The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, November 01, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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November 1. 1894
Cob. Wm. M- Etewut Write, for Th
Wedth Maker.
Both Old PartJ IWiwnd, Oaed tad
Bound, by Their Ludm, into
tbe Hands of tht Money
World Wide CondlUone Discussed
United Status Senatb.
Washington, D. a, Oct 22, 1 894. f
Editor Wealth Makers:
The transfer of the Republican and
Democratic parties from the people to
thm money powers by Senator Sherman
and Mr. Cleveland has resulted in a retro
grade movement in Europe and America
towards the conditions of the Dark Ages.
If these two gentlemen and their coadju
tors can make the title of the gold com
bination to the masses of the people as
good as they have already done to the
old gold parties, free institutions must
give way to gold barons and serfs.
The demonetization of silver has de
stroyed more than one-half of the metal,
lie money of the civilized world, doubled
the value of money in the hands of the
banks and other members of the gold
combination, and reduced the price of
the property of the people more than
one-half. The iron hand of contraction
binds the limbs cf enterprise., Interest
and extortion are absorbing the wrecked
fortunes of thesonsof toil. Thecontract
between the boundless wealth and osten
tatious grandeurof the gold combination
and the masses of the people struggling
for food and clothing, marks the ap
proaching end of free government.
The reduction of the world's metallic
money to gold alone is the most radical
financial revolution in history, and is
the moving cause of universal distress.
When the revolution was inaugurated,
unexampled prosperity existed in Europe
and America. Twenty years of abund
ant harvests and profound peace cannot
be the cause of universal distress. The
disaster is the result Of no natural cause.
No such cause has been or can be
assigned. Vicious legislation and m alad
ministration are the only possible cause
for the disaster of the present time. The
distress is universal in Europe and Amer
ica, and the viciouslegislation and malad
ministration must have been equally so.
Tariff laws have been constantly chang
ing in all the nations involved in the
present disaster. The results of such
changes are limited and confined to a
lew interests involved.
Hard times prevailed between 1810 and
1850, when gold and silver mining wag
interrupted by the Spanish-American
wars. Times were irood from 1850 to
1873 while the suudIv of cold from Call
fornia and Australia was abundant.
During each of these periods there were
freauent tariff .chances in the United
the leaders of the Cleveland Democracy
are canvassing thecountry and proclaim
ing that the tariff is the cause of the
present distress. Tariff tinkering is the
only remedy any of them propose. The
country has tried a Republican tariff and
a Democratic tariff to cure the disease of
contraction to the gold basis, and ob
tained no relief. The Cleveland Demo
crats and the Republican leaders resemble
the vendors of quack medicine on street
corners haranguing the people on the
universal cure the drug they sell will
produce. The application of th bread
poultice on the arm to cure a broken leg
would be as reasonable as tariff tinkering
to remedy the univeesal distress pro
duced by robbing the world of half its
metallic money.
The Republican party is primarily re
sponsible for the distress of gold contrac
tion. That party approved the fraud of
1873, omitting the silver dollar from the
lint of coins, and on all occasions gave
three-fourths of its votes in congress to
keep silver demonetized. The Democrat
ic party until the election of Mr. Cleve
land was opposed to the gold standard,
and voted in congress to restore silver
coinage, nut Air. ueveiana aiwr ,ui
election, took lessons from Mr. Sherman,
joined the gold Republicans, and fought
with them. Finally, in the extra session,
by his power and patronage he brought
over from the ranks of free coinage Dem
ocrats enough recruits to the gold Re
publicans to ratify the crime of 1873 and
perfect the work establishing the gold
There can be no doubt that Mr. Cleve
land and his followers and Mr. Sherman
and the Republican leaders are in har
mony upon all financial questions, and
only differ as to who shall have the
offices. They are fully in accord as to
the policy which makes gold barons and
serfs. They also concur in the use of the
cuttleflnh policy to darken the waters by
sham battles over the tariff or anything
else which will conceal the fact that the
want of money is the cause of the disas
ter and that the destruction of one-half
of the metallic money of the world has
made money scarce and difficult to ob
tain. They know that Repuplicanism
and Cleveland Democracy means the gold
standard, dear money, and continuous
falling prices.
