The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, June 28, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Jane 28, 1894
PwsMent, W. 1 Dal, Atlanu.
Vt-rr., Prof.W. a JoDea. Hfttat.
uruurr Mrs. J-T. KeUte. Hanweu.
W. F. Wright, stale Organic Alliance aia,
Bethany, jieo.
UKDTni coumTTti
Chairman, I. N. Leonard, Lincoln.
. Boderroan, Bertraud.
L. W Younif, wpaonvtlle.
CM. Lemar, Wahoo.
J. M. Plmmlck, Macon.
Creely County-I am very thankful
for the information about machine, and
would say that I purchased a cultivator
and wagon box from the mannas fin
ance Eaobange Co. G-
It baa been very fcsrl to find firms to
leal with us in machinery, but since we
Aould deal with the Kanm
Alliance Exohanee we gave a promi
sent firm in tbli state due notice that
we would have to have considerable re
d wtion from their regular rates or send
all our tnds out of tbe state. There
alt has been partially successful as we
; can now set some things at boms and
ope oon to get imre. None of our
home firms have yet made as good an
offer on twine as we can get to ship
in ourselves.
Lancaster County-Will celebrate tbe
4th of July at Merrltts grove near Hay-
wiond. Oration by Rev. vt. f u.
Chapln of Lincoln and others. It is the
v wish of tbe commltUe that the speakers
emphasise the fact that he that labors
with hand or brain at a useful occupa
tlon is a co-laborer with God, and that
the aggregation of great capital is but
tbe overflow of Hod's bounties.
Kearney County Will celebrate at
Dunmlres grove bIx miles norm or win
den. Prof. W. A. Jones of Hastlof
will be secured if possible.
Saunders County Reports that Bro.
J n Pnwpn made a ertat hit in his
four speeches in that county.
Leonard Neff formerly fecrotary of
Pleasant Dle Alliance No. 1291 writts
from Des Palor, Cal., that he will do all
i.a nan fnr our order there and all for
the Alliance people for freedom.
Furnas County Ii there any place
o butter hiring a
flooler and pay commissioners profit and
have anything left or at least-enough
to make it profitable to ship in small
Quantities say 25 pounds, every 10 dsys?
Th most we cm obtain is 10 cents a
pound, oftener6, 7 and 8. Mrs. WCB.
Atswer.-l do not know of any such
place at preeent. Any information
along this line will be thankfully re
ceived. One of the fearless State Senators tf
N. W. Nebraska writes; "I am wash
ing tbe course of our political parly
very closely and anxiously it is going
either right or wrong at about this
point. It may become necessary to
again resort to the Alliance organiza
tion to receive enough independence In
the laboring class to make them under
stand that lawyers snd prien6iwnal
men do not represent productive labor.
I fear we are going t slide in the old
party groove but not without a fight.
This is tbe sentiment of many letters.
The people are waltlrg and watching.
Many of ttam are almott hopeless of
any relief by legislation. SJch com
plete discouragement financial and
political was never known before. Tl e
fnture lies with the People's party.
Will It remain a People's par'y or will
Hbeooma a political party? If every
member of a labor organization would
appoint himself a committee of one to
see that no one wax nominated for any
office who has not been an act'ttt irorler
in torn labor organization and whose
views on all economic reforms is uell
lnoien then wo miffSt look for some
speedy relief. Tut if cons rvatlve
politicians are ruminated who are
afraW to advocate H nettled reform
for fear of Unlitf votes then the people
will huik corn on flection day., And
relief wl ) bi lot-tad for through the
Met For relief will be bad. The
people wlli not b oppressed forever.
