THE WEALTH MAKERS. August 10, RE1NH ART RESIGNS. Tfct Santa Fe Retiree Pretldent Re tire t'nder Fire. New York, An. 13. J. W. Rein- hart, president and one of the recelv era of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railway company, has resigned hit position. On August 8, Mr. Reinhart, before receiving or being officially informed of the contents of Mr. Littlts'a report, sent the following letter to the board of directors of the Atchison company, and a similar letter was also placed in the hands of W. II. Peckbam, counsel of the Union Trust company, to be presented to the Court: "Gentlemen: I hereby tender my resignation as president and director of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway company, and I request that you will forward a copy of this resig nation to each of the auxiliary com panies composing the system, and that tae directors of such companies will please consider such copy as my resig nation as president and director of each of t-aid companies. "The recent examination of the ac counts of the company undertaken with my yearly approval has called attention to certain methods of state ment which have been the subject of much adverse criticism. So far as I have seen, no imputation has been made upon my personal integrity or any susrurestion that I have profited to the slightest degree by reason of the matters criticised. "Certain features of my administra tion have, however, been so generally cr ticised that I feel, whether rightly or wrongly, I am do longer in full harmony with those intereste 1 in the property. "I am satisfied that my further con tinuance as the president of the com pany might be an obstacle in the way of a speedy and successful reorganiz ation of the property. I have no de sire to impair in any way the efforts now being made or which may be made hereafter, to put the property on a sound basis for successf ul opera tion. "Under these circumstances it seems hardly fair that I Bhould con tinue to operate the property, even though confident as I am that ultim ately my course will be found to have been to the interest of all. "I wish to add, in justice to myself, that I am also impelled to take this course by the fact that my health has for some time been seriously im paired, and I do not feel that, even under the most favorable conditions, I ought longero continue the strain and responsibility of the position. "Thanking the board for the confi dence reposed in me, I remain, very respectfully, "J. W. Ekishart." SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. The Mlaaourl Convention at Chlllleoth Elects i (Henri and Adjourn. Chimjcothe, Mo., Aug. 13. The. great state Sunday school convention closed its three days' session last evening. Stone county, in the heart of the Bald Knob region, won the gold banner as the place of the greatest increase in Sunday schools during the past year. The silver ban ner was awarded to Barton county as a grand second. Hates, B ton. Mil ler, Ozark and other interior counties reported the Sunday . school fever as prevalent in their respective local ities. The following officers were elected: President, D. K. Wolfe, St. Louis; sec retary, Robert Rutledge, St Louis; treasurer, George J. Cochran, St Louis; first vice president A. E. Wag ner, Kansas City; second vice presi dent, D. Allen, Feirce City; third vice president, A. F. Lawson, DeSoto; fourth vice president, M. D. Dudley, PayDesville. LULU RANDALL'S DEATH. Dashed to the Ground at She Wai De- sending In a Parachute. Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 13. A hor rible tragedy was witnessed by a large crowd of spectators at Glendala park, near this city, yesterday after noon, about 6 o'clock. Miss Lulu Ran dall of Detroit, Mich., who has for some time past been making balloon ascensions, was almost instantly killed. She ascended safely to about 1,200 feet, and when the signal was given cut the parachute loose. It opened and she descended safely nntil she was about seventy feet from the ground when the parachute drift ed into a tree with such force that she was thrown against a limb and her jprid broken loose. She fell to the ground and though physicians were died soon after the fall. VEST WILL RETIRE. lit) mil Make .No Effort to Necare a lia-Klertloa. Wamiikqto, Aug. 13. Hon. Champ Clark announces himself a candidate lor the senate to succeed Senator Vest Kx-Governc Francis is a stand ing candidate, and it is also under stood that ex-CoiijfreftKtuan Clary will be ia the race, . It la irnrallv un,li I stood and sect' ... , , flit 