The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, August 30, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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Two OflWrs Are S"hwt Don One la
Dead The Bandits Are Cap tared
After llet Fight The Conductor
Robbed of III Watch The
Chicago, M II wau ke and St.
FMl Rand the Victim.
Chicago, Aug1. 27. When a north
bound freight on the Chicago, Mil
waukee and St Paul road stopped at
10:30 last night at Deerflelil. a subur
ban village just over the Lake county
line, two masked men mounted the
step of the caboose. The brakemen
were well toward the engine, which
was in charge of Engineer Pritchard,
and only Conductor Sargent and Boad
Detective Patrick Owens were in the
The masked men covered the con
ductor and detective with revolver.
The detective sprang for his rifle, but
before be could reach it one of the
robbers shot him through the breast
The conductor then threw up his
hands, and the robber who had done
the shooting went through his pockets,
taking nis watch and a small amount
of money. Afterwurd he searched the
detective's clothe for valuables and
left the train just before thu brake
men, who had heard the shot, came
running back.
The bandits cut across country to
the Mayfair depot on IJoloomb avenue
and there boarded a freight train.
There Special Officer Patrick Mo-
Grath of the Chicago and Northwest
ern road attempted to arrest them,
but was shot three times. One bullet
struck him in the left arm, -another
entered his body and the third struck
him near his heart, but was diverted
by a penholder in his pocket.
The bandits tien hastened out
Holeomb avenue to Lawrence avenue.
On the way they met a farmer in a
wagon on the way to the city. It was
but a moment's work to throw him
out and take possession of his vehicle.
With horses to draw them the thieves
made better time and they were soon
on their way through Lawrence ave
nue to Milwaukee avenue.
By this time that part of the coun
try was in a turmoil. Boys and men
on ponies and horses hastily saddled
were in the chase after the despera
does. Out Milwaukee avenue gal
loped the robbers in the wagon while
behind them clattered the ' horses of
the pursuers. Behind these again
. eame the patrol wagon at full speed
' - in which were four policeman.
The pursued men kept on out May-
nard road for three miles, when the
horses gave out and they took to
Orchard Pl&oe woods on the Des river, south of the IHggins
road, and ran under a bridge when
.. the two special policemen, Plunk and
''' Yant, dashed up they shot both offi
cers. In the confusion which resulted
after the first fire the men escaped to
tne woods, where they were soon
. surrounded oy police".
The desperadoes were finally cap
tured in the woods in Elk Grove town
slip about noon by five Chicago po
llcemen. The men were surrounded
but fought desperately, firing as often
as their revolvers could be loaded.
After fully 100 shots had been fired
they both fell seriously wounded,
The men gave their names as Will
Lake and W. F. Gordon. They were
brought to Chicago and locked up in
a West Side police station.
The desperadoes were captured by
. Officers Mullaney, Finnegan, Mouse
ley, Wilson and Hays. The crowd
which had gathered wanted to lynch
the men but the police held the mob
back with drawn revolvers. '
The arrest was preceded by a verit
able battle. The robbers were well
armed, and when a call from a scout
ing party revealed their whereabouts
they made a determined stand. Cock
ing their revolvers the two men wait
ed until their pursuers were in view
and then opened fire. It was returned
by the officers and volley after volley
was exchanged, apparently with lit
tle effect
It isorobable that the men would
never have been taken alive had it
not been that their supply of ammu
nition was short As their stock of
cartridges dwindled away the des
peradoes shot more carefully and less
s frequently, but the officers kent them
selves well covered until at last the
men's bullets were exhausted. The
officers called upon them to surrender,
but without noticing the command
the fugitives turned and began a
frantic race for safetv. ,
The officers followed, firing as thej
ran. The chase continued until Lake
who was in the lead was struck by a
bullet Throwing up his hands he
turned around and fell, and a mo
ment later his companion dropped,
also wounded. The pursuers quickly
closed in on the fallen men and hand
cuffed them. Within a few moments
the prisoners were carried toward the
railxoad station and were soon brought
v Into the city and locked in the West
Chicago Avenue police station.
Lake, who is 24 years old. was shot
in the neck and his recovery is doubt
fal. He admitted killing the con.
ductor and policeman, saying that ha
did the shooting in both cases. Tha
conductor's watch and other stoles
valuables were found upon the man.
