The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, July 05, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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July 5, 1,
irklns ft
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riilh SoppOV
Direct qaeudo. Mb?ff'2hft
full force of the iestIP-J iTen "t
III w ccer. of the American
week by the c
romoany before tne
itenAna wuen vou um
ru'et you did advance the
form tbs
price of f
er? T
af to me Aiueiicuu uuusuw
Ilavemeyer We did. II
nee of about a quarter of a
was an ad
cDt, net
rVt'cn And the Ameiican
lay is paying tnree-eigntns
of ace a vt
than he w
ouna on rennea sugar uiuic
Id be compelled to pav un
of separate refineries?
Have meycr Yes. sir.
Mr. Ha
ever frankly stated that
both the
Sugar Trust and the pre s
ndeavored to control legls
cut one ha
latloo. . Ho
aid that h had contribu
ted to the
mocratlo State campaign
fund lait y
to the Rap
r. andalwajs contributed
lican Statecampalgrnfund.
Vllen Wby should the
ugar-Kenning company
i either of the political
parties lntk
state of New York.'
r resides.
ilavemeyer we have
iarir (ntr..fl in this titate; police pro
tection and ire protection. Tbey need
e.vptvthin tlat the cltv furnishes and
gives, amftklv have to support these
thine, mefy iuuiviauai nu uurpor-
tion and hrmt,,u't, or ttate,?r
call them, 5c these things, and we do
tbem.,.,VyIisveagocu aeai or pro.
tectlon tori vl' contributions. Contri
butions welllso given to the Republi
can party in fjassacbuBetts. It is my
lmDreisiob.' taat wherever there is a
dominant ot,riv. wherever the majority
Is very Jarjrt, Uat is the party that gets
the contributitD, because that is tne
tarty which controls the local matters.
Senator A lin-Then the SugarTrust
HaDfmocritttin a Democratic btaie,
od a Ilftouflican in a Republican
State? f I
Mr. Havetiiiver As far as local mat
ters are conceded, I think that is about
ThislsaiKOtla verbatim repetition
of Mr. CouU s ieflnitlon of the politics
of the Erie road: "ttepublican In
Republican district, Democratic In
Democratic! liitricti, but always for
Krie." Wxienjthe Secretary of the
Sugar Refiuiiigf Company came before
the Com mi the following wai a
portion of ttit flL'alogue;
Senator Alias -So you think it was
perfectly lailal-le for the American
Si'gar-lwCnijigjCompany to contribute
money by thi thousand of dollars for
tho purpone If Influencing elections in
this country,) lot you?
Mr. Searl4 I have understood for
many years Sua it is the custom of both
parties to sollitlf from corporations and
individuals ciintributfons for the carry
in? on of tbr political campaigns, and
that It is th custom of corporations and
individuals to respond to such lnvita
tlonr. And V 1th that understanding,
and what I Iklleve to be the sjenerai
custom, the American ijugar-lietinlng
Company ba :o4de such coutributionv
at timet. , I
Senator A3 tniDo you believe It h
perfecily properfor a corporation, the
value of wboati stocks Tnav be alTectfd
iy National lftfltilatlon, to contribute
xt funds to t&M lucoess or defeat of one
jlltlcal party ot the other?
Mr. bearie-i ininn, as paruei are
mansgecL, tils proper.
loth Mr. Ilavemeyer and Mr. Scarlet
!s esteemed luin of blameless private
aractw. The! condemnation which
called for fk f condemnation of the
political system which tolerates corruption-fund
govuroment. The Outlook.
The American Wmal Musical In
alltute. We are In receipt of the circular an
nouncing the eighteenth annual session
of the A N. M- Ij It will be held at
Helton, Kaus.f, commencing August 13,
continuing thrs( weeks.
This Institute feati a national reputa
tion, as student from a number of
States attend each year, gives a
very thorough course la methods of
teaching, voice 1. culture, pianoforte,
harmony, conuotlng, etc The music
of the best Masters, is studied, and
piano and song recitals and a number
cf grand concerts are given, making
the sfxtion full o( proflt and pleasure
to all earnest f students of music
'Creation," aJlelah" and Klljh'
will be studied'; this session and gems
from them glvvn" In concerts. Teach,
ers and these preparing to Haoh find
this i.LoJf epecllly useful t? them.
