VOL. VI. He Shows How Fusion Leads to Confusion and Failure. OUR HOUR OF GREAT TEMPTATION. Let No Entangling Alliances Be Made at ,g Out State Congressional and Legisla tive Conventions to Elect a Democrat. His Letter to a Nebraska Citizen Washington, D. C, Aug. 10, '94. Wilbur F. Bryant, Hartington, Neb. My Dear Sir: Your letter of recent date asking my views on fusion at hand, ' and contents carefully noted. Previous to the campaign of '92 1 expressed my views on fusion as follows: ' "Fusion means confusion, and will lead to nothing else. We want all the votes we can get, and wish for every Democrat and Republican to come to us, we would like to have every office within the gift of the people, but we can not afford to secure them by barter ing away our principles. The moment we use them as trading stock to be peddled around to the highest bidder for office, we will sink 'into obli vion, and we ought to. There is but one thing for us to do, "Keep iu the middle of the road." "Anyone who expects that either of the old parties will give us financial re form by helping them to office, is, in my opinion, a mental deformif ? These were my views in 1892, and I know of no reason why I should change them now. The "Nonconformist" of Indianapolis dated August 2nd, exposes a fusion genome in th west, which, I regret to say, contains much truth, Permit me to lay before you some facts with regard to the political situation la the nation at large, and your state in particular. The great obstacle the People's party has to overcome in the South, is the fact, that the Populists of the west have been fusing with, and electing Democrats to Congress and state offices. So long as the People's party of the west support men like Bryan of Ne braska, Martin of Kansas and Coffeen of Wyoming, we can never expect to gain a permanent foothold in the South. Mr. Livingston of Georgia, Bailey of Texas and McLaurln of South Carolina, together with seventy of the senators and representatives of the south, have voted with Mr. Bryan, Martin and Cof feen on all measures that came before congress. Now if M. Bryan is good enough for the Populists of Nebraska to vote for, why then is not Mr. Living ston, Bailey and McLaurln good enough for our people to vote for in the South, why should we be endorsing and elect ing one Bet of Democrats in the West, and fighting the same kind In the South? To secure victory we must prove to the people that our party possesses integrity and leadership, and in order to do this, we must pursue a straight course. Personally, I admire and honor Mr. Bryan, Martin and Coffeen, as well as Mr. White of California, but so long as they remain in the Democratic party, they are ihe greatest enemies we have in the West. They believe in our prin ciples! but remain in the enemy's camp, to be used as decoys. The moment you fuse with the Dem crats, you discourage Republicans from coming to us, and at the same time the Democrats will say, "Why should we join the People's party when they are coming to us and electing our men?" This will cut o pat supply at both ends The Democratic steering committee of the Senate realize that after the 4th of next March they will lo9e control' of that body, unless they can secure two or three senators from the West. They will move Heaven and earth In order to secure one from Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana, and the only way to do this is by utilizing the Populist vote. Senator Morgan exposed their hand when he said on the stump in Alabama, "That the Populists of Nebraska would elect a senator next January, but he would be a Democrat when he comes to congress." I hope that no entangling alliances will be made at your state, congressional and legislative conventions, by which the members of your next legislature will be compelled to vote for a Demo crat for United States, as Kansas and California were compelled to do two years since. What good haye Senators Martin and White done us? Mr, Martin did the same thing that Bryan proposes to do this year. He stumped the state for ub, and declared himself in favor of our principles, and yet repeatedly said he was a Democrat, and did not wish to be called a Populist. Think of the humiliating position in which Sen ator Martin has placed the Populist members of the Kansas legislature who elected him, when they review his sycophantic and stultifying record here. I am confident that Kansas will poll more votes and elect more officers this year without fusion, than they did two years since with it. If Mr. Bryan, as he Bets forth in his last letter, believes in our principles, then he has no business to remain with one party, when he believes the princl pies advocated by another. It is an in sult to the Populists for any Democrat to say that he can honestly advocate our principles, and yet remain in the old camp. No conscientious citizen can honestly belong to one party and advo cate the principles of another. He must either be disloyal to his party or to the priuciples he advocates. No man would support Mr. Bryan more cheerfully than myself, If he would proclaim himself a Populist. I do not write this letter with any un friendly feeling toward Mr. Bryan or any other Democrat of the West, but we must protect the integrity of our party at all hazards. Populist votes have too often been used to elect men to office who have proven to be our worst enemfes. I do not wish to dictate what your state, congressional and legislative con ventions shall do, but this question con cerns our party at large, and l cannot refrain from giving you zny views. 