The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, July 26, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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1 Twentieth Century Romance,
fOoprrltht, UM, by American Fiw Aaeocia.
f UoaJ
(Continued from lat week.)
When Harold's sait at last arrived,
bis first thought aa be surveyed himself
before the glass was that now be could
go down Into the dialog room and bave
good square meal. What that thought
was to him can only be imagined by the
hungry man to whom the delights of
the table are supreme. ' Since Harold's
wakening be had been served with what
he called broth, accompanied with nuts
and fruit of different varieties. He sup
posed it was served according to the or
ders of a physician, who might imagine
that it was necessary for his stomach to
get osed to work by degrees after so long
period of idleness. If that were so,
the broth and fruit might seem reason
able enough as a diet, bat bow about
the nuts?
"Mrs. Winthrop," be said, going
down to the porch, where that lady was
taking her morning exercise, " what is
your dinner hour? And is the room that
my mother selected still osed for the
dining room?"
"Dining room! What can you mean?"
For a moment Mrs. Winthrop looked
puzzled; then her brow suddenly cleared
at she exclaimed: "Ob, I remember
now! I was reading only the other day
that people osed to sit around large ta
, . blet and watch one another eat all man
i ner of queer stall that tbey called food.
v They must bave resembled pigs gathered
around a trough."
"May I ask," said Harold, striving
to control bis wrath, "bow you manage
the matter of eating at the present
"To be sure. You bave been nour
ished since your awakening, have you
"I bave been given a little broth."
"Have you not felt sufficiently nour
ished?" "I bave not suffered with hunger,"
admitted Harold, who suddenly realized
that be bad not felt hunger at all, but
was simply uneasy because be bad not
sat at a table and filled himself with
food as be bad done in the good old
days which were to bim but as yester
day. He began to bave an awful fear
that be bad slept beyond the pleasures
of eating at a loaded table in company
with congenial friends. Mrs. Winthrop's
next words confirmed this fear.
"In this day," she said, "no one
thinks of supplying bis system with
necessary fuel in public. Each takes
such nourishment as bis system requires
whenever it is most needed, but he
would no more think of allowing bis
would think of changing bis linen in
"I fear I have much to learn," said
Harold, "before I shall be able to live
In this da ahem, beautiful world."
"I am afraid you have, sir." replied
Mrs. Winthrop severely, "There is an
old woman living not far from here who
. F j -
h nearly 100 years of age, and that she
has a fine memory. She might be able
to teach you the difference between your
yesterday and our today and so save you
and us a great deal of embarrassment."
Harold thought the idea a good one
and decided to go to this old woman at
once. It was barely possible that she
bad not given, up the good old customs
for the outrageous new ones, and that
be might auk him to slay to dinner. In
an incredibly short space of time be bad
placed himself before ber,
"So you are the sleeper?" she ex
claimed. "My, my, how young you
look! It would be bard for any one to
believe that you are 80 years older than
I am."
Harold looked at the thin figure, the
wrinkled face and the toothless mouth,
then recalled the handsome young fel
low be had seen in. the glass only that
morning and decided that it would be
bard indeed.
"Well," she said when be had made
known bis errand, "what do you most
want to know?"
"How do people manage to eat?" be
asked. "I'm getting deucedly hungry.
Don't you know of a nice place where a
fellow can get roast beef, and mince pie,
and cranberry jelly, and a good oup of
coffee, and a tew such trifles?" Harold's
mouth watl.-ed as be asked the question.
He felt that he had a great deal to do
to make up for all the good things of
life which he had lost while sleeping.
"My dour sir," exclaimed the old
I ' lady, placing a restraining band on bis
arm, "I beg you will not mention such
things again. It makes me quite faint.
Remember that 1 am not so young aa I
, once was."
"Are you hungry?" asked Harold
kindly. He could think of no other rea
son why any one should become faiut
(row bearing such things as roast beef
and mince pie talked about "Is there
a restaurant near?"
"A restaurantl" The old lady burst
into a peal of laughter. "Oh, " she
gasped, "yon take me back to the days
( my childhood I Ob, ll is so funny!