Whether the i evolution com peaco
a'riy are iv,t ditud on whettur it
e met hr the hm' g't d:ttrte
r not and in i -j I Item haw mu fur
u go,
MuttCt uttj A; th Out ly AUiMcv
t f Hurt t'otn'y Jwa t a vt-so wa ukvn
and rtsuUfd u(iaolmouly In (
vt of go'iag to tli oiiuuU.m a
suffcti'td h) U"v Wright, vis , with
ft,ur btre ! Tfcs tullvwlt j ri
luti't aer kiu ud and ordered j .u
Utbfd in the Alliance l.rttncnt
Whrrvat, We foliate the ranks of
it crambra! aruy are filird y
tBrv Sabgrvr and lot al ArasrU aa rti
Ut wh arw r'ab!y titv leg vt
ittloa roefiMS .a tb lutervst if tn
iB4jd ai4 tatorieg 4ip! g r
ai', Vrmler
Utlttl T' we waru-It tm
tku with, tttvad tU iuiiuw
r, aod that we atrlf ritlrtt t'
atttnoa toward Ifeto. ty the aathvrttlvs
tt Watktmtoe
Itiviil. 'flat we warmly tHminta4
a ir rt"t'ta ia. rifr lr
lhlr la'.ifcljl 1urt U f';ta.l f lb
prv4U'lt ia 'f Mf (itilry, a4
laliy di m ptid iaVr W.
V, Aila tvt tt tub.e f be t ikU
la tbe V. H jMaad fif tb'eliurkl,
' atiii j h In i!ti.e of (,n-rai
Adams County. West Blue Alliance
No. 275 has been reinstated.
Furnas County. Eureka Alliance
No 632 is reinstated.
Cedar County. Please send me a
blank application for charter as I would
like to organize an application in north'
west Pierce county and think I can get
a good strong Alliance, W. J .
Bro. Powers reported that our friends
in Sarp county were very earnest.
Furnas county reports the good work
still going on, with tbe strong .aaiur
ance that it will culminate In tbe
grandest of achievements. . .
Saunders County. We are doing the
best we can for the food of the cause
In this county. Our county organic
tioa is busy all the time. We hare five
or i six i aid degrees established
Many of th old mtmbers seem to be
waklnff ud once more and coming to
the Alliance meetings. We are all in
hopes that Brother J. N. Uaffln will be
our next coventor. We believe he is
as good a man as we tare In the state
for tbe place and we think he will be
nominated at the state convention at
Grand I'land. C. M. L.,
County Pres.
Polk County. (i jo. Horst, of Owe
o!a. is commlisloned as organizer.
Bro. W. F. Wright has reorganized
two Alliances in Nemaha county and
secured Bro. Brudfleld. of Auburn, to
go on with the work.
Base Insinuation.
Sthattom, Neb., Juno 17, l$!H.
Editor Wealth Makkrs:
Enclosed 1 send a slip cut from the
Chicago Dally Tribune, roasting S sua
tor Allen for his vote to give 13 f ty mill'
ions to the sugar trust. 1 would llku u
koow what doiense Mr. Allen cao make
for himself for that vote; can Ihk
Wealth MAKKiisay anytnlng in ex
tenuatlon of his cuurao.
Our noble Allen of whom we were
all so proud and iu whom we hud such
entire cennaunce to sou out w tn iu
fernal sugar trust is most discouraging
If fair methods were employod. or if
our friends, the enemy, would stick to
tho truth, Thk Wealth Makers
would not feel called upon to defend or
explain the official actions of Senator
The paper above referred to is a Re
publican paper of the goldbug stripe;
and that class of papers in Chicago,
New York and other eastern cities are
just now considerably exercleed over
the political outlook in Nebraska; so
much so indeed that they devote whole
columns of editorial space to the dear
farmers of Nebraska: neither do they
scarcely have the semblance of truth In
them. The article referred to abounds
In Insinuations without statement of
fact. . We give it below, allowing our
readers to uis their good sense In read
ing it:
Senator Allen, the Nebraska Demo
cratic Populist, is one of tno men who
voted to irtve to tbe sus-ar truit fifty
millions of government revenue by put
ting off to Jan. 1, 1HU5, ihecollecuon of
the tax to be Imposed on raw sugar. He
tried slnoe then to explain why he cast
this extraordinary yuiv, but the explana
tion is our which stands In need of much
further explanation.
