f THE WEALTH MAKERS. Anprust 23, 1894 OLD SOLDIERS COLUMN Still Klgbtlnn for Liberty. OGALALLA, Neb., Aug. 10, Editor Wealth Makers: Seeing that ?u give prt of your columns to the old soldiers (or news, I thought I would take advantage of the offtr and give you something from this part of the moral vineyard! I hope It will not be long before we will have an Independent vsper in our town run by an enterprising Independent on the same ground that the Pilot was run on by John W. Wilson. No elr, we are absolutely not out of politics. Yes, of course, we are yet in life, and feel as much interebt in the prosperity of cur fellowmen and the o-lnr of the republic as ever. The man who is indifferent to the business trou bles of his country and his neighbor a bad citizcu and should be sent io reform school. No, no, we hear and read opinions men of some repute for sagacity as the probable outcome of the present discontent that heaves and surges as the sea over a struggling volcano, to burst forth all over this continent, out see no promise of a return to the times of liv ing and fruitful industries, and a peoplo whose paths shall be through the valley of contentment surrounded with pleas antness and peace. No, sir, as far as parties are concern ed It would have been no better If Harrison had been elected. The tariff would have been the foot-ball for the kicking of which the people pay Con gressmen and Senators. When the bill did come to the people it was so tat tooed by the trust dragon that McKln ley would not know his own child. You know and any other observing man does, that If a Congress In the days of Jefferson, Jaokson and Lincoln had put a president's salary on the free list, when the Industries of the people were perishlne1, It would have boen their po litical death. We were in the "foup" before Congress met, and on its adjourn ment we will be in the "sugar" indeed. . The legislative crime of all history of men and , nations is taking away the legal tender life of one billion of the people's money, for which they had paid, and to the strapping upon their backs of an interest bearing gold bond. We are now suffering from this unholy act just as much as must the poniard plun ger for the murder of Carnot. In the individual, when nature's law is violated the penalty is sure and swift in Its com ing; so it is with people and nations. Trusts and bonds will never bring back to us what we have lost. We can, no more tell what the outcome of the two old parties will be unless checked by the people, than we can locate tho village or cottage in Nebraska marked for the vengeance of the next cyclone. No, we will never prosper on a gold basis, no people ever did. It Is a basis lor des pota and the death knell of the people. Yes, we are going right now through the cruoiat test. Are the people capa ble of self-government? Yes, and we are liable to live and see the fulfillment of that decree: "they who do not rule in righteousness shall perish from the face of the earth." We want more principle and less partisanship, we want better morals in polltlos and purer men In places ef public trust. Samuel T. Gilbert. Late of Co. D. 22 Ky, Inft. Vol. Sense From a Sensible Man. What kind of meat do these free sli ver Democrats eat that they have grown so presumptuous that they command the Independent party to accede to their demands for office. The Free Press be lieves and in fact knows that the Inde pendent party contains men who are just as able, just as honest, and just as patriotic as any free silver Democrat that ever lived. The Democratic party as a party, is opposed to free silver and the record of the Democratic party proves it. A free silver Democrat who retains his affiliation with that party has nt a foot to stand on in his demand for recognition. He only puts himself on record as a demagogue and a hypo crite. We are more fully convinced than ever that the Independent party should stand on the dignity that the position of the party gives them and grant no quarter nor ask none at the hands of any class of people outside the party Under the existing circum stances is it unmanlj to do so and there is nothing to gain and everything to lose by it. Free Press. Noinuer 01 Reunion. When is it? Aug. 27th, to Sept. 1st. Where is it? Grand Islani', Neb. What Is It? 16th Anoual State G A. R. Reunion. The Union