TIIE WEALTH MAKERS, August 16, 189-1 r THfcJ FUSION DKAGON. - Tanbeneck Tells of the Scheme to ft El ct I. moctw, 1. Washington, D. C, Aug. A '94. Hon. W. P. Porter, Clarke, Neb. My Dear Sib: I have just read with ' much interest your lefer in the Nebras ka Wealth Makers. It has the true ring to it, and I sincerely trust that the Populists in your district will nominate only a true and tried member of our party, none owners can be trusted in any emergency. We must demonstrate to the world the justice of our cause and the integrity of our purposes, or we are doomed to ignominious and deserved failure. I admire your courage, and I desire to Impms upon your mind that your personal fortunes can not ba in jurtd by the manly course you pro pose. These are times that bring to a test the metal that men are composed of, and those that stand the test at such times, establish their superiority over tneir weaker brethren, and establish their characters as safe and reliable men. An independent political party can not survivn more than one or two na tional elections if confined to a small section of the country. It can only sur vive when a response is found in other sections giving promise of ultimate and speedy triumpn. The states west of the Missouri river, by their independent action showing their disregard for po litical parties that aid not voice the as--piratlons of the present and the hope of She future, and by raising aloft the banner of reform, have ushered in the dawn of the new political day. The nut.lnn! election proved that they vntwd the demands of the people and no uower can prevent our ultimate tri umph, except it be the imbecility or nnrfidv of our own leaders. The Solid South is now breaking away. The perfidy of their own admin ifttrntlon la more than they can stand, and the revolt in the south is simply prodigious. They are a homogeneous people accustomed to think alike and act together, tne younger eiemen wuo uyo cnmi ud since the war, and whose glory is in the present and the future and not the past, is asserting itself to overthrow the bourbon spirit that has hitherto - dominated the South. Senator Gorman, the shrewdest pollti ciaainthe Democratic party, set out - two vears auo to turn the Populist up rising in tne west to account for the Democratic onrtv. Secretary Hoke Smith and others are co-operating with him Their plan is to force fusion on the best terms they can with Populists in the west, giving local omues for con gres&menand United states senators. Thev will never fuse on Populist con gressmen or senators, unless they are pledged to become Democrats when it comes to a political show down. These western Democrats are to go into the south at the proper time and show that the Bland, Baileys and Livingstons would be called good Populists in the west, and that there is no occasion for the Democrats leaving their party there. In this way the south is to be keDt in the Democratic fold, and the western Populists turn into Democrats. Our nartv has suffered much by hav ing men in congress and in the United f States senate, who came here by the aid -f Pn.mllo' vntoa an A apa Afraid tonnen their moutns m criticism ot me demo cratic party. There is no enemy so - dangerous to our cause as the one who professes our principles and remains in the camp ot tne enemy.. The Democratic plotters of Washing ton. D. O . are exceedingly anxious that the Populists in your district nom inate some one. whom they can use to organize the next House. You can not . afford to nominate a man simply be cause he can get the Democratic en dorsement. To nominate such a man under such circumstances would be suicide. The partv that can be so de ceived, is the one that will be betrayed. Tnerefore I am much pleased with the position taken by you in your letter to The Wealth makers. The word should be given out that Populists will , not vote for any candidate, unless he be a true and tried Populist. WeaK ness and cowardice at suoh a time as this is treason. The American people JLe aroused and' they are equal to any emergency have no fears whatever, the result is not ia doubt. Our party has the grand est mission that ever fell to a lot of men, the times are propitious and we will surely win. 1 am, Fraternally yours, H. E. Taubeneck. Comments on Bryan. W. J. Bryan should not receive the support of a single Populist for United Statessenator, Bryan Is not a Populist and should be let aione. Independent Press. Bryan is a very fair Populist all ex ccpt the n!ffis. H- would make a irood Populist Senator if he would accept