enlng between now and fpl' o'l independent state u aucoreuing cuiumns will pullets of the ii' to pro r the ticket of 'M. and for ator, and to show reason for nc. w-e snau not nave it more than names and brief fjoice maae, Deceu-w we wihu reat many. Lit no m an b JroROrriOB WnOSHCHARAOTKR TELLCOTDAIj QUALIFICATIONS lIX NOT PCIUOHALtT VOUCH ladidates seem to be leading fieni cannot conscientiously sup cans let ua know why they are Ejected lo. But let us respect one sws, avrld anything- tending to it It benusKlble without sacrifice i, and bear willingly those who dif "In a multitude of counaelora ity." Bnt with munv to hear from ix brief .Editor Wkalth Makers. Wants Jobnaton for Gov- ernor. ilveb Creek, June 23, 1894. ealth Makers: to say that I am personally se ll with, Hon. Barney Johnson of county, bare known him for lived by him, worked with a voted with him. Will say. I him to be a true Independent jest in principle. Would like to nominated for governor of the 'ate of Nebraska I would -con-he were elected that my inter- aid be safe so far ss governor iserued. He is a People' party ad capablo of knowing: the needs Nebraska laboring- man. Yours Resp'y, Wesley Bennett. v. era, Poynter and Otbera. ( Gahdy, Neb., June 18, 1894. Wealth Makibs: with pleasure, through the col- BWir.Ar.Tir 11 Aire DC tka I tent tne name or thax rana old veteran, J. H. Powers, for Vovernor. This part of the country is a Unit for Powers to be first on the PopulistVficket. We are all burned up here, bnt tljds is our ticket just the same. For lieutenant governor, W. A. Poyn ter; treasurer, Ben. Valentine Horn; for auditor, Hon. J. N. Gafflu; for U. S. s3nator, judge Holcomb; Hon. O. M, .nxui must ue ais own successor, ir we v - - - - from ID. mm it tee ly in the out here, cause. W. A. M. Wise Worda. A ,aksrs: ''with interest the var i made of late in respect f " " WlUAUg BUM) .60 the views of many in ion with the Democrats, .of the oldest members of the uvurQvement in the state, I crave x1ace in your good paper to add mv . .1 Af ffflA lrn Inn n . r. . lace in s Seriously. I must differ with aanyol c our men, notwithstanding I .must recoi recognize that all ara antu&toA j by honest motives which I claim for unyself . I am opposed to fusion e vea on Wad-supervisors. I am opposed to a recognition of any who happen to say Shat they think as we do, but stay away Vom us. No compromise with the nemy; no quarter; no dishonest policy t. mporai7 coes; no step Sr: dle of tbe road." away The KJ ol Nebraska is strongC; )a tu 1 Inherent strength Miebestof them) of Its Vis expeckd by fusion V,VJMuiurs) Vs J r i Jt L ith r Democrats, In the north the D mocrats fuse, or want to, with the Populists to defeat the Republicans, while again the combl nation getn into their proper sphere by a union of Democrats and Republicans to defeat the Populists. In the confusion and chaos each party needs a big brand to identify it. the masses keep divided and the banks and railroads go on skinning the miss es, ir the principles of the Populists are good stay by them, if only half-good amend them, but remain with them under defeat as well as in victory. By sucn a course alone can our people win, JNow one word as to the state ticket Up here in the northwest in the thlnae st settled spot of the state we have but little to say. Our delegations are gen erally small, although we usually carry every county as well as electing tee state senator and the congressman. Populists here have the lsrgest ratio of votes of any spot in the state. But with all this our voice outs buta small figure in the conventions notwithstanding we go solidly together. The other parties of the state most generally place a nom ination In this locality which goes far towards our defeat every time. So we oi the northwest have no choice for the state ticket since we have no means to enforce one. But allow a suggestion given in sincerity. Don't give us any more lawyers or banker, In spite of the fact that we have quite a sprinkling of them in our ranks up here. No doubt that class are good as any other, but prejudice runs high against them on account of former experiences and they will be hard to elect. Realizing that I may. rob tome other or space I close, hoping that our friends flu "keep off the grass.' - Fraternally,' 1 Robert Wilbebt. Chairman 51st P. I. P, district, Neb. A Voice From Holt. Ewino, Neb., Juty 2. 