The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, July 12, 1894, Image 2

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Klotera Wer Ordered te Mot
Back or Ihey Would Ue Fired Coon
. They Refoied to llodg-a and
te Order to Fire Wat
Then (liven Kloter Still
Burning Can.
Chicago, July D. The United States
troops have opened firo at last and
twenty men have gone down before
them, and at this time there is no
telling how many have been wounded.
The fight occurred on the tracks of
the Chicago and Western Indiana road
at Forty-seventh and Loomis streets.
The causo of -the fight was an at
tack on a wrecking train made by the
mob. The Western Indiana workmen
liad partially succeeded In clearing
away an obstruction when the mob
drove them away.
A company of regulars was close at
hand and word was sent to them ask
ing for aid. The regulars responded
on the run, and in a few minutes
were confronting the m. b.
The rioters wero order I to move
back or they would be l d upon.
They refused to move or to disperse
and the order to fire was then given.
Only one volley was fired, but it
caraewith deadly effect The num
ber of killed is variously estimated at
twenty to thirty and the number of
wounded at as many more.
As soon as the news of the shooting
reached army headquarters, addi
tional troops were hurried out to
lend assistance and a dozen pa
trol wagons loaded with police officers
were being hurried to the scene, but
before the aid had arrived the fight
was over and the mob, which fled like
sheep at the first shot, was completely
A train was hastily improvised to
bring the dead and wounded to the
city and in a short time the injured
men were picked up by the soldiers
and members of the wrecking crew
and loaded upon the train, which
started for the city at a raped rate.
The news of the shooting was re
ceived at army headquarters within a
few minutes after it occurred, and
caused considerable excitement "I
tin very Borry for it all," said General
Miles, "but the injured men are alone
to blame. ' '
"The troops have been patient to
the last degree, so much so in fact
that the mob was beginning to think
that they would not shoot The fir
ing from what information I have at
present was strictly in accordance
with orders from this office, was
necessary for the public welfare and
justified by the circumstances. I
think, now that the mob know that
ianl III J - Ta , it, nritiitlumi
withdrawals tow - t
utanJOOlM wul urs tviu tntwinu i
when ordered, the trouble is nearly
4:23 P. M. The mob gathered again
in a few minutes and military and po
lice are involved in a new battle. The
regular light artillery has been or
dered to tho scene. The firing was
done by compauy d, Fifteenth in
' To-day's incendiarism bogan in a
brand-new quarter, the Chicago, Bur
, lington and Quincy switching yards at
Crawford, just west of the Hawthorne
race track, being attacked. Fully a
dozen freight cars in the yard were
burned bright and early at daylight.
The destruction of tho cars was com
plete. The rioters were, however,
soon dispersed by police.
Abart'clook a mob of about 500
Ktrilw atured the Baltimore &
X)bA wrecUing train at Fifty-ninth
--Vt. TheNtraln crew fled.
Before "0 o'clock officials of the
Grand Trunk telephone the police
that larire mobs' of wieu were moving
down their tracks In the direction of
their shops at the crossing of the Pan
handle tracks at rorty-ninin sireeu
The police restored order.
Half an hour later a message came
from the Northern Pacific and Balti
more and Ohio roads that mob were
iratherinff at Forty-seventh street.
where these companies had wreoking
trains. The o Ulcers checked the mobs
Along the rallwav tracks between
Thirty-ninth snd Fifty-fifth streets in
the Mewsrt avenue district, police
o flicer. details of militia and federal
tronna were scattered and held the
mob iu check. At Brighton l'urk
police squad was on guard under com
mand of Lieutenant Walsh with or
- tiers to shoot at the Unit attempt of
1 the rioters to destroy properly
siiors ania HiorsH to tin
Intent on destroying freight cars In
the Monon yards at SUty- fourth
street s mob gathered In that district
arlv and started for the yards. Or
riera to dipr had n effect snd v
nral thutt were tired into the dlor
lrl rankii. Then the rioters rW
One of their number we struck
a bullet from rerifsot llrnton'
revolver. The wound snparenll
H4i rrrlont snd the msn wat hurried
aw By by his friend.