Pacific will sell tickets at one fare for the round trip from all Nebraska points on Aug. 25th, to 28th, inclusive, also from points within one hundred miles of Grand Islana Aue 2(, to Sept. 1, inclusive. City ticket offise 1044 O street. Ten Tons or Medicine Won't do you as much good as a week'i stay at Hot Springs, S. D., the greatest health and pleasure resort In the West. The Burlington's local agent wll gladly give you full information, and also if you ask for it a beautifully illustrated folder. J. Francis, G. P. & T. A. Omaha, Neb. Humaoiiy'e Martyr That Mourn ' rorTHt Wealth Ma-tu. JY If AKT BAIKO FIKH. How sweet are the lri.li of th. inornlrK' , Vhr the dew 1 white u thr U-ave; The houne of the p-plar adoriili u, And fragrance ciim lu iron, tbe heaves; While the locust semi 1 t i-ui'll warning Asa swift reapsr utrl,li.g h: (heaves. The tent of ihe walnut tie i-Multm Where the billowy curt;ili ro damp, The arm of labor entwining Where our brother ha budded hlscauip, Lone comradaa In Bono repining No white hand boldeili a lamp. The wild rone with cheek u the grasses Han incense that rles lite pi ay-r, And a light in the cornfield s greu pat-xes Where the ensigns are drooping and fair; Vet the Hoftst.li and bright dut amasnes But gold for the proud millionaire. The boughs of the box-elder reaching la beolHonsover the morn; The waves of the harveHt low preaching Of sermons that yet shall be born. The anthem of waters beseeching Humanity's martyrs that mourn. POKiu.o, Colo , June 14, at. It, st Paper That Comes to Him. Oakdale, Neb , Aug. 12, 1894. Editor Wealth Makers: Not wishing to Hatter any one I will eay that of a dozen leading Populist papers that reach our sanctum The Wealth Makers leads them all. j have read with much Interest the pre ferences for state officers. All of them good men, and plenty more to be heard from: but I am opposed to any prefer ence being expressed for U. S. Senator either through the paper or at our state cBvention. Let us see to It that we elect the right kind of men to the legis lature and then trust to them for the Senator as too many exigencies arise, and while our members might be obli gated by their constituents to Btay by a certain candidate that could never be elected, while If left free to act they might unite on some one else and elect. In our coming conventions we must keep out of that plutocratic trap (fusion) or bo done up as a party. There is one proponed plank lor our platform that I really fear, and that is equal suffrage. We know that women are fully as in telligent as men. but when we look around us and see men working and tolling for 364 days in a year in order to support their families, and on the re maining day walk up to the polls and vote It 11 away to a handful of pluto crats, eorporatlons, etc., wo wonder whether women who have not had as eood an opportunity to study financial affairs would be so much wiser. In our county the towns are against us, and but few of the business men vote with us. Now in case of general suffrage al most every lady in the city would g to the polls and unless they saw their own interests better than most of their hus bands thev would double the votei against Us. We have taken all the pains we could to po9t ourselves and wa are justified in saying that not even one half of the country ladles, in this county at least, would go to the polls. There are several still stronger reasons that I might give, but I know that your space Is overcrowded at this time, and we will trust and abide In the good judgment of our delegates, but better not venture in too deep water. Let us have but few planks of the best and most nee, terial and upon those be firmly t A POPULIST. The Phelps County Populists. Editor Wealth Makers: The county convention of the People's Independent party of Phelps county, Nebraska, was held in the court house at Iloldredge, on August the 11th. It was harmonious and enthusiastic in all its acts. The present incumbents, E. Soderman representative and Andre w Jackson Shafer county attorney, were renominated with practically no opposi tion. A resolution Instructing the delegates to the state convention to work for a demand for direct legislation as the principal plank in the state plat form of the party passed unanimously. The other resolutions are herewith euclosed.as cut from the