The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, August 16, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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    August 16, 1894
Democratic Witnesses oa the Stand.
The case is the Senate Tariff bill,
alia the Wilson bill.
It is charged with being a protec
ionist measure.
The New York Sun (democratic)
will take the stand.
Q. Mr. Sun, are you acquainted
with the defendant in this case, Sen
ate Tariff Bill, alias Wilson Bill?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Will you please state to the jury
how you regard its general character.
A. Looking back from this elevation
of enlightenment to the proceedings
since December of last year, they will
now see that since the President's ini
tial betrayal of the democratic prin
ciple of revenue only, in his last an
. nual message to congress, down to
his submission of those last amend
ments to the senate bill, through the
medium of the financial officer in his
cabinet, Secreiary Carlisle, all tariff
businets, whether steered by Wilson
or Voorhees, has been mere protec
tionist rough and tumble in which no
professing democrat ever showed his
ad. Talk about a tariff bill that
should "conform with the Chicago
platform," or redeem the pledges of
the democratic party," has been hum
bug from the start There haa been
' nothing but a squabble in the protec-
on nest between its owner and the
cuckoo about the disposition of the
stuffing, and nothing more or differ
ent has been visible at any stage of
the game of fraud and bluster set a
going by the last annual message from
the white house. -
That will do, step down.
The Baltimore Sun will now take
the witness stand.
Q. Mr. Sun, what is your politics?
A. Democratic.
Q. State to the jury if you are act
quainted with the defendant.
A. I am.
Q. Tell the jury what you think
about it.
A. The 400 amendments proposed
to the Wilson tariff bill which had
already been subjected to important
mnrtinpnTinna in interest ox con
ciliation and harmony will, if they
are enacted into law, be, with a string
of exceptions inserted as a blind, a
virtual abandonment of the Chicago
platform of 1892. They can not be
defended on any other principle than
the same which underlies the McKin
, ley tariff itself protection pure and
. simple; not such moderate protection
as may be properly given to American
industries as an incident in the ra is
fimft of needed revenue, but protection
for protection's sake, regardless o
revenue. The passage of such a
tariff bill as a fulfillment of
the pledges of tariff reform which
the democratic party has given to the
people in every national campaign
for twenty years past, and which it
renewed with more expiicitness and
emphasis two years ago than it had
ever pre riously given them, will be
at once a legisiative fiasco, a party
humiliation and a national misfor
tune. The Louisville Courier Journal will
please take the stand:
Q. Mr. Journal tell the jury whatf
you think of the Senate Tariff bill.
A. Intrusted with a mission whose
faithful performance meant the poli
tical policy and material welfare of
75,000,000 of people; directed by a
' hart as clear as sunlight and as au--ntlc
as their own commissions; em
powered by a popular verdict as regu
lar as a court of law and as sovereign
as a revolution, these senile or in
vertebral agents of the people will
shrink at every shadow, dodge at
every shape, and cannot surrender too
quickly whatever or whenever a demo
cratic renegade or a protection free
booter demands, 'i he result is weary
nonths wasted t the business world
mi to the party, and, after it all, in
stead of a bill redeeming the pledges
they were conuuibsioued to redeem, a
mongrel pie-bald of patches and
pusillanimity, a grotes ju hodge
podge of pretence and pettifocginir, a
nondescript abortion of in ompeteney,
seifUhness, cowardice and treachery.
Q. What la your politics. Mr.
A. Democratic
That will do. take your nest
The Chicago Times will take the
witness Mind.
Q. Mr. Times, what U your poli
tics? A. Democratic.
Q. What do yu know of this Sen
Ate Tariff blll.onc known as the Wil
son bill.
A. The Wilson bill has emerged
from the senate committee on finance
la a battered and ttrecjrnUabt a
dllU n. All that was deium ratlo in It
bus teen pounded out of recouWable
form. It r aa not an object to
thasiastu over when It went to the
committee, bat ( lesppearsnce It
ugiresU nothing so much aa a crniy
quilt fabricated by an epilepti.
That will do. The M l.otu tost
D'speteh will now tike the stand.
y. MrlitaU'h, what is your pott
ies? A. IfcrooeratUv
g. Kindly state to the jury what
I fT 1 i
rc Jill
F fe fgn;
Bf tht NAilMl Mora frtttAttOtttlfe
... , -
yon know of the Senate Tariff bill,
formerly known as the Wilson bilL
A. The Wilson bill is McKinley
ized. Iron and lead ores, coal, sugar
and wool are taken from the free list
and a duty put upon them at the dic
tation of the lobby. Instead of tariff
l eform we are to have only a mildly
expurgated form of high protection.