At It a. m, it was reported that
luob ws tlrlttif esra sud prtip-
erty on the l'b)'sgo snd Northern
IV'ine rilrtstl nest the wtm tdtt
limits live eomiHinle of 1'nilr
. MaU troia from the LsUs trout
i were st ones ordered to the Grand
if tfMrst do?"t U take a train to the
r lllif-
'tne aii'iiaragr, i (
y trroiua dUtcl I MSUarlBf
V littivt ftars, toiao .f I6t
nil four, torn in tlis on4 four,
found Ins at
marehlnjr trbough th
1; Nt
ten minutes (ter toe
A few moments after 11:30 a. m. at
mob numbering 500 tore np the main
tracks of the Panhandle road at
Fiftieth street The police charged
them, but were met with a volley of
pistol shots. i The police refrained
from returning the fire, but succeeded
by renewed charges in dispersing the
crowd. The Second regiment went to
Fifty-seventh street to act as a guard
for the Panhandle tracks.
There were no crowds of the idle
and vicious men at the stock yards
this morning to interfere with the
work of clearing the tracks. A large
number of strikers slept in vacant
lots adjacent to the Link Belt 'Ma
chinery company's pflJV'Wt they
showed no disposition fj resume their
unlawful operations,' H
Nelson II. Morris, j&vift and Ar
mour have all sworn, lispveral hun
dred special officer to fruard their
property. They feafj incendiaries
more than the train wreckers.
The police closely g-i larded the Lake
Shore, Fort Wayne, .Wisstern Indiana
and Pennsylvania tracks at the stock
yardsall last nigh tand io-dav. Tracks
are being slowly cleared of obstruc
tions, with the intention that as soon
as this was accomplished switching
would begin. 5 Is
Police oilicers encouitered the riot
ers at Fiftieth street and the Grand
Trunk tracks this uornlng. Shots
were fired on both siii es but no one
was hit I i
Five freight .cars sf Ending on the
Burlington tracks b stween Wood
street and Western avc jue were fired
by a crowd of woidet. and boys. In
the 4,000 people the percentage of
men was small. The i re was extin
guished without inter! irence.
The federal authorit is have deter
mined upon a decisive move against
the strikers which majresult in the
federal troops firing nion the mobs.
United States Marsho : Arnold and
General Miles had a co1 Bultation this
morning at the military headquarters
and it was decided to s nd troops to
all the roads which an , tied up and
clear the yards and tra ks. The plan
decided upon is to sen4 one company
of United States troop; to each of the
depots along with forty' depuly mar
shals. A train will thei be started on
each of the roads 'aid the miltary
and marshals will cleat the yards and
tracks of the crowds. :.; The soldiers
will have orders to fir ' upon any one
who disobeys the ord ir to leave the
railroad property. j
The Lake Shore road tent out three
passenger trains this tc irning, two of
them promptly on Urn i All incom
ing trains arrived St
time. I
the depot on
The Bock Island roaA
is still corn
office force
pletely tied up. Tl:
within the city is temp
rarily laid off
and no business transacted st the gen
eral office.
No trains are runnln
on the Baltl-
more and Ohio north of
uth Chicago.
Qte train on the Cliic igo' and Alton
road, due last night,! j reached the
depot this morning. tXij other trains
came in and none otherA went out
The Panhandle is', alto completely
tied up. M
A little business was done by the
Chicago Central, the seta the r a branch
of the Northern Pacific !
The Chicago, Burlingwn and Quincy,
Chlcsgo, Milwaukee atd St Paul and
Chicago and Northwestern roads were
operating their pansep,
r trsins as in
Chief Seavey ol omana.mresiaeni oi
T ' T . . J
the National Chiets ot ra,ice associa
tion of the United Statestlto-day tele
graphed to Superintendent Brennan
or Uhlcago onering io ,ntnu i,uw uui
formed policemen to Chicato from the
seventy-eight ditrereni
of the national associate
, providing
Chicasro would pay the1
uperlntendent isrennen
eplied that
the men were not neede
at present
At 2:15 o'clock this mining about
forty freight cars wero, set on fire in
the Chicago, Burlington ftnd Quincy
yards at Nineteenth I ntid Leavltt
The firemen soon controlled it
General Maeter Workmli Sovereign
Agrees to Call Oat HI Mm Monday.
