The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, August 16, 1894, Image 1

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    .i L.
11 i i . i
Mr, Bpackman'a Opinion.
PULLEUTOK, Neb., Aug. 3," 1894
Editor Wealth Makers:
In your issue of July 26, is an article
headed "A Trumpet Voice," and while
this wordi "for Meiklejohn" should have
followed this headline ' they appear
clearly enough in every line that fol
lows m the situation in the Third
In behalf Of myself and others in this
district, who are as good Popuilatt as
Mr. Porter or others, who are endeavor
ing to misrepresent us, I ak opportu
nity to reply. I unsure Mr. Porter a?
well as yourself and all other Populists
that I have no attack to make ou anyone.
Beforeentering upon the merits of the
controversy, I must ask some indulg
ence in the way of iu traduction Mr.
: P. is well known and needs none. Ills
opinion will necessarily have much
weight, I insist, however, that men in
the ranks, who are equally devoted to
the principles of the Omaha platform,
who show that devotion by an unselflib
and unpaid labor for the triumph of its
principles, refusing: every ofTer of posi
tions of honor and emolument, that
their influence may not be compromized
asking only for an opportunity to work
in this, the grandest movement under
the sun, these, Iay, are jost as entitled
to a bearing as those who occupy influ
ential portions. Mr. P. says "when
those who are now talking fusion were
whooping it up for the old parties," I
want to say to Mr, P, that no man be
gao earlier or has been more indus
trious in talking what be is pleased to
call fusion than I have. I want to
assure him that I left one of the old
parties and have ever since been fight
ing for the very things named in our
platform long soore he wee old enough
to belong to any party. I would like to
" ask him how lon he stood "almost
alone" fightlnp for these principles be
fore there were enough others standing
"alone" and fighting with him to elect
him to the legislature
Looked upon from a party stand point
hlrartlcle may be all that can be de
sired; but what the country needs to
day Is more patriots and fewer parti
sans. I am sorry t see a Populist of
his standing write so long an Article
without one ray of patriotUm to break
the dead level of party fidelity. All
our best thinkers agree that the republic
is now passing through the moat trying
ordeal in its history. May we not then
say with the immorui Djuglas, the
"little giant of the west," "In this great
struggle there are but two classes pat
riots and traitors."
I want to say to every Populist In
this district that juat as good and true
men as there are in the party want to
see no chances taken, but that every
effort be made to have the Third disti let
represented by a man whose soundness
on the ailver Issue is unoueatloned. It
is the flrst thing to be settled and must
be settled right. Has Mr. P. forgotten
how lu the flrst stages of this Indepen
dent movement we urged the people to
stop voting for party and voto for
"Molly and the babies?", llo we
declared that fidelity to party waa tbe
curae of the country 't Tbty admltt d the
necessity of the reforms we advocated,
but Inswd that it should come inside
the party. Can he not see that he Is now
occupying the same pf sl'loo? Is it pos
sible that this youbg vlg ru Populist
party must no soon adopt the taotlcs of
the old parties and rry out, "uo fusion
in ou," "stick to the ticket,'1 "vote Vr
Merrick t ouutv may be sale to send a
dfelegallou solid for Mr. P's, views, but
I aur htm that very many of the
Populist of M-rrlck are heart and hand
wlih their brother of Ma tee. I have
talked with inaay of the ptopleaod
not one of them has aM that the Popu
list parly of Merrick were puahlng
PorUir for Unge yet tby have Ira
queaily apoken of the fact that the
ltepublUan of MtrrkU who want to
ve i thru' eorrd tight and thus .
cure Mlsl-jW return, were pa-Mag
PortorsaomlaaMuo, and aa one know
IhU bUrr than Mr Prtr.
Kvery Informed Ptpullat Knows the
terrible rwauli of the Credit $r titf
thealag act, Mlowtd the atrUlag
duwa i f silver, and I Uy Me Populist
who will allow hU It.UiUy to pat ty to
lUad ( hi way of righting that great
wrvar, or eo latau that It mutt be
put off uatll It eaa he done by bW party,
while Aweriraa homsi are being
gathered bj the score lato the hands of
1 1 i
Sbylock, while strong men faint by the
wayside, vainly searching for honest
toil, while the little ones at borne are
clothed in rags and cry for bread.
To men like myself, and others I could
name, bis talk about the "siren song"
of free silver Democracy i the veriest
nonsense. The true Populist is one
who heartily endorses the Omaha plat
form and is willing to vote and work
for its enactment into law; and not the
man who puts party supremacy above
the accomplishment of the very object
for which the party had its being.