the name. ;so Uimocrats need apply. in dependent fc.ra. We see no more reason whv the peo ple should align themselves under Mr. Bryan, than that Mr Bryan should an nounce himself a candidate upon the people's party platform. Independent Citizen. As between Ilryao and Thurston, no laboring man, whethtr ho has been in the habit of calling himself Democrat or Republican, need be very long mak ing up his mind whom ho is in favor of But what is the matter with a good l'opullst'i1 Wes'ern Laoorer. Bryan of Nebraska, has announced hU cailldacy for tho U. S. Senate, it is to be hcKd that lh PopulUt of that State will allow no al linnet, that will aid htm. lie Is a member of the party that reflated Ibe crime of the national Republican party tho demonetization cr silver Put none but middle of the road men on guard. Missouri World. M r Bryan has only ona course to pur u It he wHh?s to retalo the god will and suwport of the people, lie muit announce blroaelf at uppoeed V the un democratic admlnUtrallooof the Demo cratic party which now has control of tne government la all lu brar ehes. II must corn M't and let the people know that he is one of them. He must not In a position that will create te impr. ion that ba U more of a pol itician than statesman. Ha must not rrtaid the Impression thai he fee it he has a political future that must oe guarded by remainlag in the Demo cratic party through fear that the In dependent party will never get strong enough to elevate him or satisfy his ambition. The politicians of the Dem ocratic party will down him if they can, and should he fall to take a stand with the people it is only a question of time when they will get him Free Press. The Quill has just one objection to Bryan's candidacy and that is, he is making himself a political nypocriie and while he lauds the Democratic party to the skies and announces nim- self a Democrat, comes over into me Populist camp and gets squarely onto their platform. A man's bellel in po litical principles is what Ib supposed to classify him as regard party, and yet Bryan calls himseu a uomocraianu ue nounces Democracy in a roundabout way. He virtually denounces Democracy and its platform, yet has not the man hood to stand squareiy oy nis uuu tui tions ..... The Quill has always admired mm and dees yet. The editor oi wis paper is a Bryan man and would like to sup port him in nis canaiaacy, yoi wo wu not help but think him a political cow ard. Bryan will find that he cannot carrv water on both shoulders and will . . . " . . if w J 9 V rati iinteRs ne is true to nimseu. u ue in a Ponuiist. let him announce himself as such, not endorse Populism and yet call himself a Democrat The Schuyler Quill. A Petition to Congraa. To the. Honorable Congress oi tne United States, assembled in the House of Representatives and the Senate at Washington: ' We, the undersigned, citizens of the State of Nebraska, would respectlully represent to your honorable body that all of us are in a state of want and em barrassment and many of us confronted wi th the certainty of starvation in the near future if we cannot obtain aid soon. Fate has decreed failure to our fields three times In five of the last sowing and planting. The calamity this year ex ceeds that of 1890 and 1893. Then there w&a a reserve of old store. But now there is none. This year many thous ands of acres failed to return even a single handful of bread. Many are for saking the country daily and all must do so If we get no help and present con dltions continue. And where are they orninfr. do vou ask? Only to join an army of the unemployed, moving north south and eastward. And God only knows what the end must be. Nothing definite in all their movements. An army of wanderers upon the highways And all this In a state that sent a train load of corn to Russia three years ago to bfilo relelve their distress in their time of famine. We do not want to beg, and need not do so if you will pass the good roads bill, or something similar, for the benefit of the drought-stricken regions of the west. We will improve our highways and so earn our bread, and add value convenience and beauty to the country. Prompt action on your part can save us. The winter ia too late to do road work. And thousands will move away if you fail to extend to us any hope. We need no taxes from any one. Just send us good full tender g'reenbantt and we will earn them by hard work and buy the needed sup plies with them Most of us are Amer ican-born citizens many of us saved our country in the late war. And some of us are the grandchildren