r, : VOL. VL All About That Draw Poker Bankers' Bond Game ELEOTION EETUM8 OF UTEBEST - The People Robbed by Wall Street Tooli in the White House and Cabi net and Robbed of their Representatives - Also. Special to the Wealth-Makers For several days anxiety ran high, when it was rumored that a new bond issue was contemplated by the treasury department. It was reported that Secretary Carlisle was opposed to said issue of bonds, and that if the president insisted upon the issue that it was very likely that Mr. Car lisle would resign from the cabinet; but that has all proven to be incorrect, since Mr. Cleveland has taken the pains to publicly deny that there was any disa greement whatever between himself and his secretary of the treasury. On last Wednesday, the 14th instant, the following circular was issued from the treasury department announcing the issue of $50,000,000 of Ave per cent bonds, and calling for bids for same: the secretary's circular. Treasury Department, ) Washington, D. C, Nov. 13, 1894. Br virtue of the authority contained in the act of congress, entitled "an act td . . . i ; provide tor tne resumption oi specie pay ment," approved January 14,1875. the secretary of the treasury hereby give Wiotice that sealed proposals will be re ceived at the treasury department, office of tho secretary, until 12 o'clock noon on the 24th day of November, 1894, for United States five per ceut cent bonds, in either registered or coupon form, dated February 1, 1894, redeemable in coin at the pleasure of the government, after ten years from tho date of their issue, and bearing interest payable quarterly, in coin, at the rate of five per centum per annum. Bidders whose proposals are accepted will be required to" pay twenty per cent in gold coin, or gold certificates, upon the amounts of their bids, as soon as they receive notice of the acceptance of such bids, and to pay in like coin or cer tificates an additional twenty per cent at the expiration of each ten days there after, until the whole is paid; but they may at their option pay the entire amount of their bids when notified of ac ceptance, or at any time when an install ment is payable. The first payment.how ver, of not less than twenty per cent must be made when the bidder receives notice of the acceptance of bis proposal. The denominations of the bonds will be $50 and upward, and bidders will, in their proposals, state the denominations desired whether registered or coupon, ' the price which the bidder proposes to pay, the place where it is desired the bonds shall be delivered, and the office, whether that of the treasury of the United States or an assistant treasury of the United States, where it will be most convenient for the bidder to deposit the amounts of his payments. The bonds will be dated February 1, 3894, in order to make the -proposed issue uniform as to date with thefxisting fue; but interest thereon will begin November 1,1894, and bidders will be required to pay accrued interest at the rate of five per cent on the face value of their bonds from November 1 to the date or dates of payment. The total issue of bonds, in pursuance of this notice, will not exceed the sum of $ 50,000,000. The secretary of the treasury hereby expressly reserves the right to reject any or all bids. All proposals should be addressed to the becretary of the Treasury, Washing ton. D. C, and should be distinctly marked "Proposals for the purchase of five per cent bonds." Blank forms for proposals may be had on application to the secretary of the treasury. J. G. Carlisle, Secretary of the Treasury. The excuse given for this bond issue is that the gold reserve must be strength ened in order that confidence may be pre served abroad, and that in the near fu ture heavy exports of gold to Europe is expected, therefore to keep the gold re serve from being wiped out entirely these gold bonds must be issued. It has recently come to light that when the 150,000,000 bonds were issued last February, the banks of New York took greenbacks to one window of the United States treasury, exchanged it for gold then took the gold to another window and bought the bonds. It is reliably stated that more than one-fourth of that issue was taken up in that way without increasing the gold reserve a single dol lar. Thrij entire issue can be, and no doubt a large portion of it will be, tnUcen up in this way, without putting a Kle dollar of cold more in the treas ury than there is now. liiilV.: NGTON This outrage is to be consummated by November 24th, in order to have the whole thing fixed and sealed before con gress meets, because it is understood that congress would object to the issue. When congress meets, if they have any regard for their oaths, and as much self respect as an Ethiopian, they will begin proceedings at once to impeach both Carlisle and Cleveland for malfeasance in office and treason, because it is perfectly plain to the mind of every thinking man who has taken the pains to investigate the matter, that there is not a vestige of law upon the statute books of this coun try, authorizing the secretary of the treasury to issue bonds for any purpose whatever. The report of the secretary shows that expenditures of that department for Oc tober was 13,000,000 more than the re ceipts. The question naturally arises: Can it be possible that this country can survive the two remaining years of the Demo cratic administration? We have just received the report of the strike commission appointed by the pres ident to investigate the Chicago strike last July. Your correspondent was in formed at the labor bureau that only a tew