The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, November 22, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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November 22, 1894,
Nw 8ri of
I CoaaolidaUoa of tb
men Alliance and Neb. Independent.
Wealth Makers Publishing Company,
I U M Btrwt, Kabraaka.
.. Editor
..BtialDM Mao&KW
iV. L P. A.
I aaj m mnt tall lor m to Ha.
ha wek I aot to climb. Another' pain
tabooa Dot tor mj good. A goldaa chain,
b of boaor, la too good prlM
; tempt my but hand to do wrong
to fallow man. Th!i lift hatb wo
faSclrat, wrought by man'a atanl foe:
3 who that hath a heart wonld dare prolong
r add a aorrow to a atricken aoal
hat aeak a healing balm to make It whole?
I boaom own the brotherhood of man."
Publishers' Announcement,
a obnertption price of Tan Wialti Ma
J la $1.00 per year, la adranre.
'grata In aolleltiog subscription ehonld be
aarefnl that all name are correctly epxlled
proper poetottlce rItcd. Blanka for return
aaeiiptlon, return envelopea, et&, can be bad
application to tnn orace.
xwat algn your name. No matter how often
4 writ oe do not nKlect thl Important mat-
trery weea we receire letter with Incnm
t address or without iljrnaturea and It la
aetlme difficult to locate them.
4I0I or ADD. Subscriber wliblng to
tUK their poatofflc address must always kIt
Ir former aa well a their prceent addrww when
Mige will be promptly mad.
j - ..........,
I J. 8. Hyatt, Bnelnea Manager of The
health Maker Publishing Company, belug
nly aworn, eaye that the actual number of
nil and complete copies of Trm W'ulth
printed dnring the six month end
og October 11, 1884, wa
.Veekly average. 8.123.
Sworn to before m and snbscrlhcd In my
'ireaenc thl 11th day of October. 18H
mence 1
r . K. 1. BUBKK
Notary Public.
ADVERTISING RATES. per inch. ( cent per Agate line. 14 line
t the Inch. Liberal discount on larg pac or
f time contract.
addreaa all advertising communication to
I 3. 8. Hyatt. Baa. Mgr.
jThb American Straw Board Trust is to
I reorganized within a few weeks.
3n on page 8 several interesting orig
al articles; also on page G out serial,"A
odern Martha," a valuable article by
resident Gates, of Iowa College, and
iher matter of interest.
Anotbeb railroad consolidation bas
n arranged. The Louisiana and
iasoari River Railway have ratified an
freemen t to turn over their stock to the
licago and Alton Railroad.
,The Strike Commission's report is in
clinable as an educator. It shows that
te twenty-four great railroads centering
Chicago are practically one organiza
ou, with interests pooled and almost
:Thb Democratic power is wiped out in
leeast, west and northeast, and broken
Jwn largely in the south. It must go
Wway of the old Whig party. Tlie
it!? St-8laver-Jr Party is driving the
fends of monopoly together for tl.,
jal battle for liberty,
What we bare called a landslide, in the
apulat vote was scarcely any gain for
lie Republicans. But the Democrats
tt nearly a million and a half of vot s.
J4ie Populist party was the only party
iajb made gains, and its gain through
, at the nation was great.
I i
I .
I John H. Powers received within a
votes of 70,000, and being unen
dorsed by the Democrats this figure indl
ates the number of Populist votes cast,
i'he Democrats who wenttoRepublicans
Ind railroad passes, boodle and paid for,
herculean labors to get all they could
oteout to the polls, was what beat us
his time, in part.
The Populists of Idaho refused to fuse
jrith the Democrats. Then the Demo-a-ate,
whose only object is to get the
offices, fused with the Republicans. The
Populists were beaten, bnt there is left no
imell of brimstone on their garments.
iTfcS ftp .tterelcra in fine shape taenter
the next campaign, having stood up
Squarely for their principles and refused
to trade them for offices.
The Populista in Kansas, in spite of
all, made a gain of over 15,000 votes
this year. They were defeated by the
Democrats going over to the Republi'
eans. In the big Republican ratification
at Topeka was one conspicuous banner,
"All Glory to the Gallant Democracy That
' Stood by Its Principles and Helped Save
I t&t) Business Interests of Kansas."
. Thb railroads are vigorously objecting
to and denouncing the United State
Strike Commission's report, because it
Condemns their usurpations of power not
tres them in their charters, their effort
to crash ont labor organizations by
.forcing employes to withdraw from the
cnion, and because it unanimously de-
tads and encourages labor organiza-
"There is a tido in affairs of men which
taken at its flood, leads on to fortune."