Mary, Mary, come here a momentl"
A young woman mitered the room and
Stood beside tin. oi l lady's chair. Hb
was fully! Ut Nil and wut have!
watgued 800 pounds, jrnt she was not
fleshy, llarulil tmmtfht she limit Wn
famale priinlitfliii r nut wondeivd if tti
old UJy had ml f.' Ur tor protection,
"What I It, grauduia?" she ask)
"'litis young man wlahee lobe direct
ed to a rvtrturttt. Now, are you will
ing to believe thai sued thiuge existed
la my day?"
"Oh, sir," sold Jtfsry, turning ta
Harold, "did )u em sat before any
"I did," rolled Harold, "tad I
should tike ta da tt s.ala. 1 toped I
uiut at least e aenput fle fern,"
"luted ta sat such things 10 or B0
vtart a Weald the old lady, "ball
thadder now to think of it. Yoa will,
too, when you become nsed to the new
"I shudder now to think of life with
out eating," replied Harold, with a fee
ble smile. "I think," he added, "that
I shall not be successful in an attempt
to live on air and water."
"You must go to a physician as soon
aa possible," said the old lady. "Hf
will malte an examination and tell yon
what chemical elements are necessary
to keep your system in good working
order. He will also tell yon bow much
of each should be taken and bow often.
On every corner yon will see shops
where these foods are for sale. Every
one prepares them for one's self, and nc
one thinks of taking bis neighbor into
bis confidence as to bis system's de
mands. Ob, Mary, think bow folkt
would laugh to bear me make these ex
planations!" The old lady bnrst into another peal
of laughter, which Harold found ex
tremely initating. He did not smile.
Neither did Mary, and for a moment be
felt graieful to ber, but only for a mo
ment. "I think such innocence is charm
ing," be beard Mary cay in an under
tone to the old lady. "Such a beautiful
boy should not be allowed to take care
of bimself. It isn't safe. I propose to
take care of bim. It isn't conventional,
I know, but bang conventionalities!"
"She uses slang like a man," thought
Harold. "What next, I wonder?"
Harold began to be somewhat alarmed.
Did this amazon propose to send bim to
lunatio asylum? He wondered if be
could outrun ber should she pursue bim.
Before be bad decided as to what be
bad better do Mary came to bis tide
and took bit band in hers.
"My dear," she taid tenderly, "1
know that what I am about to tay may
teem a little premature, but I am ani
mated by thoughts of your welfare as
well as my own gratification. Love 1i
not measured by hours, but by beart
throbs. Should I know yoa a hundred
years I could not love you more sincere
ly. Will yoa be mine? I promise to
care for you most tenderly."
"Yon promise to good Lord, deliver
ntl What is the woman talking about?"
"I know this must seem sudden to
you, Yoa bave not yet learned to know
your heart, but you are so young and
inexperienced at least to inexperi-
"ITill yon be mlnef I promise to care
jor you most icnaeriy."
enced. Don't you think it would be
better for you to trust your happiness in
my keeping? Don't mind grandma.
Indeed her presence should assure you
at to the parity of my motives."
"It's a proposal!" thought Harold.
"As sure as I live it is a proposal."
He could with difficulty restrain bis
laughter, but be remembered that she
was a woman, and although ridiculously
eccentric not to be laughed at. He
wished he might think of some easy
way of putting her off, believing that
one so weakminded would not long re
member having mentioned such a sub
ject. "Madam," be said, "suppose you try
to forget"
"Does that mean you cannot accept
my love?" asked Mary, who was quite
infatuated with him.
"I am afraid it does," replied Har
old, struggling with bis mirth. In all
bis life he bad never bad so funny an
"And you can laugh!" exclaimed
Mary reproachfully. "You are heart
less, absolutely heartless." She turned
and left the room without another word,
and Harold indulged in unrestrained
laughter until suddenly made aware
tbut the old lady was regarding bim
with great seriouaness.
"It would have been better," she
said, "if yoa had been a little more
manly, Yoa might at least have offered
to bo a brother to her. Yen bave hurt
a very warm heart and lost a good
chance to marry, Mary could have re
lieved yoa of many vexations,"
The old lady's seriousness irritated
Harold. The idea of any one taking
such a proposal seriously was too pre
poatorous to be entertained for a mo
ment, lie concluded that bis call bad
been quite long enough, and that he
should take bis departure as soon be
bad mails sure that she could tell blu
Bothlug more about dining.
