C Jute 28, 1894 r arj THE WEALTH MAKERS. Y f n i 'i V.: ; 1 V -4- I II0IIS101E ' HILL KEEPS UP AGAINST HIS IT. FICHT BE OFFERS MAN! AMENDMENTS. Bat They Are AH Voted Down by a I)o itelve Vote The 03,000 I Imlt De featedHe Declare That I riilay Will io Down in llitttory a I'opulUt Day In the trii ale ttuhlnglon Nenn. Wasiiixgto.v, Juno 23. The half hour usually devoted to miscellaneous business in the senate was to-day oc cupied by Mr. If ill. After Sir. Call had spoken this morning on a resolution providing for ! a committee of five senutors to inves ts uguie tno flection and control ol I senators and representatives by cor- ir porations, and Air. .Sherman had said , that he was willing' that the investi ration should be allowed so far as norma was concerned, uui lie am not think it was just to make it so broad and sweeping as 1L to include the whole country, V. the tarill bill was taken up and Mr. jt ii n aiuno. lit; nam VIlUt yChlCldtty wouia oe Known in history as Pop ulist day, alluding to the speeches of Senators Kyle and Allen, ha said that no attempt hail been made to at tack the repeal of the state bank tax or to enact a free coinage bill, both of which were endorsed by many j Democrats and considered a part of the platform, while especial efforts had been made to go outside the platform ni ! . i .. ..... i.. ii . i. . i mHlt III II n Ifflilt lilfbtim .f t.n-uli,.. opened sncii a broad field for fraud and igm evasion anu none ottered such tcmpta y tions. If the tax were to be imposed fat'tbere was no reaiion why the exemp tion should bo &.i,U0U when in mou arclrcal countries where this tax was levied, the exemption was but $750 and even down to Was it to compensate for high cost of living here? Ho believed that the higher the exemption the harder it would be to defend this tax. Having spoken nearly two hours, " Mr. Hill gave way to Air. (iallinger, who also opposed the income tax. 'I'll,, n Mr Hill ..IT. I nr. tlict limiting the exemption of tax to 4 Jf.come uMcss than 83,0(10 which Mr. Vest offered yesterday on behalf of the ttiance ciiinmittee, but which he nft'trvards withdrew. This wuw lisl. r o Vt3 I 38. Onar. iimi motion to substitute (KXlfor the 8I,0W limit the vote -f was ;p yeas to as nays a nd that to Jf coslHphe limit 8 1,000 was defeated t tjeaap and nays 32. While that to 1 tialllthe limit 8J,i0 was lost ii5 to 3. P 1 ill s amendment to change the datiO" which the income tax pro Visit ahould go into effect from Janu-9r:-fHjr to January 1, HW, and the da") of its expiration from I'Mii to was defeated 5!S to 40. ' fe TUK 8.1.000 LIMIT VOTK. ho' detailed vote on the amend i nt fixing the limit at 13,000 was as 'usAldrlch, AllUon, Carey, Chandler, Horn, Davit. Dulioix. Krye. Gallln!r Hul. , feibrow h. HW .inn. Hill. Hour. Irbv. I.orl ;. Miduraoii, Mitchell, of Ore.'oo, Morrill. Pat- i. reirar, 1'ermns, rintt. fowur, Proctor, ay, Skciuian, Shuup, Teller una Wushuura. ml .11 i ay Allen, Ruto, Hurry. Black burn. Caf- V. Call1. C'Oukrell. tone Dolrih e'millrm.r i IJtoriov Clbaon. Uormun. Oruv. UurrM. Hiiw- ley iiunwin, warvis. joue of Arkamas Kyle, Mndiay. Mcl'hcrwon Martin. MilU, Mlti-boil WlMn-ln. Morcrun. Murpbv. 1'aliiur, HM'J Fi'Kh. Hoiicli. Smith. Turple Vest, V4la. Vooraees VVainh anU White. Total, M. Mr. Hoar offered an amendment to eieeptfroin the inheritance tax that of lineal descendants and widows. This was lost as to 23. He then fcred in amendment providing that this tax should uot apply to inherit ace oflineal descendants and widows org et;iUs less than $5,000. This was lost i'l to 20.' CRISP'S TONGUE AFFECTED Ttip Sprakrr SulTerliic Conildorably From ! l lrxratlont N Surlout Allmt-ut. tAHIS0ToN, Jur, 25. The con ttouei absence of Xpeaker t'risp from hia duties and the meagerness of the explanation furuishud on nis behalf aroused fears that his indisposition wait far more .serious than would anperliclnlly appear. Iht oeasion of Mr. Crisp's absence wa, 4M-Uiiiaiiy alleged to iu bitious attiMa and itn t'ons(unt disorder, but In Order ia quiet the exaggerated appf.'liensioni of the sHaler's friend Mlroiistid by a reptrt that an operali'l had l;en itvrforni.nl on his ton glut fir a suddenly developod cuu ri'l affliction, it hut been author. iltatitel.it I a ii noii need that ulcerous rru4u'i have appeared on ItU Uin,f4 iin'li Mcasion him much j ttaiuJiiKl Iiu'oiivciiUMhc, without le ing iUNaieniiigiy iiiallgiiaut. He rouvtii avlth (Itilicutty am) CnHtd U ll'iuid ftMMt. m the u leers "PP-!1 lHv hue been vautrUn and nuaMtnaiiiiu whatever U niter taiif H that the disorder wiUy Udd read & ' to Irratiuoni. L Tof ,v, thnuifli far frm well, Mr. D-L (VUllI M'tllt 1.1 111., .