copies of the report had been printed, without the testimony, but as soon hs congress meets it will be asked to have printed several thousands of the report, with all the testimony, which will make a large book of about 2,000 pages. The report is a very valuable document. As far as we can judge without having the testimony, it is very fair ana just, hav ing been impartially made from the facta brought out by the testimony. The commission recommends that a perma nent United States strike commission be established, with powers similar to those of the interstate commerce commission; labor organizations incorporate under the law, so that they can go iuto court and defend themselves as other corpora' tions do, and that the states udopt some system of conciliation and arbitration on the line of that now in use in Massachu setts. The report unmercifully scores the methods of the Pullman Car Company and the General Managers' Association. It treats the labor organizatiors very fairly, and virtually admits that the American Railway Union was right. In commenting upon the report, the daily press has treated it very fairly, and has urged the adoption by congress of the recommendations made by the commis sion. The only adverse criticism we have seen was from the Railway Age, the or gan and tool of the General Managers' Association and railroad corporations generally. It viciously attacks there- port, declaring that it is not honestly based upon the facts brought out by the testimony, lakmg it as a whole, it ap- peirs to be a great victory for organized labor. The election returns are yet very un satisfactory so far as the Populist vote is concerned, owing to the fact that the press does everything in its power to sup press our vote. It is very plain that a large number of our congressmen in Georgia, Alabama. Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas have been counted out by the Democrats. The Populists will contest abut twenty seats of Democrats in these states. In nearly all of these districts the Democrats have counted themselves in by majori ties or pluralities 01 less than a thou sand. It is now settled beyond doubt that the Populists have elected members of the fifty-fourth congress as follows: North Corolina 5, Alabama 1, Kansas 1, Colorado 1, Nebraska 1, and Nevada 1, making a total of ten members in the house. We will have six members in the senate which will, without doubt, give the Populists the balance of power in that body. Senator Peffer has reached the city. He attributes our defeat in Kansas to fusion, and says he is not at all discour aged. He says our people in Kansas are educated on economic questions, and will now make a winning tight for Populist principles, without any entanglinc: alli ances with either of the old parties. J. 11. Turner. November 17, 1894. YALE WINS JUST AS USUAL, Harvard's Foot, Hull Color Trailed la the Dust Once More. Springfield, Mass., Nov. 2a. The Yale-Harvard foot ball game this af ternoon was won by Yale by the score of 13 to 4. A citizen of Wilcutt, Fla , has a curiosity in tne shape of a cow horn- Ave teet long and eighteen inches in circumference at the base. Thomas Murray of Brooklyn was, truck by an express train and thrown over a thirty-foot embankment He was not killed. He was drunk. Investigation by the Municipal Order league of Chicago, shows that many of the infants in possession of female street beggars are hired. To the present day the leaves of the talipot palm are used in Ceylon for writing purposes, even many legal documents being executed on this primitive material. Moses H. Katzenberger, a wealthy Hebrew citizen of Memphis, Tenn., left in his will directions that fishing tackle should be put in his coffin and buried with him, in order that he might be able to enjoy the sport "if there is any fishing in the other world." LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 9, 1894. To tne Populists of the United States Washwgton, D. C, Nov. 21, 1894. The result of the late election is before us. We have increased our aggregate vote about one hundred per cent since 1,892, and have broken the solid south. We have convinced our opponents and the world that we are a fixed Actor in poli tics and have come to say. A new party that can double its voting strength in two years shows a vitality that has not been excelled by any new party in the history of our country. Every Populist can be proud of the record we have made this year. The People's party is the only political organization whose members stand as a unit in all sections on the principles it advocates. The two old parties have their eastern, northern, west ern, and southern factions, each one holding antagonistic views on all the LIGHT, LAW, LIBERTY, LOYE, LEADERSHIP. The Wealth Makers, published at Lincoln, Nebraska, and edited by George Howard Gibson, author of the famous political and industrial song book, Ar- mageddon, is devoted to the study of the moral, social, economic, and poli- tical questions. It is holding up the di- vinely perfect, new (yet old) standards of justice. It is making plain the source, in long established injustice, of the so- cial antagonisms which threaten revolu- tion. It is proving to the selfish that selfishness is unprofitable, and to the unselfish that organization is necessary, xv ui8m mat uiu luc ivcunn mufcers combine their voting strength and re- cover the government from the control of the wealth takers, the monopolists; and it is breaking down every position of the old, time-honored, society-strati- iying conception oi slavery, viz., mat it ucator along new lines. Its one object