The People's party is the only national
party organization which is in favor of
remonetizing silver at a ratio of 16 to 1
without regard to what other nations
may do. Both the old parties by their
votes in congress, and by the adminis
tration of the treasury department, are
firmly committed to the single gold
standard. The gold standard in this
country is the joint work of Cleveland
Democracy and John Sherman Republi
canism. Old parties cannot be reformed.
Party ties must be broken before the will
of the people can be felt at the Capitol.
There has been no time since Bilver was
demonetized when the people did not de
sire its restoration. They relied on the
vague and unauthorized promises of pol
iticians in the old parties and ambiguous
expressions in platforms, believing that
Pullman and his Statement
cold and
. Pullman's statement is
emotionless as a rock of ice.
From first to last It is unrelieved by a
single gleam of human sentiment, and
unstirred by a single pulse or sign of
humanitarian life, at a period when over
all others in history, the voice of the infi
nite is saying to every rich man: "Caini
where is thy brother?"
It settles no point of dispute between
himself and the world's awakened con
science. ' '
He denies nothing and evades every
thing witb'which he is charged, and, at a
time when millions of honest laborers,
less fortunate and shrewd but more
worthy than himself, are destitute of
means and work which all the resources
of the present competitive order are ab
solutely powerless to supply, he neither
discusses nor suggests anything except
"business" cold, j heartless, morally,
idiotic and mentally fiendish business,
which is being weighed in the scales of
justice and experience, and found wanting
in all the essentials of ideal human society
business that begets hypocrites in
church and State, turns the temple of
liberty into a den of thieves and culmi
nates in slavery, piracy and murder.
At the close of the statement, the facts
remain, that with an annual income of
$10,000,000, and a controlling interest
in a plant which he estimated is worth
130,000,000, George M. Pullman a pro
fessed disciple of him who said to a far
worthier man than Pullman: "Sell all
thou hast and give to the poor, and then
take up thy cross and follow me" raised
the rent and cut the wages of his employ
ees, some of whom he allowed to almost
starve before his eyes, because a business
which in prosperous years had yielded
him millions in clear profits was passing
through a "panic."
it is true tnat tne concern bad very
recently declared a quarterly dividend of
two per cent, and tnat Mr. Pullman
might have lowered the rents instead of
the wages of bis tenants, and deducted
the loss from his personal income, but
this would not have been "business."
Then, when the industrial energies of
the nation had become paralyzed, and
bis fellow citizens were losing millions
through his obstinacy and heartless
ness, inspired and backed by the VEuro-
pean system which controls labor
through the control of the currency," he
prudently retired to Long Branch m
search of shelter from the storm he had
invoked, and "fiddled," while Chicago
was burning. This is the way Pagan
Nero did in the early dawn of the Chris
tian era, and this is the way our christian
Neros do after nearly two thousand years
of unequaled competitive "see saws." in
which the name of Jesus goes up to be
worshipped one day out of seven, and
Mammon ascends and holds sway the
other six.
But the end is not yet, and will not be
until those two opposing energies, the
prince of this world and the prince of
peace, moving away from and yet to
wards each other in a circle, meet face to
One stroke of Pullman's pen one im
pulse of the christian fellowship he pro
fessesin the interest of families that had
claims upon him equal at heart to those
which bound serfs to feudal Barons,
might have set the wheels of commerce
m motion, giving Dreaa to tne nungry,
tha nnrtv tn which thev belonged would.
I . . . ii fir-rW nnrl npnon rn unniatv. and theneace
States and in every country in Europe. m power '.restore tne money o m. con- QodVbi passeth all understanding-
The effects of those changes were local, "u,uuu"' uul f" - to bis own miserable soul tnat can never
not universal, and what effect the tariff party has pursued the policy the people again know peace in this life, and, per
hftaWiiwwnihPnnd still is a condemned and maintained the gold haps, for cycles m the life to come; for
Is it not time for the people to vote for
their own men and their own partyY
Have they not been betrayed long enough
and often enough to withdraw their con
. . i a . ? t
tariff, and times are no better. Neither Hdence irom tnose wno nave aewiveu
high Republican tariff norlow Democrat- em? I believe they have, and that the
ic tariff will relieve our distress. It cer- time is near at ha,nd when the people of
tainly will not materially affect the peo- the United States will strike ror liberty
pie of Europe. The disaster which is im- break be chains of contraction
poverishing the people of the United by restoring the money of the constitu-
tlOD. i ours, very iruiy,
Wm. M. Stewart.
disputed question.