Platform pledges have been ignored
and the distinction between the two
parties on the main question is ap
parently w.ithout a difference. This
lame and impotent conclusion is due
to the machinations of the democratic
"conservatives," to-the 'retained"
senators and to those senators who
are using the privileges of the trust
committed to them by the people to
feather their own . nests. Gorman,
Brice, Murphy, Hill, Caffery and
White have cast in their lot with the
plutocracy, abandoned democratic
principles, and propose to yield noth
ing to the public which costs them a
penny or diminishes in the smallest
degree the illegitimate profits of the
interests they represent ,
Take your seat Roger Q. Mills
will now step forward and occupy the
witness stand.
Q. Mr. Mills, you are a man who
Knows a great deal about the tariff
family, will you please state to the
jury what yon think of the present
Senate Tariff bill?
A. No man can torture me into the
admission that the bill pending before
this body 4s in any respect a response
to the pledges made by the demo
cratic convention to the democratic
people of the United States.
RunniDg along through the bill we
have had to surrender at discretion
at every point -until it is a question
now between the McKinley protec
tive tariff law and the present pro
tective tariff bill, with a very little
margin of difference between the
Judge. The sheriff will now
take the jury ou' and allow them to
join the torch light processions, hear
the brass band, and be talked to for
three months by the candidates for
salaries, after which they will render
their decision as fo lows: "Guilty,
but innocent"
The Ohio republicans indorsed free
silver and John Sherman. The Mis
souri democrats indorsed free silver
and Grover Cleveland. Both, how
ever, are open to a proposition to "re
adjust" the ratios. It is our own
"Silver Dick" that suggests this basis
for the union of all the forces of Sher
man, Cleveland and the silver demo
crats against the People's party and
its unwavering demand for the free
and unlimited coinage of silver at the
old ratio of HI to I. Will the free sil
ver democrats be lead into th.s trap?
Not much. Such cuckoos us Bland
and llali and their unthinking dupea
will be taken In by it, the former for
pie antl the latter for what? Can
you tell what the dup.-s will get? We
know that they have hard times and
they will probably get some more of
the same medicine. The pie Is for the
cuckoo. Mo. Worla
When the Kansas Populists were
member of the republican party they
were intelligent, progressive itieri
of a preal state. The moment they
ceased to vote the republican ticket
they became wild cranks i f a wooly
western community, It is remarkable
that t he I r true nstur- was not dis
covered while they were faithfullr
voting for republican men and meas
ure. M. Louis I'ust-DUpstch.
If "stepping on the grass" which
grows on an Infinitesimal portion of
ike public dome. a be a crime eutt a
leal to high treason and Justifies the
dragooning of the people of Washing
ton, what crime and what punish
meat U Invoked In voting away tan
dreds of millions of acre of era and
the g'oiind on which It growth all
eijos Ir portion of the pblij domain?
M- Louis (ourter.
Capital Wm an Enemy Then and It Is
an Enemy Now.
When the dissolution of the Union
of states was threatened in 1861, and
the tocsin of war was sounded, the
workingmen left their plows, their
hammers, their picks and their ma
chines and -responded promptly,
bravely and nobly to the call of Uncle
Sam. At the same time a call was
made for money to carry on the war.
Mark how different the two calls were
responded to. The workingman, with,
an unselfish patriotism and devotion
to his country's cause that dims the
bright luster of the world's past his
tory, sprang to the front He never
stopped to ask or- consider wiat . the
government would pay him, nor even
to count the sacrifices he was making
or the danger he was braving. With
unselfish devotion to Tis country, he
kissed his wife, his mother or his
sweetheart, donned his uniform and
went out to battle. There was no
selfish thought of how much money
he was going to make out of the
transaction, or of driving a bargain
with Uncle Sam. His only thought
was of home and his duty to save the
Union. .
But it was not so with the cap
talist The bankers ; who had
said gold and silver was the
most staple, - sound and honest
money, quickly discovered that this
"sound" money would not do to fight
the battles of the country. They at
first contracted to loan the govern
ment $150,00,000, but after paying
about one-half of the loan in coin,
every bank in the country suspended
specie payments and they kindly of
fered to loan the government their
Then came the trial of the govern
ment to get money to pay the troops
and carry on the war. "Sound cur
rency," "honest money," "the money
of the world," had failed in the very
beginning of the trouble. But the
patriots, Lincoln and Stevens, solved
the problem. Let the government
make money to cary on the war. A
bill was introduced for this purpose.