"Did I euderttand yoa to say," be
atksd "thai noons eats anything bat
broth and -ah. air?"
"I said nothing shoot estlng sir,
Thurs are nuts and fruits. Tbey ar
produced In artst qusotltlwi, and grow
ers tie with sacs other ta starting nsw
varieties. And, by the way, 1 mutt
warn yon not to rtn a basket of fruit
to any one, 1 iiiHution tt, rtuiemberiug
that ta your day It was done aa a mark
tf friiitlhln and srn of love. Haw
dreadfully conns tt wsst la this day It
weald U eousidertd as Insulting as the
presentstli of a beef roast would asvs
been a hundred ysare arfo,"
"May! ak,std Harold, stalling
st the thought, "what young ne da
efftr the Ultra of thttr tfTsctleei?" j
"What d young nan -on, new fte!
way yoa laughed at Msryl No, la
these dsjfi, tny dear sir, yoacg offer
notning. 11 Would be COnmoeiru a lunta
of immodesty. They do not seek ladies
in marriage. It would be highly Im
proper for them to show any affection
until the lady has offered them some en
couragement." "Am I to understand that women
now do the lovemaking?"
"Why, to be sure!"
"And the men wait to be courted?"
"How ee could there be marriages?"
Harold stared at the old lady for fully
five minutes before replying. Such a
state of affairs was quite beyond his
comprehension. It was too serious to
be laughable.
"It used to be different, I know,"
added the old lady, "but it was no more
"Wasn't it, though!" exclaimed Har
old. "Permit me to say that I do not
agree with you. But let us not quarrel
on that subject. At present I am more
interested in the food question than In
the fact that women bave a corner on
the business of lovemaking. Can yoa
tell me why the change was made in
regard to the habit of dining?"
"Because women could not use their
preolous time in cooking, setting tables,
washing dishes, hemming table linen
and doing the thousand and one other
tasks which the old babit of dining
made necessary."
"But bow do women employ them
selves?" "Keep your eyes open for one week,
my dear sir, and yoa will not nsed to
ask. Although the character of the
work has changed, there it still plenty
to do, and, as yoa can tee, men amount
to little in these days. That ft my opin
ion at least, and I think it will be yours,
ant women do not seem to agree with
me. They consider me very odd for not
attaching myself to one of these little
specimens of humanity. Ab, they did
not live in the, day t when tberewere
men like you!"
"Why are all the men to small?"
asked Harold hastily. He feared an
other proposal.
"It it a natural result of generations
of dissipation. I bave been told that in
1802 there were many miniature speci
mens of masculinity to be seen on the
streets, but the people did not seem to
realize or even to recognize the danger
which they heralded. There was an oc
casional prophet who spoke of the dan
gers of cigarette smoking, for Instance,
but notwithstanding two-tblrdt of the
boyt smoked cigarettes and wondered
why they did not grow to be as large as
their fathers. Were, you as large at
your father?"
Harold admitted that be bad not been,
and that it bad been a source of regret
to bim.
"Had you not gone to sleep," contin
ued the old lady, "I presume yoa would
not bave been so good or so much of a
man in any way as your father. Men
indulged in all sorts of dissipations,
which bad their effect both mentally
and morally. As tbey became less man
ly women became more so. Women
took op all sorts of self culture and be
came man's superior in every way long
before even they or the men recognized
the fact. When the awakening came,
there was a revolution. I think in your
day there was considerable dissatisfac
tion among women, but I am not sure.
Of late years I bave been a little doubt
ful as to dates,"
"I think yoa are right," replied liar
old, who whs very much interested in
the old lady's talk.' " We bad the wom
an suffragists and an organization called
theW. C. T. U. and several smaller or
ganizations which were for the purpose
of training men to know right from
"How did men regard tbera?"
"They laughed at first, I believe. La
ter they became more indulgent."
