TUB WEALTH MAKERS. October U. 1694 SEVENTY JAPANESE SHIPS THEY ARE PREPARING TO SWOOP DOWN ON CHINA. EJTERED THE GULP- OP PE-CHILL l"behr Fimmn Em CnMd the Greatest Exelteaaeat to Shanghai aad Else wfcara TtarMghoat tha Flowery Klagdom Twa Thoasaad Chl aaa Bold lara Desart o Aeeoaat af o fay. Lohdobt, Oct 8. A dispatch from Shanghai eays that the masters of sev ral Chinese junks which arrived al Chefoo yesterday reported having sighted Tuesday a large fleet of Jap anese transports, escorted by war hip entering the gulf of Pe-Chill, numbering 70 ships. Their presence ia the gnlf of Pe- Chili has caused the greatest excitement at Shanghai and elsewhere. It is believed that it ia . the expeditionaty fore of 80,000 mea which left Hlroschlma, the Japanese headquarters, September 36, under sealed orders and under command of Field Marsha ICount Oyama, Japanese minister of war. This force composed the second Japanese army corps and was escorted by the second Japanese squadron. A dispatch received it New Ch wang says that the Chinese are in full re treat from Moukden, which is threat ened by advance of Japanese troops from Corea and the Japanese force aaid to have been landed near Possiel bay and not far from the Russian ter ritory bordering on Corea and the Chinese province of Manchuria. The Chinese government haa au thorised a firm in Tien Tain to raise a loan of 150,000,000. The aum of 15,000, 000 has already been placed privately. The rates are, not stated. The Siamese government has sold to Chinese traders 60,000 rlflles of an obsolete type. The price paid by the traders was about nine cents for each rifle. Wang Feng Tsao, late Chinese min ister at Toklo, in an audience at Pekin was severely censured on account of his ignorance of the Japanese designs in Cores. Two Japanese spies have been ar rested at Mankin. One of them con fessed that he had been furnishing information to the Japanese ana added that he regretted that he had been captured before he finished hia work. The other, a clerk to the other Pv pleaded youth and ignorance in extenuation of his offense. Both are now awaiting the decision of the vice roy in their cases. It is reported that 3,000 men be longing to the Sheng division of Li Hung Chang's crack corps, now in Corea, have deserted on account of their pay being in arrears. It is also rumored that they have joined the enemy. London, Oct . A dispatch re ceived here from Berlin says that it has been learned on high authority that the meeting of the British cab inet was called to discuss a proposal for combined action on the part of the powers to interfere and prevent the overthrow of the Chinese dynasty, which, it was claimed, would result in anarchy in the empire and the massacree of Europeans. One power, it is said, favored a 'com pulsory settlement of the Chinese Japanese dispute. The dispatch adds that Sir William Vernon Harcount, chancellor of the exchequer, sup ported this view of the action to be taken, but Prime Minister Rosebery and a majority of the cabinet believed active interference would be more dangerous than non-intervention, and it was decided that Great Britain should not Interfere. ChanoeUor von Caprivi has gone to Hubertusstock, where the kaiser is now staying, to consult his majesty regarding the situation in China. The German press is inclined to view the situation in the East with alarm. The statement of the Vossische-Zeitung, that in its opinion the Corean war is the forerunner of a great Anglo-Russian collision, is generally echoed in the provincial press. The Cssr Seriously III. Bkbltet, Oct 8. Professor Leyden, the distinguished specialist who has Just returned from Spala, where he has been in attendance upon the czar of Russia in conjunction with Pro fessor Zacharin, said distinctly: "His majesty is suffering from Bright' s dis ease. But the disease is as yet in mild form complicated with diabetes. The latter is causing difficulty in breathing." roster Will Pay Forty Cents. Fostobia. Ohio, Oct 8. The long delayed settlement with the credit ors of ex-Governor Foster and his partner, Mr. Davis, has at length come about The assignee to-day an nounced that he would be able to pay forty cents on the dollar on all the claims, amounting to 8213,000. The settlement will begin at once. An