November 29, 1894. THE WEALTH MAKERS. 7 i tmUSWUf TO PlTURUmr'ODDxTHUIGSNPaUU 6W puds-1 FIFTY CENTS ISSUED BY PAGE PUBLISHING CO., TIMES BUILDING, NEW YORK. A Novelty In Magazines. All Illustrations with Brief Descriptions. " It's a good thing, pass it along." ONE OF THE MOST UNIQUE PUBLICATIONS IMAGINABLE. Every Issue a Veritable Curiosity Shop. The great big; directory of everybody, everywhere, does not mention the of anybody of any size or age who doesn't love pictures. HERE IS A MINE The "Paper World "ears: "The Picrtnia Magazinh Is in keeptnsr with Mb title, & magazine of pictures ; but they are not tne ordinary kind. Instead, the closely printed pages are filled with odd. grotesque, quaint things culled from all sections of the earth not aiming especially at art ' per fection, but seeking rather the uncommon and fantastic. It must require a world-wide research to maintain the standard set by the Initial number ; yet the price Is only the modest one of M cts a year. Each number contains ao large pages, and 80 o( the whimsical, droll, bizaare illustrations." It ia not too much educational food that causes mental dyspepsia. It's how it is cooked and served. The Picture Magazine is done to a turn." The Magazine of type must be seen and read; this needs to be seen only. Interests and pleases everybody. Is all digested ready for assimilation. The best pictures that the world has are gleaned and packed in solid pages, with briefest possible descriptions, and it is guiltless of what the late James Russell Lowell was moved to call - the modern plague of printed words." , EVERY REAP " nPtn ' NOVELTY. By special arrangement with the publishers, we are enabled to send both "The Picture Magazine" and Tbb Wealth Makers to any subscriber, new or old, for one year for only f 1.20. Who will be the first to send and get this fine magazine and Thb Wealth Makers for one year for only $1.20? Address, WEALTH MAKERS PUB. CO.. Lincoln. Neb. HILL'S POLITICAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. By Thomas E. Hill. This is a large octavo book of 450 pages, condensed by tabulation into a small book that it may be universally scad and circulated at a low price. Its purpose is to clearly present, in a manner entirely non-partisan, the merit attaching to each party. Ne partiality is shown in behalf oi any political organization. Like the dictionary, it simply defines. It gives the best-known argument in favor of each, and leaves the reader free to choose which he will serve. It treats upon the important live issues of the time, and is an indis pensable work to people who would intelligently discuss the political situation. It is a very exhaustive compendium of Political Facts, and literally answers thousands of questions. To illustrate: What are Democratic principles! What doe a single tax advocate propose' It all tax was placed on land, what would be the tax on the farm! What would be the tax on suburban prop erty, and bow much on the acre worth two million dollar, in the center of the city I What doe. a Republican believe! Why be a Republican and favor high pro tective tariff! What are the argument, tor and against protection! What do the Socialist, want! What would be the conditions If Socialistic principle, prevailed! What do the Populists desire! If government owned and operated the banks, and bank, never failed, and people never hid their money and all money came out and into active circulation, and money was bo abundant that Interest became low, and all enterprise started up and everybody had employment, what then! What do the Nationalists want! Why nationalise the railroads, the coal mines and vnrlon. Industrie.! What do the eight-hour advocates pro pose! If working certain hours yield, cer tain profit, how could working less hours yield more profit! How could women be benefited by voting! What started the financial panic of 1893! Who commenced the t rade against silver, that resulted in the repeal of the Sherman law! Who started the stampede on the bank. In 1893, by which 714 of them failed in eight months, and four hundred million dollar. PRICES. Bound in fine morocco, stamped in gold, convenient and durable for editors, public speakers and others who wish to use it constantly as a work of reference fi.oo Bound in substantial, elegant cloth. . . ..... .,' 75 Bound in paper cover.. 25 SENT POSTPAID ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, Asl dn for ule at the offlce of tUi PnHicitim. BOOK HIK THK M18SICS. Get these books ami our pipr as fa4 as you can into the hands of the people, friends. Buy, rend and circulate. Ad dress all orders to the Wealth Makers Pub. Co., Lincoln, Neb. The New Redemption ............ .$0.75 A Plea For the uoRpel 7o Civilization's Inferno 0 Looking Backward .50 The Dogs and the Fleas 50 Ai; A Social Vision 50 Co-Operative Commonwealth 50 H Christ Came to Chicago 50 Political FHct, '25c , 75c. and........ 1.00 Ten Men of Money Island 10 Stock well's Bad Hoy 1 Seven Financial Conspiracies. ..... .10 The North-Western K. K 4 M. V. R. R. New Time Card A New Train Faster Time, Better Service. For the benefit of the traveling public this line has made important changes and improvement in its train service. Note: A VALUABLE ADDITION. The 7:25 a. m, week day train ia made a Chicago connection. Besides taking passengers for as far west rs Norfolk, it takes thein for Blair and all Northeastern Nebraska points; Sioux City and points on diverging lines; Omaha, Mo. Valley, Ona wa, Carroll, Boone, Ames, Des Moines, and all Northwestern and Central Iowa and III. points through to Chicago. The Chicago Limited leaves daily at 1:25 p. m. and takes passengers for Chicago and East, and intermediate points; for Oma ha, Sioux City, St. Paul, Duluth and all points in the Northwest. Faster Time better Service, The Black Hills passenger now leaves daily at 1:25 p. m. and will land passen gers at Hot Springs at 8:05 a. m., and at Dead wood at 11 a. m. next day. From Chicago two fast trains arrive hern week days, one Sundays. For further information apply as be low. A. S. Fielding, City Ticket Agt, 8. A. Mosheb, Gen'l Agt., 117 So. 10th St PER YEAR, FULL - 1000 A YEAR. & were drawn out of the banks and hidden within a period of ninety day.l Who was President of the United State. In 1849 183tt 18691 Who have been the occupants of the presi dential chair since 1879! Who have been members of the Cabinet during every presidential administration I How many Democrats, Republicans, and member, of other parties have we had in each and every Congress! How many lawyers In each CongTess! Whence originated the name, of "Brother Jonathan," "Uncle 8am," "Loeo-Foco," "Silver Grey.," etc., etc. I What were the issues Involved in the Missouri Compromise, the Monroe Doctrine, the Dred Scott Decision, Fugitive Slave Law, etc., etc. What of the biographical record of the great lenders in ourearly history, including' Washington, Patrick Henry, Hamilton, Webster, Franklin, elay.Calboun, Jefferson and others! What has thrown so many people Into idleness of late years! Why so many tramps! " What is the history of the Coxey move ment! When did the coal miners' strike begin and what was the extent of that movement! What are the fact, about the Pullman strike, the American Railway Union and the boycott of the Pullman cars! What are the remedies proposed whereby capital and labor may each have Justice! See "Hill's PoliUcal History of the United State.." immwnwrtftri HE WANTS HIS FORTUNE. An Escaped Missouri Convict, Heir to, 10,000 Gives 1 Imtulf Up. Chicago, Nov. 2(5. Samuel Carson, au escaped convict from Jefferson City, Ma, who had been .a Chicago cabman for ten years, has fallen heir to $10,000 left by his parents and has surrendered, lie hopes that with the aid of the money he can employ attorneys who will secure a pardon for him. He was in prison for steal ing cattle near Marysville, Mo. Carson's escape was effected by concealing himself in a stone pile in the prison yard at dusk, after having fixed a gate lock so that, though ap parently secure, it had not operated. Lumbermen Swindled Out of 8800,000. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 26. One of the shrewdset and most gigantic swindles ever perpetrated in the West has been brought to liifht, and detectives have unearthcfii in this city a large amount of the swag. The case envolves the Pennsylvania land and lumber company and the leading lumber dealers of Michigan, Wiscon sin, Minnesota and Canada, who have been swindled out of over $500,000. A Veteran Kdltor Pastes Away. Washington. Nov. 26. E. S. Ham lin, founder of the Cleveland Leader, and a member of congress from Ohio before the war, died here yesterday, aged 86 years. Hie death was due indirectly to an assault two months ago by a negro who attempted to rob him. He was one of the first free soil editor's in the United. States. If our advertisers do not treat you right, let us know. Wo want no ''fakes'' in ' Thb Wealth Makers. Isn't there something in our "Three Cent Column' tbat'will profit you? We want you to notice every new "ad" In our columns. They are put there es pecially for your benefit. PEOPLK'a PLATFORM. Adopted by the Conv-ntlon at Om aha Nebraska, July 4, 1802. Assembled upon the one hundred and sixteenth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, the People's Party of America, in their first