Since the demonetization of silver until
the last session of congress we had a Re
publican tariff, and times constantly
grew worse. We now have a Democratic
States and Europe at the same time and
in the same manner is not the tariff, civil
service reform, prohibition, or any other
question local to this county. The
United States and all Europe have de
monetized silver, doubled the purchasing
power of gold, and reduced prices more
than fifty per cent. This legislation is
common to all the countries which are
now afflicted with falling prices, hard
times, want, and misery. No other cause
for the distress is common to all the
afflicted countries. No country which
has not committed the crime of demone
tizing silver has suffered depression. In
dia was more prosperous than ever be
fore until silver coinage was suspended in
that country a year ago last June. Be
fore that time she had no difficulty in
promptly paying $80,000,000 in gold as
interest on her bonded debt because of
the increase of her productions and her
growing exports under the benign influ
ence of a sufficient volume of money to
prevent falling prices. Since the suspen
sion of coinage, she has been compelled
to borrow $50,000,000 to pay interest
on account of decreasing production and
declining exports,
Japan and Mexico, and all other silver
standard ctuutries, and more prosperous
than ever before. These examples show
that any great gold standard country,
and particularly the United States, which
would remonetize silver would at once be
the financial, leader of the world and
make every other gold standard country
tributary to her prosperity. The differ
ence of exchange, if gold should go to a
premium which, as .the gold advocates
allege, would be the case, would encour
, age exports and retard imports, and
thereby foster home industry as it did in
India, and as it does in Mexico aud Jap
It is a remarkable fact that Harrison,
McKinley,,)AftfeBw iuU&c;.
Condition of Oklahoma Banks.
Washikgton, Oct 29. An abstract
of the condition of the national banks
of Oklahoma at the close of business
on October 2, shows the average re
serve to have been 30.49 percent
against 47.98 per cent on July IS.
Loans and discounts increased in that
period from 8339,947 to $201,630.
Stock and securities decreased irom
$147,905 to $147,883. Gold coin de
creased from $45,325 to $32,621. Law
ful monev reserve decreased from
$106,841 to $89,750. Individual de
posits decreased from $625,733 to
Destructive Fir In Fensaeola.
Pknsacola, Fla., Oct 29. Muscogee
wharf, the property of the Louisville
and Nashville railway company, upon
which is located all the warehouses, I
and the coal chute of the Export coal
company, is burning with no hope of
the fire being controlled by "the fire
department. Several' sailing vessels
moored alongside ot tne wnarves nave
caught fire and are now burning.
The exact loss cannot be ascertained,
but it will not fall short of $300,000.
The Largest Manufacturers of
On thU Continent, have ncdTed
from th great
Industrial and Fi
ln Europe and America,
' TJnliketh. Alka
'd In inf of thfir nrtrjarations. daNelou. BREAKFAST COCOA la abwlutoll
pun and aolubia, and coiU Urn than M oenl ctg.
IJfftiTWrfl "'
God is not mocked, aud that which a man
sows he must also reap. He faced the
suoreme ODDortunitv of his life and
The time had come when, all over the
civilized world, wretched, gaunt and de
BDairinar oovertv was pleading with out
stretched hands, not for charity, but
justice, and for that which it had a right
to exoect from the well-filled vaults and
granaries of the proud, fat, overgrown
'caDital." whose flesh, bones, muscle,
nerves, and purple and fine linens repre
sented the cornered products, tne stoien
lands, the exoloited labor and vanished
life-blood of weary millions of human be-
intrs: and Mr. Pullman might have an
swered the appeal in a manner that
would have thrilled the hearts of his race
with new hope and inspiration, and the
poor, old, dying century to once more
ft its head and sav to tne new: -now,
let thv servant depart in peace."
