November 29. 1894, 1 THE WEALTH MAKERS. THE WEALTH MAKEh'N Nsw Series ol THE ALUAKCE-JSDEPESDEXT. Consolldatloa of the Farmer Alliance and Neb. Independent. PUBLISHED EVKHT THURSDAY BT The Wealth Makers Publishing Company, 11 M Street, Nebraska. OlOROI HOWAM GlBSOS.. ...Editor i. 8. HTATT.. ....Bnslness Manairer N. I P. A. "It any man most (all lor me to rise, Then seek I not to climb. Another's pain I choose not (or in; good, A golden chain, A rob ol honor, U too good a prlie To tempt my hast; hand to do wrong Unto a follow man. This 111 hatb wo Sufficient, wrought by man' latanle tor. And who that hatb a heart wonld dar prolong Or add a lorrow to a stricken coal That ek a healing balm to mk It whole? II; boiom own the brotherhood ol man." Publishers' Annonnoement. The enhmrlptlon price of Th Wialtb Hac IU I ll.oo per year, in advance. Agent In aolleltlng subscriptions ahould be Verc earetnl that all name are correctly spelled and proper poitofflc glren. Blank lor return abacrlption, re tarn enrelop, etc., can be had on application to thl offlo. Always lgn your nam. No matter how often yon writ n do not nglct thl Important mat ter. Every week w receive letter with lncom. plet addre or without signatures and it I sometimes dtfflenlt to locat them. CiAXaa or ADDitss. Subscribers wishing to chang their poetoffloe address mnet al way glr their former a well a their present addre when ehaog will be promptly Bad. STATEMENT CIRCULATION J. S. Hyatt, Baslnees Manager ol The Wealth Maker Publishing Company, being duly (worn, says that the actual number ol lull and complete eoplea ol Tsa Wialth Msttas printed during tb ill month end ing October 11, 184, wa r 211,200. Weekly average, 8.123. Sworn to before m and subscribed In m.r presence thl 11th day ol October, lS'M. I.IBAL.J H. J. I5URKBTT. Notary rnblio. ADVERTISING RATES. $1.11 per Inch. I cent per Agate Una, 14 line to the Inch. Liberal discount on larg space or long time contracts. Address all advertising communications to WEALTH MAKE 118 PUBLISHING CO.. J. B. H ATT. Bus. Mgr. The blue shirt is played out at last. Hypocrisy cannot always conceal the truth. Mrs. Kkllie Las a letter on one of our inside pages. See on page 8 the call of the annual meeting of the State Farmers' Alliance at Kearney, Dec. 19. We are pleased to see that Col. Majors finds so much cause for rejoicing in the general v ctory that 'his own pergonal de feat seems a mere incident.' What n sub lime spectacle of party worship and per sonal unselfishness he reveals in hit) final pose. Is it not about time that the people en joined the autocratic judges for their con tempt of the people's decrees? And if they persist in usurping power in the interest of highway robbers and manu facturers of watered stock, that we grab them by neck and heels and throw them from the seat of sovereignty? "Mrs. Annie L. Dioos of Kaunas an nounces that she will turn her attention wholly to the co-operative colony which is to locate in the lower Potomac early next spring," says Freeland. She states that Hamlin Garland, the author, and Frank Doster of Kansas, are to join the colony. One facetious Congressman from Mis souri, overthrown in the late melee of politics, telegraphed in: "The cause of my defeat was the intelligence of the people." There need be no facetiousuess about it. If the people had been more intelligent scarcely a Congressman for re-election would have been returned. "A subscriber" wishes us to answer through The Wealth Makers' columns if the 1100,000,00(1 gold reserve fund at any time prior to the close of President Harrison's administration was reduced below that amount, and if an issue of bonds was talked of before Cleveland was inaugurated. We answer that the fund was encroached upon, and that bonds were much talked of. Plates for their issue were prepared, but Harrison was shrewd enough to oppose their issue while he was in office. The full statistics of the 44 states in the matter of farm ownership and tenantry have just been given to the pub lie, and show that during the ten years between 1880 and 1890 there was an in crease of 120,957 in the number of farms worked by their owners; but in the same period there was a much greater increase in the nnmber of tenant farmers. The increase of farm tenant families was 599, 337. In New England there was a net decrease of 24,117 farm owners who occupied their farms and an increase of 7,246 in the nnmber of tenant families, and in other states the figures show a I ke tendency. Tbe rich want the earth and they are gradually gaining it Get off, or pay rent. A GAME OF BOBBERY If anything were wanting to kill off the Democratic pnrty, Cleveland and Carlisle are bound to fill that want. The issue and repealed issue of vaslsums of bonds, 1100,000,000 already ordered, to draw gold into the Treasury, which self same gold, before and after, they allow the bankers to pull out with silver or paper currency, and furnish them $50," 000,000 interest bearing ten or twenty year bonds and fasten them upon the backs of the people each time the trick is repeated, is the boldest and most dam nable robbery, robbery of the whole peo ple. It is a monstrous usurpation of p iwer by the man most honored and trusted, the one placed in highest office and sworn to defend the sacred rights and liberties of the American people. He has made himself the Benedict Arnold of today, selling