-a, .Ii.. I ....I . J atl,..I I 111! Il.mwa I.. ...1..- I.I. .. i tram-4 Mnjf the signal for a burst f P:aolv cxriotiON. ta MH4fl Mluvrt MuidlH a la Hlllvry, f AMii r Walo, Juita Y A di patch I. . I'oul y IVi Id, liUii.ir.a, M IH! at) tpl.,ltti tHH-urred t'lU aririaii t the Alld.n colliery nrar that ti4 $id hundred itili.fi are bull H It U bvlttred )l a Urev ,' BU'UI vl them hata U vu kliU d f woh fty an oursitiiti. Wf l W lii tMHr t ill Vh -K.iy l.l ai,a KhH, a iaW 't d i u.u th tm4t I S 3V"1 r '' l,v ! l llrt.a n. I., 4(. V f B4l' i.radv, lh i;.i .r.i I FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. PLANTING AND CULTIVATION OF MELONS. Stable Manure the Dent Fertilizer Gen eral Purpote IIor Darning Stable Stock Notes and Household Helps, Crow liif Melon. During a recent meeting of the Illi nois horticultural society, W. P. Rose of Alma, read a paper on melon cul ture, from which the following ex tract is taken: Melons should bo planted as Boon as the ground is warm. In our lati tude, immediately east of St. Louis, from the 15th to tho 20th of May is about tho right time to plant with safety. Sometimes they do well planted as early as tho lirat of May, but there is great danger of tho eood rotting in the ground, as a cold rain will always rot them, and even tho young plants will rot off just under tho ground, if' the weather is cold and wet. But if they do succeed, early melons pay the best The safe way seems to bo to plant part of tho crop early and replant if they fail. The ground should be plowed deep and well harrowed; tho hills should bo from four to six feet apart each way. (Small melons such a: (ioms do well four feet apart. Large melons require more room. Watermelons take more room than nutmegs: some planters put them eight or ten feet apart on very rich ground. Melons are great feeders and require some kind of fertilizer, to do . tho best. Nothing; that wo have triod is better than rotted stable manure, but guano and phosphates do quite well when about a tablcspoonful is used in tho bill. Stable manure may bo applied broadcast in any quantity. Wo have triod forty loads to tho acre and would use a hundred If we had them. Iiut as that is rather expensive we generally put manure only in the hill, using about a two-horso load to 400 hills covering tho manure about three inches deep with looso soil. In planting we put five or six water melon seeds in a hill and when the third leaf is two or three inches broad thin to one plant in tho hllL We ponorally put ten or twelve nutmeg teeds in a hill, so as to make good allowance for mice and bugs, cover ing not more than an Inch and a half, and when in tho third leaf thin to two in a hill. Mice are very fond of melon seeds, and a good nsvJso dog in a melon patch will save many a hill of melons. Striped bugs are a very great damage to melons some seasons, and rather difficult to manage. Some growers plant a few hills of squashes among the melons. Sometimes sprinkling the vine with ashes, or slaked lime will keep them away. Plowing and hoeing disturbs them and is quite a help, and is probably as good a thing as can be dono. Sprinkling the vines wiih phosphates is also recom mended. . Cultivation should begin as soon as possible with plow and hoe and be kept up till tho middle of July or later. We have plowed melons with good results when trmre wero half grown melons on the vines; of course the melons and vines had to be care fully laid around in tho row, but wo thought it paid. In regard to va rieties, every one must be governed by his market. General Furpoe Home, A writer in the National Stockman scys: I undertook to raise an all purpose horse. It was for myself. i nau a line mure to start Willi una a good one which