vol. v. ' : - .. - " ' iSco '"ZT ' aB""r"-"w - , no.' 52" ; ; ; . 1 ,, , , , , zr jz: - r ,,7 ' . , , I LET US EXCHANGE VIEWS- . Inthttlnw intorvenlnjf between now and laedate of the l'eople'a Independent State (invention thin and nuicewilnx columns win hm open to the Populist of the state to pro pom candidate for the lU ket of w. and for Unlifd 8tat (Senator, and to ehow reason for inilivtdnrtl preference. We auall not have pw for anything more than names and hrlef rngsont for the choice made, became we wleh le huar from a rat many. Lkt no man dk IIHBBPOPOSDrOHOrriOK WMOHECHABAOTKIt AH WKUL At INTKIXKCTUAI. OUAUHUATIOWI Till wntTin WILL NOT VBIWOWAM.Y VOUCH koh. If any ceadidatflH wwn o be leading whom our readers cannot xonwleattonMiy sup port, by all meanH ka u know why they are xtreniiouHly objected to. Hut let lis respectone another' views, avoid anything tendlnif to disharmony If It be possible without nacrlflce f principles, and hear wlllliiiriy those woo dlf VrwHhus. "in a niultUwie of counselor mere 1m safely." llut with many to hear from each must be brlef.-EUlu.? Wealth Makehh. A Neighbor Want Galirn. , J, N. Gaflln wlil be a sure maa to nominate for governor for many reas ons: , , 1st.. His record is known to all par ties to be for justice and the best good of the whole state. o.i ilia notnhVini-u vrhn have had dealings with Mm for a dozen year will endorse him. ,!d. fits i ducatlon is up to the times, his heart broad enough to lake in all classes and their needs, his habits tem perate, his mind quick and bright enough to see things as ate, and not as they seem to be. Let us have Mr. Caftin. A KtlGUISOB. Mr. Wolfe i'or Governor. Alfobd, Neb., May 14, 1804. Kditor Wealth Makers: Here is a partial ticket for next fall: Governor, J. V. Wolfs; treasurer, J. II. Powers; attorney general, Jos. W. Ed gerton; sentor(U. Judge Ilolcomb; congressman Sixth district, Judge Ne villo. '-,' The prospect in Boyd county 1b quite good for an increase in our vote, if we nominate an attorney we will elect bim. but we have no candidate yet. We ex pect to have Boyd county men nominat ed for state sonator and representative and to elect them. Our county is the battle eround of the Thirteenth sena torial and Twentieth representative districto; but only money and fraud can defeat us. Yours for reform, N. H. Blackmeu, Mix Old With New. Oua, Neb., May 22, 1894. Editor Wealth Makers: To mo one of the most entertaining sts well as instructive departments of our e xcellent stato paper Is the exchange of views. While I agree in part with Brother d' Allemand as regards new men, yet it seems to me a little unfair, and I believe unsafe, to wholly pass by some of those who have Identified themselves heart and soul with the party from the begin ning. I particularly refer to such true men as J. V. Wolfe and O. Hull. I be lieve the Populists are few indeed who are not thoroughly convinced of the strict honesty as wt 11 as ability of the above men. Since our past conventions new men have shown forth just as true worth, howevtr, and It will be suicidal tf their names are not used. Probably J. N. Gaf1ln is the strongest of these; but in my opinion no truer or abler man can be named than W. F. Dale for tome place noon the state ticket. Yours fraternally, C. L- HRAWARU Another Ticket I'mpoeeil, Krutson, Neb., May 27, iwl. I have received notice that my sub crlptlon to your valuuUe paper had expired. Hut If you will pkae keep n tending it I will try and tend in to newal fee at m early a data at poU!e, Selng your paper U own to an tt t-hangeot view on good and romp toot mea that are to be elected In the coming campaign I klieve that good true men thoul.l In nomlua'ed whohnvt! ttiwai proved truw to any public truM thai hat to p'.avd upon them. And lev mo my right hure that whoever tt noiulnaUd. little potty trouble h uild nut Ui ftttil!oBtl In thi eimp!gtt U t; m'rt VUi are iHunlnated have l wavtprovrd tt'ie t th varlo u Uutt- .hat ha 1 . -u p' 4 .i ujHn thmi. M.f . holiii f.tr ticket i: lor gcm-rntir; "A. A. iVjn't'f f Itt'M:; fur MeuUant f ivuraoe, J. N, Jm of rtv-tadiTt. tcea-iurcr, Jotin H, l'ow r tf Jh'ih etn'k; atati amiur, K V. lUL-k tf l.ni ior; a"t.nn y fvt!, .Kwruli flk'tr4''t k( Hall: x-crotary uf U H. I. I(n-.)K'I Ya'l7;upf!'isti.a.