The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, October 18, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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    October 18, 1894
The United Brotherhood of Carpenters
and Joiners of America at their recent
annual meeting decided to cut down their
strike fund $20,000 and add this snm to
their organization and lecture fund, it
having been thought advisable to give
less strength to strikes and more to edu
Give qs government banks, and then
we shall not have the money lords
threatening the sovereign citizens of
exeat state with a withdrawal of loans,
and financial injury, if the party ticket
favored by these eastern rulers is not
Come what will, or weal or woe.
Vote ber itraight and let her go,
A dispatch from Broken Bow, the morn
ing after the election, will read "I Kern,
1 saw I conquered."
Gen. Tan Wyck will be a prominent fig
ure in tne senate this winter. "Johnny,
get your gun and go.
A sure cure for "Burns" an applies
tion of the Australian ballot, on the 6th,
of November. The "Major" part of our
mictions may be cured in tne same way.
Some have doubted the sincerity of the
Republican party's professed love for the
old soldier. We will see after the election
whether they mean it or not. The vote
for Powers and Wilson will determine its
Tom Munger says that "just lots" of
Populists will vote the Republican ticket
this fall, and won't even tell their wives
about it. Well, if they do, it would be
treating their wives rather mean to let
them know it we admit.
Judge Stark has Hainer on the run,
over in the Fourth district, and at last
account Hainer had left the public high
way and was hunting for an "Alley."
Hainer is a protectionist you know, and
Alley a me trader.
When Charley Mosher heard -that Mc
Kesson was running for the senate, and
Joe Burns was running again for the
house, he said, when his time was up, at
Sioux Falls, he would return and reopen
his "Capital National Bank" if he could
only secure their gall.
The governor and his private secretary
are canvassing the Fifth dist rict together.
It is intimated that if the governor can
' pull his secretary through that he won't
be entirely out of a job, at theclose of bis
term, as Andrews has promised him a
return of the favor shown himself, and
make him his private secretary.
F. W. Collins is nothing if not a poet.
,The closing lines of an original poem,
that he uses on all occasions runs
"Kick me to sleep, Jackass, kick me to
The young man however should call on
some of his more distant relations, if he
would avoid a family fuss.
We can't see how it came that the Re-
L publican party, and the "Btminess Men's
r - Association," allowed the Kearney bank
h, to bust before the election; for, after
Holcomb is elected, we expected a few of
them to bust in order to fill their predic
tions of "destroying the credit of Ne
braska." We suppose, however, it was
t because Lrounse was out campaigning,
and the chair was more vacant than it
would be with Holcomb in it, If any
more are ready to bust please tide them
over by a little more careful nursing.
They Declare That the Tariff is the
Greatest Question Before the
The average Republican orator of to
day speaks so much about the greatness
of the tariff question as compared with
all other questions, talks so much of the
danger in adopting the English policy
and the need of a purely "American
policy" in the settlement of this question
and says so much about the necessity of
an international agreement for determin
ing the proper solution of thesilver ques
tion, that I have been led to give the
three following extracts, supposed to be
taken from the same Republican speech.
I will say in the beginning that I wrote
them myself. They are taken from no
Republican speech ever written or deliver
ed, yet I believe that I have after careful
study given only that which occurs in
nearly every Republican speech. The ex
tracts were written with no intention to
misrepresent but to give what Republi
cans are continually paying.' It must be
borne in mind that the extracts are sup
posed to be taken from the speech in the
order given, but a great deal has been
omitted between each extract, especially
betweeri the second and third, the only
object being to bring together widely
separated parts of the same speech and
thus show how inconsistent the Republi
cans are to defend an "American policy"
for the solution of what they are pleased
to call the greatest question before the
American people: and then to turn
squarely around and declare that the
United States is not great enough, nor
powerful enough, to have an American
policy for the settlement of a question
which they deem of minor importance.