the already debt-ridden, pi-rcent plundered people into still heavier, deeper bondage to benefit a few bunkers only. Thepeopleget absolutely no benefit whatever out of the game which Cleveland, Carlisle and the bankers are playing. The $100,000,000 interest bearing national debt is bargained for, and created and given the bankers by Cleveland, for simply putting back in the Treasury the day after what they draw out in demanding gold exchange the day before. The silver or paper lying idle in their vaults can be so used, and in a week or two weeks returned, the mere passing of it through the United States Treasury and back to them being the only thing done, and this is of no service to the people at all, yet each time it is done they demand for it that $50,000, 000 be added to the public debt and ten to twenty years interest must be paid to them. The men who thus trick the people into bon dage are ten thousand times worse robbers than the Cook gang of outlaws who robbed here and there an individual in the held-up trains. They are virtual traitors to their country who should be made to sink beneath the weight of their enormous infamy. The New York Tribune, itself the pliant tool of the Shylocks, slyly uncovers the game of the President by comparing it to draw-poker. He and the bankers in the game of pulling gold out of the Treasury one day and selling it back the next for bonds, are not engaged in a productive industry any more than are poker players. But each time the cards or counters are dealt the people are drawn on for bonds which go into the "Kitty," in gamblers parlance, which pays for drinks and other luxuries for the players, and this is going steadiiy on, with the prosMct that soon the players and the country together will slide helpless under the table. The Chicago Herald, itself a goMbug paper, thus comments on the matter: Nothing could better illustrate the fact that some sort of currency reform is necessary than the possibility that the gold with which to take up the new issue of bonds might be drawn from the treas ury itself. If this should be done t lie new loan would be a failure, so far as adding to the gold reserve is concerned. As a matter of fact, about one-fourth of the gold used in the purchase of the last $50 000,000 issue of bonds came from the Treasury, and it is wholly practicable for the banking-houses which are to buy this issue to amass enough legal tender for the purpose, go to the New York subtreasury for their gold, and thus simply transfer about $53,000,000 of the yellow boys from one of Uncle Sam's pockets to another. Another goldbug paper, the New York Herald, shows up the bankers trick in a very graphic manner as follows: Our nresent method of replenishing the treasury with gold suggests the story of Davy Crockett s coonsicin. Peltries were a circulating medium in the backwoods and Davy atthe loghouse tavern paid for the drinks with the fur of a coon, which had been the sole reward of his prowess with a rifle that dny. The bartender threw tne peltry unuer the counter and Davy recovering it through an interstice in the logs ten dered it in payment for another "round," and repeated the trick until he and his cotnpotators had drained the barrel, and the puzzled proprietor oiscoverea max u a result of the prosperous trade he had been driving he had nothingon hand but the same old coonskin. Last February when the treasury re rve ran low it was reolenished by th sale of $50,000,000 of new government 5 per cent bonds for gold, tne proceeds amounting to upward of $58,000,000,as the bonds commanded a high premium. That was all very well so far as it went, but the people who had paid in the gold saw a hole which they could surrepti tiously pull it out again. This was the obligation ol tne treasury anu us branches to deliver gold in redemption of legal tenders when presented in sums of $50 or more. Through this hole all the gold received for the bonds was soon drawn out of the treasury again, and its present owners stand ready to repeat the trick by pay ing it over the counter once more for the new issue of government bonds. Given a continuance of existing conditions and this same S50.000.000 of gold could be be used as often as David Crockett's pel try, and after the government Dad issued 1 .000.000.000 of bonds the treasury would have nothing but the same old gold reserve with which it started. THE EXPRESS COMPANY'S SCHEME A friend in the city has sent us a re print of a State Jonrnal article entitled, "For Postal Reform," which should re ceive at once the attention of anti-monopolists and the people generally who have a regard for their own rights and interests. The article beginsby saying: The national postage association is doing a good work in agitating for im portant and much-needed changes in the Dostofflce regulations. The association is a voluntary organization of prominent business men in the principal cities of the nation. They seek to secure cnanges in the postal laws at the coming session ol congress, and to reach this end have a number of agents outpronioting interest and reaching the lawmaking power through the business men, to whom the postoffiee department must always look for a lurge share of its patronage." One O. G. Leslie is now in Lincoln, the Journal crocs on to say, "and will spend several days acquainting the business men with the lending features