1894. Vjtfitor Wealth Makers: , leaving seen nothing from Holt CounXv, in The Wealth Makers, I take thfi liberty of presuming on your gJvaluabJtflBBe forjiipyji mr " uuusnuuiu mi, hum puneioa which we live did not e iato exist- WUVW KIJ VUBUVO, Alio ACS) . em it did not happen, iri which gov- rder that it should exist and move in ,A ll ts orbit and succeed as a world, itmu govern it The oentrepe have a law to 1 and Ccntri- fugal forces must act, th aw of attrac- tlon must lose none of its orce. Just the same order mu be observed reformation if we would succeed in th wbich we haye so grandlylcommenced Have we a clear conception of the work to oe done, of its magnitude, of the J means to be used to accomplish the desired end? If we wish to obtain a knowledge of astronomy we do not con sult a miner who lives mostly under ground. Problems in higher mathe matics are not solved by those who do not know the multiplication table. It is no less visionary for the farmer to expect relief, or the solving of the problem which is now confronting the commonwealth of Nebraska by nomin sting at the coming conventions lawye rs and bankers to make our laws. (While w are aware that there are honest men engaged In the profession of law, as, for Instance, W. V.Allen. Yet with sixty-five in the senate and 245 lo he house, we draw the line. It is high time that a different class of men were at the helm of the old craft If we want this republic to weather the storm and make much more history as ailtyublla.) How long Is it going to take the people to see that like attracts like, that the banker finds hi affinity la nallhtrcet. la ulng every oppor tutty to favor the diabolical stogie stacdard gold-bug pMtcj he is obey Ing a law as flsed as that of the uni verse. The Ug Ulattoa vt the past thirty years ought to bseuough la eon Vidk'tt the most skeutioal that th 'louch Ihet have biB u.ln at U'uk f U?n aa J the state Icr Ulatur, out tlau. thtt it dua't da the work, tUl wont scour. ;,ow Ism aware ttat Jurtli bslsg maie to nuttsat mooraU for C"Br.e in some dls- I ' aorry the dlsUlct is rk thai aam'i tvn m.J io.i oy tltuUr and mKU aauaed that have kaowa shtr ih for ars, and that hr fillowd upa lon all tnoir U u.at tbe t'y t Adam, aelura'a own A a 1, nooo to tbe roro Umk 'a. a .a 1 taetcor lasftry LINCOLN, NEB. , THURSDAY, JULYl2, 1891 , v ,?n fi district in Nebraska. Men who are not only honest, but have the ability and re aoie to meet the Demo republican ownt in any way shape or manner. Everything taken into consideration a uaran,ls the strongest msowneadthe ticket. Wolfe would make an excellent man to wield the gavel in the Senate. The timber is well seasoned and abundant tnr State and Congressional offices. For the Third District, Ex-State Lecturer Falrchilds; for the big Slxtb.O.M Kem I am tresspassing on your space. Above an let taere bs no fusion. Yours for the success of the principles of the Omaha platform. Smith, of Holt. Two Things Neuesaary for Succae. Lincoln, Neb., July 4. 1894. Editor Wealth Makebs: In order to obtain and hold the con fidenceof the people, two things are necessary for the Populist party of Ne braska to do, viz: First look to the people as the true source of inspiration and not to the men it has elected to office. Such men are always an unsafe guide for any reform party to tie to. They, being well provided for, are too apt to beconve imbued with the idea that all are in the same boat. Had the Republican and Democratic parties taken their inspiration from the rank and file of their organizations instead of from such men as Harrison, Sherman. Cleveland and Voorhees, the Populist party would never have had an exist ence. in the past the people of this country have been too proud to make gods of those who did simply what they were elected to do, and too apt to apologise for the misdeeds or mistake of their officials. That is one of the chief reasons why the country is in the deplorable condi tion it la today. Had each and every offise holder been held to a strict ac countability for every one of his official acts by his party associates, strikes, riots, and almost civil war would not be abroad in the land today. Senator A,llen hsi dnw many mrj things for the people since taking his seat in the U. S. senate nearly one year ago; but no more than any honest man would have tried to do. He has In the main attempted to carry out the pledges of the party who lifted him into promt nence, simply done his duty: hence is entitled to no worship and I presume does not expect it. On the contrary, if correctly reported in the congressional record of June 22, he it deserving of censure or at least criticism, for the position taken by hi n June 21, in the discussion with Senator Hill on the f socialistic question. In that speech he does not represent the true Popu 1st sentiment of today, for if there be any thing our party stands for, it la govern ment ownenhio