Iowa Town Fire Damaged. Dss Moises, Iowa, Oct 8. Fire at Adele, to-day, consumed the opera house and a number of other build ings in the businels portion, causing losses of about $85,000. Fifteen horses were cremated. NEWS NOTES. The question of relieving army offi- eera as Indian agents will be taken up at the coming session of congress. The termination of the Eastern Alaskan boundary makes it the long est straight line boundary in the world. It is proposed that the government forest reserves in the several states be turned into national parks or given to the states for state parks. Commissioner McDonald says this has been a bad year for young fish, bat that the government hatcheries have turned out something like 000, 000,000. ANOTHER AMERICAN PRINCESS HUi Sparry of allfornia Triply Marrlad to I'rlnca I'onlalow.kL Paris, Oct 8. The civil marriage of MIbs Elizabeth Sperry of San Francis co and Prince Poniatowski was per formed by the mayor of Passy yester day. The witnesses on behalf of the bride were her brother-in-law, W. H. Crocker of San Francisco and Mr. Kane of Paris. The bridegroom's witnesses were his uncle, Count Mouesue Ceren sac and Count DeVeleon. The bride was attired in dark green silk. The religious marriage took place at noon to-day in the Roman Catholic church of St Pierre de Challot The bridal party then repaired to the American Protestant church of the Holy Trinity.on the Avenue de 1'Alma where a second religious ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Mor gan, according to the American Epis copalian rites with full choral and processional music. Mr. Sperry gave the bride .away. M. Le Comte de Leon was the best man. The church was decorated with flowers. Among tire Americans, present were Miss Sybil Sanderson, Mr. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander and Mr. and Mra Stuart Taylor of New York and Mr. Allan of San Francisco. After the two religious ceremonies, a luncheon was served at the Hotel Bristol and the prince and princess started for Holland at 5 o'clock. They will live hare after the honeymoon, on the Avenue du Bois de Boulogne. The bride wore a dress of white satin and no ornamnets. PORTUGAL'S KING ASSAILED High Naval Offleers bane a Manifesto Resenting a Kojral Speech. Madhid, Oct 8. According to ad vices received from Lisbon, a large number of Portuguese naval officers, aggrieved at a certain passage in the speech which' the king recently made at the opening of the Portu guese Cortes, drew up a manifesto in the form of a protest, addressed to the nation. No names were attached, but its authors are known to be men of high position and influence. The police have arrested the man who printed the manifesto and great excitement has been caused at Lisbon. Trumbull Wants to Go to the Senate. Chicago, Oct 8. Reports are cur rent that the erstwhile prominent Democrat, Judge Lyman Trumbull, in appearing as a Populist campaign speaker, is carrying out part of a deep laid scheme. It is asserted that hav- ing made himself solid with the Pop ulists, he hopes to be the choice I for United States senator of such 1 representatives as that party may suc ceed in electing to the Illinois legis lature. It is not impossible that the Populists may hold the balance of power in the Joint assembly, and it is claimed that Judge Trumbull sees in such a condition a chance to have himself forced upon the Democrats as a compromise, and Franklin MoVeagb dropped aa an impossibility. An Antt Liquor Trader Shot. RusHmuE, Ind., Oct 8. John Mc Carthy of this town, having failed to obtain a license to sell liquor by re tail at Part. hp.fr a. Illiii.o fln. .;!. north of here, by reason of a citizens' league's opposition, this morning shot twice at jf G. Wolf of the committee. One shot struck Wolf in the groin and he is in a critical condition. McCarthy is now in jail ' . . The Crawford Case Concluded. Spbingfikld, Ma, Oct. 8. Argu ments are now being made in the A. B, Crawford embezzlement case and it will go to the iurv to-niirht The government's case is not a strong one and a verdict of acquittal would not be surprising. Suicide by Drowning-. MABTVUXE. Ma. Oct 8. Mrs. Afaro Rice, wife of James M. Rice, commit- ted suicide by jumping into a well containing about eight feet of water. Ill