First Friends and fellow-citizens: The
question of prime importance to the
American people, upon the proper settle
ment erf which hangs the fate of the
American workingman as in a balance,
is the tariff Question without its proper
settlement there can be no prosperity in
this, our fair country. True, there are
other questions of minor importance as
the silver question which will be settled
in time, but the living, the vital, the all
important question, is the tariff.
Second The Democrats tell us that we
must adopt free trade in this country.
Fellow citizens, free trade is an English
measnre and England wants us to adopt
it bo she can pour her pauper-manufactured
articles into our ports free of duty
and ruin our workingman. Over a hun
dred years ago our fore-fathers plunged
headlong into bloody revolution because
England insisted on taxation without
representation. They would not tolerate
English dictation in their affairs. They
emerged from that conflict a free people
and set up a free government. But soon
a traitor class the Democrats arose in
this free country, who would fain betray
our fair land to England and adopt a
rninous free trade policy. They are oar
foes today. Fellow citizens, are we yet
iufants? Is it necessary that we go to
England for our ideas? Are we to patera
after a government which our fore-fathers
would not endure? Ohl my fellow
citizens! let us cut loose forever from this
accursed English policy of free trade and
set up on American government with an
American tariff policy, where the Demo
crat with his free trade will be known no
more, and where the life of the working
man will be as one continual holiday un
der the beneficent wings of protection.
Third Fellow citizens, this silver ques
tion mnst not be lightly passed over. It
is a difficult question. In endeavoring to
settle it we must proceed with caution,
feeling our way before us. If we adopt
free coinage as the Populists, the enemy
of all good government, would have us
England will be against us. England
knows much more about finance than we.
See how rich she has grown underproper
management of her affairs. She controls
the commerce of the world. England is
much older than we are and is much
better fitted to judge upon these great
questions. So I say in regard to the sil
ver question, we should not adopt any
measures favorable to silver without first
obtaining the consent of England. We
now have a gold standard, as has Eng
land. Let us adhere to it, giving silver
an enlarged use as subsidiary coin. We
must not be led into any free coinage
trap. We alone, unaided by European
countries, dare not adopt free coinage.
England would be against , us and we
dare not take aggressive measures with
regard to this question without the
agreement of England. Free coinage
attempted by the United States unaided
and alone, would result in driving us to
a silver basis, destroying our commerce
and reducing our workingmen to a state
of most abject poverty. We are not
strong enough to settle this question
alone. Let us use our united and untir
ing efforts to bring about its proper solu
tion by "international agreement."
Such is Republican consistency.
Geo. H. Habvey, Jb.
Grinnell, Iowa.
Demo-Republican Game
In the
Third District
Editor Wealth Makers:
I have not time to elaborate au article
for publication; but Igiveyou some facts,
which please use in our behalf.
The "Battle Creek Enterprise'' saya
that Hensley was nominated to fill va
cancy in Third district, because the Dem
crats and many Independents cannot
support Devine on account of his protec
tive ideas. This is not true. The Inde
pendents know all about where he is on
protection. The tariff is not a thing
about which intelligent Populists make
much fuss; but we want some Democratio
votes for Devine, and now we want this
dodge headed off as much as possible.
Of course you know Devine's position on
this subject and that it regards McKin
leyism as nothing, at best, but an ex
pediencynever a principle, and just now
a farce, fraud and failure; and that we
want a better kind of protection, &c,
&c, &c. Devine is sound too sound for
Democratic thimble rigging, and that is
what's the matter.
Another thing: Bryan spoke on the
12th. Hensley also appeared here, and
got on the platform, where he publicly
called Bryan to task for not taking a
stand in the World-Herald either for
Hensley or Devine. This put Bryan on
the rack, and after rehearsing the many
things he had doue for Populists, finally
said his paper would support Hensley,
because he, evidently, hadthebestchance
of election. This he knew was not true.