"But they never read the sign by the
wayside even then. Well, these societies
increased. Women became more and
more self supporting and in every way
Independent. Men were gradually forced
to the wall in the labor market. In
1025 no man dared to ask a woman to
marry bim unless be knew that she
could help support the family, and no
girl would have thought of marrying
without having first learned a trade, for
they placed no faith in man's ability to
care for women. Indeed there were
few marriages, for women did not re
spect men, and men felt nnder no obli
gations to stay with a wife when tbey
thought they could live Busier away
from ber. Women refused to be gov
erned by those whom they considered
inferior to themselves, and finally there
enma the war of the revolution between
the sexes. Men should have seen from
the fust what must bave been the result
of that war. They had become weak-
t-nod by generations of self indulgence.
Women had grown more powerful, and
theirs was not a difficult victory. Aft
t-r the war men found thumsel ves obliged
to tut for wotnan't favor as women had
once sued for theirs. Womou bad little
rt-spect for thm, and for a long time
man's position wss not much superior
to that of slavery. They rapidly lest
what little power of Indspendent thought
they had kept through their years of
dissipation and soon became what you
so them now worts, In fact, for of
Iste ysart there tveraa to be au unstii
nst among a few of them, correspond
ing to the untsstnost tbewa by a few
women In your doy."
Did yott know I.t tty Mays?" akd
narold, who wa rrinlndud of kit old
love by the uiwutlon of tb wouisn of
LU dsy,
"Ob, yte, Hho was a mUdl agi
woman when 1 was a iiltlo girl. I wut
with nr several (lint's few you at yun
! I't, and h told me t grt de al about
on, rlho did not marry until quite
uls la U. blie left O' son. tilt name
was IUm14 Wlatbrop Everett, lie
Married young woman whta be was
mI 00 years vt ago and If ft a tUnyh
tr, whom be stru4 tatty Maya, after
hor grsii.lim Hmr. Litty llvco ahme in
In Ike hmm w litre yoi u. to eouit
bvr f tardiMulhw, 8he is 84 ytars old
now anil It txinalJtrtd tatbr jKUllar,
I btlltt. tof wy part, 1 like hr."
"In what way dt ttte tlniw hr pe
tolltrll;!" t.k.4 !Unl4,
"Oh, she does'nt like men very well.
Bbe never tskes a man anywhere. She
declares that she will not marry until
ahe finds a man as smart as herself, and
the talks so much about equality be
tween the sexes that she is making many
men quite uneasy. She has quite a fol
lowing among the men wboae wives do
sot treat them well. One she said that
ahe was waiting for Harold Winthrop
to awaken that she might propose to
him. Of course, sir, you will under
stand that she was joking, not believing
that you would ever awaken."
"I understand," replied Harold, "but
let me tell you this: When I marry, it
will not be to a woman who makes love
to me. I reserve the little pleasure of
popping the question aa my exclusive
"Oh, nonsense!" replied the old lady
playfully. "I've heard young men talk
before. When the right girl asks you to
marry her, you'll assent without a word
of protest."
Somewhat tired with hit long conver
sation with the old lady, Harold decid
ed to rest himself by oalling on Miss
Letty Mays Everett He hoped that be
might find a little pleasure such as be
used to enjoy in getting up a mild flirta
tion with tbe granddaughter of bis old
(To be continued.)
Headache bad? Get Dr. Miles' Pain Pills.
The People's Party Platform Adapted
at Omaha July 4, 1803.
Assembled upon the 118th anniversary
of the Declaration of Independence, the
People's party of America, In their first
national convention, Invoking upon
their action the blessings of Almighty
God, puts forth In the name and on be
half of tbe people of thla country the
following preamble and declaration of
The conditions whioh surround u
best justify our co-operation. We meet
la the midst of a nation brought to tho
verge of moral, political and material
mln. Corruption dominates the ballot
box, the legislatures, the oongress, and
touches even tbe ermine of tbe bench.
The people are demoralized; moot of
the states have been compelled to iso
late the voters at the polling placet to
pro ventunlversal Intimidation or bri
bery Tbe ne wspape rs are largely tub
tidlzed or muzzled, publio opinion
tllenoed; business prostrated; our homes
covered with mortgages; labor Impover
ished and tho land concentrating in tke
hands of capitalists. The urban work
men are denied the right of organiza
tion for self protection; Imported pau
perized labor beats down their wages, a
birellag standing army, unrecognized
by our laws, is established to shoo I
them down; and tbey are rapidly de
generating into European conditions.