health is supposed to be the cause. William T. Hutehlna Disbarred. Washington, Oct 8. William T. flutchinsof Wichita. Kan., and T. S. Rice, Mattoon, I1L, have been dis barred from practice before patent office. the NEWS NOTES. Another two-days' speaking trip from the car platform throughout Northern Indiana has been arranged for ex-President garrison. The attorneys in the sugar man damus case have concluded their arguments and Judge McCorub has taken them under, advisement S. M. Biddison, secretary of the Illi nois State Mutual Life Insurance company, has been arrested, charged with running a lottery under the guise of an insurance company. The company is a prominent one. Ex Governor Beverage of Illinois is presi dent The representatives of the various wheel companies who have been meeting in Indianapolis for the past several weeks, have completed an or ganization which practically gives them a monopoly of the wheel busi ness in the country. The name of t he new organization is the Commercial Wheel company. A clandestine marriage was the consummation of a romantic court ship at Hot Springs Friday. The con tracting parties were Ernest Shendal, a hotel clerk, and Miss Eldora P. Craig, daughter of Auditor Craig of the Union Pacific railway. The parents opposed the match but the young couple took a drive into the country and returned man and wife. Reports of the naval officers com- 1 manding the vessels on the Behrimr sea patrol one and all present a very discouraging outlook for the future of our seal fisheries. Gonerally these reports show that the regulations im posed in accordance with the findings of the Paris arbitration are of little avail in protecting the seals during what is known as the open season. ! Over 600,000,000 fish of varloua kinds have been hatched and loosed under , the auspices of the national cotnmis- i sion this season. There has been about 100,000,000 hatched shad.sl.OOO, 000 white fish, 3,000,000 perch, besides smaller numbers of a great many ( other species. i mm Will S1EP on THE NEW JERSEY SENATOR NO LONCER IN POLITICS. HE WILL HOT SEEK RE-ELECTIOH UU Health la Too Feeble to Stand tha Strain of Another Campaign 91 ehosetts Republican Renominate . Governor Green halge UHsoo Returns From Europe Im L proved In Health. Nkwabk, N. J., Oct 8. A lettei was received to-day by Assemblyman Moses Bigelow from Senator McPher son, in which he stated that he wai not a candidate for a fourth term in the senate. "For a period of eigh teen years," Mr. McPherson wrote, "1 have served the people of New Jersey in the . senate of the United Statei faithfully and diligently and with all my ability. For the last four years the sessions have been almost contin uous and the strain upon me physical ly has been quite as great as I can bear and I cannot assume the respon sibility of an active, exciting political struggle wnicn tne situation in New Jersey seems to make necessary to Insure complete success." Mr. McPherson has been a senator for a longer consecutive period than any other citizen of New Jersey. BAY STATE REPUBLICANS. Governor Greenhalge Renominated Senator Hoar Reports tha Platform. Boston, Oct 8. The Massachusetts Republican state convention assem bled in Music hall to-day, Samuel T. Winslow acting as temporary presi dent Upon reporting a permanent organization the committee stated through Senator Hoar that Congress- mUQ Cogswell, who had been selected for the president's place, had sent a telegram stating that his physicians would not permit him to attend. Therefore Temporary President Wins low was continued aa permanent president Curtis Guild, jr., was ap pointed to read Congressman Cogs well's speech, which he had writtea Senator Hoar, as chairman of the committee on resolutions, submitted the following report: - "The principles of the Republicans of Massachusetts are as well known as the commonwealth itself; well known as liberty; well known as justice. Chief among them are: An equal share in the government for every citizen; the best nossible for every working man; the American 1 mantel ior American labor; every dollar paid by the government both the gold and silver dollars of the con stitution and their paper representa tives honest and unchanging in value and equal to every other; better