as well as control of the railroad, telegraph and telephone lines, also the establishment of government postal savings banks. He denied that the Populists were in sympathy with the socialist on any question, save the Income tax; yet all the above are social ist in tttrif respect. Senator Alien has been too long absent ' from his constituent and should return to them for inspiration. Should he dc so he will soon be satisfied that Nebras ka contains at least 75.000 socialist. In the second place the Populist party In order to secure and hold the coufl dence of the people, must quit lllrtl i th Madaat Democracy and lnUai keep its platform abreast of the tin:t. The Omaha platform when adopwd two years ago today was consider t a my radical dueumtnt; but la the 1 gat of sutwequtmt events, it has become a very coosurrative one. in order drew the laboring vow. i n. XZTV," ILZZV. inJ aim ltmn..;ililin I.. . " . . . ould declare lor g ament wo f(r ; tne uaempioytsa ana tne iniuail e ft referendum. To secure the teuiperaaee vpt of th state a plank In Uvor of ttau tit.H and t)aersbtp ot the liquor irfu should be Incorporated In that i t.' r s We are confident tbe two f . ,Ui plabks would l ung tbousatda ! 1 to the PopulUt party l Nbraika, Iks Ki Hitl, Tnat It 1 mora v 1 iui fur tbe gvrnu'i u hsunt w J i ( it e mu I'inuaiiy ta ju ......... . . - - t. .-.............. . tj ibild () 4 ftiaaca tu obialn a v''n at aducat 0 . aad sluoa tu t aAr ) .oUrtU n tut 1110 u u ft 1 jt , mi it guverttiutin', tbri furt w H ti,a, (, s tbe duty w our natl tnal ttitiu. tires K pm scn taws voa Kbf change the constitution of the U. S ) as vvaiw u oongatofy on the part of tbe federal government! to furnish work for tne unemployed. we regard the ssHoon, as conducted at present, as a political evil, used by monopolies to debalioh the people, and "cueviDlf mat moS slnmnnt nf nrlratA gain is responsible for a majority of the evils of the liquor, corrupting eleotid tramc, especially .11 ns and the adminls irationof munlcl al affairs, therefore we aeciare oure'J Ives opposed to the present hljrh-llc nse system in this state, and demac 1 tbe substitution w control v d ownership of ssld itnvlnntlno hatrnrnirna traffic; that all f jurnianea oy sr. b state to individuals t i.L-j l ..71 . 7. ' " . . 1 snail be In orisri hal nacktkea at aotual cost tnrougb iW Ipaid agents, whose sal anes snail in nf I wise be governed by the Quantity so' U. and that ha uau 00 eswDJt inea in any town, ward or precinct uMless a majority of the Nff "aid I town, ward or precinct ' iwr w 1 esiaDiunment 01 saia agency. I Wltbi these idded to our demands for and, t fans no lation and finance reform we can Vweeplhe state in the coming 1 November elf ic$!on. v Yours' Juntil the fisht is won. J-S. ALEV, M.ID, 1 ana una ret land the Labor Problem ct land tin The folU)Wlnir eeriion on i'The Church and ( the Labor Questlpn" was recently delf red by Rsv. Dr. Chapin, pastor of it ho UniversaUst church of Llncok. nr. Chapin was on tbe plat form C Jmmgciiomant Day, pronounced n oeneaicrtioD, and ras in the most perfect synfl oath wUi Professor Her- ron's t'Mhll,)! iathe address which has been rifnl wicft wiia celebrity. Edi TOBWalraMAiqariSj t 8t. Matfl I, in Ttcm that time Jesus pagan to ri -aeon aj to say, repent, for tne Kiyiamm t l heaven is at hand. In thesfft words we hays the keynote or trie mrl.rvelloug gospel proclaimed by jesui a gesr ol whioh has only deep ened Its Diold upon man with the pass ing of tjie lentuties. In the fewest words jf osiMe Is announced the pres ence of fvner social order the king dom of lieaven among men. The man ner of"; latrancfl Into this kingdom la also s (tcd here; in other words, per AonaLat ity and heIjBw,. ' You'ttnolidehat two of the great-' est subf As known to man are here brongil fiito the closest contact with ea:h oLfcr, the one is Individualism and the ot.er socialism; The appeal is dl rectet to the Individual, and he is told what ae must be in order to have a part In th larger, the social life of humanity Tnerjfcan ba no doubt that such t teacufcrs Jesus was yl'ally interested in the body of mankind. He was intent on t aofciog and demonstrating through his iff 'hose laws which would bind mei tc ather. He wanted to see hu- iaa J tj tnt".a one. Nothing Is clearer th mi f at ha believed, nay, that he saw, that l individual Interests could be mtrgf l into the interest of the whole. Ee kw more than this and the o;het man, woman and child as separate l!nc 1. H law them in their rt Ution- ihip w on another in the unity or trot lerhood which was to be the mani festation of their real salvation and power. Wby should