(i! 'I'l! , Ifr'r.l. '.."I, I W , Jv'fi.v Adams; last but not least is lion. V II. Barry of Greeley for commissioner of public lands and buildings. For U. 8 senator, Silas A. Ilolcomb of Custer, J. M. Rsgan of Adams. , or Yours for justlco, I'ERCIV, Ball Wanta Judge Holcomli for Governor Btockvill, Neb , April 37, 194. j Editor Wealth Makers: I am so well pleased with the able and fearless manner in which you have advocated the cause of truth and right that I cannot possibly get along with out your paper, though times are very hard and money scarce. As long as you keep In the middle of the road I shall stand by you, and do what I can to increase the circulation of your valuable paper. As so many have written and propos ed names for the governorship of this state, t will mention tho name of Judgt Ilolcomb, as a man fully qualified, and one that we can place before the people without making any apologies for his past record, and one who is in hearty sympathy with the party. He made a good fight, was elected by a hundred majority as circuit judge, and made a brave fight for supreme judge against the Demo-Republican ccmblne. I think he Is as good a man as we can find. I am sorry to say that I am not able to send you the dollar, but if ydu caa send the paper I will send remittance as soon as I can. It is looking rather dark in this part of the country. We have not had any rain to do any good In months small grain is about gone, and the corn that is up cannot survive many days without : ala. If it does not rain soon we will orga nize and start cn masse for Washington to join Coxey. Yours fraternally, John P. Greek. Wanta Gaflln for Governor. Editor Wealth Makers: I have been reading with Interest the opinions of various members of our party, as to their choico for tho various oflices of the state. Now, I don't for a moment think that my opinion on the subject would be worth much, as I am only a high pri vate In the rear ranks of the People's party; but I will speak my little ploco and then retire until the ball is open. I am very proud of tho fact that the name of one of our honored cltl.ens has been &o prominently mentioned for gov ernor. I have known Mr. Gatlln as a private citizen, and- he is highly re spected. I ha.ve known him as a repre sentative, and ho has boon always faith ful and true to his pledges. And I would be more than happy to know him as governor, for I have reason to believe that every measure passed by our legis lature looking toward relief to the overburdened peoplo of the state would receive his hearty approbation. And there is Honest John Powers, whom the Independent voters of the state will remember with prido. By all means give him something substantial this fall, (lod knows he has earned It. We have a host of able, competent men to select from. Let us tee to It that no mistakes are tnado in putting out a ticket. Saunders county will do her share of fighting when the battle U open. Your for victory, Mead, Nb. A Kearney Mm' Tit ket KE.vKxav, Neb., May 23, l"W, Kdiur Wealth Makkus: la mpon to your Invitation to the PopulUttot tho UU to ttato their preference f r oiHjor. e would submit the foitowlng: lor gowrnor, Hon. J, N, tlartlo: for lieutenant govrraor, IUoi 1. II. lUraer of lUatou, the lvjuier f the !mlndunt In the Ut Ule a a'o; (or H-rwry it ttale und ui rtu tind nt of tntbilo ImtruttUtn, any good ''rnljuto uf the ruad"mrn IU dm This will aU i apply to Uo jimoi.l nr t pnhki land and butMlmr. ror alt -r-in-y t nrl!, John M. UtifHO of lUt Itii. fur tn-Kurer Hmrnt ' Ji!i Pw r, K-tf a ul'.tcr we ti d .rsa pf our I '.'t uu u, a nun n I,! poeUl. w! d a:i ant 'V-ratla p . r In fcU J prtin rit. VVUiis th iUvi!.4 tU i!rut! n if the -V.1H-tM l'tUfi th !'irhB('Oi., Kv Au4;ir 'it.'nvn- W j tvimld lU n, Uv1 Mvilt'VB.iU' jof t'h.y fdiinty, fof this tr t, Tn c?i?r half i f ths v( !NV braska has never had a representative in tho United States senate. The east ern part has always bad this honor. We' have a man In this section that is honest, capable, informed, of imposing presence, with personal magnetism a"d great popularitya man who would be fitting comrade for Senator Allen. Such a man is our last candidate for supreme judge, Hon. Silas A. Ilolcomb of Broken Bow. For congressman from the '-Big Sixth" we are enthusiastically In favor of' W. L. Greene, tho leading I'opullst orator in the state. While these are our preference we will vote and work for any "middle of the road" Populist who Is nominated at our state convention. Wo want to see the government banks in the hands of the great common people, and we be lieve the only way it can be done is for the people to bring about a revolution by an avalanche of ballots, in favor of the demands of the Omaha platform. , Very truly, Art lieu G. Whittikr. Norman Cowdln Nominates Mr. Pow ers. Stoddard, Neb., May loth, 1894. Editor Wealth Ma kkbh; I am at a loss somewhat to account for drift of men's minds. Three or four years ago John Powers waseleoted as governor of Nebraska. No man can truthfully sot up a better claim to the nomination as governor by the l'ooplo's party than honest John Powers. He should be nominated and elected gain, and will be if nominated. This Is not a personal matter. I do not know tht Brother Powers will thank me for saying this, but all the same It is public matter. If we want justice In this state let us put up men that are known to be just and honest; then, If elected, you will know just what to expect. Now, I do not wish to detract from any other man that has been mentioned for governor in our paper. But I do say, without fear or favor, that there is not one among any of them or all of thorn oomblned that has as much claim to our suffrage as Mr. Towers, not so mv.ch upon his account as the poople's. He is our man, and should be nominated and elected. Here now, Is my ticket: John Powers, governor; Clem Dcaver, lieutenant governor; J. V. Wolfe, treasurer; J. A. Edgerton, secretary of state. The rest of the state ticket any good Pop will do mo. For representative ot the Fourth district Dcch is all right, if he will run. If not, how would Mr. Gaflln do? For senator, Joe Eugerton (our Joe); be Is the ablest man to place In that po sition I know of. And now let the ball rofl, I am ready, These men are my choice. If I cant get them, I will take tho next befit. Yours clear through the fight, Norman Cowihn, Ulgh private la tho front rank. Dr. Aley rropoae a New Man. Lincoln, Neb., Juno 1, ISM Editor Wealth Makers: Ir. looking for a candidate for gover nor in this state to head ihe PopulUt ticket this tall none but the most ad vanced thinkers la our - organization should be considered for a moment. Those who at any Urn or la any place during the pan two years have shown the whlto feather on any prln elpla laid down in the Omaha platform should not be considered eligible for that petition. We want for a leader one who hat the eimrg of M cenvlo Uqm, and whoendortetnthuiatlca!ly very word, clsunc, and paragraph In that dovutarol. Such a maa, It boat' dialed, will sutcr Uui tltfht with an en thuUui that will !ien up the .cX hoima dI the weak and faltering la our own ranks '! ht will t ry t'oavlitioa to tho h r W an.) tiitn J nf thuuAndt ot d iitiwrata and rtpuML ant who ate now on lite poUtl.)! frruM imt knowing which way to jump, We wtni f r a '.anJar.l lcrr in who. (hJ that h ha a mlKtea U pvtonn and h w; ci.U'f uj'oo U ai tn'iutiia with a!) tr.i e nwrgy and vuUuulsum f an anuUnl! trvnautl, nu li wt'l ru willing tj Uke tvturuvt and av pi a M, of lb p.'UL-Al Uirt nil hi jstUlW! ciuMiJ ' and wt.'H It iln'U'd, wi, mil j i nl.U r Hin.! M .