Tbe fruits of tbe toll of millions are
boldly stolen to build up colossal for
! tunes for a few, unprecedented in tbe
history of mankind; and the possessors
of those, la turn, despise the republic
and endanger liberty. From tbe same
prolific womb of governmental iajustioo
we breed tbe two great classes trampa
and millionaires. Tbe national power
to create money It appropriated to en
rich bondholders. A vast publio debt,
payable In legal tender currency, hat t
been funded into gold-bearing bonds,,
thereby adding millions to the burdena
of the people.
Sliver, which has been accepted aa
coin slnoe the dawn of history has been
demonetized to add to the purobailng
power of gold by decreasing the value
of all forms of property as well aa hu
man labor, and the supply of currency
Is purposely abridged to fatten usurers,
bankrupt enterprise aud enslave indus
tries. A vast conspiracy against man
kind has been organized on two conti
nents and it is rapidly taking possession
of tbe world. If not met and over
thrown at once, It forebodes terrlbla
social convulsions, the destruction of
olvllliatlon or the establishment of an
absolute despotism.
Wa have witnessed for mora than
quarter of a century tka itrugglea
of the two great political parties
(or power and plunder, while griev
ous wrongs hare been inflicted
upon a suffering people. We oharga
that tVanAntvnlllns InfluannM domlnit-
, h le, h penning
. a a. jut . i.
the existing dreadful conditions to do
voloa. without serious efforts to prevent
or restrain thorn. Neither do they now
promise us any substantial reform.
They have agr4 together to Ignore,
ta tho eoralag campaign, every issuo
, but one. They propose to Crown the
outcries of a plundered people with the
uproar of a sham battle over tho tariff,
to that capitalists, eorporatioas, aatlea
al banks rings, trusts, watered stock,
the loBoaetliatioa of sliver aad tho
oppreesloat of the uturort stay all ho
t lost tight of. Thof propoe to taerlloe
our hones, lives and ehtldrea oa tho
altar ot mammon; to deetrey the mul Vi
tus' la order to secure oorruptiea funds
frost the millionaires,
Attetnblod oa the aaatvorsary of the
blrttdty of the tattoa aad 8114 with
the spirit of the graad fsaeratlua
waioa established our taiopeadoaoe,
we seek to reotor the govoraraont of
tho republic to the kaads of "tho plain
people," with whom tt originated.
) 3WsrtourpurpuMslonetdaUcal
with the purpose of ta national ma
ttituUoaJ "To form a ttere port I
ttlce, eeUhltth Jjttloe, Insure 4oro
Ua trweviUlty, prottdo (or toe oomasoa
4Je, promote the geaeral welfare
I aad toaure tho hloselage of liberty H
' o reel e aad our posterity."
, Wo declare that thlt republlo can only
endure aa a free government while built
upon tho love of the whole people for
each other and for the nation; that It
cannot he pinned together by bayonets;
that tho civil war la over and that
every passion and resentment which
grew out ot tt must die with It, and
that wo must belafaot at wo. are la
aame, the united brotherhood of free
Our eouatry finds Itself confronted by
conditions for which there Is no prece
dent in the history of tho world; our
annual agricultural produotiont amount
to billions of dollars ta value, which
must within a few weeks or months be
exohanged for billions of dollars of com
modities consumed la their production;
the existing currency supply it wholly
inadequate to make this exehange; the
results are falling prtoes, the formation
of combines aad rings and tho im
poverishment of the produolcf olass.
We pledge oureolveo that, If given
power, we will labor to correct these
evils by wise and reasonable legls
atioa la accordance with tho term
of our platform. We believe that
tho powers of government la other
words, . of tko people should bt
xpanded (at in the oaw at the aootaJ
servloe) as rapidly and aa far at tho
good sense of an Intelligent people aad
tho teachings of experience shall justify,
to tho end that oppression, injus
tice and poverty shall eventually
cease in tho land.
