May 3 J, 1894 THE WEALTH MAKERS. J THE GREAT SOIXTION. What Is Beet to Do With Coxey and the Unemployed. , I have an answer to the abovo - tion which I nave put in legal ques- lurm, but bafore giving it, I wish to submit a few self-evident propositions as the base on which my theory rests. First Governments are ordained and laws enaoted to meet the wants of hu inanity. Second That is tbe best legislation which most permanently relieves the ' greatest number of people of their most pressing neels with the lasst taxation . ana wuouut injustice iu any. IV Third All people need homes; and I' f All able-bodied people need employment ', the business world needs money and the government needs revenues Fourth The inalienable right to life carries with it the inalienable right of a spot of earth on which to live. Fifth The laborer is not only worthy cf his hire, but worthy to be hired. Sixth Money is a creation of law and its legitimate function is to facilitate the exchaBge of commodities. If there were no exchange of commodities money would be a useless thing. Seventh The land, inoludiog all the resources of nature, is the rightful her itage of all the people Eighth No Republic is safe, neither I are the lives or property of the people secure when a majority of the people have no nronertv Interest at stake. Ninth Agriculture is the base of all --- other industries; to foster it is to foster every other legitimate calling among men. ' ! olio wing is the plan for settling the land, labor, finance, revenue and tramp iuestionst-world without end. An Act entitled, "An Act to Provide Homes and Employment for the l'eo pte, to Increase the Volume of Money. and Provide for the Public Revenues." Bo it enacted by the Senate and , House of Representatives of the United states in Uongress assem ijiea: mat in order to furbish employment and homes v lor all the people of the united State: to increase the volume of money ana provide for the public revenues, it is hereby provided: That the govern jnent proceed, through a bureau or a commission appointed for the puruose. to Improve all public lands within the "'''borders of the United States that are 3 . lit for farming, including lands that can .r ha munu ftvat uhiii htr 1rtlirat.1ivi riralm. 2 'in homeXad ZZlSS . XSZ ; u . i i T . .., . i granted to citizens of the United titatts on such terms as are hereinafter pro vided. 1 1 is also provided that when, the in terests of labur, the publto welfare and the inalienable rights of mankind de mand It, the government shall take steps to reclaim ail tbe lands within its jurisdiction, whether owned by syndi cates, corporations or individuals. This it mat do by purchase or by tbe exer else of right of eminent domain. That 1 'nu, UU8 wn" ?na. "cquireu Dy 218 trustT bebgrLe;5d limited quantities to citizens of the United states on terms and conditions as fol- 1st lira I Any citizen of the United States may obtain a ptrpetuai lease and secure a borne from tne government cf not more thulf 16f! ?rS,u,1 laTml8 lau.d' with ail the improvements thereon: Provided such lease holder occupies ami uses tne same as a homestead and keeps ike premises in good repair, pays tBl in addition thereto Dnvs annual! v in advance to the United States treasurer not less than one per Cent of what his holding cost the government. It is also irom time to time, lncreaso the rate per cent of interest on tbe amount it expended in furnishing such homes for its citizens. But the rate of intertst shall never excetd th sumlus earnings oi labor as shown by statistic, or what is necessary to defray tne eipeuses of governuitut economically administered, It is further provided that tnese lease holdings may be transferable, but none snail ever huid a lease from toe eovern ment at any one time of llio for mure than 1(30 ao es of farm laod; but nuns shall bo debarred from renting of other leaseholders on such terms as iney make for themselves; providea such contracts without renewal. it is also piovlded that all lands thus owned Dy the aovetnment may b entered upon