is well for some to labor without gain, is to search out and tell the tfuth, the in order that others may gain without truth that shall make us free, labor. Its mottoes are: It is a six column, eight page, weekly "in the Sweat of thy race Shalt Thou Eat paper, now in its sixth year of publi Any u,ui not work NeUher Let cation, and the subscription price is , ',. . . , $1.00 per year. Trial subscription, three We believe there is not a paper pub- monthHs 25c. Address, lished whose light upon social, eco- nomic, political, and religious questions Wealth Makers Pub. Co., is more clear or valuable. Religiously J. S. Hyatt, Bus. Mgr., . Lincoln, Neb. great industrial questions which are forg ing their way to tbe front. In twelve out of the fourteen states west of the Mississippi river, which in the past have been classed as Republican, the People's party is first and second in vot ing strength, all except Iowa and Cali fornia. In these twelve we have reduced the Democratic strength to a few strag glers, and had it not beanfor the admin istration and goldbug "Democrats nomi nating dummy tickets for the Democratic farmers and laborers to support, while they voted with the Republicans, we would have elected our candidates in a majority of these states. In the states south of the Ohio and Potomac rivers, we are second in voting strength, in eight out of fourteen states, and the Demo cratic party remains in control by fraud and counting the colored vote. 1 he Democratic party in the south is the negro party, because without their votes a majority of the southern states would have elected Populist Kovernorn this vear. Headquarters of the People's nartv was opened January 1. 1894. Contiibu- tions to defray expenses were made by the Populist senators, representatives and other friends throughout the land. Ihe total amount received from all sources was $1,340.80, an average of 122.71 per month, only a trifle more than a congressman's clerk receives for spinning yarns." Out of this amount we had to defray all expenses, as room rent and furniture for same, fuel, gas bills, clerk hire, stationery, postage tele graphing, printing, board, and many other incidental expenses. Any one familiar with this kind of work can readily see that tbe greatest economy was necessary; doubtless either one of theold parties hasused more than this amount in the average county in the United States. In connection with this I wiHh to thank Hon. Lafe Pence of Colorado, Georce Ellison, of Washing ton, I). C, Leroy Templeton, of Indiana, mid Thomas Davis of Macon, Illinois, who came to the rescue, and saved head quarters from being closed in the middle of the campaign. I doubt if the people will ever appreciate or be able to repay them for the sacrifice they have made for ourcatixe. There is one thing that Mr. Pence don't know, and that is when to cease giving for the cause. In many respects this campaign has beon a phenoinenul and stormy one, in fact, it hns no parallel in our history. Many urare questions confronted the committee, which required careful consid-. eration, and perhaps but few realized the critical noxition the party occupied. The iudustriul army movement, as well as the strikes and cenenil discontent, nitro- duced a nw feature into tue jo. ........ arena, which demanded close attention. On these' questions we were flooded with letters, demanding that our committee issue an address endorsing the industrial army movement, and inviting every one to come to Washington, while others as zealously demanded that we issue an ad dress denouncing it in the severest terms. The same was true of the great coal and railway strikes, which was the cause for some acrimonious correspondence be tween some good Populists and head quarters. Although we at the time were severely criticised by both sides for re maining silent, yet I think that time has proven that the policy of the committee was best, i Headquarters will have to be closed after this week, but many suggestions have been made by our press and leaders for a conference composed of tbe mem bers of the national committee, chair men of the state committees, representa tives of the reform press, congressmen of the 53rd and 54th, congresses, and other it is in full accord with Professor Her- ron's teachings, which have so startled the church, and stirred the world; and it will publish specially prepared reports of his lectures as they are delivered upon economics and Applied Christian- ity before the students of Iowa College, The Wealth Makers sharply criticises the churches, but only wherein they are not Christian. It believes the moral sense is the sense to appeal to, while presenting facts and pointing out results, and that the moral law made plain will at last draw all men together and form mem inn a pencil society. We wish to circulate the Wealth Makers everywhere. It is needed and will be worth far more than it costs in every wealth maker's home, because it reasons simply and clearly and is an ed- leailers iu onr party, to discuss ways and means, for conducting an education al campaign from now until the meeting of the next National Convention. This is very important, because during the short session of the present congress a nd the 54th congress, questions of great importance will be discussed. The money power is not jet satisfied; they demand the repeal of the income tax, the destruc tion of the greenback's, and the passage of the National Ranking Bill, as outlined by the late Bankers' Association held in Baltimore, Maryland. The financial question will come to the froiif, and the Republicans will be as ser