The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, June 28, 1894, Image 1

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    " ' " ' - ................ , . .... ',Ls
lln tha time lntervealnsr between now and
the date ot the People's Independent State
Convention this and succeeding columns will
be oran to the Populists of the state to pro
pose candidates for the ticket of '94. and for
United States Senator, and to show reason tor
individual prererences. we snail not nave
oacefor anything more than names and brief
rtoni for the choice made, became we wlxh
la bear from a great many. Let ko mam bk
sroa. If any caadidates seem to be leading
-whom our readers cannot conscientiously sup
port, by all means let us know why they are
'Strenuously objected to. But let us respect one
another's views, avoid anything tending to
disharmony If it be possible without sacrifice
of principles, and hear willing;? tboae who dif
fer with us. "In a multitude of counselors
there Is safety." But with many to hear from
acn must be brief. Editor Wealth Makbbs.
Ibt) Choice of a Clodhopper.
. Shickley, Neb.
Editor Wealth Makers:
My choice for governor U JN. Gaf--fin
of Saunders county; for lieutenant
governor, W. A. Poynter of Boone; for
congressman Fourth district, Hon.
Richard Dobson of Fillmore county.
If Mr. Dbson is nominated r by tho
convention he will be elected.
Yours for justice,
C. H. Mreban'a Choice of Men.
S'Qvebtow, Ne', June 6tb, 1894.
'F.dltnr Ws!AT.fH MiK KRS!
s' We as Independents are alive and in
the middle of the road in this county
(Dawson). All personal ambition
should ba laid aside in the comiog cam
paign and each one work for the good
of the people and the success of the
party. While we have dozens of hon
est Independents capable of filling the
offices we should be careful to nominate
men who are known all ovr the state
44 much as possible for their honesty
id Integrity as Independents and
ability to fill the cffice. One such man
Is honest John Powers, who was cheated
out of the governorship once, who
either as governor or state treasurer
would be In the right place. For lieuten
ant governor, the Hon. J. H. Darner,
who as state senator proved his ability
as a leader. As congressman for. the
tith district, the Hon. O. M. Kern has
proven himself both honest and capable,
and that is the kind of men we want.
i Ive honor where honor Is due, and
send him back. For U. S. Senator to
help Allen i stir up the animals, I
would suggest the name of W. L.
Jreene of Kearney. -
Yours for success, . ,
A Thayer Co. Man's Choice.
Gilead, Neb., June 11, 1894.
ffidltor Wealth Makers:
v I am very much pleased with the
"Let us exchange views" department
in our paper. Our party is founded on
the grand principle that the people
should control the nominations and
- -elections, and not the political bosses.
My choice is as follows: Governor,
Mayor Weir of Lincoln; lieutenant
governor, J. N. Gaffia of Saunders Co ;
treasurer. Honest John Powers of
liitchcock county; secretary of state, J.
H. Darner of Dawson county; attorney
. general, J. W. Edgerton, "Our Joe,"
of Hastings; commissioner of public
lands and building!-, O. Hull of Harlan
county; auditor, D. Clem Oeaver of
Omaha; congressman from 5th district,
W. H. Barnes of Falrbu.-j, Jt fferoon
county; and for TJ. S. Senator, W. J.
Bryan of Lincoln.
My reasons for choosing this ticket
ere, the men are all honest, true, capa
ble anl vtry well distributed over the
We Deed strength from the two prln.
clple cities, ai d who can give us more
7 Irene th from the capltol than Mayor
W etrr And who can carry more votes
in Omaha than our chairman? Clem
W rmmhlii of fHllno thit .f11, nf .! li..
(l-r A popular among the laboring classes
h ' ofomaha, therefore should be nomlna-
j( ted, Honest John Powers and "Oar
'l Jo" need no Introduction to the people.
A Hon. J. N. Gatta is just the parlamen
, tarlan to take the place of the "lilue
shlrted ' polittoaln.
V. UBarnf s is not widely known
t would be an honest capable man tn
Veseat the lib district In eangres.
.Us is the man who on one d y donated
h cast
U survl
to the building of a chureh aad oo the
donaud to help feed Deaaat's
log unemployed laborers, thus
noticing the principles of true Chris
f t"' ruman would stand up
Y qvoingij rur me ngnia w tte
fakers in con iress.
ir,. 'Yours f;- he
i cause.
Good Ideas from a Worker.
Wakefield, June 11, 1S94.