by any individual or co operative feociatluu of Individuals, for mining purpose, by simply paying to m9 itaavnoiuer tne aamave done his aiirltiu.tural interest, together with tuch taxs or rents as the government ma deem proper to impose; and to carry out ail the provl.tou. of this act tbe jfuvtrnmeat suaU Issue an adequate amount oi ptr eurrent-y. whtoh tnali im a full ivgai tunder for all dota, pub Ha ami private " Were I amtmborof Congress, I should most cntamly Introduce a bill some thing like the Ion-going, for the follow ing rvMom: First, it .u!4 give em- , tloymat to all able bol!t4 fMHple who I ra willing to work to Improve tr. ' UnUs. MvCoat. It wouij vnabi tacit .-It! a t( the Ueiwd States V procure a horns raJy fur otcujnoy at the low cot of uc mr roat a year on the rvst fit! hi ma. Third. It wouUl rul!v h glut a ths Ub -r market, causing a " 4 a hi to .ii:un:a trtbullun uf ibm woa th 'r4ucl t y lkr. )Muihtlt u!4 duwtup the irwvjrv. of lh coititry m4 a!J taiho i! wn!th tJ tho i.atli.-. I'Uth, It wm-M forve blilluns uf gti4 a4 buat tMooy u t,lrvuUw il the tkaaU of lrU. wry Jollar t f which would be p!4 out by the (u' tratuvat atrvet lata the haa4of tolivo who vara it by psrfirtulsg ufjl work la attleg un fcuuw for the a4y. or fir the tmrvae n4 that will la- rra la value as population ltwe. 'th,lt would U a sourve of rptual revenue to the government without tax ing anybody directly or indirectly Seventh, it would tend to tbe promotion of morale, in that it helps all to a home and constant employment at reuunera- ive n,i ftn,lj ntnrcA MIabam - fl t. Av.ll. TM-V4U It nllnu all reach ef the highest attainable free dom and Independence. Ninth, it would break the power of the rich to oppress the poor and the hireling in his wages Tenth, it would put an end to land monopoly the giant corse of the civilized world by which millions are forced to give half of their earnings for the opportunity to work to keep them I ggjygg their wives and little ones from starving. Such are a few but not a tithe of the reasons which can be given for the en actment of a law such as the above bill proposes. The central truth of the theory here in set forth Is this: All men are equally entitled to what God has created. God created tbe earth; therefore all men are equally entitled to it Jacob Beck. Blair, Neb., May 1, 1894. Bennett at Falrbury. Faikbuky, Neb., May 21, 1894. Editor Wealth Makers: At last we had a chance to see a por tlon of the Commonweal Army and learn by actual contact with the soldiers what an immense amount of truth is suppress e& DV tne subsidized press, replaced in part by distorted, nail way truths, to- I m - .... " . gather with lies or the whole cloth. At 1:00 p. m.. last Friday (18th) Gene' ral Bennett's army reached the sacred confines of Falrbury and were met by the marshal at the very north-west limits of the city Here tbey alighted from the wagons, seven in number, that had brought them from Alexandria since 8,00 a m., that day, and formed in line. Headed by, General Bennett, Colonel Gannon and our pity marshal the procession marched down into the business portion of the city. At the square the army was met by Sheriff Mendenhall and City Mayor Berry, la a buggy, and escorted right through town to the south east corner and out on the Endicott road. Here a halt was made, the soldiers resting under the shade of trees skirting the road. Then Mayor Berry went back to town and procured permission to have a camp 'nd ,n Stel0'' l quarter out of town. In a short time the Commonwealers were march ing toward the proposed camp ground, feeling no doubt glad to have at least a short respite from their 20 mile march and drive without dinner. After reach ing camp they soon dit covered that nothing had been done In the way of furnishing them any provisions either by the county or city, and they were told lamJ tnat lf fc of tbem wer(J they would be swifltly brought to justice, with a biz "J. a ueuerai uennew, -nen, Mr. Sheriff, we have nothing, or nearly bo. to cat: and if vour neoDle will not do anything