While our tympathlet at a party of
reform are naturally upon the aide of
every proposition whioh will tend to
make mea Intelligent, virtuous aad
temperate, we nevertheless regard
these questions, Important aa they are,
aa secondary to the great issues now
pressing for solution, and upon which
not only our individual prosperity, but
tho very existence of free Institution!
depend; and we ask all men to first
help ut to determine whether we aro to
have a republlo to administer, before
wo differ at to tho conditions upon
which it It to be administered. Bellev
lng that the forces of reform thla day
organized will never cease to move
forward until every wrong It remedied,
and equal rights and equal privileges
securely established for all men aad
wo-nen of the country, therefore
, . rtt That tho union of tho labor
forces of the United States, thlt day
consummated, shall be permanent and
perpetual. May its spirit enter Into all
hearts for the salvation of the republlo
and the uplifting of mankind.
Seoond Wealth belongs to him who
oreatet It, and every dollar taken from
Industry without an equivalent it rob
bery, "If any will not work, neither
shall he eat." The Interests of rural
and civic labor aro the same; their ene
mies Identical.
Third We believe that tho time hat
come when tne railroad corporations
will either own tho people or the people
mus. own tbe railroads, and should the
government enter upon tho work of
owning and managing any or all rail
roads, we should favor aa amendment
to the constitution by which all persoal
engaged In tho government tervloe
shall bo placed under a civil tervloe
regulation of tho most rigid character;
so aa to prevent the Increase of tho
power of the national administration by
the use of tuch additional government
We demand a national currency, safe,
sound and flexible, Issued by the gene
ral government only, a full legal tender
for all debts, publio and private,
and that without the use ol
banking corporations; that a just, equit
able and efficient means of distribution
direct to the people, at a tax not to ex
ceed two per cent, per annum, to U
provided, as set forth in tbe subtreasury
plan ot the Farmers' Alliance, or tome
better system; also by payments in dis
charge of Its obligations for publio im
provements. We demand the free and unlimited
coinage of silver and gold at the present
legal ratio of 16 to 1.
Wo demand that the amount of circu
lating medium be speedily Increased tt
not less than 150 per oaplta.
We demand a graduated Income tax
Wo believe that the moneys of tht
country thould be kept as muck aa poo
ilblelnthe hand! of the people, aa(
heuoo we demand that all state anf
national revenue shall bo limited U
the necessary ei peases of the govern
ment, economically and honestly ad'
W demand that postal savings banki
to established by the government, lot
the safe deposit of tho earnings of th
people, and to facilitate exchange.
Transportation being a meant ot ea
change aad a pubho aeoestity, the gov
ernment should owa and operate th
railroads la the Interest of the people.
Tbe telofriph aad telephone, Ilk
the postoffloe system being a necessity
for traotmltaloa of tses, should U
owned and operated by the government
In the late rest of the veople.
The land, Including aJl the natural
resource of wvalta, ts tro pohj
all the people, and should not ho awno
jllwdlor speculative purpose, aa4
alloa ownership et load should bit pro
htblled. Altlaedt tew hell by rati
roadi and other eorporaUoes la oioeaj
of their actual needs aad al) land a
owned by a) toes, should ho reel al meg
by the goverauisat aad held tor
MlUsr oaly,
therefor the Customary Teat ot the
Condition of Biulne Aro Lata In
atrnctlva Thin Vaoal Wheet
Getting- Down to Terr Low
Price Failure Deereaa
lng Uank Clearing.
Nxw Yonit, July 23 R. O. Dun
f i- nr. i - j rnMM ......
iu. a M corny ivovievr ul iiaug onjm.
