The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, August 30, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Tfc FrM LUt and Bonded Ooodt Clear
d tip Wool la Bond to Ba With
drawn FrM of Duty Reciprocity
Treat Im Revoked a Applies
to Venetaela. Columbia
and Hartl Other New.
Washingtos, Aug. 8. The tarifl
bill which has been in the custody of
ths treasury department since shortly
after it was sent to the president was
returned to the White house this
morning. It is stated authoritatively
that a veto is out of the question and
that the bill will become a law at 12
o'clock to-night
Secretary Carlisle has decided that
(foods placed in bonded warehouses
under the McKinley law and mads
free of duty under the new tariff act
are entitled to free entry and need nol
be exported and reimported to get
the benefits of the new act This is
of (rreat interest to the wool trade, a
large amount of wool being stored
now in bonded warehouses. In this,
as in all other mooted questions, the
secretary will follow the intent ol
congress and let aggrieved parties ap
peal to the courts it they cure to con
test on technical grounds, lie un
doubtedly will hold that diamonds
are dutiable, notwithstanding the
erroneous punctuation of the free
The secretary seut the following
telegram to collectors at Hew York,
San Francisco, Boston. Philadelphia.
Baltimore, New Orleans, Chioago and
rort xownsena. wash.,:
Treasury Department, Office of Sec
retary, Washington, D. C, Aug. 87,
1804. Collectors of Customs: You are
instructed as follows concurninir the
collection of duties under the recent
revenue legislation of concress:
First All articles heretofore sub
ject to duty made free by the provis
ions of the new act mar be withdrawn
from the warehouses on and after
August 28, 1894, without payment of
Second All manufactured artiales
especially or generally provided for
In schedule "K" where composed
wholly of materials other than wool
or worsted or of which some one
material other than wool or worsted
la the component part of their chief
value, will be admitted on and after
August 28, 1894, at the rate of duty
prescribed in the new act; all other
manufactured articles specifically or
generally provided for the said
schedule will continue, until January
1, 1895, to pay the rate of duty im
posed thereon by the act entitled: "An
act to reduce the revenue, equalize
duties on imports, and for other pur
poses," approved October 1, 1890.
Tnird Coffee and tea, hides and
kins, raw or uncured, whether dry,
salted or pickled, will be admitted
free of duty on and after the 28th day
of August, 1894, and treasury circular
"S" 12,510, dated March 24, 1892, is
sued in accordance with proclama
tions of the president of the United
States dated March 15, 1892, and di
recting the collection of duties upon
certain articles being the products of
or exported from Venezuela, Colombia
and Hayti is hereby revoked.
J. G. Carlisle, Secretary.
The Flaf Over Camp Washington
Half Mailt.
Washington, Aug. 38. The flag
over Camp George Washington was
lowered to half mast to-day on ac
count of the announcement of the
death of Congressman George B.
Shaw of Eau Claire, Wis., past su
preme chancellor of the Knights of
Pythias. Resolutions were drafted
at once by the supreme lodge, to be
sent to his family.
Three hundred extra tents from the
war department were raised to-day,
making the number in the camp 2.000,
but there were complaints of over
crowding and the Washington divis
ions, which had tented with the vis
itors, marched out of camp and gave
their quarters to the Michigan men.
Estimates of the number in camp are
about 10,000, as each tent accommo
dates five men. There are also many
unattached knights in town. Many
divisions arrived during the day and
there was a jolly time in camp not
withstanding the damp, uncomfort
able weather.
The state brigades which are here
are: Kentucky, Indiana, Kansas, Iowa,
Illinois, Wisconsin, Texas, Pennsyl
vania, Nebraska, West Virginia, Mis
souri. New Jersey, Ohio, Tennessee,
?Cinnesota, Michigan, New York and
ConneJut Separate regiments are
on the field from t'Jorida, ueorgia,
South Carolina, North Carolina, Mary
land, Maine, Rhode Island, Louisiana,
Delaware, Arkansss, and Colorado.
Two Oklahoma Delegates Indulge la
Wild Shooting to Express Disapproval.
