The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, October 18, 1894, Image 1

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The Records Interviewed ud Republican
Rottenness Exposed
yA Matter of Interest to Every Taxpayer.
V Save Your Own Cash aa Well as
Credit by Placing the
Populists in
Show These Figures to Republicans
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 18, 1894,
Editor Wealth Makers:
As each state election approaches, we
hear the great wail going up from the
subsidized press and echoed by the small
fry to "Stand up for Nebraska Credit."
Now if our good Republican friends mean
the credit of stealing the taxpayers blind
vhilst they had control of both branches
of our legislature, why we are opposed to
"standing up" for them. But let us cast
our eye back over the record, of the
"grand old party" and see what they
have done.
The legislature of 1887 cost the people
of this state $190,000 for, the payment
of members and employees; f 45,000 was
appropriated for incidental expenses,
such as stationary, postage, newspapers,
tc. f 173,000 was appropriated to
maintain the hospital, $20,000 of which
was for coal and lights; at this same
session there was a deficiency of $12,000
for fuel and lights. This legislature made
appropriations amounting to $2,400-
The legislature of 1889 cost $180,000
to pay members and employees, and by
)k turning to the sworn statement of the
auditor we find 165 employees in the
House and 114 in the Senate nearly 4
persons to each senator. This legislature
appropriated a total of $2,380,000.
One of the items of $80,000 for incidental
expenses, such as printing, stationary,
newspapers, postage, etc.; $16,000 is ap
propriated for fuel and lights at the Hos
pital for Insane at Lincoln, and $10,000
deficiency for members and employees of
. the legislature of 1887, making it cost
f I $190,000 instead of $180,000.
The same legislature (1889) was the
one that allowed w. H. B. Stout to gull
the state out of $46,546.52 for extras on
state house. Allow me to give you a few
items. . Iron stairs in dome, $2,500.
Rods to support gallery this is what
: the report says, but in fact the rod was
put through the east wing of Capitol un
der gallery, under the gallery floor, to
keep it from falling down $600 -just one
common 2 inch rod with nnta on it.
Three extra doors, if 225. Painting out
side of dome $2,000. Two pair double
doors $150. Railing around gallery,
$552. Two skylights over stairs $500
Two ceiling sky-lights, $500. Building
four vaults just laying up common brick
one wall and one end about three feet
thick and 16 feet high $12,000. Floor
in bath house at state prison, $1,880.
mi w ) .t 'inis same legislature allowed the follow
ie. sV4nS deficiencies: Soldiers home $18,500;
Norfolk' Asylum, $22,231; Lincoln hospi
tal $19,500; Kearney school $13,650.
You see the real cost of running the hos
pital at Lincoln was $192,500, and this
does not include over$10,000forsalaries
' just bear this in mind, for I intend to
make a comparison by using this one
Now comes the legislature of 1890-91,
"the Pop. legislature," as it is termed.
$175,000 was appropriated for members
and employes, but only about $140,000
used. They had 54 less employees in the
House and in the Senate that was presided
over by T. J. Majors and the Republican
and Democratic combine had full sway
they had 113 employees, or four more
than in 1889.
The total appropriations were $2,886,
000, $670,000 of which was emergency
appropriations, such as drouth sufferers,
Indian wars, etc., which brings it down
to a little over $2,000,000.
The legislature gives to the hospital at
Lincoln , $165,600. $12,000 being deft
ciency for fuel same old deficiency. This
legislature did not see fit to cripple our
State University as the previous one did,
and gave them $124,000. $10,000 was
appropriated as fees and salaries in the
contest proceedings and the record shows
that the Republican attorneys and nota
ries got every cent save $675.
The legislature of 1892-3 meets. They
appropriate $2,208,940, $140,000 is ap
propriated for payment of members and
employees and incidental expenses, a
saving of $50,000 over the legislature of
1889. Employees in House 81, or 84 less
than in 1889. Employees in Senate 73,
or 41 less than 1889. The legislature of
1889 spent over $30,000 for miscellane
ous supplies and furniture, whilst the
legislature of 1898 spent a fraction over
$3,000. (This can only be accounted for
by the absence of Brad Slaughter, ' Tom
Cook and Walt Seeley.)