And, in the course of Hensley's fault
finding and general rot, he man acred to
give evidence of the fact that he had no
sympathy whatever for Populism, and,
in fact, would just as soon pick a quarrel
with Bryan as not. In fact, that is what
he tried to do.
Further: Hensley is only a nominal
lawyer and all in all a very mediocre man;
and there is some reason for supposing
that he is being held up to the fight by
Meiklejohn Democrats at Columbus
prompted by the Robinson influence at
Madison. J. A. Grimison,
Chairman 3rd District.
An' pa 1st snuggles me 'tween hta knees
An' I help hold the lines.
An' peek oat over the buffalo robe
An' the wind let blowgl an' the enow it
An' the son 1st shines! an' shines!
An' the old horse tosses his head an' coughs
The frost back In onr face
in' I' rather go to my gran'ma's
Than any other place.
Over the river au' through the wood, -
Now gran'mother'a cap I spy;
Hurrah tor the lunl Is the padding done?
Hurrah for the punkin plel
J amis Wbitcomb Riley.
They Cry for Mercy.
Editor Wealth Makers:
In the past the g. o. p. papers and par
ticularly the corporation Journal of Lin
coln, have gathered much inspiration and
consolation by hurling at the Populist
party such epithets as "hayseed legisla
tors," "cranks," "repudiators," "hogs
in the parlor," "anarchists," etc., but be
hold the day has come in which these
scurrilous epithets are as a "sounding
brass and a tinkling cymbal," even in the
ears of W. E. Ananias and his ilk.
The Republican party of Nebraska in
its tours of spoliation, has been able, in
most instances, to steer clear of storms
and breakers, and when at anchor has
been so fortified behind the courts and
executive departments of the state as to
render it impervious to Mie attacks of a
people whose righteous indignation has
caused them to take up arms against it.
But, suddenly, and as if the waves of a
stormy Atlantic were about to overtake
it, there comes up from the crew of this
political octopus such a wail aa bas not
been heard since the overworked and
overtaxed peasants of France rushed up
on Marseilles in the time of the French
The leaders o! the Republican party,
whieh poses as the guardian, and god
father of this commonwealth, are not on
ly tools in the hand of extortionate cor
po rati one, but are accessories both before
and after the fact, in some of ..the most
outrageous steals that was ever recorded
not only accessories but many of them
principals, and now, when the common
people, the people of brawn, brain and
honesty, are about to take control of the
affairs of the stare, which means a com
plete exposure of the dark deeds of thia
great (?) "party with a record," they
cry thiefl thief!! THIEF!!! at the top of
their voice, and in their hypocritical wail
beg the voters to spare the Republican
party and preserve (?) the credit of the
In his description of the so-called "bus
iness men's" meeting at Omaha, Oct. 8,
the Journal Ananias says, in substance,
that these meetings are attended by bus
iness men irrespective of politics, "who
feel that on the day Judge Holcomb's
election should be bulletined throughout
the country, Nebraska would receive the
first black eye in her history."
Such an allegation prompts us to ask,
what was the nature of the wounds Ne
braska received on the days Judges Nor
val, Post and Harrison were elected? on
the day the impeached state officials were
acquitted? on the day the state house
thieves were acquitted? on the day
Mosher received but a five-year's sentence
for stealing a million dollars? on the day
the maximum freight bill was hung up in
the U. S. court? All this was done by
and through the Republican party (re
member onr courts are Republican.) If
Nebraska is yet to "receive the first black
eye in her history" God pity her peo
ple! Again, this Ananias, in speaking of the
correspondence of eastern investors,
says, "In other instances they come from
men who have money to invest and who
have been preparing to purchase Nebras
ka bonds, or who have under considera
tion pending negotiations for the placing
of capital in our state," and again, in
substance, says, that one Mr. Crapo of
Burlington proposes to wfthdraw a mil
lion and a half of invested capital from
Nebraska if the Populists get control of
the state, and that Judge Holcomb's
election will be taken as a coming wave
of repudiation, of communism, of.deflance
of law, etc., and ft t her eaysi 'Already
loan agents here have been ordered by
letter and telegram to make no more
loans until after election."