vile and do the bidding of the money power as much as the Democrats have done. In addition to the Populist delegation in congress, I am greatly indebted for counsel to Mr. J. M. Devine, Mr. I. L. Johnson, and Byron E. Shear. Mr. De- vine as secretary of the "American Bi metallic League" has loyally stood by our cause. He is one of the ablest men in our party, and will do credit to any ciiue he may espouse. The people of this country will never learn, or be able to recompense Messrs. Shear and Johnson for the sacrificeshey have made. They have given theii ioney, timeand counsel on every occasion. The "American Bi metallic League' as well as all farm and lnbor organizations, though non-partisan, have stood by our cause as never be fore, their officers and leaders, almost without exception, are in the Populists ranks. Populists, in making a special and radi cal study of economic conditions, are well aware that not all the evils of our time proceed wholly from one source. Our platform has been a broad protest against themost visible and most pirati cal forms of present monopoly. At the same time, and above all else, vre have been tho only political organization of sufficient enpacity and information to comprehend tho one paramount question on which now dejifnds not only the im mediate welfare of the masses, but even the civilization and christiunity of a great nation. This is the money ques tion, the question as to whether the American people shall be permitted to have the vehicle of exchanging labor, and all things produced by labor, in such a volume that they can live by honest ndustry, and not be turned, with no fnult of their own, into beggars and trotiips, is paramount to all others. Am the demand for money is equal to the demand for all other things, so is the demand for monetary reform, equal to the demand for all other industrial re forms rombined. The money question involves all others, and is one-half of euch industrial question the mind can conceive. I believe we ought to begin at once, to organize for the great conflict of 1896, and concentrate all our force on tbe money qnestion. To do this we must have a conference of all oar leaders, map out a policy, and make a vigorous educational campaign. H. E.Tavbvnkck. Chairman National Committee. The Labor of Boodlers Expensive Editor Wealth Makers: You ask me to explain what that judg ment Against Lancaster county in favor of Tan Dnyne and Green of $2,000, late ly obtained, was for. It appears that the tate treasurer held some of the many Lancaster county bonds, issued years ago as investments of the public school fund. These bonds were made payable after ten years if the county saw fit to pay them. Money has been and is flush at a lower rate of interest than was being paid, so the commissioners thought to issue new bonds at a lower rate of inter est and sell them or exchange them for those already held by the state treasurer. Doing just such work as that is what we pay the commissioners $5,400 an nually for doing. But they did not see fit to do this job, so they hired Van Duyne and Green to do it for the county and agreed to pay them what was reas onable. They did not dare to specify the amount, for election was coming on. After tbe job was done Tan Duyne and Green thought $7,500 would be about reasonable for the two hours spent in going up to the State bouse and talking over the matter. But theconimissioners thought $2,000 was enough, and paid that amount. ' So Van Duyne and Green took the $2,000 and sued for the $5,500 balance. The court gave judgment for $2,000. Now, judging others by ourselves we have this to say: The state officers may have received a part of the boodle, the county commissioners may have shared it with Van Duyne and Green $4,000 for five of them. But this we know, if we had been one of the commissioners, Van Duyne and Green never would have got that job unless they had divided with me, and we do not believe the com missioners are any less selfish than we would have been. There has been quite a rumpus raised lately about packing and bribing juries, or doubtless the county would have been mulcted for the full amount of $7,500. H. W. Habdy Tbe Annnal Meeting CaU'd The Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Nebraska Farmers' Alliance and Indus trial Union will be held in Kearney, Neb., on Wednesday, December 19, 1894, at 10 o'clock a. m. The State Executive Committeedecided that all delinquent Alliances could be re instated by the payment of dues for tbe quarter ending Dec. 31st. No doubt all Alliances in the drouth district of tbe State will be allowed seats who have paid any dues fortheyear 1894 Reduced rates on all railroads have been applied for. Independent papers please copy. W. F. Dale, Mrs. J. T. Kellik President, Secretary. Obitnary We are pained to be obliged to chronicle the death of Alma Sophia, the eldest daughter of Brother S. H. Erickson,' and Sister Erickson, on the 13th of the pre sent month. She was a promising girl, far advanced in her studies, including music, and just ready to enter the State University. Lovely in character she was the joy and pride of her parents, and had 11 mde many Iriends. Her illness was ty phoid fever, from which she suffered a re lapse. JAPAN WILLING TO NEGOTIATE Tbe Mikado Will Listen to China' Pro posals through Minister Dan. Berlin, Nov. 27. It is officially an nounced here that Japan recognizes that the United States minister at Tokio, Mr. Dun, is a suitable channel through which China can open up ne gotiations for pjace. The Euroneftn powers will not take any part in the negotiations, it is considered that Lhma is in a position to pay the Jap anese dam aces. If th war naaaaa now, Japan to hold Port Arthur until her demands are satisfied. Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 2". A battle occurred at a church near Carroltton, Miss., yesterday between officers and a murderer, and as a result one man Is dead and two others wounded. Ben. P. Catham, the marshall of Car rollton, and N. Brewer, a deputy sheriff, left for Enona, a church ten miles south of Carrollton to arrest Claude Moss, who is charged with mur der at Monticello, Dewitt county, Ark., and who had been a fugitive from justice for more than a year. Moss resisted arrest and after a most desperate struggle Chatham shot him dead, ' . , . i NO. 25 POSTAL AFFAIRS. FostasMter General Bissau's Anneal Re port to the President. Washihgok, Nov. 27. Postmaster General W. & Bissell has submitted to the president hia annnal report for the year ending June 80, 1804. He briefly outlines the policy of the de partment in the following: "In general I would recommend that the first and most important thing to be done is to revise the laws as to second-class matter so at to place the postofflce department im mediately upon a self-sustaining basis. "Second Avoid expensive experi ments like postal telegraph, rural fee delivery, et. "Third Develop the postal service on existing lines of administration, viz: Extend free delivery in cities that now enjoy it; accord it to towns already entitled to it under the law, and quicken railroad transportation. "Fourth Revise and reclassify the organization of the railway mail servioe and reclassify clerks in post offices. "Fifth Provide for district super vision of all postal affairs by appoint ment of expert postal officials from the classified service, as recommended in my last annual report" "The revenue for the year was $75, 080,479; expenditures, $84,324,414,leav ing a deficit 80,23,035. The estimates for the eurrent year ending June 80, 1895, are: Revenue, $84,427,740; ex penditures, 890,399,485; deficit $5,971, 737. The estimates submitted to the secretary of the treasury for the next fiscal year are: Revenue, $80,007,407; expenditures, $01,059,883; deficiency, $4,191,870." This annual deficiency, the post master general says, could be over come by the inorease of postal rates, but he does not believe this advisable. Economy has been practiced, but nevertheless, great eare has been taken that it should not affect the efficiency of the service. The economies have consisted main ly in reletting contracts for mail transportation and in the cost and amount of supplies; also in the abro gation of seven of the eleven steam ship subsidy contracts which will mean a total saving in the ten years of the contracts' life of $14,431,385. Mr. Bissell recommends the experi mental free delivery projects should be discontinued, and thinks that free delivery in rural districts is not needed or desired by the people. Both these projects were originated by his predecessor. " One of the most important and in teresting features of Mr. Bissell's re port is its discussion of class matter. In his last report he referred to the great disproportion of growth of sec ond class matter. He has made a thorough investigation during the year, upon which he says: "The effect of all this upon my mind is a conviction that the statutes and the precedents upon which the business now rest are defective; that they em body the only great abuse at present existing in the postal service; and that, as this business is growing all the time, some remedy should be applied." Of the obstruction of mails by strikes, the postmaster general says: "In my last report I called attention to the necessity for legislation such as then was and now is recommended by the superintendent of the railway mail service for the punishment of train wrecking, and for legislative determination of the definition of a mail train. Such legislation would be of great advantage to the postal service." The postmaster general does not favor the postal telegraph, a system advocated by his predecessors. He points out that in a country where the territory is so large the cost of a postal telegraph would far exceed any possible receipts or benefits. Mr. Bissell gives the following daily average business of the depart ment, which shows the vastness of the postal service: Number of miles of post route run .. 1.100.000 Number of utamos manufactured.... ,3uo.u(JO Number of envelopes manufactured.. 1.8 0,0u3 Number of postal cards manufactured 1 A'JO.uU) Number of pieces mailed... 1A.7D ,W0 Number of letters mailed 7.400.0JC Number of pieces of mail matter dis tributed and redistributed by rail- . way costal clerks zr.SOO.OOO Number of pieces handled in dead let ter office 21,000 Daily transactions in money order business 1 1,100,000 Daily expenses 2 1 1. 100 The postmaster general believes in civii service in the postoffice depart ment. He says, "If the system has produced such good results in the clerical force of the department, it is reasonable to inquire whether some thinglike it could tot be applied with advantage to the lower grades of postmasters." Mr. Bissell closes his report vith a request that a new building be provided for the postof fice department He says interest on the cost of an adequate building would be less than the amount of re At paid. The infant sea otter, when removal from parental care, dies of either grief or starvation. So far it fcu been impossible to raise it to maturity bv human hand. We want yon to notice every new "ad" in our columns. Thevars nnt thnr . pecially for your benefit.