The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, August 16, 1894, Image 4

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August 16, 1894
New Series of
Consolidation of ths
I irzirsiAlliasccaSeljnsia Indepdcm
- BY
The Wealth Makers Publishing Company,
1 1 to M Street, Lincoln, Neb.
smssi Hiswabd omo. '' :...ioe
J, 9. HVATT, uniae.
"if tsy man must fall for me to rise,
Tben seek I not to ciiaia. Another'! pain
I chooee not for my food. A golden chain,
A obe of honor, Is too good a prize
ro tempt mj hasty tend to do a wrong
Unto a fellow man. This life hath woe
Sufficient, wrought by man's satanlo foe;
And who that hath a heart would dare prolong
or add a sorrow to a stricken soul
That seeks a healing balm to make It whole f
Hjr bosom owns the brotherhood of man. "
S. I P. A
Publisher Announcement
The subscription price of Tm Wialth
Mae cm Is U.UO per year, in ad ranee
Aenrro m soiiciuni
subscriptions should be
rery careful
that all names are correctly
ipelled and
nroDer wm
itomce given. Blank
for return subscriptions, return envelopes.
etc., can be had on application to this omce,
always sum vour name. No matter bow
often you write us do nut neglect this Import
ant matter. M very wee we receive tetters
mlth lDcomnleta addieeses or without suraA'
inres and It Is sometimes difficult to locate
CHAiraior addmsb. Subscribers wishing
to change their poetomce address must always
give their former as weu as taeir present aa
areas when change will be promptly made.
We are this week sending out bund-
reds of notices of expiration of subscript
tlon to our subscribers.. The amount
that each one owes us is small, but in
the aggregate it foots up hundreds of
dollars, and to carry these delinquent
subscribers is a great burden on us.
Very many have written us to not
. stop the paper, saying they can not get
along without It. and will send in their
renewal as soon as possible. Now
friends, think a moment. Is it not easier
-for you to raise the one dollar that you
owe us, than it is for us to raise hund
teds of dollar every month to pay the
expense of sending The Wealth
Makirs to you? We know that times
are hard, but we also know that paying
a subscription 10 a newspaper Is very
often a matter of neglect. We know
that ii you can be brought to realize
how absolutely necessary it is that you
pay your subscription as soon as it ex
pires, you will promptly remit and not
allow us to send you the paper for
months at our own expense.
We know you wish to be fair with us,
but we want you to think of the inconveni
ence you are putting us to, thoughtless
ly perhaps, by not paying us the small
amount due us.
Our txpenset are htavy and must be met
promptly. We are depending on you,
friends, to do your duty. Just now, while
you think ot It, will you not sit down,
write us a tetter and enclose the amount
due us, for which you already have
value received.
We are sure The Wealth Makers
1b a welcome visitor to your home and
that you do not want it discontinued.
It is working for your interest, it is
fighting your ba ties. Thekind words
you hve said of us, through the paper
-And otherwise, we fully appreciate, and
they encourage us to greater effort, but
they will not pay for paper, rent and
labor, We must have your financial
support We know ot several leading
weekly papers In Nebraska that will
hereafter be issued monthly on account
of hard times. The Wealth Makers
can not cut its expenses down in this
way, We must and trill come out on
time every week, or the cause will
suffer As the chief exponent of the
People's Independent party ot Nebra
ka, The Wealth Makers has a re
sponslbllty that you must help us to
bear. We have faith in you, enough to
believe that you will do your part to
the uttermost.
There it no reason why the state
paper should not have 50,000 subvert
be re, and we intend to get them, but
you must help ua. It will be a long,
hard struggle, but with your holp we
shall succeed.
It is of especial importance that the
circulation of The Wealth Makikh
be Increased as much a risible in the
hegtnolng ot the campaign. .Yew it
the time to woik. Let us hear from
Address all tetters regarding subscrip
ts u Wealth Maksim I've. Co.
J. 8. Hyut, Has. Mgr.
The World Herald, the would-be old
grandmother of the Independent party
of Nebraska, and legitimately the ortra
of both factions of Nebraska Djidoc
racy, a goldbug corporation she! ft
the Morton Castor administration he (
and a sllverbug ani-full-legal-tender
greenback sheet for the Bryan tall of
the Dartv. is trvinir to bulldc z the
PoBullsts of this state who wib and
who must have Populists t rei r en
them, into accepting its advice
In its leading article in the Sumlaj
issue it declares that "Republican and
corporation influences are at work to
induce the Populists to nominate
candidate other than Bryan for United
States Senator."
