The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, October 18, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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    October 18,
by i riisvsrv
f Mvtory at H&rvjom C&oTi
conniSNT, mm. my thi author.
"You see I was right," said Merrick
when I met him at the station.
"You have been right in every in
stance," I answered. "The inspector
here quite agrees with me that you
should be a detectiva Where are your
"No, nol Not prisoners,", replied
Merrick, shocked at the word. "They
are my guests, traveling companions
what you will, but not prisoners. "
"Still I see my detective attends on
them both," said I as Strent and Rose
Gernon came along the platform.
"It is well to take all precautions.
How is Francis Briarfield?"
"Rather downcast He is afraid of
being arrested for the murder. "
"No fear of that, " answered Merrick,
casting a glance at Strent "This gen
tleman's evidence will exonerate him
fully. "
Strent, smooth and unctuous as ever,
rubbed his hands and bowed, but Rose
Geruon turned her back on him with a
gesture of disgust. Evidently she had
not forgiven his hurried departure from ,
the inn. j
"What are we waiting for?" she said
sharply. "Let us go on to the inquest. ';
I wish to get it over as soon as possible j
and return to town. " '
We took the hint and walked along
to a room adjoining the morgue, where ,
the inquest was being held. I intro
duced Merrick to the inspector, and
after a short conversation they went,
into the morgue to examine the body.
JNot caring to see so ghastly a sight, 1
remained outside with Francis. In a
quarter of an hour the doctor and the
inspector returned, the former rubbing
his hands with a well pleased expres- j
sion, the latter looking somewhat as-;
tonished. What had passed in the
morgue I know not as Merrick refused
to gratify my curiosity.
"Wait till you hear the evidence of
Strent, " he said significantly.
The jury was made up of well to do
Marshininster tradesmen, who took a
profound interest in the proceedings, as
the dead man was the brother of Miss
Bellin's future husband. The Bellins
were the great people of the neighbor
hood, and the tradesmen hoped to serve
the hall when Mr. and Mrs. Brairfield
settled there. They were, therefore, ex
cessively polite to Francis, but their
frequent marks of attention only drew
from him a bitter smile.
"Would they treat me in this way if
they knew all?" he whispered to me.
"They will never know all," I an
swered in the same tona
I had spoken to the inspector, and he
iu his turn had talked seriously with
the coroner. The latter had been told ,
the whole story, and though astonished
at the folly of Francis yet found it in
his heart to be sorry for the young man. I
He said he would not question Francis !
more than was necessary, and we hoped
to carry through the inquest without,,
exposing the underlying romance, j
The first witness called was a local '
doctor, who deposed to having' examin- i
ed the body of Felix. He gave it as his '
opinion that the young man had died of ,
poison and explained the state of the '
blood with a lot of medical technicalities ,
which none of the jury understood. It ;
was, said the doctor, a case of blood
poisoning, and the deceased had been
wounded in the hand by some sharp in-
strument which was steeped in poison. :
I came next and narrated how I had
staid at the Fen inn on that night and
had met there Francis Briarfield, who
was waiting there for his brother. Then
I told of the discovery of the corpse and
11 iu uuuiug vi tun cuxuwucau in ljic iiin-
placa I said nothing about my tracking
the trail to the pool, and if possible we
wished that portion of the evidence to ;
be passed over in silenca Fortunately j
the jury were a dull headed lot and j
submitted quietly to the guidance of ;
the coroner. He only asked questions
pertinent to tne deatn without going
too deeply into the subject. At this
point I produced the arrowhead.
Francis explained that he had arriv
ed from Chile on the 6th of June and
had gone at once to the Feu inn at the
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he had gone to bed. He was unable to
say how his brother had come to his
tragio end. Then came the critical
point which we wished passed over in
"Did you see your brother at the Fen
inn, Mr. Briarfield?" asked the coroner.
"I did not see my brother alive, " was
the evasive answer.