'il a trim niiinmr the alisMHirianx that et will not keek another election. THE MARKETS. I'aata ( It jr. KtMCl1T. Mo, Am II "gun Una fat ear ! tf mp! ( lr4 at Kansas Oltf ! BOiMtnallir ee Inline, Nil i hrl M Mo 4 Ur4 it t N hr l Wt.lo r j. le4 No t rl. tw. .No I rt ; Nov red t rKlv 0r -.N l,(tJ N t BiUtd. tle No I h M t tore, feH lt No I bile, Ma ! No 1 . No s all MtU ate. No I ail. v I Iro llMt Cattle-I r4 beef tad tipoft llMttHM sloe Set aad feJr li U tl M 4 heifer, tl w t. ! al Iu4 a tieer , ' 4 W Ta tad tail tew. A t sailed. tUie-a Kewnpti af tlAJ ftsterdar, aft Tat Mtrket for oo4 bu le Kit tUsker taele4, tteela; , Tat tea lae tola el tele ijAA ! H tut tea, a htlMt for Mkfej yattatsaj a &- I pi. Irl kltp4 fMiardtjk Mfc TM saarkel qui! aa I an.k4 Tat fUia art reeataU tale: Via, wt Ptita M wt Pra MtaatU... W fail ..,, at it ? .. to e t !.... m im iMtM-taereiett, in kir4 lMgi 14 Tbe satkt aiilMHtt latereti A Dry Loratlly. Articles of incorporation of the Burwell Irrigation company were filed in the office of the Garfield county clerk Friday. The new corporation is composed of twelve representative farmers. The capital stock is $500,00, and shares $100. Officers and board of directors were elected Saturday night, the management being entirely from among the farmers. There has been no rain here for over a month, and only three light showers since last year. The mercury has registered over 100 in the shade every day for more than a week, having readied 110 three times and 113 once. The crops of every kind are an entire fail ure. Not one acre out of 100 of the mall grain in this vicinity has or will be harvested, while almost all of the corn is entirely killed by the extreme neat and drouth. The are no veget ables or hay to speak of. Under these circumstances everybody is consider ably interested in irrigation, and the new company will receive the support of the entire community. It is pro posed to dig a ditch abot twenty miles long, and to aid in this the precinct in which Kurwellis situated will be asked to vote bonds. Owing to the fact that the crop was a partial failure here last rear, and for one or two vears preced ing that, many people will be entirely destitute in a very short time, and out side aid alone can stand between them and suffering. A One-Fourth Katiumte. Each day the past week has been marked by a continuation of hot, dry weather, which seems to get worse, despite the reiterated prediction Upon the part of the weather bureau of 'local showers and cooler in western portion, and the absence of expected ruins has put the finishing touches upon many fields of corn. It is now estimated that on' account of the production of the eastern one-fourth of the state partially offsetting the failure of the remaining portion, the total yield of corn for the state will be 'J5 per cent, although the government report places it at 3.1 per cent. Hut this last esti mate, however, is bused upon reports that were compiled several days ago, and matters have changed for the worse since then, and not for the bet ter. However, people are holding their courage remarkably well, and farmers are already talking of putting in winter wheat when the proper time comes. It requires only time to enable Nebraska to redeem itself. Malem Chautauqua. The interstate Chautauqua opened at Salem, Neb., Sunday with an im mense crowd and a fine program. The great tent was crowded at every serv ice and very hour of the day wa,s char acterized by a special service. Rev. Sam Small, .president, preached the in augural sermon on "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God." The sermon was greatly ad mired and commented upon, receiving general appoval. Other eloquent and able preachers made addresses and the songs were not the least of the vervices of the day. Irrigation DlaeuRsed. A big, Interesting mass meeting was held at Long Pine Saturday to disensa the question of irrigation and a propo sition made by Mr. Ker, a representa tive of eastern capitalists, to construct a canal through lirown, Rock and Hall coun ties, providing those th ree counties contribute 8250,000 in bonds toward the enterprise, besides a certain guar anty of water privileges. The senti ment ib unanimous in favor of the pro ject. The assemblage was composed of the business men and farmers, property owners of Urown and Rock counties. Ton n g Man Drowned. Alex Klass, aged 21, was drowned in the Missouri river at the foot of Daven port street, Omaha, Sunday evening. In company with several friends Klass went in swimming. He was