Enid, Ok., Aug. 28. In the Demo
cratic county convention Saturday
night.a bitter fight was waged for the
Just before the close Delegate Mul-
holland of Waukomis denounced the
..' action of the convention and, draw
ing his revolver, began shooting out
the lights. Delegate Phillips of
Jonesville, a South Enid suburb,
rushed at Mulholland and, with drawn
revolver, began shooting through the
floor. There was a wild scramble for
the windows and doors, but fortun
, ately no one was injured.
Postage Stamp Changes. '
Washington, Aug. 28. General
changes in postage stamps have been
ordered by the postomce department
Many which have been issued for
years will be discontinued and a
number of new denominations in the
everal issues will hereafter be put
.Into use.
A Talk With the Old Party Hho.r
The campaign is on and the band Is
playing. We must get out and w hoop.
Tor what? ,
Why, for the candidates.
Who is he. .
Don't know. It makes no difference;
he was nominated.
By whom?
Don't know; we were not there.
Is he a good man?
Guess so; don't know anything
about him.
Is he a friend to the farmer?
Must be; says he is
Hadn't you better inquire into his
No time for that, got to whoop.
But suppose, when he is elected, he
refuses to do anything for you or to
recogn ize your industry.
Can't consider that matter now;
will look into it after election. Must
devote every energy to whooping until
the ballot box closes.
. But that is not the way a sensible
business man should act, is it?
Make to pretense to being sensible:
don't want to be sensible. But just
hear me whoop. There is patriotism
in that whoop; there is love for the
old flag in it: there is noise In it.
Noise makes votes; noise is the stock
in trade of American politics. Whoop
her up and beat the big drum.
But,friend, wheat is less than 50 cents;
cotton is down accordingly; taxes
are high; the mortgage is pressing
values hsye shrunk 50 per cent Great
heavens, politics means something
under such condi' ions. Doesn't your
own safety and prosperity demand
that you vote carefully and intelli
gently. Too full of whoop to think of the
common affairs of life. Ready to
burst with whoop. Must whoop or
But politics has to do with yonr
home, schools, your church, with the
dearest interests you have on earth
As a citizen, husband and father
there is a heavy obligation resting
upon you, and can you afford to treat
politics lightly?
Feel the responsibility, but it is not
as big as my whoop.
And the fellow keeps on whooping
until his throat is sore, his teeth loose,
bis pocket book empty and the party
ticket elected. Then he kicks. For
what? Because the man he elected
works and votes against his interests
all the time; and then he whoops
again; goes up and down the land
whooping against the treachery oi
the politician He is a constitutiona
whooper. He is all noise, like a burst
ing bladder balloon. Tied to party he
whoops his life away and dies a parti
san, whooping slave! Farmer's Voice,
Rawlins Strike Sympathisers Held.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 27. City
Marshal Haley, Editor J. F. Egan, and
Clerke of District Court Burke, citi
zens of Rawlins, charged with con
tempt of court in interfering with
united states deputy marshals during
the recent strike, were held to-day by
Judge Riner in 8500 bonds each to
await the action of the United States
grand jury. .
Four of a Family Drowned.
Pobtsmouth, Ohio, Aug. 87. A. A.
Parrott, ex-county commissioner, and
his wife and three children, riding in
a spring wagon, attempted to ford the
Scioto river, it being very low, but
the team struck a sink hole and all
the occupants of the wagon were
drowned except a 12-year-old boy
who managed to get to shore.
Returns From Tennessee Election,
r Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 20. Full
official returns of the election for su
preme judge have been received by
the secretary of state from every
county. Democrats, 145,158; fusionists,
131,289: Democratic majority, 13,869, a
gain of 25,835 over the aggregate op
position vote for governor in 1893.
The total vote is larger than was ex
pected. Cool and Beautiful
Is Hot Springs, South Dakota, best
reached by the Burlington Route.
Palatial hotels, wonder-working water
pure air, and magnificent surroundings
are only a few of its attractions.
The Burlington's local agent will
gladly give you full information about
Hot Springs, and also if you ask for it
a beautifully Illustrated folder.
J. Francis, G. P. & T. A.
Omaha Neb.,
Escape Heat and Gala Health.
