THE WEALTH MAKERS. June 21, 1894 1 TH- WEALTH MAKERS. Haw Serie of THE ALLIANCE-INDEPENDENT. Onoll4kUoB of the rircfrsAlliatSSttrasUIniependcDt PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BT The Wealth Mtkeri PiibiBg Oeapany, IgB m Btr t, Lincoln. Neb, J"VtA!"':::"""n'l'pM"tfr "If any nun muat f all f or m to rts. IchooMDotformyiood. A golden c-ln, a ob of honor, to wo good a prl To wrapt n7 nasty nana to do wrong Onto a mow mm. Tbi. 1U bat wo nfflcUMt, wronttht by man's satanlc tad whotnat hih bsart would dar prolong Ored4eerrowloastrlckasoul -bat wki a titling balm to a It wnolf My bottom own tbo brotherhood of man. N. L P, A PKbllsbera Anoonuneot. Tb subscription prle of Tae Wuw Mabsks to li.oe per rear, In advance, aSJSt In solfaUas subscription shonld b wreawful that all numwt lira correctly JSIfM ild proper Iflto. g tar niturn subscriptions, return envelope, iu cnMbd on pplt!aon totbtoofflc. aLS ?rumjr hunt. No ntw bow OftnVo"wrVuMdonoin(flecttbl Import ini matter Bvery week, wt recelv letups Stb Uswroplet addiass or without slKna tares and It Us sometime diflUult to locate 'c'navoi or ADoasss. Subscribers wtahlf loebD tbetr address innsl always S "e Ibelr (ornir m well m their present ad him when change will be promptly made. PEOPLE'S PABTT STATE 00HVEB THM. Loom, Neb., May 10, m. The People's Independent elector of the cut of Nebraska are hereby resetted to elect and vend delegate from their respctiv counlles to meet In convention at the city of Urand Wand, Neb., on Friday, August W, at 10 o'clock a. m., lor the purpose of nomi nating candidates for the following state offi cers, vlats Governor, lleuwnantgovernor sec retary of state, treasurer, auditor, attorney, general, commissioner of public land and buildings and enperlntendent of public In struction; ud for the traiisaoilon of any other business which may properly com before the eenvsnVon. The basts of representation will be one dele gat at large from each county In the state and on additional delegate for each on hundred votes, or major fraction thereof, cast In mi for Hon. 6U A. Holcoiub for Judge of the su pre us court, which gives the following vote by counties: Adams 11 Johnson 7 Anteiope, " Banner Kearney.. a ID Ketlb 4 KwyaPaba 4 Kluiball..... I Kuox 0 lilalu - 1 Booae... 11 !( ilHLM 6 Uyd..... . s baiwanter. . ......... J Lincoln 12 I.okhu, 2 llrnwa 4 lUfflilO ,30 Burt Umler ! ....... 11 Ump i viadtiion 10 Mcf hereon 2 Merrick 7 .tiunce....... t Nemaha 11 Nuckolls II Cedur. s ChaiMt S Cherry Cbeyeue.. 6 Clay Colfax 1 Ouie 12 Pawnee... 7 ferkltut " Phelps W Plwe, 8 Platte 1 Pwlk 12 lied Willow H Itlchartson J itiM'k a Cimuir V ll.uul Dawes 7 I W)U.. I1 Deuel..... 4 lnxim 7 Uodge 1? llcillglM in Dundy ..... t Hiillne W aarpy ,J SunnilMre In stumor it Franklin Si HtotMl Bluff ProntUr 9.sward... 11 10 0 Furnas II Bherluan. Untie 14 hermaa Uartleld 41eux UoMper 6 Ornut 2 O roe ley 0 Ball H Stamen ., I hayer 7 Thomas ...... 1 ihurtiton 2 Vallry 8 WaMbtngtou A Wayne 4 Wbntr II heeler 2 .York 16 I To'al ....7M Hamilton 1 Hrlun.... V Hayes, 3 Hluthcock 7 Holi , ia Hooker 1 Howard V Ji'lVi'on 71 We would recommend tbat no proxlus be al lowed, but that the delegate present cast the full vol to which their respective counties are entitled, t. A. KlMJKKTos, V. Cl.iu Disvan, Secretary. Chairman. Send In your tubtscrlplton for The Wealth Makihs; only 1 00 jwrytar. On trial three months for 25 cents. The editor sorted to Grlnuoll, Iowa, jut as this Ihmuo went to pret, for a week's vacation, Mr. Grlfllu will at tend to editorial work while wo are gone, a ii . i W8 noticed In the New Yol k Tribune of Juno 12ih, an editorial entitled "A Popular Loan Neidfd." And It goes on to dteiare that "If Congiet were governed by patriotism or by cum on aen.e," It would postpone it tail;! bill 'and save the currency of the country from possible discredit and dUordvr" by senium the purple lata tunhvr bond ago to the banker the gold wonopo- 1UU, you utdctsUnd. 'ValrlutUm," acerdto to this, the aatlonal organ t( the 1',' j'ublU'aa party, now mean, i!lr ping the bonds of the bankers oy er V ppU's iMscka, Thu do the r'Mcg aud euslavlpg las (a 1 upon Cjumt V dti4f two Fupl fur them la U nust snored Mm. ' i'atrMUm ' i r. leg the jMdt'U? "PAsrlitUin""t'n' tti-n avoei l!rg bji d tk'a J e.'ilnf It A.tll"!! "l'Uloilm,,-tjlrg MOo to a g'4kn Iwagi wMvh tl bhjiovk prlhu! lae up! Ty Piyuj y , itA thruue. Ttr y arg the s'au. Aj.l a'l who lvrtHly orpins thdr w II an t call Ut It law of ht n, for ,i Ju lc u ctt Is "ihe harmoey t t tUf w. rid," Uy denounce a "nrthlUh Traitor and oVe.vsr ard plunderers, "palrloU',4 And Ha ao, khs sjitriar, norsblld t ftti Hegel if tight! 