.Tbe"facuHy contUts of four eminent
leather and concert artists of Chicago,
each being especially competent In bis
ileparhrent. Tha full course U only
tM For circulars containing full In
formation addres,
. W. Stkauh. Principal.'
245 Stale St , Chicago, III.
lrn Ton or Mlu lii
Wcfc't in you as roach good a a w-k'i
lay t pileg, 3. 0 , the gratexl
health t.ui pkature run la the Wtt,
Ttir HjrlligU's local aent will
gikJty gW you full Informailoa, and jou ak U t lta Wautlfully; W-lor. J. r iusi t,
U, 1. A, T. A.
O uahi, Nob,
"l.ila tn tixiW."
Tutl ifttalUl or wer uf k?vl man
i r truwkt wIumk irlIU'gt' It li ta gam
hUili.if SUi.pUl hi'Hnrf wu-ft, an4 U
it, iiUfal, .' Kt crn0
r l n4 aro tn l (KiKift,
f, , I. Iml rn4 v U hi. I !.. f
J!.,; nn.k". f aii us nU J .f, I ruht
',, p'tliiju ls tf.rt iiilt Htfi
mu l lt rn'Mtant u'pi i t as. I
4H(Uh, ,' it -rjr I a U uta t
thi ihhsi lU h M to
ft i.ii.iuiii iii i i i,''u.Uir
1 iW r t'tt tim tf:s..iri4 ln,
an.t a Ki'lrf car n .'f fr full
fat I'p4:r call
A. s'lti.ot,
t'.iy T iJV, 111 , lUitt it
And Ui
Wearing robeat
Tbere an looks of dread aud doubting
On the faces that (be meet,
If aba walk the village pathway
Or the pave of city ctreets.
Telling of supernal wisdom.
Down the politician's row.
Are some haughty faces amlllng,
With a sneering undertow.
Long I've marked her falt'ring footsteps
In tbe chain gang's saddened line,
While her eyes have spoken dumb y,
Tho' bor lips did scarce repine.
But my sinters, we are nearing
The bright goal of all our tears.
Where the Jeweled hand of Freedom
W ill repay our pi lgrl m years.
Tbe Sort of Tramps They Are.
As Kelly's lnduntrlals were going
along a highway In tbe southern part
of the state, the other dsj, they unex
pectedly came upon a Sunday school
picnic As tbe women and children
bad never heard an honest statement
about these men, they became greatly
alarmed at the strangers, and a panio
was imminent. But Kelly; who is a
born leader, was riding ahead, and In a
clear, strong voice he started that grand
hymn, "Jesui, lover of my soul," and
the twelve bundrsd tired, dusty men
behind him joined la tbe song. The
effect on the plcnlcerx was remarkable.
They stopped their flight; their ignor
ant fear disappeared; and as the indus
trials came up tbe Sunday school chil
dren, women and men joined in tbe
singlrg heartily. Hartford (Inu.)
Change in Date of State Convention,
Lincoln, Neb., June 15, 1894.
Since the meeting of the state com
mittee fixing the time ana locating the
state convention, it was discovered that
the 15th of August conflicts with the
Grand Army reunion of the southeast
era Nebraaku district, comprising some
thirteen counties; and of which W, G.
Swan, one ot our state committee, is
commander, Their date is from tbe
13th to the 17th of August. Out of our
respect for tbe old soldiers, and in con
sideration of the fact that a very large
number of them who belong to our
party desire to attend both meetings,
it was decided that it would be best to
delay our state convention until after
tho reunion. It is unfortunate that tbe
fact was not known at the time of the
calling of the convention, but inasmuch
as It was not, It was considered of suffi
cient importance to submit a proposi
tion to the members of the state central
committee asking their opinion as to a
Out of seventy-two votes sent in re
ply by members of tbe committee, fifty
six were unqualifiedly in favor of tbe
change, eleven were conditionally In
favor of It and only five were positively
opposed to it.