That tide which baa justewept the Demo
cratic party well-nigh to destruction
having left it wrecked upon the shore in
many states and broken the solid South
provides our opportunity. Let us Listen
to make use of it
What was it that overwhelmed the
Democratic party in the strongholds of
its power?
The universal discontent, the needs and
distress of the people.
Will the Republican party do anything
to relieve that distress? Will it do away
with one single monopoly, or reduce the
tribute we pay them? The banks, the
railroads, the millionaires with big in
comes, do not fear the Republican party
It has done everything they have asked
it to do. It does not propose any legis
lation to check them in their robbery
and enslavement of the people. It will do
nothing to change conditions, nothing
to increase the purchasing power of the
producers or to limit wealth concentra
tion. Therefore, in two years the long
suffering people will be ready to hurl it,
also, from power, and will give the law
making power to the Populist party, if,
in the mean time, we prove by deflnite
ness of program and apparent wisdom
and adequacy of our proposed legisla
tion that we can restore to the people
their equal rights, and the reign of
Just now the Populist party must see
its opportunity and rise to make use of
the occasion. The Democratic party is
badly down. The Populist party exceeds
it in numbers, if not in count of the
ballots, in several southern states. The
entire south is honeycombed with Popu
list ideas. In the west and northwest the
Populist party has secured either the first
or second place. In spite of the tidal
wave which elected Republicans the
Populists cast this year nearly double
their 1892 vote. But we greatly need to
hold a council of war and rally all our
forces for the coming battle. This is the
more necessary because we are a young
party and have not met in national con
vention for more than two years. There-
lore, we say, Jet Chairman Taubeneck
and the executive committee call a na
tional conference, to be held, say, about
the middle of December, a conference of
all the leaders of the party and the labor
movement, including the members of our
national committee, the chairmen of the
state committees, the principal officers of
all the farmers' and labor organizations,
the editors of all Populist papers, all our
standard bearers whether elected to office
or not, and especially such men as Lyman
Trumbull, John Clark Ridpath. B. O.
Flower, Hamlin Garland and others.
We ought to got together and after m.
changing views map out a definite
policy for our party both in congress and
out. We ought to iuautrurate at once
(after consulting together) an educational
campaign for '95 and '06, to bring us up
to our next national convention. A defi
nite program is what we need. Without
it.wecannotadvance. Wealsoneed the ad
vertisement of a national conference, the
inspiration of strong, aggressive leader
ship and a vigorous plan of action. To
keep our forces from weakening set them
at work, give them something effective to
do and show them the way to victory.
Now is the time for our supreme effort.
It is reported from New York, in the
Associated Press dispatches that "the
President is considering the idea of sub
mitting to the country a plan for cur
rensy reform,"--and we bejleve it. The
American Bankers' Association and the
Rothschilds placed Cleveland on the
til rone to serve them, and he has done it
from the start. They elected him to,
first, call an extra session of Cbiigress to
repeal the silver coinage law and, by
pressure and patronage in his party,
close the mints against silver; second, to
force more bonds upon the people, by
undelegated despotic power, and he is
hard at it, one hundred millions being
already sold and ordered sold; third, to
recommend and lulp through the pass
age of a banking bill that would bind us
to a gold basis and take from the people
their sovereign power to issue needed
paper money without usury charge, in
the interest of all. The Bankers' Asso
ciation which recently met at Baltimore
called for a law which would allow the
bankers alone to exercise this sovereign
power, to issue paper currency, cur
rency which would cost them nothing be
yond the labor of printing it. They ask
that the government endorse their notes,
to make them good, to the extent of fifty
per cent on their paid up capital, and
allow them to Issue twenty-five per cent
more paper, which they could loan when
crops were being moved. This would be
a virtual gift to the banking class alone
of loanable capital equal to three-fourths
of what they now have, a gift to a class
who are loudest in their condemnation ot
paternalism, a gift to the rich, which
would increase their power to oppress
the poor. And Cleveland is said to favor
the Baltimore plan.
Without doubt during the next two
years this Associated Bankers' plan, or
one very much like it, will be enacted in
to law, because Cleveland and the big
Wall Street end of the Democratic party
in Congress will favor it, and the Repub
licans nearly all can be counted on to
legislate for the bankers' and cor
porations. It is the bankers' oppor
tunity, the Congress and President they
need to give them what they -want, and
they will surely improve it.