of fathers that fought under Washington. All that hard work could do has been done, but also all in vain for the last two years It is now a matter of relief immediately or a deserted country. A deserted country means death to railroads and all enterprise or even hope. Our legislature does not mee until midwinter and could not meet our case if in session now. One hundred mil lions of dollors may be needed before we pass out of this calamity. Our cause is one of the most worthy ever brought to the attention of congress our patriot ism and loyalty is above suspicion. And our country will be a land of plenty, as it has been heretofore. As soon as a kind providence shall see fit to send us plenty of rain. We therefore plead with you in the language of suffering humanity to promptly pass this Good Riads bill Into law. So that we and our children may earn brea and noi be left to starve and die. W. A. JamUon of Ogalalla, Neb, sends us in 30 new eubscrlb-rs this week. Tub Wealth Makers ought to have 50,000 subscribers and how ea-y wo could get them if every one of our readers would make a little extra effort to'lncrease our circulation Dear read er, have yon ever asked your neighbor to subscribe? Have you ever told him that he would get many times the value of tho subscription by reading The Wealth Makers one year? If you have made no effort to spread the light you have not done your whole duty. The more subscribers wehave, tho better paper we can give you, and the more good we can no for humanity. Friend, tend us one new subscriber, at least. pay up your own subscription If you are in arrears sod you will be helping the cause aiong. Mtate Committee Mating. A meeting of all of the members of the state central committee of the People's Independent party of Nebraska called to meet at Grand Inlaid on Thursday evening, August 23, a8 o'clock, for tho purpose of tearing the report of the onioers, and arranging maters prepara- tory to turning over the hooks and b. longings of the party to the new om mlttce. iteeptwtfuliy, D. Clm Iuavi.r, Chairman State Central Committee. OPPRBSSION. (Tb World-Herald kept at the bead of its editorial column for some time after Cleve land sent the tegular arm y to assist the cor porations in their conspiracy to -rush organ ized labor, this new version ot an old accursed Ue: '-The American Flag is always right, and whoever opposes It is always wrong "J In the dark ages of the earth When freedom was unknown, When common people dared not claim An Idea for their own, Tyrants to keep their power to rule Paid priests to sing the Bong: "The one who rules by right divine, The King, can do no wrong." They taught, the King was led by God, And every evil deed Which makes one's blood run cold today When we In history read Was covered by the selfsame plea, Through ages dark and long: "The one who rules by right divine, The King, can do no wrong." We own not now the right of kings To burden or oppress; -But rulers strive to still the voice Of those who seek redress, And as we have none called a king . To rule us by bis might, Tyrants now use a craftier phrase; "The flag is always right." "The flag is always right" must mean. The right Is now denied To question what our rulers do. The blood of thoso who died To gain us liberty of thought ,-, Has sure been shed in vain If we can question not the acts Of tyranny most plain. - The flag should always float for truth, For liberty and right, And ne'er above those sere oppressed By the flag's power and might And when it does, no danger but The world Mil praise the sight. No need for tyrants then to teach, "The flag is always right." The flag perchance is always right, Since flags can do no wrong; Then why o'er all our land today Echo that senseless song? By flag they mean the ruling power Wfclch claims a heavenly right To help the rich defraud the poor "The flag is always right." Is freedom dead that nevermore We have no right to think The ruling power can do no wrong E'en when on ruin's brink? Begone vile echoes of the past, And onward with the fight, And pray for better days te come When the flag will be right. ' Mbs. J. T. Kelui, Secretary Neb. F. A. & 1. U. A Prohibitionist Drawn to Us. Lincoln, Neb., July 31, 1894. Editor Wealth Makers: I notice that you have invited sug gestions for your coming state platform. This invitation is doubtless intended for members of yonr own party, but outside the Populist party there are many of the great mass of restless hu manity, uneasy under the yokes and burdens ofjiresent conditions, and be lieving