THE WEALTH MAKERS. October 25. 1894 Fill HEADQUARTERS. Contlnard from lat pm. hip and the Legion ia imply the Peo pled party club. It it no experiment, ft ia planted in thirty-eight atatea. The beet worker in the People'a party hold our cominiasiona. Many of them hwi waited, but now the sober sense of all tna member of the party impela them to band together in the Legion work. It covers every aituation demanded by the party. All economic meaeurea are dia cuseed in iU meetings. Clubaewill largely disband when the fall electfona' are over. They have never had any ayetematio plan. We change them toLegionafor20 cents for charter and euppliee. The following ia the endorsement of the National Committee of the People'a party: TBI INDUSTRIAL LEGION. Immediately after the Legion wae or- fanised at Memphis on November 19, 892, the offieere of the National Com mittee gave it the following endorse ment: , , We kindly request that the People'a ptty atr.. eountv and local com mi tteee fnerery state in the Union do all in their power and lend a helping hand to orga nise the Industrial Legion. Push the organiiation into every atate, county, precinct and school district in the land. H. E. Taubbnkck, Chairman. J. H. Turner, Secretary. M. C. Rankin, Treasurer. At the meeting of the National Exec utive Committee at Chicago, August 2, 1893, the committee again renewed that request. i At tho meeting of the full committee at St. Louis, February 22, 1894, the follow ing resolution was adopted aa a part of the reiort of the committee on address: Resolved, That we renew our recom mendation adopted at the meeting of the National Executive Committee at Indianapolis and Chicago, and earnestly urge every atate and county committee to organise the Industrial Legion in every voting precinct in the land. This resolution ia printed in the pro ceedings of the meeting of the committee in St. Louis, and the whole ia aigned H. E. Taubeneck, chairman; J. H. Turher, Secretary. We have 1,000 Legiona in line already. We have the additional endorsement of nearly all the state committees, who all bold for another year. They see the ab solute need of this organisation. Arkansas', after a noble fight in Sep tember, where they gained all along the line, have issued a grand state committee address and urge the people to organise Legions and ask all cluba to turn Into Oondaetod by J. Y. V. Swibabt. Corraspos dano. solid Ud. Kir, eydoaa or hail. Legiona at once, and tbey are now writ ing from every county. Let this example be followed in every atate. Objection ia made that the legion re aiata fusion, and no man or woman can belong to it that barters the honor of the party; that ia its proudest title to confi dence. Wherever fusion has raised its head the Legion has helped to kill the monster. We will never win until we deserve to, and then God will crown us with a victory. Every emergency in our great work ia provided for in the Legion. The South, in its daring battle against both the old parties cannot enthrone the radiant principle of a fair ballot without a strong and determined Legion at every voting precinct demanding at the risk of life, if needed, an honeat count. In the great citiea with their multitude of socle ties we can maintain our principles and have untrammeled conventions by a Le gion in every voting precinct. We will be swallowed up and our name changed and platform obliterated if we do not mass in Legiona. Organisation alone will maintain the faith adqpted at Oma ha. The grand workers who have pro claimed our doctrine from ocean to ocean and by the noble sell sacrifice have earn ed the laurel crown will be trodden nnder foot and their places taken by a discor dant force that will disband and destroy ua if we do not organise. We are com posed of a heterogeneoua mass, bound together by slender tiea and ropes of and and if we do not cling together our enemies will separate us. The same agents that made merchandise of past movements are again at work. Men who hold our commission in high places should not part their garments with the enemv and wreck