of the pro posed reform." It is, in brief, to lower the rates on first class mail matter (letters), and raise it on second class, books, papers and magazines, or on all but about 20 percent of the matter which now goes through at a one cent per pound rate. The article proceeds to say, "It was never intended that books should be sent through the mails at this rate, an there is no particular need of speed in their transmission and they can bn distributed cheaply enough by other methods." Just here in this last sentence is the hoof-print of monopoly. The "voluntary association of prominentbusiness men in the principal cities," ia an orgnnizntion ot the stockholders of the consolidated express companies, and the scheme they craftily call "postal reform" is a scheme to get the postage on books raised so that they can force higher prices for the transmission of books and take to them selves the whole book-carrying business. The Journal, informed of course by Mr. Leslie, tells the public that books consti tute 80 per cent of the second class mai' matter, and says; "The business men of the country are entitled to be heard" in their protest and request that the law be amended, and urges that it be done with out delay. Notice the last sentence of the preceding paragraph where it says that "they (the books) can be distributed cheaply enough by other methods" that is, by express companies. The workings of the great monopolies and the use they make of the daily papers which for a financial consideration are nearly always ready to mislead and be tray the people, is well illustrated in the above scheme and the assistance of the Journal. "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." Much more is at stake in this movement than may at first appear. The books that go through the mails at pound rates are to a large extent reform books, such as the Arena Publishing com pany and many others publish. The necessary enlightenmentof the people de pends on such books, and if the cost of transmitting them is increased to pro. vide dividends for greedy express mono polies many less will be published and purchased. We call the attention of publishers and our Populist representatives and sena tors to this "business men's" movement to reduce the service of the government and rob the people of the benefits of books carried at cost. THE MEN WHO BULE U3 We elect legislatures, or try to, to rep resent us and to enact our will into law. Occasionally the legislature of a state is not first nominated and afterwards elect ed by the railroads. We have succeeded in Nebraska just twice in its history in electing a majority of the members of our state law-making body. Once the rail roads defeated our legislation by a governor's veto. The other time by having Judge Dundy grant an injunction forbidding fhe enforcement of the law while the case to test the constitution, ality of the law for fifteen months was allowed to drag along. Then another Judge, Brewer, serves them by deciding without calling for the evidence, without knowledge of the legitimate transporta tion cost.that the law would reduce rates below what would be just, a purely auto cratic decree of a man w ho sits enthroned above the people. Here is the gist of his judgment in his own language, as follows: While the Union Pacific was given $16,- 000 a mile subsidy andean be replaced for $20,000 a mile, it is bonded for $70,- 000 a mile. It would not be just to make rates on a basis of $20,000 a mile and deprive the lienholders of their interests. In other words the people may not re cover their stolen property, but must go on paying interest on $70,000 a mile of railroad bonds when the roads could be replaced for $20,000 a mile. Where is the equity in this? Where is even the I 'gal precedent, which in case of determ ined injustice, lawyers always appeal to? But our judges, chosen by the railroads to serve them, no longer need to regard either equity or precedents. It is their business to override the will of the peo ple, to make and unmake laws in the in terest of the corporations. It has per haps been forgotten thatthissameJudge Brewer made a speech before the New York Bar Association more than a year ago, in which he said: "There are today $11,000,000,000 in-, vested in railroad property, whose own ers in this country number less than twe million persons. Yes, a good many less. Editor Wealth Makeiis.J Can it be that whether that immense sum shall earn a dollar or bring the slightest re compense to those who have invested perhaps their all in that business, and are thus aiding in the development of the country, depends wholly upon the whim and greed of that great majority of sixtj millions of people who do not own e dollar? It may be said that that ma jority will not tie so foolish, selfish and cruel as to strip that property of its earning capacity. I say that so long as constitutional guarantees lift on Ameri can soil their buttresses and bulwark against wrong.and so long as the Ameri can judiciary breathes the free air ol courage, it cannot." Exactly a year ago we quoted in this paper the above paragraph from Justice Brewer's Albany speech, and commented nn St. But we did not then think th people of Nebraska would so soon feel the power of this corporation defender and judicial despot. It should make -vei. the Republicans pause, for with such judges lawmaking in the