World-Herald, I do not exaggerate in the least when I say that all indications point to an extraordinarily heavy Independent vote in this county in the coming election. Our candidate for county attorney has proved himself worthy of the nomina tion for the third time, and no fair person will deny that he will have a walk-over, for the simple reason that the citizens recognize a good man when they see him. Our candidate for rep resentative has been twice tried and found to be true as steel, and as none doubt his strict Integrity, he will get there in time to help elect another United States Senator like Allen. I almost forgot to say that the convention also voted to stay "In the middle of the road ' The delegates to the state convention will nearly all go by the middle of the wagon road route. L. C. Huck. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely aerange mo wnoie sys tern when entering it through the mucous sur faces, euch articles should never oe usea ex cept on prescriptions from reputable physi cians, as the damage they will do 18 ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, contains no mer cury, and Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get tne genuine. It is taken inter nally, and made in Toledo.Ohlo, by F. J . Cheney & Co Testimonials free. tSTSold by Druggists, 75c. per bottle. 8ml OFFICERS STATE ALLIANCE. Prenldent, w. . Dale, Atlanta. Vice-Pres., Prof. W. A. Jones, Hastings:. Hecaetary, Mrs. J. T. Kellle. Han well. Treurer. James Cameron, Beaver City. J. H Poweie, htat Lecturer, Cornell. W. F. WrlKht. State Organizer Alliance Aid, Bethany, Neb. IX BCCTTV E COMMITTEE Chairman. I. N. Leonard, Lincoln. K. Soderman, Berirand. C. W Young, W ilBonvllle. C. M Lemar, Wahoo. J. M. Dlinmick, Macon. THE WEALTH MAKERS ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT. BY MRS. J. T. KELLIE. SEC'Y. The Jubilee Slngera on Ihe Koart. Nihraska City, Neb. Aug. 14, '94. Editor Wealth Makers: Mr. Henry Hucklns opened the cam paign here last night from a Populist standpoint. The jubilee singers sang while being conveyed up Central Avenue to Ninth street, where they stopped, and after singing a few pieces Hon. W. H. Dech was introduced and spoke for an hour and a half to a large and attentive audience upon the polltl cal issues of the present campaign Mr. Dech is an able speaker and will give the people food for thought where- ever he goes. Mr. Huckins' campaign lng combination goes from hereto Syra cuse where they will take in the county convention; from there to Lincoln then to Grand Island to the state convention Mr. Ilucains has a spring wagon fitted up expressly for his troup of singers and speakers, and will, after the state con vention, travel over the state and with song and speech arouse and enthuse the people wherever he goes. Let this be a campaign of song as well as speech maiting. The power of music is Irresist ible. Men will march up to the can non's mouth and be shot down under the Influence of the soul-stlrring strains of sweet music. Just so will they march to the polls and redeem our state and our nation from the corrupt party com bine that ha9 made us slaves and is now seeking through class legislation to make our children and e ven the genera tions yet unborn slaves to the money power. On with speech making and song and we will yet be free. R. W. Trimble. The Time to Act. Editor Wealth Makers: The deplorable condition of the people of Nebraska especially the unfortu nates of the drouth sections, is a spec tacle, the consideration of which ought to be enough to move the stony hearts of humanity to tears, and unite the whole people in a common cause against the fate that confronts them. There is no use to relate the story. We can all understand the situation when we consider that nine-tenths of the farmers of Nebraska are compelled to sell their crops as soon as harvested at whatever price they can get, to pay taxes, settle store bills, and pay in terest on notes and mortages. A total failure in crops means a failure to meet these obligations or a sacrifice equal to double the amount. It means a set back in business; it means trouble and tears; It means want and hunger, rags ,lnd ruin, suicide and crime, and all the misery the age can picture of hu manity drinking the dregs of poverty and want. When the farmer finds himself in this