-ef U.ari it..- j I ti 'nthlhith;ud h!tu itv prmul j ii.:.i. V 6t uu i;tir i' ticliMuh! tt Maf U'it'wr In r ii"k. W4 da tu.l oa.it o wh, will i-or tt.e rrytut ' I f. a;'.iiint , tn w !'.!' ..rty t . by his veto defeat th9 will ot the peo ple as expressed throngh their repre sentation. Neither do we want a our nominee for that position one who is over apologizing for the more radical utterance! of tho National platform and who considers many of the utterances therein exposed as impracticable and visionary, Such a roan, If elected, will pit his judgment against the united Hontlment of tho'orgunlzatloD, and In fact will become tho Cleveland of Ne braska, and the rank and file of the Populist party will be forced Into the humiliating position of being com pollod cither to repudiate or apologize for the aof, orjralhcr none-acts, of this gover nor, Jn tin; state are hundreds of com petent men woe have stood for years as the advanio gua.d in this Industrial reform I movement; they have done picket duty day in and day out, year in and year out; have always been found in tho thickostof the flgV.t. With thorn our principles have counted for every thing. They hav e courted defeat when success could have been bad by a sacri fice of the principles ihoy loved dearer than life. These men neither sought nor received official portion. They have stood for our cause when to do so meant business, social, religious, and political ostracism. For one, we be lieve now is the time to recognize the services done by these pioneers in the reform movement. Our candidato for governor, and In fact all the nominees on the state ticket, should be selected from this class of patriots If this bo done the Populists of Nebraska will never have cause to blush for the acts of their standard bearers. Atone of these pioneers we would name Joseph LaMaster, of Tecumeb, at our candidate for governor. Respectfully, Hit. H. II. Alky. Porter's ltr ply to Haver, Clakks, Nkii., May 25lh, 1H04. Editor Wealth Makers: In looking through your paper of the 24th I see In tho columns devoted to an exchange of views, among others, a let ter from Brother liaver, of Marsland, which to me is very amusio;;. Brother Raver wants to hoar from "our leaders," by way of having each man, as his nuuie U mentioned as a can didate for ofllce, come out and tell the peoplo what he will do If elected to such ollice. Now, while 1 do not con sider myself a "leader" of the populist party in any sense of the word (I am and always expect to be one of the rank and file of the great reform movement, now calling Itself the populist party), yet as my name has been frequently used by friend of the movement for various places on the state ticket I will take the .liberty to reply to Brother lUver. Suppose that I was a candidato for nomination on the state ticket (which, let me say, I am not), and seeing my name mentioned for suob ofllce by some admiring friend, I should come out the next week In a letter telling the popu liitj of the state how I hid left tho re publican party tn ycurs ago, and had been an independent since tbt time and helped to organize the populist party in this state, and had sacrificed both time and money for the ciu--o, etc. ( All ot which would bo literally true.), and what I would do if I were nominal ed and elected to eald ofl'.oe, etc ; would tt not look jul a little like bidding tor the support of the delegates to our con vention and at the tame time boasting of mym If and what 1 had d-me, and would It not plana mo In a rv deU'at portion, lo ay the Uat I would not dolt tor any ortUw wlthla tho gift ot i,u pt-ople, for 1 do not Ul: !u a tuuo a.ngiovr. hu oa pr!ji. However, t have no V'it!i H j'ektnj wgrdt of eomiuundation far my JrloiuU, and aa ! w on t( the 6rt l i i-uilun Iho oaiueof hi akr U l,a lor gavprnur and A, J. Jut!a aad liar a writ a elhvr h t th va'loUi 'othr pU'.