In the second paragraphs says:
In order to avert the blow that seems
certain to fall upon them the Republi
can leaders and railroad lobbyists are
earnestly at work. To accomplish their
Durriose they are using men who nave
been recognized as Populists. A few of
these are being used through ignorance
and prejudice, and others are being
used by other and stronger influences.
And farther on it comes the old grand
mother after this fashion:
It is the right and duty of the World-
Herald as a friend of the Populist party
and a champion of many of its princi
ples to point out the rocks against
which some pilots, either through ig
norance or malice, are attempting to
steer the Populist ship.
The double-faced, Cleveland Bryan,
straddlebug World-Herald would first
dictate to us that we must accept
Democrat to represent us, and if any of
us object we are to be whipped into sil
ence and acquiescence by a self-elected
demo-mentor, on the charge that we
are tools of the ft. o. p. lobbyists and
the corporations. The absurdity of
charging Populist leaders with being
the tools of the corporations because
they stand by their Populist principles
and demand Populists to represent
them, is so apparent that the malicious
cowardly libel needs no other refuta
tion . ,'
But it is well for the Populists to
give attention to the character of this
bulldozing performance, and the as
sumption of political friendship for us.
We haven't any political friends except
Populists. Mark that. We care not for
old party advice. The World-Herald
tried to work up an open fusion between
Democrats and Populists last February.
It completely failed. Now, however, it
thinks it can force us to choose between
supporting Bryan or being defeated by
Bryan. It if, however, barely possible
that in the effort to broak the Populist
party to pieces to, elevate Bryan he may
go down in the struggle. The impossi
ble is attempted by those who seek to
attract the Populist party bodily to
Bryan. Those who are not well ground
ed, the light weights, the balf-and-halfs
and the worshipers of eloquence will be
drawn to him. The strife that Si's can
didacy and bid for our votes will bret d
among us may do us great injury this
year. But we shall be only temporarily
injured and he permanently. The great
mistake of Bryan and his Silver Club
friends was in supposing the great ma
jority of Populists have no principles
which hold them together and prevent
their leaving the Populist platform lo
accept Bryan's.
The revised Democratic platform
amended by that party in the House
and Senate in 1894 Is said to read as
We declare it to be a fundamental
principle of the Democratic party that
the Federal Government has every con
stitutional power to Impose and collect
tariff duties for the benefit ot senators
interested in special industries or spec
ulating in Wall street, and for tne en
richment of Trusts contributing locally
to Democratic campaign funds in Dem
ocratic States, or of syndicates and com
binations controlled by tne President's
political and personal friends.
Its anti-trust plank of 1892 In the hands
of the practical politicians who run
things in Washington has now taken
this form:
We recognize in the trusts and com
binations which are designed to enable
capital to recure more th&a its just
share or the joint proa uc tor capital and
labor convenient business agencies for
securing Democratic campaign funds in
Presidential years and lor controlling
the election of Democratic Senators,
and we believe that the financial re
sources of the party can be vastly in
creased bv the enactment oi tariff
schedules directly in the Irrest of
Trusts, together with such further leg
Wlatlon in support ot syndicates and
corporations aa experience may show to
be necessary ior making nam casn a
Issue in Democratic elic-
Some of our locil exchanges are tie
daring that Mr. Bryan I a good enough
Populist, that he 1 a child of the parly,
Well, he disown his mother, If he
Is. lie Is ashamed to be called by her
name, He declares himself a Democrat
and refuses to stand on our platform.
Aud boys that are a barn 3d or such a
true noble mother and who ( to de
bauch her character and lore her Into
aou of Ddtuoeratlo fusion harlotry,
tor their own gratification and gals, are
a bad lot. Wo waot no illegitimate
sons of thinocraU-j sires who stick to
thulr father and seek to draw an ay and
ruin their mother. But we reject the
idea that such are of us.
Mr. Bryan has a right to be a Demo
crat. And both he and we very well
know the difference between a Demo
crat and a Populist. Tf there were no
difference we should have had no need
for and should not have had a Populist
party An honest Democrat who falls
to e e the necessity of government
bank--, government ownership and op
ration of the railroads and restriction
and reduction of land monopoly, we re
speck But such honest Democrats will
not, cannot represent Populists.