The people are yet mostly such willful
idiots and blind misinformed partisans
that they deserve bondage, a more and
more grinding servitude to the Shylock
class. They have brought it all on them
selves by refusing to read and listen to
anything except the demagogical utter
ances of their own party. Butitseemsa
pity that those who see the Sbylock
schemes, and with much labor and sacri
flee warn the people, should be dragged
down with them into theslavery they re
fuse to see.
TheSliylock legislatien called for at
Baltimore is provided for, and as good
as granted already. It will be the crown
ing and closing work of the thirty years
enthroned Shylock class, an enactment
that will bring on a crisis, a political up
rising which will probably precipitate
armed resistance to the people's will, as
the slaveholders of '61 resisted.
The New York Press accounts for ths
landslide which buried the Democratic
party thus:
""f was the accumulated ills,
The smokeless chimneys of the mills,
The spindles hushed, the silent looms,
The life in cold and cheerless rooms,
The tireless hearths, the tables bare,
The lack of decent clothes to wear,
The silent misery and the tears
That marked the Democratic years,
These were the things that did it."
Yes, these are indeed the conditions
and facts of the Democratic years, but
the eavses of present destitution and dis
tress extend back through the last
third of a century of Democratic and
Republican (chiefly Republican) rule.
Not tariff high, nor tariff low,
Has brought us all this weight of woe;
But chartered powers and kings' decrees.
The tribute paid monopolies,
The wage unjust, the rent we've met,
The interest on the loads of debt,
And dividends, which left us poor,
Unable to buy back the store
Our labor piled in market place,
To these our poverty we trace.
These various plundering per cents
Reduce our call for goods, and hence
The wheels must stop and work must
And people starve while stocks decrease.
In cycles thus the evils sweep,
And men despair, and women weep.
"The silent misery and the tears"
Are found in each decade of years.
O, long defrauded, understand:
Both parties old have had a band
In laws which desolate the land.
About a year ago I wrote an article for
this paper, using the title, "Lead Us Out
of Temptation." The response to what
I have in the last two months proposed,
the massing of our wisdom, energies,
skill and resources in a new kind of cor
poration to embody and give action to
the spirit of love, the Christ spirit,
shows us that the entangling labyrinth
and "wilderness of Sin" may soon be
placed behind us. We can see the way
out, and the means. We have simply to
combine and cross over Jordan, so to
speak. It will be remembered that the
Israelites might have entered the land of
promise a generation before if that gene
ration had had faith in God and courage
to go forward. It requires faith in God
now, as then.
Since the last issue of The Wealth
Makers a brother having a fine farm
seven miles from Lincoln, a property
worth 12,000 to $15,000, proposes
that a beginning in love and its labors
be made on his place, and a neighbor
offers his smaller but excellent farm also,
he tells us. The owners of these farms
Offer the use only, the proposition being
that ail that can be produced by ait
working be equally divided.
Use of natural resources and capital is
really all we want, but we want that
Secured in perpetuity. If we do not have
the legal title in the name of all, in the
Corporation we are to organize, we shall
not be legally protected. We might go
on to these lands with money and labor
and erect buildings and make other
valuable improvements, and the holder
of the deed of the land would have legal
claim to it all; and though the best man
in the world he might die at any time
and his heirs come in and take every
thing from us and break up the commu
nity, driving us forth by the power of his
recorded parchment. No, it will not
answer to invest money and labor on
merely borrowed land. If the brothers
who have offered the free use of their
land, generous as this appears when
measured by the world's standard, can
not let go their land titles for a company
title we cannot use ttmir capital., But a
man does not become propertyless and
unprovided for by joining a corporation
and putting all bis property into it. His
shares are worth more to him than his
property apart would be. Much more
will this be true in a Christian corpora
tion where not selfishness but love will
Many of those with the best intentions
and desires are still struggling with an
indistinct, imperfect conception of what
Tove requires, and they have what seems
a neccessary distrust of the professed un
selfishness of every other man. It is not
safe to trust each other to be unselfish in
the market place now, it matters not
what our Sunday professions may be.
The market code is a selfish one. But
when we organize to love and serve one
another in all our work and recreation,
living as brothers, what have we to fear?
We are not going to, as in the church,
profeaa to love our neighbors as ourself;
we are going to do it. Our religion is to
be love In action. Our worship is to be
work, the natural infinite energies freely
joind with ours in producing all things
useful and enjoyable revealing to us the
heart of the Infinite, the God of love.
rroaucing ail useiui, beautiful and en
joyable things freely, lovingly, for each
other, we shall bind ourselves together
and to God in most delightful fellowship,
interpreting God to each other and bring
ing Him home to one another in all the
labor of our hands and thoughts.