that you are sincere in your efforts to break these shackles and lift these burdens I doubt not that you may give place to a suggestion of one of these outsiders. - I have not been long a reader of strictly Populist literature and am sur prised to find in it so much that is in common witn our i ronlbltion ideas. In most of the reforms demanded we are united, and it seems a great pity that ia such times of distress you cannot sweep a way the single barrier and unite the forces of reform against the common foe. ' The Prohibition party contains some of God's noblest men and women, who would be an acquisition of which any party might well be proud, ard the price at which their sj mpathy and their votes can be united to Populist forces is simply an honest declaration against our common enemy's strongest hold. Striko down the political power of the saloon and both of the old parties would fall with it. Populists are thinking men, brave to break old political ties and face opposi tion, will they not open their eyes to these truths and while striking at the great social evils of our age include this king of evils? - If the Populist p-irty will this year adopt a straight Prohibition plank and nominate men who will stand fquarely on that plank, I believe the ticket will take the majority t f the Prohibition vote. If this is too largo a step to take at once, if the Populists will declare for the sta'e control of the liquor traffic, with all profitellmlnated, and nominate men for office with pronounced ant saloon standing, I believing- that such action will take a large number of Pro hibition votes To follow the first suggestion would result in the ultimate acquisition by the Populists of a large well organized force, including many able newspapers and platform orators and a large ma jority of the orthodox pulpits of iho land. The second suggestion Is it the same direction; for while as a class Prohibitionists will not give up the fight till the tramo in Intoxicatlnir her erages Is recognized a a relic of a tat unjust and uut qua), civilization, still many oi tnera recognize lo thostatacon trol idea a means Ut rut down tho evil Very truly yours, h O, Kttol'IIHKY. P. S. Slnoa writing the ahova I have just read the procfdintr tf vour con ventlon In this county and and am wH pleaeed with your platform In the main. anti who your nominee as rar as I know tnera, aod your county tlokot, at will receive inv tuonnrt. least, in mil ntt luu'ca'e wi at i am any lees a iVmlbltlonlet than before, but that ( believe the rauw of temp.ira.mi.. reform will bn advanced mora h ktluina PL t - ttk . 1 II . .. . . to elect such staunch anil saloon men m your senatorial nnrnlmwi, or a etata control plank, than bv votmir lh 1 vw bibltlon Drlnuiole. tnowluir th rm 1st nn i poesiouny o: esocting our men to carry If ,ou have a hog. If you have cow, If you have a horse. If you have a farm, or anything else that you want to sell, and don't know just where you can Hnd a buyer ...ADVERTISE... .- IN The Wealth Mate, and vou will be most agreeably surprised at the result. Write for advertising rates to ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, WEALTH MAKERS PUB. CO.. Lincoln, Neb Three Cent Column. "For Sale," "Wanted," "For Exchange, "and small advertisements for short time, will be charged three cents per word for each inser tion. Initials or a number counted as one word. Cash with the order If yon want anything, or have anything that anybody else "wants," make it known through this column. It will pay. rtET your neighbor to subset! oe for Ths J WlALTH MAKEBS. Villi D CARD. 1.000 orlntinsrs. nestni aid, only I V u i io cents. The Htrald, No. w A. Lum LUl rtf St., Philadelphia, Pa WANTED-Twenty thousand new snbscrl' bera to Tna Wkalth Maksbs. T INGLE Y ft BURKE FT, attorneys-at-law, 1020 O St., Lincoln, Neb. TT AVE YOU anything to sell or trader Then JU. advertise the fact through this celm and be surprised at the result. WANTED Fire and cyclone agents. Good pay. J. Y. M. Swlgart, 8eo'y, Lincoln, Neb. 37tf TING LEY & BURKETT, atrorneys-at-law, 1020 O tit., Lincoln, Neb. Abstracts ex amined. WANTED Three male singers for cam paign work second tenor and two basses. Those who can play some instrument given preference. Only sober men wanted. Address, sitting salary. Hbnbt Huckins, Nebraska City, Neb REMEMBER that TBI WlALTH MAKBBS Is the best advertising medium in the west. When writing to ay of our adver tisers don't forget to tell them where you saw their "ad " AGENT SW ANTED 'STRIKING FOR LIFE-' Labor's side of the labor ques' ion, by John Bwinton, the Pillar of light of laDor movement Send 10c. for agents' outnt. Quick, large pro fits. Address NATIONAL PUBLISINGOO .Chicago, IU, TTTiit ninni) 40s wall rnrku ff f Only 1 1 .00 required to paper walls of room 15x15 including border. Send 10c. postage and rat sTma I AO beautiful samDles. and guide hOw to paper. Agents large sample book $1.00 Free with a fS.OO order. Write quick. HENRY LEHMANN. 