Gordon, who is 24 rears old. waa not
dangerously wounded, although- two
bullets struck him.
The men refused to give any infor
mation regarding their identity, but
their appearance indicated that both
were tough characters. The police
were inclined to the opinion that
both had seen railroad service, but
this they denied.
A report gained currency that two
special policemen had been shot dead,
but later it was found that the two
were among those fired upon by LaVo
and Gordon and dropped to the ground
to escape the bullets, thus giving rise
to the rumor that they were killed.
Both escaped uninjured and later re
joined the chase.
Fred Marshall, night operator at
Mayfair, told hi version of the en
counter at Mayfair and the shooting
of Special Officer McGrath. '-We had
received instructions," said he, "from
the chief train dispatcher to look
out for the men j who murdered
Pat ' Owens, the Chicago, Mil
waukee and St Paul officer at
Deerfleld a few myes north. It was
about 6:20 o'clock this morning when
Conductor Simmons jumped from the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul freight
as It came to a stop at the Mayfair
crossing. Simmons told me that be
thought be had the men that killed
'Owens in a car near the end of the
train. I told McUrath, who had his
uniform on to stay out of sight as
much as possible. When I reached
the coal car in which the men were
hiding I thought I recognized them
from descriptions as the ones wanted
for Owen's murder. I called out to
McGrath: 'All right, come on. Mc
Grath came and started to climb upon
the car, drawing bis gun as he climbed.
One of the men, the largest and
most burly fellow, drew a gun so
large that he had to use both
hands to operate it lie fired point
blank at MeQrath, who fell badly
wounded at the first fire. I thought
it bt-st to run away, as I had no gun.
The murderous fellow took aim again
at the officer as McGrath was regain
ing his feet and another bullet crush
ed into his body. A third bullet was
fired into McGrath and then the com
panion to the murderous thug drew
two big revolvers, which he flourished,
and yelling like demons, the pair
jumped oft the opposite side of the
train and ran toward Milwaukee
avenue, where they met the farmer
whose wagon they took to make their
tinmora of Royalist Moves Baseless Few
Natives Heine; Registered,
"Hoholulu, Aug. 18. Before the de
parture of the cruiser Philadelphia
there was great talk among the Roy
alists and their sympathizers of what
would be done when there was no
American ship here to protect the in
terests of the present government
But a week has passed and nothing
has been done. The English cruiser
Champion still remains, although
there are rumors of her departure in
the near future. '
The war between Japan and China
has resulted in a meeting between
Fujli, the Japanese consul, and Goo
Kim, who represents the Chinese gov
ernment, and both have absolutely
forbidden their countrymen to discuss
the war, as there are so many of each
race in the islands that there may be
serious trouble.
The registration of voters under the
laws of the new republic is proceed
ing, but rather slowly. The great
majority of those who -register- wa..
whites. . The natives are still under
influence oi their leaders and will not
come in. Not enough Hawaiians can
be found who are willing to take the
oath necessary "to enable them to do
jury duty, and it is probable the coun
cils will pass a law which will enable
watte men to try native cases.
A New Xork Man Makes a Record With
oat a Known Parallel.
Rochester, N. Y., Aug. S7. Edward
Folsom, aged 29, under arrest at Ham
mondsport, is charged with having in
the past two weeks planned three
murders, tried to rob a bank three
times, passed half a dozen forged
notes, attempted to wreck a train,
fired eleven buildings, eloped with
the prettiest girl in the village and
when arrested twiee attempted sui
cide. Folsom'scompaaionsobtained money
for him on fortred checks. When one
was refused payment he plotted to
kill the bank cashier. The scheme
fell through, as the man engaged to
assist lost his nerve. On Friday last
he placed an iron rail on the Bath
and Ilammondsport track, but the
obstruction was seen in time. Last
Monday, five houses, four barns and
a gristmill were destroyed by fire.
When the officers appeared at Fol
som's house the young man grabbed a
butcher knife and tried to cut his own
throat Be then dashed to the street
and threw himself in a near-by pond.
He was nearly drowned.
Folsom's wife is the 17-year-old
daughter of the wealthiest man in
the village. The ceremony was per
formed by a minister who had previ
ously been adjudged insane.