immiirration laws: better naturaliz ation laws; no tramp, Anarchist crim- I r Pf.uper labor to be let in so that I SSfi1? h alI DOt ,-iaiD.ed I P011"1 sympathy with liberty and ltp i a fvernJmon- """e and 5.d; Americanism every where; the flag never lowered or dishonored; no surrender in Samoa; no barbarous queen ueaeaaing men in Hawaii; no lynchings, no . punishment' without trial; faith kept with the pensioners; no deserving old soldier in the poor house; suppression of dram drinking and dram sellinjr; a school at the public charge open to all children; and free from partisan or sectarian control; no distinction of birth or re ligious creed in the rights of Ameri can citizenship; clean politics; pure administration; no lobbyists; reform old abuses; leadership along loftier paths; minds ever open to the sua light and the morning, ever open to new truth and new duty as the new years bring their lessons." Senator Lodge, after some routine business, moved the renomination by acclamation of Governor F. T. Green halge. This was adopted and similar action was taken as to Lieutenant Governor Roger Wolcott William M. Olin was nominated by acclamation for secretary of the commonwealth, Henry M. Phillips for treasurer and receiver general, General John W. Kimball for auditor and H. M. Knowl ton for attorney general. MR. WILSON RETURNS. The Tariff Keform Leader Back From Europe Ready for Hard Work. New Yobk, Oct a After a stormy voyage the American line steamer New York arrived to-daV. A mono- the naaseno-ers r. i - a wt w;i." it:J?:. ... aj. Mumu ui n.ai Virginia, ano Isidore Strauss of this state. Mr. Wilson, who was looking excel lently, said: "I feel fully recovered from ray recent illness and have en joyed my trip very much. 1 did not go over to tain tans, but 1 met a i number ox the leading financial and business men in London at the cham ber of commerce dinner. I spoke to them then, and said the new tariff bill .was not made to suit them, but to suit Americans. My remarks, I believe, were cabled over here, and I have nothing to add to them. The British will have to look out for us when we get free raw ma terial, for we will command suprema cy in manufactures; our merchant marine will be restored and our mer chants will appear in neutral mar kets.". 'What do j on think of the result in Georgia and t ie gain of the Popu lists?" "Well, as I have only just heard of It I can not give any opinion at the present time. I am going right home and will begin my canvass at once. That will be a test of my health be ing improved, as I am going to work very hard." Ryan and Dempsey Matched. Chicago, Oct. 8. Articles have been signed for a finish fight between Tommy Byan of Chicago and Jack Dempsey, the "Nonpareil." The men will meet at the Auditorium Athletlo club of New Orleans, December 12, for a purse of 95,000, weighing in at 144 pounds at the ring Bide. Dr. Ulles Pain PUla cure Neurabrla. LIVE STOCK AND CORN. LAnnual Crop Report Showing Average la the Several State. Chicago, Oct 8. The annual crop report on hops, cattle and corn of Mallory, Son & Zimmerman gives the following averages: On old hogs Illinois, 79; Iowa, 76; Missouri, 82; Wisconsin, 69; Minne sota, 86; South Dakota, 59: Nebraska, 35; Kansas, 61; Indiana, 88; Michigan, 91; Ohio, 89. Pigs Illinois, 105; Iowa, 110; Mis souri, 95; Wisconsin, 102; Minnesota, 111; South Dakota, 93; Nebraska, 86; Kansas, 67; Indiana, 90; Michigan, 96; Ohio, 95. ....... Cattle Illinois, 89; Iowa, 88r Mis souri, 89. Wisconsin 89: Minnesota, 69; South Dakota, 50; Nebraska, 44; Kan sas, 54; Indiana, 76: Michigan, 78; Ohio, 79. Corn Illinois, 98; Iowa,60;Missouri, 76: Wisconsin, 72; Minnesota, 76;8outh Dakota, 39; Nebraska, 31; Kansas, 45: Indiana, 111; Michigan, 87; Ohio, 82. The percentage of wheat-fed hogs iiiinoia, i; wws, is; Missouri, 18; Wisconsin, 33: South Dakota. 75: X- braska. 52; Kansas, 55: Indiana. 