By a unanimous vote of the state ex
ecutive committee it was therefore
decided to change the date of the con
vention to Friday, August 24th, at 10
o'clock, a. m. at Grand Island, Nebr.
All state papers please copy,
D. Clem Deaver, J. A. Kixjerton.
Chairman. Secretary.
If our readers who have wool to Hell,
will write to SUberman Bros., Chicago,
they will receive by return mail a cir
cular that will greatly interest them
and perhaps progt them. Silberman
Bros., handle wool on commission,
charging only one cent per pound which
covers all expense after it reaches their
warehouse. Send for their circular and
learn more about them that we have
space to tell you. Notice also their ad.
in this issue.
Could Not Sleep.
rh l tvi-t rurjtliiii' h cn ).,, ,1. I
'! ."un,l7, 1 Ui tru't.t, -liva
anil auta ;.!;. 1 it t.i-r iu
t! If li V II, i-i I t.u! l-i w k
I t.r lut iii'u I ti I r. M !.
); au-r-.tivu ;vrart tu-. t( -vi.t.
It Cures."
I' M W Ki i .,' I , .,.,t.
f l ,HklH II. Hirt H,i ImUh , I 1, ,,,!
A,lliniii.i..,iliimii.iit,.ii. li fc ,i
U t , .ivwi-l, I, . . . i,f it I
ly iito l, iiv i i'it, I Uttt. U4.
y - I
;:' , "
i.f. I U l:awr,k tlf iVMmi,
M iini, a; 'l wa h i rn tl 'wn,
tteuli, ii. rum utt I IrriutiU thr.. i 'i
tv, Hunk. l?u!;, r 1 in.ui l.ritjfi'
t! ft I n ht.;l tl. ;:vvi!-'!i, .". 1 U
rtiii .i ,ik Ai tirn.t, tint I
i t:M v 1 w.ii,' i i !f .,
Dr. Miles' Nervine
. ,
l1!? ANTED Everybody to watch thiscolumn
f V for real estat bargains. If you do cot
see what jou want write in ana we wui get it
lor you.
For Sale Klghty acres near Lincoln; party
must seU, make an offer.
Tjlor Sale Two farms ot 109. acres, one of StO
X' fires near Lineuin. very low.
I7or Exchange Business lot 6n O street for
JL' good farm in eastern Net).
TTIor Exchange Six room house and corner
X' lot la Liincoin; couia lane equity in iana
or live slock.
For Exchange-Neatcottagehnme in Lincoln;
could Uke land as pan payment.
For Exchange Stock In an entorprtxe of
much promise, for good piece of farm
Wanted Everybody to aend description and
nrlce of auy property they wia to sell
Gillilan Investment Co.,
Notice of Tax Sale.
To whom It May Concern:
Notice Is hereby given tbat on the following
dates K. It Ovgood bought at public tax Dale tbe
real eHiaie deticrlbed below, all situated in
Lancaster county, Nebrnk. lor tbe deliu
quent taxes for tbe year iwu, and taxed in the
names of the persulis following eavb de
scription aa set forth below, and tbat
tbe limn of redemption of same will ex
pire on the dates as herein below stated.
The following described lands were pur
cba"ed November Kith, Wi. and the time of
redemption will expire November lOih, I Mil;
Lot 13, nw s 14, t ID. Kfl, J H McMuriry.
ew '4 a 8. t II, r, Flora H Kuuyan.
8 e '4 s 8, t 1. r 8, Flora K Kunyan.
8 ne4 U. t II, r 6, itosa M t randall.
B a nw 4. s 14, 1 11. r 6, W L Crandull.
The following dewrlbed litniiri weie pur
chaMcd November IHh, Wi. and tbe time of
redemption will expire November lih, im.
K H se! a S, t S, r H, I'lmot by Austin.
B se '4 s 4. 1 1 1, r 8, W O Huums.
Ne nw i s0, t II, rH, l M Waller.