Cbicaoo, July 9. At tl a conference
held to-day at Uhlrich lii 11 between
President Debs of the Ara srlcan Rail
way union and General If lister Work
man Sovereign ot the Kaights oi L.a-
bor it was settled, so far as tnese two
men can act. that all menbers of the
order ot Knights of Lt,bor shall be
called out Mouttay. vtjfeign yield
ed readily to the demands of Debs
and is now engaged inf drawing up
the order for a general stine. It will
not be In force, however, jttntU it shell
be signed bv the four gather mem
bers of the executive committee, who
are now on their way to liicaga
The first step In inaugurating the
funeral strike, advUed It the Build
at and Trades counellJ was taken
to-day, when all the atesfn fitters em
ployed st sll the xtocK yards packing
houses, except Fowltr'i went out
The steam fitters constitute one or
the strougeitt branches f tie Build
ing Trades' slllance. ?
The Tie-1 I omnleie el firt Sra4 aat
II Ir wln ham. Af.
Font St-otr. Kan., July 1 The tie-
up on the Fort Hootl : nAd Memphis
road is complete. .oi a vel ta turs-
Inginthe jsrds In thkr eity. Ar
trains have been ati4vned.
. W"
roundliotiM U ht jwn.
freight train are tied u alon
road oa side Irat ks, and 2ie e'ine
and caWtaea have Wen "lVuf ht to
thU city.
UisMiii uim. Ai . July 9. No trains
except one earn In iiutU ruiititng on
I he Kaavt litr. Memphis ami Hirin
Injfham failratl. Kvm ths telr-ifrapli
ipralr haj j!nd Ih tie up ou
thai rl
The switchmen ol I he Qiieea and
tVeacent srt all outau4 only mail and
loral trains ar un.viu.
hrHOuriKiK M, July 0, Ths
a.rllie alluation on the Mmnphia wt
la UQchsneJ her ttlay. All IAS
shop ivJrouJrll. ' ars out
wt'tlf iSm! ar , . i.
" a i - mm i!n rurr w
plural, ) If i " '"f
It u d'littuu, awui.iliiiig, a4 atatt-V
BwlVkt tirwat fjakaf.
Is the
W. rAKLyl CO Dgrthctter,
,, 00 at-
f afnbr of
.-,-vu yards all
day Y-ut cviry thing is quiet and
Scarcely a Wheel Tornlng on the Mem
phi Syatem The Other Koade,
Kansas City, Ma, July 6. To-day
the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Mem
phis railway is most affected by the
strike. Five hundred of its men in
Kansas City are idle, more than 400
having been laid otf because about
seventy refused to work. The passen
ger service of the Memphis route is
mnftt ftikrtnnKlv !n f rrnnf frl TliA W
I bash railr-H, - y -trr-otT
fee siiailUBliiL Irakns are moved out I
t ir r'.L.. 1 1 v v. ..4 it.
impossible to get them through
Moberly. The Santa Fe route which
was first affected is the first to get
out and seems to have fully recovered
its normal state so, far as passenger
service is concerned. The Chicago,
Great Western is still running trains
at irregular interval and in the face
of great obstacles. The Chicago and
Alton has got its se ?ond wind and is
doing fairly well thdugh its fast Chi
cago, Kansas City tervice has not
been resumed. At I Argentine the
situation is about the same to-day.
The Santa Fe is moving freight tra ins.
Ten day switchmen out of eighteen
employed in the west yards of the
Missouri Pacific railway near the Kaw
river refused to return to work at 1
o'clock this afternoon. The Union
Pacific is now the onJy big Kansas
City line that has not been troubled
locally by strikers. I
The Santa Fe broiight into tha
Union depot this morping the' first
train from New Mexico isince June 30.
Governor Stone Iue
Calling (or Upholding of tha Law.
Jeffkhsos City, Mo., July 9. Gov
ernor Stone has issued j a proclama
tion calling on the citizens of Missouri
to uphold the law. flel warns all
against interference with either pas
senger or freight trafflcje, and says
railroads must be allowed to run their
trains free of interference if they can
find men to do it Ms wt rns all per
sons that he will enforce '.the law re
gardless of consequences.