Mot the Slightest Cine to the Camming
IOLA, Kan., Ang. 27. W. A. Cum-
mings, the leading real estate, insur
ance and loan agent of this city, who
was found in his office yesterday
morning with his head almost chopped
to pieces with a hatchet, died last
night without recovering more than
partial consciousness, and the whole
case is wrapped in mystery. So far
there has not been found the slight
est clue to the identity of the mur
derer or the motive for the crime.
Cummings recovered partial con
sciousness yesterday afternoon, but
when asked by his brother if he could
tell anything about the attack on him,
he merely said, "I don't know." Then
he relapsed into a state of uncon
sciousness and died at midnight
Cripple Creek Plot.
Colorado Springs, Col., Aug. 27.
W. 8. Stratton, the wealthy Crip
Creek mine owner, is very indignant
which he received timely warding.
The plot was concocted by ex-deputy
sheriffs, who are striving to i keep
live the bitter feeling between Colo
rado Spring and Cripple Creek.
Five Deaths at a Cocking Mala.
Salttllo, Mexico., Aug. 27. At a
cocking main in the vill age of Cor
nana, southwest of this city, attended
by the mountaineers foif many miles
around, trouble arose . between two
rival bird owners and general fight
took place, which resulted in five men
being stabbed to death and several
others seriously injured.
i n nrni nnn u ninmi i - r"-"-
The American if ail way ttaloa President
Recalled by the Arbitration Com-
mission President Ciompers of
the American federation of
Lab T Gives His Views of
the Labor Movement.
Chicago, Aug. 27. President Debs
of the American Railway Union was
recalled to-day by the strike commis
sion, lie stated that he did not favor
compulsory arbitration in settlement
of labor troubles. lie did not believe
that such a method would prove uni
versally satisfactory. Asked if he
knew of'any dissatisfaction among the
Rock Island employes previous to the
strike, he said that there had been
trouble among the telegraphers of
the road and there was much dissatis
faction. The statement that there
were not more than 200 American
Railway Union men on the Rock Is
land was absurd. The fact that the
road was completely tied up effectual
ly disproves such a story. .
Samuel Gompers, president of
American Federation of Labor
the next witness. Lie prefaced
testiinonv bv a brief outline of
slum auu principles ui me
! - .J f !i - ii.. r .
and gave hgures showing the mem
bers of the organization, lie told of
the calling of the conference of the
heads of the labor organizations at
the Briggs house here and said that
after long deliberation the delegates
decided to request President Cleve
land to attempt to settle the strike.
'We thought," he declared, "that
if Mr. Gladstone could do so
much good service in the Eng
lish coal strikes such an attempt
could not be beneath the dignity of
the president of the United States.
Accordingly a telegram was sent to
Mr. Cleveland asking his aid. To that
message he did not deign to reply. In
fact, he took not the slightest notice
of it Mr. Debs was then called upon
and gave a history of the boycott, the
Pullman trouble and the railroad
strike. We considered the matter
carefully, and finally decided that we
could not order a general strike.
That it would be a usurpation of
power and would for many reasons
be unwise. Tiie delegates expressed
their sympathy with the movement
and soon afterwards we adjourned."
Mr. Gompers explained that to ef
fect a general ftrike all the unions
participating must agree and said it
would have been impossible for the
Briggs house conference to have de
clared a general sympathetic strike.
Asked for his opinions as to methods
for preventing strikes, he said: "I do
not condemn strikes as heartily as do
some men. I believe that so long as
present conditions exist they are nec
essary and I believe that allstrikes
do good in calling attention to the
fact that laboring men will not be
driven farther down into poverty. I
think the action of the strikers in par
alyzing the railroads of the country
was justifiable."
Gompers was frankly uncompli
mentary in his opinions regarding
the strike commission. "I think this
thing is rather late in the day," he
said. "This examination by the com
missioners is rather in the nature of
an inquest on a dead body. I don't
anticipate great good from the pres
ent investigation."
Cash to lay the Taxes on 96,000,000
Worth of Liquor Provided.
Chicago, Aug. 27. The Illinois
trust and Savings bank of this city
took possession to-day of $6,000,000
worth of the whisky of the Distillers
and Cattle Feeding company, the cor
porate name of the whisky trust, in
store in Peoria and Pekin, by placing
custodians in charge of all goods in
store in the two cities. Nothing was
done with the product of 1 the trust in
Chicago, as none of the whisky here
will be taken out now. The trust
will have until Monday afternoon to
pay the tax, and arrangements were
made for the ''putting up" of the
money this afternoon.