national conven tion, invoking upon their action the blessings of Almighty God. puts forth in the name, and on behalf of the people of the country, the following preamble and declaration of principles: The conditions which surround us best justify our co-operation; we meet in the midst of a nation brought to the verge of moral, political and material ruin. Corruption dominates the ballot box, the legislatures, the Congress, and touches even the ermine of the bench. The people are demoralized; most of the states hav Usn compelled to isolate the voters at the polling places to prevent universal intimidation or bribery. The uewpapers are largely rtubsidized or muzzled; public opinion silenced; busiuens prostrated; our homes covered with mortgages; labor impover ished; and the laud concentrating in the hands of the capitalists. The urban workmen are denied the right of organi zation for self-protection; imported pau perized labor beats down their wages; a hireling army, unrecognized by our law, is established to sboot them down; and they are rapidly degenerating into Euro pean conditions. The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colossal fortunes forafew.unprecedeuted in the history of mankind, and the pos sessors of these in turn despise the re public and endanger liberty. From the same prolific womb of governmental in justice we breed the two great classes tramps and millionaires. The national power to create money is appropriated to enrich bondholders; a vast public debt, payable in legal tender currency, has been funded into gold-bearing bonds, thereby adding millions to the burdens of the people. Silver, which has beeu accepted as coin since the dawn of history, has been de monetized to add to the purchasing pow er of gold, by decreasing the value of all forms of property, as well as human la bor, and the supply of currency is pur posely abridged to fatten usurers, bank rupt enterprise, and enslave industry. A vast conspiracy against mankind has been organized on two continents, and it is rapidly taking possession of the world. If not met and overthrown at once it forebodes terrible social convul sions, the destruction of civilization, or the establishment of an absolute despot ism. We have witnessed for more than a quarter of a century the struggles of the two great political parties for power and plunder, while grievous wrongs have been inflicted upon the Buffering people. We charge that the controlling influence dominating both these parties have per mitted the existing dreadful conditions to develop, without serious effort to prevent or restrain them. Neither do they now promise us any substantial reform. They have agreed together to ignore, in the coming cam paign, every issue but oue. They pro pose to drown the outcries of a plundered people with the uproar of a sham battle over the tariff; so that capitalists, corpo rations, national banks, rings, trusts, watered stock, the demonetization of sil ver, and the oppressions of the usurers may all be lost sight of. They propose to sacrifice our homes, lives uiiti childi eu on the altar of Mammon; to destroy the multitude iu order to secure corruption funds from the millionaires. Assembled on the anniversary of the birthday of the nation, and filled with the spirit of the grand generation of men, who estab lished our independence, we seek to re store the government oi the Republic to the bands of "the plain people," with whose class it originated. We assert our purposes to be identical with the purpose of the national constitution: "to forma more perfect union, establish justice, in sure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty ourselves and our posterity." We declare that this republic can only endure as a free government while built upon the love of the whole peopleforeach other and for the nation; that it cannot be pinned together by bayonets, that the civil war is over and that every passion and resentment which grewoutof itmust die with it; and that we must be in fact, as we are in name, one united brother hood. Our couutrj- fiuds itself confront ed by conditions for which there is no precedent in the history i the world. Our annual agricultural productions amount to billions of dollars in value, which must within a few weeks or months be exchanged for billions of dollars of commodities consumed in their produc tion; the existing currency supply ia wholly inadequate to make thisexchange. The results are falling prices, the forma tion of combines and rings, and the im poverishment of the prod ucingclass. We pledge ourselves that if given power we will labor to correct these evils by wise and reasonable legislation, In accordance with the