Perhaps the body had been put in j
the pool by the murderer, " said one of
the jurymen, "in which case Mr. Briar
field would not see him. "
"I did not go to the pool on that
night, " replied Francis, adroitly evad
ing the remark. "It was later on that 1
learned my brother's body was there and
at once gave instructions that the pool
was to be dragged. "
At this point Mr. Briarfield was ask
ed" to stand down, and the inspector's
evidence was taken. He deposed to the
fact that Mr. Briarfield had instructed
him to drag the pool for the body, and
that it was found thera
This piece of evidence quite put the
jury off the scent as, if Francis had
pla ed the body in the pool, he would
not have told the inspector where to
find it The critical point was thus
glided gently over, and the coroner call
ed Rose Gernon. Once the jury knew
how the crime had been committed, and
they would forget all about the hiding
of the body in the pool, so that the folly
of Francis would not be made public.
I must Bay that Rose Gernon gave her
evidence very clearly. Slie said sue
was an intimate friend of Felix Briar
Held, a statement which rather shocked
the moral tradesmen of Marshminster.
Felix asked her to go down to the inn,
as he had prepared it for his brother
and wished to see him there about a
family matter.
"But the inn was a ruin," interrupt
ed a juryman. Miss Gernon said that
was very true. Still it was habitable,
and Mr. Felix Briarfield had sent on
fuel and provisions. As the former pro
prietor had left all the furniture, the
rooms were fairly comfortabla She
could not say why Felix did all this
unless it was that he wanted to see his
brother privately.
Such talk was very weak, and tha
jurymen looked significantly at one an
other. They knew the Fen inn and
could not conceive that any one could be
so mad as to dwell in it even for a night.
It was said to be haunted, and, though
such a superstition might be scoffed at
yet not one of those present would have
passed 12 hours of darkness in that ill
omened placa
"Were you not afraid when you saw
the lone inn, " asked a juryman.
Rose shrugged her shoulders and
laughed contemptuously.
"I am afraid of nothing, "she said
coolly. "There are no such things as
ghosts. Besides I had my brother wit))
"Your brother!"
"Yes, Edward Strent "
The inspector gave a low whistle,
and catching my eye nodded significant
ly. He remembered what I had said on
the previous night and now agreed
with my theory that the secret of the
committal of the crime lay in the rela
tionship existing between Rose and
Strent They were, it appeared, brother
and sister. I saw all kinds of possibili
ties now that such a tie was made clear
Meanwhile Roso proceeded with her
evidence. '
"Mr. Felix Brairfield came to the
inn, " she said, "after his brother had
gone to rest I saw and spoke with him
and afterward went to bed myself. 1
understood that he was going to stay
all night and see his brother in the
j "Was he alone in the room when you
; left him?"
"No. He was with Strent An hour
or so after I retired Strent came to my
door and asked me to go down stairs. 1
did so and found Felix lying dead on the
floor. My brother had left the room,
and on going out at the back of the
house I found him mounting the horse
of Mr. Francis Briarfield. I asked him
what had happened, and he just said
Felix was dead and advised me to fly
! lest I should be accused of the murder '
"That, 1 suppose, was also the reason
of his flight?" ,
I "So he told me when I saw him in
London, but he then declared himself
innocent of the crime. I was afraid I
j would be accused of the crime, so took
I the horse and gig in which we had
come to tne r en inn ana- drove to
Marshminster. From there I returned
to London. " .
"Why did you not give the alarm?' '
"I was afraid of being accused of the
Here the inspector whispered some
thing in the ear of the coroner. He
nodded and again spoke to Rose Gernon.
"Why did you not tell Mr. Denham
where to find Strent when he was ap
parently guilty?"
' "Strent is my brother, " said Rose
quietly, "and as he told me he was in
nocent I did not wish him to be arrest
ed for the crima But that he visited
me yesterday and was seen by the men
set to watch me he would never have
been caught. "
Her examination lasted some consid
erable time, but the coroner did not
succeed in eliciting anything new from
her. She persistently held to the same
story, so in despair the examiner de
sisted, and she was told to stand down.