How may we make a beginning? How
may we bring ourselves into the king
dom of love?
I, for one, feel that the present each-for-
himself struggle of life is sinful, that it is
the source of all evils, and I feel conscience
driven to get out of it. I see that the
way to live is to join ourselves together,
to do each what be can for all, and all to
care for each. And if that is the right
way to like, now is the right time to be
gin to so live. Therefore I am ready and
eager to give up all separate self-interest
in what property I have and join band,
head and heart and power to labor with
anyone and every, one of like mind.
Brothers, sisters, you who know that I
have been describing the right way to
live, will you join with me to start this
new, divine, God-ordered organization,
which in its growth will cover and trans
form the whole earth, making it as
heaven itself? We shall not in brief time
do all this; but with a beginning made, a
necessary beginning, it will be like plant
ing anew the garden of Eden which shall
in love and helpfulness and wealth and
beauty extend its borders and increase
to each individual its benefits until it
shall include all nations, all lunds, and
all conceivablegood.
We must incorporate in order to per
petuate the good of collective ownership
of land and capital; in order to save our
selves and children from the evils which
flow from private property and the sel
fish struggle which it entails; in order to
escape the necessity of hoarding a pre
sent surplus of capital while our brothers
are unable to borrow it and must be
idle and suffer in consequence. We might
each retain what property we have and
adopt a standard of living such as we as
Christians or brothers must adopt, viz.f
using an equal share of the whole yearly
product of all our labor; and some of us
who must find our employment for a
time where we now are, with and for men
in the selfish world, must begin our con
nection with the Christian body (corpo
ration) that way. But bo living the
temptations to be selfish largely remain,
and we can not introduce the labor
economies much into such unchanged,
selfishly patterned methods of work. In
manufacturing it requires investment in
buildings and other capital to employ
men together. The first thing is to add
ourselves and means together by incor
porating, each turning into the incorpo
ration treasury property or labor for a
share of the stock. Money, or horses, or
land, or stock and implements, what
ever we have that is not being by us put
to the most economic use, should be
immediately put into such form as to em
ploy most economically and effectively
the labor of our members. Of the first
Christian body it is written:
"And all that believed were together
and had all things common; and sold
their possessions and goods and parted
them to all, as every man had need.
"Neither was there any among them
that lacked: for as many as were pos
sessors of land or houses sold them
and brought the prices of the things
that were sold and laid them at the
apostles' feet, and distribution was made
as everyone had need."
Put persecution scattered them; and
scattered, dependent each on his single
arm and mind In the world's selfish
Struggle to live, they fell at last entirely J
into the world's way; and the church,
though now free tocointnttniae its capital
and obey the requirements of love, has
come to believe that the selfish individu.
alism it has sanctioned by practice for
bo many centuries is necessary ani right.
Our articles of incorporation must be
drawn up under the law, of the state,
enabling us to hold property and do all
forms of business as a body. Our by
laws must state our brotherhood agree
ments, which all who join us accept; pro
vide for the elections of overseers for the
different depart men Is of productive labor,
public service in distribution, moral,
mental and physical education, and for
health, recreation, etc.; also for the sup
port of those whose work it shall be to
teach the outside world the good news
of the way of salvation from want and
anxiety, from selfishness and tyranny.
The first step to be taken is the send
ing in of your names who wish to be in
corporated in the Christian brotherhood,
common so as to provide work for all,
and abundance to satisfy all present and
future needB. Those who feel a deep
interest, but who have questions to ask
before they are ready to give in their
names, we shall be glad to hear from.
The necessity of recognizing our equality
as brothers, and of sharing all our re
sources, energies, skill and wisdom with
one another, is fundamental. It Is
obedience to the law, "Thou shalt love
thy neighbor as thyself." All other ques
tions are then simple questions of how
we may most economically produce for
all and serve all. They are questions of
detail that require knowledge and further
study and invention in applying labor
with the means at command.
"Thrice t h arm'd, that hath hi qnarral nti
And h bat naked, though lock'd op In itael.
Whoa eonclnc with lnjaatic I corrupted."
Subscribe for The Wealth Maxirs.
Miss Elsie Duck man, ex-Secretary Ne
braska F. A. &I. U., writing from Topeka
to a lady friend iu Lincoln under date of
November 16 says:
Tell Brother Gibson that I should like
to live in just such a "Paradise" as he
f'ves us a "vision" of in the last paper,
would just like to join some co-operative
colony. I think it would be a sort
of little heaven on earth almost.