The- three great principles, a unity In
trini'y, which bave called together over
a ml I Hon voters to withstand the land
money and transportation monopolists,
are the core of our party's being, and
its life force. Cut away either of these
sources of is being and organic growth
and you do vital harm to it. Mr. Bryan,
how. ver, practically strikes at and
would have us do away with all three
of the great sources of our party's life.
lie dots not oppose land monopoly, he
wan 'sail money redeemable in coin;
and he is afraid of the Populist demand
that the railroads of the country be
owned and operated by the government
This paper has gladly given Mr. Bryan
credit tor ail ne nas done oi gooa as a
Democrat. It has also waited long,
hoping he would ally himself with the
party of the people. But he has taken
his Btand outside of our party. There
fore we cannot support him
Senator Peffeb introduced a bill
August 3rd, directing the secretary of
agriculture to construct reservoirs for
the storage of water in the semi-arid
states, and appropriating 1500,000 for
this purpose. Representative Baker of
Kansas has also Introduced a bfll for
reservoirs for the tillable lands west of
the 90th meridian Channels for dis
tributing the water are also contemplat
ed in the bill. One of these bills,
amended to furnish immediate work for
100,000 men for four months and paying
them in full legal tender greenbacks,
new and crisp, as the soldiers were paid,
is the most sensible and imperatively
demanded act that Congress could pass.
But the bankers and bond brokers will
not allow the starving peogle to be thus
saved and the country made inhabitable.
They hold labor by the throat and will
not allow Congress to provide work.
They must have the people bonded be
fore they will allow them to dig irriga
tion ditches. O, wont they catch It
when justice is weighed out to them I
Apropos, with the question of rail
road "control" or ownership, comes the
discovery that the Atchison, Topeka
nd Santa Fe railroad system for four
years past has paid in rebates to ship
pers $1,000,000 a year, all in violation of
the controlling (?) interstate commerce
law. And it never could have been dis
covered had the system not gone into
the hands of a United States receiver.
Col. McCook, the general counsel of the
company, tesuscd before trie reorgani
zation committee that, "If any unlaw
ful inducement in the form of rebates or
otherwise has been offered or given by
the company to shippers it has been
done without my Knowledge or appro
val. " But the books examined by an
expert accountant show that it was
done. And the courts have decided
that federal officers cannot compel a
railroad to testify against itself, to
bring Its books into court. And if re
bate violations cannot be discovered,
how much less can lobby expenses aDd
campaign corruption funds and passes
be 'controlled'
When new dividing questions con
front the people and must be settled
new parties must ba formed, new align
ments must be made. The talk about
continuing loyal to a party, and being
a Democrat or Republican now, when
new principles or measures for the pub
lic good are demanded, is pure non
sense, unless one wishes to oppose pro
gress All any old party holds together
for is the offices. Whatever principles
any party has which first create it,
those principles are always incorpo
rated into law within a very few yearB
after It succeeds to power, and as soon
as those laws are enacted its work, Its
life work, is done, and it must either be
burled, by the voters dropping out ot it,
or its corrupting. carcass will oune the
country. The reformer who stays In
an old party, declaring he will purify
bis party and save the country, iselther
very Ignorant and inexperienced re
garding the laws of party life, or he Is a
scheming, selfish, hypocritical vote
catcher. Pullman is to begin evicting the
families of the 3,000 strikers who are in
arrears to him for rent, t make room
for 1,000 men who have taken their
places and have families to be accomo
dated. As the Pullman company orn
the entire town, street and all, It is
expected that the people will be put
clear out of to a. We suggest thai
Pullman's officials make use of our Sug,
"Get Off the Karth," keeping time with
their clubs a they drive the 1.1.000 men,
women and children before them
The growth of the Populist party in
the cities Is phenomenal. South Chi
cago had a Populist rally a few days
ago, and th 3,000 people who attended
could not get Into the hall, so the rr.ut
tog was held la a public square. Here
in Nebraska there will be a great move
ment ta us from the labor ranks la the
cities, aud from the business men audi
mechanics and laborers 'if the smaller
towns. We have only to hold our own
among the farmers and we shall more
than do that to sweep the state. The
figures of tie f uslonists are entirely out
grown and unreliable. The tide has
everywhere set in our favor, and it is a
regular bay of Fundy current and rise,
The years 1893 and 1894 will have great
power to move the multitudes into the
party organized to fight and overthrow
monopoly power.