interest of the people is a waste of taxes, and the lawmaking play of the people has become a huge serio-comic farce. Since the Granger cases were decided in favor of the people in 1876 the railroads have used their corrupting political power to get their attorneys placed in power on the su preme bench in the states and United States courts. And they have succeeded in wonderful degree. Judge Brewer in bis Albany speech and in his last decision, wiping out the sover eign will and power of the people of Ne braska, boldly defends the watering of stock and decrees that the people must pay usury forever on such water. Any amount that fools are willing to pay for watered railway stocks, or that knaves will swear they did, the people must allow to fasten fixed interest charges up on them, it matters not if those charges would keep them slaves and burden bear ers forever. Judge Brewer is a conscienceless defend er of highway robbery of the modern sort, a sort in no wise belter than the Cook-James-Younger variety. Heisalso a destroyer of popular government and a corporation supported despot of the boldest kind. SELF OB E00IETY, WHT0H? It has been the custom generation af ter for parents and teachers to set the examples and byword as well to incite the young to selfishly struggle for gain and place and power. He who has ac quired the most money has been counted the most successful, all services being measured in their value by money. And they who can command labor service without giving labor, or without giving its labor equivalent, it is generally be lieved were born to rule. The people of this country do not yet believe in a real democracy. Our laws do not permit the people to be born free and equal. Over half the families even in this new world are now paying rent for land, have no le gal power to liveindependently.and they and they and their children are allowed to live only as they divide their labor product with those (not the meek) who inherit the earth. The laws do not re cognize the principle of equal, inalienable birthright to land and all that is in the earth, to all natural resources. Uncom mon natural abilities, talents, gifts, are believed (perhaps unconsciously), to be evidences of the special favor of the Cre ator to persons possessing, them, or are considered a family inheritance to be proud of, which it is right to use selfishly, that is, to demand as much pay for the use of such gifts as rarity makes possible. Education is sought to sharpen the selfish wits and increase the power to command the service of others less intel ligent. To rise in life over the rest, to ac quire power to extort labor service from those that one'sclimbing up has trampled down, is cailed success. The more men one can command and force them to ac cept less wages or prices than the market value of their labor product, the more such man is enriched and generally honored. The man who can foresee what the needs of the people will be for land, or corn, or wheat, or meat, or money, and seeing buys and corners such neces sities of life, is called successful. The men who get laws passed which give thein monopoly privileges by which they rob the people and amass great wealth, are called the solid business men of the country. In short success in life is not measured, as a rule, by the amount of labor one performs for society, but by the service he can force men to perform for him. The prospect for the average man is growfng darker and darker. Conditions in the last generation have greatly changed. So long as so vast a region as this western country remained unoc cupied and free, there could not be very great injustice practiced -against those who lived within reach of homestead lands. Hence, to better their condition a great stream of immigrants for many years moved westward. But about five years ago that stream was stopped. The last land that the poor could homestead and raise a crop on has been taken As a consequence, with the number of the iandless and homeless increasing, com petition has been growing and must con tinue to grow fiercer. A steadily increas ing percentage ot workers have no chance to rise; an increasing percentage of them are being forced to accept a lower scale of living and are being crowded down into the beggar, tramp and criminal ranks of society. Look about you. About half the farms in the west are mortgaged. Ask ana living in luxury, ask uie uuxuaun; and day laborers if they have plenty to do, and by their labor can acquireacom petence. Ask the lawyers and doctors and teachers and ministers if their pro fessions do not seem to be crowded. There seems to be but one class who are prospering, and that is the lending class those who lend land and money and capital. It is not possible now for many to succeed in the selfish strife of life. Is it not then cruel to raise the hopes of the young when, with the large percentage, they must be blasted? Is it not possible to show that the selfish brutallizing strife of business is unnecessary, and that the unhappiuess of the rich and the mis ery of the poor which come from it may be avoided? We wish to place the real conditions before the young. Two methods of liv ing are before you to choose from, vis., single bunded ' competition and many hauded co-operation. We will divide you into three classes, viz: those who in herit wealth; those who have been born with rare