-et the tUket . I UI say : ut wiird U Khalf of Vne nttmsl goiiti tiu n Mr t liHrvd'.a'' ur : uc'.iniiHttdatla at my t a th . wl U h he did la lh lt m l! a ij oa v'. i.di. t i!d, 4 l ir'v'r -uarntit u! h' anjlS'.pt; r I 't!d hit l f.O vl . limtSu U n.1 to will kimi' I k n oaly ly h!t i llln . li i . s i a ' U , mm iimiiiiiii iirlT" an. THE GEORGIA ORATOR. Mr. Watson, Chairman Addresses the Stats Convention. THOSE DEMOCRATIC EXPECTATIONS The Populists Punctuate with Great Laughter and Cbetrs the Periods of '1 heir Ktt n Sarcastic Ltader, The Key-Note of the Gonventlom Comrades, I am deeply moved by this oompllment from the most notiiblo po litical gathering which this state has known since the sounds of civil war died away from her borders. (Ap plausu.) Goorgla is reprebcutod hero today as. never before. The farmers are prcwent to Bpcak for themselves; the mechanics are present to speuk for themselves; the professions are prrnent to speak for themcolvei; and the colored people are present to speak for their own race. (Applause.) You are tho men who guide the plow and swing the hoe;' the men who make the anvils ring, the spindles humthe men who feed and clothe the world. (Applause.) And we come here to give emphasis to the just demand that those who pro duce shall more fairly share the pros perity they create, (Cboers.) We meet under strange conditions, One year ago this country was being daintily fed on the ambrosia ot demo cratio expectations. (Laughter,) To day it is gnawing the cob of democratic reality. .(Great applaua4- cries "The com is gone.") One year ago wo almost trembled to think what would become of Tom Used and John Sherman when our rampant democrats should convene In congress, (Laughter.) Today the mighty energies of the democratic majority In the lower houoo are chiefly devoted to the purpose that the character of Tom Reed shall staBd forth Vindicated and endorsed -"re deemed, regenerated, and disen thralled," (Great laughter and ap plause) In the upper house the abuse of twenty years Is forgotten, and old John Sherman enjoys every day of ht life the luxury of wiping his feet upon cow ardly, recreant, and corrupted demo cratic senators. (Cheers) Catering ofllce pledged to free silver, this administration has done the cause of bimetallism more harm in ten months than tho republicans hod been able to do In twenty yoars (Croat an-1 plause.) Entering ofllce pledged to tariff re form they have concocted a wonderful conglomeration ot the oddo and ends of protection; and It tho McKlnloy bill were the fiery furnace tho democrats describe it, tho Wilson bill could pass through and get no smell of tiro on Its garment. (Cheers.) Going Into ofllce pledged to economy they have vnt all the money within the reach ot their greedy hand; have thlnglcd the country over with more bonds and more taxes; have indirectly increatod their own salaries ucongre men; and have deuiontlratcd that their chief concern was to bank In the sua hln of governmental favor, while they Siicredly guarded from unholy la truthm tho louder blades of the na tional gra-s. (Great Uughlar nd erlm of "ke-p oil the g.a.M Cmlm umt cheering. ) if ll were at all iwary for me to atnail tho rrpublicaa parly, I w u!d knw now to go at l, We know whr thy Hand. Iluy ar for loUctloe, lavlth nditiir, national bank, ttioro bond and gtIdhiijflm iriral!y. tlulheii ileut lualiaukte,? the l ouhvau I uerJiy kuow where- o hit, fUauehtef.) Tty M i n principle WkU; whk h thy did not it "i ytei- Th 'y dviioiHM-d a.Uhiti.' ia't ear hU-U Vu f ). not pra, lU--!d this ) r. ii'her ) Wh.it protnJi t pi!fct :rK t tupy tmy hue nt .mi G.M kar.irf t hn.'h'. r ! ll Ui old dap of i.li f n ta rri'W vfiie tha grV. lvi-'ttt- il' tt i tlo"" t;l.'4 ttij i laU . 