seized with cramps and sunk immediately. Several expert swimmers were there and they dived for the body, but could not find it, Mr. Klass was a single man and traveled for an Omaha house and was well known about town. Dredging parties were organized and every effort miiile to recover the body, but without avail. PrMi't4 r'exntlile. The irrigation committee appointed by the meeting of Grand Island citi ie us a Week ago, met Saturday and organized by electing C. F. Hentley president and K. E. Thompson secre tary. President Foote of the Nebraska Irrigation asxovlntion wns invited to emne here and look over the situation. A civil engineer and one of the mem-U-ra of the eoinmittee have made a four dav'a trip over the country and to TV"' M.u,. m.r .nu reported favorably a to the feasibility of irr J - gating. Hoe llarn Dealrnjretl. During a severe thunderstorm SaMf aay night the Urge barn, fortv feel square, of W iliia.n llinton, living nine mile Mmth of Curtia, a Urge amount of hay, some grain, a new threshing machine, farm machinery and a new windmill, were totally destroyed by fire, caiiae I by lightning. The barn waa the U-t In the countr. and to- ifether with It ronlriiU waa raliiw i al over H,"1''. n Inaiiranoe. A I'elrifled 'a I'aw. A day or two ago while T. K, Kone was down by the river bank near 'Kearney, lie found a ptrlned paw paw. It ws picked up out of theaand where the sand and gravel li.d Iwm dug out to a depth ( forty feet for building purjuK The etrefiietion la perfect, and sh.iwt where a pleee of the rind has been removed. How It fo there at that depth I a myatrry, as the fruit was ner known to grow neai that lotalllr. Illeyele thletea are reaping a rlca harvmt In l.lntHdn. The pt wee they stole over II.ihiu worth of wheels. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. WHAT THE FARMER'S STABLE 4 OUGHT TO BE. Healthful Stable Far Too Few Honey to He Made From Nut Breed Ins Turkeys Farm Notes and Home Hint. Heal thru' Ktable. Farmers' stables are rarely con structed with a view to healthfulness; are usually deficient in light, ventila tion and drainage. These defects give rise to much evil to animals confined in them, and disorders of some Kind are likely to result. Want of light or light in strangling rays from various small inlets injures the eyesight and where there is insufficient light there is almost surely insufficient ventlla tioa Stables thus closely built do not admit of free circulation of air, consequently they become filled with foul air, impregnated with the pun gent vapors arising from manure, which constantly breathed, irritates the mucus membranes of the throat and lungs, and keeps them in a more or less inflamed condition. And if drainage is insufficient and absorbents, are not supplied, the floor becomes filled with urine-saturated manure which increases . these disagreeable vapors. Stables should be built on some what elevated ground; if low and flat; the site should be well-drained; thie would be well if done in any case. Where no other than an earth floor is had. absorbents should be used in abundance, especially if the stable be a low, clone one. But it is better to have -good floors. Wood floors of thick, solid material, do well enough. i.he floor should have a slight inclina tion from front to rear, the seams between the planks cover dd with other plank, to prevent the liquids getting beneath the lloor. Underneath the terminus of the floor at the rear, should be placed a gutter to receive and car ry off the liquids to the manure pile. If a good and lasting floor be deaired, concrete is the most economical in the long run. These, too, should have a few inches inclination to the rear with drains to serve the purpose of carrying off the liquids. The follow ing method makes a good concrete floor: , Take out the earth to about a foot in depth, fill in with course gravel; smooth this off to a proper grade, say four inches in ten feet UDon this put small stones cobble stones and press down solid, making drains where required. Over this, when raised up sufficiently high and firm, spread a layer of mortar, press in the top of this, when half dry, some, sand, and to add to the thickness and durability of the floor, more mortar and sand may be put on; instead of mortar, some use gas tar, then finish off with sand. Stables are often built too low, or in other words the loft or floor overhead is put down too low. This floor should be at least eight feet high; it gives better , ventilation, and instead of letting the light and air struggle in as best