Editor Wealth Makerm
Your paper is the friend ef the poor,
and it is right for them to voice their
sentiments In its columns. They have
oeen denied that great privilege so
long by the subsidized press that they
hardly realize the value of telling their
story. Only one side has been told, as
it would not be healthy for monopoly
to tell both. There would be too much
of a contrast.
t I hear nothing but praise for The
Wealth Makers and think it is the
duty of every Populist to take it. We
expect to make it hot for the two old
plunder hunters this fall. They beat
us last fall by a combine and trade, but
they cannot do that always. We
crowded them so close that they had to
show their hand. Honest people are
slow to see that plunder alone is what
tbey are after, but they are waking up
at last. We have them killed, now we
are extendigg the invitation to all
honest voters to turn out and help roll
them in the grave they have been dig
ging for themselves, and enjoy the
funeral with us. We Dixon county
folks are talking a team brigade to the
state ooavention. Webellevdif evtry
oounty in the state will send a delega
tion over land and hold meetings on the
road as they go and come that victory
is sure, ; We believe it is the duty of
every reformer to convert all the voters
he can. If every Populist would take
the responsibility of converting just
one, you see it would double our vote
dbe work weU. done. 'We are talk
ing about the state now. Pick your
man and go to work; but be cautious,
do not let him know what you are at;
let bint think if possible that he is do
ing it himself; give him time to think
between lessons. Men must be dealt
with differently. So each vurker must
be' his own judge as to means. But re
member, principles above all other
things. We believe that the offence is
as great to leave undone the things we
ought to do, as to do what .we ought
not. How can we be conscience clear
when we hae neglected our duty? The
one who neglec's his or her duty te the
poor is the tool of the oppressors, and
is alike guilty. We can sie that the
oppressors should be condemned, but
some will not admit that It was by ig
norance and carlessness on their part
that they got the legal machinery of
oppression. As we have allowed it to
be done, it depends on see that it
is undone. ,
No fusion for us; It' can not be done
without the loss of principle.
D. W. Warner
No Fusion For Him.
We cannot see the difference between
the Democratic and Republican parties.
Yet some people can be found in our
ranks who think It would he best to fuse
with one wing of the great political
carbuncle, the Wall Street gang.
It always seemed to me that fusion
was an acknowledgement of weakness,
and further that we would say thereby
that in as muoh as that large political
carbuncle that is owned an I controlled
by Wall Street : whose fcadlng pimps
are Saerman and Cleveland is just the
brand of people we want to join.
Again and again I say Nu"! No!!! we
want ko fusion direct or indirect.
Let us put men In Iho field as leidors
of our party who are above roprosch and
who are known to be tried and true in
our cause, men who have stepped out
from old party afflllttlons before an olTlce
was tndred them. It has often been
stld that If any man comes into our
ranks honestly believing that our prln
ctplet aro true and thai tbev represent
the Interest of the whole people he will
not go back to hU (to called) first love
la two years (or ever), but if he comes
into our ranks bt cause he ices a chance
to get an office he 1 liable to betray any
ana au trusti that may bt reposed la
him. Let us make up our state ticket
from such men as G.tlla cf Saunders,
Pale of Phelps, Stewart of Sioux, Hull
of Harlao, Powers of Hitchcock, Uustin
of Buffalo, Porter of Merrlok, Kent of
Lancaster, Hyatt ot Custer, (iasklll of
Douglas, Burr ms of (.age, Edgvrton of
Hall, Wolfe of Laucaster, and there are
at least a thousand others la our rants
who are tried and true. Hence U 1
easily to ba seen that we need not go
out of our ranks to get good strung
timber to fill aoy place on the stale
Mckst Ooce more I say let us keep la
peopie on toe true principles of gov
eminent honestly administered, of, by
and for the people, instead of of, by and
for the corporations.
Mayor Weir Replies.
Lincoln, Neb., June 23, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers: .
In reply to the eff sion from Mr. Le
Fevre I wish merely to say that I went
to the conference at Hastings in re
sponse to an Invitation from the state
central committee which requested me present and address the conven
tion. Hence I do not feel that I was an
intruder or an Interloper there. The
convention unanimously requested me
to preside over their deliberations
which I did. So that the members of
the convention made no objections to
my presence. I had prepared an ad-
drees as requested by the central com
mitteeand Mr. Le Fevre shows his
animus and the extent of his informa
tion and the reliability of his utter
ances when he says that I "delivered
fie address" and gives the comments of
those who heard it. That it was "noth
iig in a great many words" and that it
'lacked the true Populist ring." The
facts are that I made no address of any
kind or character whatever. There
fore whether it was "nothing in a great
many words or not" and whether it bad
licked the "true Populist ring or not,
neither Mr. Le Fevre or any other man
on earth can tell for no one on this
mundane sphere has heard it either at
Hastings or elsewhere. Such state
ments as Mb shosvclearly tke animus
of the attacks upon me and most of them
are worthy of no more attention than
this one. Very truly.