terms of our platform. We believe that the powers of govern mentin other words, of the people should be expanded (as in the case of the postal service) as rapidly and as far as the good sense of an intelligent people, and the teachings of experience, shall justify; to the end that oppression, in justice and poverty shall eventually cease in the land. While our sympathies as a party of re form are naturally upon the sideof every proposition which will tend to make men intelligent, virtuous and temperate, we nevertheless regard these questions im portant as they are as secondary to the groat issues now pressing for solution; and upou which not only our individual prosperity, but the very existence of free institutions depends; and we ask all men to first help us to determine whether we are to have a republic to administer, be fore we differ as to the conditions upon which it is to be administered; believing that the forcej of reform this day organ ized will never ceaseto move-istiwd,an--til every wrong is righted and equal pri vileges established for all tae-uiea and women of this country. We declare, therefore, union of the people. First, That the union of the labor forces of the United States this day con summated, shall be permanent and per petual; may itsspiritenterinto all hearts for the salvation of the republic and the uplifting of mankind. Second, Wealth belongs to him who creates it; and every dollar taken from industry, without an equivalent, is rob bery. "If any man will not work neither shall he eat." The interests of rural and civic labor are the same; their enemies are identical. Third. We believe that. the time has come when the railroad corporations will either own the people or the people uiust own the railroads; aud should the government enter upon the work of own ing aud managing the railroads, w should favor an aniendmeut to the con stitution by which all persons engaged in the government service shall be pro tected by civil service regulations of the most rigid character, so as to prevent the increase of the power of the uationul administration by the use of such addi tional gonernmeut employes. FINANCE. We damand a national currency, safe, sound and flexible; issued by the geueral government only; a full legal tender for all debts public and orivate: and that witnout t he use ot DanKingeorporations; a just equitable and efficient means of distribution direct to the people, at a tax not to exceed 2 per cent per annum, to be provided as set forth in the sub-treasury plan of the Farmers' Alliance, or some better system; also by payment in discharge of its obligations for public improvements: We demand free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the . present legal ration of 16 to 1. We demand that the amount of cir culating medium be speedily increased to not less than $ 50 per capita. We demand a graduated income tax. We believe that the money of the country should be kept, as much as pos sible, in the hands of the people; and hence we demaud that all state and na tional revenues shall be limited to the necessary expenses of the government, economically and honestly administered. We demand that poBtal savings banks beestablished by the government for the safe deoosit of the earnings of the people and the facilitation of exchange. transportation. " Transportation being a means of ex. change and a public necessity; the gov ernment should own and operate the railroads in the interest of the people. The telegraph and telephone, like the postofflce system, beiug a necessity, for the transmissionof news, should be owned and operated by the government in the interests of the people. LANDS. The land, including all natural re sources of wealth, is the heritage of the people, and should not be mouopolized for speculative purposes; and alien owner ship of land should be prohibited. All land now held by railroads and other corporations in excess of their actual needs, and all lands now owned by aliens, should be reclaimed by the gov ernment aud held for actual settlers only. RESOLUTIONS. The following resolutions were offered independent of the platform, and were adopted, as expressive of the sentiments of the convention: 1 Resolved, That wedemand a free ballot and a fair count in all elections, and pledge ourselves to secure to it every legal voter without federal intervention, through the adoption by the states of the unperverted Australian secret ballot system. Resolved, That th revenue derived from a graduated income tax should be appli ed to the reduction of theburdenof taxa tion now levied upon the domestic iu dustries of this couutry. Resolved, That we pledge on- support to fair and liberal