Excursionists on the Kocks.
San Francisco, Aug. 27. The mer
chants exchange has a telegram from
Port Townsend stating that the
steamer Chilcat has arrived there and
reports the steamer Queen ashore,
head on, at the point of Camarant
island, near Spencer's cannery, Alas
ka. The Ouuen has a big passenger
list of Alaska excursionists, but it is
not reported that they are in any
Scaldedl Under a Boiler.
Emporia, KaA, Aug. "27. A. Wilson,
who is employed in the Santa Fe
shops here, crawled under an engine
last night to mJLke some repairs. His
body became wedged in and in his
efforts to ejuricate himself he acci
dentally opened a stop cock valve
near thr fire box. The boiling hot
watwr bf the engine gushed Sipon him
i'ne was fatally scalded.
A. C. Ileslng Very III.
Chicago, Aug. 27. A. C Hesing,
the veteran founder of the Illinois
Staats Zeitung, one of the leading
German papers in this country, has
suffered a stroke of paralysis and is
in a dangerous condition. He was
brought to Chicago to-day from his
summer home.) He is the father of
Washington Hesing, postmaster of
Chicago. '
A Big Steel Company Involved.
PoTTSvn.LK, Pa., Aug. 27. Judg
ments aggregating $141,000 have been
confessed by the Pottsville Iron and
Steel company, one of the largest in
dustrial establishments in this region.
The company has nearly 700 men on
its pay rolls at present and when run
ning fall employs 1,000.
All druggists sell Dr. Miles' Nerve Plasters. "
Washington Being Decorated and the
City of Tents All I
Washington. Aug. 27 Bunting of
blue, orange and red is beginning to
appear on all the business streets in
honor of the biennial conclave of the
supreme lodge of 'the Knights of
Pythias and the encampment of the
Uniform Rank of the order next
week. A canvass city of 1,700 tents
has sprung up in two days about the
Washington monument and has been
christened "Camp George Washing
ton." General James Carnahan of
Indianapolis, chief officer of the fra
ternity, who with his staff has been
in the city two days, says that there
will be 10,000 knights quartered there
in organized bodies, while many un
attached members of the order are
expected. Already groups of uni
formed knights are here.
No little interest is attached to this
gathering, because Washington is the
birthplace of the order. Its founder,
Justus H. Rathbone, was a govern
ment official and it was established
in February, 1804, originally intended
as a fraternal and protective society
for government department clerks,
but it was conducted on lines which
gave it great popularity and its mem
bership has increased to 500,000.
Marines hall, where the first meet
ings were held, is still standing, and
will be occupied as headquarters of
the grand lodge of the District of
Columbia during the conclave.
General Trend Is Toward an Improve
ment in Business.
New York, Aug. 27. Bradstreet's
says: Serious industrial disturb
ances in New England, drought In
central and far western states, cur
tailing nearly all staple crops, and a
disposition in all lines to continue to
buy for nearby wants only, fail to
greatly influence general trade
throughout the country, the
trend of which is toward public im
provement Northwestern states east
of the Missouri and the Atlantic and
Gulf coasts and Western states re
spectively gain in volume of traffic
and spread of that better feeling and
confidence in a larger volume of busi
ness in the fall, on which improve
ment in business depends.
Prominent among evidences of ex
pansion is general trade in this week's
bank clearing's total. The $620,000,
000, a gam over last week of abnut 4
per cent, and over the like total a year
ago, when clearings got down to
about low water mark, the increase
is 20 per cent. But compared with
the total in the like week two years
ago this week's aggregate clearings
show a decrease of 18 per cent It is
also worth noting as a sign of the
business movement that every city's
clearings total for the week is larger
than a week ago, except one.
Labor Commissioner Wright Frankly Ad
mits That He Has One.
Chicago, Aug. 27. United States
Labor Commissioner Carroll D. Wright,
chairman of the special labor com
mission appointed by President Cleve
land to investigate the Pullman
strike, was interviewed as to a report
that he was in the habit of using a
Pullman pass. He scarcely gave the
reporter time to finish his question.