The sooner this country strengthens
us army, ana passes more stringent
laws against treasonable utteranc-s and
lawless agitators the better for the
stability of the government. Topeka
laep.j uapitai.
The sooner this country cleans out the
capltol at Washington and establishes
there representatives of the poor and
the oppressed, men who will enact just
laws to dtfend all the people, including
tne numoiest and weakest, tne sooner
will it be possible to reduce the non
productive classes, enforced idlers crim
lnals, food gamblers, land speculators,
monopolists, soldiers, police, etc, to
the minimum, and plenty and content
ment will come to all. Force is the
Republican and Democratic remedy for
acts of desperation. Justice is the Pop
ullst plan.
Dixon county Independents held
rousing convention at Martinsburg last
week, 115 drlegates being present, t
convention which acted in perfect bar
mony. The Omaha platform was en
dorsed, the Initiative and Referendum
was called for as a plank of the state
platform. The following plank was one
of the resolutions endorsed and all were
unanimously endorsed:
Reselved, that our delegates this day
selected are hereby instructed to beware
of apolitical tricks and jobs, and not to
countenance, in any form, fusion with
any other party, ana in case rusion
should be saddled onto any convention
that is attended by the delegates elected
by this convention, we hereby instruct
and demand that the Dixon county dele
crates withdraw from such convention
and take the "middle of the road" for
The gJod, reasonable, intelligent
citizen casts his vote always for the
candidates ot the party whose Issues are
ot greatest moment, whose sincerely
advocated measures will bring the
greatest good to the greatest number.
Now is there a Republican or Democrat,
a good man, who can consider all the
facts known concerning the oppression
of the money, land, capital and trans
portation monopolists, and the record
of his party, who can refrain from voting
for the candidates of the People's party,
the party whose life principle and or
ganic growth has been antl monopoly
The World-Herald puts together what
it doubtless thinks is a knock down
argument in favor of fusion and wants
us to give the Democrats credit for all
the Populists have ever done. In behalf
of the party it demands pie for voting
for thorough-going anti-monopolists,
when the Democrats might as an alter
native have voted for Republican bood
lers and railroad attorneys! Suppose
the Democrats did have some honest
men in the legislature who preferred
Allen to Thurston, their otes were not
bought or traded for. Populists are
not trading.
The anthracite coal fields of Penn
sylvania yet unmined amount to 21.3,000
acres, and the owners of the mines now
worked own 107,000 acres of these un
opened fields and have leased the re
maining 106,000 acres to corner the
market. You understand now why.
when wheat and unmonepolized labor
products ktep falling in price, and the
pay of miners as well, that the price of
coal keeps up and even rises higher.
Another fact: of the 230,000 acres of soft
coal lands in Pennsylvania the coal
barons own 132 000 and have leased the
remaining 98,000
Luther in one of the darkest periods
of the Reformation lost sight ef all save
human forces and was filled with gloom.
His wife to awaken him from his error
put on a mourning garb, and when he
wonderlngly asked the cause, replied,
"God is dead." That was all he needed
to arouse his faith. We are in times of
great strain and weakness tempted as
Luther was. And all about us we see
men who bslieve God Is dead, and the
only way left to beat the devil is to out
wit htm in some sort of a trade. But
reforms never advance by such efforts.
WE visited Chicago last week to
ha ten to completion work on our song
book, Armogeddon, and found that Iowa
and Illinois were Buffering from drouth
as much aa eastern Nebraska. We also
talked with men from Indiana and
Michigan who Informed us that Indiana
and Ohio crops are very greatly dam
aged by drouth and that Michigan crops
are a good deal Injured. The outlook
for the poor in both town and country
was never so dark, and great number
from the mlddlecla will In the months
before us be forced to the wall.
A woman about tweo; five years of
age, her hands nnelove I and calloused
with toll, shot herself August 5th, at
Miipleto-; L. I. Sulcldtnj Is a growing
mess of relief from the social pressure.