The lollowlng described lots in the city of
Lincoln were purchased November Htb, IW,
and tbe time of redemption will expire No
vember 14, Im4:
Lot ID, subdivision north hair block 31, J 0
l ot 17, subdivision north half block 84, JU
Lot 3, block 3tf, g II McCandless.
Tse following described lots in the city of
Lincoln were purchased Ndvember IA, IMM,
ai d i be li inn of reiJuMBllon will expire No
vember 15. IHU4:
Kast Hi feet lots 14 and 15, block 61), Mary A
West 100 feet lots 14 and 15, block 09, Thomas
I -oi 9, blk 150. Fantile A Haggard.
'I be following described lots in Cook's addi
tion to the rlty of Lincoln were purchsMed
November 1 Vib. IHM, and tlie time of leUcmp
lion will explie November I", IHtf I:
Lot:!2, block 1, Mary A Pyuchon.
Lot 23, block 1, J. I, Lemtug.
lnl block si, A M Miller.
Lot i'i, blk !!, Josoptilue (Viok.
Tbe following described iots in Liawson's add
to tbe cltv of U eoln were piirchaned Novein
Lcr 1H, 1812. and the time of redemption will ex
pire November 18, 1HM:
Lot 2. block 2'), John Stotteru
l ot 4, block 84, W H Noll.
Lot 6. block 38, Mary 1' McNslr.
The followli g described lots In Kinney' O
st addition to the city of Lincoln were tmr
chaed November 21, JW2, and tbe time of re
demption will explr November BI. 1W4:
K st half lot U, block 7. J II McMurty.
Lot 12. block 7, J H McMurtry.
Lot 2, block 8, Lydla A Addis.
ot7, block 10, Abljah Hubbard.
Lot 8, block ID. Abijab Hubbard,
Lots, block 14. J H McMurtry
The following deacrliied loo in Second Kant
Park addition to tbe city of Lincoln were pur
chased November 22, iHVi, and tbe time of re
demption will expire Novembers
boutn o reet lots, diock b, w a uoiaurooK.
Ia,i 0, bloc 8. Mattle M Heelry.
Bontb 40 feet lot 8, block 8. W J Turner.
Lot 4. blocs 10. A 1. Morgan.
t ot 11. block 10, John Hsnna,
The following described lots In South Lincoln
addition to the cliy of l.lucoin were purchased
November 22, 18ti2, and the time of redemption
will expire November IB. I4; .
M)l l, diock o rmiiy ouner.
Lt 10, block 18. George H Huller.
Lot 5 b ock 11. J c Johnson.
Lot A, b'ock 14, J CJonnson.
Ixit7 biock 14, J K wimite.
rxt8, block 14 J RWIlhlte,
Lot 9, block 14, J ft WUhlie.
R. K Osgood.
Dr. Miles Pain Pills cure Nouralirla.
Low Ratee to the Kast.
Residents of territory reached by the
Burllcgton route lines, Will do well to
note the following;:
On July 5tb, 6th and 7tb, round trip
tickets to Asbury Park, N. J., will be
on sale at one fare rate plus two dollars,
On July 8th, 9th and lOtb, round trip
tickets to Cleveland, O.. will be on tale
at one way rate.
Oa July 10th, and 17tb, round trip
tickets to Toronto, Canada, will be on
sale at the one way rate.
These substantial reductions from
regular tariff are made on account of
the National Educational Association's
convention, and the annual meetings of
the Christian Kndeavor Societies, and
the Baptist Young People's Union, re
spectively, for all cf which th Burling
ton route has been made the ofllolal line.
Special trains arranged wltn a view to
the comfort and convenience of dcloga
tts and their friends, will be run. No
one who is planning an eastern trip this
summer can affor4 to let these opportu
nities slip by.
Tickets and full Information upon ap
plication to local li & M it. I! agent,
or to J. Frauds, G, 1. & T. A , Omsha,
Ever woman needs I'r. MlleV I'slit Plltn.
Ituiait!tjr "a Ailments
a good half of them fly Mure purs air
and pleasant surroundings.