All right, Sister Elsie, your name is
down as one of the first to register. It
was a woman who was first at the
sepulchre of the risen Christ. And it is a
like event that you will be called to wit
ness. The body of Christ, by which alone
He can be known, has been broken and
buried from sign t nearly eighteen centu
ries, its so-called members being sel
fishly severed, divided in their interests
and dead to the voice of love. His
separated members, which, divided, can
not contain His spirit, "shall be gather
ed limb to limb, and moulded with every
joint and member into an immortal fea"
ture of lovelinessand perfection." And by
thus re-formiug the corporation or body
of Christ we shall be answering His
prayer: "That they all may be oue: as
thou, Father, art in me and I iu thee,
that they also may be one in us: that
the world may believe that thou hast
sent me."
Another most interesting letter, called
out by our recent editorials, we should
like to print entire, but it is marked "pri
vate." We think, however, the writer
will not object if we clip some paragraphs
from it, as follows:
Brother Gibson: Though not per
sonally acquainted with you l am sure,
after reading you right along since your
connection with our state paper, tnat I
may call you brother.
1 have just read your " vision of Para
dise" in j'our issue of the 8th. And it
raises within me the most glorious hopes
or the future of those who want to fol
low Jesus.
I have devoted about twenty years of
my life to preaching in one of the ortho
dox churches and the pa8t three years
have been given almost exclusively to the
effort of building up a Christian So
ciology applying, so far as possible un
der our competitive system, the teaching
of Jesus to the every day life. All this
last work has been done not as a pastor,
but in a local way. One result has been
that nearly all of the religious people in
the community are also Christian Social
ists. So, while reading your "Vision"
and your answer to Brother Doty, the
thought occurred to me that here would
be a good place to get recrmts for the
new society.
It is evident to me, that the orthodox
church has toadied to the money power
io long that it will never tear itself loose;
and that out of the old order must be es
tablished a new, upon principles of a
universal brotherhood. Yourplan strikes
me as being in line with Christ's teachings
an 1 every way worthy.
There is one thing, however, that
troubles me somewhat. And that is: I
can see no place for men like myself who
are no longer able to do manual labor,
by reason of advancing age and general
breaking up of health incident to a num
ber of years' service in the last war. But
that will not deter me from giving the
nterprise my cordial support and what
ever of influence I may have in inducing
Others to join in with you, and I hope
and pray that the plan may begin to
materialize soon.
No single letter or word that I have re
vived has given me moreencouragement
than the above. We shall have place
for this dear, faithful brother, who has
been sowing the seed for us to harvest.
While he can he shall go on as now
teaching the truths of the kingdom, and
belping us to gather into our organiza
tion those who would be saved from the
world of selfish, warring individualism.
Belvidere, Neb., Nov. 12, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers:
There are several of us here who are
very much interested in your efforts to
establish an industrial colony wherein
the second great command of Christ,
"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy
self," will have a practical application.
We are all Christians, but have come to
believe that the church has utterly failed
of its duty, and through the centuries
have been teaching the first part of the
gospel, entirely ignoring the second and
most important part tor tne conversion
of the world. The most of humanity
would soon be enlisted on the side of
Christ if the sermons preached by the
conduct of professed Christians were in
perfect accord witn ills teachings, tnnst
is not in the greed and grind to which
our modern life is almost exclusively de
voted; nor will long prayers, sanctimo
nious conduct and devout airs cause
Him to bless our merciless competition.
Before Christ's presence can be hoped for
we must return to thesimplecommunism
of the primitive church.
In one of your recent issues you asked
for opinions at to the name the colony
mere 18 iiiuuii ill aimuieiuraueuierpriBu.
It is as a banner under which the people
fight, and efforts are likely to be accord
ing to its suggestion. For instance, a
colony named Devilia would probably be
given to all corruption and rapidly sink
into a worthy home for the prince of
None should be accepted as members of
this colony who are not thoroughly con
verted to the belief that it is a person's
divine privilege to love his neighbor as
himself, and really desire to give expres
sion to that belief in conduct worthy of
a follower of Christ. The rule being
adopted the question of monetary inter
est according to the amount contributed
would not be a troublesome one, as so
many anticipate.
If the colony becomes an established,
success, and even permanency, will depend
upon so many conditions that no one
can now confidently say what the out
come will be.