1 wtAti8 Tivr TifrTTfl-.l BMTDER ECHOES, TAKE S0TI0E, The eyent of the ptt week la the moral end political world the ad dress of ProfesHor George D. Herron before a freat onlversltj audience In this city. In a previous letter to the writer he laid: "Te subject of my oration at the University commencement at Lincoln on the I3'.h will he, "A New Political Vinton." The opportunity it present to me 1h one that I would rather have just at this tine than any other public occasion In Anerloa. In the heart of the new political forces that are fenn lng in the west I want to peak Just a word that will give to the social and political movements that are now in their beginning a vision that shall unify and morally exalt those forces in rlgbteousnens." He Is the man we have been waiting for, the mac of over mawterinc mental power and granp, and with a moral po litical raewage for the times. The peo ple were swakened, thrilled, startled by his utterance. It was the lateHt, completed word of the greatest H'lnf tnaa upon the Questions which confront society. It watt a new voice in politics voice that makes pMo the moral law and social order which men munt ac cept. Prof. Herron Is God's mightiest ser vant who has taken upon hlmHlf "the reproach of Christ" to save the down trodden end despised, by polltlcal.soclal methods, by the method of Christ the political ruler and lawgiver. Prof. Herron Is the man who wan needed to force the attention of men to the truths long bidden, to obllga tlonwtbat all men are politically, athelstically and blasphemously disre garding. His words command attention. He has power to divide the good and the evil for the final moral political conflict, the Armageddon qf prophecy which is just bofore uh. He was attack ed and Implied by the governor of our state upon the platform to which he bad been invited. He was telegraphed over all the land as an anarchist, be cause he struck the real anarchists. Eead elsewhere in this paper about it, We give en our first page a very full abstract of (be speech which made such a sensation, an abstract sent us by himself. Writing us he said: "I send you herewith a very full ab stract of my Commencement oration. I presume I give you as mucit as half of it and give you pretty clearly the sense of the whole of it. The oration if you remember was about an hour and a half In its delivery. I wish you would kindly tell your readers that the ora tion will probably be published In full In the fall with additional lectures on the same subject, all under the title of "The Christian Slate, or a New Politi cal Vision," In which book I expect to propone a new political program to the people of America." The Christian State Is what the Pop- ulls's are working for. Let ua scatter Dr. Herron's published works every where. LEr U8 SEASON TOGETHER- The great thing desired is a stable currency, that is, a dollar whoso pur chasing power remains tne same through long periods of time. J. Dona tions or tne worm will rle up ana can him blessed who can devlso an honest dollar t dollar unchangeable In Its purchasing power. To eocure the de sired stability In the value of tho mone tary unit tbo volume must increaao or decrease exactly as the demand for money increases; and la toe same pro portionHen. J. W. Bryan. The above extract Is taken from Mr Bryan's recent speech in Congress on tbe bill (since de(eated) which called for a repesl of tho law Imposing a 10 per cent, tax on state bank currency, and for Its suspension In tberaseof the clearing house certificates lisued dur tog the crisis of last year. With much of Mr. Bryan's thought we agro. Ills argument against both state and national banks of Issue and In support of whftt is realty Populiit flnan tdal dootrlne.vli , that "whatever papr money we need should be Issued by the general government," ha tbe full sup purt of our reason, nut we differ with hint on that prt of tho moody question which we consider the part all impcir Unt, vis., the question t f putting the money