'll Fraternally yours, H. E. Tatjbeneck. A Fillmore County Man's Views. FlLLMORB Co , Neb., Aug. 9, '94, Editor Wealth Makers: I desire first to enter an earnest pro test against the tendency to tack on to our State platforms, new and sometimes questionable propositions. Political platforms are unlike most other platforms In the fact that they present a seeming anomaly in becoming narrower the more planks there are sdded to them, until finally, if enough planks are added to them, they become so narrow that no one can stand on them and but few can tell what they mean. The so-called planks of political plat forms would be more appropriately called riders or restrictions, tacked on to some fundamental principle. If I were to attempt to make a polit ical platform upon which every Popu list could stand with both feet and fight manfully for victory, It would contain only a demand for government owner ship and control of railroads, govern regulation and control of finance, and government reclamation of public lands and the granting of the same to actual settlers only. A belief in these propo sitions should in my judgment, be the only test reqaired for any office of profit or trust within the gift of the People's party of Nebraska. All other proposi tions are side Issues a man may believe in them or not and still be a good Pop ulist; but lean not understand how any one can disbelieve in any one of these propositions I have given and still hope to receive favors at the hands of the Populists. W. J. Bryan although perhaps as grand a man as the old parties can pro duce to-day, is still as far from being a Populist as Cleveland or Sherman, and for my single self I had as soon vote to place such a man as Sherman, in office as to vote for such a man as Bryan, not that I think that Bryan is as bad as Sherman, but that I do believe him cap able of doing Infinite, y more injury to the cause of human liberty. Tne people know John Sherman and are on the alert for his infamous designs against their liberties. Bryan carries the con fidence of many because he agrees with them on the free coinage of silver. But if I am not mistaken the free coinage of silver at a ratio of 10 to 1 Is but a very small increment of Populis tic faith, and so far as I am concerned I had just as soon see our platform without this in It as to have It in, for I believe that it only places the correct and final solu tion of the money question still farther in the future. Tne Initiative and Referendum sys tem, Woman Suffrage, Single Tax, and LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1894. numerous other proposed reforms are many of them in the line of Populist principles but these things added to our State platform, would only serve to make it narrower.and distract attention from the issues that most nearly con cern us. As Populists we should not be of the number of those who having eyes see not and ears hear not the things that most nearly pertain to the wants of a common humanity, neither should we be of that number who despise every thing that is past simply because it is past, and rush madly forward with blind Impetuosity, only that they may be moving, but rather let ua strive to "prove all things and hold fast that which is good." That the governmont should own and control the railroads, and that it should issue a full legal tender money direct to the people without the intervention of banks, have been proven repeatedly, and it needs no argument to demon strate the proposition that the govern ment should not grant large tracts of land to alien owners. Such a course Is short-sighted, imbecile and criminal. Then whatever else we embody in the State platform let us not lose sight of these fundamental principles of the na tional platform, a copy of wh'ch,I believe should be appended to our State plat form. Having secured the fundamental re forms demanded by our National plat form, and having redeemed our state from misrule and treachery and rescued it from the clutch of corporate powers, the People's party will have performed the mission whereunto it was called, and having performed this mission It will pass off the political arena covered with tnore glorythan' any political party that in the annals of this world ever rose, or reigned, or fell. Its earth ly mission doDe, It will glide away into the great heaving bosom of the past, followed by the praise and thanksgiving and benedictions of a grateful people. It will be sufficient glory for me If I can but do something toward securing