themselves in a hope- leaa attempt to save both God and mam mon. "He who is not for us is against us," and "while our doors are open to the North. South, East and West," we need not go outside our own ranka for men and women to lead our columna. We have nothing in common with the rotten bulks of the old parties ana we can win this battle bv thorough organi sation on the fundamental doctrines of the Omaha platform, and when the vie torv is won we can earner every fruit and legislate in favor of all the legitimate de mands of honest labor. Let as inaugurate the great conflict of 1896 bv rallying everywhere into local Legions, so we ma; be ready for the bat tle. We have millions to contend with The enemy are entrenched; they control both the old parties; they have allies across the Bea. It will need the grandest effort that the world has ever witnessed to win the victory. In our ranks rest the bosses of a peaceful settlement at the ballot box. The enemy are eager to use force. Thev control the army and navy and have the money power of the world tosuDDort their cause. Five hundred thousand battle-worn veterans who once wore the Blue and Gray, are banded to gether to save the nation from the hor rors of civil war. Once they contended lite men in the areua of blood. Now, thank God, under the old flag Washing ton, Adams and Jefferson gave us we tnnnh nlhowa to save the nation from ' HMtrnntinn. We want 1.000 brave de- mntaA men find women who with a Will ing nirit of self sacrifice will march for- n.rd and overcome all obstacles and plant the bannerof the Industrial Legion in avafv votinir precinct in the land. If this is done the People's party will cap fn th White House and congress in 1 OR. Who will volunteer? Send for and let all clubs. Alliances, farm nl labor orders procure charters at once. Paul Vandkrvoobt. W Icgot to mention last week that Judge Stark, our candidate for congress in the Fourth district, was invited by Judge Reese to make a short speech at the opening of the law department of the State University, Judge Thompson of n..m1 Inland was the other speaker. Judge Stark ia recognised by men of ull partica as a man of aplendid ability and attainments, Hia brotberliness-if we may coin a word-tale uuvaryingcourtesy and large heartedness, are what make him so popular. ADVICE TO SOLICITORS. There are several secretaries of local mutual companies who might add to their stipend by adopting the plan of canvaasing for insurance that Bro. Lich ty uses. In the Richardson county com pany the fees are $2 for first $1,000. In the cyclone company, $3. He tells his patrons that the fees are $5 for fire, lightning, cyclone, tornado and wind storm, aud 20c per $100 added. The result is, he sent to us in one week a bunch of the applications, while if he bad told them the fee was $2 in the local com pany and had written their fire applica tion and then asked them about the cy clone part, they would not have had time to bother with it, while, as a rule, most people need and are more desirous of protection against wind than fire, be cause in the latter they have a great amount of control by being careful, but with the former no man can in any way effect the force, course, velocity, time or any other element. Further. If you will stop to think you will conclude that there is more loss by wind on farm prop erty than by fire. I hope that not only the secretaries of local mutuals but also all agents of local mutuals will do the cause of mutual insurance good by push ing cyclone insurance on ali good and substantial buildings possible, for two reasons; first, by getting the cyclone in surance out of the way of stock companies' road agents they will have that much less to try to get your members into a company that will, carry all the risk; second, by getting better wages you can do more work and will be able to stay in the field more, hence your local company will grow faster, aud Dually the road agents of all competitors Willi have van ished, as is the case in many localities. Some ti me ago we spoke of W. B. Thatch er having