The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, August 30, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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August 30, 1894
.A .
Tbe Light of the Paat
Normal, Neb., Aug. 25, 1894
Editor Wealth Makers:
So o uoh has ben said recently on the
ubject of fusion that were It not for the
fatal results which are sure to follow a
fusion policy, if adopted, I would not
ask space for even a brief presentation
of my views. Patrick Henry once de
clared: "I have but one lamp by which
my feet are guided, and that is the lamp
of experience." And I believe this is a
safe rule by which to determine the
merits of this question. The writer
who then resided in Madison county
Iowa,) was one of out hundred and sixty
voters in thai county who in the fall of
1876, stood up and were counted for
Peter Cooper.' Our vote in the state
was about ten thousand. From thig
small beginning our numbers steadily
- Increased until in a few years our vote
nu tn nnA thousand In the county, and
forty-five thousand in the state. But
then, as now, there were those in our
rank who thought they saw a short
road ta Bucces?, aad against the solemn
protests of those who were first In the
fight, this nondescript, suicidal mon
strosity called fusion, was adopted. By
this means a few men we squeezed into
office, but at no time were we able to
poll the full strength of the combina
tion, and after each campaign charges
of treachery and bad faith were freely
hurled back and forth, many who had
recently left the Republican party be
came weak-kneed, and shrewd pirty
leaders whispered in their ears, " told
you so " This was, of course, but an
appeal to prejudice, but at this particu
lar time it was unanswerable, and the
result was a stampede back into the
: Republican ranks. Many who had
formerly been Democrats also conclud
ed that if there was so little difference
between that both could sleep in tfc-
same bed, drink from tbe same cantd
and eat crow from the same dlsb, tf
too, would go home to roost. WnefjA
Greenback party (or rather the &bJbw
of its former self) saw its mistake rod
again stood up to be counted, one sJ
tial element was lacking and thajSj? wbs
numbers- The vote bad shrunfinto
about one-half its former size ht'iln
county and state. The Greenback iaf ty
as an aggressive growing fail tteal
factor was dead. And across tfjfe nad
stone which marks its resting lf.ei', is
inscribed the following word? :,ied
from the effects of an over ,'dnat of
fusion." A party that fused.' withj the
Democrats in Iowa and Reptbl'ctins in
Missouri, could not commanff the re
spect and confidence of the J American
people.' . ' :' If i
Coming down nearer our vbfjs time
and into our own ranks let briefly
trace the history of fusion in KsaiW
In 1890, with three tickets in the field
the Populists were only beaten by about
seven thousand on the state ticket, while
they had a clear majority in the legisla.
ture and sent Peffer to the IT. S. Senate.
But not satisfied with these s plendid
results In their first campaign in 1892
they 'tjoined drives" with the Democrats
and it was freely predicted that the Re
publican party would be burled under a
majority of fifteen thousand or more.
What was the result?
A pitiful majority of three thousand
for the fusion state ticket, the Populists
lost the legislature and as a last resort
fused with the Democrats and sent
Martin, a rock-ribbed Democrat, to the
Senate. That the Populist cause was
greatly weakened is clearly proven by
the returns of last year which show a
Republican plurality over the Populists
of abqut thirty thousand. In the recent
election in Oregon it is said that In al
most every instance where a straight
three cornered fight was made the
Populists won, while in most cases
where fusion was resorted to the ticket
was defeated.
And now the news comes from Ala
bama that ' the combination didn't pull
I answer. No. And It never does.
Let us then learn a lesson from ttie
past; and let this hydra-headed thing
called fusion, severely alone. Nominate
only those who are known to be true to
our cause and have proven their fidelity
by their acts. If free silver Democrats
choose to support them at the polls
rather tban play second fiddle to the
Republican party and defeat free silver,
we say, amen. But let no backward
steps be taken to secure thot vote, for
they will in the end result in disaster
and defeat. W. D McLaughlin.
Antelopa County Independents.
' Oakdale, Neb., Aug. 6, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Antelope county held her Indepen
dent convention on Saturday, August
4th. Number of delegates preseut, one
hundred and ten.