these blessings for the human race. I have no particular preference to express as to meD, but if my counsel were worthy of attention I would like to catch the ear of every delegate to the state convention, long enough to earnestly admonish him against the danger of sacrificing political principles for the sake of securing political offices. Long enough to Impress upon his mind the fact that whenever the People's party shall have degenerated so far that political place is made paramount to po litical principle, that it will then have reached a point of degeneracy where it is no longer worthy of the confidence of true Populists. I believe that It is the imperative duty of the delegates to the state con vention to place on the ticket men who know where they are at. Men whose views are clearly identified with the principleb of the People's party. Men who are not ashamed to identify themselves with the People's party but who are proud of tbe privilege. No true Populist will seek to make his own personal aspiration paramount to the interests of the party. It will therefore be the duty of the delegates to the state convention to find, if possi ble, the men who are best qualified for the offices to be filled, and under whose directing care the interests and final triumph of the People's party will most likely prosper and prevail. We need men in authority every where, who will be wise but not pre sumptuous, learned but not egotistical, talented but not proud. Men who are willing to know the whole truth and with courage to tremble not at truth whate'er it be, men who are able to grasp and struggle mightily with the great social, moral and political ques tions that today confront us, men with souls broad and deep, and pure and noble enough to take in the interests of the whole world and with hearts that throb In concert with the joys and sorrows of humanity. As an example of one whom I earnestly hope may be such a man, 1 would suggest the name of Silas A. Hol- comb for governor. Very respectfully, F. Skipton. Hon. L. C. Stockton for State Auditor Sidney, Neb., Aug. 10, 1894. Editor Wealth Makers: Permit me to trespass upon your time for a few moments. Western Nebraska baa heretofore been almost universally Ignored by all political parties in mak ing the state ticket.. We are entitled geographically and from every other standpoint to one distinctly western man, and the People's party being a party of equal rights and always the champion of fairness should see to it that the people of the extreme west end of the state are justly represented. Now permit me to propose the name of a man who resides in the proper re gion and who more than any other man represents the interests acd partakes of the hardships and is thoroughly in touch with the people of this section. Staunch, able and one of the well known men of western Nebraska. He has ex perlenoe, bitterly acquired, which makes him particularly available in this end of the state, having met and van qulshed in this county the most dust ardly gang of Republican tricksters and looters that ever existed in the state of Nebraska. In adversity he has been steadfast and unfaltering, in success he will be con slderate and appreciative. I refer to L. C. Stockton, editor of that fearless People's party paper, the People's Poniard, a man who as a member of tbe state and national committees any where, everywhere that labor was to be done without pay, has for years shown his devotion to the principles which he so ably and constantly defends. Being be education thoroughly fitted for the duties of "State Auditor," w ask jou to use your influence In pushing his name for this place, feeling assured that the future will sustain the wisdom of such a course and we appeal to you in the Interests of the people, of the party rnd of success to let the reward fall up on this worthy and faithful son who has shown himself to be ever ready to do battle for every sentiment of truth and justice. Yours fraternally, D. R. Snyder: ; Chairman County Central Committee. Hon. B. J. Johnston's Ideas. Howe, Neb., Aug. 7, 1894. Editor Wealth Makers: A few words as to platform. Of course we need and should have a platform clearly defined and live up to it, and yet not too much of it. First. Endorse the Omaha national platform through and through. Then you have done a great deal. Emphasiz ing the money question, income tax, government ownership or control of railroads and telegraphs. For it is along these lines that the campaign this fall must be largely made. I re gard more money not borrowed but made as the only present relief for an oppressed people. Many other things to come in after that is done, but first giye us fifty dollars at least per capita, and then if men must have unholy gain specially when they get it by unholy legislation, let them pay for It. If they perjure themselves 'tis their own fault, they need not do It. Second. Oppose anything that Is un fair to the whole people and endorse everything that is fair, equal and just to all the people, whatever it may be. Stay