The Son of Man had come in the even
inflr t,wilicht of the rich man's life, and
stood knocking at the door of his heart
But, the rich man looked out and when
in the place of a jeweled king, he beheld
only "the least of his brethren," he shut
the door in his Master's face, and went
hnnk to his feast in the palace hall and
his vessels and idols of gold, to wait
little longer for the hand writing on the
But the end is not yet. American Fed
1 1
candidates of the Republican party, and I mTM BAKER fc CO. BCSCKE8TER.ISA& " of the armv.
nierluttn tue induf Kan.
Hamburg, Oct 29. The senate to
day published a decree prohibiting
the importation of American live
cattle and fresh beef on the ground
that two cargoes which have just ar
rived contained several animals suf
fering from Texas fever. Consign
ments which are proved to have left
America by October 27 are exempted
from these provisions, but the ani
mals imported must be killed in the
abattoir l-ere immediately after they
are lauded.
Miel for r,,,ooo.
Pkrry, Ok., Oct. 29. The widow of
Hugh Corrigan, who was killed here
Monday morning, and whose remains
were found scattered along the rail
road track for a quarter of a mile,
has sued the Santa Fe road for $50,000
damages. The coroner's jury was four
days investigating the case ana tne
verdict rendered is that the railroad
and crew who were running the train
are criminally liable.
St. Louis. Mo.. Oct 29 General
Amos Beck with, who was chief of the
commissary department of General
W.. T. Sherman's army during the
civil war, died at his home here about
, fwg-x?7ir fro was 69
nn old and was on the retired list
An Open Letter
Hon. W. A. Paxtoe. J. A. McSh&oe, John
Peters et al, Omaha, Aeb.
Gentlemen: 1 am in receipt of'your
letter of October 18th asking me to assist
i , i AAV.
yon in prosecuting a case siyiet Ne
braska's Prosperity vs. Party Politics,"
and as I am one who for the past thirty
one years has been a friend to the plain
tiff and for nearly as long has bad little
or no love for the defendant, I hasten to
Accompanying your request I have
received copy of brief and pleadings in
the case, which Ihavecarefully examined,
and, boys, I must say before consenting
to assist you that I fear you have a Very
weak "case, either because you have failed
to secure the proper testimony or because
the case is of itself without merit. I
learned some time during the first fifty
years of my practice that it was reason
able to expect that not only attorneys
but clients as well always wentinto court
with their very best evidence, hence the
evidence brought forward might always
be considered as the strongest to be had,
and when I read the summary of the
testimony you propose to offer I can but
recall the words of an astute lawyer who
counseled one just beginning the practice
that in case the justice was weak he
should bear heavily on the law, and in
case the law did not come to his support
he should dwell wholly on the justice of
the case. But the young lawyer queried
as to what he should do in case that he
was neither supported by the law or
justice. "In such cases," said the aged
pettifogger, "you can only open your
mouth and howl like hell." This is, no
doubt, what you propose to do and are
doing in the case, and I see no reason
why I should join you in plaintive wails
and in shedding crocodile tears before the
the jury of intelligent men who are to re.
turn a verdict on the 6th day of Novem
ber. Had you been able while empanel!
ing said jury to have rejected all except
such as "never read no papers and never
had no opinions," then, and in that case
you might have some hopes of winning,
In all tbe matter intbenatureoi evidence
that you have brought before the jury
you have nothing but what Judge Gaslin
would term "sickly vaponngs," as you
have not a scintilla of evidence to prove
that the people who have caused you
such hideous nightmares over "unsound
principles," "repudiation of debts,"
hostility to creditors," and provoked
you to such frenzy, are the enemies of
good government. When you have im
posed on tbe jury lor weeks wit h your rot
about "discredit oi tne state, "discour
aging enterprise," "rise in rates of inter
est," etc., etc., youropponents have only
to answer, "Hater and the intelligent
jury will bring in the verdict. Will the
saving of $100,000 to the people by
economic management of our state insti
tutions, the lopping on of supernumera
ries who have cost the taxpayers $30,000
every two years, tbe placing of our per
manent school fund where it will draw 7
per cent instead of where it will do the
most good lor the party, or party's ma
chine, tbe enforcing of tbe faw that saves
to each and every county in the state a
probable average of $2,500 by securing
interest on county moneys on deposit,
and many other economic measures that
tbe People s party has already or is push
ing to the front will these impair the
credit of the state?