In conclusion permit mo. to advise Mr
P. to stay away from Norfolk. He has
no business there. He cannot be a
member of that convention without
trampling down one of the most vital,
organic laws of our party, and this will
not be tolerated for a moment, His only
work then will be that of a lobbyist or
party boss and we have no use for either
lyt the men who are eligible and dele
gated to do that work use their own best
Tours for public good above party
good, KB Spackman
A Wise Plan Proposed.
ScBUYLER, Neb,, Aug, 13, 1894,
Editor Wealth Makers:
Do we as Independents want perfect
falrnes to govern the nominaions of
our state ticket? Will we sacrifice all
personal preferences, bury all past
differences, to the end that the strong
est possible ticket that has ever been
placed in the field by the Populist party
may be chosen at Grand Island on the
24th of this month?
I am sure this is the sincere wish of
the great mass of the Independents!'
With a desire only for such a result
I offer this suggestion: That we do not
follow the oW party practice in nomina
ting our state ticket The plan that the
old parties always follow is to nominate
a man for the highest and most impor
tant office first, The purpose for which
this is done is, so that all the less im
portant offices to -be tilled can be
used for trading purposes, in the inter
eat of the office most coveted. ' This
practice holds good in county as well as
state conventions, all whe have atten
ded conventions know this to be true,
and I am not inclined to argue that the
Independent party is an entire excep
tion to this rule.
The result fs invariably that all In-'
terest in the convention centers In one
or two of tne places to 'be tilled, after
which delegates become indifferent,
pledges are broken, promises are laugh
ed to scorn, the balance of the tlck-t Is
almost forgotten and left to get through
as best it can. Delegates return home
dissatisfied, feeling that their ifforis
have been a partial failure, truthfully
stating that tbey have been traded and
sold out.
Now, Mr. Editor, I hnpu to see this
poll-y that invite s treachery and cor
ruption exactly reversed by the Popu
Hats at their coming convention. Let
us commence by filling the least im
portant office first, by thlr plan the in
terest in the nomination will inorMMP,
then no person or ring working In the
Interest of any mau seeking olllce can
make trades op promises without holcg
compelled to honestly carry them out
or be exponed ti the men whom they
are trying to deceive before they will
have ai oomplUhed their dlshonorablt
I houo U fee this plan adopted by our
s a e a ell a ounty eonventlona, the
chances for ' elng traded or sold out will
bn much lea and we will have a much
stronger ticket . rom top ri bottom. The
trader and trimmer will under-tand at
once that hla tuulneaa I a precarious
ml vrout one.
BlnoiMly youra,
; J. F. MKrfKitu.
Juhn i naw'e J tOft-uint.
KkYat , Nt'b , August !
t:d it Wmuu aIakis
. .trr' eri
grotto awu, iti.
i.-lleg In my ml
wtntl Mlafe I
what U WW I'l'
moot battkt' tth
flrst stwly.
tirif protfa lt
Th r4 Ga ratnat
rUldt tela ttuha kbit lu
tN .aad ualluitO
of illf .
IV fv
Fifth Equal suffrage for male and
Now while I favor all this and much
more I think we bad better condense
our platform; take a step at a time. For
instance, take the most important ones.
It is a fact that we can get more peo
ple to agree If we only have a few
things to agree upon, therefore I sug
gest that we cut down our platform.
Say that we take one, or two, of the
most important at a time. As money
controls everything, and the contraction
of money haa caused us nearly all our
trouble by belnir placed iu tb haiid i o'
a few monopolists, let us have govern
ment banks the main issue
Bay government banks of deposit to
loan money direct to the people at cost
of issue as expense of officers and
free coinage of silver.
With our platform tuus condensed
we can carry three fourths of the itate.
John Bkxah
Old Party Men Flocking to Us,
Etoiw, Neb , AugU6t 6, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers:
If the People's Independent party is
receiving as many new accessions every
where aa here in Antelope county the
election of its candidates might as well
be declared to be unanimous. In one
precinct alone about twenty recruits
have come to our ranks, made up largely
of conservative business men who have
heretofore held aloof from the Populist
party, and who have been absorbed in
the affairs of their own business, giving
little or no attention to the larger
affairs of politics, voting with whom
they had allied themselves years ago;
but when their own private affairs ceas
ed to be prosperous and manifestly so
by to fault of theirs, they employed the
leisure which bad been to unep"".tedij
thrust upon them in investigating the
cause of the stagnation which had so
suddenly overtaken their business, and
found to their surprise that the Popu
list demands were entirely in accord
ance with sound reasons and with Just
ice aud equity.