This legislature gave the hospital at
Lincoln $114,500 to run two years on,
$17,000 of which is for fuel and we have
no deficiency either, because we have got
on to the "coal steal" and they are care
ful. $50,000 less than 1891 and $75,
000 less than 1889. . They said they
would shut up shop and send the "loon'
eys" back to their respective counties,
yes, t hey would. You heard all this kind
of talk around the lobbies just after the
appropriations were made for the several
state institutions; but what is the result?
After Gov. Boyd's appointee at the
hospital at Lincoln Dr. Bowman had
been in office six months and demonstra
ted to the satisfaction of every honest
man in this state that we were being
robbed by wholesale and had been for
several years, as there was a saving of
1,875 tons of coal in just that length of
time, Gov. Crounse comes in and he
wants to beat Boyd's record, and I here
with append his report, as I believe it
worth perusal.
"Lincoln, Neb., June 18, '94. (Special)
From the reports of thesuperintendeut
of the hospital lor the insane at Lincoln
compiled, a table showing the expendi
ture for fuel and the amount used for
each month during the three years ending
March 31st, 1894.
"The first year, April 1st, 1891, to
March 81st, 1892, was under.Gov. Thay
er's administration and coal used was
6,558 tons and 1,938 pounds, costing
$14,548.09. The monthly cost was 11,-
"During the year ending March 81st,
1893, the first nine months being under
Boyd's administration, the total amount
of coal used was 2,797 tons and 742
pounds at a cost of $8,597.82. The
monthly average for this year was283
tons and 229 pounds, and the average
monthly cost was $716.48, as against
the 6,558 tons used the proceeding year
at a cost of $14,448.09. This year of
Democratic administration shows a sav
ing of 3.760)4 tons costing $5,850.29.
"During the next year, from April let
1893, to March 31 1894, the administra
tion of Gov. Crounse kept up the pace
and the hospital used only 2,183 tons
and 1,137 pounds, costing $6,162.81,
Bhowing a saving over previous year of
613 tons and 1,606 pounds and its
money value of f 2,435.05."
It certainly shows one of two things to
every honest tax-payer and voter in this
state. That our former state executives
have been very dishonest orincompetent,
and have allowed us to .be stolen blind
and they should be thrown out of office.
They were either incompetent or they
were rascals of the first water.
We hear much said about the "Popu
lists" saddling a debt of $800,000 on the
state. I want the voters of this state to
turn to page 1,938 of House journal
1891, and read Mr. Hill's answer to the
committee. I will give the first question
and answer:
Q. "I want to ask about the condi
tion of the school funds. Here is a table
that shows $582,000 outstanding war
rants on page 19 of the auditors's report.
I want to ask you how you pay interest
on those warrants."
A. "These are warrants that were
presented at the time when there were no
Q. "But where did you pay the inter
est on them?"
A. "The interest is paid when they are
presented for payment."
Dear tax-payer, we have found $582,000
and it's not hard to find $236,000 that
Hill or the state lost in Mosher's bank.
So here is your $800,000 that the "Pops"
are responsible for. Stand up for Nebras-
kas credit! Just on the eve of the elec
tion that placed judge Post in the posi
tion he now occupies, one F. W. Little,
president of the Lincoln Street Railway
Company and by way of parentheses
the same man that owns the streets Lin
coin is attached to wrote a double-lead
ed article for the railroad organ on the
corner of 9 th and P, saying to the people
that 'he had a distinguished company of
bankers and capitalists visiting him and
looking over the City of Lincoln with a
view of dropping $500,000 here, but
since they arrived in the state they have
heard that there is some likelihood of
electing Edgcrton, an anarchist, as su
preme judge, and they would not invest
until after nis defeat, and advising all
workmen to vote for Judge Poet'
TbeSrd of November, the day before elec
tion, the railroad organ bofore mentioned
and located headed an article entitled,
"Facts For Workingmen," and called
their attention to Mr. Little's article and
commenting on it said: "Their promise
to bring their money here within twelve
months was made upon one condition
the defeat of the Independent candidate
for supreme judge and every
Lincoln workingman who votes for the
Independents this fall votes bread and
butter away from the mouths of Lincoln
Twelve months have passed away, yes,
twice twelve, and Judge Post was elected
or. counted in but where, oh, where,
are Mr. .Little's , Boston capitalists?
