OctoWr 4 1694 THE WEALTH MAKERS. K sometime awkward things to make sound well in some people's ears. After repeated failure in this county to get a crowd, the Republicans bare concluded, hereafter, to take the crowd with them, by the 15. & M. route. It begins now to look like a landxlide. Some would be eatintied if a part come, but the political breeze seems now to Si(gh) A. Wholecome, for governor. "Serpents hiss and so do geese," was Rosewaters rebuke to the tailor-made bipeds, who hissed for hire, at his meeting last Friday evening. Hon. E. E. Brown, a distinguished Re publican, had the distinguished honor of introducing the distinguished Editor, to his magnificent audience last Friday evening. Mayor Weir is now athome, to remain, until he goes to Washington to take his seat as the next congressman from the 1st district, except temporary absence, speaking, and hand-shaking, in the dis trict. We're not joking. We wonder if Stephenson who tried so hard to break up the Rosewater meeting at the Lansing, last Friday evening, is a son of Stephen, as the namo implies, who was stoned to death for a much less offense. Watch for the straws, and you can find who are most interested in the .result of the election this fall in Nebraska. Who furnishes the free passes for Republican speakers, and free trains of cars to trans port the listeners to Republican rallies? Tom Majors was not prseent, in person, at the Rosewater meeting, but his picture was pinned to a good many coats, and a crimson blush of shame seemed to sur round even his shadow, as the speaker by the calcium light of official documents' threw his official record upon thecanvass) The Republicans of Lincoln are circulat ing a petition to presentto Mr. Rosewater requesting him to make his next date in our city on Borne other day of the week, as bis speech left a ringing in their ears, which, to them, is a sign of death, and they attribute it, not so much to what he said, as to its being said on b riday. Strode's friends say he is physically un sound, and his enemies know he is politi cally unsound, and, it is said, that a sound mind cannot exist in an unsound body, therefore his mind isunsound, and, it seems to us, there is altogether too much unsoundness in his make up to make a sound congressman. Weir is al right, for he has "mens sana in corpore sano, ana is sound also politically. In the language of Tom Majors here's two of a kind: They are Burns and McKesson And McKesson and Burns' The one you can't guess oa. But may learn a lesson By following hli turns. One Is B. & M John. T'other Is saline Joe And they both claim an "Hon;" Bur, mhonor upon Can't tell why n Is so. When you find either name, On your ballot this fall. Just say: "I'll be blamed If I vote my own shame, It I don't vote at all. LOCAL POLITICAL COMMENT Hams Kaulzman is making it warm for the Holt county boodlers and they evi dently wish he was in Hades. His Beacon Light is becoming a power in Holt county and the Bartley crowd will hear some thing drop if Haras keeps his promise, Let's have it Hans. The people are after facts. Elgin Advance. One of the most logical political speeches with which the people of Fill more county have ever ,been favored was that of Judge W. L. Stark at Geneva Saturday. The speaker held a large audience for two hours and received close attention. He speaks in Exeter on the 15th and the people of this vicinity have a treat in store for them. Exeter Enter prise. There are a good many Democrats who do not seem to have been bothered thus far with the reflection that their cham pion, Mr. Bryan, is between two fires. If the Republicans have a majority in the legislature, he is not in it for the senate. If the Populists get a majority, it is hardly probable that they will forget the fact and give the office of senator to a .member of another party. If the Demo crats have the balance of power, he has room for hope. Mr. Bryan will, there fore, be very apt to try and keep the pops from being too signally successful. He would hardly desire to see a Populist majority. News, Lincoln. Facts Which Expose Falsehoods. Holdkegk, Neb., Sept., 27, 1894. Editor Wealti Makers: A certain portion of the press of the state is wildly proclaiming that the pros" pect of Populist success this fall is de stroying our credit in the east and that it is with difficulty that bonds can be floated. This is not my experience, although somewhat limited. Last January dis trict No. 50, Phelps county, sold a f 150 bond at f 11 discount and district No. 74 sold a $650 bond at $9 discount. District No. 14 recently sold a $360 bond at par and district No. 75 sold a f 450 bond at f a premium. In fact the money was received just last Saturday. If this is the way a threatened Populist victory affects school bonds I most earn estly pray that the assured victory will soon come, as our Bchool districts need every cent they can get from the sale of their bonds. Yours truly, E. P. Montgomery, County Supt. of