with the people though the heav ens fall. Add to this economy, honesty of the old fashio ned kind all along the line requiring a rigid accountability in all public offices. I have thought much of how best to furnish relief to the thousands of men women and children in Nebraska that have raised no crops for two years, and other thousands of working men who are out of employment in consequence of the general paralyzed condition of business growing out of the shortness of money more a thousand times than everything else. The usual appropria tionsmaking good country roads al so, if practicable, to build the Interstate and Gulf R. R., through ' Nebraska. These all are only suggestions, but some thing ought to be done for their imme diate relief. As to fusion so-called on this point I want to talk very plain and be under stood by everybody in and out of the Independent party. We are a new party struggling for existence. We have grown wonderfully and have great rea son to think our doctrines and princi ples are very near the great heart of the people. Certainly this is a great source of en couragement. But every one of us came out of one of the old parties either Republican or Democrat. But today we are Independents and should have I no affinity with either, and yet we must continue to grow and our growth must come from one or both (likely both) the old parties. Therefore I would not lock the gate against either, but open it to all men. Our principles and doctrines are as sacred to us as the doctrines of Christ are to the Christian. They are our foundation on whicl we are to build our house, and we cannot barter or trade on them. It Is like taking a stone here and there out of the foundation, All such houses' have fallen in the first storm. But there are thousands of men In both the state and nation, honest to the core, in both the old parties who are sick and tired of a Bystem that makes only millionaires and paupers, aad who are held only by the brittle thread of prejudice (like ourselves were) whicn must and will be broken by the power of truth men that are almost persuaded and must vote somewhere this fall. I would say to all such men everywhere, come over the line and help us redeem the state from dis honesty and corruption. And if you get nothing else out of it, you will have tbe sweet satisfaction of having con tributed something to this end and did not stand in the way of It. And to my Independent brethren allow me to say lookwell to the conditions that do now exist. We can't change them, more than we can change the clouds. But we may fit them and can we not nomi note a state ticket standing on such a platform as will soon commend itself to the world and that all this class of men can trust to carry out the principles and doctrines above mentioned? And I would call on every honest, patrlotio man in the state, come and help us and we'll all rejoice together. , B. J. Johnston. An Opinion Respecting Bryan. RUSHVILLE, Neb., Aug. 14, 1894. Editor Wealth Makers: The move to send Wm. J. Bryan to the United States Senate has been fair ly inaugurated. It may be a proper thing for h certain Democratic faction to do, but how true and consistent Pop ulists can support said move is not bo clear. Let Democrats support Demo crats and Populists support Populists for office. It is not denied either by himself or any other member or mem bers of his party that Bryan is a Demo crat. He can not be a Democrat and a Populist at the same time. While he remains a Democrat he will continue with all of his greatness to be a good deal smarter than the People's party. Will the People's party humble itself to go to any man who shows himself lack ing in the qualities of honesty, consls. tency, wisdom, patriotism and states manship necessary to prompt and com pel him to come to it? While Bryan is admittedly able In many respects, he is undeniably weak In certain essential other respects. His weakness has been made abundantly manifest by his per sistent clinging to the Democratic party. His peculiar weakness has been still further demonstrated by his neglect or failure to be now standing by the side of many other more able men who have made, and are shining lights in, tb.9 new party. Bryan falls short, woefully short of being a man, with ll his ac knowledged power, of the kind needed to lead the Populist host to complete victory, and the triumph of the princi ples enunciated in the Omaha platform of 1892. Taken altogether Bryan is inferior to many men in our own Populist ranki. No chain is stronger than its weakest link or links, and Bryan, judged by this rule, it becomes clearly evident that his deficiencies are too great to be ignored. Let us not chase uncertain men, Jack-o' lanterns and wlll-o-the-wisps. Stay in the middle of the road and send a full fledged Populist to the United States Senate, or none. A wrong step is worse than no step. Let no retrograde move ment be made to bring popular laggards to the front and by offering a prize tempt them to become Populists. The Bryan movement is a delusion