Echo answers, "Where."
One year later. It is the fall of 1893.
Another supreme judge is to be elected
The same old organ, aforesaid, named
and located, has thefollowingasastand
ng notice, in double leads. .
"A special telegram from Topeka, Kan
sas, shows the evil effects of loose talk
and careless legislation against creditors
For many years Kansas borrowers had
no difficulty in securing loans. The
thrifty people of the east were inclined to
ward them by sentiment and sympathy,
and thousands of dollars went by prefer
ence to the farmers of Kansas. The wild
talk among Populists about repudiation
and the loose talk in the Senate about
farmers never being able r to pay their
debts has changed all this, and now it is
almost impossible for the Kansas farmers
to secure money. Nebraska is tending in
the same direction. The speeches of
Senator Allen and the harangues of the
Popnlist orators having given creditors
and business men generally wrong im
pressions. The way out of he trouble is
to restore confidence by rebuking and
repudiating the alarmists.
Who believes this was ever a special to
the Chicago Inter-Ocean from Topeka,
Kansas? No one, only a knave. All of
these false fakes have their origin in
Nebraska. Who are the repudiators in
this state? . The man who is running for
governor on the Republican ticket is the
only man that ever introduced a bill in
our legislature conferring power upon
county boards, town boards, and school
boards to "scale" or repudiate their in
debtedness. , Yet we are denounced as
repudiators andimpairers of the credit of
And in regard to Kansas farmers not
being able to renew their loans etc., its
all bosh, as every honest man knows.
We have one Republican paper in Lin
coln that is not owned by the corpora
tions "The News" let me quote what it
says in regard to the "calamity" doc
trine of the Journal:
"The calamity doctrine of the Journal
and its satellites to the effect that the
election of the Populist candidate to the
supreme bench meant the utter cessation
of the investment of eastern capitalists
in Nebraska, so silly in itself that it
scarcely required the rebuke of patriotic
citizens, is being roundly denounced."
Such is the truth, then, today. Do not
allow a few men like Mr. Yates, Mr. Pax
ton, Mr. McShane, of Omaha, assisted by
Thompson, Dorgan, Curry, Hotchkiss,
Harwood, etc., of Lincoln, to get in a
room and organize a "business men's
club to protect the "credit" of Nebraska
scare any of you. Because the rank and
file want to redeem Nebraska from boss
ism, rnmism and railroadism, and turn
the thieves into the pen where they cer
tainly will land if they get their dues.
You are called "repudiators," "anar
chists." Let me exhort yon, men oi
Nebraska, to stand by the men that will
give us a clear government, because
"The time has coma when men with heart Md
Host rise and take the misdirected reins
Of tricksters and ot thieves. He who stands
And sees the mlRhtj vehicle of state
Hauled thronich the mire to some Ignoble fats.
And makes not snch bold protests as he can.
Is no American." M. Hows.
Hon. Valentine Horn, Populist candi
date for the Twentv-fifth senatorial dis
trict, has been nominated also by the
.Democratic convention.
DftVA Mnrra.r in mnlinrr "mootopln" n
guments on the stump for the tariff (Rep.
umuuj a siaoie currency ana "eco
nomic legislation." It will be a hot race
between Dave and Deaver.
Ham Kautzman, the Beacan Light
editor of Holt county, keeps after the
Barret Scott gang in that part of Ne
braska and is making the Republican
party exceedingly faint and sick.