1 rouble is apprehended
at Spring-
iGflicials of the Kansas City,
Fort Sdott and Memphis ra
ilroad tele-
graphekl the governor thi
,8 morning
that the road needed to be
Governor Stone im mediate ly directed
ine stierirr to summon
posse to preserve order.
Adjutant General Wicltham
Sheriff Bet tore Soma On
Mobkbly, Mo., July" 9,
General Wickham is here
personal observation
Na 11 bound for Kansas Ciity, ; was
got away at 11:30 o'clock without
trouble, the engine being in cmarge of
a non-union engineer and a nota-snion
fireman. A strong force of (United
States deputy marshals and ideputy
sheriffs started witu the train.
The officials are now busy gietting
ready to start all trams out on I time
More Freight Belug- Handiad an
aanrer Service Nearer Perfect!
St. Louis, Mo., July 9. The local
situation showed a little change I for
.Uf'ft.., better .to-day. A 'little f.ore
1....: . Alftd.'tn klf--
freight was being hanO but foren
more could be handleqhits. Tie in
terruption at other pofoiprovempas
senger service shows ia Jd in tiro ia
the number oi trains ao,r(0n to ta)
The employment or niAitinues l.tna
place of tho strikers cor. made tt no
effort has as yet beenf ailroad pn
them at work. The "JniteAiftrds
are patrolled now by r.o-'.M'Vi Ites
deputy marshals as wdil ase al
Police- ' Tri
BaiidreUt of Men Out of Work a a Re
sult ot the Tie-Up.
Kajjsas City, Ma, July 9.r-The
Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis
rallwav slions in Kansas City were
closed yesterday by order of Presi
dent George H. jNettleton, and to-day
over 400 men who worked there are
out of employment At the same
time work was suspended at the
Springfield shops where 300 men are
employed, and the same general order
throws out of work about 100 men
along the line, all on account of tjlic
tie-up of the line resulting from the
strike of switchmen and firemen.
The laaeneer Service Generally tte-Es
tablished and r'relghte Moving.
ToreKA. Kan., July 9. General
Manner Frey reports an Improve
situation on the Santa Fe system, so
far as the movement of Wains U con
cerned. Passenger trains are running
with little iotrruttton ana a number
of freight trains have paswd the
blockades. , r
( hrbilUa fcadeavorere ravoreav
' Ta.cvti.ASO, Ohio, July 9, A com
ruSttee from the Amtstit'an Hallway
Union called at Ue liMthiuarter of
the Christian Kidiav(r society to-day
and a-'kuro'' ta ortieers that the minv
Uerof 'it American Kali way I nion
wott'A l everylhlnK In their Hwr
ij facilitate I lie movement of ths
train curry In ovulate to the
Christian r.ifleavor ni'ptin. llelU't
l.ui iviu n, Kr., July u. n order
was f"pipd her . ilr from Irl
tlent lKh M-ler!ojr mil all American
Kail way union men on the Louisville
snd Nahtlte road. A rrly w
ant hlatllU that th 111 Oil had MO
rrievanco BirIut tbe road and ie
fuM-il to strike.
wrtaia stuialM. In Omaha.
lit-iHMis. iw. Julr a-Uallway
trsnui U completely Uiiiiirali'"d I"
th terrll-rv. Nearly all fttlffhl
Iralna ara Bt a ataitd.lill and I""
rer IrainB very lrrejfir, MippUe
uf niiar. rice and other trocsivs art
fivinwut. i
k in b'ii ji-t ir
BhrB Kr- 'ta !' a'jmn
aotin t an t no io.. l :!'
l and tha
iter. ,
AA Infant.
ttiaking a
B't f.rl. I
a i
The Frlnce of Wales' Crack Tacht Cornea
In Ahead of George J. Gould' Cot
ter lly One Minute and Fifty-Fire
Second A Diver On tha
Wrecked Valkyre I-aylng
On Her HeeL
tjcxTEB's Quay, Scotland, July 9.
crack American yacht Vigilant,
t vfied by George J. Gould, and the
Phce of Wales' yacht Brittanuia,
m for the second time to-day in the
Fili of Clyde, and for the second
this the Britannia won by a close
cs li
k Tie finishing time of the yachts was
a fallows: Vigilant, 4:16:37; Britanna,
4:3 7 12. The Britanna with her
ti i( allowance of three minutes,
wc by one minute and fifty-five
sec iids.
liver who examined the wreck of
alkyrie, reports that she is lying
r keel, with a large hole in her
side. It has not yet been decided
her attempt will be made to raise
Lret of the
ICucycIlcal to the Cath
olics of This Country.