No. gentlemen, your case is as weak as
it is hopeless, and you are scared, if scared
at ull. for nothing, for tbe sun will rise
as usual on themorningof November 7th
and the seating of anas A. Jtlolcomb in
tbe gubernatorial chair, while it will re
sult in vast good to tax-burdened Ne
braska and boss-ridden Nebraskans, will
not so much as cause a ripplein the great
stream of money that is seeking invest
ment in our state. Today, while the old
bosses are trembling in their boots we
are in receipt of a letter from an eastern
firm offering to loan money on improved
farms at a little lower rate of interest
than has ever been charged in this
county. ,
You speak of the case tnat was peioro
the lurv four years ago. that you as
Business Men s Association won. wen
bovs. I always did believe that "you'uns'
won in thatcasebvmeansunprofessional
unjust and unrighteous, and since some
of vou have fallen out as to who shall be
governor 1 have aoundant prooi tnat
my conclusions were right. Do you pro
pose to try and win this case in the same
wav? Have you due regard for the code,
or do you believe that tbe end to be ob
tained jnstifys the means to be used? Uo
you as Democrats and Repub&cans be-
Uava vnn .re consistent with the teacn-
ings of your illustrious prototypes? Do
you believe the people are capable of self
government, and then believe that with
all your eloquence, your subsidized press
and your windy declarations and threats
that it is necessary for you to form a
"Riiainaa Men's Association." levy and
collect filthy lucre to secure evidence
with which to convince your intelligent
jury in the way that some of you did in
1890, if some of the others of your num
ber can be relied upon?
But come to think of it, Mr. Paxton,
you are the man who wrote a letter that
Tbe Granger was requested to puouou m
1890, in which you stated mat you
helped buy and present a set of , silver
ware of great value to a member of the
state legislature in payment ior Berviww
rendered in securing the enactment of n
good law, which said doing is, under our
statute, an onense against, m omw.
And, Mr. McSbane, if I am not mistaken,
you are the man who is written down in
history as the big boodler of 1886 and of
, r n VnK.naL'a naa
WOOSe aCIS in WJUgreno hcuiod.o
never been proud. In the language of
the Nebraska miner, "Be you all frauds?
Nn. hnva. vou have not a good case,
and as you cannot hope to win by means
consistent with thepractice I respectfully
decline and inform you mat you ueeu
not send the retainer; ' and further, I
would advise you to withdraw the case
and not further make consummate asses
of yourselves by trying to oupo an m
tellegent people in a fruitless effort to
"protect yolir stock yards, your et
ceteras and your so forths.
I, too, am a a capitalist and a stock'
hnlifer. T own stock in the Library asso
ciation of this city, the Poultry Associa
thenar Nebraska, tbe
Pniintv Pair association, and even the
iiofmiAt Tin o liaH association, but as a
loval American citizen I am willing that
Intelligent voters of the state shall
t- renresentative men to
mact and enforce law, and don't ask for
special legislation or desire to uuiu.
with those who seek by unfair means to
defeat the wishes of the people, not
throgh the dividends on my stock are
small and the base ball business gone to
thunder on account of the loss of confi
dence. I am, therefore, not at your ser
vice, but, Respectfully,
J. H. Dckdas.
Auburn, Neb., Oct. 25, 1894.
They RmoIto Against t hollo Contract
Sectarian Schools.