The Independent club of Elgin la
rapidly coxpletlng arrangement for
the overland trip to Grand Ialand, and
reoteves assurances fe-iiv other counties
that they will join in ?be trip A com
mittee consisting c S. McCord, A. B.
Bender and the writer has been ap
pointed to take the arrangements in
band, and, tbey invite correspondence
from those desiring to go by wagon, a
list of the names of those desiring to go
from ber la being made up and will be
held open till Aug 19. The club desires
to mike this plan a success and to have
the largest and moat enthusiastic state
co ventlon ever held in Nebraska.
Herman Freksb,
Secretary Elgin People's Independent
20th. District Senatorial Convention
13 k aver City, Neb., Aug, 10, '94,
Editor Wealth Makkrs:
.Will you kindly insert the following
call for senatorial convention:
The People's Independent party con
vention U hereby called to meet at
Cu! tmrtw j,- 2Ui-. A Kg. Jfl, ISift, it Kt
a. iu . sharp, for the purpose of placing
in nomination one caodtdat) for state
senator lor the 29tb senatorial district
and trai atictlng such other buaineaa a
may come before the convention.
Tbe banla of representation will b
one deletta'u for every 100 votes cat
or th major fraction thereof caat for
lion ou t. uo'o mo or juok us nit
aurpe-mu court aud on delegate at !r
for eacn county which give the foil'
tog reiirn'aMin by counties:
Kurna II. Frontier if, Kd WiNw I
Gop r 8, Uayaa , Chawa f, ifiUuoooic 7
Duodi 6. It r"",r",n',''dtiat no
.roil be aitow-
seat be 1P'
ul the Cou
A Friend or Bryan Criticise Him.
Wahoo, Neb., August 6, 1891.
Editor Wealth Makers:
I take pleasure la rvspoadicg to your
request to atate my views as to tl'e
recently much talked of proposal ema
nating from what quarter I kiow not
for Populists to further the ambition of
Mr. Bryan to serve this state in the
capacity of United States Senator, by
giving him Populist support,
At the outset I denlre to say that
peraoouhy I am a friend, and not only a
friend but an admirer, perhaps an ar
dent admirer of Mr. Bryan. His elo
quence united with his courageous
resistance of the fosaillfcrous old hacks
who have dominated bis party from the
beglaning, and his apparently conscien
tious advocacy of financial reform is the
source of my admiration. On tbe tame
principle I presume tbe Master admired
the young man who had kept all the
commandments from his youth up, who
yet, upon inquiry as to how he might
cme into the Kingdom of Heaven, was
informed, "On thing thou lackest."
So I say to Mr, Bryan, when he solicit
my support, "Eschew that vile thing
thou servest under tbe name 'Democ
racy,' which hath spit upon tbee and
rubbed it in, and espouse tbe People's
cause and iu party, and thou sbalt be
elected Senator." Be of us Mr, Bryan
and we will be for you. Before swallow
ing you, we wish to be sure of our know
ledge as to whether you are "flab or
fowl," One-half tbe party with which
you affiliate say you are a populist, the
other half say you are a Democrat,
My friend is not great enough to claim
exemption from tbe axiom, "Ye cannot
serve two masters," Let him take his
choice. That other divine saying, "He
who is not for me is egaiast me," baa
application in tne present case. Very
ordinary experience teaches us that it
ts as true in politics as it is in Chris
tian ethics.
I have read Mr, Bryan's socalled plat
form, a announ ted over bis signature
yesterday morning from Washington.
The man who states such a platform as
bis political principles, and at the same
time says he is a Democrat, as that
term la now applied, prevaricates, Tbe
man holding such principles, who, not
withstanding, refuses to affiliate and
wor wit
oplj on, i
a tj , itici
work with tbe Populist party, is, in my
either a political hypocrite or
tical coward. I say this because,
so far as it goes, this "platform" is in
substance identical with the Populist
platform, government ownership of
railroads only being omitted. And not
a declaration in it appears in any Dem
ocratic platform over put forth. This
being true, I think it an affront to Popu
lists to be asked to support a man who
has not the courage to stand on a plat
form, which he acknowledges to repre
sent bis convictions of public policy,
with the body of men wbo have hereto
fore striven to make those principles
tbe law of the la&d, but instead goes by
himself, as though be were holler than
we, to create a rival polltlcaliorganlza-
tion ba-ed upon the same political
J iwhat supjortJouch a course ts
Mr. Bryan has taken, WttJ,-CaJ0J
strengthen and enlarge ourcaase, but to
ludlvtolon and disintegration, Itiaao
.attempt of tiie toll to wag the dog. His
platform is substantially tho Populist
platform If bis followers believe that
vay, their plp Is in the popuIUt party
ana u not ia tbe Democratic party, If
they aro not yet ready to pocket their
pride and come with us now, let the
eoaaequuica be their own discomfiture.