3fw York, July 9. A special from
Baltimore, Md., says that the last en-
cyisHcal of Pope Leo XIII has been re
coirfd at tliearche piscopal residence,
an'lpy the courtesy of Cardinal Gib
bo?u a careful English translation of
thttj.atin text has been prepared.
The! encyclical is addressed to the
peoptle of the United States and para
gru(lis from it are as follows:
It ju with the game burning charity that we
novairn toward these people who in-a more
rec'iai axe, under thu influence of exc ptional
con rsltion-i, temporal and materil, left the
bosS of the Jiumun church Forgetful of
pua t ficlsHituiles, let them raise their spirit
abe re human things and consider tbe church
fon k'd by Johus brist If they will
the v compare their own church with
thh- i'hurch and so to wbat a pass re
liirf'M has come with them Un-y will admit
realllv that having (orxotten the primi
tlvf traditions in several important points the
ebb Spd now of variety has made them slip
lDf S'W thlnes. And they will not deny that
of t M truths which the authors of this new
sttiflof thliiRH had taken with them whea
the. ' Seceded hardly any certain formula re
maiM T ;af liberty of the state, however, need not
are ti( i rivalriei and antagonisms for the
chu r i aspires to no power and obeys no am
biA'N What it desire solely is to preserve
bdu bi : men the exercise of virtue and by this
measl assure their eternal salvation. And so
it t Ml condescension and material processes.
Mors nun this having retard to tbe require
mat ti of all societies, itxometimes waives the
exe:S eof its own ri.'hts, as has been shown
abuiK intly by its conventions with different
stat a Nothing is further from it thoughts
thai, o trespass upon the rlvhts of civil au
thoili i, which in return should respect the
right) of the church and beware of usurping
ant i irt of them.
4 u If now we can consider wbat is happen
ing eifour time, what tendency do we see by
maryjpf thechurchesy Suspected, disdained,
bah d accused, and, what is worse, no efforts
are' ij ired to brln it under the yoke of civil
auil e Ity. Its property is confiscated and its
libs t 's narrowed its education of the aspir
ant t the priesthood Is hampered: reiivrious
goci (I1 es are dissolved or forbidden. In short,
we Art ness a revival of all the restalltst meth
ods i 'his is a violation of the rights of the
chttif It is prep:irin lamentable catastro
phe or society, for it is the open contradlo
iioS S the plans of God The state has its
own r bts and duties The church has hers.
Bet'lhf'n them should be bonds of. strictest
iible in the relations of church and
1 grare peril to unity is the Masonlo
rmMnhla clas which has lon x nu
sect, a n
ll nations and especially the Cath-
olio nst
1, no rich in mercy, God, who holds
ver the times and the propitious
in Hi
hoursj'iriliis intlnite itoodness, grant our
t)ravefSnQ nasten tne promise oi u
Christ. here shall be one low ana one
Hen to Con-
riHP Selects the
the Tariff Disagreement.
ngtos, July 'J. wnen tne
et to-day the senate tariff
reported back by the ways
ns committee witn tne recom
mendation of non-concurrence in the
senat. amendments and lor the ap-
poiotnent of conferrees.
Spe ilicr Crisp ruled that it should
be releii'ed to the committee of the
whole i j The Republicans, led by Mr.
lined, nrotested against haste and ap-
plicati4i of the g&g rule, but without
Sine tier Criso named a3 conferees
nn th.ttiartof the house. Messrs. Wil
f I West Vlrtrinia. McMillin of
Tenm)See, Turner of Georgia snd
Montifmery of Kentucky, Democrats,
ami Reed of Maine. Burrows of Michi
gan Sft4 Payne of New York, Republi
cans, 1
r i
A tonfany Storo
t gprlof Valley,
tteaneU Out la Short Order.
