fraternally yours, T. A. Donahue. Sec'y. Buffalo County Alliance. We want yon to notice every new "ad" in onr columns. They are put there es- Twwmn .... - ...... NEURALGIA cured by Dr Miles' Paw Puxa. "One cent a dose." At all druireists REMEMBEK MR. POWERS. A Resolution Addressed to Govern-or-Eleot Holcomb St. Paul, Neb., Nov. 24, 1894. To Hon. S. A. Holcomb, Governor-Eloct. We, the committeemen of Howard county, Nebraska, assembled, do respect fully request that your Honor consider the name of John H. Powers in filling the appointments to be filled by you as in our opinion the invaluable services ren dered the party by this grand old man, merit some substantial recognition. Frank J. Taylor, Secretary. Peter Ebbeson, Chairman People's Independent Committee of Howard Co. CLU'TKW rUUH BUSlNE;! LK T TKR8 "Ihate to be without your paper, as it is the best and most fearless," writes Carl Sanburg of Elwood, Neb. C. E. Parsons of Bartlett, Wheeler county, writes: "Your editorial work is highly appreciated in this part of the state." C. Wlnslow.of North Platte, hopes "by our defeat this fall that the Independ ents will have learned a lesson, ahd from this on let, fusion alone with either of the old parlies, and we will yet be victorious. Never give up the fight." Rev. C. E. Walker, D. D. of Glyndon Minnesota, writes: "I like your Bplendid editorial utterances. How is wish I could cheer on The Wealth Makers financially. But I cannot do more now than say (what I do pray), God bless you. H. W, Beck, of Upland, writes: " 1 think the Populists ought to feel proud over the fight just ended. But for the immigration of our people we would ha ve buried the R. R. party head and heels, and don't you forget it. Passes were freely used out here to get men of in fluence out of the wav. Give them thun der." , Brother H. F. Wasniund, of Rushnlle, proposes that the local talent be made use of this winter in the towns and vil lages in debating the issues of the times with representatives of the old parties. He thinks it would create an interest in our cause and bring men out to hear our side who cannot be reached any other way. ne says we must stand to our guns, redouble our fight and leave fusion ulone. W.: A. Flood, of Smithfleld, closes a business letter thus: "And now, Brother Gibson, let me thank you for the valua ble reading matter we have had in The Wealth Makers the past year, both po litical, and Christian lectures and ser mons of Dr. Herron and others that are in the same line. They are good for our health and happiness, Give us all you can of them. We have our eyes fixed on your colony or corporation, and hope for its success." M. C. Perkins sent us in a letter the first of which we have accidentally lost. But the last page is worth printing. He says: "Brothers, let every one of us ap point himself a committeeof one to work for the cause. And the first thing to do is to get The Wealth Makers into the hand of every man in the counties we live in. And if he is true to his convic tions, his family and hisGod and country he will vote the ticket next November, and shout the praise forevermorc." C. S. Morse, of Ragan, writes: "I like The Wealth Makers, and I do believe it publishes the truth. Every farmer and laborer all over our whole land should have a chance to read it; and my opinion is it would not hurt the bankers to read it and then do lots of honest thinking. Then some of them would be more willing for Borne of us poor wealth-makers to live as well as to live themselves. There is room for all of us if we were all honest and just. Oh, how 1 do wish everybody would be hon est! Indeed, I do. And here's my hand. I'm only a farmer." Well, who isany better, or better serves society.than the farmer? Not money, but wealth-producing labor should measure merit and honor. Brother Morse, in a postcript, proposes to solicit subscrip tions for the Wealth Makers, that the truth may be spread. We hope it may stimulate others to do likewise. Editor Wealth Makers. Deficit of 8,O00,000 for November. Washington, Dec. 3. The regular monthly treasury department state ment shows an excess of expendi tures over receipts for the month of November of 83.156,367, which makes the deficiency for the five months of the present fiscal year $23,510,228. Cook Outlaw Been In Oklahoma. Perry, Ok., Dec. 3. It is reported that on several occasions numbers of the Cook gang of outlaws have been seen near Norman, and yesterday it was rertorteithftt --Bill-&)k-se at Pawnee, thirty miles east of here. Marshal Nix of Oklahoma, is fully prepared to give a hot reception to them. A Sand-Hiiler'e