Intorlruulalton and tHtkf tt In circulation. Mr. Bryan shows eonclu Ut ly that there l no dkderenoe what en-r between Issuing money en land or ou wart-house receipt snd lalng tt co lnnJ, ths tnmils llnd mde vslua'd- by the laud t I ther taiaM prcp ny, w thai U '"-l!y is rvai'y th smu. he t'ollti Via presen' p!n hUh ;ta th rt ntwiy a? a tsx of . or H.r t-eat , ftldch tiny tan loan tithe f op!e at L a p r vent., suj an i it rston of the plan " a V destroy ! m n y ttioaop lyati'n'iilrcjitly trt a'l h- Bd t !. I It at Pi, wh't 1 V' lid trtetUu' .1 Urt9t do .v BU)iet tnh.i'e t tt.n 8!y!m he 0it der thl 1 ! inthH ' piUtlng rttoney htiWrcu'sMtiiiby upi'yig the urndiof borroe , Mius la prlolp! ; Tn our Ktlhi: the pi'.Mwtplewf usury or interest taking is the great and only thing vlclons in the matter of loaning and borrowing money. And Mr. Bryan would not obviate the necessity of borrowing, iot the periodic contraction and mfftring caused by interest talcing, by merely issuing money and paying it out for services rendered the govern ment. He fears to Increase tbe num ber of public servants, and if the vast majority of us must employ ourselves or obtain employment of private em ployers it will be necessary to borrow as much money as we bow, borrow, or more. Millions of men are Idle and have been idle for months, and hund reds ef millions of dollars have at the same time been heaped up In bankers' vaults, practically reducing the circu lation and injuring almost everybody by decoying values, weakening securities and spreading financial ruin over the country, all because those who monopolized the money would sot lend it, and because those who needed the meney eould not borrow It. For this measureless evil, a small f co tton of which we have in tbe last year been swimming through or sinking under, Mr. Bryan offers no cure, no remedy. He proposes free coinage of silver, and If more money Is needed a government paper issue, greenbacks. But it seems to us he has not consider ed that putting money into circulation is one thing, and keeping It in circula tion quite another. Nine-tenths of the money now outstanding was put Into circulation by the methods Mr. Bryan favors, directly, for services rendered the government, and Indirectly, by coining it for the gold and sliver pro ducers; but, take notice, Introducing it j nto circulation did not keep It from gravitating into the hands of the usur ers, who a few months ago found It for their interest to withdraw it from cir culation. Nor would the doubling of the volume of tbe currency by direct issue, whether suddenly or by slow degrees, overcome the present tendency of money to gather in the hands of land, capital, transportation, money and other present monopolists. Monopoly tribute of every s rt acts as an increasingly heavy drag upon the movement of money put into circulation; it regularly decreases Its working volume in the percentage that tbe tribute is accumulated; it takes from the people the wherewith to buy back as much wealth as they have pro duced, which is the secret of what is miscalled overproduction, and so leads to falling prices, which condition of the msrket makes it unprofitable to pro duce wealth and unsafe to loan money, and so the circulating medium and the movement of goods and tbe em ployment of labor are periodically ob structed. , ' Now what is the good of pouring a little more money or a good deal more into a stream whose current we cannot control, a stream that Is constantly draining from us in larger volume than U returned? The money collected as rent, Interest, dividends, &c, settles away Into the deep cavernous centers ol monopoly power, and the only way we can get the accumulated portion of it bock, even for a season, is to borrow it back, upon usury; and borrowing is denied periodically when the need bo- enmes greatest. Will Mr. Bryan make a careful note of this fact, that money paid or coined into circulation (no matter what its volume) under present powers and privileges will not stay in circulation, and after the completion of a usury absorbtlon cycle it can only be returned h circulation by usury contracts, by bor roteina It. and owners will not even lend when pricts are falling an securities in consequence are tottering. Tne volume of tho currency actually circulating or at work can be controll ed by tho