Srriiaio Vai.i.kv, 111., July 0. A mob
of Lithuanians, men, women and chil
dren, fathered in front of the coal
company's stora last night, 1,000
strong, and lefran to nuri stones
through the windows. 1 his was soon
followed by the breaking In of the
door. Kver.vone took ull the (rootls
he could curry away.
The store contained a stock valued
at l,0io snd there w4a not a dollar's
worth In It st midnight The police
made no re.UUnce, an the people
were in dlro ueed ol food.
Ueaeral Brhnlil OnUrt lite orlhera
l arlne Opened lly th Military.
XVAMMSMf", June K IScneral Sc1m
Held ha sent onlera to lieneral Mcr
ritt at !t Canl, and lieneral tula at
Vam?uer burracka, dirtutinir thtu
to ue ihclr force to oH-B up coin
milt ual ion lhrniiihoul tho enlir
lenw'ih "f H Northern Pacini road.
P,ltion taken I thl lhi road is
tun and mall line. Miuiiar or-
nil) khortlf lviiti rovrrlnir th
I nion Pacini system.
Hauaea ll Wr tralwa.
Nt.iiiin, 111., July ! la order
to ir
to delay Iralna on the aKh,
ot the ktrtkeri literally sat upon
the Ir
A c-v.cuilv. Knidicri final
ly ru4 ved thm i t ta d flloulty
ilUl praetialy aiifhnd.
trik is hv t-trt rrct.' l for
fvrlpe with " mulls.
i "1
house ,Bl
bill ai
and mea
Tio-re 1
, w
Fourth District CeaWfesslona! Con
v eat lost j
Wahoo, Itr. June S, lft
The People s Independent Any convention
of the Fourth Congresslonat district of the
state of Nebraska la hereby called to meet st
York. uirust 8th. -189. at t o'clock p. m., tor
the piiroe of placing lptTionilaatlon onejean
didate for Coigress for iheTFouith Congres
sional district of Nebraska,;and for the trans'
action of such other business as may properly
come before the convention. The basis of
representation will be one delegate for each
county at large, and one delegate for each 100
votes or major fraction ihereef cast far Silas
A. Eolcomb for supreme Judge In 1893. The
several counties will be entitled to represent.
tlon as follows:
Butler 131
Seward . .
rl Imore H
Gage II
Hamilton 13
Jefferson 7
Polk 13
Saunders 15
Total 133
It is recommended that no proxks be ad
mitted and that the delegation present cast
the full vote of their respective "ounties.
W. H. Amer, Chairman, Beatrice.
W. O. Band, Secretary, Wahoo.
Proceedings of Last National Conn
Those desiring copies of the proceed
ings of the last supreme Council of the
National Alliance and amended consti
tution, can get them at 5 cents a copy,
bound together, by addressing Col. I).
P. Duncan, Columbia. S. C.
ftnd for
CAM' n pi lv
rltDIClNG CO..
Schtnectady, N.Y.
a orfickvillcOnV
4 fine .4k cold plsv
11 nftOer or tin paper.
v eO1 thu 01 flH' ' io " wit
y Jl suii uauiv awsw swnnn,
r(f (B willwud yoa ou of Ibetr clrjtant.
Hi sC ritbly irWei,fd' d,d "lushed watches
ft oy KwvTfm tor examination, ana it
1 vsui llidilf ir wennil in oniaraikro Uk
lin 9o.uiiKOllwalcIi pat ourinpu
price, .W( And Ilia yonn. WrMod
svitb th wakh our Vrint thai
you can rcttim it "t tty limn wtthia
on year if not satisfactory, and If
vou sell or uausr th sai of lii we
will (ri yon 1lnrrf. U'HIs st
tmvw, u w shnll atod otit Miitlcf
tr u dayM only. Addres
Double Actin Xv
I inc Outfit prarfcat
iLeifBhrbt Worm?
I Fruit. Znrarea a heavy
' vield of all Fruit mull
Vexetablo croM. Thouft-
n'inufMi. Srad6oto. fur I
1 caiXlouue and fall treatise
onapiayinc. Cirmlartfr. JfW4
i WH.STAHL,Quincy.lll.l
Oat then books and our ansr as
M far
as you can into the hands of the aV L
friends. Bur. read ana air-
Wealth. Makers Pub. Co.,
T InMnln XTnV,
The New Redemption 10.75
A Plea For the Gospel to
Civilization's Inferno
Looking Backward
The D gs and the Fleas.
