. THE WEALTH MAKERS. August 15, 1894 CmCSK3 STATE ALLIAKCE oo:nr.iiGGiori SACKS FREE to Shippers. We have) very fa-1 PrMldattL W. Pale, Atlanta. Prof . W. a. Jmjaa, 2tegi ftMra J. T. Kell Howell. Treaamw.ameeCanieren, Beaver City. . t. B. Powate, but 'Cc AW. " "V w. r. WTanw, .iarsniser Aiiianc., v Bethany, Neb. ukctiti coMMrml Chairman, I. N. Leonard, Lincoln. K odrmn, Bermnd. C. w Young, wilaonTilla, Cat Wvr, Wahoo. J. M. Dtmmlck, Macon. THK WEALTH MAKERS ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT. BY MRS. J. T. KELLIE, SECT. Monater Meeting at Round tiroe. Sbehmam County, Neb , Aug. .8. Editor Wealth Makers: ; The rally at Round Grove was an en tire suoceM. By actual count there waa 400 team went into the grove at 2 o'clock and there were a great many cam In after that, and a large number of team, were lelt outside of the grove, making near 600 teams and ail loaded to their full carrying capacity. We had two 8no beeves for dinner, but there was at least two thirds of the crowd that bad to go without beef for dinner. Splendid speaking In the forenoon by Itev. J. M. Snyder and Judge Holcomb. Mr. Green occupied the afternoon, the baslnes8 men of Litchfield securing him for the evening, showing that the towns and country are getting nearer together at least In this locality. The Sherman County Alliance had appointed a committee to draft a peti tion to Congress to pass the Coxey Good Roads bill and have It become a law immediately. The petition was at the Grove meeting and everybody signed It It became a monster petition. Banker signed it, merchants signed it, farmers Big ted It, Republicans signed it, Demo crats signed It and Populists Blgned it. Everybody sighed it, regardless of politics or business. We would like the same thing done in every county In the state. We ought to keep the voice of the people buzzing in the ears of Congrefs and the Stuff id Prophet until a large majority of Congress and the Prophet would go and commit suicide. A grain dealer in our county has ordered a oar of corn. It did not arrive and when it should and farmers were going to the elevator every day by the dozen for corn to feed their fattening hogs and not a bushel in the elevator, and the farmers in consequence losing money and stock suffering for feed, the dealer finally wrote about the corn, and the agent sent him a card to the effect that the car was loaded and ready to go but the railroad was running its trains for its own use and the public be d d. I seoun d the card and Mr. Green read it to the audience. J. E. M. County Secretary. Resolution of Respect. At the regular meeting of Atlantic Alliance No. 971, July 20, the following resolutions were passed in honor of our brother and statesman, Senator W. F. Dale: Whereas; The name of Senator W. F. Dale has been most unmercifully attacked without any good sufficient reason, the cause being an article writ ten by him and published in Thb Wealth Makers of July 19, There fore, be it Resolved; That we are in sympathy with the article written, and that we farther extend our sympathy to Eugene V. Debs and the Railway Union in their for a rt asonable compensation whereby they may earn a living for tbeir families, tnereiore, oe h iurmer Resolved; That we commend the ao- inn stand t&Won bv Senator W. F Dale In the article written, also in his speeches before tne puouc. Roonlvad: That these resolutives be spread upon our records at large, e printed in our state paper, The Wealth MAKERS, and in tne uoiareie rrogress. H. A. Pickering, JohnLkigh, President. Secretary. State Lecturer Powers' Dates. Aug. 15, Kenesaw, " Adams county, p 16, Fairfield, Clay '17, Clay Center, " " " 28, Sutton, " " " 20, Stockham, Hamilton " " 21, Aurora, " . " ' 22, Phillips, " ". The friends of the Alllanoe are re quested to make any change in the ap pointments in their respective counties that they may think best and to notify The Wealth Makers and the secre tary of the state Alllanoe of the same as soon as possible. They are also request ed to publish the notices in their county papers and by posters when deemed best. , " ' Please rt member the financial help the lecturer gets will be from you as the state treasury Is empty. J. H. Powers, Lecturer, State Alliance. Lancaster County Fair. The Lancaster County Agricultural Association will hold Its annual fair at the State fair grounds September 7 to 14 inclusive. The premium lists are now out and can be had of the secre tary. John J- Glliilan, corner Eleventh and P street. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as mercury will aurely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole sys tem when entering It through the mucous sur faces. Bnch articles ahonkf never be used ex eunt n prescriptions from reputable phyal cuna, as the damage they will do la ten fold to the food you can poaatbly derive from them, fraua Catarrh Cure manufactured by F.J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, contains no mer cury, and la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous turfaoea of the ayatem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be aura roa ret the genuine. It la taken Inter- , BsUyfandmade laf oledo,Ohio, by F J.Cheney - Oo Testimonials free. gJHUAA by Drugglsta, 78c. par bottle, 8ml mum. San Bernardino County, California. OoBalvnmeiita Solicited. Best aarhtt st tee secured frfwapt returns. 4 THE location of the largest BEET SUGAR FACTORY In the United States, the output of which for 1894 will exceed 20,000,000 pounds of refined sugar. We are offering land in this famous ranch in tracts to suit buyers, suitable for beet sugar cultivation, deciduous and citrus fruits. ; ' ' ' ' " ; . ' rppj) f n One quarter Gash, balance 1, 2, 3 years, with in- ments. "terest at 8 per cent per annum on deferred pay- P V A Ii T T t this "wonderful property. CAttlYIllNJUr FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION, giving buyers an opportunity NOW to learn from personal investigation just what this land produces, and the RESULTS from each and every acre for the year 1894. y-: v .;" fc ' J--M.smaaBaBaaaaaMaaSaSWaaaWalBJSasaMawaasa D V Ii "C A H D D D the beet crop takes five m0Eths from KhlVlblVlDCiV planting to harvest. Beet lands at Chino for year 1894 will show an average yield of seventon tons per acre, sold to the factory at 14.50 per ton, is 176.50. The crop from seed to harvest costs $16.50 per acre, thus giving the farmer $60 per acre net returns for about five months work on the land.' Established I BOS cutty BKcturT lor. sewarlaa; best salts f. shippers. 1 Oar rctenaees are I ssy rospaaslblal baslaesa aoase or i bask la Chicago. Gilbcrman Brothers SI 1-2 14 Michigan St., Chieaao, lllinoia For fall particulars apply to or address, Easton, Eldridge & Co, .121 s. Broaflway, Los ADgeles, orCMno, San BeraaTflino County, California. 1BBA11CB DEPAirillT. vnM.niji v v. Swlnart. Correspon- flence solicited. Fire, cyclone or haU. .- UU...U l T 1 J1-1-1 Renortof Richardson county meeting: Insurance took effect March 25th, 1888, therefore six and one-half years old. January 1st, 4834, company " had $550,- MKf. in.nmn: Jnlv 31. 1894. $860,675: a gain of 1110,210 whole amount 01 losses for six and one-half years, Total cost per 11,000 Insurance, VI. -Later. This county had an 1800 lire, but they have about 1500 on nana to pay and the rest will be easily raised. I would think that it would afford tne members of that county a pleasure to pay an assessment now, since they have had their Insurance carried these long years for the stipend of 12 per $1,000. At the stock company rate It would have cost 14 per year to carry f 1,000 Hence if we consider the average of that county at $300,000 the total cost would be for six and one half years 7,800, while In the Mutual the total cost, including fees, salaries, etc., etc., has been but $600, a saving of $7,200. I hope to hetr from every secretary of a local company in the state. If-you have a loss please report that, giving amount of same, name and post otnee, and in fact let us make the Insurance denartment one of interest. I can't do it without help. The law bv which we can Incorporate a Mutual Insurance company took effect Aug. 1, 1891 There are now about thirty local companies in the state and last year they wrote over $4,600. In