The Georeia election nointa nnt nn.
mistakably the movement of the people
into the l'onulist nartv. It l t,h
of progress, of liberty, the party that is
to rescue our people and institutions
from the enslaving grasp of plutocracy,
the graBp of the managers of the rail
roads, banks, trusts, and combinations
oi capital, in Ueorgia two years ago
the Democrats won by a majority of 65,
000. Tnis vearthe PonnliKta o-ninoH
80,000, reduced the Democratic majority
iu xv,wv ana eiectea over lorty mem
bers of the legislature and three mem-
Dersoi uongress.
The new song book contains about
125 pages, extra large size, illustrated
cover page. No doggerel in it All high
class, patriotic, pathetic, humorous, en
thusing matter. Now ready.
A Big Meeting at Holdredge Report
ed for Tbe Wealth Makers.
, Holdredge, Neb., Oct 12, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Tbe opera bouse was 'crowded to its
utmost capacity last Wednesday by peo
ple who came to hear Senator Allen, In
fact many were unable to gain admit
tance. The Senator spoke for a couple of
hours in a masterly manner. He read
telegrams from thecommissioner of banks
in Kansas and from the private secretary
to Governor Waiteof Colorado. The one
bowed that money was plenty in Kansas
rates of interest lower than ever before
and the banks in excellent condition.
The other showed Colorado warranta
selling at the highest price ever paid.
Those Omaha "redeomers"can now open
their flood gates and turn on their slush
of "impaired state credit" and it will
have no effect here. He confined hie re
marks to the tariff, mostly, and his
speech was an eye-opener, I can assure
yon. The fellows who were making such
a tin can racket over the sugar schedule
are singing low, and no mistake.
At night the opera house was again
completely filled by people who came to
hear the Senator and the Hon. W. A.
McKeighan. Mr. McKeighan made the
principal address of the evening and con
fined his remarks to the coinage of the
seigniorage, which he discussed by special
request, and to some very important
admissions which Prof. Amdrews had
made at one of his big (?) meetings at a
country school house. ,
Permit me to digress sufficiently to
compare crowds. Mr. McKeighan draws
from 800 on rainy nights to packed opera
houses in good weather, Prof. Andrews
draws from 40 in a country school house
to 150 in the court house and has good
weather. At tbe big (?) meetings refer
red to above eighteen Populists and eight
Republicans were present and they came
from three townships. But, the half has
never been told. The Prof, spent the day
driving over the country begging for
votes, driving to the fields where the
farmers were at work sowing rye, and
being so persistent that they had to
drive off and leave him. But, enough of
The Prof, admitted that silver would
be worth $1.29 cents an ounce under free
coinage at the ratio of 16 to 1. He ad
mitted that to change theratio and coin,
pel re-coinage of the silver dollars now in
existence would entail an enormous ex
pense. He made other admissions, but
suffice it with this.
Mr. McKeighan followed these admis
sions to their logical conclusion and if he
didn't play foot ball with the Prof, we
would like to know the reason why. You
can safely make the prediction that Mr.
McKeighan will go to congress for at
least two years more, and the Prof, will
sink into oblivion.
Hon. E. Soderman will be returned to
the house from this county by a big ma
jority, as his opponent is being weighed
in the balance and is being found want
ingin other words he is proving a dis
appointment to his friends and the Popu
lists are surprised at his inability.
Senator Dale will be in his place in the
senate chamber this winter without a
doubt. The Republican senatorial cen
tral committee being compelled at times
to fill the vacancy caused by the with
drawal of their nominees on account of
"ill health (?)"
By the way, Tattooed Tom had better
be getting down in this part of the state.
as his political fences are becoming hope
lessly demolished. Yours truly,
E. P. Montgomery.
Ask your neighbor to read some spec
ial article in The Wealth Makers and
then tell him that be can get the truth
until election for 10 cents.
Tote for Chambers, not McKesson.
Vote for Stevens, and not Wright,
And to farther Tlctory press on,
And for Jostles make the fight.