Ai; A Social vision
Cc-Operatlve Commonwealth..
If Christ uame to umcago
Ilriven From Sea to Sea
London Money Power &
Errors In Our Monetary system
and the Remedy
Six Centuries of Work and Wages
Seed Time and Harvest
Bond-Holders snd Bread-Winners
A Better Financial System, or
Government Banks. 25
The Duties of Man 15
Ten Men of Money Island , .10
Stockwell's Bad Boy , .10
Seven Financial Conspiracies 10
Vnilra ta herebv fflven. that bv VI tue of an
order ol sale Uxued by the clerk of the dlctrlct
mnrt f the hlrd iudlclal dlatrlct of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster County, in an aotloh
wheieln Rebecca A. Weber and John M. Weter
a nlalntlCTH and Charles C. MuncoQ et Bl. are
defendants, I will, at 8 o'clock p, m.. on tbe
etth day of July, A D. I MM, at tbe east door of
the courl house, in the city ef Lincoln. Lanra
ler rouniy, Nebraska, offer for sale at pablic
suction the following described real nUte to
Lot nuir ber one (Din block number nine (01
in Mount Korrent. wlihln the corporate limits
of the city ot t'niverslty Place, tn Lancaater
Utven nader my hand this ISth day of June,
S. U.IW. MHO A. BILlia.
Iia Sheriff.
Ten Tons of Mtdiolns
Won't do yon as much good as a week's
stay at Hot Spt logs, S. U., ths greatest
health and pleasure retort is the West
The Burlington's local agent will
gladly give you full Information, and
also-If you ask tor IV a beautifully
illustrated folder. J. Francis,
J. V.&T. A.
Oxaha, Neb.
"Lite in s Look.1'
To ths tavslld or over-worked man
or womsa whose privilege It U to gas
Into ihe limpid hesllne wstors. snd t
a "la .IB S
see the neautirm, varieu sai g
avenery ia and around Hot 8Hb
S , Is tmrartod new life ard nsie
Tbe brat-lnr, pure aoealcd air, bria
dais, a ii'.unce la tho neatintt
and the con at an I sufprlsri of Dew
dvllif bvui im pi c n ry i a tonic
th rncrvslsts t'Otly thai tleies ta
croacb mrntof d'.eoaae ard det pond
Idtw rates oa the Klihora llo
chale snd sloeptsi1 car route,
raitulari call oa
A. ft. flELD!
CUf TkUmUls
that their trains do not move
k lnl
It la
Interference oi """''",
is an unquaiineu. imuv
thU better tnn mo
The make this falsehood,
tooso of calling out the troop.
I - vniiNAlvM a no
KrPANS our cause shU be erorne4
Hm aw. EDGBSK V. DSBS." ,
Headarae, Oi
uer Treafci Get Dr. Miles' Pala Plll
Vy (eatery
order ef the
to the East.
rritory reached by the
t byM?s2&lines, will do well to
r tub- DIBaalV
leeJ.83:and Uh, round trip
SPark. N. J.. Will ow
olua two dollars.
TrrTTrJnrVnd 10th. round trip
ni aaoita meuu
Dtri coadiruarai
about ooeeoth Oiatof ailv
time l awnU aerata from I
eductions from
meet with ready aalea iwrj I
demand for out Solid Metal tl
on account oi
1 Association's
lion Dollars' worth in daily
Free. AddreM Standi
Co., Dept. i. Boa to
ual meetings of
ocietles, ana
's Union, re-
r) 7C B-yioor $0Na
tP L I ll eouiplew with j
the Burllng-
offlclal line.
surinn. m ooe dwm stesn wi
rtaiJiiisl ftnta-d.reiiahioi r
Una view to
oaiudajs'rriat. rrutiuui
1. lo.wv la ass-na
of delepa-
furaisavstt ataa; tiass. lias n
IcuaraotM to W asrenre nsnted.
tb of our kiaiL
, re'iaoi
e run. wo
nriusa. V KITK 1XJ-DA V for ol
rn trip this
uilrfua of latest rtWas and It'
OXFORD MFC CO., 340 Wabash
upon ap-
R agent.
l, Omaha,
For Houaes, Barns, Roofs, all color
darsed bv Grange & Farmers' AillaV-Bnell OI
pncs win surprise you. w nr ion
O. W. 1NOEKSOLL, 2SA Plymouth St
D. via
lyn, h. x.