Such furbelow as the above is not argu
ment and will have no weight with un
biased men of intelligence, and they are
referred to here only to show to what ex
tremes and falsehood, fear and cowardice
have driven the leaders of the g. o. p.
These misrepresentations and many
others are used as a threat; then comes
another wail like this: "They (the "bus
iness men") are without a paper in this
city through which to voice the senti
ments of a great commercial community.
Both the daily papers aresupporting the
Populist candidate for governor."
Think of itl the two largest and most
influential dailies in the state have dared
support a clean man put up by a clean
party, for governor. This is a pitiful cry
to come up from the stronghold of the
party which in the past has set the laws
of the state at defiance whenever Buch a
course would best conserve its interests
the party that has trampled the rights
of the people, fearing neither man nor
God; nevertheless, this cry is one of sin
cerity, coming right from the citadel of
an enemy who realizes that the time is
painfully near when it will be shorn of its
power and robbed of its cloak of hypoc
ricy, aery that carries inspiration to
every liberty loving heart, cheering the
old veterans who have fought long and
incessantly for the dawn of a new and
brighter political day.
There is but little at this time to dis
courage the Populists of Nebraska, while
there is much to cheer us on to renewed
vigor and action. There has been a won
derful awakening among the toilers of the
pluins and by a little personal effort on
the part of each Individual voter victory
will surely be ours. D. R. Cabhenteb
Tecumseh, Neb.
The Dog's Gratitude Compared With
San Diego, Cal., 1894.
Editor Wkalth Makers:
When you feed a dog a few bones and
crusts of dry bread daily he will wag his
tail and try to lick you all over every
time he meets you; he will watch your
property by night and by day, fight for
you and the members of your family, and
do some odd jobs if you teach him bow.
If you cojnmence feeding the rich hu
man dog by giving him four-fifths of
your labor products, and being satisfied
with wages, whose value represents less
than one-fifth of the selliag price of your
product, instead of being licked you may
feel lucky if you do not get kicked. In
stead of watching over your welfare he
will try to squeeze every cent out of you
he can. He will make you lick his hands,
make you beg for employment, or, in
other words, for bread; tell you how
much you shall pay him for rent for the
very house your own labor earned for
him. He will tell you what papers to
read; what political ticket to vote. He
will refuse to associate with you and
your kind; forbid you to belong to a
labor union or discharge you; call in the
militia and federal troops to shoot yon
down and haveyou arrested if you refuse
to work on his terms.
I know of but one kind of animal be
sides the human animal who supports a
few drones, and they kill off every brood
of them after supporting them a little
while. Producers of allf xistiug wealth,
ought not we to feel the burning shame
and disgrace of our humiliating slavery,
instead of talking about our freedom and
superior intelligence?
We do not have to kill drones to get
rid of them. We have only to guit voting
their ticket to make them harmless and
self-supporting. The fathers of our re
public gave us political equality but in
dustrial inequality, and we were foolish
enough to support with our votes for
over one hundred and eighteen years the
the greatest of all possible antagonisms,
namely; political equality conpled with
industrial inequality. What is the value
of being a political freeman, but an fndus-
trial slave, especially since the introduce
tion of improved machinery has forced
all laborers to beg employment of the
big machinery owners?
Americans, how much longer will you
strike for high wages instead of striking
at the ballot box for national co-opera
tion, or the full product of your labor?
How much longer will you quarrel about
the tariff? How mueh longer will you cry
down socialism or national co-operation
because the press of the human drones
tell you it is un-American and an im
practicable foreign heresy? Do not many
foreign nations operate all railroads,
telegraphs, posts, telephones and express
business, besides their armies, militia.
prisons, public works, judiciary, public
institutions, finance, etc? If they can do
all these things successfully could not we
do the same, and extend the business a
little, so as to include all production aud
distribution, making a separate depart
ment of each different kind of labor? But
no, that would not do, for then yon could
have no millionaires and no paupers, and
the drones tell yon socialism is nn-Ameri
can and of foreign importation.