' 'The effects of the two great strikes
have not yet entirely worn off, and
meanwhile disagreement between tho
two houses of congress has made
tariff uncertainties more dlatinct and
impressive. It follows that tho
customary tests of the condition
of busmoas are less instructive
than usual. The financial situa
tion is somewhat less feeble,
because the exports of goods bavo
been resumed and are $3,300,000 for
the week, but treasury receipts bavo
been 82,040,391 for customs, againtt
$3,051,574 last year, and 87,474, S.V in
ternal revenue, against $3,970, 5 18 last
year. The extraordinary payments to
anticipate the Increase of taxation on
whisky are rapidly locking up a largo
amount of cash, and taking from tho
government part of the expected in
crease of revenue, which in tbe cur
rent loss in customs receipts Is large
ly due to tbe postponement of im
ports, in expectation of lower duties
hereafter. Thus, the treasury haa
been gaining In tho batance at the ex
pense of some lots in revenue hereaf
ter. Wheat has been Hkuttng on thin lee,
with a chance of breaking through
and making the lowest rcordiever
known, and has declined 3 cents for
the week. With railroads generally
blockaded in the wheat belt it is a
satisfying indication that the western
receipts are about two-thirds of laat
year's, 3,371,514 buslieln, against
8,028,379 a year ago, while the ex
ports from Atlantic ports are insig
nificant, only 673,403 bushels, againat
8,808,627 lant year. The enormous
visible supply hits less actual weight
in the market than th prevalent con
vlctlon that government estimates of
yield are widely erroneous.
Corn has advancd it shade with no,
satisfactory reason, for the prospeot
it excellent for a larjre yield. A
iMnt &nAmiln.fir,n It, rmttt l'ifitt liAtrtm fA '
liquidate with the customary losses
to the wise men w! o knew all about
it Cotton has elect n -d a f ruction and
all indications still point to a material
increase of yield.
The most hopeful sign noted thla
week ia that failures continue com
paratively few and not very import
ant. The atftfreKate of liabilities for
the twelve days ending July 13 was
$3,630,300, of which $1,409,831 was of
manufacturing, $L,408,3O4 of trading
concerns, which is decidedly below
the average for the past half year.
The failures this week have been 236
in the United (States, ajrainst 467 last
year and 44 in Canada, against 25 last
year. :
Colonel Moore May Yet Iteeelve .the
Popnllat Nomination for C'ongreaa.
Fort Scott, Kas., July 33. After
the adjournment of the Democratio
congressional convention here last
week, Judge J. I). Hill, ex-chairman
of the Democratio congressional com
mittee; W. C Jones, chairman of tbe
Democratic stato central committee;
Frank Mapes of Wyandotte, lion. S.
A. Riggs of Lawrance, and other
leading Democrats held several cau
cuses at the Huntington with Frank
Willard, K. M. Chenault, Rod Gallo
way and J. Ilerrick, the chairman of
the Populist county central com
mittee. What was decided upon
has not yet been given out, but those
who are qualified to know say that
Willard will be withdrawn and Moore
endorsed by the Populists.
Convention at Mule Hock,
Mom nate a State Ticket.
Little Rock, Ark., July 23. The
Populist state convention nominated
the following ticket: Governor, D. E.
Barker; secretary of state, 11. M.
lieain; auditor, A. J. Nichols; treas
urer, T. J. Andrews; attorney general,
Dr. J. A. Meek, state land commis
sioner, U. 8. Jones; commissioner of
agriculture, 8. 11. Nowlin; superin
tenoent of publio instruction, J. P.
The platform indorses the Omaha
platform and demands the free aad
unlimited coinage of silver at tho
ratio of Id to 1, without waiting for
the co-operation ot any other govern
ment, and demands absolute r?trio
tion of undesirable Immigration from
every nation of the gtobo,
lllg tire In Alabama.
ItiRMixatiAU, Ala,, July 31 At a
fire bore this morning, Parry A Mason,
wholuU tin company, and Mowers,
whole!e and reUl furniture, were
totally destroyed. !.o on building
and aUMfk '..iu,oh.
The Caldwell hotel, the handsomest
building In thw city, rive ktorles high,
and nupptuwd tD be tlroprtiof, i aim)
go. It la valued, with furnkhinga.
at 13' 0,ooo; inurane, 1
wss owned by the Caldwell company.
MelaralM tkelv eite laaU,
Ct.avst.Ao, Ohio, July ?! The f.
ces of the various oeaa steemtbip
com!k. f Ms elty are llee4 by
large a timbers of foreigner who are
taking advantage t( the preaeat
steamship war and eontequeat low
rate to return to their native lauds,
I at porta kirtaeta' I laa IIIW4.
CuroHU, Kan., July 1 1There aro
over 150 ktri'aera out of tm4aymeat
ta this fiy, Ths rte4, however, ha
all the hands It ran use, aud r.eay
applicants tor work are turned iwa
earn a day.