"Yes, I have an annual pass on all
Pullman cars," said he with emphasis,
"and I use it whenever I want to.
The pass was given me by Mr. Pull
man, who is a personal friend of
mine, and I have had it for several
years ever since the first Pullman
investigation I made for I suppose
that's what you are driving at I
never knew Mr. Pullman until that
time, and he has been a warm friend
of mine ever since. . He gave me
passes and invited me to ride on his
cars whenever I wanted to just as a
man would invite another to take a
ride in his carriage."
Commissioner Wright's pass entitles
him to ride free in any Pullman car
a't any time in any part of the United
The Kansas City.
Kansas Crer, Ma, Auj. 27. Quotations for
ear lots by sample on traok at Kansas City
were nominally as follows: No. 2hard,4o No.
8 hard. 47i448o No. 4 hard, 4iH47o rejected,
45o No. 2 red, 48'V;43o No. 3 red, 474so: No. 4
red, 46 447o; rejected, 4Kin45o. Corn No. X,
61Hao3o. No 3 mixed, flV4o No. 2 white corn,
62454o: No. white 62o Oats No. 2, gSo;
No. 2 white oats, 32o No. 3 white, 30tf a
Live Stock.
Cattle Dressed beet and export steers, 13.85
&25; stookers and feeders, i.iQ3ii8J. oows
and heifers. l'i7J Texas and Indian steers,
M.853; Texas and Indian cows, tl. 653)2. 12
mixed, fi 40jft
Hogs Receipts, 3.733, shipped yesterday,
1,612. The general market was strong; the
top was "i 62'.4 and bulk of sales to 1 to $5 55
against. -7Jfor top anl & to So. 55 for bulk
yesterd .y
Sheep Receipts, 1.7J1 shlnped yesterday,
84. There was a stronger demand with an
active market at 2 to A c hi her prices than
last week. The following are representative
No. Wt Price No Wt Price.
28 lambs.... 72 a I 134 Utah 1.53 2 7o
45 mut 1 12 2 65 1 li2 Utah ..96 2 35
Horses Receipts 4t; shipped yesterday, 44,
There was little business to-day.
J Errors of Youth.!
Myous Debility, YonlMnl
r, Indiscretions. Lost Maisooi
Manr men. from the fffertt of youthful Impru-
m dene, have brought about s Mate of weakness f)
that hat reduced the general iyrtem ao much a to
A induce aImot every other dijeaie t and the real Bf
cauie of the trouble icareely ever being impeded,
0 they are doctored for everything but the right one. W
During ourextentire college and hospital practice
W we have discovered new and concentrated reme- W
dice, The accompanying prescription ii oflered
hi csbtaim and speedy vvhk, hundreds of w
catei having been rertored to perfect health by it, m
uie after ali other remediei failed. Perfectly pure
ingredients must be used in the preparation of this 0
9 R Errthroiylon coca, i drachm.
Jerubebin, 4 drachm. 4
W Helonias Dioica. 4 drachm. w
Oelsemin, 8 grains. A
E. ignatie emane (alcoholic), S graini.
Ext. leptandra, X scruples. 0
Olvcerme. o. a. Mlx-
u.v. an nllli 1 mil t D.m.. and another
. on going to bed. This remedy is adapted to every f
akness in eiiner sex, inu "K:; -T
w,m imnnidenee. The recuperative am
powers of this restorative are astonishing, and Its
a ... .hnrt time rhanffes the laniruid. aa
debilitated, nerveless condition to one of renewed
To those who would prefer to obtain It of os, by
remitting 1, s sealed package cootaing to pills,
carefully compounded, will be sent by mail from
our private laboratory, or we will furnish pack-1
ages; which will cure most cases, for$i Ail Umn .
eacrsetly etmJUnHml. 1
7 Tramont RowBoston, Mm. (
Schenectady. N.T.
MIXED Paints.
At WHOLESALE PRICES, Delivered Free.
For Houses, Barns, Roofs, all colors, SAVK
Middlemen's profits, In use 61 years. En
darned by Grange Farmers' Alliance. Low
prices will surprise yon. Write for samples.
6. W. INQERSOLL, 253 Plymouth St.t Brook
lyn, N. Y.
At-sV Price
DeManS Silver Watebea, Startles,
Trleyelee,Umas aad Met, Carta.
H antes. Waama. Carrnuns Safes.