The soldiers were in the field bravely
fighting for the flag and the preserva
tion of the Union.
Up again t the mouth of the confed
erate cannon, that belched death nd
destruction from their iroa jews!
Now marching in the raiu, wading
in the mud, hungry, tired and cold.
Now in the drear hospital, waiting
for health to come to be able to go
forth again to meet death.
Now burying a dyad comrade, or
soothing the putn of a wounded com
panion. Following the flag wherever
it went
Storming a rampart or wsat'ng
away in sickness by the Inaction of a
prolonged le?e. Always to the front,
never murmuring,uiar hing, suffering,
shooting, for what?
l'i r Human Liberty!
Where was the capitalist?
Besieging coiigresa to prevent the
Uau of money to pay the sold'ece!
Demanding t t- vu-e to grow rich
out of the bliHiTl of ) nation!
Crippling the money that was pay
ing for supplies ami munitions of
war, and which was Intended aa only
a poor pittance at best for the man
who plated his life In danger to save
th republlu.
At home, and w ben drafted banting
up a substitute escheat as possible.
J tt serve his country by proy.
a nome plotting treason by crip
pling the finances of the government
The eunted rate anUller who risked
hialifelnaa open fl Id In defense of
what Ue had been taught wss right Is
entitled to a thousand times more re
spect than the miserable, traitorous
capitalist who wit 13 the
very 'seat of government and
plotted treason by demanding
an opportunity to get rich off of the
necessities of the government
And they did get rich.
They influenced congress to pass
laws by which they were enabled to
get rich.
Through their influence the war
waa prolonged and its cost increased.
These miscreants were aiding and
abetting the south.
Ihey were traitors, deep-dyed trait
ors to their country.
Capital never contributed one cent
to put down the rebellion. On the
other hand it made it the opportunity
to grow rich.
The soldiers put down the rebellion
and then came home and went to
work to pay capital a tribute it had
laid on them while they were busy
fighting, and without surrendering
anything itsell That tribute is be
ing paid to-day.
The capitalist ia still at the seat of
government demanding more tribute
and further privileges, t
He is a traitor to the government be
cause he is a traitor to the interests
of the people. He is a more dangerous
traitor than the man who faced you
with a musket in his hand during the
war.. You shot against the traitor
Why don't you vote against the
traitor now?
The man you vanquished in the
add has laid down his arms.
He has sworn his allegiance to the
But the traitor at the capital whom
you did not vanquish is still plotting
his damnable treason against you.
He has both money and bond. You
have to buy the money of him to pay
the interest on that bond.
"lie toils not, neither does he spin,
yet Solomon in all his glory was not
arrayed like him."
The false lights he holds out to you
are ' honest money" and the "nation's
He never made an honest dollar in
his life.
lie did more to ruin the nation's
credit than the southern confederacy
It was your blood and brain that
aaved both the nation and its credit
You did it not with his help, but
in spite of his damnable and dark
plotting against you and the noble
sacrifices you were making.
He has demonetized silver.
lie haa established gold as the god
of worship and as the one thing only
in which you can pay him his semi
annual tribute.
He owns congress.
He oon'rols legislation.
The cou In do his bidding.
lie) con rols the po icy and the can
didates of both the old parties.
You shot at traitora from 1881 to
If you want to vote aa yon shot,
then vote against this worst of all
traitora the money king.
The New York Sun, which more
than any otter one raper was re
sponsible for putting him there, says;
"Life lastln Grover Cleveland will
hold the m s t powerful oftice on esrth
for nearly three year longer, and the
p.lbilltl m of havoc and disaster to
our lnllt jtione Involved in the cir
cumstance of a "Tilistio Pre dent
! are bey i t aU human calculation."
J In'er n
, I he lisrles of &oo railroad presl.
,'e ts I i the i ntted S'atr erf rebates
I'S.'-o- ,t- er aonit.o. Pretty big ex
pense ut the sugar trust m4 a
clear wot of $twxi,(S) last year,
and ad le Mian that sum invested
in 4gr refining machinery, baild
lug , titc Uailroad salaries are net
th Ursestevtl In ibis country.-Pro
gr ( i'rtr,er,
fb ? spuU'a between Senstors II U
a d llairts illd not settle whether tt
t .sheer of the luiwery or those of
he Tt meee plantations are lb
n fur tu in the senate chamber.-
ty Mall.