Vote for Herrlck, not for Boms,
Vote for Eager, not for Manger;
And when the tide of vlct'ry tarns
You'll not hear the cry of banger.
Vote for Dunn, not Robinson,
Vote for Jones, and Hartllne, too.
Vote for every mother's ton
On onr ticket, for they're true.
Don't forget to rots for Berge,
And Shepherd, too, mast beat his man.
Let the tide still onward surge,
Cleaning oat the rail-toad elan.
That Joint Debate With Stark,
Cehesco, Neb., Oct 8, '94.
Editor Wealth Makebs:
Our citizens have had the pleasure of
listening to a Joint debate between F. M.
Tyrrell and W. L. Stark, our candidate
for Congress in the Fourth district It
was a great victory for the Populists.
Tbe Republicans are so sick now that the
don't believe in joint discussion. I don't
wonder, when argument backed by the
best authority, that Tyrrell did not at
tempt to question, was too much for
such brains, that only were used to ridi
cule, abuse and harangue.
The debate was free from personal
abuse and confined principally to federal
issues. The Republican champion has got
his sufficiency for this fall. The Judge
propounded more true Abraham Lincoln
Republicanism in one-half hour than is
embraced in the People's party platform
than has been spoken by their own teach
ers for many years. He also added
Democratic authority, as was taught by
Thomas Jefferson and others, that vas
highly appreciated by the hearers. I d
not think Mr. T. will attempt to tell the
people any more that the convention at
Omaha, July 4, 1892, did not recognize
the old soldier or show his sawed off plat
form formulated that memorial day, (Mr.
Editor, please provide your townsman,
Mr. Tyrrell, with the whole document
adopted by that noted assembly) for it is
very mortifying to be caught in one's
own trap. Mr. Tyrrell also learned the
definition of the word flat.
I do not thing it good politics to be
little such men as W. J. Bryan, by saying
he would Bend him to school instead of
the United States Senate, for it will
cause some people to hiss; but I do not
think Mr. Tprrell will do the like again,
therefore excuse. y
' I have before me the Daily State Jour
nal of the 6th. Let me examine and
criticise. ,
"F. M. Tyrrell discusses issues with
Judge Stark."
That'a true.
"Judge Stark made a desperate attempt
to get out of tbe joint discussion."
That's lie No. 1.
"The debate had been regularly arrang
ed for and duly advertised by the Popu
lists." Lie No. 2.
Interfering with posters is lie No. 3.
"'At 8:16 Stark appeared on the
True, because he missed the train and
was brought down from Wahoo by a
livery man.
As I glance through the columns of the
Journal 1 find more lies so will not at
tempt to point out any more, for that
reporter will hold his job. But never
theless Stark made a grand hit, for
everybody regardless of party speaks in
the highest terms of our candidate, and
he will get tbe support of a greater part
jf the Swedish vote.
Yours for success,
J. H. Teachmak.
De vine at Albion
The Populist meeting at Albion last
Friday night was well attended and by a
larger number of Republicans than is
usual at Populist meetings in Albion.
The speech of the evening was made by
J. M. Deviue, our candidate for congress,
and no one who heard it will forfeit his
reputation for intelligence by saying that
it was not an able speech. The distinct
impression made by the speech was that
the speaker was complete master of his
subject, that be knew more about the
money question and its relation to the
present condition of the country than
any other man who has ever discussed
the subject in Boone county. He uses no
notes, he needs none. His memory never
fails to serve him with complete exactness.
He is entirely familiar with all the litera
ture on the money question. His mind
is as clear as sunlight, his language is
pertect, his delivery forcible, nis manner
pleasing, and his personal appearance
such as to command respect. Devine
needs only to be seen and heard to bead
mired. The arguments which he pro
duced at Albion in favor of free coinage
and in defense of People's party princi
ples, were absolutely unanswerable. The
speech made a fine impression, not only
on Populists, but Republicans were set to
thinking more seriously than usual.