-ps im-
lek or
Arrival and depart- ef trains earrn
senrers at Lincoln, Neb. Traits m
Dailv: t. Dailv excent Sundav: tDallv
for it
Monday: I, Dailv except Saturday! I. El
onlr: 1. Tuesdays. Thursdays sni
a , atenday, Wednesday and Frldi
Barlinf ton m HUsoari Hirer.
o., a. s a. a. a)
Ticket effloei at depot, Seventh sad T
oorner Tenth and 0 Hta.
Plattsmouth, via Sa. I
Bend and Louisville f
Wahoo and Schuyler...
tlO: 10 a.m.
1:00 a.m.
t:80p. m.
tl0:10a. m.
t :H p. m.
lt :20 p.m.
11:51. m.
Omaha and Ohlcage
via Ashland cut-off..
Ashland, Omaha and
Crete, Hastings and
Lowell and Kearney..
St. Francis and Ober-1
lln (
Holyoke a Cheyenne....
"Burlington Special"
to Denver and coast
Crete, Beatrice and
Washington and Con
cordia Endicott as Red
Bennet, Syracuse, Ne
brasks City and east
Orand Island Broken
t S:ttp.m.
U:Hf .as.
1 1 .Mb. m.
T :sva. s.
How, Alliance, Na
- n. .Ill konntaia m I
Z If count? where w ha ' 1 L
sSWHA-v5;l7tb, round trip VI
i iiniiiia. Will DO OB
l:e, V)
It a.f 4
Ull.MB' "
Seward. Yf Rnrafn and
Orand Isl.i . r '
t :.
1:41 .bv
I i SSp.m
t :p.m
t T:lts m
Kansas la .nd.
recumM a rJ city, St.
MtotherrJS T.bVe
It 7:Wa.Ba.
. lford. David
rand Columbus
Chlcaro, Beak IiUnd 0 TmelBe.
Paaaaaver station eornet Q and TweattstS ats
Passsaf sr i Q stm
usianon an. vniy, ana i
aa. Weat usln Kansas tM:U a.av Hliafs ah,
tl3:p.Bt. til b.b.
Mb ISfraa.
4:03 .B. t dv
t:ll p.m. t B0a bv.
Local frelf i.Tia.andTB-
Local freibtt aceoav
modatiort. wetiast
Faiteio for Oikac
co. Bums, jj.Moav..
St.FauLUhlc, I
FaateiB to Denvi
Ool. SDrlncs, ruemasi
loand west...
Local pass for Omaha
ana uounoi riun.
Depot corner O and Fourth
office 1014 O stn
Omaha,Co. Bluffs, Chi
cago, v alley, eaai
aad west
Beat rice.Blue Sprgs,
Manhattan, east at
west,Topeha, Kan
sas Ctv. east, south
David City Stromsbrgl
SlouzCliy.DavidCity 1
Columbus, Denver,
Salt Lake. Helena,
Ban Francisco am
Beatrice Cortland
Portland J
Mieaoarl PaclBe Rati way .
Tioket offices at depot and oorner ol Twelst
and O streets.
Auburn aad Nebraska I
City Express i
St. Louis day e presa
Auburn and Nebraska
Cltv Express
St.l.ouli BWht exp
(oaieaeo min vwr
Depot corner Elf hth and S
- . et omco iia v
Chicago so
ll u
eViaha, 1
V. 1
treat. City tick Jl
j LeaWt. y.
Ir V ArrfTT" 'J
V 1 9:20 a. ml r-1
It7:30p.n j,
1 1 8:00 a. nvj' TH: a
I te:00p.m MHMOa. nJ
... r v
V 1:100. m. ;iup m. K
7:39 p. mjt 8: SO a. m. j
il:Mp at k i s p sa