1630-24 Douglas et , OMAHA, NEB The leading Conservatory of America. Founded by Dr. E.Tourjee. Caul Fabltkn, Directofc Illustrated Calendar frmne fail inforoiauuji if. New Eagland Conservatory of Basic, Boitea. The exceedingly dry weather has placed corn on the top shelf and, judg ing from the active market, wool is a close second. The dry weather has not been the means of creating the firm market on weol, however, but the cause may be assigned to two reasons; first, up on actual demand by the manufacturers notwithstanding tariff tinkering, and second, on account of the anticipated tariff revision many millions of sheep have been driven to the slaughtering pen. We are credibly informed by Messrs Silberman Bros , 212 Michigan St., Chicago, Ills., who, by the way, are one of the largest wool commission houses in the West, that the demand for best grades of wool at this time is more active than for two years past. Speculators, with an eye to business, think wool is good property and this, together with above reasoos, makes a decidedly firm market. Any shippers having wooito dispose of would Sod it to their advantage to correspond with the. above firm and market their wool in tne next two or three wetks while the market is strong and before their is any possible show of foreign wool coming in free. Dr. Miles' Pain Pills cure Neuralgia. Half Hatea to Hot Springs, H. D. Via the Burlington Route. Kvery Frldaydurlng Jnlyand August the Burlington Route 1U sell round trip tickets to Hot Borings, S D . at the onn way rate. Tt -kvtsgood for 15 days This substantial reduction from tarltl rates brings a trip to this greatest of western nealtb rwrta within every one's reach Consumptives, rheuma tics, sufferers from every 111 that flesh Is heir to, will make no mUtake if they take advantage oi this opportunity. Full Information upon application o local 11. k. M 11. 11. agent, or to J. Francis, it V t T A , Burlington Hout, Omaha, Nehr. WALTER BAKER & GO. The Largest Manufacturers ot PURE, HIOH CRADK COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES Oa Oils ( UMt, km nest SPECIAL AND HIGHEST AWARDS , s all Ihtir nJI ie f I iA uiBkuusesiBi sVassMAJta-VIM r, BREAKFAST COCOA. aa mM wtieva ww 4hr t tMHlto of iff Mi to KMy pi w4 s4 MS IMS I) t4 MOt ta. oio sr QkoctM cvturwtttai. VAIHI BAUUCD'ORCKESTEMASS. urn ti Jrt u ! I U Irrigated Farm Lands I -IN FERTILE SAN LUIS rPHE SAN LUfS VAT.TRV. CM nRATVi l. . i.iT .v.. j w w v c- sjsj v wi j ivu vi tcfci sJtalU MUUilv as large as the State of Connecticut, lying between surrounding ranges of lofty mountains and watered by the ttio Grande River and a score or more of small tributary streams. It was the bottom of a great sea, whose deposits have made a fertile soil on an average more than ten feet deep he mountains are anvnrnd with Trent rlnnnalfa of .n - J furnish the irrigating canals with water The Climate Almost perpetual sunshine, and the elevation of about 7,000 feet dispels all malaria, nor are such pests as chinch butrs. weevil, eta., found thr jrzam. ing artesian wells are secured at a depth, on an averege, of about 100 feet, and at a cost of about 125.00 each. Such is the flow that they are being util ized for irrigating the yards, garden and vegetaole crops. The pressure is sufficient to carry the water, which is pure, all through the farmers' dwell ings. ; Irrigation. Already several thousand miles of large uoeu uuun bdu several nunarea tnousana acres oi tanas maae available for farming operations. Irrigation is an insurance against failure of crops, be bause success is a question only of the proper application of water to them. The loss of a single corn or wheat crop in Nebraska, for instance, would mora man cqutu tne cost oi irrigating canais to cover tne tntlre state, bo impo tant is the certainty of a full crop return to any agricultural state. The San Luis Valley will grow Spring wheat oats, barley, peas, hops, beans. potatoes, vegetables and all kinds of small fruits and many of the hardier varieties of apples, pears and all Kinds of cherries. In the yield oi all ihese products it hat lion on i nit continent. Forty Acres