he speak so con- :ai tfy or the kingdom oi God and urge lis followers to pray that It might come an arth oven as it is In heaven if he m not fcilleve in this klogdom? If we V to be ooDslsUmt with fact at all we m ist say that Jesus believed In end taught a perfected social state. He be hld man not la endless warfare with ntao; bat united In industrial, peaceful lad beneficent service. However dl tided men might then be, the time wouUtoome when they would reooeaixa i oe God, oee law, and one 'far off dl- via event." This may bs an exceei i"f!f ttold prediction, hut there co be ( ftodeuht lh&t It W... 1 , . ' "Worn wr sever more clearly reMr. arety! wi r,3 4 Ms as tbe greatest of teavhera bt. ftl aoaa has ever spukea with a m er pruphetlo insight, . iJt are there any indications that tils larger and truer social state is at B tea? lias aay progress been made la 4..uirtw.nr it seems lo tne, that trtl prtts bat ba aad is now be- iBrf U. iVrbape to time has v .... ... 1 ... 1 . 1 1 ... .. mh lailstUi chmigva than our own. Who aa d.iu't li.at lU old ordr of thiegs Is Irvatlag up and that w ar rai luiy pt,iaf dto a w stai What Is the pfanlng bf Uta aoo at unrtitt all 1 mm m tnmf rntfff yi) ail at (uiamng U lu We rcay trtbuto 4 l .'iiirkk w- a .... . ..... it to the perversity, the total depravity of human nature if we choose, and let the matter rest there. But this is not what the true students of the world's affairs, those who are moit alive to the welfare of humanity aredoing. They are giving It their most careful and painstaking attention. They are studying it as any other event under the providence of God ought to be studied, and are making known the great good which must result to all men through it. A profounder wisdom and peace are to come out of the soolsl Unrest and agitation of the hour. If there is greater division now, It is only that it may lead to greater unification in the near future. It- is the disintegration and decay of old error that new life may spring up. I shall attempt to call your attention to only one phase of the social move- ment this morning. Let this be the labor problem and what should be the attitude of tbe church toward it? Briefly stated, the labor problem is tbe attempt on tbe part of the laboring people to better their condition. I know it is thought by many that they ought to be content with the treatment they now receive. Attempts have been made in various quarters to show that as a class laboring people were never batter paid for their services than thay are at tne present time. But even granting this to be true, should this stand In the way of these peoili's striv ing for a better social state? Who is to say that this And the other class or that this and the other individual must be content to the extent that they courage and even to stxap oat d cr wiU not desire or strive for more than Cnledi litor it Lxs cU tztj. they have? If the world wre thoroo-h- y possessed i of such a spirit wC's would lu progress, bef It Is one of the most cheering signs of the times that the spirit of independence is now per- more to. the good will of nuatl:!. meatlng the whole of society, and that I They haye had such prejudice end injustice and subserviency and lnequal- ity are being rebuked every where. his labor question is being regarded to too great an extent as st thing of alflllaci Mdjieata. It seems diffl - ult for some to rise to the Mnceptrittt'r,tnwwBttcte that because a man labors with bis htnrii kit i IdaMlnn a min an on. titled to demand the respectful treat ment and just regard of any other man. No mistake could be greater than the assumption that what the laborer chiefly des?rves is better pay. What he wants and Insists on havinar is more humane treatment, and if this treatment includes better pay then he demands that. But above everything else does he protest against the too prevallent idea that he is another's tool or ohattel ployed to work for him. -"J mw vuwuwff kV UV Viu- Let us see to what an extent this idea prevails and whether tbe laborer Is not pei t m'j justified In taking up arms against it. In fact, whether he would be a man at all If he did not do it I Dj we not find on looking into our own lives a tendency to belittle labor and to treat the laborer as something less than humane? This may be an in- herlted tendenoy. It mav have coma down from feudal times, or from Umes even more remote and primitive than this. But, however this mav ba. f can resist ths temptation when offered to lord It over others. How many wr. men are there who employ help la their households who do by that help as they uia like to be done bv? Would the. tike to