Herman Freeseof Elgin was nominat
ed for county attorney on first formal
ballot, and Hon. L. H. Suter was re
nominated for the legislature by accla
mation. Our ranks are being rapidly
filled with recruits from both of the old
parties. Many of the best men in the
Republican party in the county joined
with us in our primaries and many
more will vote with us In the election,
All delegates to the several conven
tions were instructed to cast their
votes for well known Independents whs
fully inuorse our national party plat
form. There was but one delegate In
the convention who did not favor these
instructions, therefore it seems to us
that the ar'rocates and friends of fusion
are all on the Democratic side, and as
the saying goes, the Independents
are not and will not be la it when It
As It now appears our delegates will
be for the Hon. J. N. Gaffin for gover
nor, and J. M. Deyine for Congress
from this district
If we can estimate our gains oyer the
state by the gains we have made In this
county, when the election is over the
corrupt gang of boodle sympathizers
will vacate our state capital, and honest
men will occupy their places, and every
district will be represented In Congress
with honest capable men like Kem and
McKeighan. And as Lincoln said to
General Grant at Donelson, we will
send a man to the United States Senate
who will drink the same kind of liquor
that Senator Allen does If it will help
him to work and fignt for tbe rights of
the people a) he does.
Yours for victory,
S. C. Faibchild.
Box Butte Oonnty Populists.
Alliance, Neb., Aug. 10, 1894,
Editor Wealth Makers:
The Populist convention of Box Butte
county met pursuant to call In theopera
house, at Alliance, Nebraska, August
4, 1894. A delegation being present
from evtry one of the eleven precincts
In the county. The delegates were al
most wholly farmers, merchants and
laboring men, and their bronzed faces
and determined looks betokened an
earnestness that has hitherto been un
known in the conventions in this county
Notwithstanding the busy harvest
time the lare room was well filled with
enthusiastic men of our party from all
parts of the county.
Quite a few Republicans and Demo
crats gave respectful If not lowing
fuudience to the work of their more
numerous neighbors oMhe new party.
Resolutions heartily indorsing the
work and course of O, M. Kem, Vr. A
McKeighan and Senator Allen, our
stalwart delegation in Congress, were
Delegates to the state and sixth Con
gressional conventions were elected,
bat not instructed.
George W. Sullivan was unanimously
nominated for county attorney and
made a ringing speech to the conven
tion who received it with shouts of
appreciation. J. K. STURGEON.
A Webster Oonnty Man.
Bladen, Neb , Aug. 12, '94.
Editor Wealth Makers:
I will say, God speed the cause of the
People's party and I'm with you hand
to hand and heart to heart for success,
and "have been since the organization
of the party. Times are very hard here'
howi-as. we lost all "crops here this
season, but will do what I can to send
you a club soon, and " i -hope , you will
stay straight in the middle of the road
in the future as in the past. No fusion
in ours, if you please. We ain't built
that way. On or about the 24th of
August we shall stir the elements of
this state to cause rain or something
else to come. The old hoodoos say the
Populists are In the swim here this
year, and they think to get Prof. An
drews to Congress now. But we -will
send 'Pretty Mac" after him again,
and he will lose the way to Washington,
as he did before. You can bank on
that. .
I think the mossbacks will scratoh
their heads to say, where are we at? be
fore the campaign is over this year.
So please stir them up each week.
Yours truly,
R. C Best.
The Jubilee Troupe at Douglas.
Douglas, Neb , Aug. 18, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers:
As it been a long time since I have
seen anything from Otoe county, I
thought I would write a few lines to do
honor to whom honor is due.
At the Harvest Home Picnic, held at
Douglas yesterday, arrangements had
been made to have a speaker from each
of the three parties, and of course the
People's party was asked to procure a
speaker. We would have failed had not
God blessed us, as he always does the
We finally procured Hucklns' Glee
Club to sing and Hon. W. H. Dech as
speaker. He gave us a rousing speech
and called on any to rebut the argu
ment he produced. None answered.
With Hucklns' singing they did a
grand work.
I believe with Hucklns to sing and
Deck to do the speaking they will be a
great factor In tbe campaign this fall.
I will close by saying no fusion this
fall for Otoe.
Yours for freedom of the common
people. W. E. McNeil.
O. A. R. National Encampment.
Rates lower than everl
tickets to Pittsburg and return at
less than half rates will be on sale at
Burlington route station Sept. 7 th and
The "Burlington'' has been designated
the official route to Chicago and the De
partment Commander of Nebraska and
his staff will leave Omaha via this line
at 4:30 p. m. Sept. 8th.