it may through small apertures, there should be made one or two long windows reaching well up to the ceiling or upper floor. I The sash in them should be swung on pivots in the middle, so that the sash may be swung out at top; this gives better ventilation, the vapor within escaping at top and the fresh air ad mitted at bottom. The windows should be in front as side lights are hurtful to the eyes of stock, especially there be no light on the opposite side. It cos-ts but little more either of money or labor to erect such comfort able stables, and certainly nothing is lost by it The proper saving of the manure in this way. the ammonia that otherwise would be lost repays much, besides the advantage and profit aris ing from having good, sound, healthy stock. Ohio Farmer. A HunMlilt ti Nnt. The large returns from individual trees and immense profits from estab lished orchards, have stimulated much interest in growing the toft shelled Texas pecan, which is equal in quality to the best imported nuts of any kind. ihese are already raised to quite an extent in Texas, and. while the indus try is in its infancy, enough has al ready been demonstrated to show that the profits are far ahead of orange growing In fact the United States Department of Agriculture considors it oi such importance thai it has direc ted special attention to the subjoct and a bulletin will be Issued detailing the results in the near future. Cali fornia fruit growers have made for tunes during the past few years, but not equal to those which can be made by pecan raUlm. An acre of the large soft-shelled pecans at eight years old will, if bearing one peck per tree, earn at b ast f 100 per nore. which maket the amount for the running value of l.Oot) per acre. At ten years old the yield will be from one to three bushels per tree, eni nlnc 21 pr tree or 720 per aer-v At fifteen yi a -s they should bearfM.H ten to twelve t tree, which counting the lar nut fit li'n per th, enrn.catliiig but ten b..W (.. $.'U or per acre. Some way think fad w'll not benr out the fig ures but 1 have e n repeated In -Uncos where the wild fortt tree earned V50 per tree for their owner, and the culti vated tr-i should do etill bo!tr, Unlike niot oreh ud trwa the ecaa hat do enemy. Once planted they re quire Bo eire en-rpt to keep the weeds away until they begin bearing. After that the fathering and the marketing of aula is the only eipente and the tree will bmr for generation They (ire knon lmm to reach the age of 000 Or 000 tears. Alt of the bett au. thoritles art now full; agreed that the pecan rannot amount to much without Wp running Up roots and that when the original tap root It once removed aokwruol will never appear. J hey therefore recommend p anting the nuts where the trees are to grow. There is no trouble in transplanting the pecan where? n has been previously prepared as nurserymen prepare them, but as yet I have never hevrd of a tree that was perfect They will look well for a year or two, but finally die. Nur serymen sell the best pecan cions at $1 each. These cost 36 per acre to plant while the nuts can be planted and are sure not to cost over $3 per acre. The largest drchard in the world is near here anj only two years old. This contains 400 acre and 11- 000 trees. The owner who has ex perience, says they will begin bearing when eight years old and will soon average six bu. to the tree. If the trees bear only one-quarter of a bush el each at $10 per bu; it is no big price. they will earn $675 per acre, as 10 per cent on $0750 which it pays per acre tbe first year, the comparison with the ordinary orchard products is hardly to bo considered, for all orchard trees have an enemy while the pecan has none. The land on which the pecan orchard is planted. unless In a forest can be cultivated each year, but it is best to put the orchard into grass when the trees are bearing so that the surface will be level in gathering the nuts. Investi gate and see if all these facts do not bear me out Herbert Post in the Na tional Farmer. That "Nuttv" Flavor. The demand in the market is for butter with nutty flavor, and as it is not in the original flavor of the milk, but developed by a certain care and handling of the milk and cream, there must be pretty nearly uniform care of the milk, and back of this uniform e eding and attention to not only the cows but their surroundings. When the whole" matter is sifted, and the ac tual methods explainodnow this flavor is obtained, it will be noticed that it is only taking the best care of the milk, by making every