Thy will have thtmaeive to blame if
tlpy !-rual .he Morton gang to further
hji4tat tUm. In such cam the
ottiN-t Kt to expect ooiu'ort from Ponu-
IU , Kffurt enough have Ik it heap
k J a,n Mr. Bryan and his follower In
n- iftiaie, II wouiaeeiutom,toat(r
tuutt ardent pa'riot that modern
ix'raoy ha deparUd a long road
- J ffrottinlin; but If he ha not
CJiiliR'fd, 1 do not know any
, o likely to educate him into a
i tJueuf that truth a to quietly
le lu the company of modern
rata until they kick hint lato a
i f witthun.
I lung a Mr. Bryan lailats
l laitnwrtttdlhthlnot
t '1st, a-i far a I am tHnornd, he
in my aMlataat to be t'altwt
u w-aau. We have ma able
t i toserre u la thai raoliy.
t lm. H Bryan cm "la-
if y va at the t;aVh hour
of this campaign, that is, after the
Populist ticket has been named, and
gives It bis hearty support in the cam
pa'gn, swallowing hit falae pride aVmt
names, I shall not be hard to persuade
to hi support. But I will not do it be
fore, S. H Sorhbuhoer.
What Our national Organ Hay.
C wgretsman W, J, Bryas baa sn
nounced himself a a Democratic can
didate for senator from Nebraska on a
Populist platform. Outaide of empha
sizing the "taKff for revenue only" is
sue and "control" for "ownership" on
the railroad question, his platform is
as radical as the most radical Populist
could atk, It must be remmb,red,
however, that be runs a a Democrat
and if elected will attend Democratic
caucuses and otherwise stand by his
party. He will be backed by tbe in
fluence of the national Dinncratlc
party and will be liberally assisted with
money from its coffers. Yet he do
pends for bis election on Populist votes,
fhe absurdity of tbe whole proceeding
can be illustrated by reversing tbe con
ditions, Wbat would be thought of a
Populist in Nebraska wbo should an
nounce himself for tbe senate on a
Democratic platform, a it is under
stood by the leaders of the party? If a
man is a Populsst b should run on
Populist platform; if a Democrat, on a
Democratic platform. The fact that a
maa tries to rid double, as Bryan ia
doing, is the best evidence that he is
not to be trusted. The bands are tbe
haorfs of Esau while tho voice ia the
voice of Jacob. He runt with the hare
and bunts with the bounds. He look
one way and rows tbe other. He whit
tles "Dixie" through one nostril and
"Yankee Doodle" through the other.
He slogs to the audience and wink t
the ga'lery. He talk Populism ftd
votes Democracy. If a Democrat It to
be chosen from Nebraska, we would "a
toon tee Mr, Bryan successful aa- any
other. But there la nothing in him or
his scheme for Popullsu, Mot one of
that party can , afford to aid blu, dl
rectly or indirectly, if he wantt Pop
ulist votes let aim join tbe party a he
bat absorbed tbe platform. In the sea-
ate he would simply be another Morgan
or Pugb, another Martin or White. If
he persists in adhering to a party whose
politics he denounces, he is trying to
get into office on false pretenses Let
him go hi way and let Populists go
theirs Tbey will have nothing to do
with tbia Gorman scheme to ride two
horses at once, goiog In different direc
tions. Nonconformist.
Bryan aa a Joker,
Editor Wealth Makers:
That it certainly a splendid joke of
Mr. Bryan t in advocating government
"control" of railroads. Government
"control" is exactly what we have been
having for several years under the
interstate commerce law and under our
State Board of Transportation. Gov
ernment control will not do away with
the enormous expense of advertising
bills, corruption funds, parallel lines,
etc., eta , wh ch niut all be pa'd by the
pn duoers. Nor will it do away with
railway dividend which are also paid
by labor. CmWJL1'' M.f
trsf uwt w wf WVM ' 4 V tUO rtslf
way problem, and Mr. Bryan appears ai
far from the position of the Populists
on the question as any other Democrat
or Republican. I would he glad to find
a reason for supporting Mr, Bryan, but
hie platform contain no uch reason,
A Not or Warning
To the middle of the n ad Populists:
Many thing are taking place that
wake me confident that every effort
poaible is bblog ntaJe to qulutly and
systematically nonmato. Bryaa toes for
the legislature. " In the I'opulUt county
convention In counties where IImq
Ktea ar aomloatod by the Popullau no
Pofuucretlo oooreatlon will he h!t
Where middle of the road Populist are
nominated you may xpH?t Duimwratlc
nominal ho. Every county conven
tion should find out for rrtla whethe r
It I nominating a Hraa maa or a Pop
f or the I'opulUU l Nebraska to aunt
Inate llryan ma for the WLIeiur
would be the motdf ra41ag surrender
of principle evr rHrd of a reform
t arty, Your for the right.