government, contraction (through hoarding) and a fall In prices prevented, all money that, is needed to keep everybody a work supplied and the present Interest on money and capital be saved to tho workers, bo kept in their hands so that -their demand for goods will always equal tholr supply, the workers having sufllclent money to furnish their own constant market, a'l this can bo accomplished and panics and periods of bunlness paralysis averted for all time to come by showing the people collectively to Utue all the money that they as Individuals need, not whht an body of men (Congress) may funcy they need, but what each and every Indivi dual who now borrows and gives good security kuows ho needs or could make economlo use of as capital If he bad only to pv one or two por cent, charge to cover the cot of Issue, And how ran tt bo i!d that tt is "a vklou principle'' for theneoid to thus uio their van credit Instead of paying a ShytiM-k o!u a great price, t tftey now do, Kir the prUtltg if ulg what b h'fl.'t to themselves singly an I relu ct Ively? ll Is a in t r cf necessary de ini r J simple Justice to them? slvPf, of ths greatest pU le eronoitilv ad vantsge a!s, for the poplj (a btt outrol'he ts of Uxikov and alo eo'DiM It to etrcuUtf, ta ketp moving; and this otn only h d.-i b'ih e'b lUhmt t't of A Jutt Una' cM ). 1, a v!mo( govrrom,nt batiki f r st'u d ptst, loan red eaehai gn, Mr, Hryanv: "If a limited mount Is Usued, and i f c ur thsamc-mtiarst i strictly limited, and It l hutd to the people, partiality Ut ba shown t Its distribution, for on! a few, rela tively tpvaVlef, caa bj aogommUUd," Why must the amount be limited to less than the people seed to borrow? Why can aot all who borrow now of private parties, furnishing security, borrow instead of the government? And is tnis borrowing class only a few in number? Is It not true that the great majority of the people sooner or later In life belong to the borrowing class? And is It not true that most of those who do not borrow now lend, or at least have enough for themselves, or can make no economlo use of money at the usury (Interest) rate now asked for it? Reduce those rates to the cost of examining and caring for securities and more money would be Individually call ed for and used, but no more would be borrowed, even at one per cent, than the people as individuals could see an economlo advantage in using and con verting into capital. The rate of interest regulates the volume of the currency at work. Charging usury (interest) for money tends to periodically obstruct the circu lation, because it regularly gathers the money Into the bands of the usurers, while a corresponding value of goods is left in the markets which the people are unable to buy, however great their need, and so usury or interest about every ten years causes falling prices, business stagnation, the ruin of the weakest of the debtor class, and people by the million are thrown out of em ployment. Usury or interest taking is to tbe financial system what on ovei- balancing centripetal force would be to the solar system; It concentrates wealth; It stops the motion of the circulating medium; It takes us through successive periods of increasing wreck and ruin. and .with accelratlng momentum, to ward the final crash of unendurable slavery, violent revolution and anarchy. It is absolutely necessary that we put a stop to all this, and soon. Individual liberty and the continued life of the nation require it. And there is but one simple, direct, equitable way of preserv ing equilibrium sal perpetual, unvary ing movement in the financial system. The demands formulated in the national platform of the People's party provide for the inauguration of such a system. Putting their demands into their natu ral connections or relations and logic ally developing a complete, perfectly guarded financial system therefrom we have what tbe writer has previously described in language which George C. Ward has seen fit to quote and endorte in his receat work, "A Better Finan cial System or Government Banks," published by the Arena Publishing Co. The three paragraphs' taken from our November editorial, describing tbe necessary system, with slight changes read asfollows: Government banks to be established for the safe deposit of the earnings of the people; to loan them money, also, at cost of