a few years no doubt our farmers will find out that it pays to do their own insurance without tbe intervention of city dudes who only earn a living by holding np a victim for double the amount necessary to carry his insurance in a c mpany owned and controlled by those who Insure in the company and pay all that is paid. In case a loss occurs the member Is not bulldozed nor accused of crooked ness, but it la adjusted in a gentlemanly wav and to his entire satisfaction. But in case the company is a stock company he is usually accused of being at fault and as a rule he is Induced to accept a less amount than Is his due because he is not inclined to go to law. r There are many cases in which he has to take one-half the amount that Is really due him or go into law. We have in mind a case in which the insured had permission to use kerosene In lajnps. He sat an incubator on the porch and used a kerosene lamp in it His house burned but did not catch from the incubator nor -its lamp. The company's agent after fettling the loss offered him just half of the amount due. The farmer took the 50 per cent rather than wait a year or two and pay a law yer's fees etc., etc. Under this rule of old line companies If your neighbor should come over some dark night to see your sick horse and take his lantern Into your barn and the barn should burn In the course of a month oause known or unknown, your Insurance would be void, but under no circumstances would your note for pre mium become void. ail druggists sell Dr. Miles' Nerve Plasters. TINGLEY St BURKETT, Attorn. ys-at-Law, ioa6 O St : Lincoln-. SHERIFF SALE Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an wher.in Kebecca A. Weber and John M Weber are plaintiffs and Ctariea C Munson et al are defendants, I will, w2olock p m , on the Hi day et September, A. D. 1894, at tbe east deor of the court house, in the city of Uncoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer tor sale at public auction the following descrised real Loinber one ( In block number nine (9) in Mount Forest within the corporate limltof the city ef University Place in Lancaster "Give'ri undS my hand this th day of July, TINQLEY ft BURKETT, Attorneys-auLaw, xoa6 O at., L ncoln. SHERIFF 8ALB. Notice la hereby given, that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the cierk of the district court of i he 1 bird Judicial district of Nebraska, within and tor Lancaster county, in an action wherein Charles H. Morrill, receiver of the Nebraska Savings Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska, is plaintiff, and Charles H. Johnson, et al, are t will at. 9 AVlrw.k n. m..on the 18tD day of September A. D. 1894, at the east door oi tne uuun otom. - , public auction the fallowing described real Lot number three (S) la block number twenty-nine z) ei i,mcoiu neiguw to tne ciiy i iiiacoui, uwiwwi wuuj, k.,l.s Given nnder my hand this 11th day of August 10B Sheriff. "A'llnSa. WORLD'S FAIR AWARDS sTm. rmZ IWU MtUALo snd one Diploma for Beauty, Strength and Cbearaesa.Ovr m,fM vi avK venicies nave been sold direct to tbe people. Send at once for our complete catalogue D) of every kind o! hll let it iilwn honk SrS Situ, of testimonials, tbey are free. ALLIANCE CARRIAGE CO., CINCINNATI. 0. ii!!htt,!iiiriKH KINGSUND DOUGLAS WM. LEE SB, Attorney .at -Law, Lincoln, Nebraska. SHERIFF SALE. Kntlm la herebv criven. that by virtue of an order of tale issued by the clerk of the district court of the third judicial District i weoras ka, within and for Lancaster county, in an ar-tlnn whcmln The Woonsocket institution for savings, Is plaintiff, and Charles, T. Bogg et al. are de 'end ants. I will, at 2 o'clock P. M., on the 18th day of September A. D 1894, at the east door of the Court House, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Neoraska, effer for sale at public auction tne louowing aesorimu run. Aatat tnwlt: Tie west half of lot two t2) and all of lot three (3i in block number fifteen (!) .in J. u. Young's East Lincoln addition, and all of lot hree (3) and the west halt of lot two (2) in block two (2i in J. O. Young's 8outh addition to East Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebraska Given under my hand this 11th day of August A U 1SW4 OIUA njLil'BK 10tS - 1 Sheriff, SHERIFF SALE . Notice Is herebv riven, that bt virtue of an order of sale Issued by the olerk of the district court of the Vhlra judicial uistnct of iveoras ka. within and for Lancaster conn' v. In an ac tion wherein Marv J. Meed is Dlaiatlff. and Ed. P Churchill: et al. are defendants 1 will, at i o'clock pm.cn the 18th dav of September A D. 1894, at the East door of the Court House, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, xneoras ka, offer for sale at public auction the follow ins described real estate to-wit: Lot number eleven (tl) and tbe east one-third () ft lot number twelve (12) in block number one (l) in sawyers' addition to tne city oi Lin coln. Lancaster con ntv. Nebraska Given under my hand thl 13th day of August A U. I BiH JvHBD A SO lliuBK, 10ti Sheriff. Cool and Bautifal Is Hot Springs, South Dakota, best reached by the Burlington Route. " Palatial hotels, wonder-working water pure air, and magnificent surroundings are only a few of its attractions. The Burlington's local agent will gladly give you full information about Hot Springs, &?d also if you ask for It a beautifully Illustrated folder. J. Francis, G. P. & T. A. Omaha Neb , Ten Tons or Medicine) Won't do you as much good as a week's tay at Hot Springs, S. D., the greatest health and pleasure resort in the West. The Burlington's local agent will gladly give you full information, and also if you ask fov It a beautifully Illustrated folder. J.Francis, G. P. & T. A. OjDah,Neb. Manufacturing Co.. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI Wool! Wools Wooli v AiH,lnn(.lna ttt wnnl troriA hv nnr nmmnt aula and nnick returns. If TOU have ever shipped wool East you know that it takes them from six to twelve months to close out a lot of wool, we cau make you run account saies wrinin ten aays aiter your nwi ceived. Sacks furnished on application. Liioerai advances maue wnen aeeireu. W1 s PELTS! PELTS! PELTS! AVE a middleman's profits by shipping ns your pelts. We are not dealers, but have a targe rA tan nn nana rwva It. nnt mand to reason that an exclusive wool commission house can do better for you than a general commission house who sell hay, grain, etc f Cer tainly it does, we give our tun time ana mwjunuu w i. iu nnuus nt this paper References, any bank in the United States, also Wealth Makers Pub. Co. Thp Great Northern Wool and Fur Co , 104 and 106 Michigan 8.. - - - CHIC ACQ. ILL. KEFEKENCE8 : Metropolitan National Bank. Chicago, and this Paper. iOES WOOL GROWING PAY? ! That depends nixm how you sell your W OOl. , if j..i shin it direct to market and to the right house, " It does Pay. It is no experiment. Our shippers testil y to it unanimously. We will not only obtain the highest market price for your Wool, if you ship us, but we will send yon qnick returns. We are revolutionizing the Wool trade by our Prompt Sales and Quick Returns, we have done what the Wool trade said was Impossible. Instead of taking six t o twelve months to make returns for Wool, as most house-;, we make returns In that many days, and our shippers back us np In this statement. Write for Prices on Wool and see the testimonials of our shippers. We are not an exclusive Wool house, but handle Hay, Grain and Produce of ail kinds. SUMMERS, MORRISON & CO., Commission Merchants, 174 So. Inter Street, Chicago. PURELY MUTUAL o"a- i eh 22 L,'!"v? a - -I J i! : m y s".; o - . . . . .SS o o - " - nli ...'..; . ; 3 ..: NEBRASKA MUTUAL FIRE, LIGHTNING & CYCLONE IMsUBANOB COMPANV. Over - half million Insured. Have paid over 500.00 in losses. Hive had but one assessment, 10c per 1100.00 J. Y. M Swigabt, secretary. Lincoln, Neb l"A(rent. wanted w m aa mm a nien 111 U A l A DmwA lliirT7-rtf v AY I TTob lllilILiLUi ()V 41AD CRjOUND. Do4itiveiy guaranteed lo q f atofdetiony a fair Trail AlTc end lL i II Jiiiiiiann ia.i i ATT t lilBIlll I' I I read ' wb b iiid by fboie wt)0 oavc vaed rrjen) MaKufacturco q) omlv-by rue ROCK 16LANP PLOW CO Ro Island, III Home KPafd by A. 0. HULBERT, a i a j!i52w-v---. hrri ir fctr uuIlBE.i1 Unrivalled