In her place Edward Strent was called,
and then for me began the most inter
esting part of the casa I knew all that
had been said hitherto, but I did not
know how the crime had been commit
ted and waited to hear what Strent had
to say. I quite believed him to be guilty,
yet hardly thought he would accuse
himself of the crima '
He first corroborated the story of Rose
as to going to the inn and narrated all
that had occurred up to the time wheu
he was left alone in the room with Fe
lix. "When I found myself alone with
Briarfield," he proceeded, "I had a
quarrel with him. "
"About what?"
"About my sister. He had promised
to marry her, yet as I well knew, was
paying attentions to Miss Bellin. "
"But Miss Bellin was engaged to his
brother, " remarked a juryman.
"I know that It was about Miss Bel
lin he wished to see his brother. I in
sisted that he should marry my sister,
and he refused. We had hot words. He
was on one side of the table, I on tho
other. Between us lay the arrowhead
Why had he brought the arrowhead
"I don't know, " replied Strent, ly
ing with the utmost promptituda "Ho
took the arrowhead out of his pocket,
said it was poisoned and laid it down
on the table. "
"Do you think he intended to kill his
brother because he stood in his way
with Miss Bellin?" asked an inquisitive
juryman of a romantio turn of mind. .
"I really don't know, sir, " replied
Btrent, looking the juryman straight ii)
the face. "He said nothing to ma We
were quarreling over the shabby way in
which he had treated my sister, and
the arrowhead was on the table between
"What was the position of the arrow
head?" asked the coronet; prompted by
"It was leaning against a book which
was on the table, and the point was up
permost I said to Mr. Briarfield, 'Will
you marry my sister?' and he said: 'No.
I'm if I will. While saying thin
he brought down the open palm of his
hand on the arrowhead and gave a y
of pain. When he fiftod his hand, it
had a ragged wound across it from the
thumb to the little finirer. I wished to
bind it up, but he pushed me away,
crying out he was a dead maa In three
minutes he was lying dead on the floor.
I threw the arrowhead into the fire
place and tried to revive him, but it
was of no use He was dead."
"And yon?"
"I was afraid I would be accused of
the death, as Mr. Denham or Mr, Fran
cis might have heard us quarreling to
gether. I lost my head altogether and
only thought of flight. ' I ran up to my
sister's room and told her Felix was
dead. Then I saddled the horsa Wbeu
she came to the door, I was mounting.
I told her to take the gig and fly to
Marshminster, and that I would explain
all in London. "
"You fled like a coward. "
"I suppose I did," said the man buI
lenly, "but I was beside myself with
terror. I rode to Starby and gave the
horse back to the livery stable keeper.
Then I went to London and saw my
sister. She agreed with me that it was
best to keep quiet, so I did not come
forward to give evidenca Had it not
been for that detective who watched
my sister, I should not be here now. "
This evidence practically ended the
inquest Merrick was called to prove
that the wound in the hand was such a
one as might have beenmade by the
downward stroke of the hand on a sharp
point This evidenoe was substantiated
by the local practitioner, who had ex
amined the body with Dr. Merrick.
There was no doubt that the affair had
happened as Strent said. Felix Briar
field had slapped his open hand on the
table to emphasize his refusal to marry
Rose Gernon. Unfortunately it came in
contact with the poisoned arrowhead.
The flint had an edge like a razor, and
being steeped in virulent poison acted
like a snake bite on the unfortunate
young man. Felix had not been mur
dered, but died by misadventura
That was the verdict brought in by
the jury, and so the whole of this strange
affair came to an end. Thanks to the
astuteness of the inspector and the del
icacy of the coroner, the jury were
quite unaware of what had happened
between the death of Felix and the in
quest The reporters of the Marshmin
ster Gazette merely put -in a short state
ment of the affair, and in a few days
people ceased to take any interest in the
Fen inn crima It was a lucky escape
for Francis, but I don't think the lesson
was thrown away on him.
Rose Gernon and her brother went
back to town the same evening. I never
saw Strent again, but frequently had
the pleasure of seeing his sister perform
ing on the staga She is now engaged
to be married, but with the knowledge
of her actions at the Fen inn I cannot
say I envy the bridegroom.