weighed ,2f0 pounds. I brod to a trotting-brod horse. Ho was rather small, other wise perfect horse, and the kindest disposition that I ever aw iu a stal lion. The worst I could see was the service fee. 2.r looks large when we don't know what wo are going to get. Some of our large horse advocates said "You will have something no body will want." It is not so. have a colt thrtt will make a 1,200 pound horso.handsome and as near perfect as you will often tind. There are lots of men who would like to have him. I commencod to edu cate him when about a week old, by putting tn a halter. Ity the time ho was '.hreo week old my littl (jlrls, c ite seven, tho other live years old, could go halter him, and lead him any place. I got a bridle on purpose, witli a leather bit. so as not to hurt his mouth. We drive him to buggy and also double, and he Is u ! fectly safe for a lady to drive. We Id not give him very long dikes nor put him to very heavy work, lie will goto town and btn-k in at short a time as any hoio, hut will u nko a No. I family hore 1 am so well pl.-acil with result that 1 have bivd (he tuiiio May again. lalhrr h ku la t'ertMrtiip, It I natural for fathers to complain M old age cullies on, ami they Dm) thriiis lv U fl aioiut allh ivrralnif I IOH If rrt c nital tht dlrttcullt. t. Hut II ona , nut i lioo to rntiain at luuim ai Ihry wholly to hUiiif,' in tlt complaint M.41 lh boy in not; h up on a farm I. ate M a soon a they roma f a.. If iu. t firs t i?iurtly ak if thry ha4 any liulintiintiit to itt fiti.-iala I sualty th attiwer U thai Ihrrtt wa items X father ho waul U have hit on a hi'ip In him In bin tM a,' wnfe'hl In U'glti early li train him t lnlcut h'iMvlf In Utto farm. I! Iho lmv H'u that lie i rt'iiily R lattix-r In lh f.rm, and Huh iiitimal .tUu,.' dnw him l.tt ulroiijiy aarv ftvm ' th? faun, l ai'lf , inukit hli love it iuit a a iU' the Mrnor Mni.v Sf, It U a t; re a I tnUUko l l It'? Hal U.e !4 tui-ui U not largo enough for subdivision in most cases, when sons or daughters marry and find need to establish homes of their own. If it is found that more land is needed it can usually bo pur chased to better advantage in the immediate neighborhood than will result from dispersing a united fam ily. Thore is great gain in farm co operation, and it is best secured in many localities by the combination of farmers in whom alfection supple ments the arguments based on pe cuniary interests. American Cultivator. llurning stable. 1 have just had the misfortune to have a barn burnt and with it two fine horses. My case is one of lock ing the door after the horse is stolen, but I feel my loss so deeply that I cannot help saying what 1 shall do in the future. No one need bo told that the horse in a Are becomes frightened and cannot readily bo made to stir, and tho truth is that tho horse, when a barn is on firo, is scarcely nioro frightenod than the owner is. Tho fire in my barn was well under way before I know it. At once I rushed to tho stables, but to tell tho truth was so exc. tod that it was with dilll- culty that I could untie the horses. had no knife in my pocket to cut tho halters, and after tho horses wore untied I could not get them to move. It is well known that if some thing is thrown over tho horse's bond at such times you can get tho animal out. lint I had nothing, not even a coat on my back to use for this purpose. Hereafter 1 propose to carry a good, large, sharp pocket knife which every farmer should have in my pocket, for tho purpose of cutting halters when there is a fire, among other numerous uses, and will have blankets where I can readily reach thern for throwing over tho horse's head. You will io some thing practical, too, brother farmer, when you have two valuable horses dead. Farmers Voice. Slock Niiln. ior warts on horses apply castor oil once a day. Scrubby stock and good prices do not go toirethor. The country is imported compara tively free from glanders. Whey should be fed in combination with oatmeal, peas, bran, etc. Unless a man intends to give proper care he had bettor not go into stock ruising. During all the depression in horso prices the draft and coachers have brought good prices. I he growing pigs