4 he St. Paul Globe ot a recent Issue
Tbe rrcord of Minneapolis Is one iul-
cide a day. The unfortunate person
who quit the mundane sphere yesterday
was Knut P Anderson, a blacksmith
aged 57. Desperate and despondent,
being unable to secure work and having
no money, he took a desperate method
of disposing of his life. With a tmall
rope he hung himself to the headboard
of his bed, then laid down on the mat
tress and rolled himsell off. The result
was he strangled in a short time.
A writer in the Pail Mall Gazette,
of London, calls attention to the enor
mous accumulation of geld in that fi nan
cijl center, the bank of England now
having nearly $200,000,000. There are
now lying on deposit in the London
banks some $5,000,000,000, says this
writer, "and hardly any of these depos
itors dare to move their portion into
securities that are not gilt-edged.'
Yes, and the world is cursed with en
forced idleness, starvation, beggary,
suffering and fear in consequence.
The Omaha Bee two weeks ago re
latedhow the Republican ring which
runs the party machine in this state
selects delegates to carry out its w'ill In
conventions. The men are conducted
through a back room, in charge here
now of R. L. Moore, and if the allow
a string to be placed on them they are
accepted; If they refuse to contract they
are rejected and others are chosen.
And the people forget all this, or get
used to dark ways, and keep voting for
the rascals.
What is the use ot two monopoly or
two anti-monoDolv parties? If there
isn't any use why do the Democrats of
Nebraska refuse to join either the Re'
publican or the Populist party? The
rank and file may be expected to join
the stronger party of the plutocrats, or
the larger party of the people. But
the ancient and honorable leaders are
too much afraid of losing their job of
"We are tired of fighting one anoth
er;" so say the Labor Unions of New
York city. It is a cheering word. All
the workers should fraternize in one
organization and vote together In one
party. That Is all that is needed to
bring in the millennium. Leaders wbo
love not themselves supremely are
needed to kill off useless parties and
rival labor organizations
When European workers are pressed
with the pangs of hunger, they march
behind banners bearing the words.
'Bread or Blood. What will the mil
lions of American workmen now desti
tute do during the year to come? Gov
ernment employment for the unemploy
ed is necessary if great numbers are to
be saved from starvation and despera
tion. The new song book Armageddon will
be ready for delivery next week. It
will be on sale at the state convention.
Send money oy delegates for It, or send
to this office and books will be forwarded
by mail. Thirty-five cents a copy.
Everybody should have it.
The Southern Mercury, official organ
of tbe Farmer Alliance of Texas says:
The Populists have the Cleveland
worshipers in Texas on the run, and
the older the campaign gets the faster
they will run. Judge Nugent is as
good as elected now." Judge Nugent
Is the Populist candidate for governor
Hon. H. B. Kelly, ex-senator' and
one of the most noted Republican lead-
eos of Kansas, has joined the Popbllst
party and will stump the state tor the
Populist ticket. W. H. Young, the
Republican sergeant-at-arms of the
Douglass bouse (last session.)' has also
joinel the Populist party.
The Courier of Indianola, hitherto
Republican, last week came over to the
Populist party. Editor Mitchell has for
years been honestly, earnestly advocat
ing some of the fundamental demands
of the People's party, and' now wisely
concludes his place is with us We wel
come him most heartily.
THE depositors in 38 New York aud
Brooklyn savings banks have drawn out
in tbe past year 822,812,945 more than
has been deposited. Tbe year to come,
the winter especially, will be one of un
precedented suffering, the small sav
ings ot the poor having been exhausted.
Tue entire Texas delegation in Con
gress is made up of lawyers. It is our
opinion that lawyers are very rarely
men of unbending principle. For mon
ey they will clear the guilty and convict
the Innocent. They are professional
liars and moral law breakers
The Wealth Makers Is delighted
with the uomlnatiun of Judge Stark of
Aurora for our representative to con
gress frtu the Fourth dlstrlst, and we
confidently predict his election. He Is
a strong man who will do honor to the
CUANCkLLOK Ca.niield is to address
the Central Labor Club at its hall on
north 9th St. just west of the poalofllre
Friday evening, Kverytody Invite-!.
A treat may always be expected when
the Chance'or U thn twnkx.
Freedom with the means of tubals
tecce In others' hands, I simply free
dorn lo starve.
The plutocrats of Chicago, it Ig re
ported, "have held a meeting and taken
steps to have a fort established near that
city, with 5,000 United States regulars
to be always present, like the royal
troops in European cities."