investigating and providing ade quate securities and to facilitate ex cbanges. A national currency issued by the general government only, a full legal tender for all debts public and private, distributed through tho gov ernment banks In volume to meet all present needs, and Increasing as needs snail increase, loans to be secured by abundantly adequate first mortgages, and farther secured by local' property taxation to make good any possible loss In each county where the loans are made. Under this financial system all money savings would be deposited for perfect safety In the government banks, and when tho inflewing stream of deposits equaled the sum ol money demands the currency issued would be in volume just equal to toe needs of the people. 1'be volume would need to be increased now and from time to time, just to keep de posits and legitimate demands balanced. But if during aoy part of the year lets money Is needtd than when great crops are being moved, it would bo deposited in the banks, and so, withdrawn from dictation, would not affect the pur chasing value of the money unit cf ex change. With this financial system In opera tion there could be no stringency In tbe money market, no bankers' panic to stop tbe wheels of Industry, no lack of capi tal to keep all at work, no net proilts and interest Incomes takes from labor's earnings, leaving the workers insutli cient money to empty the markets and leading to periodic stoppage of work and starvation, or lowr wages. It Is the demand and supply money system of most advanced siaU-smam-hlp, a sys tem which strikes a destroying blow at tho wealtlwelzirg, caphai-concoutrat log, man-enslavlug power of usury, that great overshadowing curse f ail the a'e, What we here propose, that the pec pie lasue all the money, all that they need for the purpose of exchange and capital, and tha they through their ilt ctt d and boJtd financial repre sentatives receive deposit of those who would accumulate their earning and lono such dcHstu or such additional currency a Is needed as capital, meets with one objection which, ha w1gbt until wo rraion under and over It, It Is ojiM'ted that tt will place power In the hand of the party In ((lice which might enable It to perpetuate Unit la power, We da not pt op.HKi In the above plan mare than a sry slight, If any, lucre la the ii um Ik r f appointed oRieials Let the c mduolors o' the govcrnai 'Dt hik be k-wd for a find time and stakd sa'ary to srv the mvA at the poopht shall direct All wcrKeg In the nw govi-rniii. rankUj tut!nr tt oept A (w H e' and I'ntted Htaw ol'l olals, will 4 tlecUnt by ihelr ncdgM-a to serve Imj artlally tholr elghbji't In a purtilf busluess way, according to enuuted Ml1 regarding amount of loan and H-ourlWee which the taxpayer of eath county and mualelfallty shall adopt. It will thus be home rule, local government, power decentralized, and no injustice could occur' without com plaint and speedy reparation if the banking rules, to govern their action were in any case over ridden by the people's servants. But this danger of political corruption which may sink us, is not lessened or limited by leaving the control of our money, transportation business, mines, or other monopolies in the bands of private parties. These great and grow ing monopolies now use the courts, the statutes and the police power of gov ernment to protect them while they go on plundering the people of their land and liberty. Already over half of the American people are homeless, land lees tenants who have no legal right) In the country (though citizens) except as they each month and each year pay for a place to stay. The last census figures show 6,509,706 families who own no home, and a less number, or 6,000,- 456 families, who own their homes; and 29 per cent, of those who are classed as owning their homes have those homes under mortgage, averaging $1136 up on each. Permit private monopolies to continue, the money monopoly especi ally, and in a few years we shall, the vast majority of us, be reduced to such poverty and dependence that there will be no hope or possibility of Iretly and intelligently uniting our forces at tbe ballot box to break the plutocratic shackles and Jift ourselves out of indus trial slavery. The political corruption of the present is the work of tbe great private monopolies, the railroad corpo