need succulent food with a little grain to keep grow ing. The clover field is an excellent place for hogs. The man with a good lot of mares on hand should breed them to first class draft stock, and the colts will grow him out. If tho butter consumers would con sult their own interest they would never spend a cent in a grocery store in which butterine la kept. It is poor policy to attempt to raise calves in a pasture in which there is no shade. It is poor policy to keep cows in such a .pasture. An exchange thinks that when a farmer foods a p'g boyond nine months ho is needlessly throwing away his profits. Many are slow to learn this, notwithstanding it has so often been demonstrated. it is very important to start right In the cattle business. The man who contemplates going into tho business should road good stock journals, and consult experienced and successful stock men before he invests his money. Tho man that exorcises this precaution will not start with scrubs. Ilouneliold Help. Oilcloth is ruined by tho applica tion of lye soap, as the ly6 eats tho cloth, and aftor being washed it should bo wiped perfectly dry or tho dampness will soon rot it. If laid down where tho sun will shine on it much, it will be apt to stick fast to the floor unless paper is laid under it. It sometimes happens that a pricked linger will leave a blood fituln upon some delicato work. It is a good thing to know that a paste mailo of uncookod laundry starch, if spread upon the stain immediately and left to dry, may then bo scraped oft an l with it will disappear all traces of tho stain without injury to the fabric. A bit of pumice won't take up much room in the soap dish, but it aiil keep feet and fingers smooth and dainty, and, by the way, there is no reason why the feet should not ho kept at dainty n the hamU. They are certainly much less exposed to jhauge of temperature than tho latter, and fn in the greater heat the iklu should lie aofter and finer. Tho bel soap for cleaning paint .'an be ni.i lo by taking an ounce of powdered bora, one poun I of the best brown neap cut into pieces, and ttneo quail of water, rut all in a kettle, set oil the back of the t,no uolll the soap U all dUsulved, stir ring (I't'nuentlv; It tuiil nut Ihi, t w Willi a piece of old soft flannel. to tUrrh linen, iimi a leaponful of powdered l rat 1 1 one quail of ImiC- in' at Art It. l will ImiHuve the stiff- less add hm Mid prevent It ttck" llitf. rV mix tur which l excellent for itmotltttr tf!eat ittu ,iid Mains from rai tt amlcUtlhln U made f laoiiiiima o ammonia, tan emifc t white rtlllst ,iais one ounce ef ft) ee -lilts tne (tuii.'o of ill ir. tut tint soap in trial I pitvet and UUolva la turn pint tf wai,-r over thu fire; Ho n add two ituai la of water, 'I bit thou hi then U mixed with outfit aator, l, the rpiuU ti of a I. itevii.. ful to eme ouiiioii v ti a Hail of alu the tolled at tUlut ai then aath'd Ihounighly In this. OUH NATIONAL PLATFORM. The People's Party Platform Adopted at Omaha July 4, 1802. Assembled upon the 116th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, the People's party of America, In their first national convention, invoking upon their action the blessings of Almighty God, puts forth in the nam and on be half of the people of this coantry'th following preamble and declaration of principles; PREAMBLE me condition wracn surround ns but justify our co-operation. We meet In the midst of a nation brought to the yrrge of moral, political and material mln. Corruption dominate! the ballot box, tha legislatures, the congress, and touches even the ermine of the bench. The people are demoralized; most of the states have been compelled to iso late the voters at the polling place! to pre ven Universal Intimidation or bri bery. The newipaperi are largely iub ildized or muzzled, public opinion xlleoced; business prostrated; our homes covered with mortgages; labor Impover ished and the land concentrating in the hand! ct capitalist!. The urban work men are denied the right of organiza tion for self protection; imported pau perized labor beats down their wages, a hireling standing army, unrecognized by our lawi, is established to ahool them down; and they are