The bdoator admitted that be had
voted for the sugitr ichedule, conveying
tens of millions of money to the suuar
trust, but be pleaded that he bad secur
ed free barbid wire for the farmers of
Nebraaka. That is to say that he sold
nis vote to the sugar trust robbers for
free barbed wire. Therefore, free bar
bud wire for Nebraska is to cost the
General Government fifty million dol
liua dollar of revenue, tnat Doing tbe
amount the Treiury will probubly 1osj
and the trust gain by Allen's vote. Free
barbed wire lor Nebraska Uwxpeuslye
to the government.
Nor is tbe fifty millions of revenue
glvn to the trust all that free barbed
wire for isebrak will cost tho country .
There are 15 Out) American engaged
now in (be manufacture of tnat article.
If the Nebraakaos are to be auinilied
with free barbed wire from Karoix. a
Senntor Allen thinks, then tbe 15, 0(h)
American mcchnnlcs will Im tbr iwa out
of their Jobs, a4 will not b the con-
utnrs of the agricultural products of
Nebraska and other states as irn-y are
It the Nebraska farmers say to the
American manufacturers of barbt d wlr
that thry will nlve t hem the preference
over the foreigners If they wll well a
cheap!), and the American inarmf.HO
turers proceed t a t on the suggestion
the llrai thing to d-i wlil hi to vutdowtt
the wages of the men to the foiviu
level it Mar U, Tnat moans strike,
lockout, and rlou iu tnU and oilier
Mates. Tnat I a hiyh pi ko t pay tor j
five bartk-d wir for NWaika. j
Senator AtUn ouitot ioho thatthe j
trust would not nuko the tlfiy iniHIos
ry Uefurileif tn ua o wuetjtn f -r ,
reut. ti went Into ef?eu 11U a-t-u
meet was la ubtiarto that it tn irut !
t to work t buy thU yeM'. n ircinji j
pU'ua wouiti rlMtuwtM- to lh)tti"o de
mand: to fall aiui ln r ttt li of Jan
uary, iH. iuv a ixnaior Iwierwss
kind t-noiga to point out Ui the Djiu;
fip tinait trtmtNtrika, if thatdid
ha (H n sttll the gowrumoat woytU l
the la ud a )a:'s ur sapply. The
oi. y a.florsuce wouUt m that inntt. tf
lh trust gtleg all that wa Aloo.!
froat tti gaorttBieai, l what wnlk
the NkkIU (naUr. thatruat would get
tuasdth forvlgn S'igar pro4v-r
would fet V rvst.
What th trust doe not pj. Sat (or
Ita prodoiHirs will pKkk lltwa
them the goeriitnt i Ut bs blk 4
out of s Via t Of tt mlU'r-niof the evBU
I order that Naraka fartnsra May
bava frva forwlga ba h4 wr: N,i
wha the p)op want M lra Iron)
sWaaior AHen is th aiuitf th tUna
tuts wht titova tais lolti-nal ba.-aia
wlia him. Who UH4 htw k ewuld aot
hae fv iatU4 Ira usU ha vtx4
.r tk sugar sUal schduU Wao
waat to him while is tuatal achedaU
was undar couaidsrattua aaj aalj "t
when the sugar schedule is reached''?
Who are they ?
It is most desirable to know the names
of these bulldozing Senators for tbey
are tbe boodllag Senators. The men
who "held up" Allen of Nebraska are
the ones responsible for this villainous
scheme of ''holding up" the United
States Treasury for the benefit of tbe
robber trust. Who are these Senatorial
highwaymen who have forced Allen in
exebarge for his free barbed wire to
elve up to a trust which Is odious to
Ncbraekans fifty millions of revenue
wblcb ougnt to go into tbe united
States Treasury?
Until these names are made public
Senator Allen's explanation will not be
accepted. He ought to tell the whole
story at once. He wai coc fused and
nreplexed when Sen a' or Teller t ot after
hioi ana riddled aim with questions he
dare not answer. After ue h's re
covered his composure he should rise
and finish his explanation and tell the
truth. His constituent and tho1 of
every other Senator want to hear the
names of the boodling burdozers. '
To satitfy our readers as to the facts
in the cas", we give below part o' Sena
tor Alien's speech on the subjeot, taken
from the Congressional Uncord of June
8, '91. The writer Is not in full Record
with Senator Allen's position; but docs
not for a moment question bis honor or
Integrity In his action; and he may quite
possibly bo entirely right.