32: xaicnigan, sz; unio, 44. The reports of correspondents on wheat feeding show that farmers to a large extent have tested the value of wheat (when ground) as food for all classes of stock and are using it free ly and deriving benefits from its use that are surprising Many of the correspondents who have made scien tific testa state that one bushel of wheat when ground and properly fed is equal to one and one-half buskels of corn, and as this is a year when it will have to be used to a large extent, it is apt to revolntionize the stock feeding business. Another prominent feature of the report is the large number of coun ties reporting disease among hogs. In the eleven states disease is re ported in 111 counties. There have been thousands of pigs from 20 to 140 pounds weight shipped from Nebraska and South Dakota into Iowa, Illinois and other states, and it is principally among these hogs -that the disease started and spread to native hogs. FIVE STATE TICKETS. f hat It the Number to Bo Presented Voters of Missouri in November. Jbffebsos City, Mo., Oct 8. The socialist labor party yesterday filed with the secretary of state their state ticket which consists of the follow ing nominees, all from St Louis: Judge of supreme court Albert E. Sanderson; superintendent of publio schools, James A. Rendell; railroad and warehouse commissioner, L. Seller. The Democrats and Populists have filed their state nominees, but the Republicans and prohibitionists have not done so up to date. There will be five state tickets voted for at the November state elec tion, to-wit: Democratic, Republican, Populist Prohibition, and Social Labor. It is yet believed that a deal is between the Republicans and Popu lists to witnaraw tne .Populist candi date for judge of the supreme court in favor of the Republican nominee. BALLOT CANNOT BE MARKED. .Attorney General Little Renders a Do elalon Upon This Point Topkka, Kan., Oct 8. A letter from B. M. Wallace of Topeka to the attorney general states that an at tempt will be made to ascertain how certain citizens of Shawnee county cast their votes in the coming elec tion, and inquiring if any marks can be put upon the ballots bv the judges of election, or by any other person, by which it can be determined by whom the vote is cast In answer ' to the proposition General Little says: "I have carefully examined the Australian ballot law, and 1 find that one of the purposes of this law is to prevent any person knowing for whom the voter casts his vote. If any judge of any election shall, with a view of determining how any voter shall cast his vote, mark the same in any way, he should be reported once to the county attorney, and such judge should be immediately prose- 1 eutea ior sucn violation of the law." Suicide of a Prominent Farmer. Harrisonville, Ma, Oct 8. Henry flockaday, a prominent farmer living about six miles west of town, about 35 years old, and recently a candidate for the nomination of treasurer on the Democratic ticket committed sui cide by taking strychnine. He was married last Tuesday and was build- j ing a new house to live in. Ill health was supposed to be the cause. . held Op by the Cook Gang:. Muskogek, Ind. Ter., Oct 8. Last' night the K. & A. V. depot at Fort Gibson was robbed by six masked men. The Cook pan?, who are sue- cessors to the Dalton gang, are known Afl tL . io nave oeen in me vicinity oi t ort :tiibsond lurinsr the past week and the inference is that they were the rob bers. The new song book, now ready for de- liver j, is immense. Fire in yoar orsers. Thirty-five Cents a oopy. J Errors of Youth.! SUFFERERS FROM leirous Debility, ToatMal Indiscretions, Lost IMood, a BE YOUR OWN PHYSICIAN M.nv men. frnm the effect, of To 11 th fill imnru- At dene, hive, brought .bout a ttt. of weaknw, A that bu reduced the general nitem to much u to (k induce slmoit mrj other dlieuei and th. real fy cue of the troubl. fcarcely ever being .uapected, 0 they are doctond for everything but the right one. W During oureztemire college and luMpital practice a 9 w. nave discovered Dew and concentrated reme- V diea. The accompanying prescription i. offered -m 8mi certain and spkedi ci rk, hundred, of' cam. having been rertored to perfect health by it. fa nr after all other remedie. failed. Perfectly pur. ingredient, muat be UMd in the preparation of thu A prescription. 