rapidly de generating into European conditions. The fruits of the toll of million! are boldly stolen to build up colossal for tunes for a few, unprecedented in the hostory of mankind; and the possessors of these, in turn, despise tho republlo and endanger liberty. From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed the two great classes tramps and millionaires, The national power to create money l! appropriated to en rich bondholder!. A vast public debt, payable in legal tender currency, has been funded into gold-bearing bonds, thereby adding millions to the burden! of the people. Silver, which has been accepted ai coin since the dawn of history has been demonetized to add to the purchailng power of gold by decreasing the value of all forms of property as well as hu man labor, and the supply of currency Is purposely abridged to fatten usurers, bankrupt enterprise and enslave indus tries. - A vast conspiracy against man kind has been organized on two conti nent! and it Is rapidly taking possession of the world. If not met and over thrown at once, It forebodes terrible social convulsions, the destruction of civilization or the establishment of an absolute despotism. We have witnessed for mora than quarter of a century the atrugglea of the two great political parties tor power and plunder, while griev oua wrongs have been Inflicted upon a suffering people. We charge that the controlling influence! dominat ing both these partlei have permitted the existing dreadful condition! to de velop, without serious effort! to prevent er restrain them. Neither do they now promise us any lubstantial reform. They have agreed together to ignore, (a the coming campaign, every issue but one. ' They propose to drown the outcries of a plundered people with the uproar of a sham battle over the tariff, so that capitalists, corporation!, nation al banks, rings, trusts, watered stock, the demonetization of silver and the ppresslons of the usurers may all be lost sight of. They propose to lacrlfioe our homes, lives and children oo the altar of mammon; to destroy the multi tude in order to secure corruption fund! from the millionaires. Assembled en the anniversary of the birthday of the nation and filled with the spirit of tha grand . generation which established our independence, we seek to restore the government of the republlo to the hands of "the plain people,1 with whom It originated. 3 We assert our purposes to be identical with the purpose! of the national con stitution: "To form a mora perfect union, establish Justice, Insure dorres tlo tranquility, provide fer tha common defeaoe, promote the general welfare, and sesure the blessing! of liberty to ourselves and our posterity," We declare that this republlo can only endure as a free government while built upon the love of the whole people for each other and for the nations that II cannot Ve planed together by bayonets; thai the civil war Is aver and that every passion Mid reiaatmaat which grew out of It must die with It, and that we must be la fact aa wa are la same, th ualted brotherhood of free mn. Our fouatry finds Itself confronted by conditions for which lbs re la ao prvoe dent ia the history of (he world; our aeoutl agricultural productions amouat lo btlllrss ol dollars la value, which must vUhta a f ti or months Ik ichangid ter billions of dollars el oom ttiudlltss consumed la their production; theeilstlng fvtrrtaoy supply U vhoHf Inadequate I J sank this viahaags; tha results art la'.ilng t rLaa, tbe Mrnatioa of ion I lots and Hag aad the lm poturUliuisnt of tha prist uot ig !m. We U-tire ouravlvea Uia'. It fltva powrr, we alii (shot to eorrol tlts stilt by wit a aad rraaonahte Ul alien la sownUm-a wKa tha Wiics ut our ilatfortn. Wa atlte thai the itrt ol ivtraanl la athsr a oris, itf the pvle should h sipandtd (aa la tta eat l tin pawta! tervloe) aa rapidly and aa far aa tha good sense of an intelligent people and the teachings of experience shall justify, to the end that oppression, injus tice and poverty shall eventually cease in the land. While our ijmpathlei as a party of reform are neturally upon the aide ot every proposition which will tend to make men intelligent, virtuous aad