Plea to Undecided Laborers By reason of an artificial depression, resulting from years of class legislation againet the common people, we are en tering, I firmly believe, upon the most critical period of our nation's existence Disguise the fact as we may, war has beeu declared right here in America. Capital, enthroned upon its ill-gotten gains, backed by every department of our government from the executive to the judiciary, and prompted by its insa tiate greed for gain, has boldly refused to grant to labor its constitutional rights, and openly announced its deter mination to rule. Goaded to desperation by the gnawing pangs of hunger, and prompted by a de termination to regain its rights to life and liberty, labor has accepted the chal lenge and is rapidly combining to exter minate from the face of the earth every form of corporate greed. Friends and neighbors, we are about to participate in the most desperate con flict of ancient or, modern times. The "rights of property" are arrayed against the rights of life. It will be a pontesi between wealth and the creators of wealth, between might and right. Upon the result of this conflict hinges the fate nf our republic. Whether this struggle for human liberty shall be fought with ballots or bullets, depends upon the wis dom of American voters. The lines of these two great opposing forces have been forming for years. Upon which Bide are you enlisted? An important engagement of their skirm ishers was fought on the 6th day of this month. Did you on that important oc casion battle for might or right, for wealth or the creators of wealth, for idle glasses or industrious masses? I desire to beseech every intelligent voter to carefully and seriously consid er the result of his action during the late electoral contest. All concede the neces sity ot" relief from years of class legisla tion against the common people. Per sistent refusal of both old political par ties to grant this relief, despite repeated petitions therefor from the masses, must convince yon of their indisposition to do so. It is an unimpeachable historical fact that no important political relief has ever beeu secured by the common people of any civilized nation on the face, of the globe except by the organization and through the influence of a new po litical party. Now, iny friends, conceding as you must and do, the necessity of re lief; knowing from your observation and experience that neither of the old politi cal parties will grant it, and taught as you are by history the necessity of a uew organization to secure it, how, I nek, can you, as intelligent, patriotic, and home loving Amer can citizens, refuse to work and vote with your fellow-laborers under a new political organization to regain and perpetuate the sacred rights to which all are entitled. We unanimously agree that our ad verse circumstances caused by financial panics, labor strikes, and involuntary idleness, is directly attributable to the influence of corporate power upon the policies pur sued by our governmental officials. Bas ing your judgment upon this undeniablo premise, how can you consistently affllli ate with either of theold political parties, knowing, as you do, that they combined include every member of every corpora tion chartered for pecuniary profit. You cannot, and God knows I trust you will not. I earnestly hope that your sovereign right to think and judge for yourself will induce you to join the mem bers of the People's party in a determin ed effort to peacefully settle the .coming conflict. Knowing that "Bullets kill only tyrants, but ballots kill tyranny, every laboring man throughout the land should work and vote as a unit, for the party, and the only party, hat promises the abolishment of interest and the revocation of every corporate charter granted for pecunicary profit. C. b. Parsons, Bartlett, Nebraska. Tom Watson on Fusion Here is what Tom Watson of Georgia, Bays of fusion: "It is a seductive charmer whose em brace is death to any reform movement Lured by the sweets of office, populist leaders compromise with wrong, entangle themselves in alliances with the enemies they started out to fight, and put htvn themselves the Nessus shirt of double dealing, whose poison not even a Hercu les could resist. Fight it straight, boys! Every time we get an office by a compromise with evil we pay too much for the whistle. Some victories cost so much that the army which won them can never fight again. 'Fusion' leaves the People's party in that fix every time you try it. By compromising with the very evils we pretend to fight, we lose two priceless advantages: 1st. The confidence of our friends. 