Phelps county. Subscribe for The Wealth Makers. A New Itranch of the National Civil 8? r vice. ByJamksH. ( anhkld Chancellor ok Umveickity ok Nebraska, During the first week in July I bud the honor to draw and forward to a friend in Congress a suggestion for a new branch of the National Civil Service. The pres sure of the business at Washington ren dered it quite impossible to give this proposition as much attention as it might otherwise have received; and we both felt that it would be better to place it before the public for general discussion before bringing it into legislative bails. Very briefly, then, it is outlined fortbecolumns of this Journal There is a constant and wise tendency to throw around public service of any kind the sanctions and restrictions and general supervision of State or National authority. The examination and licens ing of steam engineers under city ordi nances; the regulations of the pilot ser vice; the statutes governing the enlist ment and service of seamen; the care with which the States protect the public in the matter of the practice of medicine and the dispensing of remedies; even the ex amination and licensing of members Of the bar and of teachers, are all illustra tions of this principle, Following this, it is proposed to estab lish a United States Railway Service. Those enlisted in this service should in clude at least engineers, fireme.-i, conduc tors, brakemen, and switchmen. The conditions of enlistment, the term of ser vice, the methods of withdrawal, the compensation of the members of each class, the mileage or hours that shall constitute a day's service, the conditions of overwork and overpay, the exact re sponsibility of employers for injury to the employees, the methods of possible pensioning all these details should be determined by the general Government and be constituent parts of the general plan. Then it should be made unlawful for any transportation company to em ploy others than enlisted men; and these should be employed, of course, under the conditions prescribed. To those who have had any acquaint ance with either Government service or that of any great system of transporta tion, the details of such an organization are not at all formidable. The Govern ment assumes no financial responsibility whatever. It may very properly make provision, however, that the pay of members of this service shall constitute a preferred claim against the corpora tions employing. It would not be at all difficult to enlist in this Bervice all the men that would be needed, as they ar already in the employ of the various rail roads. Care should be taken to enlist none but the best of men. There would be very little difficulty as to a scheme ot wages, since wanes on the various rail way lines do not differ much at present, Bervice Considered. With such a service there would be no more danger of serious complaint or of strikes than there is now in mail service. Such a service, under such regulation and supervision, is needed, if forno other purpose than to make absolutely certain the transportation of the mails. But it is just as much needed to make travel safe, and to preserve life at great centers where the daily supplies must be regular ly received. More and more does the en tire commercial and even physical life of the Nation depend upon regularity and efficiency in transportation. Because of inter-State relations, the care of this can not' be. given to the States. National superintendence is all that is left us. "Put Me Down as a Member." Steele City, Neb., Sept. 24, 1894. Editor Wealth Makers: Our next governor, auditor, superin tendent of public instruction, also our member of Congress from this district, came to Fairbury and gave us a good talk. I am proud of our state and con gressional ticket. We need fear no com parison neither physically, mentally nor morally. John M. Thurston says that the De mocracy has evidently surrendered to the money power. Yes, that's so, John but after having ridden that party down to its political grave in now proposes to change horses and ride the Republicans to the same common grave. The east has no use for the government, especially for the west and the southern portion of the country, except to wring the last drop of sweat and blood from the com mon people. Rut if the representatives of the west and south are true to them selves and the interests of their constitu ents this conspiracy will notsucceed. Now in regard to the Initiative and Referendum, which embraces the Impera tive Mandate. Impress it on each voter that instead of sending his delegate with absolute power to enact laws affecting his personal welfare, with the Heferendum and through the Imperative Mandate we can compel that delegate to perform his duty, and can defy the corporate briber, because our court of appeal will be the common people. Your Christian corporation strikes me right. Consider me down as a member. I want to make one suggestion. Let every follower of Jesus