temperate, we never theless regard these questions, Important as they are, as secondary to the great iasuea now pressing for solution, and upon which not only our individual prosperity, but the very existence of free institutions depend; and we ask all men to first help us to determine whether we are to have a republlo to administer, before we differ aa to the condition! upon which it li to be administered. Believ ing that the forces of reform this day organized will never cease to move forward until every wrong is remedied, and equal rights and equal privileges securely established for all men and 'n'nen of the country, therefore , WE DECLARE! st That the union of tha labor forces of the United States, this day consummated, ahall be permanent and perpetual. May it! spirit enter into all hearts for the salvation of the republlo and the uplifting of mankind. Second Wealth belongs to him who create! it, and every dollar taken from industry without an equivalent ia rob bery. "If any will not work, neither shall he eat." The Interests of rural and civic labor are the same; their ene mies identical. Third-We believe that the time baa come when tno railroad corporation! will either own the people or the people mus, own the railroads, and should the government enter upon the work of owning and managing any or all rail roads, we should favor an amendment to the constitution by which all persons engaged la the government service shall be placed under a civil service regulation of the most rigid character; so ai to prevent tha increase of the power of the national administration by the use of such additional government employees. . PLATFORM. " We demand a national currency, safe, sound and flexible, issued by the gene ral government only, a full legal tender for all debts, publio and private, and that without the use of banking corporations; that a Just, equit able and efficient means of distribution direct to the people, at a tax not to ex ceed two per cent, per annum, to be provided, aa aet forth in tba aubtreaiury plan of the Farmers' Alliance, or some better system; also by payment! in dis charge of 1U obligation! for public im provement!, i We demand tha free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at tha present legal ratio of 16 to 1. We demand that the amount of circu lating medium be speedily increaaed to not lesa than 150 per capita. We demand a graduated income tax. We believe that tha moneys of the country should be kept a! much aa poi- iible in the hand! of the .people, and hence we demand that all itate and national revenues shall be limited to the necessary expenses of the govern ment, economically and honestly ad ministered. We demand that postal savings banki be established by the government, for the safe deposit of the earnings of the people, and to facilitate exchange. Transportation being a means of ex change and a publio necessity, the gov ernment should own and operate the railroads In the Interest of the people. The telegraph and telephone, like the postofSce system being a necessity for transmission of news, should be owned and operated by the government in the Interest of the people. The land, including all the natural resources of wealth, la the heritage of all the people, and ahould not be mono pollztdfor speculative purposes, and alien ownership of land ahould be pro hibited. All lands now held by rail roads and other corporation! ia excess of their actual needs, and all lands bow owned by aliens, ahould be reclaimed by tho government and held for actual settlers only. Use Northwestern line to Chloajro Low rates. Fast trains. Offloe 1133 The Oitelt hottil is headquarWra of VV. 11 Ircb, Divtsloa Coiumaader ot tha AfitUnt Ordvr of Loysl Americans IUhiw 5. W. II. I) ecu. To the land of Kwl Apples via the Mlourt I'sclflo rxiute Ksb, 1st, tot oae fare tor tha muad trip good 30 days. Call oo I'l-U I'aaiv!a. C. I' A T. A. l.'ul 0 airvl Ltnoula, Neb, Tom tats from Miansaota Points. CV&ttui&flag Ckituhrr 6th. a Tourltl ear Ivaws Minnapmia atry Thursday morning aad runs to ruahltf aad via Albert to I olutnbu JaacUoa. ar rUlutf at 11 7 p. at. and there oihU with corC. it t. A I', trala No, ? whlvh will hold