At no "resort" north, east, south or
west, can this be done to such advant
age as at "'our ewn Hot Springs, S. D."
Now ia the time to go, and the Elk
horn Line the pioneer route the way.
Low Excursion rates in effect. Apply
to A. S. Fielding, city ticket agent, 117
South 10th street, or depot corner S
and 8th streets, for particulars. S. A.
Moeher, General Agent.
To the land of Bed Apples via the
Missouri Pacific route Feb. 1st, for one
fare for the round trip good 30 days.
Call on Phil Daniels, C. P. & T. A. 1201
O street Lincoln, Neb.
Use Northwestern line to Chicago
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1182
Call on Geo. Natterman & Co- for
carriages, wagons, Slsders, and all
farm implements. We'll use you right
Dr. Miles' Pain Pills core Neuralgia.
Use Northwestern line to Chicago
Low rates. Fast trains. Offlee 1133 O St I
Preeldent, W. . Dale, Atlanta.
Vlro-Pres., Prof. W. A. Jones, Hastings,
fiwaeury, Mrs. J. T. Kellle. Hanwell.
Tn surer. James Cameron, Beaver City.
I. H. Powei s. State Lecturer, Cornell.
W. P. Wright, stat Organizer Alliance Aid,
Bethany, Neb.
Chairman, I. N. Leonard, Lincoln.
E. drman, Bertrand.
C W Young, Wilsonvine.
C. M Lemar, Wsboo.
J. M. Dlminlck, Macon.
Action of the Alliance Executive
Meeting of the executive committee
of the F. A. & I. U. at Grand Island,
August 23, 1894.
A letter was received from the secre
tary of the American Railway Union at
Pullman, III , which was as follows:
Pullman, 111.. Aug. 8, 1894
St crete r? Nebraska Farmers' Alliance:
We understand that the members of
the Alliance are liberally disposed to
wards the movement here in Pullman
and think they will respond to our call
for aid. There are thousands of people
here on the verire of starvation. I have
been instructed to make this appeal to
vou on behalf of the Pullman people,
and ask that you use your influence in
whatsoever way you can ror ineir reuei.
Our cause is certainly a lust one, and
it is Impossible for us to work for the
waites we received prior to our striice,
as we cannot make both ends meet,
We, too, realize that the strike is not
toe proper means to attain justice ior
tabor, and have determined to make
another and yet more powenui sirim,
at the ballot box, this fall. We are or
ganized into People's party clubs, and
have candidates from our ewn ranks
and sympathizers on the ticket, and
(eel confident of their success this fall.
Anything the members might wish to
contribute can be sent to D. V. Glad
man, Treasurer Relief Committee, Pull
man, III.
Yours respectfully,
Secretary A. B. U., No. 251.
Box 551, Pullman, 111.
A motion was made and seconded
that the letter be received and placed
on file in the records of the office Car
ried. The following answer was then
read by the secretary.
Hartwkll, Neb., Aug. 23, '94.
M. J. Purcell, Sec'y A. B. U., No. 251,
Pullman, Illinois.
Dear Sir: Your letter of August 8th,
received. You are correct 'regarding
the feeling the Nebraska F. A. & 1. U.
entertain for the American Railway
Union and especially the Pullman
sirikers. We have for them the most
sincere sympathy, not as those might
oave who have never felt injustice: but
as fellow-sufferers in the chains of in
dustrial slavery.
Your letter has been brougnt c-eiore
tte Executive Committee of the State
Alliance ia our quarterly meeting and
win be brought to tne attention oi an
our members, and any of them who are
able to assist you will doubtless reioice
to do so; but I shame for the patriotism
and intelligence of the citizens of our
state, that I must say to you that hav
ing always been ruled over by agents of
toreign capitalists they have so robbed
and plundered our state of the wealth
produced here tnat bow wnen we are
having the first general crop failure
ever in the state, there is scaroely ex
changeable wealth enough among tne
tollers of tne state to Keep mem irom
starvation until another crop can be
Our bounteous crops for many years
have been sold below the cost of ipri
ductlon and we are not only destitute
but heavily burdened with debts.