A Nationalist
Dr. Miles Pain Pills cure Neorslala.
Our Labor Candidate.
While in Indianapolis Mr. Kent was
used by the Populists and to show how
his speaking was appreciated we reprint
from the Herald a letter forwarded by
the Indiana state Populist committee, as
people's party op indiana.
Room 35, Hotel English.
Indianapolis, Sept. 28, 1894,
Hon. J. A. Edirerton. Lincoln. Nebraska.
My Dear Sir: We write you to express
our indebtedness to your state and grat
itude for the services rendered our cause
and party in this locality by the services
of Hon. 8. J. Kent, who for some days
bas been here as a 'member of the Nation
al Carpenters Union. We may have im
posed somewhat upon his good nature
by continuous and extraordinary drafts
upon his time in our canvass. We cheer
fully, however, say that he responded
promptly and without grumbling, and
nas rendered ns exceedingly efficient ser
vice, not only in this county, but he kind
ly consented to go and represent our in
terests at the Bloomfield fair, where he
lined up with such eminent gentlemen as
Hon. J. G. Shanklin representing the
Democracy, and the Hon. A. J. Beverige
representing the g. o. p.
We have not yet received the report of
tnat meeting, but we know from his
record here that no better presentation
could have been made for us, and we have
no fear for the result. We feel it but an
act of simple justice to yourdistinguished
fellow citizen that the peopleof Nebraska
should know of his generous and efficient
services while here. If your state has
many such effective campaign orators
and intelligent workers, yonrstateought
to be almost unanimous this fall for the
People's party.
With high apprecaition for yonr set-
vices in the cause of the People's party,
not only in your own state, but as a
newspaper correspondent we are,
Very truly yours,
N. T. Butts, Chairman.
Dictated by Executive Committee.
Headache bfwl? Get Dr. Miles' Pain Pills.
The stronghold ot the democracy
in the south is in the "black belt," at
they call the country where the negrfl
population predominates. The votei
of the negroes are stolen and counted
against them. The white counties art
fast becoming Populist in sentiment
the democrats even claiming to favo
Populist ideas. .
The Largest Manufacturers of
PURE, high crade
On thli Continent, hrre received
from the gnat
Industrial and Food
i In Europe and America.
fTnliWtrtTWtilMiu kaIIW.
I)Im nr nth 'r.mi.l. fiVM
Thclv (lellrHmts RR r 1 V F 1 HT PArnA K .kl..t.l.
pun ud oluble, and ctt Urn than m cent a cup.
But "Direct From Factory" Best
MIXED Paints.
At WHOLESALE PRICKS, Delivered Free.
For HoDMa, Barn. Boots, til colon, and 8AVB
Middlemen' profit. Ia at 61 years. Eadoreed
b.r Grange and r'sraert Alliance. Low price
will enrprlee you. Writ for I am pie. O. W.
1NUEKS0LL. 268 Plymouth SI, Brooklyn. N. T.
We Warrant
, " WrM1 Mr. . to ftp, for 7
'j HH'LrRY rOK P110riTUfll.. IM.Kkl.braul,s.
t ncnaviv mcupHinr una orooner t;o..lijinc, lit,
"5. -JJZiF
Hardy Furniture Co.,
1 1 '
If you have a hog,
If you have cow,
If you have a horse,
If you have a farm,
or anytmng else that you want to sell, and
dOB t Know Just where yon can And a buyer
The Wealth. Makers,
and von will be most agreeably surprised at
the result. Write (or advertising rates to
Lincoln, Neb.
Three Cent Column.