The Kecord siys:
Mr. Allen, Mr, President, I am not
a believer in tbe system of nouoties I
bo not believe it would bo wl policy
to otter a bounty for the production of
any article, nor do I believe It to be
clearly within tbe power of the govern
ment to do so. An Industry which was
In existence at the time the McKlnley
bill became a law, in my judgment, has
no claim upon the continuance of the
bounty, admitting for argument's sake
that the government possesHCs the
power to crant bounties, wblcb I do not
admit, let aft r a bounty ha ben
granted aad an industry has been do
veloped upon tho strength of that
bounty to a very great extent, it be
comes a moral question if not a legal
question whether a great government
like this can properly and inhuman-
eougly repeal tbe bounty before tbe in
dustry is developed and before tbo
statute by It own language ceases to
I voted tola morning, as I shall con
tlnue to vote, agalnt the continuance
of tbe bounty lor the full eleven years
to all tbe industries emnraced within
tbe term or tbe amendment of my
collesgue. I do not believe tbat tbe
sugar planter of Louisiana is entitled to
a ticuoty, Tbe cane that prows in
Louisiana Is indigenous to tbat soli and
climate. It has bad the fostering care
of the government in one form or
another for many generations If it is
not developed today to Its highest de
gree, It never can be developed upon Its
own resources, and It never can be sus
talnsd unless the government onntlnu
ally supports it in the form of a bounty
or tax.
I desire to see the time come in this
country when sugar shall be free. Al
though l represent m part a great com
monwealth where tho sugar beet can be
cultivated with profit, and one of the
largest beet sugar factories in the
United States Is situated in tbe country
of which I have tbe honor to reside, I
do not believe thavit is either wise on
the part of this government to adopt
tbe bounty system as a policy, nor do I
believer the government has power un
der the constitution to encourage tbo
development of anything by a system of
I n cognize, however, that when the
government has offered a bounty, and
upon tbe strength of the offercontalned
in tbe statute an indHstry is developed
wbtoh perhaps would not be developed
but for the granting of the bounty,
whether the geernment had the power
or not. it certainly has morally DOpower
to 8uuaniy rate tbo prop from under
that Industry and permit it to fall with
out any wa ning of Its purpose to even
tually r cde from the bounty ivm.
iberefore when my colleague offered
his 'merriment, which lookrd to a
gradual reduction of tbe bounty system,
until it would expire in liHlo dropping
one-tenth avh yeae, i voted for it.
When he offered bis amendment pronos
Ing to make tbo bounty 1 cent Instead
of 2 cents a pound I voted for it, because
both propositions looktd to the gradual
extinction of the bounty system, and be
cause to so vote would not terloiuly
wrmich thn Industry which it being
developed in my tata today.
5hortrtetJ of breath. Swell
Inf of Leg i nJ 1 ct.
M)Vr alwul four yr Uu trott
Mcxl with pjipiutU.ti if thn heart.
Itorttu'M t f rr4llt ami swelling .f
the logi an l fort, At tim.a 1 woui4
f Alnw wa treat! by the lt pby.
attMans In b44iui ill, tU., with t te
lt f. 1 thett tried vrtuti hprlugs,
uhout U ttvU u 1'u.aU 1 trU'4
Dr. Allies' Heart Cure
ala Ma Nma ami Mrlnili 4
Sff tpa.aM4 t litis A-h iff It Uttrtt I
rvntinueil Uvkitig tbvm and 1 aw now
in U tt. r hoaitti th in Ut tiiaur year
Me my mwyvry I havw gaiosj Ufty
taxiiids Hi wetghu 1 lo o tin slato
ttieivt m iy U vf laluo li svmt t
$u3tvtl xi
t II. H'TT!. Wars IUiKa,0v4
!, Mlhw" Itearl l M O fclla
All UrucUw wllit at
ruUui wli it ai Si, Wma h't av. or
IK tf MW
rVbat Will the Harvest Be?