Those who heard Devine could not but
see how incomparably superior he is to
Meiklejohn, his opponent. Meiklejohn is
superficial, Devine grasps the fundamen
tal principles that underlie the issues ot
the day. Meiklejohn is a corporation
politician. Devine has the ability and
qualities of n statesman. Devine ie a
thinker and orator, Meiklejohn is an imi
tator and talker. Devine should be
elected. Meiklejohn baa misrepresented
tne congressional aistnct long enough.-
Cedar Rapids Republican.
NO. 19
A Celebrated Sermon ky a Voted Montreal
Miniiter. Mr-Siloo
Truth That Would, if Believed, Ti ansforn
the World All 8hould Read ThU Ser
mon and Meditate Over It.
Concerning Bin and Salvation.
The following timely discourse by the
Rev. J. B. Silcox, formerly pastor of the
Congregational church of this city, has
appeared in many leading journals, and
we gladly publish it not only for the
gratification of his many friends and ad
mirere here, but for the clear and manly
portrayal of the awful condition of affaire
and rational method of relief which it
contains. After you read it please hand
it to your neighbor and to your minister
and ask him to read it to his congrega
tion as the grandest companion piece to
the "Sermom on the Mount" to be found
in modern literature. Editor The Hail,
San Diego, Cal.
"Jesus took him by ths hand ud lifted hna
op." Mark ;7, . yf '
We are supposed to be Christians. We
call this a Christian nation.; Society is
ostensibly based on Christian principles.
It is possible that we are Christians in
name and not in fact Is it possible that
our business is not controlled on Chris
tian principles. Christsays; "Thou shalt
love thy neighbor;" business says, "Thou
shalt compete with thy neighbor." The
competitive system is not the system
that Christ taught. Is it possible that
we are confessing Christ in our creeds and
denying him in onr deeds. Christ in
tended his religion to be carried into
practice. To call him Lord, and not to
do the things he says, is to disown him,
and to be disowned by him.
I select this text: "Jesus took him by
the hand and lifted him up," as the basis
of some remarks I want to make on social
problems on man's relation to his fellow .
men. i
Every political question is a social ques
tion, and every social question is a reli
gious question. If Christianjsocialism is
tbe application of Christ's teachings to
the life of today, then we are all socialists,
or should be.
When our Savior came down from the
Mount of Transfiguration he saw this
poor devil-possessed lad at the foot of
the mount, and taking him by the hand
he lifted him up, so that he stood as a
man among men. Jesus made him free
from the devil that degraded him. He
made a man out of him. The whole gos
pel and mission of Christ is in that act
Jesus was always taking men by the
hand and lifting them up. He did not
stand aloof from men. He came close to
them. He took them by the hand ae
brothers grasps the hand of brother. He
showed personal - sympathy with and
took a personal interest in individuals.
It was the mission of Christ, and is the
mission of the church of Christ to uplift
men. The cry that comes from thousands
around is "lift me up." The ignorant cry
to be lffted up to knowledge, the oppress
ed to be lifted up to liberty, the sinful to
be lifted up to holiness and heaven.
It is the mission of Christianity to lift
men up, to elevate men, and to give them
their true and complete manhood.
All Christians are familiar with the
transfiguration scene in the life of Christ
Are we equally familiar with the scene at
the foot of the mount? Today we will
leave the mount and descend into the
valley. Like the disciples many of us
might prefer to abide on the mount, and
muse on the glories of heaven, make
tabernacles there and sit and sing our
selves away to everlasting bliss. It iB
wise and well to climb the mount at
times and fill our souls with heaven's
purity and peace. It is well to give our ,
hearts and minds the highest culture.
But culture must not be selfish. We
muBt carry our Christian culture down
into grimy alleys of ignorance and vice,
"Knowledge unused for the good of
others is more vain than unused good."
I would like to have seen Christ on the
mount ot glory. My soul would worship
him. But he claims and compels my
highest worship because, like a brother,
he took the devil-possessed lad by the
hand and lifted him up to his own high
level ot divine manhood. Christ proves ,
Co.Unued on8ih page. 1