Melrka, Harness, tart Tae,SkMs,
" '-ITtirhlnaa ssiaedsaas, Oranaa, Planes, Bier aula,
Cash Drawers, ' tm Billa, Staves, Beatles, See Bilk,
natter rreesaaB aen serewa, i rasas, navua, ssaytwHvra,
Press RUaak, Copy laa, thee, Drills, liaaFkn,
lauvn ewers. Cole Hills, lathee, Headers, DnarCarle,
Cera Sbellera, Hand Carta, Verges. Sere pen, Wire ream,
drain I
niiwf aun, ftnaajen, naanae, onwv, mm
1 Damns. Craw Sara, Bailers, Teals, Btt erweea,
Steek, licenser, Kallrend, rintleem aewUsnter r:ALS8
lend far free fnialeena and eaa hew to save nlaney.
Ul lo. e-efcrioa II
V., CHICABO MALI 00., Csseafo.
Please mention The Wealth Makers
Lbrjr our Oxford Bom Bicycle, suit
able for either sex, made of beet ma
terial, slmmr. substantial, accurutelr
siljuated and mllv warranted. Write to-dy for our
i 'we uitmincre cttuunpue m oicycieH, pans, repairs, ctu,
JtLX''.ltJ JM.J'g. Ct. ,
SS3 Wabaeh Avenue, CHICAGO. VUU
The New Commonwealth.
THE great People's party paper of New
York, and organ of the Co-Operative
movement of the United estates, and Canada.
Prloe, BO Cents Per Year.
Sample Copies Free.
. Address, New Coflimonwcaltli,
705 Macon St. - - Brooklyn. N. Y.
Laundrying Shirts
with Orewller'i spring and
Batehet Bosom Board. A
shirt front is stretched ilka
a drum head and as straight
as a ribbon.
While you art Ironing thf
Springs are Pulling
No wrinkles nor crooked places possible. Full
instructions for starching, polishing, etc., with
each board. Sent by express on receipt U the
price. $1.00. Agents wanted,
Upper Sandusky, O.
When writing please mention Wealth Makers.
Attorn ys-at-Law, ica6 O St . Lincoln.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an
order of sale Issued by 1 he clerk of the district
court of the Third Judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county, in an action
whert in Kebecca A. Weber and John M Weber
are plaintiffs and Charles C Munson et al are
defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m , on the
4th day ef September, A. D. 1894, at the east
dor of the court house, in the city of Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at
public auction the following described real
e ate to-wlt: ,
Lot number one (1) In block number nine (9)
In Mount Forest within the corporate limit) of
the city ef University Place in Lancaster
county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 27th day of July,
A. D. 1894. FRED A. MILLER.
8t6 9 Sheriff.;
Attoraeys-a.t.Law, 1026 O St., Lincoln.
Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of an
order of sale Issued by the cierk of the district
court of 1 he Third Judicial d istrlct of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county. In an action
wherein uharles H. Morrill, receiver of the
Nebraska Savings Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska,
Is plaiutlff, and Charles H. Johnson, et al, are
defendants I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.,on the 18th
day of September A. D. 1894, at the east door
of the Court House. In the city f Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at
public auction the fallowing described real
estate t--wit:
Lot number three (3) In block number
twenty-nine (29) ef Lincoln Heights addition
to the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Ne
braska. Given under my hand this 11th day of August
A. D , 1894. Frkd A. Miller.
10t5 fcherlff.
Attorneyi-at-Law, 1026 O St, Lincoln.
Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of an
order of sale issued by the clerk of the District
court of the Tt.lrd judicial district of Nebras
ka, within and for Lancaster county, in an ac
tion wherein ihe Nebraska Savings Bank Is
plaintiff, and valton G. Roberts et al are de
fendants I will, at two o'clock p m., on the
2ftth day of September A D 1894. at the Bast
door of the Court House in the city of Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at
public auction the following described real es
tate, towit:
Lot number three (3) in block Dumber sixteen
(16) in Peck's Grove, according to the recorded
plat thereof, In Lancaster county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 17th day of August
A. D. 1891. Fmso A. MiLLtB,
1H5 . Sheriff.
WM. LEhSE,, Lincoln, Nebraska..