for us, I cannot pledge myself .. . . ... . lk r . ' tnt not a man will visit your town; I can control my own actions but it is pretty hard to "corral" a hunerv man we cannot live on ra3B- Sheriff Mendenhall replied that be didn't orcanlza this crowd, bad nothlntr to do Wlth brInging them there, had no M"D"y o iurnisn mem anytning to ear, ana wnuia oe giau to attend to tnelr cases, provided General Bennett could nt keep them in camp and they begged . .. . . v 3 utSBcu " VUD n tne mean time a few persons with more of the '-milk of human kindness" than adoration of Wall Street princi ples, were busy raising a private sub scription to buy provisions for the army. General Bennett and some of his officers came up t town and were met by Charles and William Clifton with an Invitation to use William Clifton's lots west of his planing mill In the city two blocks from the square as a camp ground and the mill for a sire ping place at night This was accepted and in an hour tbe army was safely camped In this place, Then the fun began. The Insurance agent who had written Iniunaco on the mill decided to cancel the policy if tbe tramps were allowed to sleep there, and Win Hoard .ley threw open the Floral Hall in the fair grounds for their use. Then a harness maker, who claims to the exclusive right to "live, move and have hi bjlng" eoailsUid la bis hnj an ex subject of tieva Victoria, order ed the roa.-.hal to drive those bums out of town. leant. " said the manhal ''until a complaint It tnado." I complain then:" al4 this ex alien, so contUcnt that that mm all that wat tewt.ary to I don ; but whoa shwa that he mutt awsar to a regular croolalo. which. If shown to bs without orohsile mum. would probably put s un cost oo him, h prt lurr4 to make nly oral ' vo rU;au.w A piMoilnent lumbermao. iUU-4 ta jv!t ileal laotloi, and artth wettvai vHimpuatloot wh.rshy thv fat war pft '1 to 7,'. cent rr thai and tar than he think h ia paying f .r lumber, BjarLhod a IUHk hill a a nwaf4 lo the nit who wou.h "iifu the taes." r'rvmlasat cattle man, MtuWrt tf theCUrUtUalTirhurvk, who not ta days lef.ire wrrtrk lag like aatlcrt to re Neds ! tulU thslr new ahurci flatly ttfaisJ osttf their doar a paltry quarter to feed Bennett's hungry soaba." Notwithstanding these things, mat- ten at Camp Barnes, in honor of W. H. Barnes, a prominent attorney and Populist here who headed the move- ment to secure provisions went along smoothly. The boys had plenty to eat, and had time to wash and brush up a little, presenting an appearance fully up to the . mark, looking better than most crowds of seventy, working men generally do. Oat of the seventy, eight were foreign born and all were voters and working men. General Bennett and Colonel Gannon made short speeches in the evening with telling effect On the morrow seven team and wagons were procured and at eleven a. m the Commonwealers left Falrbury with some I1G 00 or 118 00 in money and a good breakfast, feeling that Falrbury like Sodom of old-had at least the requisite number of right- eous to prevent her destruction. Darin tha antire stav no ovst-t i except perhaps that continuous one of bain noor-iraa committed bv them, No inufliallr was h th.m But twice did the writer hear anything Ike sn oatb. and that was quoted. Yet after hflinr nufnlv in camn thev wer fn,m .mm. hi nn ith thnn nnmntn,iamni.talBtnwhntnth.!irht of a poor man believing in Populist rnt i. wnA tv,n th r.rovrhial rd .. u jw.,11 down and endeavor to "do them up" with .lanirv talk. And it must not he am nosed that the soldiers lacked for heln in such a war. An ex snenff of the couny said when they nachtd Wash- ington they ought to be enclosed in a stonewall "and starve the s ns of b-s to death." And, forsootb, because thev were not all members of the sr. o. ' - - p , and one of the army happemd to be a comrade G. A R. of his, too! Really, t is wonderful how bitter human be- ngs can get! But a by-stander remark- ma that if some of this ex-sheriff's famllv bad their deserts -thev would be surrounded by a "stonewall" the shot wentsodeephe bowed his head and slowly walked away. n.. .1.1. M. TAtt. ...i vu, uu, r. miH.