Editor Wealth Makers:
It will be just what it miut be. It
mutt be what the teed sown can and
will bring forth. The seed sown is and
has been for a generation of men interne
money worship. We shall gather the
harvest now and for years to come. No
one need hope to escape the conse
quencsof this evil sowing. Such
Dope Is vsin, we shall not escape. It
would to JuH ai reasonably t? tppe for
cicape from the Russian thistle. - The
seed is here, and has attained luxuriant
growth, now the harvest must be
gathered whether we will or not
T- a t m . m . .
riompt, vigorous, united notion can
harvest the thistle even to its annihila
tion. Tbe sirae rule can gather and
destroy in a large measure the multi
form error and wrong of our money
greed, but In neither case can the bar
vest be ev aded, nor will It be. We
called it mitrprhi to build Psolfio rail
ways, and many other rsllwayr
tbat we could not pay for. We bor
rowed money and wasted many mil
lions of tho public domain and got tbe
roads. Now we have the debt, but the
roads do not pay the debt, and so tbe
people must. This is only one case of
many tbat might be named, for the
cates are ''legion." When all our in
debtedness is counted up it makes a sum
total somewhat greater than half the
value of all property in the nation. But
snaking mosey was tbe business, the
calling, and the passion of tho age
All, practically, were at it, and so tbe
banker a -id al! money lenders took their
chance with tbe rest. These were
shrewd calculators, as were the railroad
builders and many others, and so se
cured much legislation In their favor
The "common people" looked on and
admired their success and wished they
could ao so loo, And thus tbe wondtr
grew. The awakening bad to come, and
has ccnie in the fullness of time. TbU
money god has been a demon every
hour in all these years, ard is yet, and
will remain a demon. The thing ve
really needed uai men, but we cast that
away for the dollar, and now we find
the demon hss us by the throat, and it
is a struggle for life with us. Now we
are beginning to find out msny things
not even noticed before. We find our
selves mining silver at half price and
selling it to India to be coined into full
price, This sets her too cent per day
men all at work, and so she prospers.
Her Imports are small and almott en'
tlrely made up of the precious me tale.
Her exports are five, or more than five
times her imports. She spins and
weaves about half of her cotton crops
nearly half of her jute crop, ed out
millions in tea and wheat, and dr ves
even England out of China and com
petes with bor in Australia aad Han
FranclH-4. All the while we furnish
tbe cheap silver to do it all, and make
Ccxey and . Kelley armies by way of
emphasis. Our wheat, and cotton go
begging along with the armies of un
employed and thousands go hungry in
sight of plenty. Why not if mony mak
ing is all men have to do? The gold
bugs are getting rich out of all tbis, and
manhood never once enters Into the
calculation. What difference about a
man or millions of them, so some one
gets rich? Little did tbe men of our
country dream of the slavery war from
'CI to '65 when they made tbe Constitu
tion But it all came, and so has thir,
and the end is not yet. Tbe harvest of
the seed sown in 1887 is not all gathered
yet, aod its doubtful, very doubtful, if
the child 1 born who will see tbe end
of our money worship harveat. To sur
render without reitence gives up the
land to the thistle. The only hope is to
man tbe pumps and work them for all
they are worth, and stand to our guns
and work them for all they are worth
too. Lest than that and all is lost.
With that, liberty may ba saved, and
freedom from the slavery of this u oney
p jwur rcachi d some where in the future.
The prt sent policy and all its tenden
cies lead labor in these Unl'ed States
right towards Kurorean condition urt,
thentoludidl. nl. la tUere any hopeV
Yer, If tod and Ills law bo counted in.