written hini nsurance with us and in five days he sent in his policy for cancellation. In a few days he had a loss, and now we are told that he cancelled his insurance with us and placed it with the Farmers and Merchants. That com pany had $600 on furniture. It was totally burned and yet be wae told that the company was not responsible, but they would compromise by allowing him $265. Rather than go into law Mr. T. accepted their unfair, unjust, ungentle manly and dishonest offer. Just as hun dreds of farmers have done at the bid of monoy-making insurance companies all over the state. Just as long an farmers will allow these oily-tongued agents to give them calls they may expect to be gulled, both by the agent and the com pany. If the farmers of this state will consider the insurance man who calls on him two or three times as great a fraud as the lightning rod man in his palmiest days, and treat him the same, they will in a short time not be bothered by them, and your neighbor who has a fraternal feeling will giveyou an honest adjustment of your loss. P. S. Please mark this article and haud to your neighbor. THE CHAMBERED NAUTILUS This IS Mm ship of paari which poets taiga. Ball the BBabadowed ein Th ventaron bark that Mags Oa th iMt rammer wind Its parol wings Ia gall ancbaatad a-har tha aim elnga, Aud eorala raafi II bar. Where tha cold aea-malda rise to ana their itraant log hair. Its web or Urlng game no more anfarl; Wreaked la the ahlp of pearl! And Tery chambered eeU Where It dim-dreaming life was wont to dwell. Aa the frail tenant haped hi growing hell. Before thee Ilea revealed It Irlaed celling rent, It innlee crypt unaaalad. Tear after year beheld the silent toil That prad hi lostroa coll; Still aa the iplral grew. He left the paat year' dwelling for the new, 8tole with aoft atep IU ahining archway through, Bnilt np It Idle door; Stretched It last-found home, and knew the old no more. Thank forth heavenly meeaag brought by thee. Child of th wandering sea. Cast from her lap forlorn. From thy dead Hp a clearer not Is bora Than ever Triton blw from hi wreathed hornl While oa my ear it ring. Through th deep cave of thought I heat a vole that ilnga, "Build thee more etately mansion. 0 my oul, As tb w If t season roll! ' . Leave thy low-vaulted paatl Lat each new temple, nobler than the last. Shut the from heaven with a dome mora vast. Till thou again art free. Leaving thine out-grown ihell by 111' unreitlng sea." O. W. Holme. . Ex-Lecturer Faircbllds Heard Prom Oakdalr, Neb.. Oct 17, 1894. Editor Wealth Makers: Herewith I send subscription; continue tp send The Wealth Makers. We must have it. We find it is the truest, the surest, and the most formidable and effective weapon in batttling for truth and human liberty. ' Our people in this portion of the atate are solid in line for the Independent state ticket, and those who know of the intri cate workings of Joe Bartley aud Barret Scott, the Holt county defaulting treas urer, find that it would be greatly to the interest of the people of the state, if every voter would cast his ballot for J. H. Powers for treasurer. The contest in this congressional dist rict is between Meiklejohn and J. M. De vine. Hensley is not considered to be in the fight. Devineis making a splendid canvass. He is found equal to the de mand everywhere, and is havinga strong following from all parties and win un doubtedly be elected over Meicklejohn by a handsome majority. Yours for the success of our cause, our ticket and The Wealth Makers. S. C. Faibchilds. That Bank Kobb ry at Homer Another murderous attempt of the bloodhounds to besmirch the character of an upright and honored citizen has come to light. This time the victim is Herman Freese of Antelope county. Mr. Freese was formerly cashier of the Homer bank, and later lived a while at Pender. Some three or four years ago, while Mr. Freese was acting as cashier, it is alleged that the bank of Homer was robbed of $1,500 in gold and bank bills. It is fur ther alleged that the "mystery" of the bank robbery is now being cleared up, the account