After the burial of Felix I went
abroad with Francis, whose health was
quite broken down by the strain put on
it during the last few weeks. He re
turned in six months and married Oliv
ia. She was told all that had taken
place in the lone inn, but kept the in
formation to herself. Mrs. Bellin never
knew that Felix had substituted him
self for Francis. I was best man at the
wedding by particular request and saw
the happy pair start for their honey-
saw the happy pair start for their
moon. I hope they will be happy and
am sure they deserve to be, seeing
through what tribulations they have
"What has become of the Fen inn?"
asked Dr. Merrick one day when we
were talking over the casa
"Oh, the Fen inn is pulled down, 1
believe!" was my reply. "There will
be no more tragedies thera "
"A fit end for such a shambles,"
said Merrick, and I think he was about
Get these books and our pappr as fast
as you can into the hands of the people,
friends. I5uy, read aud circulate. Ad
dress all orders to the
Wealth Makers Pith. Co.,
Lincoln, Neb.
The New Redemption .$0.75
A Plea For the Gospel
Civilization's Inferno "'i
Looking Backward 50
The Dogs and the Fleas 50
Ai; A Social Vision . 50
Co-Operative Commonwealth 50
I Christ Came to Chicago. . , 50
Driven From Sea to Sea "0
London Money Power. .50
Errors In Our Monetary System
and the Remedy - 25
Six Centuries of Work and Wages. .25
Send Time and Harvent. 25
Bond-Holders and Bread Winners. .25
A Better Financial System, or Gov
ernment Banks.. . . , 25
The Duties of Man 15
Ten Men of Money Island 10
Stockwell's Bad Boy 10
.Seven Financial Conspiracies 10.
Use the Northwestern line to Chicago
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133 O
Adopted by the Convention at Om
aha Nebraska, Jul? 4, 1K03.
Assembled upon the one hundred and
sixteenth anniversary of the Declaration
of Independence,' the People's Party of
America, in their first national conven
tion, invoking upon their action the
blessings of Almighty God. puts forth in
the name, and on behalf of the people of
the country, the following preamble and
declaration of principles:
The conditions which surround us best
justify our co-operation; we meet in the
midst of a nation brought to the verire
of moral, political and . material ruin.
Corruption dominates the ballot box,
the legislatures, the Congress, and
touches even the ermine of the.
bench. The people are demoralized;
most of the states have been compelled
to isolute the voters at the polling places
to prevent universal intimidation or
bribery. The newspapers are largely
subsidized or muzzled; publio opinion
sileuced; business prostrated; our homes
covered with mortgages; labor impover
ished; and the land concentrating in the
hands of the capitalists. The urban
workmen are denied the right of organi
zation for self-protection; imported pau
perized labor beats down their wages; a
hireling army, unrecognized by our law,
is established to shoot them down;, aud
they are rapidly degenerating into Euro
pean conditions. The fruits of the toil of
millions are boldly stolen to build up
colossal fortunes for afew, unprecedented
in the history of mankind, and the pos
sessors of these in turn despise the re
public and endanger liberty. From the
same prolific womb of governmental in
justice we breed the two great classes
tramps and millionaires.
The national power to create money
is appropriated to enrich bondholders: a
vast public debt, payable in legal tender
currency, has been funded intogold-bear-ing
bonds, thereby adding millions to
the burdens of the people.
Silver, which has been accepted as coin
since the dawn of history, has been de
monetized to add to the purchasing pow
er of gold, by decreasing the value of all
forms of property, as well as human la
bor, and the supply of currency is pur
posely abridged to fatten usurers, bank
rupt enterprise, andenslave industry. A
vast conspiracy against mankind has
been organized on two continents, and
it is rapidly taking possession of the
world. If not met and overthrown at
once it forebodes terrible social convul
sions, the destruction of civilization, or
the establishment of an absolute despot
ism. We have witnessed for more than
a quarter of a century the struggles of
the two great political parties for power
and plunder, while grievous wrongs have
beeu inflicted upon the suffering people.
We charge that the controlling influence
dominating both these parties have per
mitted the existing dreadful conditions
to develop, without serious effort to
prevent or restrain them.