utensil bright and clean and doing more than straining dirt and its other compatriots out of the milk, but rather in not allowing them to get into the milk. Then if the milk is cared for in a uniform way, cooled down to a certain point the temperature controlled, cream ripened so much and no more, and the cream churned then and not some time in the future, and the "buttermilk washed out , and the butter salted so much and worked down so dry, the nutty flavor needed will be developed promptly on time and in needed amount It is a uniform care, treatment and handling that insures quality, texture and flavor in butter. Practical Farmer. Home Hint. A small piece of charcoal placed in the pot when boiling cabbage, will prevent ny disagreeable odor. If anything runs, over upon the stove and catches fire while cooking, throw salt upon it at once. It will put out tbe fire and prevent a disagreeable smell. A method of covering the nauseous taste of castor or cod liver oil, is to put a tablespoonful of orange juice in. a wine glass, pour the oil into the center of the juice, .then squeeze a few drops of lemon juice upon the oil and rub some of the juice on the edge of the glass. A difficulty is often experienced by housekeepers in removing the smell from cooking utensils in which fish has been fried or boiled. Place some redhot cin- iers in the pan or pot upon them pour Kme boiling water and move the cinders around for a minute or two, when it will he found that all smell or taint of fish will have disappeared. Paint, after it dries, is hard to remove, but yields at once to turpentine, if ap plied when it is fresh. On dark clothes, however, turpentine itself leaves a trace which calls for the benzine. This gener ally preveuts the stains from reappearing in obvious and ugly fuhion whenever ex posed to any dust. But after all is said and done, the best advice is, "Try not to get spots on your. clothes." , The best way of ridding a house of rats is to fill all tbe holes that can be found with pounded glass, and seal up with plaster of parts and tin if you wish. Then thoroughly clean tbe premises and see that there are no garbage pails left about to attaut rats, and secure the services of a good Treat liei- -iudly, confine her as muc i us posxible to tbe basement of the house so she will keep these intruder s away and there nee 1 be no trouble. Farm Nutn. Clover should be grown more than it is. Rotation gives a rent au.l a cbunge to the Uml. Xlanure can tie haull out at any time during tliH winter. It ia; a fitt-t that the same cow't milk varies in n. hues at different timet. When an animal is matured it gains very alowiy, and tbe principal gniu ia In fat ouly. To improve the ttnek on tbe fartii select the ouet lnat adapted to J'o purpoge au, then tick to it J Errors of Youth.! Itnoa BeDilitT, TniMU ft, MJCIHICU. LCSI liMCt m TOUR 0W PHYSICIAN. Man h f VMhhil m- liMl hit mi-! i tiff WU WWrti T" sB .tttlu - iv twr a. tl Mttril, tH iwt . fw rth,n " lM,.H uut if fjy-e ( ft"" fiM-Ort W U a. nattii AMI ! , hH4 w tMh tMw4 hM y fjwi rj it t m aa a- rvihfusf smr. twaaa. 'am- enMhss, !(.-. I ,i im a u...e i.l--ti. I ! I St. ll.'Mt, b.tnrlM, a .k.tMi. MHW tmW9 ''"rtifJa. . J 1 1. 4 " r 9 KEW WUM 1EDICU WSTITDTE, m 1 Trttl New, ltl, Ntta. M . w m. ., i itir ' "w- A fmii t" .! I w temi m . u Mt.At.atKS 4 a v J. W. Castor, Pres. W B. Linens, See. J. P. Rouse, Vice-Pre a. GMutuMTBR, 1 rraa. 0. L Xjsch, Bute Agent Fanners Mutual Insurance. Co. OF NEBRAOKA. Organized In 1891. 4s2000000 Trtturavpc flow TP Effect. DIRECTORS: J. W. Castor, Emerald. Neb. J. P. Route, Alvo, Neb. J. ti. Hermauce, Raymond, Neb. A. Greenamyer, Cheeney, Neb B. H. Davis, Syracuse, Neb. J. A. Floren. Goebner, Neb. J. A. Barr, Yerk, Neb. W.J. Hlldreth, Exeter, Neb. N. . Hyatt, President, Neb. Office of Nebraska State Hail -Insurance Association. (MUTUAL.) -Six reasons why every farmer Bhould investigate the merits of the Nebraska State Hail Insurance Association of Fairfield, Neb., (formerly of Kearney) before insuring elsewhere: 1st. It is the only Hail Insurance member delegate representation in the election op officers and manage ment ot all business. 2nd. It is the only company that adjusts its losses at the whole and actual loss sustained and not a prorata of the amount of insurance carried. 