perf. rm the exowdlnt ly men- ial services they rtoaire of their bain? Would they like to be put away Is some badly ventilated and lighted rocm 0f 1 the house? Would the l.k. k... every day turned lotos J ay of drudgery, ana nus vo oe aeprlf d of ail social, I intellectual, and rellrlous nWtllaei Would they Ilka to have the animal pets of ths household mo.a humanl. I treated la w rd sad act than they were in mecivesr I . . . ws heatd of youeg mas ones wha i"wk a lady friend quite Mrer-ly totak upon coming out of a store because she had just thank d the eletk for shawlaw her ft piece of kkhIs she wsa am ru.J. I') bur. Never d such i thlag sgsla bs said. sn.t wbos ah) enaulrsd the ra4a he rvollew. "Whv. thau( t... butlaet, u U paid fr U" Ux I ao do4bt that this foiatsho as s&pUna Ion why clt iking Is u.h trjlog work u. many. It U bnnus th$f tffuit. wet with auch slight spjrcitUiti and friendly regard. They ar tratvd or Ofhj ' ttb'Jle !- than as beings with flesh and KccJ like ourselves. I do not wonder tlx such people arrow diseouraffed and tktt they evan htwim immmi .k.. who might do so much to enooura; and stimulate them In their work ill life do so little, There can be no doubt that ewi corporations have again and again stocl in the way of the moit sacred hum- Interests, When they have emclcvtl I child labor,' when they have require! more hours work than thov ahAutJ. when the pay was lsss than it ou?hi ia have been, they have struck a blow ntt - at one olasa of men, ut at all men. Thy have tended to impoverish tri to enslave the race, The one thing which Is doing meet to put an end to this old dispensation, txi to place the laborer back in the) wty cf self improvement; to make him tb cat feet creature physically,, intellectually, and morally it was intended he should be; is organization. This has by no means been an easy task. It wouLi. I seem almost to be self-evident troth that the laborer had tbe right to or- gaalz?, and yet he has mot wl h cc&4 tant opposition since he began thu moement. it was only two or tire years ago that I asked an employes cf " Western Union Telegraph Coaczry wny tne operators did not organize f;r mutual protection and lmproveeust. Why," she said, "il the company to! the least susploloo that we intends! doing any tking like that they woulj dismiss us immedlately.', But in sr'.ts of the vigorous measares which tsra I been adopted in certain quartsrs to inUal progress in tie put Uv rtrj, thlsk we may truthfsiJy tzr tLU tneaa ornizationa have ooeexdai ta I oommendlry , themselves mare tz l Uttie hostility to live down. Tkrr I "T themselves made great mis takes which haye retarded their progress. 11 could not be expected, howeyer, tilt 1 orrora would be, entirely avoided in st I "ve been those who were disposed to I eaUralV GOndamn lahnr ni-MnltlnBa because they did make mistakes. But if such condemnation were made th universal rule who coald stand? Such a conservative writer as Profea- sor Ely In speaking of the labor move- ment 10 UiU country has these appre- 1 01u,ren(1 PrPhetlc words to say la lt hehalf: "It Is the symtematie. or- I snlI struggle of ths masses to attsia Pr"J more leUure and larger onUc resources; but that is by no metes 1 4.11a beo&tlM tha nA AnA nnmrtai . M I ' g-"svwww wa sauata y u ploher J'Mtoi'ce for the toilers, aJ that wlth respect to mind, soul, ani Hlf oonsolous though it may be, I tne labor ionient Is a force pushie; 00 towards tbe attainment of humanity; In other words, the ond of th growth of nu"Kf, namely, the f uil and ar- B0Bloa oelopment in each indlvli- a ot u unan; faculties of working. Perceiving, xnowing, loving the ds "lopment, in short, of Whatever eaca- DU1"M o food there may be In us," B'cadly speaking labor orgaalsatloas W mn powerful factor today la Ua ,nteilK!'uJ and moral education of tha ffrtat masses of mankind. They ara "ltt "" utelds of tha Cn,uUMl church making for the pre- " wsMa wi numaa orour .aooa' 1 ro,8aMP EII No ' unl0M hvs largs llbrarlea ,lected wUa h t- psiss as4 0 in we ears tbey tx- bhaU of their own members duriB th times of slckneu aad deaths ' "4r w lasuraooa ana 0li i-osBctal rvllet lo Umes of distress aa l0,J tolwh l prsctloal h'nsToleace. And It is a well kaowa l"tmPrane is ao wseta ""' Tiguruuai) rooaemaei toast ta i.i. .., .. .. .... "ltws. ewwst they ra " ttd ,u J B" of ti morUl ' u PrM maktsg tzt w '. Thsrs is liis ' presses U frUsdilssas ksrs. ba ''P1 iforuue, honeet rerr4 it mM mM wl,,ch u kr'J uI saccuraglog to what ahould N tbo attltuds f lu hurvh towards such Hats sj K" M h4svrtt'.r-f Frai w aaa bs sax us ;-" uos ani, wnat is ths atu.'.j tf t' i fhurvli Uwanl hta )aKr rr.' 7 t o