talents or abilities; and com. mon people. The common people we perhaps are wasting time to address; because, where are the young jieople who think they be long iu this class? Hut as it is neverthe less a fact that the great bulk of human ity is made up of common people it forces u to say that the comjietitive iystf in offers you no chance to succeed or to acquire independence and a compet ence. Remaining iu it you will have to Jabor as hard as whipped slaves to pro duce great incomes for the rich who own the earth and have a fence around it. If you would be free and live comfortably and happily, join a safe, permanent, i. e. a Christian, co-operative society. It is your only way of escape from virtual slavery. The number who possess rare talent or superior business judgment and fore sight, in reality is small. But the great majority of young people are led to think thay havegiftstocommand "success," or prices for their services which will amount to wealth. Let those who so think and those who really possess rare talents pause, before entering the market place to sell themselves (their labor) for gold. They who sell themselves for money can not with it buy love. Believe, if you can, that you are the favorites of heaven, that your special commanding gifts were bestowed to enrich you alone, as indivi duals, and that you have a right to all you can command in the market; but re member, those whom you expect to sell your services to will not pay you both money and love. You can only hire ser vants who in turn will work not for love but for money.' You may command wealth and hire many to luxuriously serve you, but you cannot command love or purchase happiness. And with out the love of our fellowmen there is no real success or satisfaction. We have shown that the common peo pie cannot escape from grinding slavery, and the people with unusual gifts cannot attain real success in life, by struggling iu the market place for gain. It remains for us to inquire, What of the rich, those who inherit the land titles, stocks and bonds which enslave the others? The rich are not happy, because happi ness does not inhere in things purchas able. They must either be morally dead, ignorant or miserable where they see others suffering while they are surfeiting, or rich beyond their needs. The rich rarely are loved deeply and truly by their own immediate flesh and blood, even, because they deny them selves nothing for wife or children's sake Their wealth encases their souls or affec tions in a thickening, hardening wall, which none can break through, and which leaves them in selfish, solitary confine, ment, where they come to be as miserable as the isolated felon in his cell. Living in the competitive system, or as self-centered individuals, all are unsatis fied. Heart hunger is universal, the victors spffering from it even more than the vanquished. It is a state of perpe tual war, which carries with it its own pestilences and famine. Who, compre hending what it all means, would care to succeed in forcing many to serve him7 Must the strife continue, and must we engage in it? No. It is our duty to "by love serve one another." It is sin to by greed gain from one another. Led by the law of God we are here combining for mutual help. We are to laboras we have' ability and divide as brothers, or as each may have need. We consider one kind of necessary labor worth as much as another kind. The goal of our indivi dual ambition is, to be of the utmost possible service to our brethren and fellowmen, and right here we ask our young readers to give careful considera tion to our plan of life before you choose which you shall fall in with, peace or war, competition or co-operation. If you wish success which harms none and brings happiness to all, join us. AVhat. ever you can do, whether it be simple, common service, or the toil of rare wis dom which succeeds in solving econnmic problems in b. way to greatly economize labor, the labor of all, the love of all will be your rich reward. The young delight to exercise their powers of body and mind. With us the most ambitious and inventive will have scope for all their powers, with many to help and none to hinder. The problems for us to solve are the problems of most economic applica tion of labor in producingand supplying ourselves with all the things we need. The competitive system is wasteful, fails to provide work for all, and because it is I war. bwnnse it has no plan. The confu- . ii A rv--- N-.-' r.v..V),.-..7-l i:-ti .'I OiUlJ WIJU IUNJ H IHUMJ .......... .. u..uiU. leading and contending and working at cross purposes we are to avoid. In the work of planning for and organizing la bor we have need of the wisest, the most talented, the most studious and original. The great problems of society are yet to solve, and they who grapple with them may win undying fame and the love of millions who throngh their unselfish wis dom shall yet be blessed. You can suc ceed with us; you can rise, in the hearts of your fellowmen, for service rendered, to the greatest heights of bliss. Working in the common interest you can safely cultivate all kind and generous impulses; yon can escape from the present seeming necessity to be selfish, mean, hard of heart, brutal. Come with us into the divine kingdom and organization of love and help us to bring "peace on earth and good will to men." Come and help us to organize