4 '! -Jn isiai, t up.,'i-v.J rj j I Aia Hr. .k.l t. di f H ) t !r. ', I tay it was republicanism tempered by an oc casional fishing frolic and snipe hunt. (Great laughter and cheera.) By what they have done since they got into power, it baa boen shown to all the world that the democrats of 1892 were merely republicans out of office. (Cheers.) " In all this confusion of principles and -broken promises, in all this cloud and uncertainties and dlscouragera-int, there is one party which knows its mis; slon and its creed! . '' The people's party, true to itself and its principles, stands llko a atone moun tain amid the storm, and wbilo it strong foundations are laid deep In the " confidence of the people, its serene summits are bathed In the sunlight of God! (Cheers ) Other parties may cut and trim and stretoh their principles to suit the voters; the people' party stands un flinchingly by Its creed every plank of its platform-(Great cheering.) and if arij stretching is to be dona wo propose that the mind of the voter shall be ex panded till It can grasp the splendid truth of our platform. (Great applause. ) We come here with no malice in our hearts. To the interests of our great state we are s true as ail men are who love their homes, The rancors of the past no longer dwrll with us. We are ready to lay, "IM tho dead past bury its dead." We come here to invite all good citi zens to give us their help in restorlsg tbe welfare of our country. We are not enemies to law, order, and property. We assail only the law which Is un just; the order which rests upon sup pression of right; tbe property which is wrung from Its produoer by the rob ber bands of class legislation, (Chesrs.) We have no room In our party for the plutocrat nor the anarchist! (Great applause.) . We oppose the man who grows un justly rich by reason of spoolal privi lege; and we likewise oppose the man who hates every citizen whose honest toll has been rewarded by a legitimate accumulation of property. (Cheers.) We are not enemies to society nor to private property; nor are we reckles radicals whose only aim is to tear down and to destroy. No! We simply favor moderate, reasonable, necessary, and legitimate reforms; and by the blets lngs of God wo are in this fight till we get them. (Cheers.) A Keen Criticism of llryau. Representative Bryan in his Utter declining to be a candidate for ro-elec- 4l ll... .1... YV,-..lf ... - ... uirc luai. vuu lupuusta are i J K"i uu uiu iuuuuj nuwiion unu uu inn principle issues of the day, but to ap pear conservative and Impress the peo ple with his wisdom, he qualifies hi confession of faith, by saying that be thinks some ot the principles held by tho 1'opulUU are impracticable. He places himself la a position where ha can remain a Democrat or become a I'opullst as best suits his personal ambi tion. He evidently has a very exalted oplulon of himself, and would like to mtke (he Populists believe that their succsxi depends upon his leadership From hit lofty position ha looks down upon, and not up to the People's party, and it Is juit this over-estimate of hi own Importance which weaken hU in fluence with the lVpuUntt. The pea pie have hail enough ot brilliant mea, the country has been curbed with them. The ucoe of the Populist cause dee not depend upon the brilliancy ot lu kadumhip, or uKn the old style l dom of ambitious politician. The I'w plo't party U not a man-womhlpp.ag tnnli'.utlon. It hat a thoutaad Umu mufi fall!) la ht prlaciple than la any mm Th politician itiut oome lo the Omaha platform. The p t'w; cau Bnvwr N ncxsimmndjUd to thm Cedar Itapldt l! ip'lUa ttiitiM, ol I'rotlitijm With t Ihlrd tf tbe piupU uf thU ahtioit out of ) mwl. aad in o hUi want, atd an tlif iMrd jwt aUiu lh v uv u J. .!! sulk o. ItUla go.kl () U'e vr u p . In ci ami tt rM.i v .tort Uii p u to ' ii ciMenWd l ia p.wl'Ua ! willed H !; plrael i" in d-eca Uiraf, l.ua." UU wail .t nuaitif, Lit,r r, 11. 4; m-i. a rt l'tvvldtt v, t'4Ul the rM . r yUm 0! iMKta.w wMtftt lw ianwd the rt'.' ; -B Th t - ' 1 V X .4.'t