at that lat for ar rlTtu uf tha II t IU N. trala carrv Inif thai and via Kantas City arrUv al l'a tln tr ,d nmrntpa. ll'slanlBir iWkita'r luu. Tourist ear will lau AUrt Ua ry I u tdar tnoralxg and run tla MloaraimlU A wt. UhiIs lly. thrtugh Ai'gaaUiUsMolasa, arrivltif at night, aad thare lav ovor aa4 Ui uhaa wval i 'III rtva" Irt r MfYvttnf, aad rua vlaOwaha, Lie otla and tHii U't lu I'ut ti How to Claan 8 ton Step. - To clean stone steps boil a pound of pipe clay to three pints of water and one fourth of a pint of vinegar. Put in a bit of stone blue. Wash with this mixture, and when quite dry rub with a dry flan nel rag and a brush of moderate stiff ness. Sweep off the dust raised with a clean brush or whisk broom. now to Make Koirllth Mine Meat. One pound of currants, a pound of rai sins, one-half pound of mixed peel (orange, lemon and citron), also peel of a lemon grated, a nutmeg, teaspoonfola of mixed spice, about one-half teaspoon ful cf salt, a quart bottle of mnscatd wine and a tumblerful of brandy, a pound of beef suet and one-quarter peck of sharp apples. The quantity of sngsar should be a pound and the kind dark brown "raw sugar" it is called in Engf land. Muscatel wine is 50 cents a quart, and it is the only wine which will irivs just the right flavor to mince pics. Mince pies in England are always baked in lit tle tins, such as we would use for tarta, about an inch deep and 81 across, and with a top and bottom crust. How tv Clttan I'luth. A grease upot may be removed from plush if a little turpentine be poured m the place and rubbed dry with soft flan nel. Brush the pile of the plush upand bang in the open air. A child'! pluck coat may be cleaned by UHingateaspiwtt f ul of borax in a quart of water, applied with a soft sponge, Nerve Blood Tonic Builder VntSa vrlntAW yattWiiw. Dr. r has. 0 stokT Jws) Schenectady, x aaaBrOCkTlJlCGilC WIFE CAM0T " H9W rc5 s l.a. aw 1 4nwn mlaal m aat Ba It frutM dirt Arm MarartacMi tll.lv MnUh.rf. nkJul blal.il. ubl t feAa had biwvv wiflii irafnl.4 lor UInm Mfe t't Mkiilll. N.ir.lMllaf tf4lii.l.ia i-l of l. 4llutaaal.iab i.wal a 0 lr Trial. Hit mtmti uvi Im M.WWunr flaw. Wo. !' fall M.a.l mufcta. a swnla. Sur Irtm faat.rv aai aav daal.r'a aa4 aiata antta. rnrr ai bib va. ana waa loa ior navanaa ar am rn r nit nlalara.,l.llinfllli M liUmnnol Hi. VU'mftlK. orimim' )fiHM?tS iiiiV TKail.la Acting L Euwlatnr Bisrar- I Ina- OuOtta urwMHit I Leaf nil lit Worm I I'm II. Iaaurt ImrT. F fluid of all tvrufc to ViwaUlil erom, flaw asda la turn. Hand I ola. (or , eauliwua tad (oil tmtatt 1 oo aprwinc. Otrculnrifnm, " WU.STAHL.Quinoy.inA 1 aaVaVaVV'tVBVPn CIPIIUUMJ!?.W make balr erow on bald had aud on ltre facet, UMtlinulatenaod lavtw- atsMMoTNiaa ei.ns will. It Is safe, aarv, certain. Tented for 80 yearn, If It. talis mirntm will tie returned. Larue metal cates Prtco.SJ ak DAulal let and ALL facial Imperfect loot, whiietm, ".orient aod actually truBH forma ite motl rough and muddy complexion. It makca the homely haudtome Unequalled aad tafa. Price, W cents. 41 f (KT For dsyt only we offer a tot tit ai VUJI cane of ( uiilllHiim. lri u !v nar only SO cents, halm of Beauty for SS aanta. wolu for only 75 cents Bent free and pceuaUl anywhere. Circulars free. Addrtta HUNTER & CO., Hinsdale, N. It- FURNAS COUNTY HERO r 3 BIG BERK HOGS AND Holsteln Cattle. ThlrtV-fl V SAWN hl-Ml ffJ fir.t-4ntv fwtraasv mill of Ji.na farrow aca tvw Fail pfot a K.S WILLIAMSON. Beaver City, Met. tUphO Salino BATH HOUSE---AKo SANITARIUM. Corntr Hth aad M Btrreia, Lisooua, Htm Open at All Houra Day and NlgM. All Forma ot lUths, Torkisb, BqssUo, Roam isd Eisctrii wna ticii aiuiuioa to tka apptkathaa nt Na'urnl Salt WaUr Bathi Maral iIium musor Usa t wtux. Hhtiimattam, Skin, HUxid and Ni t aaavt. I.l tu.l Knlnry TruultW aal Csruail Aliiufutt ar Ut4 tattaaafully, St A DATHINC may he a;v-t at a t taMaa la Sttae stbTawiMaiNai'iiH. tutiufwi, 4 tula !, fcaUl la auKurui tii.in titaU ai ligfa. On. U. H. I-j J 0. tunl, Maaaflnt rhvsUia, For Oalce A I I VI UUNA1 rOWM o Electric Mobr la r.J eomli.lim. Will U tl$ ciiiarlt kiMm , . . frt.O. TICfULf, Cursor llth A M M1. , IdilHa !ct S4i t'.it to. vT ft I HYfwa w a t"tl.l44aail tai :xf fftasi J