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an
order of rale issued by the clerk of the district
court of tne toira judicial district wt Nebras
ka, within and for Lancaster county, la an
action wherein The Woonsocket Institution
for Savings, is plaintiff, and Charles, T. Bogg
etal. are da 'end ants. I will, at 2 o'clock P.
M., on the 18th day of September A. D 1894, at
tne east aoor 01 tne uouri nouse. in tne city of
Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for
sale at public auction the following described
real estate towit:
Tne west half of lot two (2) and all of lot
three (Si in block number fifteen (15) In J. O.
Young's East Lincoln addition, and all of lot
three (3) and the west half of lot two (2) In
block two (2i in J. O. Young's South addition
to East Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebraska
Given under my hand this II th day of August
A D 1894. FRCDA MlLt.BR
10U Sheriff,
Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of an
order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district
court of the Third Judicial District of Nebras
ka, within and for Lancaster coumy. in an ac
tion wherein Mary J. Heed Is plaintiff, and Ed.
P Churchill, et al. are defendants I will, at 2
o'clock p m., on the 18th dav of September A
D. 1894. at the East door of the Court House. In
the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebras
ka, offer for sale at public auction the follow
ing described real estate to-wlt:
Lot number eleven (il) and the east one-third
(M) ef lot number twelve (12) in block number
one (1) In Sawyers' addition to the city of Lin
coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska
Given under my band this 1 3th day of August
A D. 1894.,
10t5 Sheriff.
Nerv e &
e a e e e a a e e a1
klH.t.Mt 1 .HI l.rlt nre t, I
.(r known fW leullarevtioii. RllUal
, 'rf.-pMta.vai
l.lvr 1" ra-l. MzzJaraa, Hm4 1'aeaplrj
MT.mi.r, rqttNl, nreata, etna nU
araer tf, inr utt.w.-n, Uver nitel Bel
.'ilwns contain n.xhirifr Injur)
ir.'Kt inMcw vrttitutiun. Are iiteiJ
Wt- -af', -;fe.' lu.ilvr Imiiaititj
t'n"r--H.K ev!h. . 7j'Mranni
& V,.- Ix orrl'-rv tliroutrh ujtrtwt
or li f.ieul. 8mj,U'U free by mall Ard
IS told Id run KUAUTf
a 200 page book full of fact
and figures concerning thi
land toward which null ey4
are turning, umyzv -vts.i
S. C. ROBERTSON &slb..
Cincinnati, Oh:
Neave Building.
Arrival aad departure f trains earrylaw
interi at Llnooln. Neb. Trains marki
sensors at Llnooln, Neb. Trains
Dally; t, Dally except Sunday; 1 Daily axon
Monday; I, :
nlyi 1 Tui
a , It
, Dally except Saturday! I. Sunaaya
M sudsy, Wednesday aa4 Friday tmm
uesaars. xnirrsaays ana uturejeo
Barllagtwa at Mlssoarl Rlvws.
A tsL Hmhi'sv T ',1 1 :
W ( t Double Acting "tv M
as B I a Exoelaior Sprny- "I ll
V f 11 inn Outfits prevent
All 1 Leaf Blight Wormy I
r f I I Fruit. Insures a honvyV
f t ;eld of all Fruit anderTH I
' r r Vemtoble crops. Thoua? . j
r I amlniDUM. Send (eta. for l
A 1 '3a entiloirue and full treaties TT ,J
9 M I. A iooaprajina;. Cireulartr. 'I
0.,. ...
Tloket Som at -spot, Seventh aa f tMi 1
seraer Tenth and O St.
PlatUasoitth, rta S. 1
Bend aad Louisville f
Wahoeaa4 Sobuyler...
tit: If, m.
It :-
t :M . m.
:() a. m.
1:80 . BA.
tl0:10a. m.
lt:90p. m.
tll:20 a. m.
Ul:Na m
t:Ma m
t l:40p.m
t r:a.m.
1 Traaa. aa
Omaha and Chlcews
via Ashland out-ofl. .
Ashland, Omaha aad
Crete, Hastings aad
Lowell and Kearney. .
C StutuiM .'d Ober-1
lin f
Boiyoko a uneyenne...
"Burlington Special"
to Denver and ooast
Crete, Beatrice aad
Washington aad Coa
cordla Endiooti aa Bod
Benoet, Syracuse, Ne
braska City and oast
Brand Island Broken
Bow, Alliance, New
oastle, Sheridan and
Dead wood ,
Reward. York, aad
Grand Island.