Neither do they now promise us any
substantial reform. They have agreed
together to ignore, in the coming cam
paign, every issue but one. They pro
pose to drown the outcries of a plundered
people with the uproar of a sham battle
over I he tariff; so that capitalists, corpo
rations, national banks, rings, trutn,
watered stock, the demonetization of sil
ver, aud the oppressions of the usurers
may all be lost sight of. They propone
f-sacrifice our homes, lives aud children
on the altar of Mammon; to destroy the
multitude in order to secure corruption
funds from the millionaires. Assembled
on the anniversary of the birthday of
the nation, and filled with the spirit of
the grand generation of men, who estab
lished our independence, we seek to re
store the government of the Republic to
the hands of "the plain people," with
whose class it originated. We assert our
purposes to be identical with the purpose
of the national constitution: "to torma
more perfect union, establixh justice, in
sure domestic tranquility, provide for the
common deiense, promote the general
welfare, and secure the blessing of liberty
ourselves aud our posterity."
We declare that this republic can only
endure as a free government while built
upon the love of the whole people for each
other and for the nation; that it cannot
be pinned together by bayonets, that the
civil war is over and that every passion
and resentment which grew out of it must
die with it; and that we must be in fact,
as we are in name, one united brother
hood. Our country finds itself confront
ed by conditions for which there is no
precedent in the history of the world.
Our annual agricultural productions
amount to billions of dollars in value,
which must within a few weeks or months
be exchanged for billions of dollars of
commodities consumed in their produc
tion; the existing currency supply is
wholly inadequate to make th is exchange.
The results are falling prices, the forma
tion of combines and rings, and the im
poverishment of theproducingclass. We
pledge ourselves that if given power we
will labor to correct these evils by wise
and reasonable legislation, in accordance
with the terms of our platform.
We believe that the powers of govern
mentin other words, of the people
should be expanded (as in the case of the
postal service) as rapidly and as far as
the good sense of an intelligent people,
and the teachings of experience, shall
jnstify; to the end that oppression, in
justice and poverty shalleventuallycease
in the land.
While our sympathies as a party of re
form are naturally upon the sideof every
proposition which will teud to make men
intelligent, virtuous and temperate, we
nevertheless regard these questions im
portant as they are as secondary to the
great issues now pressing for solution;
and upon which not only our individual
prosperity, but the very existence of free
institutions depends; and we ask all men
to first help us to determine whether we
are to have a republic to administer, be
fore we differ as to the conditions upon
which it is to be administered; believing
that the forces of reform this day organ
ized will never cease to move forward un
til every wrong is righted and equal pri
vileges established for all the men and
women of this country.
We declare, therefore,
First, That the union of the labor
forces of the United State this day con
summated, shall be perinunent and per
petual; may itsspiritenterinto alllieaits
for the salvation of the republic and the
uplifting of mankind.
Second, Wealth belongs to him who
creates it; and every dollar takeu from
industry, without an equivalent, is rob
bery. "If any man will not work neither
shall he eat." The interertts of rural and
civic labor are the same; their enemies
are identical.
Third. We believe that the time has
come when the railroad corporations
will either own the people or the people
must own the ruilroads; aud should the
government enter upon the work of own
ing mul managing the railroads, we
should favor an amendment to the con
stitution by which all persons engaged
iu the government service shall be pro
tected by civil service regulations of the
most rigid character, so as to prevent
the increase of the power of the national
administration by the use of hucIi addi
tional gonernmeut employes.
We damand a national currency, safe,
sound and flexible; ismied by the general
government only; a full legal tender for
all debts public and private; and that
without the use of baiikingnorporations;
a just equitable and efficient menus of
distribution direct to the people, nt a tax
not to exceed 2 per cent, per annum, to
be provided as set'forth in the Hub-treun-ury
plan of the Farmers' Alliance, or
some better system; also by pay men t in
discharge of its obligations for public
i We demand free and unlimited coinage
of silver and gold at the present legal
ration of 16 to 1.
We demand that the amount of cir
culating medium be speedily increased to
not less than $50 per capita.
We demand a graduated income tux.
We believe that the money of the
country should be kept, as, much as pos
sible, in the hands of the ieople; and
hence we demaud that all state and na
tional revenues shall be limited to the
necessary expenses of the government,
economically and honestly administered.