of Nazereth wear a white cross on his breast pledging him self to shed the blood of no man, but to advocate: "As ye would that men should do unto yon, do ye even so unto them." Say, if ten thousand men in the U. S. would practice Christianity we could dis arm the whole world in ten years. Read Hebrews TIII-10, 11. Yours for truth and justice, W. II. Crase. Ilrjran at Osceola. The sMH-ch of W. J. Bryan at the Polk Co. Fair, on Friday, was a fine oratori cal effort. Its effects would be as varied as the political prejudices and mental idiosyncracies.of thepersons who listened to it. The hearty and good natured laugh w hich followed his allusion to Polk county as a fresh field and pasture green for his eloquent efforts at political propagandise showed that there were a great many alert and critical Populists in the audience, while craned necks, open mouths, and bulging eyes betrayed the presence of enthusiastic fusionists and hero worshipers prepared to swallow in discriminate everything which dropped from the lips of the silver tongued orator. Now aud then there might be observed an "Almost thou persuadest me' look upon the countenances of some uupetri fled Republicans, while here and there a stony look of stupid and determined dis sent marked thefossiliferous faces of some stratified g. o. ps. of antiquity. Mr. Bryan's answers to tho quesiions propounded by somesimple minded Pop ulist whose untutored mind still harbors a belief in political honesty and consist ency were both courteous and candid and revealed the fact, as the questioner pro bably intended, that he believes the Dem ocratic party can be relied upon to carry out all necessary reforms and therefore, that the People's party has no Excuse for existence, and that he is and is likely to remain a Democrat, the foolish declara tions and prophecies of the Populists to to the contrary notwithstanding. He also clearly and honestly defined his po sition on the money question, briefly in dicated his views on land and transpor tation, and proved to every intelligent Populist present that he differed radi cally with them on these three great is sues. ,The Populist who, after reading his platform and hearing his speech at Osceola, declares that he is a Populist in everything but the name, either knows nothing about our platform oris afflicted with some mental deformity. If Popu lists continue to deceive themselves in re gard to him it is not his fault. Mr. Bry an has given us a manly and straight forward declaration of hie, principles, and if we lose our heads over a few compli ments paid to the People's party and make political asses of ourselves, he is not to blame. If all Populists were as devoted to their party as Mr. Bryan is to his, we would never have heard of fusion in Nebraska. Mr. Bryan believes that the Democratic yarty can be re formed and will eventually swallow up the People's party, Populists who have a similar faith in the party which has confessed its inability to carry out the reforms to which it was pledged in the last campaign, and who are anxious to be swallowed, are the only ones who can consistently support W. J. Bryan. No one who listened intelligently to his speech at Osceola could help noticing that while his eloquent and patriotic generalizations, his ironical exposure of protective tariff and bounty frauds, his masterly plea for free silver, and his per sonal claims as a reformer, were highly appreciated and received deserved ap plause, whenever he essayed to excuse or apologize for the action of the present Democratic administration, the effort was a flat failure. When he gave as "reasonable ground for hope that the Democratic party would carry out the refojm indicated in his platform," that they had put the income tax in their tariff bill, that they would favor the elec tion of D. S. Senators by direct vote of the people, and that several Democratic conventions in the west and south had adopted platforms similar to his, we could not help smiling, remembering that the income tax, a purely Populist measure was forced upon them by the exigencies of the situation and is repudi ated by the leaders of their party, and that both the Republicans aud Democrats are this year shaping their platforms to suit the locality, pure gold-bugism in the east and gradually toning down to free silver in the west and promising all things, to all men, in order to down the pesky Populists. Another thing which amused us mightily was his declaration in words of burning patriotism that whenever his party declared in favor of a single gold standard, he would leave it in spite of the binding influence of a long line of Democratic ancestors. Mr. Bryan knows as well as we do that neither the Democratic or Republican party will ever commit suicide by declaring in favor of a single gold standard. It suits them much better to declare in favor of the gold and silver coinage of the constitu tion and a hopeless international agree- j ment, while they force