A. H. Weir.
While The Wealth Makers has
taxen no part in the little differences
that have gradually grown between two
of our most worthy friends; and while
one article has brought on another
which it seemed unfair and almost im
possible to shut out, until it has almost
reached a point, of at least sarcas'le
personalities; it is sincerely hoped that
our friends will not consider it neces
s ry to proceed further. Acting Editor
Wealth Makers j
. He Is Mnch Pleased. .
Steele City, Neb., June 23
Editor Wealth Makers:
Words cannot express the pleasure
it gave me to read Professor Herron's
oration. Say, who Is Governor
Crjunse? Is he the man that attended
tie world's fair and rode in procession
b jf ore the eyes ot the world with faro
dealers, gamblers, pony rustlers, asso
ciates of prostitutes and disreputable?
If he is the man who Insulted Prof.
Herron; why you have heard of being
kicked by a long eared animal haven't
you? I wonder if the peeple of Ne
braska are not tired of voting for and
electing to the most 'important offlcf s
the men nominated by the corpora
tions and the two per cent a month
bankers and liquor dealeai association
Now I have read the letters In your
paper proposing different men for nom
inations for governor; John Powers is
my choice; and Chancellor Canfleld for
United States senator. With W. V
Allen and Professor Canfleld in tho
senate, Nebraska could point wltti
pride to its representatives aud have
n j fear of any odious comparisons,
I want to say to Professor Herron
that I am ready for the Chr's Im statt
ana wui maxe au mo sajrttlce re
quired, even Ufa Itudf.
i 1)1 i is .
cn our four horse Ideals Brit-class; kt
us hear from every county .
Yours lor ChrUtand humanity,
Wm. H. C'nNK.
Uf I nanlmoua Vote.
Chicago, June 21. Ry 4 unanimous
tiiing tot Me Am$tica A'aUvau I'nUn
tUJgti IU dtUgnttt frtmt and tktit con
ttiiututt h mi'Kirl th Pioi'lt't party can
dtiatts. The convention also unani
mously declared Itself la favor nf the
government ownership of railroad. It
Is said thM so many delegates have re
ceived instructions from their constitu
ents In favor of boycotting Pullman
cart that the latter Is sasured.-K.
Hi ate Fair.
The premium lists for the Nebraska
estate Fair, to be held at Lincoln Ssj-
wmBer 1 to it, are out. Fur further
Information nod premium UsU address
thaaeUv Tfisfcs w
Professor Herron Tells Hit Btndeati How
to Live and Work.
And Transform Society Through New
Conceptions of Right and Wrong,
, Love and Law Through Sacri
fice and Service.
II le i.aa t Five Lecture at Grinnell.
Repnd (or Tes Wealth Maksim by T. K
f Continued from last week.
There are some reasons why a pro
founder consecration is needed today
than ever before and may be needed
even; more in the'near future. We live
in the midst of a social order which all
acknowledge is. bound to pass away,
Oar judges, s ur railroad f resident,
and pur financiers all see It, and in oc
casional bursts of candor in unofficial
capacity they confess it. The man of
wealth aid business Insight laughs in
his sleeve at the minister who pro
claims from the pulpit that all Is well,
though he pays him to proclaim it
There is a universal consciousness of
impending change such as has never
been seen since the days of Jesus and
the Apostles. Whatever virtue there
may have been in an individualistic so
cial order is now exhausted. The sys
tems, customs, maxims, and economic
principles ot the old prder cannot hold
the world together muoh longer. The
present condition of American society
shows its exhaustion. We live on in
tellectual excitement and over stimula
tion, but not upon Intellectual realities.
We are incapable of profound intellect
ual or moral effort. We live in the
midst, of a social order corrupt to its
core, yet so Ignorant and blinded that
it does not realize the state into which
it has fallen. And yet it does feel In itr
inmost consciousness the process ol
disintegration which is going on and
its need of regeneration. The present
social order Is bound to dissolve and
pass away, with what "fervent heal'
no man knows. Even now we are in
the midst of dis'ntegratlon. It is no
refutation of this statement to point to
the "progress of the church," it?
mighty ecclesiastical systems or it?
splendid temples of worship; for those
temples and the spirit they represent
are s part of the old order which must
psBsaway. And when the final con
flict comes these Institutions of relig
ion are likely to be the last and bitterest
antagonists of the new order. Nor
need we expect the business situation to
permanently improve, though it may
rally for a season. The causes of the
financial crises are not Leal (e tempor
ary. Jt Is senseless to talkof over-pro
duction when threc-fourtts of our pop
ulf.tlon are in some d.-gre of need.