Tickets and further information upon
application to the company's agent, or
to , J. Francis, G P. & T. A.,
12t2 Omaha, Neb.
by Dr. Miles' Paw
At. all AmnHmt...
Pills. "One cent a dose.
6yeed their footstep toward the goal,
A the largard year unroll;
Hear the half-fed children crying,
And their baffled mother I sighing;
While their father's brow is sad
For the Joys he ne'er ha had!
Ye are Freeman, heart and soul,
Though the bells of labor toll! .
Oome, the labor-bells say, come,
Fathers, to your rifled home;
Come and see your children's squalor,
Bee your sad wife growing paler.
Brood within your low, bare walls
W hen the evening whistle calls !
Bpeed their footsteps toir1 the goal,
While the bells of bondage toll t
Ah 1 to help them, ah! to shield,
For a power humane to wield ;
Nerve their hearts to mount up higher,
To the summit of desire;
Once to gee them on the heights
Of their world endowed birth rights!
Stay their feet from further falling,
While the slavery-bells are calling!
Hear them call the children out, I
With their brazen, brigand shout! .
Human lam os the viol vea are fleecing.
All their hoarded store increasing;
Tender bloom from young cheeks stealing
With their mad, inhuman dealing.
Robber hands divide the spoil.
While the sons of labor toll.
Sadness to our hearts will ring
At the chimes' wild threatening.
In the helpless world of labor
. Every poor man is my neighbor.
Every woman is my friend
Who to toll the knee must bend.
List, oh list, each sinking soul,
Funeral bella of wrong a -toll!
Will Scratch all Fusion Candidates
Ord, Neb , Aug. 6, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers.
This fusion talk is very discouraging
to me and it must be to all Alliance
If the Omaha platform is not good
enough for Democrats who want Popu
list votes, let them oome into the party
and help make It better. It seems to me
thai If wouULbe hard work to vote for
a fuslonist of our own party let alone
supporting a Demoorat. . " ,
For my part I have never voted for a
Republican for any office, but I shall
scratch all fusion candidates and vote
for their Republican opponents. I would
rather be with an honorable minority
than a sold out or traded out majority.
i Ira I. Scott.
f Wanted A good solicitor in each
precinct and town.
Wanted i 0,000 campaign subscrib
ers. Twenty cents only for the cam
paign. ,. ..
From a fork County Man.
York, Neb., Aug. 20, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers:
V I was handed your paper a few days
ago and I like your stand so will Inclose
you 254. tfpr trial subscription. I have
been selling.our little Omaha daily at
this place and had very good success
until tt earne out for Bryan so strong.
So had to pay up And stop it. I cannot
blame them. We think it best to drop
Bryan and let the free silver deal alone
we nave enougn to do to attend our
own little affairs; cleaning out the mo
nopoly gang. Sherman & Co. has Bry
an men in nearly every state to catch
the poor weak Populists votes. Are the
Populists'of Nebraska going to be fooled
or are we going to stick together? By
uniting we stand, by dividing we fall,
We naye good jf opulists from a way
back that will advocate just as well as
Mr. Bryan, Yours truly,
W. T. Brown.
Paswater for County Commissioner.
G. S. Paswater candidate for county
commissioner on the Populist ticket is
a man well and most favorably known
in the northern half of the county. He
is a man of superior ability, a man who
can succeed where others fail, but of
tne Kind who wisn ail men to nave a
show, to live and prosper. He Is popu
lar as well as well-to-do, a man who
makes friends of all his neighbors, and
his superior qualifications for the posi
tion of county commissioner will make
him a very strong candidate. He is
just the sort of man that honest men
and taxpayers will feel like supporting.
A Place to Winter Western Stock.
Chase, Neb., Aug 19, '94.
Editor Wealth Makers:
There could be a limited number of
cattle wintered here on the range, al
though cAir buffalo grasa Is not as good
as corn. I have been here eight years
and my cattle came out In the spring
in very good fix. I will give every In"
formation In regard to wintering stock
that I can.
Your paper has found its wa to my
house some way. It has almost persuad
ed me. Pjirry Draper.
We want somfl one to s )llclt subscrip
tions at every Populist rally at every
county fair, and in fact every town and
precinct. Yearly if possible, or cam
paign subs at 20 cents.
One Fare for the Round Trip.