us on a gold basis by legislation hostile to silver. We smiled audibly too when in words of im passioned eloquence the Democratic can didate for the U. S. Senate impressed up on a Populist audience the tremenduous folly of dying in "the middle of the road" for principle, when, by a little fusion pol icy, they could electfreesilver Democrats, and we would add, help to maintain a Democratic majority in congress. We did not smile, because we thought he was in earnest, when he spoke of the trans cendent importance of the money ques tion over all other questions and urged upon us the sacred duty of supporting men, regardless of party, who represented us right on that question, but when we got home aud found the World-Herald, of which he is editor-in-chief, warmly supporting gold bug Boyd against free silver Deaver in the second congressional district, we positively grinned. How would Populists like to support on a 'usion deal gold bug cuckoo Boyd who as If you have a hog, ii yuu nave cow, If you have a horse. If you have a farm, Sonnb'SL? h" to sell, and ucro youoan una a buyer ...ADVERTISE... IN The Wealth Makers, th?ZX wSJfr "52 M!5W7 -urprlsed at ..TO auvcrusiag rates to ADVERTISING DEPABTMEJJT, WEALTH MAKERS PDB. CO.. LiPcoln, Neb Three Cent Column. tVA.B OA 1 It I.I1T . . - - -' tAA "". "niea,""ForExchaniw small advertisements for short time will wora. ttjtISr " iJr'nDnhln or h snythln that G "wlfEJSffSS0 )scrlDe for Thi O. WriiSOW Attorney-af -Law, w ANTED-Twenty thousand new subscrl- WANTE D Fire and cyclone agents. Good k pajr J- V' 8wlK". Beo'y, IJncoln, 37tf T&J'EL. "CTRKETT, attorneys-at-law. im O St., Lincoln, Neb. HAViO YOU anything to sell or tradef Then adVArfclHA t.ha lant. 9hnnr . K I .. 1 and be surprised at the result. TINGLEY BURKETT, atrorneys-at-law, 1028 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Abstracts examined. L0E8?.a,H' B1 T8- CheaE. kanl, de lightful climate in Northern Texas. Send for circular. MCDONALD & RI I C'UIK, ls" Pender, Neb. WE do a general Exchange business in Real Estate and stocks of Merchandise. wht have you got to trade? MCDONALD & RITCdlE, Fender, Neb. mt ndrjEY(owio"METP,w MVIIIi I From Small or Large Amount!. Information Fret. Writ, the PI'HLIC STOCK UHAIR IX. t'llANUK, HtUhorg, Pa., or DKLANKY a 00, Bank.n ud "rotm, 118 Rialto (Bowl of Trad AlWM), Cklng llllnta, u.H. A. ftUgfatacnfrftiMai, (Maatba tail Dublfcatiaa.) Cmt tail iiRin i ii i" ii r Dr. 8. ' Celebrated Female Powdera never fail. wlffSTCaXelaclarm - arm mum ( arwr miing with Taniy and Pennrrova Filial, na it lm.l.njn...u T. DLX, Back&iy, Botton, Maw. DIII'S VA. FARMS FOR. $3 AN ifRI A XI n TTOUF A T5 rD i trn.r.... . NORTHERN SETTLEMENT. GEO. K. CRAWFORD A CO., Kicbhokd.Va. (List Free. Apis Wanted for "Striking for Life." Labor's side of the labor question, by Johm Swintoh, the Pillar of Light of the labor move ment. Complete agent's outfit FBKK. Quick large profits. Address s ' NATIONAL PUB. GO , Chicago, III. HOW TO GET RICH IS told in "THK ROAD TO WKALTH LB ADA THROUGH TUB SOUTH." a 200 page book full of facts and figures concerning that land toward which aa eyes are turning. Only 25 cents. E. C. ROBERTSON & CO., "Cincinnati, Ohio Neave Building. JU M PING Jhey hP,8klP- iP- "Hde, turn IT. " ' "'"somersaults almost Incessantly Ti K A NS .fr?m U8U8t t0 My- Wonder JUJjAlUr ful product of a Foreign Tree Greatest curiosity to draw crowds wherever shown, on streets, in shop windows, etc Just imported. Everybody wants one Fun his toryof Tree and sample Jumping Bean to Agents or StreetmeH 25 cents, postpaid S flor- Ln'nl,2a5Ii R" oVderind Vem. Ben quantities to your merchants for window SXSPmSS.19 others-Qul AQCNT8- H(RAU), No. 1841, J. B..PHILA, PA. The Leading Conservatory of America. Founded hv Hr It T..,. -.. V r ' llhiatrated Calendar giring full information free lnrl.il IVi,.f.. , . ".,. governor, vetoed the maximum freight bill and who represents in his own person everything obnoxious to real reformers? No, Mr. Bryan, we confess a sincere admiration for your ability and courage. a respect, somewhat modified within the last lew days, for yonr honesty and pat riotism, but we will not be led into the Democratic trap. We would rather fall in "the middle of the road" fighting for principle than die in the Democratic ditch at the side of it hunting for offices. We have about as much faith in yonr ability to reform the Democracy party as we have in the efficacy of Rosewater pills to purify Republican corruption. Uackbekry Hayseed. THE SEPTEMBER AfflfALS. The September Annals of the American k j . m. . .ncuueiiiy contains a paper on l no ulti mate Standard of value., by E. von Bohm-Bawerk; Relation of Labor Orga nizations rn I rHrtu Inaritntlnnu Kir M.n E. W. Bemis; Mortgage Banking in Rus sia, by D. M. Frederiksen, these longer articles, and among the briefer oues: Becinnino-of iTtilitir hv H V Pou. Present Condition of Sociology in the IT'i n . . w - . uniiea orates, Dy l W. llowerth: Im- rtrovemnnt nf Pnnntni nnaHu in f naan . I - v. ...... ..VHUIl 111 AUOi3U chusetts and New York, by E. R. John- son. j.ne personal notes and book re views am Valllnhlo A anmilmniii nrifk the September number contains the Con- i.t!4..ii n i i . DwtuMuu vi i russia, translated and sup plied with All int.rnHnptinn and nntna Kv James Henry Robinnou. Ph. D. of the T T : i e T , juiverouy oi i ennsyivania. Ten cents for the campaign. Only te cents. Send in a list of on-the-fenoe voters and order The Wealth Maksim sent tbeax till election. NEWS NOTES. The president has appointed James Comiskey as postmaster at St. Mary's. Ean. Twenty-five squatters on school lands in Oklahoma have been arrested on orders of the governor. I0U GREAT Remnant ...SALE... A AND I DISS G-0-0-D-S. APTEU CONCLUDING Our Discount Sale . IN DRESS GOODS WE HAVE ON HAND OVER 150 Remnants IN FANCY AND PLAIN WEAVES in the most desirable Shades in lengths from two to seven yards. These we intend to clean out at once. You can no doubt get some of the Greatest : Bargains Ever offered you in DRESS GOODS It will be to your advantage to call at once, and get first pick out of these choice patterns. 3 T es Q en A to I v FRED HUT V 921 0 St., Opp. P. 0., LINCOLN, q SO -SEE OUR- Parlor : Suit At the above price. It is aheavy Oak five-piece suit, and the bes'f bargain we ever offered. HARDY FURNITURE COHPANY, 211 So. 11th Street, LINCOLN, NEB. Irrigated Farm Lands -IN THE FERTILE SAN LDIS VALLEY. COLORADO. THE SAN LUIS VALLEY, COLORADO, it a stretch of level plain about as large as the State of Connecticut, lying between surrounding ranges of lofty mountains and watered by the Bio Grande River and a score or more of small tributary streams. It was the bottom of a great sea, whose deposits have made a fertile soil on an average more than ten feet deep. The mountains are covered with great deposits of snow, which melt and furnish the Irrigating canals with water for the farmers' crops. The Climate is Unrivaled. Almost perpetual sunshine, and the elevation of f-bout 7,000 feet dispels all malaria, nor are such pests as chinch bugs, weevil, etc., found there. Flow ing artesian wells are secured at a depth, on an averege, of about 100 feet, and at a cost of about 825.00 each. Such is the flow that they are being util ized for irrigating the yards, garden and vegetaDle crops. The pressure is sufficient to carry the water, which is pure, all through the farmers' dwell ings. Irrigation. Already several thousand miles of large and small irrigating canals have been built and several hundred thousand acres of lands made available for farming operations. Irrigation is an Insurance against failure of crops, be cause success is a question only of the proper application of water to them. The loss of a single corn or wheat crop in Nebraska, for instance, would more than equal the cost of irrigating canals to cover the tntire state, so impo tant is the certainty of a full crop return to any agricultural state. The San Luis Valley will grow Spring wheat oats, barley, peas, hops, beans, potatoes, vegetables and all kinds of small fruits and many of the hardier varieties of apples, pears and all Kinds of cherries. In the yield ot all these products it hot never been turpassdd by any other sec tion on this continent. Forty Acres Enough Land. Forty acres is enough land for the farmer of ordinary means and help. Be sides the certainty of return, the yield, under the conditions of proper irri gation, will average far more than the 160-acre farms in the Mississippi and Missouri Valleys, and the outlay for machinery, farming stock, pur chase money, taxes, etc, are proportionately less. - There are a hundred thousand acres of such lands located in the very heart of the San Luis Val ley, all within six miles of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, convenient markets and shipping stations, for sale at $15 00 per acre. Most of these lands are fenced and have been under cultivation and in many instances have wells and tome buildings, everything ready to proceed at once to be gin farming, A small cash payment only is required where the purchaser immediately occupies me premises, ara long time at seven per cent. Inter est is granted for the deferred payments. A Specially Low Homeseekers Rate will be made you, your family and friends.. A large party will leave for the Valley on Sept. 1st, 11th, 25th, and Oct. 9th. Should you settle on these lands the amount you paid for railroad fare will be credited to you on your payments; and remember the land is perfectly and thoroughly irrigated, and the land and perpetual water rights are sold you for less than other sections ask for simply the water rights without the land. Ao better lands exists any where on earth. For further particulars, prices of land, railroad fare, and all other Information call on or address, F. Li. MARY, Mention this paper. Manager Colorado Land & Immigration Co., BBOwTTELL BL00JL - - - - LHJ0OL5, HEB-