Bad condition, the mer chant feels the effect. He shuts down on the credit system, turns off his clerks, buys little and sells less, ' and the terrible scourge has reached the factory, and the same effect and result What's to be done to help the situa tion and keep up the prosperity of the state? We must either see alike and act alike or suffer alike. There are several ways in which we might bridge over this terrible chasm of despair which lies between us and relief. The suggestion of The Wealth Makers, to issue county and state warrants to carry on public improvements in the way of roads, canals and public bui'd- Ings, and such warrants to be received for taxes, is an excellent plan. Again, if those of the farmers and business men who are fortunate enough to have a thousand or ten thousand dollars to loan to national banks at 5 or 6 per cent are In sympathy with the sufferers enough to understand their own inter ests and prosperity, would call for their money and loan that above their wn needs to their neighbors at the same rate, what a blessing It would be to all! Suppose one farmer in ten has a thou sand dollars to loan and the other nine wish to borrow. Would not the nine be sufficient security to the lender? There need be no mortgage of heart less corporation greed about It. It is better and cheaper If eight of the nine should have to pay the whole debt than for each of them to go separately to a bank or broker and cover his home or farm with a mortgage, pay a high rate of Interest for two or three years and then perhaps lose all. It is time to act. We must be up and doing before the panic spreads, business is stagnated and real suffering is upon us. Our own state is sufficient unto all our needs. Let the people get to thinking and acting before the real suffering begins. Yours for united effort, J. A. Frame, Verona, Neb. Dr. Miles Pain Pills euro Neuralgia. Lancaster County Fair. The L nearer County Agricultural Association will hold Its annual fair at the State fair grounds September 7 to 14 inclusive. The premium list are now out and can be had of the secre tary, John J. Gllillan, corner Eleventh and P streets. WORLD'S FAIR AWARDS a ... -a unim. InU MtUALd VIII a urn 1 I A and one Diploma for Krauly, Mrnitm una nrapnn4.nv-r tti.iAiu of mese vehicles nave been .old direct to the people. Send at once for our complete catatoKUe ( l of every kind of alift:.-t'a harnHu.also hook a-rada, $1X1. of teHlimonialB. they are free. ALLIANCE CARRIAGE CO.. CINCINNATI. 0. Lis Manufacturing Co., ST. LOUIS, - MISSOURI THRESHERS Unrivalled for fast ThreHhing, separating and cleaning. TRACTION ENCINES Excel In all points that go to make un a Per fect Palling and Working Engine. Send for catalogue. Mention this paper. TINGLEY BURKSTT, Attorneys-at-Law, 1026 O St , Lincoln. SHfcRlFK SALE Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of nale Issued by the clerk of the District court of the Third judicial district of Nebras ka, within and for Lancaster county, in an a tlon wherein the Nebraska Savings Bank Is plaintiff, and valton G. Huberts et al are de fendants I will, at two o'clock p. m., on the 2nth day of Sept-mber A D 1894. at the East door of the Court House In the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real es tate, to-wit: Lot number three (3)inblocknuniberslxteen (16) in Peck's Grove, according to the recorded plat thereof, In Lancaster county. Nebraska. Given under my hand this 17th day of August A. D. 1814. FheD A. Mili.kr, Ilta Sheriff BOOKS FOIl THE MASSES. Get these books and our papr u fail as yon ean into the hands of the people, Mends. Buy, read and circulate. Address all orders to tha Wealth Makers Pub. Co., Lincoln, Neb The New Redemption $0 75 A Plea For the Gospel 75 Civilization's Inferno 50 Looking Backward 50 The D gs and the Fleas 50 Ai; A Social Vision 50 Co-Operative Commonwealth fO If Christ. Came to Chicago 50 Driven From Sea to Sea 50 London Money Power 25 Errors In Our Monetary System and the Remedy 25 Six Centuries of Work and Wages 25 Seed Time and Harvest 25 BoDd-Holders and Bread winners 25 A Better Financial System, or Government Banks 25 The Duties of Man 15 Ten Men of Money Island 10 Stock well's Bad Boy 10 Seven Financial Conspiracies 10 Half Kates to Hot Springs, S. a. Via the Burlington Route. Every Friday during Julyand August the