for fast Threshing, separating and cleaning. TRACTION ENCINES Bxcel in all Doints that eo to make un a Per fect Pulling and' Working Engine. Send for catalogue. Mention this paper. ft NO BOILER. NO STEAM Qk aat- T m i 6AS0LINE TRACTION ENGINE OPERATED FOR ONE-HALF THE ' EXPENSE OF STEAM TRACTION. Needs no water hauler, no coal, wood or straw. No steam, smoke, sparks or ashes. No possibility of fire or explosion. Needs no En gineer or Fireman. Started in 5 minutes, lost the thing for tbe Farm. Write for catalogue. THE VAN DUZEN CAS AND CASOLINE ENGINE CO., CINCINNATI. O. GiVei) AWaiJ t wi?eWT3 Ttgfe- If more good points can not be shown in It than any other hay press made. Martin & Morris sey M'fg Co., Ornaha, pJb Salem Chautauqua. Half ntea from Burlington Route sta tions within 100 mile of Salem, August 11th, to 19th. Full Information of local B. & M. agent SMFEiPUHABU: FCNCC: ONLY 980 PER HILE. In. -"-T.AWTi OWTJT.K.S on-hatf tin eott M. 14 makt 1200.00 Bar . t The best local and traveling agents wanted every where. Write at once for circulars and choice ter ritory; address A. O. Hulbert, Patentee, care of Factory Catalogue with 200 engraved designs and prices, sent free to any who want fancy Iron and wire work or city, cemetery and farm fences, ete. GASOLINE ENGINES The best because the most simple. A few minutes' attention a day will keep it running. Most economical; guaranteed cost oi running is one cent per horse power per hour. Address, No. 4(14 Southwest Boulevard Weber Gas & Gasoline Engine Co.. Kansas City. Missouri. FOR SALE! 3 OR WILL TRADE FOR SOME GOOD FARM LANDS. I have a lot of excellent good pure bred Crecorde-i stallions ami mares, both Percherons and English Shim. Also imported and oiuuiuiu uicu uuDuttuu ruuies. i nis sioeK is oi our own luiporta nun uuu rawiug, vieao, neaitny ana an rmnt we will seiL one anl mal or all. as the entire stock mubt be disposed of. For a list and description aaaress, .. At 8UCLlVN i- i The Importing Draft Horse Company. LINCOLN, r-s- L. BANKS WILSON, Creston, Iowa. -IMPQRTER OF- 3 jitmnUfi Pereheron, English Shire, Belglaa aad Ceach Boras MY horses won more honors than any importer's in America at the following fairs: Iowa State Fair, Des Moines; Nebraska State Fair. Lincoln: ani the Kansas Ouv Fat . season 3. Mv Black Pereheron stallion. Jeannot. and mv Belgian stallion. Ssmrarai. iwvsf failed to take first premium and sweepstakes over all. For strictly first-class lmnorted hnraes. low prices, low interest and long time visit the Crest City Farm, Creston, Iowa. Telephone to farm. one mile aistant. ew importation jusi received .- the OLD RELIABLE PEERLESS FPFfl 4 V Hrtnila mnra irrnlfi tnftni degree of Tneness than any other mill. Grinds ear corn, oats, etc., fine enough for any purpose. War ranted not tochoke. We warrant the Peerless to be THE HIT AND CHEAPEST MILL ON EANTH. tw Write us at once (or price and agency. There la money In this mill. Made only by the J8LIET STROWSRIDCE CO.,J0LIET, ILL. Jobber and ManiifactiiTeri of Farm Machlnerr. CarrlMei, Wagoni, WindmlHi. Btcyctoa, HarneM, ate. ftloet lowest. Quality beat. To the land of Bed Apples via the Missouri Pacific route Feb. 1st. for one fatVfor the round trip good 30 days. Call on Phil Daniels, C. r. T. A 1301 street Lincoln, Neb. - - ' v wtmplst him lltl lUrd wiieeta, ftxUi, wVtia?"1 " .'l'.h,j,titri)ifiiiliadl. MacH oTofltuata . ,t r-u.ft')r f Hm-u dreiiat),, aal t-uAiaotacd (or S rear. iilpc4 .f-'tr i. FiEluttt FA1I: m monar mairMfa ' - a ailva.ni. fa IKI in hh. Hi ua iha aUett aiut kxi kann lttttt im mpoMtbla. KfaMat . Hake and Mil Bathing but what DnalHlltM M tmm lowest fapaaw l.rt-i. WRT R TO-bAV foff Mir larf FHRS UllHllMaS 0R0 WFfi. oaiai"i af lratl'tnH and It mi pgbliahed. vu., 340 waoain ae snwaga, Mli ml- a m m m m mmm mm t. Mm. Ill I tmm fc for vo ue f v!( WAGONS. Any fits roo want. 30 tote in hia-h. Tirea 1 to 8 in wide hubi to fit anjr alia. 8avea t'OKl many time In a mwd tu oara et ef lo wbeel to fit, font wagon for honling- ' araht, fodder, taanora. hots, Jra. No mettin of am. Oatl'ctra. AddiMS KMPIRB MFG. CO (kalacrt all. , PA II Ii t IA k l II v . 1 r v v i I