( w .uik jruui fancy; I had to be prolix as I am full of the subject. Yours for freedom, C. Q DePbance. Edward Bellamy on tbe Common. weal. Spring field, Mass., May 0, Edward Bellamy, Nationalist, journalist and author of "Looking Backward.', takes Coxey's Commonweal Army very se- rIouly He says: "In the first place, the Nationalists, of whom I am one, believe that' the time is near at band when the present naustriai system win Dreat aown ana the Na'ionallst system will take its place. We see deeply operating causes to bring about this result, and, of course, from this point of view, we regard such great industrial movement as this in dustrlal army is making as confirmato ry. I should say that the most magni ficent feature of this industrial situa tion lies, not in the numbers of the marching bodies which of course are triiung out in tne met tnat it is evi donee that the laboring masses of peo pie, the working classes, are deeply in ympathy with it. This has been shown, as, of course, every news paper reader knows, by a series of dem onstrations on the part of the working- men the poorer classes generally, iu the groat cities as well as the smaller districts along the line of march. "It Is also evidenced by the sympathet ic attitude of the officials of the Knights ofLawr, the Federation of Labor and tne railway unions in the west, espec- lally in their attempt to assist the arm- ies by threatening strikes If tbelatters' rl. -,. 1 T 1 V I log their sympathy with the movement, and, while I was prepared for a sur- prise, 1 was even more surprised than i xpoctea. xoey eviaeatly think It their cause, and believe that these armies are standing for their Interests "The contemptuous expressions from many suro-s at to the smallncss of these armies teems to be ill- judged, Tbe coat and difficulty of movlnsr even 100 men across the country for mtlei, with no orgaoUed commUnarv. Is almply enormous, as any old soldier 111 testify. That these armies have done what Ihey have done, made the marches they have made and maintain- ed the gxl discipline they have with the resource at their dUpotal. It an a- tonUhlng fuel, and will bn to regarded by future hUUirlaa. "The phnoinnon, a a whole, of the I rle and eoUrof th4 Jomiolrallon, U s (elaoaal, not only of a d-p dl- coo Wat on the part of the tnatw with the way thing are going ia thtt cuu trf , but alto a lo of UUH In their or- dtnar, governuit-ntal ImnHv at Wah- lRgta. That IhUlotstf faith I wl juttd4 an one who ha flUw4 the en ir. i f uur naU.'iial aa lsute UgUU tur for a numbr tf var at a qullod. The t; ivrau)at of Ihl coustry, wiiaw iu alaal rornt, l in tffct the rulw of the rich and a t tb rule tf th rple. The t1 ha dime when the i'l will rtipla the rule of the rich by the rut f the pnopie, an I that wtli m.aa aa to mowlo revolutloa, a eheage la th irttoatf wa!th ia lrr- a . ... . . ucmcuuo rciusru, i. unvo ueeu mo uro ucj;rvuieut m juuurporuiea ana uter of Agriculture, ordered the pur much Impressed by what the working- doing business. chose of Djcrlng binders on the several men have sld to me personally reeard- This I believe to be incorrect, as I am government estates "In order." ai he ductlon and distribution of the pro- founest character. It is near at hand. "The common proposition upon which the Coxeyites and Nationalists agree is that the welfare of the people la the concern of the Government and is a proper object for the exercise of pub- lie power. They are all opposed to the Individualist solution of the economic and social problem as the one that has I developed the millionaire and his shad low, the tramp. "They favor a collective and cooper- atlve method of dealing with the prob lem, which naturally takes the form of Government aotion. The chief result of these demonstrations from the point lef view of a radical social reformer, like myself, is Its ability, by its very substantial character, to attract public attention to the fact that there is a so- cial