The Average Farmer Don't 8ell Enough,
to Fay foe the Stiti loner foe
One Member.
' There is nothing like examining the
books of those who handle our public
funds. It may have the effect of
dampening our partisan ardor, but in
the end it will be money in our pock
ets. A short time ago we examined
into the accounts of a republican sen
ate. No wonder they have been
charged with reckless extravagance.
But now, dear reader, go with us
while we turn over the leaves of the
official report of the expend tures of
a democratio house and one, too,
that was intensely democratic 148
Beginning with July 1, 189L ending
with December 7,1891," period of
five months, we find the pay for clerks,
messengers, doorkeepers, postmasters,
laborers, etc., to amount to $139,332.21.
Then we paid the police during that
period to keep the cows from eating
our congressmen, $16,128.22. Then
comes a little stationery bill of $7,325.
One month's extra pay all round for
this economical democratic congress
cost the people over $37,000. On
down a little further we pay the po?
lice some more, only $3,269.30 this
Then comes some more stationery,
$39,071.33. Gewhillikins! isn't that a
lot of stationery for cod gross to use?
Let's see, that is $120 each. That
would be 20,ooo sheets of paper, the
same number of envelopt s, half a
cord of penholders and pens and forty
gallons of ink. It would buy your
w f e fifty calico, ten lawn, ten ging
ham, five alpaca and five cashmere
dresses, i nough aprons to last her five
ears and a suit all round tor the
But you don't want to raise any
racket about this little i em. Must
raise the allowance for stationery for
your farm hand, cut down the numb r
of dresses for your wife, and vote the
same old ticket '
It is not supposed that the door
keeper would have much use for sta
tionery, but he has$f)3 worth charged
to his account. He must have bedded
the dogs with it This stationery
business with congress in a preity big
thing. It wou d be most interesting
to l"iow just what articles are cov
ered by "stationery; ,Tb expenses
for running that 14$ democrat'!.!.' ma
jority houe from Dec, 8, l&fll, td June
20, 1892, a period of seven months,
was as follows: ;
Salaries of members $1,685,000
Extra for M r. Speaker. ...... 3,000
Mileage of members (about). 400,000
Salaries of omcers and em
ployes. 205,023
Police.. 3,209
Commutation for stationery. 39,971
Fuel 3,4.10
Furniture. 11,034
Materia's for folding 7,050
Miscellaneous items......... 22,927
Stationery for committees. .. 4,985
Ditto for members 7.611
This sums up to nearly two and one
half million dollars. This does not
include the expenses after June 30,
which continued until August
The last thing which this 148 ma
jority democratic congress did was to
vote each member & clerk at an ex
pense of $100 each per month, id 6
paid out of the hard earnings of the
taxpayers. This additional expense
for 350 members amounts to $35,600
every month that congress is in ses
sion, or about $400,u00 a year. Think
of a congressman using up more "sta
tionery" than the crops sold by the
average farmer would buy.
The report shows that a man was
appointed deputy tergeant-at-arms
and sent to Chicago after an abs- n
member whom it was necessary to
arrest and take to Washington by
force to get him to attend to th busi
ness for which he was elected. What
do you recken it co.t? The legitime e
expense of the tiip ouid have been
about 85 to $73. But this deputy
charged you $223.75 for his expenses
in bringing your man In. He had his
fare, his board, his bus fare and alt
itemized. Then he puta down $53.05
for incidentals. "Incidentals" must
have come pretty high on that trip, or
else he bought lots of 'em. This is
the way your money is being spent
You can know ail about It if you want
to. You can get the oflicial report of
all these expense Hut if yon don't
want to go back on your old party
ym better not do It If all thn people
knew just what their representatives
are doing up there at Washington,
they would tire the whole thing out
IV believe that the people are about
to make their last grand stand for
their liberties They have, for cen
turies fast been tieeinir from la Iron
band of tytanny and oipreslon.
Marttng from Asia, the birthplace of
man. and traveling westward until the
expanse of the 1'acitio ocean calls a
halt, th-y discover that they can fly
trout the enemy ao farther; th room
Is s'l taken; so they must tara and
ruht It out la some way and It mast
l e a flfht to th finish this time. Wilt
we t e ebl to peaceably hall th sp
proacn of a diviner clvillistlon, or
will we go down beneath th iron
heel of th oppressor of hamaa liber
rfitrotsbfg (Neb.) Ucadtlght
A new plan has been devised to
at work the most intelligent anions
the unemployed people of this abuses
and suffering country.