We demand that postal savings banks
beestablished by the government for the
safe deposit of the earnings of the people
and the facilitation of exchange.
Transportation being a means of ex
change and a public neceswity; the gov
ernment should own and operate the
railroads in the Interest of the people. ;;
The telegraph and telephone, like the
postoffice system, beimr a tietwHitj , for
the transmissionof news, Hliould be owned
and operated by the government iu the
interests of the people.
The land, including all natural re
sources of wealth, is the heritage of the
people, and should not be monopolized
for speculative purposes; and alien owner
ship of land should be prohibited. All
land now held by railroads and other
corporations in excess of their actual
needs, and all lands now owned by
aliens, should be reclaimed by the gov
ernment and held for actual settlers
only. (
The following resolutions were offered
independent of the platform, and were
adopted, as expressive of the sentiments
of the convention:
Resolved, That wedemtmd a free ballot
and a fair count in all elections, aud
f)ledge ourselves to secure to it every
egal voter without federal intervention,
through the adoption by the state of
the unperverted Australian secret bullot
system. W I .
Resolved, That therevenuederivedfrom
a graduated income tax should be appli
ed to the reduction of theburden of taxa
tion now levied upon lbs domestic in
dustries of this couutry.
Resolved, That we pledge on Minport
to fair and liberal pensions o ex-Union
soldiers and sailors.
Resolved, Tha.. tvecoudemn the fallacy
of protecting American labor under the
present system, which opens our ports to
the pauper and criminal classes of the
i world, and crowds out our wage-earners
. and we denounce the present ineffective
I law against contract labor, and demand
' the further restriction of undesirable
! immigration.
Kesolved, That we cordially sympa
thize with the efforts of organized work
ingmen to shorter the hours of labor and
demand a rigid enforcement of the exist
ing eight-hour law on goverument work,
and ask that a penalty clause be added to
said law. .
Resolved, That we regard the main
tenance of a large standing army of
mercenaries, known as the Pinkerton
system, as a menace toour liberties, and
we demand itsabolition, and wecondemn
the recent invasion of the Territory of
Wyoming by the hired assassins of
Plutocracy, assisted by Federal officers.
Kesolved, That we commend to the
thoughtful consideration of the people
and the reform press, the legislative sys
tem known as the Initiative and Referen
dum. Resolved, That we favor a constitu
tional provision limiting the office of a
president and vice president to one term,
and providing for the election of the
senators by a direct vote of the people.
Resolved, That weoppose any subsidy
or national aid to any private corpora
tion for any purpose.
H. E. Taubeneck, Chairman, Marshall,
J. H. Turner, Secretary, Georgia.
Lawrence McFahland, Secretary, New
M. C. Rankin, Treasurer, Terro Haute,
Oar State Platrorm.
We, the People's Indepenpent party of
the state of Nebraska, reaffirm the prin
ciples laid down in the national platform
adopted at Omaha, July 4. 1892. We
emphasize the demand for free and un
limited coinage of silver and gold at the
present ratio 16 to 1. We brand as
treason to labor in every field, and to
labor in every field, aud to the best inter
ests of the whole country, the uncondi
tional repeal by congress of the purchas
ing clause of the Sherman act. We de
mand both state and natioual laws for
the encouragei.ient and promotion of
the irrigatiou of onr arid und semi-arid
We demand that congress shall speedi
ly pass a law by which the federal courts
will be prevented from suspending the
operation of a state law at the dictation
of corporations.
' We demand a liberal service pension to
all honorably discharged union soldiers
and sailors of the late war.
We declare for municipal ownership of
street cars, gas and electric light plants
and water works.
We demand compulsory arbitration of
all controversies between employers and
We heartily approve the course of Sen
ator William V. Allen and Congressmen
W. A. McKeighan and O. M. Kem for
their fidelity and loyalty to our entire
interests, and we compliment Congress
man W. J. Bryan, who, though elected as
a Democrat, has given strong support to
many of our reform measures.