Our trouble is not ov-r production, but
under consumption The greed of our
Industrial system' has been steadily de
creasing our purchasing power ai a
nation. The mlllifntlre, gaining his
wealth by the sweat-shop his boon sav
ing bis life only to lose it a little latoi ;
he has destroyed the purchasing power
of society. The Iron and steel com
bines have been destroying the future
construction of railroads on which they
tbtnuelves depend. H trenchmerl is
bound to go on so long as the present
order exists. H would take Un years
even of prosperity for society to re
cover tho purci alcg power lost In the
last twelve month. Conditions are not
likely to Impror; our mtl'lt-nalres will
bt glu to Invent their money In foreign
Unds while at home rttrenenments will
go on till at latt we may wake up sum
day and Knd paralysis at the heart of
the nation with no band left to restrain
the men who have Wen ground d wa
and oppressed. We are a fallen nation;
i(Hr lhtr$iciia uutto hiifory Wtt
hai a a alto to Ui tint, art that na
tio and there I no hotter time to say
It than tsiday when we decorate the
graves of the mom who gave their lives
t preaerve Ik To bs true to them we
must repent as a nation, confessing our
la and shaste In our slavery to mtter
la Ism. I'nWss the nation does thus re
pent we are a ruined people and a
doomed clvltliatlon and only out of an
archy aud chaos will we hive the lessaa
which we may yet learn la time to save
sXWwf , jiiiiliiiisWsl isai ie.ysiaawaiaaMSMasMaMssi
the social problem will answer, no tlnk
ering and Imposing here and there; we
must have a new social spirit la order
to bring about social and political
righteousness. And that spirit is even
now springing into being. In the midst
of the social disintegration there Is
growing up a new Christianity Just as
truly as the primitive Christianity with
its vitalizing power was growing up in
the midst of the decay of Rime. There
must sad will arise men believing in
the pollt.csl kingship of Jesus Christ
and devoting their lives to the establish-
A. . 9 aw
meat 01 uis Kingdom, lo tbo'young
men who shall arise here and there In
these days of change to witness to their
faith in the Christ as a social ornanlzer
will be given the keys of the new king
dom and they shall become the creators
of a new social order. Such an oppor
tunity was never before offered to men
since human history began. They must
shine forth as lights in the world's
darkness, watching, waiting and pray
ing for the new coming o! Lord, never
missing an opportunity to help it on.
All this means more to you than you
think now, but In the days to came you
will see and understand. There are
greater ends for you to be dedicated to;
there is more to live for then ever be
fore. To be a true witness against the
wrong and for the right, yet always
with a spirit of love for the supporters
of the wrong, will require a greater
'alth than you know have. It will be
no easy matter for you to be in the
church as a witness for Christ and
against the wrong of the church but
only thus can you- save the- church
Like the early Chrlstalns you may be
looked npon as atheists and social de
stroyers even while you are bringing in
tne new social life, xou will have to
get rid of false notions considering the
exclusive possession of property. You
must make property the sacrament and
witness of your faith in the coming
Christian society. Then their will be
difficulties in relation to the consecra
tion of our fathers. Many saintly meB
who have tolled and sscriflced In the
pat will yet have no sympathy and pa
tience with new crises and new calls to
sacriQoe. This Is the leaven of the
Scribes and Pharisees, but still we
must never forget that there are saintly
men. We may have to destroy con-
eerva'ism, but we must not forget to re
cognize the Christian characters of the
conservatives. So my call to you le to
be each In his own place, members Of
the great organiz ulon for righteous,-, j
ness which Is even now
forming In the midst of the darkneu
and confusion of the present strife.
When the crash Comes, If come It must
and the clouds and smoke roll away,
there will be found a great array of
witcefsess for God and a new and di
vice world existing In the midst of the
old ruin, springing no man knows
whence, but marshaled and united by
the spirit of God himself. And there
Is where your place must be found.