of which in part is as follows: The party who occupies the house form erly occupied by Mr. Freese, went to the well a few mornings since to araw a bucket of water: the first bucket yielded a five dollar bill, which so encouraged the drawer that he kept on until $15 was in like manner secured. The matter was communicated to the bank, the president of which at once recognised (?) his money, had the well drained and recovered be tween $1,200 and $1,300. A warrant was sworn out and Mr. Freese arrestea while in the midst of a campaign for the office of county attorney. It seems that there are several mysterious features to the above strange story that need clear ing up before Mr. Freese s character is assailed. If Mr. Freese had anything to do with the bank robbery, why did he throw the whole batch into his own wellf If he did and knew it was still there, why did he leave it there when he moved away? How did it happen that the well gave up its valuable deposits in euch quick succession after once started, when It bad shown no signs oi tne same in toe past three or four years? It is very posxioie mat an oi m auove questions could he answered by the pres ident oi the bank and his backers, if they would. But they will not. Mr. rreese s rood character must be broken if possi ble, and he defeated at whatever cost. It does seem to be nign time mat "mat old aerpont, which is the Devil, and Satan" bo bound. C.T.G. Populist Campaign Orators Dates. The State and Congressional commit tees announce below the dates and places when and where our statecandidatesand the Texas "Cyclone" will speak. Let each Populist within reach immediately take a hand in advertisingthesemeotings and get as many of his neighbors oat to hear our speakers as possible. Make each meeting a rouser. Much depends on losal preparation and each wide awake Populist can do much to make the meet ings effective. Look over all the dates below and set yourselves at work. The speakers' places and dates areas follows: JUDGE STARK. Aurora, November 5. 8HRADER AND HAMPTON. Overton, October 26, 7:30 p mv Sumner, " 27, " " Eddyville, " 29, ' Calloway, " 30, " " Thedford, November 2, " " Hyannis, " 3, " W. H. DECH. Osmond, October 26, 2 pm. Brunswick, " 27, 2 " Emporia, " 29, 2 " Swing, M 30, 2 Oakdale, " 31, 2 " Petersburg, November 1, 2 " Boone, " 2, 2 " Platte Center, " 3, 2 " W. H. WESTOVER. Grand Rapids, October 26, 2 p m. Basin, " 27, 2 " Butte, " a, a Spencer, " 30, 2 Lvnch. " 31, 2 Niobrara, November 1, 2 " Verdigris, " 2, 2 " Creighton, " 3. 2 " A. H. WEIR. October 26, 2 pm. 26, 8 " " 27, 2 " " 27, 8 " i. 29, 2 " ' 29, 8 " " 80, 2 " " 30, 8 " " 31, 8 " November 1,2 " I, 8 " , " 2, 8 " " 3, 8 " 5, 8 " n Brown ville, Nemaha City, Verdon, Salem, Johnson, Talmage, Crab Orchard, Sterling, Plattsmouth, Louisville, South Bend, Lincoln, Union College, Lincoln, HON. WM. A. MCKEIGHAN. Tea cultivation is a coming industry of Hawaii. A good quality of rope is now being made from pineapple fiber. The price of camphor advanced 100 per cent as a result of the Corean war. Taper is beginning to crowd out rubber as the material for bicycle tires. In 1825 the price of gas in New York was $10 per thousand feet In 1840 it was $7. In 1855 it was $3.50. Now it is $1.35. In 1874 the eouipment of the New York elevated railroad was six en gines and ten cars. In 1831 the equipment of the New York elevated system consists of 331 locomotives and 1,116 cars. For the last two or three years Eng land experienced a dronth so severe that its agricultural products were aoriouialv iniured. This year, how ever, crop conditions seemed favora ble, and the greatest acreage yield in the world was promised. But heavy rains set in, and almost entirely rsirti the wheat on of Ores 84bv1 October 26, 2 pm. .. 