The Union Pacific will selj tickets to
the 16th, annual reunion to be held at
Grand Island at the rata of one fare for
the round trip from all points in Ne
braska, Aug. 25th to 28th, inclusive, al
so from points within one hundred
miles of Grand Island Aag 28th to
Sept. 1st, inclusive. City ticket office
1044 O street.
Use Northwestern Una to Chicago
Low rates. Fast trains. Offloe 1123
OSL .. ; I
A Fillmore Comity Soldier
Geneva, Neb Aug. 6, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers:
I was in the front In the war from
November '61, to September '65, forthe
purpose of securing the union and inde
pendence of our country; and I am work
ing on that same line today.
There don't seem to be any gaps in
our ranks. We held our county con
vention Saturday August 4th, and put up
a lull ticket. The Democrats held
their convention at the same time and
endorsed our whole ticket. One of our
nominees for representative, Ben Mer
rill of Madison, being the Democrats,
choice, although he has voted and
worked with us for four years.
Wheat and oats in this county were
less than half a crop, and corn, I don't
think it possible to get four bushels per
acre in the county. Hay very little
Seven dollars per ton ie being offered
for oat straw. The want of necessi
ties of life is staring many of our peo'
p'e in the face. Our people never were
very flush with campaign funds and our
state committee may be surprised to
get any at all this fall, although I shall
make an effort to raise some. Our
prospects are good for victory this fall,
but the Republicans are well healed
with people's money and will die hard.
M. Badgers.
Co. K, 44 Indiana vol. Inft.
Second Ward Meeting for Organlza
Lincoln, Neb , Aug. 28, 1884.
All electors of the People's Indepen
dent party of the Second ward are here
by notified that on September 5th, there
will be a meeting at the sheriff's office
at the court house, at 8 p. no., for the
purpose of organization for the coming
campaign. Come one and all and bring
along yonr friends.
By order of E. E . Ashton, county
central committeeman, Second ward.
. f Meeting of Committee.
The county central committee of the
People's Independent party for Lancas
ter county will meet at the secretary's
office, 205 South 10th street, on Wednes
day, September 6th. '
This meeting will set the machinery
n motion that is to result in victor; for
our cause in the county, and plans for
thorough investigation will no doubt be
Every member of the committee should
be present.
J. M. Thompson, J. C. McNermy.
Secretary. . .. Chairman.
State Committee Meeting.
The State Executive Committee and
state candidates will meet at the Wind
sor Hotel, Lincoln, on Monday, Septem
ber 3rd, at 2 p. m for the purpose of
settling up with the old committee,
choosing headquarters for the coming
year and mapping out the campaign.
J.fl. Edmiston, Chairman,
J; A. Edgerton, Secretary.
Headquarters Lincoln Legion.
Populists visiting Lincoln are Cor
dially invited to visit the headquarters
and free reating room of the Industrial
Legion, 1114 O St, second floor.
PlVburg. G. A. It. Arrangements.
The "Rock Island" comes to the front
as usual with very low rates for the
National . Encampment G. A. K. at
Pittsburg, Pa. The round trip rate is
$10 from Chicago, add one fare to Chi
cago to arrive at through round trip
rate. Tickets will be sold Sept. 8th and
9th, good to return leaving Chicago,
Sept. 14th, 18th or 25th. No signing
stamping, depositing, or other needless
work required at Pittsburg; when the
ticket is purchased everything is set
tled. These tickets are good to f top
off once on the return at any point east
of Chicago within the final limit of the
Through cars of every class will be
run to Pittsburg, and it should be
borne in mind that the "Bock Island"
carefully handles this class of businees
and never allows any line to approach
it, in the generous treatment of the old
vets and their friends.
Call on or write acy agent of the C
R. I & P. Ry. for particulars, or ad'
dress, Jno. Sebastian. G. P. A.,
12t2 Chicago, 111,
That lame BacK can tie cured with
Dr. Miles' NERVE PLASTER. Only 26c.
Cool and Beantiful
Is Hot Springs, South Dakota, best
reached by the BurlingLon Route.
Palatial hotels.
waters pure air, an
magnificent sur-
roundlngs are only
few of its attrac
local agent will
The Burlington'
gladly give you fu
information about
Hot tinrintTS. and also if vou ask far
it a beautifully Illustrated folder.