pensions o ex-Union soldiers and sailors. Resolved, Tha. v. e condemn the fallacy of protecting American labor under the present system, which opensour ports to the pauper and criminal classes of the world, and crowds out our wage-earners and we denounce the present ineffective law against contract labor, and demand the . further restriction of undesirable immigration. Resolved, That we cordially sympa thize with the efforts of organized work ingmen to shorter the hours of labor and demaud a rigid enforcement of the exist ing eight-hour law on government work, and ask that a penalty clause be added to said law. Resolved, That we regard the main tenance of a large standing army of mercenaries, known as the Pinkerton system, as a menace to our liberties, and we demand its abolition, and wecondemn the recent invasion of the Territory of Wyoming by the hired assassins of Plutocracy, assisted by Federal officers. Resolved, That we commend to the thoughtful consideration of the people aud the reform press, the legislative sys tem known as the Initiative and Referen dum. ... . Resolved, That we favor a constitu tional provision limiting the office of a president and vice president to one term, and providing for the election of the senators by a direct vote of the people. Resolved, That we oppose any subsidy or national aid to any private corpora tion for any purpose. , H. E. Taubeneck, Chairman, Marshall, Illinois. J. H. Turner, Secretary. Georgia. Lawrence McFauland, Secretary, New York. M. C. Rankin, Treasurer, Terre Haute, Indiana. AU druggists sell Dr. Miles' Nerve Plasters. Safe blowers entered J. n. Hexter's dry goods store at Moberly, Mo., and cracked the safe for about $55 in cash, taking with them some valuable papers." ' Errors of Youth.! SUFFERERS FROM Serrons Mility, YontlM V8& Indiscretions, Lost Manlooi, BE YOUR OWN PHYSICIAN M.nv mn. Ann tha effort! of VOlltlltul lirtPTU- ft dene, have brought bou a atate of wMknw w that hal reduced the general lyMem to much a to J induce annual eeery oinrr uikhb . cauae of the trouble ecerccly ever being luipected, . they are doctored for everything but the right one. r-itnlt V college and hoipital practice . V 4 itit" aVi Vi uSf " r-nie- ' die. The ecompaiiTinfc pfWcievrfc-'! j .u i (1KRTAIN and svr.KVY orwt, hundred! ot cue. hevnrr-bee-liit'd to perfect health by it, I uee after all other remedied rilled, i'errectly pure Initredlenu mux be uaed In the preparation of thu prescription, . 9 B Erythroxylon coca. I drachm. ' Jerubebin, 1 drachm. 1 9 Ileloniai Dioica. t drachm. ' Gelaemin. 8 graina. , i Kit ignatiat aniara (alcoholic), t graina. Eat. leptandra, t acruplM. ( Glycerine, q. I. no. Make pill,. Take 1 pill at p.m.. and another ( on aoinf to pea. i n remnij - - Oweakneat in either ex. anif eepicially in thoee eaiea reeultini fr.mi imprudence. The recuperatiTe VB A M......MVP .re a..1oni.hin8. and HI ute continued ir a ihorttime changea the languid, debilitated, nerveleai conditluu to cue of renewed " To thoae "he would prrfrr to obtain It of tie. hy remitting 1, a ecaled package contain GO pilla. ft our prU-etc JaSMatorj . or we will furnlih pack w ana. which will cure HUM dCKK, fv JS. AU Were - 1 1 . mmnnannra. w v. rw.i. " j - ft aeeredlr gaMldnfial, J HEW ENGLAND MEDICAL IMSTITDTE, j a 7 Tismonl Row, Boston, Mm. TIIE FARM AND U0iE. SHORTHORNS AND HOLSTEINS A3 DAIRY COWS. Shorthorn Milking QualltlM lUult, Early Umbt-To Mak tha Man and Tali Grow Farm Note Home Hint. Shorthorn a Dairy Cow. A valued reader of Coleman's Rural World who has taken it for more than thirty years and read it religiously all tbe time, said to the editor that he did not think as we do in regard to Hoi stein cattle. Asked what be meant, he said: "I am ot the opinion that the Shorthorn is the best all around farm er's cow." What, for milk, and but ter and beef? "Ves, for' alL She is ' the best all purpose animal we have in the shape of a cow in tbis country." On what grounds do you base your ' opinion? You do not own any, you used to breed Jerseys; did you ever own a milking herd of Shorthorns? ' "No, I did not; but I have seen the dairy herds of England and I have canvassed the matter of dairy cows with the farmers there and can assure you that if you were to take the Short horn breeding out pf the English dairys there would be very little left And in so far as England is a dairy country just so far is she a breeder of Shorthorns. Moreover, take the Short horn blood out ot tho dairy herd" even of this country and what have you ' left? Go over our farms in the West as I have done for nearly half a cen tury and see on how few of them you will find a Holstein, Jersey, Guernsey or any other of the pure