Ht Sprlnir, South lUkota, hit pure
air; and its surroundings-well, they're
more than pleasant
The Hurtltiglon's Ux'at aeeat wilt
glaDf tflvo yo'i full lnfiriuaiinn aiaint
Uu .'prloe. and a! o - II vtni ak lur Is
-a ifautifaMy liUvratrt
J Imvi'iv
U l. A T. A.
OmaHi, NK
Ml it tut
l i mi .1 l' t. Vil ' I'ui
il Uim At nil ii,
I'd i
Ops late M tHe Riunt Ti p
Te'l your fttfeUsIn Itii el that mi
May faml S, th ilnrltpau r UUi
ii run u. I 'r p ii'hi ni i.-i.
rat Vi i- lhU la Ntt, K
rastarn Vu- a.'x h I'hw.-st .h H,iu
(lii'a ant r Mrthnni W ytuu.
1 1 belt t gtanl fr ltv iU)
a'Uiw iuit aU Ul lm m m
all s'all-irte et ( Hi MlMnrt Itivrr
J iNAKt i, li. IV V T. A i U .rUug is,
K i ", Utuaba.Nf ti.
Substrlb for Tin Wkuih .'skii
u upon
are all
only the hard
a large Increase In your
J circulation In this county."
Call on Geo. Natterman & Co. for
carriages, wagons, binders, and all
farm Implement. We'll use you right
ta..i.ML rrKau: inu mcuau
I and one Hiplomn fnr Heanly,
Htmiirui ana isrw
mi,uw oi inee vsui
ides bsvs
been sola direct to Hie people.
Head at once fur our complete
catalogue i l))of every kind of
vrhlrlr f harim mIho bonk
"A Ums I'SS. of teatlmOQlals, they are free.
Any l jm want, t)
toMin 1'inli. Tirus I
to 14 ui wtilubulu tu
lit any tlo. Naves
(.'ant many timm In
s nwin to tiare nHi
of low nbaoln to '
yiwr wuim fnr hvullns
xrain, fotldur, innnnre,
b'Sis, tre. No mwtttn of
tins. UUl's In Artdraw
KM 11 HK MPU, CO.,
Oulnt y, 111.
-dik(t koh-
Manufacturer : to : Consumer.
Lowest Prices Ever Made.
'A Full Line of Crades.
Write for Quotations,
Manufacturing Co.,
Unrivalled for fast Tbreshlng, separating and
Rxcel in all points that v.o to make un a Per-
fHct Hullluir anU Working EnKlne. bend for
calaloguu. Mention this paper.
Kmm1 no water hauler, no coal, woo.t or
ursw No Mvsm, smoke, sparks or anbi-s. No
IKukthUity-of fire or explosion. Nrmw no r.n-liiK-r
or Kln msii. Hiru-i In 5 mlnuU'S. Just
Ihr tiling lor the larin. WrlK- ir-atulu.
Traction Engine
Ut enltiic wtireU. aafral V'iUr,
m U .t furl t lftw Ucjvit !! 1
j Att Ih . 4t m iint mMu utr. With
ku rr H vr , Vk U.i h If JVnl.
rr, AMtfiiiti' SluVr iut lijgBrr
A" n liuu nt, iut in f ! Itno i't
Tlirhni Mnhl!iify. iHf riMtjt'U
ll,lit".l til 4llU'li ll'l ll 01 tJ
titUil it Ue Vi'tsr ' l,w
1t MilMnMm CD.
WlNNtAt'Otl, MINN.
Wl 3Li. P-cVUIj-
v A
ft- J
o ft. UNVnUN'.MU
Off, u
Com iimmn tm fmm
Wool Producers and SlilDDers
Sol lei ted. Liberal Advancsa mads when ds
sired. Backs ire to Bbippara.
Established 1 866.
uia-ici KicBltran St., Chicago. Illinois.
... .i.,mio.iiiinou.