27) 8 " 29, 2 " " 30, 2 " " 31, 8 " November, 2, 2 ' " 3, 2 " Edited by Mb. J. wall. Nebraska. T. Kelub, Secretary. Hart F. Ham & Co. of Philadelphia; who seemed anxioua for the Alliance trade and were well recommended, have not given satisfaction to a brother in Sheri dan county who ordered a suit of clothes of them, sending them $15. They sent him an entirely different and, according to samples sent me, very inferior suit. So they can not be considered very de sirable parties to deal with. There are honest firms and only such are wanted by our order. THE ANNUAL MEETINO. The regular date for our annual meet ing is the third Tuesday in November. The plan for holding such meeting has not been decided on yet, as we were de sirous of having it in the city most con venient for the majority of the delegate That your Alliance may be counted aa eligible to representation and influence the location of the plan of meeting, dues should be sent in without delay. Mrs. J. T. Kellii, Sec'y. That Wjnmm RffrBt can twt meevrf with Dr. Miles' NEBVE PLASTER. Only 25a. IN FOLLY'S WAKE. Customer How do you use this in sect powder? New Clerk On the in sects, ma'am. . Willetts What's Blobson doing :tow? Gilletts He isn't doing any thing. He's got a government posi tion. "Er about this coming prize tight," said the reporter. "Well?" asked the pugilist "Is it to be fought with bare mouths or telephones?" Charlie Mamma, mayn't I go out into the street for a bit? The boys say there's a comet to be seen. Mamma Well, yes; but don't go too near. ' "Hello, Bilby! Still in the patent fire ext'ncfuisher business?" "No. The fact is, Sipes, the building we were doing business in burned down. We lost everything." ' Irrigated Farms-$1,000! if iiar iiir-1 an OUT of a thousand farms in 90UTHWF8T EAJTSA8, of 160 acres each, we are selling a limited number quipped with an independent and permanent irriga tion plant sufficient for at least ten acres on each farm. The price at which these 160 acre farms are selling is merely about what the ten acres and irrigation plant are worth. - Before buying a farm investigate this. 8pecial terms mads for Cslonies, Call on as or write for particulars. THE SYNDICATE LANDS & IRRIGATING CORPORATION, Boom 412 lew Eagland Life Building. 9th & Wyandotte Sts-, 1818 0TTT, MO- All drugfflata sell Dr. Miles' Nerve Plasters. Three Cent Column. "For Sale," "Wanted, ""For Exchange, "and (mail advertisement for short time, will be charged three ceats per word for each Inser tion. Initials or a number counted aa one word. Cash with the order If von wawt anything, or have anything that anybody else "wants," make It known through this column. U will pay. POPULISTS Hand tor th song, "Th People, Dear Peopl," S6& Addraa i. B. Babooox, BoyaltoB, Wla. lata Burr's block, Lincoln, Neb. ints. Good y, Lincoln, 37U TIT ANTED Fire and cyclone i TT pay. J. . Mm owigaxt. Neb. rlGLEY as BURKE TT, attorneya-avisw. 1038 O 8k, Lincoln, Neb. rlGLEY BURKETT. atronteys-at-law, 102S o St Lincoln, Neb. Abstracts ex amined. - - Cheap Land, de- Ushtral climate In Northern Texas. Send for circular. Mcdonald & ri i chib, Mtf . renaer, wen. LOTS of Ram, Big Crops, Ughtfol climate In Nor TTTE do a general Bxchaage business la V V Real Estate and stocks or Merchandise. What have BITOnlE, feyi i,P on sot to trade? 'ender, Neb. MCDONALD 0) lStl HOLCOMB PORTRAIT BUTl'UKS ana rina, cellolotit portrait, 2H by S Inches, 10 cent. Ribbon Badges, U ana zs cents, r . n. uui, LJLI LXJ f) CSC Sfj 60LD Filled WITCH osxTTonmonrcBTHii. bmclab (!et.iu,p"k ? ssvn. rrr ton o datsoiit. THE SOLID GOLD Nil KB WATCH AUD 10 J 131SJ ClOXUti FOB CCT THIS OCT mat un4 it w u Willi your ninw and address, rJ Soar; RraalrtdTn adraMtjand will and la yo by tipma, tama daT wa rccelTt too ord.r, 100 of Mr final Farfaet 10a. Of, aa4 ia tba lama packaa Solid 6 aid Filled Watah, Ilta or Saata aiaa, Itam winder aad utlar, Una artTa Jewel lad nickel taoTamant, caKfaily adjuted and timed, baaatifol Cnlih, enamel dial, aabraak able malaiprl;, splendid timekeeper, eleaant entraTtd eatai, warranted try Special Certltcata 90 yean. Toaaxasaias tha roods at Uieexpreet omca aadir satisfactory, pay theamreu sceat a.M andeiprsea enriaa, and Ik box of 100 Ctfars aad Gold Filled Watcb are yours. This offer Is nada solely to bUrodaoa er fsmeos ciran, and t protect aarselrae arahast dealers and spsemlators ardariaf