Louisiana, Ma, Oct 29. The Bap
tist general association of Missouri,
which has just completed its sixteenth
annual meeting there, adopted the
following resolutions before adjourn
"For nearly a decade we have wit
nessed with increasing alarm the ap
propriations from the public treasury
of money in aid of religious organiza
"Contrary to the constitution, as
inimical to public policy, we have
seen the halls of congress desecrated
by an unseemly religious rite and the
service of the government placed at
the disposal of ecclesiastical function
aries, thereby provoking religious
controversy and corruption; therefore
be it
"Resolved, That we, representing
125,000 Baptists, meeting in the gen
eral association of Missouri, hereby
deplore these legislative and execu
tive acts by which the public revenue
and honor of the country have been
invaded. '
"We protest against the appropria-.
tion of money to the various religious
bodies for so-called educational work
among the Indians, by which, during
the past eight years, $4,000,000 has
been drawn from the public treasury,
about three-fifths of which has been
given to the Roman Catholic church.
"We urte upon the Dureau ot In
dian affairs the suspension of con
tracts." . . .
Young Astor as an Engineer.
Fobt Dodge. Iowa, Oct. 2 9. --While
the officials and directors of the Illi
nois Central road were making their
annual tour, John Jacob Astor, who
has quite a mania for mechanics,
mounted the engineer's seat here and
drove the engine to Sioux City, a dis
tance of about 100 miles. The tram
was made to hum at a rather fast
pace for that division of the road,
but, with the exception of a little
difficulty with the water supply, the
trip was made successfully.
G,t these books and our paper as fa4
as you can into the hands of the people,
friends. Buy, read aud circulate. Ad
dress all orders to the
Wkaltb mazers tub. uj.,
Lincoln, Neb.
The New Redemption $0.75
A Plea For the Uospel '
Civilisation's Inferno
Looking Backward 5(
The Dogs and the Fleas 0
Ai; A Social Vision 50
Co-Operative Commonwealth 50
If Christ Came to Chicago 50
Driven From Sea to Sea. 50
London Money Power. ov
Errors In Our Monetary System
And the Remedy 25
Six Centuries of Work and Wages. .25
Seed Time and Harvest
Bond-Holders and Bread Winners. .25
A Better Financial System, or Gov
ernment Banks.. .25
The Duties of Man 15
Ten Men of Money Island .10
Stockwell's Bad Boy 10
Seven Financial Conspiracies 10-
: Notice.
To Emms R. Jatt, non-resident defendant:
Ton are hereby notified that on the S2nd day
of September, 1894, William A. Jett filed a pet,
tlon In the District conrt against yon, the object
and prayer Of which Is to obtain a diTorct from
yon on the ground that yon hare willfnlly aban
doned and deserted plalntifl withont good canst
tor the term ot more than two years last past.
Ton are required to answer said petition on ot
before Monday, the 6th day of November, 18M.
William A. Jitt, PlalntllL
By McNerney ft Altschuler,
Bis Attorneys. 1(U
Electric Motor.
In flood condition. Will be sold Cheap if soldi
Cor nth ft M Sis., - Lincoln, Neb.
nrinif nit r cw
i -a-U Ji ) O IT tWeWs 91
"e ssMesneMsaiemsiesisj
MsWOtTwitam fcwsciric CowFs&fn.
Celebrated Female
Powders never fail.
SnfRSSSaclueSSm '
fo and ran after hUUnc
with TinfT tod PenDTTOjil Pilli ) , particular! 4 oanta.
X. BIX, Utck. UV, Boatoii, sua.
Berlin, Oct 29. A great stir was
caused by the receipt of a telegram
from Cologne giving the substance of
an article in the semi-official Cologne
Gazette, which stated that Chancellor
Von Caprivi and Count Botho Zu
Eulenberg, president of the Prussian
council of ministers, had resigned.
Emperor William telegraphed- to
Prince von Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst
Stahalter of Alsace-Lorraine, re
questing him to assume the chancel
lorship. His majesty also invited Dr. Miquel
to succeed Eulenberg as president of
the Prussian ministerial council.
Three Cent Column.
For Bale." "Wanted." "For Exchange." and
small advertisements for short time, will be
charged three cents per word for each Inser
tion, uutiais or a numDer countea as one
word. Cash with the order
If you Want anything, or have anything that
anybody else "wants," make It known through
this column. It will pay, ,
POPULISTS Send tor the song, "The People,
Dear People." 86c. Address J. B. Bibcock.