Wool! Wool! Wool1
WEVtri'L,Jni','lnBihe.W001 fade by bur prompt sales and quick returns. If you h
t a Z . t i P.r"01 tMti ,,ou ?: hM 11 ,h,m ,rom slx 10 lwelv months to clo,
out a jot t wool. e can mass you full account sa e within tan days aftsr yoor wool la rl
celved. .Sacks furnished ousppllcaiion. Liberal advai.ew made X desired.
Lj A v fc, a miaaieman a profits by shipping us
O tannery ana tan our pelts. Does It not stand to reaion that an xcluiive wool coramlssloi
house can do better for you than a geut-ral ommlsslnn bouse who sell hay, grain, etc 1 Or
i,itiui7 iiuit., c give uur iuii time auu aiveuiion to wool, 17 tn Writing tO US BMOU
Ke. erences, any bank in the United States, also Wealth Makers Pub, Co.
The Great Northern Wool and Fur" Co ,
I04 and I06 Michigan 8.
intru)i41iuii Nuilonnl llank.
-mt i4 thin Pntwr.
Make YoUr OWr)
Send Oae JJolUr to C. K, Kitllosror, J'owell. South Dtkots, for 10 renaet:
and lcstrucUon in maklnar and curias: cbeeaa at home with such apparatus ac
every farmer now has. Your money refunded if you fall. Three pounds of
cheese can bn mad in plaoe of oai pound of butter, and can all bo told to you
rfome FVat'd b '- HUf BERT.b
.. .
IUU Tbe best because tbe most simple,
I few minutes' attention e dar
II ll will keep it running. Most
II II economical ; guaranteed cost ol
U VI running Is one cent per bores
power per bour. Address,
No. 404 Sou
VVebir Gm & GisoIIdi Englna Co., Kmai
for sale ! "asfasa1
twns bbo Usui,
! er all, as ike
eeeriptioa aa areas,
i j
J Percntroa, Msa Silrt, Eelgla vi Ct tri
JTY aorsM woa more honors thaa ay Importw-a la Aetoa at tta faOyr
MX lUM Ffelr. Dee Molnesi Nsbrsska avsie
IMS. Mr BMMh Percheroa stallion, Jesnnot,
JrTl Ti 7I , . .t..Y.t.iaa aver
prtees'low Interest and ionS tlue visit the Oreet City
one mil dlsltah New latportalloa Just received.
HoUteln Cattle.
Tklrty Be siw bred fr tta frvnw, tHl
l4lm( June rrrnw eaa law isil pis M
u suit tbe uimm.
Iteavet City, Neb
Elkhorn Valloy Hord
t- . , :n ,
ijfVt- J,H m.rl
I a a"t e Uadiarf .ln lu-U-UPi frmt
f.ln, H . sa-l Hii I '-M. T
mi i i,i tti4 f4 i s ijs
V it I. Weaikr 6.-". l t' ,
nw Mi are unxiiy ' e Tt e4
L B. ITCK, V!nh. Jt.b
it 1 1 1 r si r i
HEFEB by permission te
Ths B adstroet Company ;
lrt National Bank. 5'iilncylll'lnol,
yaoplnaN tB nk, Bk bland. Ill-;;
Llnco'a N tionnl Bank. Ohloaco: '
Iowa Nntional Bank, Oltumwa, Iowa
your pelts. We are not dealers, but hare a Ian
- - - - CHICACO.iLl
0E8 WOOL G10l7i!IG PAY?,
That di'pondsiiiMm how you aril your Wool. If ys
M. II 1 In tDrlftahil ... l,.ti l,, It
Itisiioexpt'rimeiit. Uur shippers testify tcf It!
uniiiiimoivi.y. e win not oniyoouuu tuo niyiunt innritM
pi leo for yor.r W ool, 1 you ship us, but we w HI sond yuu quick
returns. Wit am ri'VolutlonljiliiB the Wool tntdo by on r
Prompt Sales and Quick Returns. . We have done w W
the Wool trwJo snld was impossible. Instead of titldnif six tA
twelve moiitlis to make returns for Wool, as ino.t lioimrs do, J
we make wturns in that many days, and our shippers buck Us I
up In this atutcnumt. Write for J'rlcus on Wool ami see tbn I
testlmoiiiiilsof ourshlppi-rs. We are iiotnn exelunlvo Woo):
liouso, but handle Hay. Grain and Produce or ull kinds.