No, If ini.n aU tio U our trust. L oklr g
at men a not ansurlng lor many rraioua.
liio'ntiro the faruar who nn by
thousaids to the A iUnoo five yeum
'o, and new th thousands that never
at i nd. MatU r have eruwn eotitant!y
wow, why then S'ouUI any faruar
rj ovld iu his t Jal Th afwinuii of
two S;urday vould Ih iuot profitably
vui lit schtad I ouu tu'vtlnss evvry
uiouth. It wood py va.vly better
thu more Ci'-rp, Why W it
uotdi'r M.nply n account of 5u
ptd ladi!lrnc. ThU lodlffereuin I
a aittKg untold iu litott. aed may iou
death- Mora than a thouaao I indigna
tion meetings ought to have piutg
out of the grouad when Csy was seat
to pHasa. Hut the term tubuitUa
was awry where aa4 the todlgattloa
llalt4 U newspapers, tna aa hay
avttag la tkls age ra our cal how
fjr soft, th thr is llula tosaeour
ga the rsfurntvr, IM we are not Hm
luJtotnsa, IkaakGivl. "Tuttr Is a
dvttlav thai shais our eed" tar
"roofh awli" has le had. very
ha4 ia44, Hat w way h pa that Ir
NtrlsTable rule Is aut Involved, and
for tme d husv. Thai wa shall suffer
loeg and suffer wuh i now eeHala,
bat psrUh we a4 not, Thr l a
Best mark at
arlca tccued
prompt rsturas.
4 wtw
McCormlck Blndara. Raanara and Slnuara
' ..vnr,v, v H n.v.,u.
MACHINE CO.. CHICAGO, and are for tala
I Kstabllshad
J taee
f I
VV rV 'tnatairw! w1 ,tr,M, hr "r prompt nWn and iilck returns. If yon ,
eeivrf. tinvM furaitatcr npplicaJon titwral advance md wh.n aMr(J. i 1 r"
8 A VV. a mtddlBmaa' prnrl ta by Mpnln u your nH. .Ws are not dusters, but hlva a i..
iamiry and un our i-ia. D.wh It uot to waon that an xclulve wo.l "mmtJi,11'
hwM ran do for youthen a Kuurlcninmltlnlioiiiia who -il hay, grain
I li 111 T It dun. W lv nnr full ,,,-u n,1 u,.n.i.. ... ..., ' 7.' " . 'lc ' Cur.
iterances, any Bank in the Unltad Btatei, also Wealth Makers Pub. Co. I
The Great Northern Wool and Fur Ci
104 and 106 Michigan ..
4rrh,-v aoeal
price lovyuur
rnturna. Wa
I'rorrrpi jaiies
tho Wool triute
twelve months
houan, but hand
Metropolitan National'
Cbioago, and this Papen.
States. If ho han, then we Khali llvt,
and liberty will live with us. Our
Peoples' party Is the good right hand;
the other parties, as sucb, are our
scourge. Thousands of true men at
heart are yet in these political Ba
bylons. Part of our work Is to get
them out of there. If this- country Is
saved (and Itblak it will be,) the Peo
ple's party uvut save It, aad will save
It if it is accomplished. Kvery man
among us Is on the ''Lord's side "
We are i id's chran host, or tvs'e la
no such host. 1 hen my brave, true
brother, to lour post of duty ; the har
vest will bo bad enough when we all ta
alt that men can do. But e can atop!
the spread of the evil seed. We can
destroy much that Is now growing la
luxurious grow.h. Wo can cultivate
the health planting. Ibon
'tttt'ib 'til ttia tat a m.l I t-i(ir,
SuIk tr ) ur lur and your Piv,
h riW" f r iba ijltvii yravri ( )uur lr,"
hnu fur U. il and litwi iy.
It our rcaiU'-rs who hav wool to a !l,
alii wilto to .siitKiiuian Uris,, t. mmgo
a .d triap progt thrm, hiUwrmiu ,
ii-.w ... it.. -...1
charging otilj r pound wfau-h
covt a.UipMi.w a'tnf It rtaclics their
warvhoute Hn4 for tblrcltvu!ar ied
Utara mora ataiut them that mm k'
pace tti tll Ji u.
NittWsaUit thvlr ad.
la th.a iu.
Usa NorttiwvaWra Use to Chicago,
raw. t'at traia tirt tt tt ( n
Ellchom Valley HorU
I - S't ia tcadine ilfc l l.llu ?
Tiis ' I' ttU tiaa t a lvMit.