rations, the banks, the trusts, the hold ers of tbe municipal franchises, tbe various aggregations of capital. Do away with these sources of political corruption, one by one, by taking the oppressive monopolies out of private hands, and their corrupting power in politics and legislation will be cut off, destroyed, not increased. For one dollar ice will send The Wealth Malm to ten new subscribers for ten weeks. TEE KEPE0A0H OF 0HEIST. Governor Crounse is a very fair spec imen of the sort who get to the top or stay at the top. He hasn't any nice moral scruples to hinder him. It don't hurt him any to tread others down. He thinks what talents God gave him to help others are his absolutely. He is the stuff politicians are made of, and has bad a pull and an office in Nebraska for twenty years. He is a professional defender of right or wrong, of the in nocent or the guilty, whichever hap pens first to fee him. He has long been forcing a fat income from labor and calling it the earnings of capital. He has never failed to guard carefully his own funds, but let $2:16,000 of the state funds slip through his hands into the pocxets of a friend named Moaner. He believes everything is all right, as it should be, just because he Is at tbe top, He hasn't a drop of sympathy for those at society's bottom who are poor and suffering; if they were not born with money, or property to rent, aid lack cunning, greed and meanness the things which helped him they ought to suffer; they do not deserve to rise. He doiisn't believe that "all men are created equal" not he! Nor "that they are eadowtd by their Creator with cer tain inalienable rights,among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happi ness." He holds that the people who are propertyless and cannot employ themselves or find employment have no right to liberty, or life, and of course cannot be happy. He denies that they have a God given, inalienable Inheri tance In the earth, and a just claim on society to preserve and provide them a place and natural means to live. The Governor shows out the brutality which is needed to climb to and stay at, tho top. It takes all manhood out of a man to get there. If he rises politically he is Utted by lies, by tariff talk to fool the people, by professions of unselfish ness interest In the common welfare, by patriotic gush while making himself solid with those who prey upon the poor. Ills excelleucy has recently shown bis brute Instincts by attack log In the North American KjvUw the womea of Wyoming and eltber wilfully or with unexcuable Ignorance misrep resenting them, in the same article hu shtiwed the ease with wiiich he can prevaricate, by the stateroom tnat Llucola contains a population of 'A0UO. He thinks lying about ono' party, city, sum and nation justifiable ud patriotic. Hut tho brutal unuianllnet of the man was displayed last wovk In a way that ditgraotd the statu which he I tuppo4 to represent and speak for. X ilMlflguUUd moral aad political Waehcr, known throughout the wjrl.l, 4 man of tue most exalted character and rauklug In lateilect with the few givaust ma that have ever live J, was invtud by our hourvd chancellor ol Uio bta'v University to dsiUer tha Coii-muiccinjul day oiition. TftnChau O.llur suggested t'f, llvirro:)' subj ci, ThaChrUtUa Mile, or A New pi-lit. cat VUlon," aad be aocepW:d to luvi Utiott to speak upon li niUi lhts press. d condition that he should hav a free platform, Th l'han...r in iiihluctd linn upon such a platfvrui, uV clarlng It U b fe. lie wa the guest i! t'.e slato. tie ike a-almt th vetll lawUa aad rvsuilaat lyranoy, slavery aad anarchy of fishnees, and for the eternal law and government of God as manifested in Christ He proclaimed Christ the Savior of the state. He preached tbe whole gospel of love and law. It was necessary fer him to show that tbe state (nation) needed saving; that the stronger forces of unrestrained Individ- uallsm are gathering up and taking from the many the natural resource,, the very foundatiens of liberty; that they are making use of the legislative and judicial arms of the government to plunder and enslave our people; that the government is thus bermlnc a tyranny and human enactment a teacher of lawlessness and atheism, thn ac cepted law of the business world, com petition, individual selfishness, has be come the controlling