We demand a more economical admin
istration of our state government, and a
more strict accountability of moneys ap
propriated and expended.
We reiterate our demand for a maxi
mum freight rate law or the enforcement
of the one now on our statute books.
we neinanrt The anrnnoment ot our
stat constitution by the adoption of
what are properly known aatbeinitiativs
and referendum.
We demand the enforcement of the
present law for the investment of our'
permanent school fund as directed, and
not through bond investment companies,
at a loss to said fund or profit to specu
lators and money sharks.
We demand that all officers, both state
and county, be paid a reasonable salary,
in accordance with the labor to be per
formed and the amount of skill required,
and that all fees be turned into the gen
eral fund for state and county purpoes.
We commend to the favorable 'consid
eration of the state the building of what
is known as the Gulf & Interstate rail
road, now under process ot construction.
We demand that immediate steps be'
taken for the relief of the drouth sufferers
of our state, and that some means be
devised to give them employment and
wages. .
Having stated our demands, we cordi
ally invite all persons who are in sympa
thy with them to co-operate with us, re
gardless of former party affliction.
The People's Party Meeting. ,
The adherents of the People's party
have every reason to be satisfied with
the meeting at Central Music hall last
night. Never in the history of Chicago
politics have more brilliant, sincere, and
honorable men addressed a political
gathering. Never has there been more
eager pressure for place in a political
meeting or a more intelligent throng
gathered to hearken to a discussion of
the issues of the day. . "
Perhaps there may be people in this
city who Btill fail to realize the exceeding
earnestness of the People's party move
ment. 1 Such would do well to attend a
few of the downtown meetings which will
be held by the People's party weekly un
til the end of the campaign. They will
learn that there are voters by thousands
and by tens of thousands who will have
nothing to do with either old -party
henceforth. And,' what is of far more im
portance, they will learn the reason for
this revolt. Unquestionably in the minds
of the people there has grown up the con
viction that the two old parties are vir
tually one upon questions affecting the
rights and liberties of the common peo
ple. The evidence of Democratic alliance
with the trusts furnished by the late con
gress is as damning as any ever adduced
against the Republicans. When Cleve
land ordered federal troops into Illi
nois, over the protest of its governor, to
fight for rich corporations and against
the workingmen, it was the one act of his
official career which met with instantand
hearty commendation on the part of the
Republican press and politicians. The
two parties of late stand shoulder to
shoulder in defense of privileged individu
als, privileged corporations, and the
privileged classes.
Democracy is a noble word, but the
people are no longer led by sounding
terms. If the Democracy of Thomas
Jefferson dominated the Democratic par
ty of today there would be no People's
party nor any place for it. Unhappily,
that Democratic party of lofty ideals and
glorious record has drifted away from its
true moorings. It has left a place which
must be filled the place of the party of
the people, the party which stands for
equal rights to all aud special privileges
to none, the party which will fight the
concentration of wealth and will, oppose
the power of plutocracy in the lawmak
ing bodies of tlie people. The place thus
left vacant the People's' party will essay
to fill. It were well for the glorious old
Democracy if it would discard its false
and mercenary leaders aui return to the
honorable position which it is still within
its power to regain. Chicago Times.
It is said that Boyd objects to Deaver's
candidacy for congress on the ground
that he is only a common bookkeeper.
This is too bad. The presumption is, if
Mr. Deaver were a libertine and a money
ed parasite, he would command more re
spect in the race for public honor. West
vn Laborer.
Right Ar;n Paralyzed
Saved from St. Vitus Dance.
"Our daughter, Blanche, now fif
teen yeara of age, bad been terribly
aHilctcd with nervousness, and had
lost the entire use of her right arm.
We feared St. Vitus dance, and tried
the best physicians, with no benefit.
She has taken three bottles of Dr.
Miles' Nervine and has gained 31
pounds. Her nervousness and symp
toms of St. Vitus dance are entirely
gone, she attends school regularly,
and has recovered complete use ot
her arm, her appetite is splendid."
MRS. B. B. BULLOCK, Brighton. H.T.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will oeneflu
All druggists sell It at U,S bottles for IS, or
It will be tent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhiivind.
i 1