Burlington Route will sell round trip ilckets to Hot Springs, S D , at the one way rate. Tickets good for 15 days This substantial reduction irom tana rates brings a trip to this greatest of western nealtn resorts witnin every one's roach Consumptives, rheuma tics, sufferers from every ill that flesh is heir to, will make no mistake if they take advantage of this opportunity. rull information upon application 'o local B. & M R. 11. agent, or to J. Francis. G P. & T. A, Burlington Houte, Omaha. Nebr. ' 1 All drugglats sell Ir. Miles' Nerve Plasters. Esoape Heat and Gain Health. At no "resort" north, east, south or west, can this be done to such advant age as at "'our ewn Hot Springs, S. D." Now is the time to go, and the Elk horn Lin fthe pioneer route the way. Low Excu.ision rates in effect. Apply to A. S. Fielding, city ticket agent, 117 South 10th street, or depot corner S and 8th streets, for particulars. S. A. Mobher, General Ageat. To the land of Red Apples via the Missouri Pacific route Feb. 1st, for one fare for the round trip good 30 days. Call on Phil Daniels, C. P. & T. A. 1201 O street Lincoln, Neb. That Lame MtarK can tie cured with Dr. Miles' NEHVE PLASTER. Only 25c. Cool and Beautiful Is got Springs, South Dakota, best reached by the Burlington Houte. Palatial hotels, wonder-working water pure air, and magnificent surroundings are only a few of its attractions. The Burlington's local agent will gladly give you full information about Hot Springs, and also if you ask for it a beautifully Illustrated folder. J. Francis, G. P. & T. A. Omaha Neb , Ml 5 KLbdll i i COMMISSION Consignments from Co Wool Producers and Shippers 4 Bonctieo. mineral Alvancea made when de wy urea, nacu re to tsmppera. 4 Established I860. T cm rpdman none k V s sb m mm V - a w V WJ 812-214 Michigan 8t.. Chicago. Illinois. :,awaawaOaO,waOaw.,wa WOOL! WOOL! WOOL! TITE are revolutionizing the wool trade by our prompt sales and quick returns. If you nava T ever shipped wool East you know that It takes them from six to twelve months to close out a lot of wool. We can make you full account sa'es within ten days aftr your wool is re ceived. Sacks furnished on application. Liberal advances made when desired. PELTS! PELTS! PELTS! SAVE a middleman's profits by shipping us your pelts. We are not dealers, but have a laxk-e tannery and tan our pelts. Doea It not stand to reason that au exclusive wool commissi. house can ao oeiter tor you tnan a general commission nouse Who sell nay, grain, etc r ' tainly it does. We give our full time and attention to wool. SIn writing to us mentiiS References, any bank in the United States, also Wealth Makers Pnb. Co. The Great Northern Wool and Fur Co., I04 and 106 Michigan S.. D1 OES That ship aoes I'ay. It wAirmlfprptiirna REFERENCES: Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago, and this Paper. Home y f1 uu u Net- ht or Left feROCK 16LAHP PLOW -VPat'd by A. G. HULBEHT, r 25o Vr , j -? GASOLINE ENGINfcS The best because the most simple, few minutes' attention a daj will keep it running. Most economical; guaranteed cost of running Is one cent per hore power per hour. Address. No. 404 Southwest Boulevard Weber Gas & Gasoline Engine Co., Kansas FOR SALE! "ESS L. BANKS HSBW Percheron, English '4i Y horses won more honors than any importer's in America at the following fairs: Iowa J'L S'ate Fair, Des Moines; Nebraska State Fair. Lincoln; and the Kansas (My Fair, season 1893. My Black Percheron stallion, Jeannot, and my Belgian stallion, Sampson, never failed to take tlrst premium and sweepstakes over all. For strictly first-class Imported horses, low prices, low interest and long t ime visit the Crest City Farm, Creston, Iowa. Telephone to farm, one mile distant. New importation just received tTkh IN APPEARANCE iTO A POLID GOLD WATCH, rnre A fine 14k gold pi ttd watch io avt-ry reader of thtflD&per. rncc nflCot this out and arud It to os witQ Unvn.ir full nf nii rlrlrww. and wa willMitd vou one of these elegant. rich I v tewelrd.ifold finished watches t by expresa fur examination, and if ' you think it Is equal in appearance to any $-.15.00 gold watch pay our mp la price, and it 1b yours. We send with the watt h our guarantee that you can return it at any time within one year if not satisfactory, acd if you sell or cause the sale of six we will give you One Free