2nd. Th respect of our enemies. Hew to the line, boys! Never mind the chips." We want yon to notice every new "ad" In our columns. They are put there es pecially for your benefit. r r: .. NO. 26 POPULIST CONFERENCE CALLED Leaders Requested to Meet at St, Loaia In December St. Louis, Nov. 80. The followingcall has been issued: St. Louis, Mo., Nov., 80, 1894. Byre, quest of the national committee of the People's party, and at the suggestion of the chairman of the state committees, I hereby call a meeting of the national committee of the national People's party to meet In the ladies auxiliary ot the Lin dell hotel in the city ot St Louis, Mo., December 28 and 20, 1894. Id addition to the members ot the national committee the chairmen of the state committees, members of the "Reform Press Associa tion," People's party senators and repre sentatives in the Fifty-third congress and those selected to the Fifty-fourth con gress, and ull others who have taken a prominent part In the organization of the party, and also those who are williug to work and vote with the People's party in the future for mouetary reform are in vited. The object of this meeting is to map out a policy for an educational cam paign between now and the meeting of the next national convention, and any other business which may come before the committee. The committee will discuss and act upon every phase of the present industrial condition ot thecountry. This will be the most important meeting held since the Omaha convention. Senator Stewart, Lafe Pence, General J. B. Weaver, General J. G J Field, Marion Butler, Harry Skinner, M. W. Howard, J. U. McDowell, Hon. Miles Standish, ex Governor Pennoyer of Oregon, Thomas V.Cator, P. M. Wardell, J. M. Devine, J. L. Johnson, Colonel A. C. Fiske, Dr- A. Coleman, John P. Stelle. M. C. Rankin, J. N. Davis, Thomas Fletcher, H. L, Loncks, W. S. Morgan and many other leaders who are not members of the committee havepromised to be present. Hon. J. B. Follette, Equitable building, St. Louis, Mo., has charge of arranging all the details of this meeting. H. E. Taubeneck, Chairman of National Committee ot the People's Party. LUMBER DEALERS INCORPO RATE ' Become a Legal Association for Mut tnal Protection and Benefit New York, Nov. 21. There has re cently been organized fn this city an as sociation which is expected will have a large, influence on the wholesale lumber trade throughout the country. It is called the National Wholesale Lumber Dealers' Association. The organization is the outgrowtb(of a voluntary associa tion which has been in existence for some months, but has never been legally in corporated. As now incorporated the association represents a capital of $30,- 000,000, and the business done exceeds 175,000,000 a year. The officers of the association are: President, J. W. Robin-, son, of Robinson Bros.' Lumber com pany, North Tonawnnda, N. Y.; first vice president, Robert H. .lenks, Cleveland, O.; second vice-president, E. M. Price, of' Price & Hart, New York; treasurer, A. C. Tuaxbury, of the W. H. Sawyer Lumber company, North Towancla, N. Y. As de clared by the by-laws which have been adopted the object of the association is the protection of its members against unbusinesslike methods of wholesale and retail lumber dealers, the debarring of scalpers, the regulation of inspections and credits, and the arbitration of dis puted matters. " Bis Election Expenses Too Largo. St. Joseph, Mo., Dec. 3. John T. Chestnut was declared elected circuit clerk on the official count. John T. Beach, his ojfponent, has begun a con test He charges, among " other things, that Chestnut spent more money during the campaign than the law allows. Chestnut has filed a statement of his election expenses, showing that he paid out 8200.50, while under tho law he was only al lowed to pay out $196.78. Big; Judgment for Unfile Sam. Tofeka, Kan., Dec. 3. Eugene Hagan, special master in the case of the United States against the Leaven worth coal company, has filed his re port in the United States circuit " court here. According to the find ings of fact, the plaintiff is entitled to a judgment of $f0,000. It is under stood that the findings' are concurred in by both plaintiff and defendant, and the case will be finally submitted on questions of law. ' A Mate Glass Trust Coming-. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 3. Next Tues day the plate glass manufacturers will hold a meeting in this city for The purpose of effecting a combination ' of plants representing about $-0,000,-000 capital, and employing abont 10.000 moo- ...,