Lrce in politics, runs politics, and through party cpoli- tics tne machinery of the rovemmnt- and having thus got the control of the government we have lost the substance while retaining the form of democracv. It was to save the nation that Professor Herron faithfully declared the truth. It was to secure to all their inalienable rights that he spoke for the poor and the oppressed. It was to avert violence that he proclaimed the law and govern ment of God and warned the people that we must bring forth the fruits of political repentance. He spoke as Curist would have him, speak. But on the platform was a well-f-d, well-served, well satisfied mii Badducee. This man a& Christ could be raised from the dead ir ' politics and government. Moreove I he didn't want him raised. He eo" unenav 'and f a ,, .. J ""uui nuu jjibu au X A.n. .... . ., . u,ou BuKKesuon oi u. He wcu tSavvA m js m . a guru oi soldiers su round the tomb and prevent It. TT wanted the citizens and soldlera how him to recognize no higher law than! me win or the majority. He declared we have no king but party, no law ,fn Americans, but the decrees of the sua cessful politicians, the men who can best serve the landlords, the lords and the great corporations. The governor was as keen and far-seeing as tbe Sadducees of old. Ha saw that Christ faithfully preached as the rlht, iui political ruler and lawe-iver would bring about a real democracv. Ale, didn't want it. He wouldn't hav nn'V such "turning the world upside down." i nereiore, by the authority in him vest ed to commission officers of the state guard, he threw courtesy to the winds and brutally, vulgarly, viciously at tacked the man whom the state through us educational representative had in vited to speak, and speak freely. He sneerlngly suggested that tbe Inability oi tne speaker to agree with himself, was owing to Indigestion, and he felt 'called upon to repudiate much that he (Dr. Herron) said as unwarranted In fact." that under our laws the avenues of success are open to all "and the most worthy succeed." Continuing he adroitly and venomously associated the personality and teaching of the orator of the day with that of Herr Most, the violent anarchist who in veighs agatnst all law, well knowing that his infamous misrepresentation would be telegraphed and published everywhere. Christ wa3 charged at His trial with the crime of "perverting the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Cfesar," and making himsflif a king. They also declared of Him whose servants necer fight) that "He stirreth up the people." All this means, translated Into the terms of today, that Christ was disturb ing the fellows on top, and they got rid' of Him for a brief period by calling Him, and crucifying Him a?, an anar chist "It Is enough for tho disciple that he be as his master, and the ser vant as his lord. If they have called the master of the housa B?el.bub, how much much mire (shall they call them of his household." . ALLIANCE MAS UAL NOTES- Alliance Manual Xot?s la a little pamphlet of 64 pages prepared cy S'ata Lecturer John II Towers. The Manu al questions consist of 12 on tbe subject of Wealth, 12 on the subject of Money, 10 on the question of Transportation, 21 on the subject of Government, aad 9 on tbe Publlu Schools, Tho subject treated are of tho great est Importance, and we cannot too highly rvcommoid tho treatment which Urother l'owur has given them. The ttucsilms aud answer form aa educa tion to themselves which Is of more real value than the great majority ob tuln In a college course, Mr Power hat given the subjwt treated much study and his answer are lucid, con vincing, brief. All AliUucc will find thtse not; of Mr. Towers a valuablo help la tho study of ttiu Manual ques tions, and tho lo pi lco of tun com copy rnaVU tho poorest people to pur 'ha tt, Ordreaa be sent to this 011 oo. Tnn Uttouie eorivptdent tf tha ( nalut He u t' oni of our supreme judvasayingthatrio( Herron U'tha tu io'h'h U uifaf ho ever cam tihUe!ty.' There, ltt ht of the rpeat bJ trod on and tha nisJlf nlty of thadvvtl In this. Anvrr.ut, Indisd' th tnaa who dcttousotd anaeby, tut ne'cty il struggling, ortU-nuing I a divldudUm! IHtf tusii ha dvelarvd Christ oar head, our lawgiver, and his Uw th la whU-a must unit Individu al and Btlm! If ihl I advocating ahrvuy Umo was Christ as anarchist.