dairy breeds. : No sir, the Shorthorn and its crosses has given us the milch stock of the country, has been for many years the general purpose cow for the farmer and is so to-day, in my opinion. The other breeds are good enough in their place, and they each have a place, but I am talking of a general purpose cow for the farmers of the : West; a cow that will give a pailful of milk morn ing and night, raise a good, big, beefy calf every yearthat will make a l,f-00 : pound steer at two years old. if rightly handled, or a cow that at the same age will produce anither calf just as good as herself. And to cap tbe climax the cow may at any time be dried off and with a little extra feed of the right kind can be converted into beef." This and much more was said by the veteran farmer, who not only has age and experience on his side, but as well claims to carry a heavy load of good horse sense, and a level head into the bargain. There is too, a world of truth in his reasoning, as every un prejudiced reader will admit The Shorthorn cattle were among the first improved stock brought to this country, its first coining tracing back to the early years of the century and its influence is felt in every nook and corner of every state in the Union. Wherever improved blood is found then, as a rule, the Shorthorn paved the way; hence they are used on nearly every improved farm in the country, are of good constitution, size, beefing qualities, good rustlers and feeders', stylish, gentle, good breeders and at times excellent milkers. ' There is no question either that in their early history, the Shorthorns were used and known as the best milch cattle of England, and many instances of their extraordinary pro ductiveness are on record and have been published scores of times. The same proclivities are found in them here and there in this country and crop out every once in a while; but from the time they were first imported until now, the first and only thing re quired of them has been to raise a calf every year. They have been ; im ported, bred and raised purely , as breeding animals and when they had raised and weaned their calves, were dried off and expected to go through the same process over again, and this was repeated so long as the animal lived. It was too much trouble to milk a herd of Shorthorn for the average run of breed ers who saw from two hundred to a thousand dollars in every talf that came. They had no use for milkers, for a dairy, or milk either, for that matter. It looked too much like caring for the pennies and neglecting the dollars. The result is that the milking propensities of the Shorthorns in this country, so long as they re mained in the hands of the breeders, were not only neglected, but very nearly bred out of them True, once in a while an individual animal in other herds, would retain the propen sity to such an extent as to compel milking, but so exceptional was this as to be worthy of remark, as a notable instance of inherited qualities that could not be bred out During the years of tbe century many cold blooded animals were bred to imported and full blooded bulls, and the produ e very widely distrib uted, as much so indeed as the pure blooded animals; and it is these that we find in the milking herds of the country not the pedigreed cows. It will take as many years for tbe latter to recover the milking propensity as it did to lose it Such losses are not made good at the will of the owner, or by the prescription of a physician. In v A wtftntime our good old friend will bear in mind that the fioisteins are here all ready made to hand, giving more milk than any other animal or breed, making more butter, and as much beef. The farmers of the West are not willing to wait for the Short horns to recoup their lost quality, and are compelled to take and use the best they can get for the purposes of to day. No man shall discount our opin ion ot the Shorthorn, nor for present and practical purposes; for butter, cheese, milk and beef, tell us that she is better for tbe general purposes of the average farmer, than the Holstein. To Make the Man and Tall Grow. Mr. Findley, veterinary editor of tho lor,t eivoTU"a,ia ,vetia9tonow' , ing treatment to make a horse's mans and tail grow and to prevent their falling out: Rubbing the mane and tail usually results from an nnbealthy condition of the skin, which in most cases is caused by neglect of grooming, or by bad food, or by arty sudden I change of diet from bad to good. Oc casionally, however, it appears in stables where grooming and food are j unquestionably good Damaged oats or hay are very ready causes for this annoying affection. In every case, therefore, the food should be careful