G. P. & T. A,
Omaha, Neb.
Noinuer or Reunion.
When is it? Aug. 27th, ' to Sept. lfii
Where is it? Grand Island, Neb.
tart.. M . t . .
n nans u.' iota Annual state G. A.
R. Reunion.
The Union Pacific will sell tickets at
one fare for the round tkn from all
Nebraska nolnta on Anir. bntv oov.
innluslvp. also from minfa '
hundred miles of Grand Island Aug 26.
w oeu. l, inclusive, uity UOKet 012 0
10M U street. .
If you have a hon.
If you have cow,
If you have a horse,
If you have a farm,
or anything else that you want to sell, and
don't know Just where you can find a buyer
, . ' ' IN
The Wealth Makers,
and vou will be most agreeably surprised at
the result. Write for advertising rates to
Lincoln, Neb
Three Cent Column.
"For Sale," "Wanted .""PorETniianiM. rni
small advertisements for short time, will be
chargnd three cents per word for each inser
tlon. Initials or a number counted as one
word. Cash with the order
If yon want anything, or have anytbinn that
anybody else "wants," make it known through
this column. It will Day,
.ET your neighbor to subacrloe for Thb
OWN iSf I rV Attornev-at-Law,
, .A iv a Rooms W and t
YOUR CARD, 1,000 printings, postpaid, only
1. H?, 1 J?!18- Jhe Hrald' - A. turn
St., f hlladelphla. Pa 7tf
ANTED Twenty tnouHand new subscrt
wnio vu A am vvJUAJjxn ivxAlaHKo
TINGL'Etr & BURKE rT, attorneys at-law.
1026 O Bt., Lincoln, Neb.
HAVJS YOU anything to sell or trade? Then
advertlRe tbe fact through hls column
and be surprised at the result.
WANTED Fire and cyclone agents.' Good
pay. J. Y. M. Swigart, Bee'y, Lincoln,
Neb. 37tf
TINGLEY & BURKETT, atrorneys-at-law,
1024 O St., Lincoln, Neb, Abstracts ex
amined. TITAN TED Three male staffers for cam
It pslgn work second tenor and two
basses, Those who can play some Instrument
given preierence. uniy sooer men warned.
Address, suting salary.
Nebraska City, Neb
BE MEMBER that Ths Wialth Makirs
is the best advertising medium in
tne wean. wnen. writing to aay or our adver
tisers don't f oreet to tell them where vou saw
Send 10c. for agents' outfit. Quick, large ptt
fits. Address
The LeadlnrConavrvatory of America.
Pounded by Dr. ETToure. Caul Fabltim, Directs
Illustrated Calendar giving foil information free.
Dew Kifland Coaferratory at Bailf, Boatun.
ktim mmvmm for life.'
Labor's side of tbe labor warn Ion, by John
B win ton. the Pillar of light of labor inmoment
Irrigated Farm Lands
THE SAN LUIS VALLEY, COLORADO, is a stretch ot level plain boat
as large as tne State of Connecticut, lying between surrounding range
of lofty mountains and watered by the Rio Grande River and a score
or more cf small tributary streams. It was the bottom of a great Bea, whose
deposits have made a fertile soil on an average more than ten feet deep.
The mountains are covered with great deposits of snow, which melt and
furnish the irrigating canals with water for the farmers' crops.
The Climate is Unrivaled.
Almost perpetual sunshine, and the elevation of "bout 7,000 feet dispels all
malaria, nor are such pests as chinch bugs, weevil, etc., found there. Flow
ing artesian wells are secured at a depth, on an averege, of about 100 feet,
and at a cost of about 925.00 each. Such is the flow that they are being util
ized for irrigating the yards, garden and vegetaole crops. The pressure Is
sufficient to carry the water, which is pure, all through the farmers' dwell
ings. r Irrigation.
Already several thousand miles of large and small Irrigating canals have
been built and several hundred thousand acres of lands made available for
farming operations. Irrigation is an insurance against failure of crops, be
bause success Is a question only of the proper application of water to them.
The loss of a single corn or wheat crop in Nebraska, for Instance, would
more than equal the cost of irrigating canals to cover the entire state, so
impo tant Is the certainty of a full crop retnrn to any agricultural state.
The San Luis Valley will grow f s
Spring wheat oats, barley, peas, hops, beans,
potatoes, vegetables and all kinds of small fruits ;
and many of the hardier varieties of apples,
pears and all kinds of cherries.