question in this country and a very pressing one. "The mass of Americans are so ab- sorted in bread winnlne and moneieet- ting that It takes something of this sort to di8trct their attention, even for a moment, from their personal engrois ments. This object can be accom- Plbhed much mo satisfactorily and liuieK,y n s manner tnan couiu ever oe orougnt aDOUt Dy preaching or tallt- l"aT It is an Important step in the "oclal and economic revolution which wiU tako V1 country, a revo- Intlon which, like all other great ones, will be of steadv growth, startinff from a Bma11 beginning, just as did the American Revolution. Unlike the 1Blier. w' not oe accompaniea by kret loss of llfe-althougb, I am sorry to say, there will probably be a lots of ,ome "ve8 in we friction causea by the I movement. nere 18 ine oensest ignorance i , . ... . . ,nuwn m regara to wis movement. Indefd the newspapers do not under- "MQ na Bre JU8twM uncertain woicn de to take as they were just previous t0 " civil war. But, in this case, un- 1,ke the latter, there are no geo- Rraphlcal or climate divisions; it is the ,BborInK clft88e8 Wnst the capl- -'"r.uworr"r."u' rtt uu iwku, . wwy II i n 1 . . 1 ... . . . f a i nave no ueuniie ooiect. dui it is laia to - . " n n?1 OI ineni are "7 harder looking than was John Browa of Osawatomie, and they have an object just as definite as was his when he started upon his work of emancipa- liop," If you desire any of the books in ou istof reform literature, study our special offer in another column which will tell you how to get them free. Aaother Insurance Man Disagrees. Editor Wealth Makers: Seeinc a letter in The Wia r.Tn Makers from one J. Y. M, Swlirart in wnich he makes a few mlsranreaenta. tlons, I wish to correct. Pint. He says there is no law by which to incorporate mutual hail com' panles. All any one has to do to prove he is not correct is to look at section 40 of tbe compi ed statutes of Nebraska for the oeon oruerea ' in9 U88ian govern year 1880. ment for exhibition in tbe Imperial Awlu he says tbe Nebraska Cyclone Co. is the only company specifically in dorsad. While tbo facts are, at tbe time there was no other company pre- eenb d before the Alliance and it was .simply indorsed and not specifically in dorsed. While at Hastings last January I re presented the Nebraska State Fire, L'ghtnlng and Cyclone Association of Kearney, incorporated as a state asso ciation, and tbe Nebraska State Hail oi airneia i iomeny or Kearney not Incorporated.and all mutuals were there placed on the same foo ing, and no one was specincaiiy indorsed. Again he carries the impression in the ad. In the Alliance Constitution that iu. n .1.1.,.. . . I sure he Is only trying to make up said I company. Again he say, the above resolution. I am rorry to say, includes at least one oompany that Is organized for the pur pose of revenue to t fflcers and agenvs. This is uofair. If Mr Swigart knows 1 . a . . . . . . ... w mBJ ,uon company let iim eunersay "hick oae it I or say nothing, tor it Is uijut to lrave it so In the blind a to wrk no Injury to all. An(1 beilues, if such company doe members choose that way C10'1 tley certainly do, or such company could not rxlsi) it I unjust not to let hem ailv their own way To mud d; wtn ne rwoplt's free right I loo mJcn "Coxey k-ep off the gra. uur ,or iruQ kn 'p dallng. t am r - !tfully your. J, M. S4NruKH. a'anar of aHiv Ala'l.)n Unlike tha Dutch Process Other ( lu'iiiIt nN m n. ... .. .. . ... . A lmd 1 ll..l.luu nl -A 11 1 K Ml k UVS 'iBreakfaslCocoa . It k4mrri4trf IVv.. i'a .. a, .. f 7 My, 4 tf wi , Sal4 tf iwn far, V. lim ft CO., ihrehf V'f, ttaii, v1. it ECHOES OP THE WORLD'S FAIR. Its Revolutionizing Jnftaenca on tbe Aft-ricaltar of the World. Hardly a corner of the g'.obe is so re mote that it has not felt the civilizing influence of our great World's Colum bian Exposition. Thanks to It, primitive methods in manufacture and agriculture are rapidly giving way to the advance ideas learned at the World's Fair. In bo line is this awakening more pronounced than in harvesting