3rd. It is the only Mutual Hail Insurance company that is so organized as to be capable of being incorporated under the Insurance laws. "" 4th It ia as cheap as tbe cheapest and takes contracts sufficient to Day air losses in full. 5th. It has saved to its members, of tbe cost Of Hail Insurance charged otn. I his Association has over S.3U,(XX) In premiums pledged for losses. For further information inquire of J. M. SANFORD, General Manager, $ ' Fairfield, Neb TINGLEY & Attorneys-at-Law, 1026 O St., Lincoln, Neb COLLECTIONS MADE AND MONET REMITTED SAME DAY AS COLLECTED. HELLO Tarklah Gonorrhoea Cor, tk ealy lateraal medicine mad. Ui&t will oar. ia from t to It d7 without eaartng tricturf onlr iur cure (or fleat. frtee, bottle. Sold enly y HAHN'S PHARMACY, NU fuuffl St, Omaha, N.b. CAPILIAURA orr?' Fall wlli make hair grow on bald heads and on bare faces- u stimulates and mvipor stegasKOTHiNGEisa wiix It Is safe, sure certain. Tested f r SO years, if it fails money will be returned. 1 are nietai cases t-riue..j. BALM fC DC AtlTV A wonderful cosmetu Uf DLaU 11 Cures Pimples.Freck lea and ALT. facial imperfections. whitens, sofwns and actually transforms tht most rough and muddy complexion. It maket tbe homely handsome Unequalled and safe Price. 50 cents. HI TACT For 60 days only we'offer a fu'l siz A I UJjI case of Capill aura Price 11.25. foi only 50 cents. Balm of Beauty for 30 cents Both for only 75 cents Sent free and prepaid anywhere. Circulars free. Address HUNTER & CO., Hinsdale, N. H- ulphO-Saline BHH HOUSE - - SANITARIUM AND Corner Htb and M Streets, Lincoln, Nib. Open at All Hours Day and flight All Forms of Baths. Turkish, Russian, Roman ano Electric With special attention to the application of Na'ural Salt Water Baths Several timet stronger than sea water. Rheumatism. Pkin. Blood and Nervous Dt eases. Liver and Kidney Trouble and Cbronl Allmenu are treated successfully. , SEA BATHINC may be enjoyed at all seasons in our lar 8l-TaWIM!li:NO POOL. 5(1x142 feet. 3 to) eet i eep. heated to uniform temperature ( 80 degrees Drs. M. H. and J 0. Ewett, Manairlusr Physician. For Sale, A riVR HORSE POWSR Electric Motor In good condition. Will be soli CHEAP if sold soon ..... TVl. O. FEfUUYi Corner 11th & M Sts.. LlXCXJLN, Nl BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS ANO n 3 '-ii PRINCIPAL OFFICE: 246 South f th 8trt, kJTieOUri, flEB. Correspondence solicited from all persons . Interested In mutual Insurance. company in the world that gives each after all losses are paid in full, one-half by stock companies. BURKETT, SYPHILIS Downed at luti hunui'un curedi a Hperim.nt. Turkish KjpWIin Trv ment i king of the dtr for lnmrj Secondary or Tertiary MjrphilU. Curei all blood polaon or efmtion. Hot Spring not in it. Baths ran I taken at home, gold only bi HAHN't PHAKMACT.tOlir-arnamftt Om ha. Nelv ft 00 hoi hT mat. RUPTURE PERMANENTLY CORED ftft NO PAY UNTIL CURED WE REFER YOU TO 8,000 PATIENT. Writ e for Bank References. . EXAMINATION FREE. No Operation. Ho Detention from Business. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. THE O: E. MILLER CO.. 307-308 N. Y. Life Bldg., OMAHA. NEB. NOW OFFERS Heduced : Rates! for round trip tickets to Llany Tourist Points. . . . AMONG THEM . . . HotSprinsrs, Dead wood. Rapid City. St Paul, Minneapolis, Ddluth, Ashland, EUyfielu, Madison, Milwaukee, Oinnomooo, Wis., And other points too numerous to men tioa in Minnesota, Wconfin, M'chi gan, Nw Ymk. New Hampshire, Ver- ujiui,uivxaioe, wn'ario etc t or Karn. Mana. E e . see S. A. MoSHhB a. 3. Fielding. Gen'l Agt. City T kt. A?t. I 17 So. 10th t . Lincoln. Nth. Depot : Corner S and 8th streets. GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE The "Fix d Star" State Great Rock Island Rour,: Woia.DjrAUtc . - 4t A ' 1, !l. ffrr P TO TM Z tT.'.CT. usT oiMJua cu str,v::c urn :u N 'I It, a- ii u tM tMiih-'l with lli'r (act than he ntnU ni n nat I'lKUrauU of farmer aoi fruiVvrnwer whi iae the in re northern cltai t ami locate in T-it I hit wv tvlnceil hr tH rx rl of J a uar n, ov-r the Chiiafs Uk Nlaiiii .1 i'aelllo to iViat, and Ine fina tred t av'lel ihertialr" of n low rat wiie w II rtil f-r 'h- tr'p, 0'M' tth o t could ho li'a'J JO H lil'j ft. l'e uiil)lni"U Tefillc would I. It h. ier lho ef"ti d to ai d j it au't nie " My t?iO ind wlM l 'hi ina-W- o' the cwl' sT ricuralHO and i (! rrd, a did the nunWd ' 'b lt one, and vrfyin' wnod airr'oru' a lar in ' l0 sk'o , or a $) -IH cr fruit irao' la thetlanl of mid cilm'-, ah"UI enl a'apr on ihe ord-' thrr folntj but "Go Ihe Bret urur-ma i tlhi". P f r detailed lnfomaln at to ratrt tf fa aay r-! n a r of IM) (jrrat Itorh U'aMi R-kji- i r a y t'nion Tltti t jm, oe andrrt "K1 tor Wftlero Tra.'," C'klcairo for full fact ka to lb land. JOHN ftf 0ATIAN. Can I Paaa.Aat., Chieago. I X 0 1 i