The Garfield County Independents
with other resolutions adopted this:
"Resolved, that we consider fusion as
treason to our cause, and that our line
of battle is strictly "In the middle of
the road."
Chancellor Canfield has declined
the very attractive call to the chancel?
lorshipof the Ohio State University.
He casts In his lot with the people of
Nebraska, and they will not forget him.
Pratt county convention, Kansas,
addressed by-Governor Levelling, was
attended by 4 000 peeple Great crowds
are attending the Populist campaign
The man who insists tflat there Is no
Important difference between a Demo
crat and a Populist, has either fusion in
his heart or confusion in his head.
The most powerful light in the world,
the new electric light for the lighthouse
at Fire Island, off New York, will have
the power of 450,000,000 candles.
Thd senatorial convention covering
Holt, Boyd, Wheeler and Garfield coun
ties is called to meet at O'Neill at the
court house Sept. 8th, at 2 p. m.
A great movement of men (who have -
beea waked up by things dropping late
ly) into the Populist party, Is reported
in Wisconsin.
The railway mileage in the United :
States June 30, 1894, was 176,861 miles,
an increase of 4,897 miles during the
last year.
The 49 th re presentati ve d Istrict con
vention is ctllsd to meet at Bur well,
September 12th, at 8 p. m.
They are making
telegraph poles
now out of paper.
We have the tariff yet.
The August Review of. Reviews dons
not suit us well at all the American
editor Is not heart aad soul and intel
lectually a man of the people to the de
gree that Stead i. His comments on
Ube strike show him to be occudvIha' a
sort of neutral critical ground between
the workers a d the plunderers. Two
papers on the Hon Wilfred Laurierand
Canada's Political Conditions are of
value to the general student. Toronto
as a Municipal Object Leeson is exceed
ingly va uable and timely- Sir George
Dlbbs of New South Wales is presented
in a finely illustrated character skfltoh
and a New Zealand writer contributes
a most interesting and valuable narjer
on Labor Troubles. Tlie Railway Situa-"
tion is atso discussed bv Prpf. Adam of
the Wisconsin btate University. The
leading reviews are also as usual re
viewed. The August Arena contains seven
teen principal papers On subjects of the
greatest interest. Among these we
call attention especially to an article
on Hypnotism by Df. J R. Cocke, an
other on the present social conflict by
Rev. J. M. Savage, one on the Land
Qaestion and the Single Tax, . one on
Insurance and the Nation b ' Rabbi
Schiadler, and an article by tb j editor
on Fostering the Savage Spirit in the
Youog. Tne book review department
is also very full and valuable.
The August Cosmopolitan contains
another installment of the Altrurlan
letters by Howells which Is f sustained
interest; The Story of a Working Girls'
Club, by Adeline Moffat; Outflanking
Two Emperore, a story of the Franco
Prussian war by Murat Hatstead; The
English Napoleon, by J. Howe Adam,
and a variety of interesting and finely
ll'-istrated summer stories and histori
cal articles, besides art and science
notes, pot-ms, etc
Our new song book, Armageddon,
has been delayed by the music typo
graphers, but it is now rapidly ap
proaching completion. We expect
to have it ready for delivery by August
10th, and call attention of the local
workers everywhere to it. It will, by
its heart-touching, battle-breathing and
educating and uniting truth greatly
arouse the people, and there is enough
of the humorous element In the songs
to attract all classes. Armageddon,
we must believe, will be a great moving
and enthusing power In the present
campaign, and until the workers of the
world win tbe final battle which shall
give them perfect justice. It Is a pro
duct of the times, for the people, the
words being written and selected by
one who has both suffered and studied.
It is a book for the masses to sing out
of in their future mighty conflict with
the classes.
Sue partial list of the songs It will
contain In proxp-ctu advertisement on
third page of this piper.
The b"ok will contain about 123
pages of a little over 7 by 8 Inch size,
inottly new tuuo'c is well as new words,
muilo suited to the stirring thought.
The price of the book will be 33 cents a
lngle copy, 30 oont bv the dozen.
Send orders at once to Tub Wealth
Makehs Publishing Co., Lincoln, Neb,
Coma Oat to the legion.
TheCsptUl City Industrial Legion
meets every Monday nlghtat 1111 0 St,
In open meeting. K wry bod j welcome.
Next Monday evenlnj Mevor Weir will
speak. Come and hear Ulm.