Tens of thousands more will lose
their homes, victims to the traitors of
our state who have legislated only for
foreign oapltal and have ever turned a
deaf ear to our cries for justice or
Our P unman nere is in me iorm oi a
hydra-headed monster called land,
monev and transportation monopoly, and
our courts and executive officers carry
out its decrees and hold us to be robbed
at every turn. We feel that the only
solution for our troubles is to utterly
abolish land, money and transportation
monopoly and put men in office who re
gard the lives and liberties of their
fellow citizens as sacredly as those of
We deny the right or any man to own
more of the land than he wishes to use.
He has no right to keep enslaved his
No more should the necessary means
for the exchange of the products of
labor, which Includes money ana an
means of transportation, be owned or
controlled by individuals.
So you see you can aepena on me
hearty co-operation of the Nebraska
. , 11.. , ...
r. A. & l. U. at tne oaiioi-oox wn me
hope that by our united efforts we can
bring peace and liberty to us oom.
Hoping to go hand in hand to a com
plete co operative commonwealth
wherein Is no lord or slave, I am
Yours for industrial freedom,
Mrs. J- T. Kkllie.
Sec'y. Nebraska.". A. & I. U.
It was then moved and seconded that
the letter of the secretary be adopted as
the answer of the State Alliance and for.
warded to the A. R. U., and both given
to the press of the state for publication.
A motion wad presented as follows:
The executive committee of the State
Alliance and Industrial Union being In
session at Grand Island Aug. 23d, had
their attention called to an editorial
note published ia the Omaha Daily
Evening News of August 17, in the
following language:
The State Alliance and the farmers In
of Nebraska in general are indignant at
THE WEALTH MAKERS, publlsned at
Lincoln, on account of its scurrilous
attacks on Mr. Bryan. It is understood
that they have instructed The Wealth
Makers to shut up or be publicly de
nounced by the Alliances throughout
tbe state.
The State Alliance through its exe
cutive committee desire to state that
no such action has been taken by the
State Alliance. Mrs. J. T. Keixie,
Lancaster County Fair.
The Lancaster County Agricultural
Association will hold Its annual fair at
the State fair grounds September 7 to
14 inclusive. The premium lists are
now out and can be had of the secre
tary, John J. Gllillan, corner Eleventh
and P streets.
I and one Diploma for Bmatjr.
imtu ana tiMMfM.uvr
w,uuu oi mwie venicieg nave
been sold direct to the DeoDle.
I Send at once lor our complete
CKtftloeue ( D)of every kind of
vftalri tt tjai ai nlnii hook
ura Situ, of testimonials, tbey are free.
mm'?;" ,
tilt 'fwari'TS fTZl
Manufacturing Co.,
Unrivalled for fast Threshing, separating and
Excel in all points that go to make up a Per
fect Pulling and Working Engine. Send for
catalogue. Mention this paper.
tot THIS OUT and send It to as
' j "r nnme una address and we
send j on this watch bv express
forexamination. A Semites
Vitr i Tears and chain and
tMui m scni wnn it. Yon ex
amine it and If you think it
a barpnin pay our sample
prlje, S2.60, and It is yours.
It Is beautifully engraved
and warranted the best time
keeper In the W orld for the
money end equal in appear
J,nVS ..,to a Sennine Solid
Gold Wntch. Write to-day,
this offer will not appear
Chicago, III.
Oat these books and our paper as faat
as yon can into the hands af the peep),
friends. Buy, read and lrcaUta.
Addrasa all orders to tha
Wealth Makers Pub. Co., 1
Lincoln, Neb.
The New Redemption $0 75
A Plea For the Gospel 75
Civilization's Inferno 50
Looking Backward 50
The Dogs and the t leas ou
Ai; A Social Vision '.50
Co-Operative Commonwealth .50
If Christ Uame to unicago
Driven From Sea to Sea 50
London Money Power 25
Errors In Our Monetary System
and the Remedy 25
Six Centuries of Work and Wages .25
Seed Time and Harvest 25
Bond-Ho!ders and Bread winners 25
A Better Financial System, or
Government Banks 25
The Duties of Man 15
Ten Men of Money Island 10
Stockwell's Bad Boy 10
Seven Financial Conspiracies 10
for your
The sea
son for
coi'Q fod
der being
close at
hand, it
may be
well for
farmers to gtt
a set of these
low metal whet-lb
.th wide tires.
f hey can be had anp iZo wanted from
20 to 56 Inches in diameter, with tires
irom 1 to 8 inches wide. By having low
wheels enables you to bring the wagon
box down low, saving one man in load
ing fooder, etc. It is also very conven
ient for loading and unloading manure,
grain, hogs, etc, aDd will save in labor
alone their cost in a very short time.