Commission Merchants, 174 So. Water Street. Cblca.'
VAFtjOURABie HNCtt ONLY $80 , MUt.
The best IkI snd
malm 1200.00 MrM.o'
month anil sxpsssM 4
traveling siients wand eT-
W rite st one for mrctilur and choice tar- -,
rltiiry; aturens
i A. u, HulOert, l'ttSntee,ee UC
FwrUirrCsUiomiewlthJOOetiKTSved lelsn; 1
prlnes, sent free to sny who wsot fsrier Iror.t x
wire work or city, omaotsrjr sud (seal fenoes.t 1
lb west Boulevard
City. Klssoari. -'
Ikavealot ef excsllsot grooi rm bred freeordsd) ftof" r
sisres. both Fercberons aoa xnaitsa naire. aim rv- i i
Amsrloaa bred Shetland Pontes, ThU stoek Is of our owa-
entire stock must m aupoees or
twu, iwur '
Tit Xavortlnc Draft Esm Ooapary,
uncolm, kz-A
WILSON, Crestoa, A
raw. uinooiai mm w y
ana mj mibim swmaa.
siL row sirfcilT ftrst-claw
srrrt; 8r;IT MfflKir
Box of BQCIgars and Watch for S2.95.
100,000 TE3TIM0M1ALS. REpEiVlH.
CUT TliS CUT snJ w:inl It touHw lih your nusio and sllres,(nis
iniHii-y rmulnd la nJvu.uv) k U o smd tu y. u dye
urM, uiuie iluy us wo rm4ve your onlnr. oro box tuiitsliiliis;
AO of Our rtTfr'o ICki, t lirar,s.iil t- the seme u kiut e,
tiiuliiu iltil til, 1, 1 Wat. h, steni wlmtnr ml H"M",
HiiniiM-lillel.iiil t iniK'i-0, uitlireultuliliiriiiri .;irliin. tl tely Hii
IsliKil Ireln, J. I.aI buiu ,f, dunt pnt, l''ily wlMhml et a
u -H'H'I liin.i kvxeud fully irruuU'J I r Usyutr.Kr
hiiim ltd every U U. t e lll hImisih1 In utiiie luu-ksae
IwautlruUlulil l'lnti-4 I'liiilii iiml C harm lo with it,n
i li, VurttiiiliielhesniitHaUlieexir.'WiiinVeaiiilirslli
1 A f i nei'W.payhesa4iitfilnSirsrManejiiaiii
TfSTf 5," iY.VIUm, ei4 1, rlmineiiJrliarui urayour. Aa title
k a i,lT:,tlaiiiU.IHlMl.ll,ln.lihMMlf .ulluuM ,1k ! u...
Iiniim-tiMirwIvMSKuliiiit dralvis siul ului jn. wdvttuff lis
itraeuiuuiUIlM, w witl uttaull mafe than thr tMtsa
M...I 1 1. rUM!,!.!...,,,.,,.,!!. W.llMlMteiAhk ' J-
t Suta, Sim, Smu In.
tM ri..w, tk sots iM-NMk
U ieW sum. I.,. hue lHm
" S.Hm H4 IwUk lM S H I
9mM miU S f..v SflM S
bwi Smm tiw tw, a n,
M, M-mk, thmtm, kvM-Jk MlMi
S.S k N liMbi m4 Mt Se W K iM'h
tit eSwM ftv . t a waea SVstt east see, Be.
l'lee aienMon The U'auklth Mshers.
I 111 1 11 1111 '" . " '"! '. "1
World s Fair Uishcrt fir:
HMNoyiitii ad
SkjubtK Cei4
i l,
f fx, 'aw'iS 11 "if w
' "SJi U,t !........
i wit .aisst ' M-Mait 4rr4
a fe4S f4t tarsias s .
-' IS I ltt 4 H
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