It Is to turn the tramps into ml
siocaries. These tramps, as Gov.
Lewelling recently said, are ' "th
product of our economic conditions.
Judge Kelly said the same thing oi
the tramps of twenty years ago. Hugl '
MeCulloch was the father of tbost
tramps. He "hamstrung the nation,9
as Judge Kelly expressed It, by con
tracting the volume of money aftei
tbe civil war, and converted 3,000,004
of soldiers and toilers, who had eaves'
the Union, into beggars, while he tied
and held down the south by the sam
process. What Hugh MeCulloch did
froji 1866 to 1876 John Shernan;an4
t! rover Cleveland have done in 1894,
only on a larger scale with mora con
summate wickedness. By deait Vti
ing silver and otherwise conspirinf
against their country, these traitor!
have brought us to our second era oi
tramps. Let us not blame the tramp)
the traitora are tbe men to bate, and
kick and spurn.
The average tramp of to-day knowi
much more sbout political econosj -than
the average reader of the sub
sidized press, and will make a very
good missionary to that kind oi
heathen. Some of the so-called
tramps, indeed, are able as well at
excellent men, and could get work,
aa ia sometimes charged againat them,
if they would throw others out ol
work to get it But they sea thli
point aa it is and decline to be ai
mean as the "upper classes" would
try to make them. Mr. Morris of the
"Coxey army'' is on of tbe most in
telligent, temperate and conscienti
ous men in the United States. Somt
months ago he constituted himself as
economic missionary In Pennsylvania,
distributing literature and beginning
a work of which ia now "in the air"
and which hundreds of people evi
dently "have In their heads" ali ovei
the country. This "tendency of tht
timet," has been organized and hai
become the lormal purpose of a
strong and active organization. It it
caded the Ameri aa Economic Re
form society.
The circular of the society bears the
motto: "More Money and Less Mia
ery for the People." It says:
"The American Economic Reform
society was organized on the 8th oi
June, 1894, a meeting being called foi
that purpose at the rooms of the so
clety, 1202 Pennsylvania avenue.
'Washington. . . . .,-
'.'While recognizing the need of pV
Utical and eeonoiaia reform in mnj
directions, the meeting instantly do
cided that the panic , a this country,
with the preseni hard times, had been
directly precipitated upon' the peopls
by a strangulation of their money vol
nine, partly through tbe demonetis
ing of silver, partly by the sudden
withdrawal of circulation and credit
by the national banks, and owing in
general to the British-American bank
system, which issues some ten credit
dollars to every one actual metallic
dollar, yet promises to 'redeem' its
ten I; O. U's. (of discounts and bills)
in that one gold piece that can nevei
go around when really needed.
The immediate purpose of the Amer
ican Reform society was therefore d
clured to be the enlightenment of th
people In regard to this great confi
dence game, which must be understood
and abandoned before any other
economic reform can possibly b
For a brief statement of its general
purpose the society adopted the fol
lowing "declaration:"
"To relieve distress and secure proa
perity for all the people we favor
more money, and believe it should b
issued by tbe government and Its
volume controlled without th inter
vention of corporations. Thus believ
ing and teaching, relying upon peace
ful and lawfnl methods, we cull npoa
all who thus favor more money a4
less misery to unite with us for politi
cal action to secure these resnlta."
Meps have been taken to put into
the field at one several groups ol
speaker and organizer to famish:
them with supplies of suitable litera
ture, and to conn -ct them with othei
group in th different statea
Here Is th inception of a movement
that is destined to become national.
The American Econouiio Reform so
ciety may be sure of supnort and co
operation on eve-y hand. The time
are rip for just this thing and th
gold bug have mad ns so poor that
the work wilt be self-supporting.
Men wilt do their best la this direction
for a bar subsistence, if only that th
next generation may not be slaves.
Th Arena says th unemployed
number fully ,0O,JW people whlah,
usrvhtng four deep, would mak a
column 100 mile lonr, whil th
women and children, th aged, sick
and Infirm dependent upon them
would trait along for I,!') mite la th
rear. Laboe Advocate.
"Th theory of luteins! valu has
been abandoned by th beat writers
and speaker H Encyclopedia Brit
snnlca- "MetaUie money, whil act
ing aa coin, t Identical with p.pei
morey, in respect to beh ir dctltut
of iat Ins! value." North Brttisa
(lev lew. "W--'y