In the yield ol all these products it has never been surpassdd by cny othe- sec
tion on this continent. ,
Forty Acres Enough Land.
Forty acres is enough land for the farmer of ordinary means and heip. Be
sides the certainty of return, the yield, under the conditions of proper irri
gation, will average far more than the llo-acre farms In the Mississippi
and Missouri Valleys, and the outlay for machinery, farming stock, pur chase
money, taxes, etc., are proportionately less. There are a hundred
thousand acres of such lands located in the very heart of the San Luis Val
ley, all within six miles of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, convenient
markets and shipping stations, for sale at $15 00 per acre. Most of these
lands are fenced and have been under cultivation and in many Instances
have wells and seme buildings, everything ready to proceed at once to be
gin farming, A smalt cash payment only is required where the purchaser
Immediately occupies the premises, ard long time at seven per cent. Inter
est Is granted for the deferred payments. y
A Specially Low Homeseekers Rate I
will be made you, your family and friends. A large party will leave for the
Valley oa Sept. 1st, lltb, 25th, and Oct. 9th. Should you settle on theee
lands the amount you paid for railroad fare will be credited to you on your
. , I 1 1 m , , . Ji at.. J.J 1
payments; ana rememoer tne xaua is penecuy na tnorouguy irniuteu, auu w
the land and perpetual water rights are sold you for less than other sections
ask for simply the water rights without the land. Jfo better lands exist any- (j
mkfrt on earth. Far further particulars, prices of land, railroad fare, and all
other information call on or address,
F1. Hi.
, Manager
mtion this paper,
i urn
Ship Your Grain
A. D. Rickets & Co.,
w will buy it from you. or ell It for you aad
charge a reasonable commlution. We will do
the bight XBura. Correspond with us for
Fine Stock Auctioneer.
1 20S O Ot. klTieolrt. rb
large English Berkshires
Have 80 piga ot spring
farrow for saie, eired by
imported Warwick Poet
3147S A. King Derby IBS
N, and Major Derby 107 N.
Inspection of herd invited. Correspondence
promptly anbwered.
A. S. Williams A Bona,
Box 239, Lincoln, Neb.
Elkhorn Valley Herd
1 have all the leading strains including Free
n linen WJU OIW1 U, n lumilltM. TDf
best let of pig I ever raised sired by Padif
Ohipl38, Fa Wanamaker 25828, ol -U.
10H05 My rows are mostly Free Tra l i
W tikes strains., , ( .
L H. 8TJTEB, Neligh.
Furnas County Heivl
L E. Berkshires
Jkfe ...
3 31
'04 Dies aired bv Hix-D
Poland-Ohio as.
clans mlag. and from ''
as good. Berltshi w 0JT
lies, Duchess, and otner.
Poland-Chinas :-Ai o r wi.
Tecumseh and wltr.t '
None better. Alstoca
half price, (on account oi
thedrouth).aod guWnVS
as represented. Menu,,B
thb Wialth MAKrJt'J. 11
Holatein Cattle-
H. S
Beaver City, Neb)
Wira. it aan aav rafioa
U Bata ear 9 drawtr wilanl ar oak I
rTarawMl Hlaa Aral Slaaaraawba maafc
I Sail; Salahaa, nictal pUud.adaplti to lltli
MIJxaVT work) raarantMa' for 10 laarat Willi
larat, i.'WlaoVr, Stlf-Taraaalat Cjlla
aor liamfci.. awaiae jiaaaia aaa a eomaitia
Of wai aiiaaa ai p mm Bay waan mm
OnlwBI .OO required to paper walls1' " r
15x18 lnciualng border, Bend loe. poi
'al Wawai I AtA hemntifnl aamitlM,
low to paper. Agents large sample bx
Fret with a as.w order, writs quiet
1030-24 DooglM at , OMAHA, i Jr
Colorado land a ImmigmStn Ca.'
a lm
n.OOO ar la MM. World ttlt Hi4l ntoa uckal ate. V
mala. Bar fan f aaterjr aad am eaalare aaa agaafa V
rmtet Cat ThleOat aaa ana to-ea far laaeMaa a
I K-C catalam, MtlnoaUh ana eflmpata ot tea .
0IF019 Ml. U. MWttaia