Boyalton. Wis.
0. WUiSON, esWIi
Burr's block, Lincoln, Neb.
WANTED Fire and cyclone agents. Good
pay. J. Y. M. Swlgart, 6607, Lincoln,
Neb. 3f
rlGLEY ft BORKETT, attorneys-at-lsw.
10B6 O Bt., Lincoln, Neb.
TINGLEY As BTJRKETT, atrorneys-at-law,
1080 O Bt., Lincoln, Neb. Abstracts examined.
LOTS of Rain, Big Crops, Cheap Land, de
lightful climate in Northern Texas. Send
for Circular. MCDONALD & Bl I CHIE,
IStf Fender, Neb.
TTTB do general Exchange business In
v r Keai isstate ana stocks of Merchandise.
What have you got to trade?
iutuujjs, render, mo.
celluloid portrait, 2Vi by 8 inches, 10 cents.
Ribbon Badges, IS and 25 cents.
K. E. UaOE,
Lincoln, Neb.
If soon can make $1200 to $2000 this year work
ing for ns. Ladles can ao as wen as Keniieuiun
Dept. Bare. b. I. BELL A CO., Philadelphia, Pa
Agents Wanted for "Suiting for Life."
Labor's side of tbe labor Question, by Johh
SWIHTOit.thePlllarof Light of the labor move
ment, complete agent s ouuu inaa. vmcit,
l&rire nrnflta. Address
UK". K. CRAWFORD CO., Kichmoiid.Va. iLIst Kr-
In Female, Nervous
and Chronic Ditesset
Impotence, Sterility,
Neurasthenia, Sex
ual Exhaustion and
all derangements of
the Stomach, Liver
and Blood success
fully treated by him.
Office, 1127 0 Street.
Office days in City
TBeday. Thuridayt
and Saturdays
The "Fixed Star" State.
Best Dining Oar Serrioe is the World.
Nothing can be clothed with more
facts than the statement that thousands
of farmers and fruit growers will leave
tbe more northern climes and locate in
This was evinced by the excursion of
January 9th, over the Chicago, Rock
Island & Pacific to Texas, and the hun
dreds that availed themselves of the low
rate were well repaid for the trip, and
if each one could be heard on the subject,
the unanimous verdict would be, "It is
better than I expected to see, and just
suits me." ,
Many thousands will avail themselves
of the coming excursions and, low rate
offered, as did the hundreds on the last
one, and everyone who desires to secure
a farm of 160 acres, or a 20 or 40 acre
fruit tract in that land of mild climate,
should not stand on the order of their
going but "Go" the first excursion poei
ble. Apply for detailed information as to
rates of fare to any representative of the-.
Great Rock Island Route or any coupon
ticket agent, or address "Editor Western
Trail," Chicago, for fall facts as to the
Gen'l Pass. Agt., Chioago.
l.iUI J k I From Small or Large Amounts.
""ration Frw. Writ. th. PI KMC STOt i 8IUW KS
CHaliUB, PUtob.rf, P, or OKLANKV CO, Banker, an
Rrokari, 118 Rialto (Board of Trad. Annex), Chfeaga,
U.S.A. BlflMttrtltoaow. (Jiiltai tin puMieaU"-) CatUilact
No Money Required. Money is scares and
this College has decided to fnrnlsh board, tutlon,
books, etc.. to students and wait tor pay until
they graduate and earn It. Applicants win ds re
ouired to get some property owner to guarantee
that the College will, lose nothing on their ac
count Special Teachers' Course as well as Busi
ness Write onlck. A. M. Habois. President,
ness. nnmu Grand Island. Neb.
to get a Million of Circulars to
distribute at $4.00 per 10u0.
How to become a first-class
Messmerist, Hypnotist, Mind
Header urn! Clairvoyant, a Lame Book
only inc. Address at once, C. H. KOWAM,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
TS told In "THU BO AD TO
a W0 page book foil of facts
and figures eonoeralng that
land toward which all eyes
are turning. Only 25 cents.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Msave Building.
. eta