0 R Erythrozylon coca, drachm. Jerubebin.t drachm. -m 9 Helonia. DIoica, drachm. Galaemin, 8 grain.. ... fa Ext. ignatia amare (alcoholic), t grain,. Eit leptandra, 2 Kruplea, 0 Glycerine, q. a. Mix. Make 0 pHle, Take 1 pill at p.m., and another W on going to bed. Thii remedy I. adapted to .very m 9 weaknea. in either lex, and eeprcielly in those W A cam renihing from imprudence. The recuperative f. power, of thi rertoretive are attoni.hing, and it. UK continued for a .horttimechangee the languid, g debilitated, nemlea. condition to on. of reuwed " To tnof who wouM prefer to obtain U of at. to fla remitting 1, a tealed package contalng 60 pilla, SJ w carefully compounded, will be eent by mail from At our private laboratory, or we wilt furrilah 6 pack- Bf w ageaTwhich will cur. moat caaet, for ti. AU MMr. m .aewaVp amJUtHM. J NEW ENGLAND MEDICAL INSTITUTE, J m 7 Tremont Row, Bstton, Mast. Kantaa City Grain. i KaksasCity. Ma, Oct 8. -Quotation for ear lots by sample on track in Kansas City weie nominally as follows: So. t bard 4S.& 49c: No i bard, 47 (48 No. 4 hard 4flo re jected too: No ,2 red 4fl44'io No. a red, 15 Ha Mo 4 red 44; rejected. 4243a White corn met with a little better demand than yesterday and sold fractionally higher, but mixed corn sold slowly, though very few samples were oderln. ' Receipts of corn to day. Scar a year ago, 80 cars No 3 mixed, t cars, 46c, Kansas City. - No. 3 mixed nomi nally 45o; No. 4, nominally 44e: No i white. 1 ear Ifl'io, 2 cars 47o: 5 ears 7)c t cars 47 '4c; No 8 white, nominally 4& Oats Sold slowly, but holders would not accept anything below yesterday's prloes. Receipts of oats to-day, 10 oars a year ago 17 cars. No. t mixed oats. 8 cars -0c, No. 8 mixed, 2 oars 28a, 2 oars ffltfo; No. 4 oats, nom inally, 2ft27e: No white oats, nominally 33a No. it white nominally 32a Live Stock. Kahsas City, Ho . Oct & -Cattle Re ceipts, 2,844; calves, 460 shipped yesterday, 2,491: calves, m. Hogs Receipts, 2.77: shipped yeiterday, 678. . The market was quiet sod steady to to lower. The top was ss 15 and the bulk of sales 85 to 85. Oi against 85 15 for top and 85 to 85.15 for bulk yesterday. Sheep-Kecelpts, 1,898: shipped yastsrday, 805. The market was active and stron with stead ad ranees of 10 to 15c this week. The i foilowiu are representative sales: I No. Wt Price No. wt Price. 18 lambs... IB 8 85 ttmut 1 2 85 79 mat 85 sou 12 ewes ... 105 2 22 881 NIC lm 89 800 21 mut.... . 80 2(0 461 Ca. ewi 88 319 Horses Receipts. 93: shipped 88, The market was quiet yes tarda McNKRNEY ft ALT8CHULBR, Attorneys at-Law. Notice. To Emma J. Rett, non-resident defendant: Ten are hereby notified that on the 22nd da' of September, 1884, William A. Jett filed a neti tlon In the district eourt aa-alnat Ton. tha nh. ject and prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you have will fully abandoned and deserted plaintiff without rood cauM for the term of morethan two years You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 8th day of November. ot. niimisa a.aiiirilMlll, By McNBBjrrr AivracnuLia, 16t4 His Attorneys. FOR SALE1 A FIVE-HOR8B POWXB Electric Motor. Ia Good condition. Will be sold Cheap 41 soli ewa. - M. O. REILLY. Cor. nth ft M 8ts Lincoln, Neb. The New Commonwealth. THE great People's party paper of New . York, and organ of the Co-OperaUvs movement oi tne united states, and uanaaa. Pries, BO Cents Per Year, ample Copies Free Addr-, Set Commoai cilti, 706 Macon St - BBoosxnr.R.Y. Sulpho-Saline Bath Home and Sanitarium. Corner 14th and If 8ta , Linooln, Heb. Open at Ail Hours Day and Night. All Forms of Baths. Turkish, Russian, Roman and Electric. With special attention to the application of Natural Salt Water Baths fevers! times stronger than sea water. I ' ' RhenmatUm, Skin, Blood and Nerront Dis eases, Liver and Kidney Troubles and Chronio Ailments are treated successfully. Sea Bathings may be enjoyed at all seasons In onr largs SALT SWIMMING POOL, 60x142 feet, 8 to 10 feet deep, heated to uniform temperature ot 80 degrees. DBS- M. H. and J. 0- EVERETT, 1 Managing Physicians. HOW OITEM Reduced : Rates I for round trip tickets to Many Tourist Points. . . . AMONQ THEM . Hot Springs, Dead wood, Rapid City. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Ashland, Bayfield, Madison, Milwaukee, Oeonomowco, Wis. And othfr points too numerous to men tion in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Ontario, Etc. For rates, maps, etc., see S. A. Mohhkr. A. S. Fielding, Gen'l Agt. City TTtt. Agt. 117 So. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb. Depot: Cor. S and 8th Sts. BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND c In lil!lllllLHilil DOAQO But "Direct Fkom Factory" Best MIXED Paints. At WHOLESALE PRICES, Delivered Kree. For Hon.ee. Barns, Roots, all colon, and AVE Middlemen's profita. In nse 61 years. Endorsed by Granite and Farmers' Alliance. Low prices will surprise yoa. Writ for samples, o. W. INGEKbOLL, 258 Plymouth St, Brooklyn, N. Y. INCUBATORS: HiiT-f . Tne Ken a pie X Ik.! V M sf -f1 Ctjrrtot is Pnnorpin. UMrr J- y 1 ai World' Pair. 6et. In scamps tot 7 T a) IIS pat Ponltrr ftuMe and Cat. W r fOCLTKY FOR PROFIT mad- pUln. Rd-R"k Informati n. 7 r Ketiable Incubator and Brooder Co.,Quincy, lit. aa . 1 a r - 1 ei.ii, wm .K Sasslaa, Warm, ferrlaca SW I SMrW, Hara, Urt TnaiSa, La'uual' luk rmmm, !"., naaea, uaar Bill, SUs nitUm, tmm Saws, Tiaasa, AaU7 IbM' Mhm Traaaa, Aa-Ua, Ilk. tnm I CwaWaca, fhaa, SMI I, Base U. a.aaia, Biai aiUa. -- - 1. aaa tarla, Jaraaa. Sa-aa,Wh rm. wrlegiw, rnataaa, Sawa, Steel O-jw ka a-Itan, M, S a MV, Sleafciliiati., Ilra.l, naataisea4Cester :, ft tm fM.lir.1 sas aa. Saw to mm T Ul Se. .sSeisaa St., oaiOAM ftOALB 00 asaaa Willi Please mention Tne Wealth Makers. le-ea ace mnm wnm mm HFC IT aSl llf ril'SlT. . Omt kaj wots 1 naiaataes for IS Ismrn wnk Maawth lekebVlawa, S.l.titiill.t CS ler Saellla.S.M'S.IU Saasl. aaiVaiaiilH. 'I1 Jt af Steal WaaeMli.il..is say wkm ea aw tsaaa. Wwl.'. air Malai7i 1 1 V7.li im! attota- faatary ansae. rtCr Cattal.St lil list say tat taaailai ot lat tws rKEt .alalar.., latSialal. irtlaaa at Ifc. WerU'. faa. 0XF0BD Tf I. CO. ttt Wsttik iit. CNICAIO.HU rHROW AWAY CURRY COM3 AND BRUSH! uuifjingion STABLE 'BLANKET. Tour Hone Is always clean. It keeps tne Hair smooth and a-lceey. Nosardnclera- qolrad. NoHghtglrtli. So 10 cnaanf or . 1 mane. No ruhhln or tail aSerhUfeot. No"Wk oFr TO THKftL We coaflne oar Sales to Jobbers only. Rtlfl 1 lyVi UtALtHa DO "OT keep THEM UUl I We will. In order to convince too of the superiority of the Burlington "STAY ON" over all Imitations and old style blankets, snfti only one blanket to any address, express paid on receipt of prioe. (Write for Cajtiiwue and KiM.v BURLIK6T0N BLANKET C0.,BUR WON- Laundrying Shirts MADE EAOY with Orawllsr. spring and Batons Besom Board. A shin front is stretcaed like adronibwadsadaaBtraiffht atarlbooa. Willis ysa art Irtnlnt Us tpriaas ara idUa. : No wrlnklM nor crooked places possible. Fall Instrncttoaa for starching, polishing, etc wlta each board. Sent by express on receipt ot the pries, 8L0O. Agents wanted. E. OREYYILER, Upper Sandusky, O. Wan writing please mention Wealth Makers. Here a little, there a little you will hardly notice it will soon have saved enough to buy a bicycle and feel better eat better , sleep better work better be better Get a Rambler With " G. & J." Non-Slipping Tires "AND YOU RUN NO RISK." Each one guaranteed. $125.00 for all weights and styles. ' Catalogue free at any Rambler agency, or by mail for two 2-cent stamps. Qormully & Jeffery Mfg. Co. Chicago. Boston. Washington, New York. E. R. GUTHRIE, Agent, Li d coin. Nf t GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE The "Fixed Star" State. TO THE EAST. Best Dining Oar Service in the World. Nothing can be clothed with more facts than the statement that thousands of farmers und fruit growers will leave the more northern climes and locate in Texas. This was evinced" by the excursion of January 9th, over the Chica(?o, Rock Island & Pacific to Texan, and the hun dreds that availed th-iiiHelves of the low rate were well repaid lor the trip, and if each one could be heard on the subject, the unanimous verdict would be, "It is better than I expected to see, and just suits me." Many thousands will avail themselves of the coming excurnions and low rate offered, as did the hundreds on the bwt one, and everyone who dwires to secure a farm of 160 acres,, or a 20 or 40 acre ,r"lt,t!'actiu that land of mild climate should not stand on the order of their going but "Uo" the first excursion posi- Apply for detailed Information as to rates of fare to any representative of the Ureat Kock Island Houte or any coupon JJcke,t,t' or a,ldm,s "Editor Western. 1 rail, -Chicago, for full facts as to the land. JOHN. SEBASTIAN, Gtfu'l I.W.Agt., Chicago. A.X , J iBmaraTaTI :EaJ"""easaa!!a3 M v Wi f