la larjra oosnttUes, we will Rot sell more toaa I boies sod i wmlrfiae to aavooe rjenco. Waaranav axDraaa aad aire free a pldpliuMchsia whra cask, S.M,i,ssatwllb order. Write n-da. WESTERN UNION MFQ. CO., 8I Wabash Ave.. Chloaco. IIU n ( Write for Catalogue ana meet. THROW AWAY YOUR CURRY COMB AND BRUSH 1 buy RIITM INf.TalN "Cfev.lW' Y(mrlxrtBUaJr7Bycleiin4t keeps a C4-nt1l Rlfltrflf . the hair smooth and irlnwv. No sur-' kJLalDltS aJldllnCL. I tingle required. No tight girth. No eon backs. No chafing of mane. No nib-1 blngof tail.No horse can wear them under his feetNO COM B OFF TO ThKM. , We confine our safes to Jobbers only. SdTnof" them, we will, In order to convince yon of the superiority of the BURLING- ( TON "OTaY ON" over all Imitations and old style blankets, send only one , mangel m any aoaresg, express paia on receipt or price. Burlington Blanket Co., - Burlington. Wis. wiAtllif r m bv r n W UIIA IM UJV latUajlJ VaVIJriaVa i . Dn.sitiwelv Guaranteed to dive . 'tyiliifocliooy a fair Trail AlWed 1 ijendjof Ujo rjave vsta trjerrj Manufactured q) OMLV BV THE fevRPCK I6LAND PLOW CO. Rock Island, III. P7 $5 tloma FStPat'd b .. HULBERT, Winn, a . .a, BBi BlBBBBBBBBBBBBBar BV BB Jl Ba . . ' gitrT, DURABLE Fence; OMIT 980 KK UlLt. H " LABrD - OWMBRS oMjHUftht ooh w111 - V V JtlwO damnrouMbart Nie ii ssl. moilr ljub.00 W Afas.aalaa L MUUIUUmontsarHiMLWUMWUaJll Tha Men looai ana iraTeiins; agenia wanaea btoi-j-whero. Write at onoe for circular and oboloe ter ritory; address A. O. H albert. Patentee, care of Factory Catologne with 100 engraved designs and prices, sent free a any who want fancy Iron and wire work or city, oemetary and farm fenoet, ate. UUhLUw FAIR AWAKES rut a urnii i kraaa. :.. wraoa. 4a. I ITU MLUAL I and onff Diploma for Branty tit "Bin ana ajnraisnet.u. 50,000 of these vni.clen hut Deen aoin airaici w me ir.n, Send at once for oer conipiei !et&logaeiD)of every kind t wrhlrleit fasAnieaa.alg boiM tlrada. tiau. of testimonials, they are '-- AIU.MCF CAHP'AOE CO.. CINCIW" w e n,0Waow Yittt SA-KOT IK ROW T0flB3 WlrC IT AID FAI FIEIBHT. X LI Bay ear tdraawewalart ar oaa ba rt -1 Miak asaa flsaaas si 1 1 laa inn a.elyaaTafcaal aUua.adspUd ka Utkt aad beary workt raaraatasd fori laara) will AataKatUaVebMaVlaaW, Srlf-Tkraadla CaBa ar SaaUla, BairsatUaa Baaelle sad a complete rwofid'a i Fair . ;Hrghest Awaro THE KEYSTONE Dehcrnhg Clipper, in naiyuM. fftp'O na aurauie n. 5fc- i a l .aBBr cncuuRs sm ran. C.BROSIUSfMva FVM. WOODS, Fine Stock Auctioneer. .u. mS atmmt SII..SlMSWSa, sfclaasi BB 1 reoairaa ia aaraacat ail tw TrUL Na faosa. World's Fair Asadalawaraed DenU.Byf aory mm aar. imint cJ, VuaOaS aad sead today far awaktaa or larre fraa FREE SilLlt.oitap-. - yy.ji:T- Fl. C0.BUwaUttAV.elTABO,IU OXFORD WILL $1200 MEET YOUR WANTS? H so job can mk $1200 to $2000 this year wora tnm . t.aiiias na An at well a gentlemen' Dept. Bar, b. I. BELL A CO.. Philadelphia, Pa- Agents Wasted tor "Striking lor Lite." Labor'a side of tha labor question, by iom SwwrOir, (he Pillar of Ughtj of ths labor move ment. Oompleta agent's outfit nUK Quick, AaTIOIIAl. rWB. . f vnivaavi a... VA. FAKMS FOR- . v lnnr and UPWARDS. IN YEARLY PAYMENTS. fNTEKJSST S PERCKNT.OMB TO EXCHANGE NORTHERN SETTLbMblNi. OK. E CKAWKORD & CO.. Richohp.Va. Llt Fr M Bsldaad alrarWaSiaea. Wmisa, At ? i flGB EiTBsst SawtaaB Ainrlis.i, Oraaaa, Haaaa, (Mar Bills, tsr terts? S35T dasasarawa, lrwa, WfJ aiaaa, mmm, lsrea r"f!"lF Y HOW TO MAKE IT QUICKLY l.alie JC I From Small erJK."! i,';" writ. th. j nwemtl -maw CHASfiB, Plttari, ra o. DKLANKl a CO, Baaaan l aaa Brokers, linaiaiwinoaraoi " ' " t 7",w, a,u mmm ti a . tri i -a... Ma.aeataBttkUoltteB. OattUsaa. AND NORMAL SCHOOL' Vn Ifnnav Hummed. Money I scare and tbia College ha decided to furnish board, tutlon. IVla;'.;. .nd tarn It. Applicant will be re quired to -ret some property owner to guarantee that tb College will loss nothing onheirao. connt. Bpecial Teachers Course a well a Burt- writ, qutca. . -.