Jom Hi attiMNa,
HviUorlbe for mi WtALTU MKia
Chairman leaver's lt Words.
This ifgue of The Wealth Makers
will be tbe last received by many of you
before starting to th state costeoCrs
and I take this opportunity to exprese
my sincere thanks to the otera of our
grand reform party for honoring c
with the position of chairman of your
state committee, and in doing to allow
me o say that never waa a committee
of any party more harmonious than ha
been your state committee during my
term as chairman. Every action taken
by the whole, or executive committee,
ba been unanimous, which addt force
t the old adage that "booet iuB can
eaally agree." I wish also to her thank
each and every member of the state
committed for their able work and loy
alty to tbe cause that must win, or the
republic fall. I believe that each and
every member hat done the bt he
could under tbe circumstances which -
In many esses were trying. Every :'
dollar of expense Incurred by your
committee sloe tbe nomination of
Judge Uolcomb bat been paid and
considerable amount paid upon the old
debt. When I was elected chairman
the committee wat about 1800 In debt
and not a dollar in tbe treasury. 19
money came In for sevend days Ell fil
can hardly Imagine the trying tl:j art '
experienced in getting the caan
properly started. It i the hope of tbe
committee now to meet in Grand Island
with the party free from debt, which I
believe we can. If each voting precinct
will bring a tmall amount to the state
convention tbe new committee will have
sufficient fund to start at once, a vigo
rous campaign which will carry through
every nominee of our party. I have
received Bumerou requeeia to kreo-a
a ea&mrts for reeked ti cttr
to fell of wlVsa I have Kt:J jtz t ;.7
naoM respectfully say to you, that my
private business ia such, that 1 cannot,
Injustice to my family, afford to accept
tbe position at this time, again. During
tbe campaign last year I worked almott
day anal night and no one in the state
more deeply regretted tbe defeat of
Judge Uolcomb than your bumble ser
vant. I shall freely give to the new
committee all assistance in my power
and my knowledge of the affairs of our
party will be at their service. I have
never at any time received a cent
for work for tbe'eaute of reform nod I
intend to work unceasingly without pay ,
until our noble party baa triumphed in
state and nation. Allow me to say fur
ther that I will not be a candidate be
fore the state convention. I Intend to
show the old party mosaback that there
la something grander, and nobler, ir
politics than seeking office, and I cah
do more effective wirk in tbe rsmpalgit
this fall, than I could if a candidate.
Regarding the platform please allow me
to make one suggestion. My individu
al idea is that we should add nothing,
to our platform except the Initiative
Referendum, which practically covert
all reform need by tbe people, ' Let us
meet In tbe state convention in a broth
erly spirit and nominate a ticket that
will put to rout the whole crowd of pub
lic plunderers.
I am yours until victory crowns our
effort, D, Civm Deaveb,
",- ( .
Delegate o wteta Convention,
trillion. "
Delegates and others, who will attend
the state convention by rail, will please
take notice that a rate of a fare and one
third for tbe round trip upon the certi
ficate plan, from alt point in Nebraska
hat b en granted by th railroad com
panies doing buaineaa In this state,
When purchasing ttckttsbe sure to
get a certificate with your ticket and If
going over more than one system get a
certificate etch time you buy a ticket,
All certificate will be signed by e at
Grand MnJ, which will entire th
holder to purcheae a ticket to rtur
bom at one-third the usual rat.
TUkvt will be on Hale Tueadt) , Au.
21, and will be good to nature uui
Munday Aug 17. Th! agrwm t hit
ta made upa condition thai 1 w, or
more, rrtlllrat are laautnl. .
H Clew Deavm.
iwwtf t i4 tetfvt ,
AatiMoHH, I nd. Ttr, Air ll-Ttj
Calelttaaw Uctlin t amend ftlotty
ttinnly haa le elwuWd governor y
It larva ntajtirltv. I'oyd, the !
date In favor u trjilng with lis
liwa .., miaUa, retv4 twtkt
aiue vol te th satire nation