Atchison, 8t Joe,
Kansas City, gt,
Louis and ooulh....
Teoumseh aad Tab Is
Mllford, David CUy,
) aad Columbia
: p. m.
11:M. m.
t s:86. BV
tU:M .at.
t 1:68p.m.
t :p at.
i f:8Bp.m.
? (:40 p.m.
t Till a.m.
iio:uu a. 1
t 440 p. I
il:4l P
no: so aim
Chicago, Book Islam d A Paolflo.
Passsagsr station sorner O and Twentieth Boa
vnj onoo, iuw u street
Leave. I Arrt
Fast sxprsss to Topo
ka, Kan. City, aad
all points la Kansas
Oklahoma and Tex
as. West
Local freight accom
modation, oast
Local freight accom
modation, west
Fastexp for Omaha,
Co. Bulffs, D.Moine
8t.Paul.Chlc, ft east
Fastexp to Denver,
Col. Springs, Pueb
lo and west.
Local pass for Omaha
and Council Bluffs.
It :) a.av
Uaton Paclfla Railway. f
Depot earner O and Fourth street. City tack
office 1044 O street.
Lsavo. I Arrtvs
Omaha, Co. Bluffs, Chi
cago, Valley, east
and west
Beairice.Blue Sprgs,
Manhattan, east &
west, Topeka, Kan
sas Ctv. east, south
1 9:20 a. m.
t 7:30 p.
1 8:00 a m.
f 8:25 p.l
David CH7 Stroinsbrgl
t 6:00 p. m
1 7:30 p.m.
siouxuny.iiaviat lty
Columbus. Denver,
Salt Lake, Helena,
Han Francisco and
Portland J
Beatrice. Cortland. . . .
1 4:10p.
:S0 a.
Missouri Paclno Railway.
Tloket offlcos at depot and corner of Tweil
ana u streets.
K7:MaJm. i
tM:U p. J
rU Ma.aay
I Hp.
t IHi af-
Leave. Arrive V
Auburn and Nebraska I ,.., , J
City Express f 1180 p.m. Mmf
St. Louis day express U:Mp.m. t:4fT
Auburn and Nebraska I . .
City Express 1 85 u
St. Louis night exp 0:38 p.m.
, remoot, Blkhnra e Mlssoarl Yalley 1
OH10ASO a sosTB-wisnaa LfVB. I
Depot corner Eighth and S street. City Tl
et offlco 1133 O slrsst. 1
'' j Leave. 1 Arrin
(Chicago and east
Fr-ro t. Omaha. Sioux
1:4 p.i
1:41 pa
Marslialtown. Cedar
Kai.lda. Clinton, Des
Moin s. Pierre, Absr
deen, Oakes .
Wahoo. Fremont. Nor
folk, O'Neill, Long
pine, Cbadron, Cas
ner.Hot Spr'ss. Rap
id Pity, Deadwood..
Preraont accom'dat'B.
Fremont freight
t T:Ka.m
t S:Hp.m.
1' 49a.m.
Mtp mJ
T:lp ml
aln PillsTS
Every woman needs Dr. Miles' Pain Pills.
Tourists from Minnesota Points I
Commencing' October 6th, a Tourlsi
car leaves Minneapolis ewry Thursday
iuui uiug auu una ... e uouiu stilU Via i
Alhnrt Ixft to Columhna .Innnrlon . V
riving at 1107 p. m. and there connects
11. n T T S Tl . ,
witiu uui v. av. i. a, r. tram no. 14
which will hold at that mint, fnr
rivai of the B. C. R. & N train carry
in? that car, and via Kansas City arrivaf
at Pueblo second morning. 1
twinning uctooer loth, Tourist caf
will InAVA Alranrt Tab. ann Tn.JnW
- - vivij a ucruai
m or nine anrl run win. MlnaasnAll. n, at1
"B " w -UUV,ll, US. O b
Louis Rv. throutrh A ntnin tn TV MaI.os
arrlvingr t night, and there lay ovf
ana ue waxen west on "mg Five" l
rlanr mnrnlnor. rA vim via flmsV Til
r.TJi T.-?,'.-
uuim sou Areuevuie vo rueoiO ,