These wheels are made of best material
throughout, and have every possible
advantage ever the high wooden wheels
with narrow tires, and will outlast a
dozen of them. There will also be no
resetting of tires necessary, and conse
quently no blacksmitb'b bills to pay.
Wide tires save your horses and pre
vent cutting up your fields.
For further information write The
Empire Manufacturing Co., Qulncy, 111.
who will mail catalogue free upon appli
cation. Ten Tons or Medicine
Won't do you as much good as a week'
stay at Hot Springs, S. D., the greatest
health and pleasure resort in the West.
The Burlington's local agent will
gladly give you full information, and
also If you ask for it a beautifully
Illustrated folder. J. Francis, .
G. P. & T. A.
Omaha, Neb.
11111 UU J
n ii if m
VI 1
ConsUrntnente from
Woo! Producers and Shippers
Solicited. Liberal Advances mad whan d
sired. Sacks free to Shippers.
Established 1866.
Q10.0llsfl.l.n..u m-i ,,
Z'Z voicaifo, uimoM.
WEa?U 2! fc'M 9f ick returns. If ,ou hav
out a lot of wcJol. We can make von Trull accouni Tsaies wUhSn VJf Te months close
celved. Sacks furnished on appfi
JaSXR w ri?r 70n t.ha,n KeBeral commission house who "ll hay! alL e f
Ihte papr ' We81veour attention to wool. rIa wrltlnf to us meni&B
Reierences, any bank In the United States, also Wealth Makers Pub. Co
The Great Northern Wool and Fur Co.,
104 and 106 Michigan S.. - - - . CHICAGO. ILL.
does Pay. ' It
REFERENCES: National Bank,
Chicago, and this Paper.
ome FVPafd by A.G.
tinq.t.A mil s ilv-.gyirt
- rne Dest oecause the most simple.
lew minutes' attention a day
will keep It running. Most
economical; guaranteed cost ol
running is one cent per horse
power per hour. Address,
No. 404 Southwest Boulevard
Wefcer 6as & 6asoline Engine Co., Kansas
Jk Percheron, English
3 "t
MY horses won more honors than any Importer's in America at, th fnii'rf T
State Fair, Des Moines; Nebraska StawFair. Lincoml and the Knsr t l0Wa
1893. My Black Percheron stallion, Jeannot, and my Beletan stain Vi y Fa,r' ason
to take first premium and sweepstakes over all For strictly flrai mTV,f ver (a led
prices, low interest and long lime visit the Crest Xtty Farm, CrLto Iowa tthS.low
iSna mlla HI at ant. Mow ImnnrtaHAn Hi,D J m' VieS0UI1' A0Wa- lelephone tO farm.
CUT THIS OUT and send lttons with yonrname
ana address, and we will send you tins elegant watch
by express for examinat ion. Ton examine it and if you
consider it a bargain pay the eirr'"i aifent oursnmple
price. 18. and It Is vours. Fine gold plate l bl
sad FREK with each watch, also our written .r.
sates for i frin Write to-day. this may not appear again.
281 Wabash Avenue, Chicago.
Grinds morn trraln tn anv
degree ol fineness than any other mill. Grinds ear
coru, oats, etc.. fine enough (or any purpose. War
ranted not to choke. We warrant the Peerless to be
ttr Write us at once for prices and agency.
There is money in this mill. Made only by the
Jobbers and Manufacturers of Farm Machinery,
Carriages, Wagons, Windmills. Bicycles, Harness,
etc. Prices lowest. Quality best.
Pearl Steel Mill
and Tower. K
Win run I yea:s'wi;hiut oil.