We are Cbaua-lng Base.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Having been a Populist since 1832 (for
f am unable to see any difference be
tween the Independent party then and
the 1'opullRt tarty new), and having
the interest of the party at heart, and
wishing to ace it triumph over every
oVaJleJand come triumphantly through
the contest in which It is engaged, a
the champion of tht lVjople' rights
against corporations, I would like to
say an encouraging word through your
paper. I he Indt-pt'iident thinking peo
ple or Nebraska have accomplished in
the last twelve year great undrtak
logs, and the result of their effort are
marvelous. In 1S"2 we had about
twenty member h the legislature (all
ineiptirleoced which was greatly U
thslr disadvantage thai ) now w have
the legislature, one of the two I?, S,
wnfttoiv, and one half of the congress
uico. Then the old parties darvd to
aomtoate whom they saw fit, and ws re
able to elect them, Now they are e im
pelled to put up their best tueu attd
with the aid of the trusts, corporations
and money power are unable to elect,
and are compelled to count the Popu
lists out and stuff the ballot box, In
order to count their iaa la, aud then
to whitewash them when thus oouated
is, la order to save the parly after they
have stolen all of the state Institution
were uneduoated, and were unable fc
meet the other classes In debate or
elsewhere. Now tbey are able to meet
them in any chpaolty. Then It was a
rare thing to see a farmer's daughter la
a drawing room entertaining refined
society. Now it is as common to see her
there as to see aoy professional man'
daughter. Thus you see that the
farmers are making mighty stride
Intellectually, and are able to make
laws and to administer them. In the
coming contest this fall, we ought to
return as many of the old representa
tives as pssslble, for experience will be
a great advantage In the oomisg legis
lature. The corporations understand
this, and keep their men their for term
after term. And we ought to have men
that have experience to meet them,
Uying aside our ambitions and prefer
ences. We learn that Mr. O. Hull of
Harlan oounty is spoken of in connec
tion with the state treasure-ship. We
second this nomination. This Is the
class of men to noninate for state oflle rs,
so that our laws may be honestly exe
cuted, so to protect the farmers,' for
agriculture is the basis of national
prosperity. Good and just laws to pro
tect the sgrioulturstfrom the greed
and avarice of railroads, grain, live
stock and provision monopolies, and
trusts, is the first essential to success
ful agriculture, for this Is truly an
agricultural country, and is the only
free country on the earth and the only
true republic that was ever established
among men. We have read of the re
public of Greece, of Egypt, of Venice. '
sad of Eome. but there never was a
republic or government other than ours
that was not cursed with casts or
slavery. Ia our glorious republic all of
the avenues to destruction, are open to
every one. There is no statlon. no
position to which ail may not aspire.
The poverty of the father is no hinder-
ance to the sen, The nubile anhnni.
are open to all. These thoughts render
holy every drop of sweat that rolls
down the face of honest toll. The Idea
must he done away with that there la
something degrading in eulti rating the
soli. Happiness should be the obiect
of life, and If life on the farm can be
made happy, the boys and girls will
grow up In love with the meadows, the
stream, the woods, and the old home.
Around the farm In after years will
cling; and cluster-the happy memories of '
aeugouui years. Just think of the man
who hasjive 4 on the tame broad fields
too all bAyhood, who cultivates the
l8MM MreB "P wMch In youth h
piayeu, yiesstt tbs wild flowers, huts
and berries, hunted the groundhog and
squirrel, and chased the cows, and who
lives where his father a d mother lived
and died. We could immagine no
better place to lire and end our life.
When we look over this beautiful state
ol ours, made beautiful by the hand of
God assisted oy man's labor and enter
prise, and see the magnlfioent herds of
cattle, hogs and horses, the luxuriant
grain, we think there can be no better
spot on earth for the youog man and
woman than Nebraska's prairie Jsnd all
we need to make her the Ideal place Is
just and (qultable law, honestly exe
cuted, and this we must have In this
nation before long. The greed and
avarice of monopslies must be checked
or they will stand upon the crave of
A saerlean freedom. We don ot be' 1 tve
that Christ died o stabll h a clvlllia-
tlon which g,ve one man thrje million
dol!ars.nd starves hi neighbor toderh
We hope to live to see the day Ui
capital will le counted suirto m
labor, but will be uwd as the frulu of
lator, and the two will be looked upon
as father sod son. Tils will come ere
long, If we do our duty as cltl t in, for
It Is the duty of lite pet p! to pre
serve the government so thai it will
be worth llvlag and flatting for., J, l
Falarge ike tiuuara.
Mead, Nb., Juael, hit.
Editor Wealth Makrks:
Dear Sia.-We have had State Leo
turer J, U. lowers with us la Saunders
county for lour meeting, and they
were all good. Some were so big that
the houa would not haU the crowds.
and we expect great good to corse
from them, especially te the Alllaejrw
la the oouuty, Fraternally yours.
C M. l.aiAR,
One Fare rut taw lUaad Trip
(J1 .t-Vi.t, .1.1 i.t, ,i - ....j.