Enough Land. Forty aeret it enough land for the farmer of ordinarv means and helo. Be sides the certainty of return, the yield, gauon. win average iar more man tne itw-acre i arms in tne Mississippi and Missouri Valleys', and the outlay for machinery, farming stock, pur chase money, taxes, etc., are proportionately less. There are a hundred thousand acres of suoh lands located in ley, all within six miles of the Denver maraets ana snipping stations, lor sale at $15 00 per acre. Most of these lands are fenced and have been under cultivation and in many instances have wells and seme buildings, everything ready to proceed at once to be gin farming, A email eath payment only is required where the purchaser immediately occupies the premises, ard long time at seven per cent, inter est is granted for the deferred payments. A Specially Ijow Homeseekers Rate will be madeiyou, your family and friends. A large party will leave for the Valley on July 21 and 22, Should you settle on these lands the amount you paid for railroad fare will be credited to you on your payments; and remember the land lsperfectly and thoroughly irrigated, and the land and perpetual water rights are sold you for less than other sections ask for simply the water rights without the land. Xo better landt exittt anywhere on earth. For further particulars, prices of land, railroad fare, and all other In formation call on ofaddress, F. 3Li. M-A.R."Y", . 'Manager Colorado Land A Immigration Co., - BK0WNELL BL00X THE Wealth Malceri !. The Best Weekly IP UBLISHED at the center of trial movement, at the Lincoln. Nebraska. Thn 90,000 strong, but reaching out also to mould the theught of the entire country on the questions of economic production and just distribution. It Is one of the few papers that throw convincingly clear moral, economic and political light on the unsettled social questions. Its editor is author of the celebrated sheet music series, "Songs of the People," and the great song book of the wealth making (distinguished from the wealth; taking) classes, ' aijMageppon, just published. It Is a paper whose reputation is being more and more widely extended by its characteristic moral leadership and its intellectual and literary ability. Price, tl per year. For sample copies address, Wealth Makers Pub. Co , Lincoln, Neb. Ship Your Grain ....TO.. A. D. Rickets & Co. , LINCOLN. NEB. We wilt bur It from vnu. or veil it (or vou ami oliarne a rawtDuuiHcoiuinimiioa. We will do th hiout thiko, Corrsmpond with us lor particulars. F. M. WOODS. Fine Stock Auctioneer. f 203 O Sti Ulpoolpi rb Elkhorn Valley Herd of POLAND CHINA SWIHI. V'-l' I' V, I I have all h luadtnir strains twlttrfltia Frws TrsylMi, wiikmsuJ II. ar l M fawliliM. Th twit i of tit I vr rats! lvj tf l' l)s Chip lion, Ks WaDawkr .. . U. i. Mf i rs iiMwtly re Trl hb m ;.si.-i(i L H. BDTEE, Kflich. b large English Berkthlres Have Hi pi- i.f stn firmw fo mi, slrw.1 t lnilxitw.t tVunUS fiwt nii.l a. Kins' ito-ihr akj N.aexl Major imrbt M N I u !' ( .f kmi tovltstj. rrrpimJa.e , A. .Williams 4 tone, Hoi tm, t.lurtkii, Krtt, THE - VALLEY. COLORADO; for the farmers' crops. is Unrivaled. and small Irrigating canals have never been turpastdd by any other tee- under the conditions of proper irrl- the veTv heart of the San Luis Val b Rio Grande Railroad, convenient LINCOLN, SEB t Paper in the West. the great Alliance, Populist and indue University town and Capital City, Furnas County Herd. L- - Berkshires Poland Ohinai. M plica aired by aix first class male, and from sows aNKond. Hrriuiiilrpa: Hal Us. Iiurhwts, and others. Poland -China: Co r w I n, Tecuiimrb and Wtlkeit. None belter. All stork a half price, ion areount of thedrouihl.aud guaranteed a rireeritd. Mention Holstein Cattle- j TBI WEALTH MAKSHS. H.8 WILLIAMSON, Beaver City, Nab KTftinWIFF C""8T tit ROW TCI 13 a( UMt.elwsMl W Umkt M sWW mr sfMSaa)at f 1 MHI k) 40 MM4itH Hiail4 JmisM fct-J ft . -J -a H MnI Alj4sBMkt staw4 tmf 9kmm m WO sHr fvtak fr MMMI tvtmMm4 tm M'MOt. n.mm-mmm.m4t mtm4mmmmm 4 , sW 1 m fanv a4 4wi-t m4 ay ffrr sVt tsMai tfat w4 a4 tsstf fr mm- m imm hm W nil fltolefwSHstMi'SM 4 WftMP UM ''4 VeV, oiroi0Hfi.co,taTsUskat.cnieioliLU CtMil aa HeaniirMl Is Hot Spring!, South Dakota, tx-si reached by the Hurllngton llut Palatial hotels. wondeMvoiklng waters pur air, aod matfnldtwat iuf rounding ar only a few of Its adrao tlons. Tha Hurltogtoo's local aent wilt gladly five you futl Information about Hot ttprlDga, aol aiao-lf you ak for tl-a beautifully illustrated Mdr. J. VfAHCtH, 0. 1. A T A. Omaha, Neb. 0 V I I