Write at once, as we shall send ont samples for 60 dava only. Address THE NATIONAL WTF'G & IMPORTING CO. 334 Dearborn Gt.. OfciUfO. I1L METAL WHEELS for your WAGONS. Any size yon want, 30 to 66 in. high. Tires 1 to 8 in.wide hubs to nt any axle. Haves VoHt many times in a season to have set of low whoels to nt yoarwaprnn for tmilinff grain, fodder, manure, hoes. &'C. No resetting of tires. Catl'ir free Ailitress EMPIRE MF. CO, iiilncy, 111 OLD RELIABLE PEERLESS FEED GRINDERS Grinds more eniln tn uni deijreeof liueness than any other mill. (Jrlnds ear corn, oats, etc., tine enough for any purpose. War ranted not tochoke. We warrant tne Peerleti to be THE BEST AND CHEAPEST MILL ON EARTH. fW Write us at once for prices and agency. There Is money In this mill. Made only by tbe JOLIET STROWBRIDGE CO., JOLIET. ILL. Jobbers and Manufacturers of Farm Machinery. Carriages, Wagons, Windmills, Bicycles, Harness, etc. Prices lowest. Quality best. 50(ffiL ni f tr i i y? w UL VIA V WWJtt IPnf OT WW - VI I 31 iiBl REFER by permission to The B adstreet Company; National Bank of Humus Chicago; Lincoln N tional Bank, Chicago; irst National Bank, Quincy, Illinois; People's N t. B nk. Bock Island. Ill-; Iowa National Bank. Ottumwa. Iowa. 1 CHICAGO. ILL. WOOL GROWING PAY? depends upon how you sell your Wool, fi you i it direct to market and to the right house, " It is no experiment, our shippers testily to n unanimously. We will not only obtain the highest market price for your Wool, if you ship us, but we will send you quick returns. We are revolutionizing the Wool trade by our Prompt Sales and Quick Returns, we have done what ... the Wool trade said was impossible. Instead of taking six to . twelve months to make returns for Wool, as most hoists do. w In that, tnanvdavs. and our shimiers back testimonials of our shippers. We are not an exclusive Wol hoiiae. hnfc handle Hay, Grain and Produce of all kinds. I SUMMERS. MORRISON & CO.,, Commission Merchants, 174 So. Water Street, Chicago. SAFE, DURABLE FENCE; ONLY 80 PER MILE. LAND - 0 WNEES iTt'l"' A (VAntc mahe Woo-M Paek FfZ 51 1 19 month and expenses 091 1 The best local and traveling agents wanted every where. Write at once forolroulars and choice ter ritory; address A. G. Hulbert, Patentee, care of Factory Catalogue with 200 engraved designs and prices, ssnt free to any who want fancy iron and wire work or city, cemetery and farm fences, etc. a r v - mrmm w mm- mmw w H-lAJp qtOUND. Positively Guaranteed to q 'Afttiifdcliony a Fiir Trail Alii (9)&od jor tije' "nhAAF ' wb&t' ii idid by fb wbo b&ve Vied -trjen). AffUFACTURED ONLY BY THE CO- Rock Island .III City, Missouri. or will trade for rome good farm lands. 4 ive l Vfll Jr llllIIV. II I I I I II Ifl. . r1 n8, ii m I have a lot of excellent good pure bred (recorde-) stallions and mares, bntn Percherons and English Shire. Also imported and American bred Shetland l'onles. This stock is of our own importa tions anil ral.-lug, cle.m, healthy and all rlirht. We will sell one ani mal or all. as the entire stock must be disposed of. For a list and descri p. ion address, A ... SULCI VAN, , The Importing Draft Horse Company, j) LINCOLN, NE WILSON, Creston, Iowa -IMPORTER OF- Shire, Belgian and Coach Horses. yS 75 B"Jour 9 Natural Finish Baby Carriage ,W4ilJ complete h itb plated tUtel wheels, axle, MQy Bftrin, ijl ooe piece sieura (wot iiwuile. M1 of bcfltmaU el tinlsti'-d.rt:liktiriil (uarmteed for Ajwt. fehlppeA 10UTs'tri&l. FREiUHT PAID: no monii iwfiuiradia advance. 76.00H in uk. We are the oldest ana best know conom ofour kind, reliable and responsible. Keferenue .furnished atanj time. Make and veil BothinK but what WiarantM to 1m ta represented, sold at tbe lowrst factor jmm. WHITE TO-UAY for oar large FREE illustrates OXFORD MFG. CO., 340 Wabash Ave., Chicago H. If more good points can not be shown In It than any other hay press made. Martin & Morrissey M'fg Co., Orriaria. fleb. ft NO BOILER. NO STEAM. w GASOLINE TRACTION ENGINE OPERATED FOR ONE-HALF THE EXPENSE OF STEAM TRACTION. . Needs no water hauler, no coal, wo y Ft raw. No steam, smoke, sparks or ashA Ok IK J J noss bilitv of fire or einlosion. Needs r L . 1 ..,. V. ni I' . 1. ,kinrAa . . A Pawn UVLo ...it .1 1 ..... ... kftBV.MBB.(Q k aa i m aa a aa . 1 , i. ui.uiug uv.. THE VAN DUZEN CAS AND CASOLINE ENGINE CO., CINCINNATI. O. t ll 1