'For Bale." "Wanted." "For n-.Tchanm
mail advertisements for short tima. win ha
charged three cents per word for each inser-
uon, inuiais or a number counted as one
word. Cash with the order
If you want anything, or have anything that
anybody else "wants," make it known through
this column. It will pay.
POPULI8T8 Hand for the song, "To Peopl.,
Dear People," loc Addrtsa J. B. Baboock,
Boy alt on, Wla. lgta
Burr's block, Lincoln, Neb.
WANTED Fire and cyclone agents. Good
Neb. 37tf
miNGLEY BURKE TT, attorneys-at-law.
JL 1086 O St., Lincoln, Neb.
TING LET BTJRKETT, atrorneys-at-law,
1024 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Abstracts ex
LOTS of Rain, Big Crops, Cheap Land, de
llKhtfttl climate In Northern Taxaa. Send
for circular. M oDONALD & RI I CHIE,
uu Pender, Neb.
WE do a general Kxchaage business In
Seal Estate and stocks of Merchandise.
What have you got to trade? MCDONALD 4
EITCu IE, Pender, Neb. i6tf
Agents Wasted lor "Striking for Life."
TAhfw'l (Ma fit ka UWnnaatlA Va
awva m waw v vuy tw uuooaivu. UJ eJUflfl
SWTWejmW t. K m Ti Haw sy T rrfeft r V.A
menk Complete agent's outfit VJUfiA. Quick.
rational, pub. co , Chicago, III.
Use the Northwestern line to Ohieaga
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1183 O
150 Remnants
in the most desirable Shades 0
in lengths from two to seven ft
vards. These we intend to I
clean out at once. You can
no doubt get some of the
Greatest : Bargains
Ever offered you: in
It will be to your advantage to call at
once, and get first pick out of
these choice patterns.
0 St, 0pp. t. 0., LINCOLN, a
1211 So. 11th Street,
This . .
In either Quartered Oak
or Curly Birch onlr
One, and if it
is not a Bargain re
turn it.
No Money Required. Money is scare and
this College has decided to fnrnleh board, tutloa,
books, etc., to students and wait lor par nntil
they graduate and para it. Applicants will be re
quired to tret some property owner to guarantee
that the College will lose nothing on their ac
count. Special Teachers' Course as well as Bui.
Bess. Write quick. A. M. Babois, President,
Grand Island. Neb.
l.e Us 4 ! I From Small er Largs Amounts.
Information FrM. Write Jm PTSUC STOCK BAM M
CHiHK, PUtekurf, r or OIUSBt A CO, Bankn ead
Broiers, lie Klalto (goara or Tmam Annex), iiMg, nn.,M,
Hm&dmr ami
to get a Million of Circulars to
distribute at $4.00 per 1000.
How to become a flnt-class
Measmeriet. Hypnotist. Mind
Headxr ami Clairvoyant, a Large Book
4 only lOe. Address at once, a H. ROWAN.
Milwaukee, Wieconeln.
IS told In "THE BO AD TO
a 00 page book full of facts
and figures concerning that
land toward whlchaU eyes
are turning-. Only 2b cents.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Neare Building.
JUKI PING rP "Hp, Jump, slide, turn
jw in r i rau somersaults almost Incessantly
U M 1 NS ?m A?Kasi y- Wonder
Dili Alio ful product of a Foreign Tree.
Greatest curiosity to draw crowds wherever
shown, on streets, In shop wladewa, etc Just
imported. Everybody wants one. Pull his
tory of Tree and sample Jumping Bean to
Agents or Streetmea So eenta, postpaid. S. 00c:
, Si ; 12, 1.60; ioo, no. Rush order and be first!
Sell quantities to your merchants for window
attractions and then sell to others. Quick
Bales. Try 100. Big Money.
AaCKJf H(aAU,0.1S41,. i.,HIIL,lA.
THeleewjrCeueu i atory ot America.
m Jewrjee. Cakl Fabltrn. Dire
tn fasiwwB sTSwearialary ef tviic, liok'es.