industry so that all may have regular work, present abundance, perfect insurance against future need, health and happiness. ST4KT B1KQIN5 CLUB3 HOW The following sample notices given Armageddon show how it is appreciated: ARMAGEDDON, or the flnal battle between the wealth-makers and the wealth-takers. This is a splendid collection of stirring and patriotic songs with music. It con tains 1 40 pages and over 60 songs set to music besides a dozen not set. A numbr of these same songs have been sold by us at 20 cents each. These songs are George Howard Gibson's best. Price, post paid 35 cents, or $3.60 a dozeu. American jNonconiormist. Armageddon is the nameof a new song book published by "The Wealth Makers Publishing Company," of Lincoln, Neb., at 35 cents a copy. Armageddon is by far the best book of its kind it has ever been our pleasure to examine. The book contains 70 songs, 57 of which are set to music, and every one is a gem. There is no chaff in tbe whole book. The songs are strong and ably written, while the music is of the very best. George How ard Gibson, editor of The Wealth Mak ers, is the author. His name is never attached to any second class literary production. There is ever an elevated tone to his writings. His newspaper is one of the very best Morm papers io existence and Armageddon is, we think, decidedly the best book' of songs any Alliance or labor organization can possi bly find. The Sledge Hammer, Meadville Pa. Now is the time to make good use of Armageddon. It ought to be in every Populist's home. If our songs areevery- i where sung, made popular, our cause will speedily succeed. Let singing clubs be formed to master the music of this book. None finer or more effective has ever been written. "God Save the Peo ple" is a mightily stirring piece in both music and words. "Our Line of Defense" is another thrilling song set to the finest patriotic air of Germany, "Die Wacht Am Ruein." But we have not space to tell of the merits of each one of the 70 songs which the book contains. Humo rous, pathetic, thrilling, awakening, en" thusing, calling forth all that is manly and noble, all love of right and justice,, and marshalling the hosts to battle, it should be sent for and made use of by all earnest men and women now. Get ready this winter to sing these industrial gospel songs everywhere. BOOK BEVTEW, The United States, Supplement 1. Population, Immigration, Irrigation by J. D. Whitney. This book is a continuation of the Article in the Cyclopedia Britannica on the United States, and deals with Facts and Figures Illustrating the Physical Geography of the Country and its Mate rial Resources. It is an exceedingly valuable book and ought to be in every public library of the state, and in the hands of every man interested in irriga- , tion. Irrigation is a most important subject and there ought to be no false notions about it, but the most sober kind of judgment, after acquiring all the facts obtainable upon which a conclusion may be founded. The writer makes a statement that many of us would be slow to accept as final, though it must be admitted it is backed up by a strong array of facts and figures. It is this: "Never by any possibility can the region of small rain fall and in large part of rugged moun tains, extending from the first belt of states beyond the Mississippi to the belt lying directly on the Pacific coast, be come a densely populated portion of the country." P. 10 Also. "It is impos sible that people never seeing a river or a lake or water running except from the spout of a pump, never seeing a moun tain or a ledge of solid rock, never seeing what with any propriety may be called a forest, can ever rise to even a moderately high plane of civilization." The book calls attention to one very important point which seems to escape all over enthusiastic promoters of irri gation and it is that long continued irrigation almost inevitably leads to the formation of alkaline and earthly salts on the surface of the ground. These de posits at first act as fertilizers and pro- duce immense crops, but soon become j so great in quantity that the fertilizing : .. i . ,t --. .. i - . power is tuni uiiu tim ui upo grow ibs; and less abundant. These deposits re sult not only from the water carried up on the ground by irrigation, but by capillary attraction from the over moistened subsoil beneath. Heavy rain falls wash off this alkaline matter and restore the land, but when the rainfall is uncertain or small nothing but an expen sive system of deep drainage will keep the land fertile. Nebraska comes in for along discussion and a very critical review is made of the t P-f t. v u;i, 1 c IT the State University, on "The Underflow and Sheetwaters, Irrigable Lands and Geological Structure of Nebraska, with its effect upon the water supply." The writer also discusses thoroughly the subject of Artesian Wells, Underflow, Reservoirs, etc., and altogether makes a book very valuable to this region. The chapters on Population and Irri gation are aiso very suggestive. Published by Little, Brown & Co., Bos ton. Price $2.00. The Ascent of Man, by Henry Drum mond, F. R. S. E., F. G. S. Professor Drnmmond has long been a popular writer and it may safelv be said tha t he has increased his reputation bh this book. He is one of the most ad vanced of evolutionists, and writes with a strong grasp of his subject, and 4 "