and a snare, and discreet Populists will cer tainly denounce and discourage it so far as the Populist party h concerned. L. P. Ctjmmins. Headquarters Lincoln Legion. Populists visiting Lincoln are cor dially invited to visit tbe headquarters and free reacing room of the Industrial Legion, 1114 O St., second floor. Use Northwestern line to Chicago Low rates. Fast trains. Offiee 1133 0 St NO 11 ALL WORKERS UNITING The State Federation of Labor Adapts Out Omaha Platform With All It Implies- BRYAN'S COIN BA8IB REJECTED- A Government to 8erve Not Rule the Psople Demanded A Government Department of Co-Operativa In dustry Called For. Tbe Demo-Fusion Sheet Dropped, The Nebraska Federation of Labor held ifj regular session August 19th at Omaha and adopted a platform which places the city workers of the state with the Populists. We are at this writing so limited In space that we cannot get it all in, but give the most important planks: " "The representatives of the federated wage workers of Nebraska in conven tion assembled extend the hand of po litical fellowship and unity to the farm ers of the state and nation and declare our Interests to be Identical, and thai legislation that afiots the one unfavor ably bears with equal force upon tl , other. We consider ours the f ; ' land on earth, and while we chert i i i Institutions and revere the nan ; J those patriots who offered their 1 , ; and fortunes for the oppressed, jit Vv feel and assert that today In thin k 1 the vilest tyranny is practiced aad tljs most abject servility is taught, And ex acted from the wage workers. - "We Indorse tbe Omatia ptatforiiind preamble with everything that it Im plies, and we emphasize the fact that every metallic basis for money is a hum bug. We do not want our money re deemed in gold ana sliver, but in food aid clothing and warmth and shelter, and in object of comfort, art and beauty for the adornment of our homes, that our children may be noble and refined, contented and happy. "We declare that the proper use of government is not to rule the people, but to ba an Instrument for securing equality, prosperity and happiness among tbe people, and that therefore it is the first duty of government to guarantee to every citizen an opportun ity to earn a living for himself and fam ily, and any government that fails in this is a bad govsrnment and should be remodeled. "In order that ourselves and our children and our children's children . may forever be secured against priva tion and want, we demand that the general government establish a cabinet department to be known as the depart ment of co-operative Industry, for the purpose of providing ways, means and capital for employing in co-operative productive labor every citizen who may need employment, the workers in said department to have the full proceeds of their labor without profit to the govern ment. "We declare -that our mothers and wives and daughters are by their virtue and intelligence and fiaer moral sense entitled to equal voice with ours Ives in the affairs of governnent "Experience with the Interstate law, and our own state board of transporta tion, having shown that it is impossible for the government to control the law less railway corporations, we demand nothing short of government ownership and operation of these highways. We glory in the pluck of tne Ameri can Railway Union and its grand leader, E. V. Debs, and we denounce the com bination of government officials and railway managers by which the rights of woralngmen are trampled upon, and we declare it high time for the people to go to the ballot box and recapture the government, which is now in the hands of traitors. In line with our views we demand at the hands of the lawmakers of state and nation: Free con pulsory education of all children up to the age of 16; total abolition of child labor up to the age of 16; sanitary inspection of factory, mine and workshop, schools and prf sons; an eight-hour work day; the initiative and referendum in all legislation; free and unlimited coinage of silver at IS to 1; a national bureau of co-operative Indus try; national ownership and control of a national system of irrigation; govern ment ownership and operation of coal mines, oil wells, railroads, street cars, lighting, heat and power; election of United States Senators by direct vote of " tbe people; abolition of the contract labor system; free employment bureaus In every city of over 3,000; a graduated income tax; land taxed at its full rental value; arbitration in all disputes be tween capital and labor; abolition of national banks and the substitution of Unite ! States bank of issue. The Federation withdrew the endorse ment given by the executive council last spring to the Evening News, the Popullst-Demoorat fusion sheet. President Debs' Position. "1 am a Populist and am in favor of wiping both old parties out so they will never come into power again. 1 have been a Democrat all my life and am ashamed to admit it. I want everyone of you to go to the polls and vote the Populist ticket."-E. V. Debs.