. Te
f 'i I ? tt4 "t
l a Mi
I k'U I . V
aH4M M l. U a.
km Ht ai HuMilj ne Ti4e a4
., ... ii.. I, . I low raUi w.-i will r.-pau f,,r lh trip,
they m ivc lv hy rauru null a Mr- j , , rttlh m vmiUl
tu!ar that UliMUly liaiirt thrm'iu! J v ti.s tin-nt.iu.u vvrdiot wmild
ivery fa- J
arjr for T
at r-St
blppers. T
to ni
VTa have rrerr i
acawrlaa; beat
fvifv mra m
mmy rasp aal bla (
oasiaaaa nonaa or
bank la Cbleago.
Silborman Brothers
- 214 Miohlgan t., Chloogo, Illinois
. Committee, who tented the
rtcCormlck No. 4 Steel Howtr
In the only regular expedition
Mold trial, In a heavy growl Ii
of timothy and clover, said, In
their ofllclal report I "The
efficiency of the machine la
thim, under fair comlltlonx,
nearly 70 per cent, Ordinary
flgurci for ordinary mowers
are at least twenty pounds
higher In total draft, with an
efficiency of not above 00 per
cent., which latter figure good
machines ihould be expected to
exceed," Tho McCormlck Is the
llKbtCHt draft, and mot effec
tive grat ci Her yet produced.
HlKlicHt Medal awarded.
K..III ku lk ul-nouinu utaveariuit
h, w whim vj i,tv mwvviiinivH nnn, b.9 1 liw,
wherever oraln Ar Mrata le nrnufi .
R. plnfFORP, Agent,
"a ' - mention
- - CHICACOn i
i uai uwpanua upon now you ami your " ovi ,fMt
Hhlff it direct to market ami ta the rlirht honan I
litlsnoexpprlniont. Onr ahlppors ttly t
Wa will not only obtain, tho highest mu.
tt(hi,,u youaoipua, ou wa-wiusunwyoaq1
ore revolutionizing thit Wool triulo by
man yuicia kct nrns Wu bavadone
aoldiwiis impoaslhla. Intaitd of taklnffsi
tO'tniike retucus for Wool, a moat bouaas
lnthut uuuiy (Hays, and. our Bhippsrsbaolt
up In thlstutfiment.. Writ for Prices on Wool and sou
our htmxr We are not an erultiHlva W
lo Hay Oralst and Produce 0f all kinds
comimssiDa amnams, m m. water Mt;
nie"lxdittar" State
Great Rock Island Rood
Iwoslo rwyc
..u.ii.k cu tw tiiotbtHt witti ti), r
fau'a than 'ho ttnieni tl at tlouanils
of farmer auri fruit srowew win U-ava
the more wrtVro cllmns and locato Iu
1'hls wa- rvlnwd hy the exaurslfn of
."a'tuar wta, ovrr (tie Chloago,
IlaU I'atnfla ta tva, and lha huo
Urd ttiat ava t thiml of tha
,m it la h'Wvr than I ein,'vttu t m,
aiut 1 it .u'l it.a " 4
0f thr.- e.,,nta ,3ur.lon a.d km t a
t rd, a did tha hundred n thn lu
hl1 v-ryun wh d l'r to-i urie
r ,B i-w awrea. ir ;i t.r in v
fruit traut la that land of ml'U ciu,ai,
huld ot ''! ivn lha ortler nf their
colog hut "Go-' tha Ort rsurUa iuk.
Ihle, i
AppU fc detailed InM matloa as to I
rate f fa'a lt as repreeatatlva of ?
the tirral It vk U and lUat or an
twitkm Tioket Ar, t audraaa 'fcdt- '
t r Wealera Trail,- t hluagts lr M
facts as to Ua lead,
Oart l Psss.A.t , ChUaa.
An l aaaual,
The V'ai. PteU'4 IU adt ttsls 4
tta tn juit euriui.ti at taa ftr -
the eiiua.t Irlu. A tt J
layout aarat V Afsat lorii
rarneuiara. aia
- T J
traia t ine iteatrltra v'hau
i a at a a. ta y