But suppose dissolution should become
necessary sometime in the course of years,
the constitution of the colony should be
such that each could then draw from the
proceeds of the sale of the accumulated
property the money he had contributed
and ins proporiiuiiniK bum u v
mainder. It is wisdom to foresee and pre
pare for emergencies, in this cose, that
under any circumstances perfect justice
may flow to all.
The Nationalist Society, of Belvidere,
I do not have a single fear of a time
coming when dissolution will be neces
sary, when "the body of Christ" (our
Christian corporation) will die, overcome
by the powers of evil. What, is wisdom
folly, and love unsafe? Will not love in
action always bind us together, and i
not the strength of many united greater
than their strength as ununited, self
centered individuals? Is it to be reckon
ed a risk to take God's law and spirit
as the labor-directing, life-controlling,
society-organizing supreme will and wis
dom? But we cannot serve God and mammon.
Dear brothers and sisters, let us read to
ether Matthew 6; 2434. Then, if we-
still think it is better to keep a string on
all the mammon we have lest God and
God's people fail us, we may grapple
with the problem of trusting God with
out trusting Him, of giving up to Him
and getting the benefit of giving up with
out giving up.
I say I have no fear of the body of the
resurrected Christ dying. But in convey
ing our property to the organization we
may state for what purpose it is convey
ed, and introduce a reversion contingent
clause that shall return it to us if the
stated objects of the organization are
not carried out There is another con
tingency, that of health, which should be
considered. If at any time it becomes
necessary for any of our members to go
to a milder climate and it seems desirable
for such to join a similar organization
elsewhere, or even for a time to do aa
best they can as a separate individual or
family, they should have the benefit of a
provision which would allow them to
draw out as much as they put in.
To those who feel thatdissensions may
arise among those who must needs
practice love, sufficient to make farther
practice of love impossible, the present
common law offers security. In the
event of a majority of ua agreeing to
crucify Christ afresh, or rather to tear
Him limb from limb, we can get our
thirty or more pieces of silver for so
doing. But we shall never do it. I have
Bpoken thus strongly not because the
good brother writing the above needs to,
have his faith increased (he evidently haa
the faith), but to help others, who can
not separate their imaginations from the
present anarchic, Ishmaelitish environ
ment, to think cleariy of the infinite, alL
conquering power of 7ove in action, sucb
as our organization is to provide for.
Shall expect to hear more from this
Belvidere Nationalist Society.
"And the dark (ball b light.
And th wrong b mad right!"
Medeaeval Europe, by Ephraim Emer
ton. Many a general reader as well as many
a student has been often thankfnl for
Prof. Emerton's formerbook, "Introduc
tion to Study of Middle Ages." The
intricacy of events, the rapidly shifting
scenes, and, to the reader, the unnatural
relation between the individual and the
state, make the study in detail of medi
aeval times very confusing to the general
This confusion was removed by the in
troduction of "Mediaeval Europe" which
builds on the foundation laid by the
former book and gives a more extended'
and precise view of those wonderful cen
turies when the world seemed to be
travailing in pain that she might give
birth in due time to the achievements of.
modern civilization.
This book is written with care and"
much learning, has a marginal index,
bibliographies, a good general index, :
and is written in a style that does not in
the least obscure the main drift of events.
It, with the former book, will be welcome
to teachers and others who wish to get -some
correct notion of the middle ages
Published by Ginn & Co., Chicago & Bos-.-ton.
An Introduction to
Stcdy or
Small and'
Society, by Albion
George E. Vincent.
The growth of interest in Sociology is
remarkable. It has been difficult for
beginners, however, to follow any syste
matic study of sociology for want of a
guide. This book, therefore, will be wek
corned by many people who, though dis
claiming any notion of being scientists
in any sense, have been close and startled
observers of social events.
The authors very properly point on
4i-fasfc Wiit there is tiwgreatest danger
from pure destructive criticism of exist
ing social conditions. He who tries to
pull down only will leave society worse
off than before. But, as is indicated in.
this "Manual," there is just as much
danger in constructive methods without
a knowledge of the facts and principles
of sociology. He who attempts success
fully to apply a remedy must first make
a correct diagnosis. A concise and inter
esting history of the beginnings of the
science is given, and the changes in the
views of Mr. Spencer and the short com
ings of his methods are clearly shown
The book is short, is well calculated to
give the very assistance now most need
ed. Every teacher ought to be a student
of social questions, as ought every lover
of his country, and thisguideto a proper
view of the facts and methods of the
science canbe conscientiously recommend
ed. Published by American Book Company
Chicago A New York.