ly examined. Young horses, on com ing into stables, sometimes suffer from irritation of the skin, probably from change of diet Horses recovering from fever frequently lose a large portion of the hair from the mane and the tail In tbe latter case it seems to arise from an impoverished state of the blood. In regard to the treatment, if any posi tive cause such as damaged food, or neglected grooming can be ascertained to have existed, measures, of course, must be taken to rectify it Without such amendment loal treatment will not be of much avail. The local treat ment consists in dressing the skin with equal parts of mercurial ointment and soft soap, made into a lather with hot water, and applied by means of a stiff, hard brush. The new hair will grow rapidly after this application. Besides the above local remedies, it will bo necessary to act on the system gener S ally by a change of diet; green food, i which, by means of its laxative quali ', ties lessens the irritability of the skin, should be given. A bran mash with i five grains of arsenic daily, in addition j to tho usual food, will exert a beneU ' cial influence on the skin. ' ' 1 ' "" ' Farm Note. Orchards should be well drained. Fruit growing and bee keeping go well together. ; i The roots of trees often extend out farther than the limba Every farmer should at least raise enough fruit for family use. An orchard will not take care of Itself, and it will not produce without care. Tastes differ, but if you are making butter to sell you must consult the tastes of your customers. The shortest road to good prices is in having the best articles to sell; this is true of all farm products. With most stock for fattening, for the dairy, or to work, high grade are fully as good as pure-bred animals. Tbe best profit can be attained only by those that are willing to direct manual labor by intelligent brain work.;1' ' ; .. Farms could be wonderfully beau tified if proper attention were paid to planting lines of shade trees around them. . One important item with tbe man gers or racks is to have them so that the feed can be put into them with the least labor. A grower claims to be able to make more money growing grapes' at two cents a pound than in growing wheat at a dollar a bushel A little pains taken to provide good walks will materially lessen the trouble of cleaning the feet before going into the barn or the house. The best time to clean the mud oS the horses' legs is before it is allowed to get dry; keeping the legs and feet clean will prevent scratches. Some claim that it does not require any more feed to make a pound of butter than a pound of beef, but it certainly requires more skill. In selling animals for breeders it is always best to keep within bounds in all statements and see that the facts sustain all representations made. Horn Hint. Bathing the abdomen with alcohol is an excellent remedy for diarrhoea. A scant cup of butter will often make a lighter cake than a full cup. . One of the most palatable of gruels is a combination of cream, beef tea and barley water. " For a change sometimes add a hand ful of any dried fruit to the oatmeal. Be careful not to let it stick. Milk is better for being kept over night in small tins than if a larger quantity is kept over in one vessel Don't waste the cold mutton. A fine dish can be presented for the domestic table when cooked with macaroni and A good lotion for the face and hands iscocoanut milk. Grate a cocoanut and squeeze it through a cloth and use the juice thus obtained. 'A piece of chamois skin bound on the edges, shaped to fit the heel and kept in place by a piece of elastic rub ber, worn over the stockings, will save much mending. All head vegetables, such as cauli flower, cabbage and lettuce, that are to be cooked whole, should be im mersed bead downward in cold water to free them from grit and insects. Never allow meat to be placed di rectly on the ice, as the water draws out the juices; it is even worse to lay it there wrapped in paper. It should always be laid in a clean porcelain vessel , Cut glass should be thoroughly washed and dried, then rubbed with prepared chalk, using a soft brush, and being careful not to neglect any of the crevices. This will give it a fine polish. To detect chicory in coffee put the powder in cold water; chicory gives a colored infusion in the water, whereas coffee does not, and by the depth of tbe color the proportion of chicory may be guessed at A gargle of salt water as hot as caa be used is one of the best, as it is on ?f the simplest, home remedies for tore throat That persisted in, with a sathartio medicine to clear the system, will cure almost any sore throat that ' not diphtheritic,