--. iSSra Imperial, Culbertson, Macon, Hildreth, Clay Center, Hardy, Guide Rock, Thn Lancaater County Campaign State candidates will sjeak in Lancas ter county at the following times aud places: Waverly, Oct. 31, Powers and McFad- den. Raymond, Nov. 2, Gaffin and Rewick, HOW to get a Million of Circulars to diutrlbnt at $4.00 per 10nO. How to become a nrst-clas Messmerlst, Hypnotist, Mind Header and Clairvoyant, a Large boos 4 only 10c. Address at once, u. n. nun an. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Battlaa, Baaa A.rUe, Bayattan, Drtlts, Baatrtawa. Bllla. lalaaa Biadara. INsaatlaras, aa Carta, rarvaa. ftaraa Wlr. aja, Wrlaawa. aWiaa, Basra, StaatStaSa, Saeat far Ira Cats tea ws aad aaa saw tm waBaaay. IHSa. saw II a BV. BAUC Aao auaVh tw nawaaa.a Please mention The Wealth Makers. ttos e BTatrr. V LINCOLN, NEB. TBBCBHIBB, CbaaMr Wan, K Jstasj Bad aad ralaa Ohlaa PIOS. Jataay, Oaaraaar aa BaVMala Castta. Tbaraaiabrai vUl, Ckaasar Vmm-wmmm. Furnas County Herd. L-E. Beikthiwa Foland-Ohinu. Eolstein Oattle- TT - HIGHEST BICYCLE HONORS AT THE WORLD'S FAIR r,, war swarded to BICYCLES A decision merelg supplemental to the Judgment of approval of the best Informed wheel devotees. HOW TO GET RICH IS told In 'TBI no AD TO WEALTH LKAD8 THROUGH THE SOUTH," a 800 page book full of facts and figures concerning that land toward which all ere are turning. Only 26 cents. Z. a ROBERTSON A CO., Cincinnati, Ohio Neava Building. Wk expected to have in this week's ia sue another instalment of Sixth district matter concerning Mr. Kern, but are sorry to have to say that we forgot to order the matrix cast up in time to get it in. It will appear next week. Mr. Kern ia making a telling canvass and will be elected by a sweeping majority. But keep again', as Bixby saya. Make it and the vote for the atate ticket as big aa possible. Dae the Northwestern Una to Chicaga Low rates. Faat trains. Offioa 1183 0 Street V 4- FREE! CUT THIS OUT and send ittonawlthycmrnameand addreta andwawill atnd jou lilts wutch bv expire, for examination. AwUAHAAiaa sua a ibsbb tent unit. You examine It uuU if J ull think It a bu l ira in pay our aample prlra Si. and ItlMVoul. ltixthebai u- aotneat and bet timekeeper in the world lor the money and bvttertnaniiian.v wnvcueo ...i,i fr fmir timea the Drice. rrvrr witn every rnrt und abaolntelv free mf cliante a lovely (fold plnte chain andcharm.alsooor big iratalomie fun oi Dnrsrai"". WRIT! TO-DAT, thla offer will not arpeir again. Addreaa, THE NATIONAL MFG. & IMP0R1IN6 CO., 334 DEARBORN STREET, Chicaoo, III. Catalogue free at any Rambler Agency. CORMULLY dt JKFFIRY MFC CO. Chicago. Bostos. WASHnteioK. Niw Toax. E. K. GUTHRIE, Agent, lilncoln. Nl GiVei) AWaiji Ii more good points can not be shown In It . than any other hay press made. Martin & Morrissey M'fg Co., Ornarta Tb SWOP CD M pigs sired by six first class males, and from aowa as good. Berkshire : Sal. lies, Dochess, and others. Poland-China: J o r w i a, Tecumseh and WUkea. None better. All stock at half price, (on account et thedrouth),and guaranteed as represented. Mention TBS WBAIffH MaKBRB. ' H. S. WILLIAMSON, Beaver City, Neb. Elkhorn Valley Herd Of POLAND CHINA 8WINE. "if I have all the leading strains including Free Trades, Wilkes and Black U. 8 families. The best let of pigs I ever raised sired by Paddys Chip 1638, Fs Wanamaker 85829, ( o!. U.S. iua My sows are mostly Free Trade ana Wilkes strains. L- H. BUTEB, 5eligh, Neb. Vonr Butter. Exit, Poultry,Vettl,Kvna( Potatoes, Hide, te,ltjs. Wnul. liar, Tenain. tirven and Dried Fruits, or AS YTHINQ YOU MAY HIVE to us. Quick sales at tiie n mnrket price and prompt returns made. vV rite for prices or any Information you may want. SUMMERS, MORRISOH CO., Merchant.!,, 174 South Watr HU Clh IcaaTO. Ill . vkbicncb-Metropolitan National Bank, CbicueSOi PERMANENTLY CURED W no rinmt ufis WE REFER YOU TO 8,000 PATIENTS Write for Bank References . EXAMINATION FREE. !Io Operation. Ho Detention from Business. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. THE O. E. MILLER CO.. 307-308 V. Y. Life Bldg.. OMAHA, NEB. isAaaWUK-. miitMimjtmfWJ ..... "",ss5-WRe Dr. Hllea PainPllkonxeNexinlclaW 1 t v.: V