Win snd them on 3 dajs' lest trial,
and if not s itisf ictory to the pur
cli.iser it k n Ih? rpfurneii to us
mid we p?y freiqht both ways.
x ; '( ve l no flrimn'x wvmitity of any
company In we business, therti
hv protectlnsf you una vourcus
tepjer aiiiunst lows In case ol na
vVrtie tor full particulars and
printed matter.
Batavii. Kant Co.. III.
gas ifcmiQrg
August 30, 1894
REFER by permission to
Ths B adstreet Company;
National Bank of Illinois. Chicago:
Lincoln N tional Bank. Chifiur,
irst National Bank, Quincy, Illinois;
reopie sn t. a nk. Kock Island. Ill-;
Iowa National Bank. Ottumwa. Iowa. 1
lows in nuoui Bank, ottumwa. Iowa. VW
depends upon how you sell your Wool, if you
It direct to market and totherlcht hnnaa It
is no experiment. Our shippers testify to it
unanimously. We will not only obtain the highest market '
price for your Wool, if you ship us, but we will send you quick
returns. We are revolutionizing the Wool trade by our
Prompt Sales and Quick Returns, we have done what
the Wool trade said was impossible. Instead of taking six to
twelve months to make returns for Wool, as most houses do,
we make returns in that many days, and our shippers back us
up in this statement. Write for Prices on Wool and see the
testimonials of our shippers. We are not an exclusive Wool
house, but handle Hay, Grain and Produce of all kinds
Commission Merchants, 171 So. Water Street, Chicago.
tK tm Vrc,uvnAaLe ttnvtl WILT 80 Pen KILE,
Mil OniSmort and ixpuuu WUSll
The best local and traveling agents wanted every
where. Write at once for circulars and choice tar.
ritory: address A. O. Holbart. Patentee, care of
Factory Catalogue with 200 engraved designs and
prices, sent free to any who want fancy Iron and
wire work or city, cemetery and farm fenoes, etc.
f$ it. & Dinwx UiinvTiMrt
' Positively (juoronfead to qive J
'atiMociiopy a far Trail Allowed HO
od read
vboi is said by rhoae
wi)o rj&vc vaed TQerr)
q) OHLV bv the
CO Rock I&umdJll.
City, Missouri.
A v IB
yrrxXA s rr-ifiinn tout
11 I WIT (3k If. m M t
FOR SALE ! WILL TRADE for some good
1 v" 1 i farmlands.
I have a lot of excellent good pure bred rrennrdBii tin .-
mares, both Percherons and English Shi ai wJr,2! "n2
tqx figs S a
The Importing Draft Horse Company.
uncoLN, NEB.
WILSON, Creston, Iowa
Shire, Belgian and Coach 1 Horses.
9 7R Bays our I9 Natural Finlih Bsky Carrian
It a ll complete with plated iteel wheel., aife.
sprmtrs, .na one tikeo. ite.m handle. Made of bwtiut.
riAlnelTAtii.hed.nlifthleAndiniftnuitoid for 8 nan. snippet
on 10 da;.' trial. FH1UUT PAID; do mona. required ia
sdrano. 76.UJU in uaa. We am the otdeat and belt know
oonoera of our kind, reliable sod refpoBtiblo. Referenee
urounen i n. ump. mi ... anu mi aotnutg DUt WQ.t ue
guarantee to be urepreM0bJd,Mld a the feetorf
prioee. WRITE TO-DAY far our llrto FREE iUiiateaaal
OXFORD MFG. CO., 340 Wabash Ava, Chicago, WU
lU.si11A nf l.t... riaaim. an ri M.U. nnhllakail .
GiVei) AWaiJ i
If more good points can not be shown in It
than any other hay press made.
Martin & Morrissey M'fg Co.,
OpnaTiaa Teba
Needs no water hauler, no coal, wood or
straw. No steam, smoke, sparks or ashes. No
possibility of fire or explosion. Needs no Kn
gineer or Fireman. Started in 5 minutes. Just
tbe thing for the Farm. Write for catalogue.
"Turn rnHumPJMnhmntf till sflf"irl. m
i! em
EJV sai