machinery. This may be directly traced to the famous North west harvest tour made by half a hun dred foreign commissioners, last August Already the Sultan of Turkey has ordered a Deerlng Binder for use on n' imperial domains, upon the recom- meadation of Hon. A. G. Aadiklsn, bis agrlcultnral representative at the ir nd oraerl are coming In from Kussla, Roumanls, Great Britain, Hungary, nd in fact every grain raising nation of the globe. Hon. Sen Tsuda, the Japanese imper- 11 commissioner, was so deeply im pressed with harvest scenes on the rvo " om-nusiaswcauy wruw w vuo jeering people: "When I went to North Da kota to see wheat harvesting during the World's Fair, I saw your Harvesters and Binders operated, and am convinced that thev are the best machines for harvesting that I have seen. I cannot n" eueve mat tney win contnouie to uuueu i our pcupio u iu'"uw into our country." iiuLOAniA heaud fom. professor Vulko I. Shopoff, the com missioner from Buls-arla. a irreat wheat rai8jn country .noon returning from I ' r tha nthuBlMtleaHv wrote: "The work of the Deering Binders, as seen on the -rate Lapimop. farmi ,urpIM, all my expectations, It will give me ipec,al pieagore t0 recommond to our frmen tn.unnlv themalvawith vour Laohin . as thereby thev will save a Lreatdealo tlm6( labov and expense," . dberwo kcbbu. M.fl m.ohlno. nnnn If,,..!, ho. tui.n ' . 7 :""; 1: e most pronouncea. won. isawara Mitscherllch, the agricultural repre- Mutative of the uzar, ana one of tne oor committee oiawarasaitno Fair, writing to Wa. Deering & Co., from Wy, lh9. YJ?9T' ol "mm TA,, 'T T P"w, lwu tu u ruojjorivjf mo nuv nuuinui auu grim cultural machinery, among which latter the most Important is your self-binder. "I saw hundreds and hundreds of them wotang, day after day, without stop- lVlaH - no preierenoe wnion suon urs- rate agriculturists as the farmers of North Dakota are showing for your Binders Is the best testimonial of tbe high qualities of your machines." As a result of Mr. Mltscherlisk' rec ommendation, altering machine has f M V-m ft . Agricultural wuseum at si reiersourg, O.ber Russian representatives were similarly impressed, and as a result, we are told that many carloads of Deerlng Binders and Mowers hav3 already been consigned to St. Petersburg, Odessa and other great Russian agricultural centers. HUNGARIAN GOVERNMENT RUVS DEEIt ING 3. Hon. Iran Ottlik, Royal Hungarian Commissioner, made a deep study of harvest nff machines both at the World's Fair and amone the North Dakota bonanza farms. Uoon his re turn to Buda-Pest he so stronely reo ommended the Deerlng as excelling all others that Count Bethlen. R ival Mln . .... ... said ' that our farmers may loam the utiltur of this machlnn b ilnr it in actual use." CAPTAIIf COXCAS CROWS POETICAL The nineteenth century Columbus, Captain Victor M. Concas, commander of the SpanUh Caravel, writing from hi headquarters In Cuba, sayi: ' Tht magnificent spectacle which was pre- envd before n. ef forty-three cf the wonderful Peering Binder, 1 without doubt th boat example of the energy "Fhl lllutlratloa r i,r- ni t ha m I Vai'htnw ewr ina-'dk l'4-tl. a .tlnr ttat ttln ry will find It Wt t1lr UMti l'K t 4 s wh m.. mii iiib.i ui Ht'tmp i'ulbra, suuh as the table aad Ua4 lower Machine a tH a the Sorse Piwr Uete rvpreseaM." tf the European races , which people America to-day.'' FKOM THE HONORABLE MASTER CUTLER Clear-cut as his cutlery comes a mes age from Hon, Joha F. Atkinson, master cuuer or Sheffield, Kngland, sad judge of cutlery at the World's Fair. Says he: "The most Interesting in cident of that most agreeable and in structive trip to North Dakota was un doubtedly the witnessing of the Lari more 10 000 acre wheat fie d being out by a betaliloa of forty three During Binders; and the. ease and efflolency with whleh tbey did their work was most extraordinary. As s maker of reaper knives, I have seen many har vesting machines at work, but I cer tainly never saw any do their work as well as yours. The draught was par ticularly light for the amount of wheat harvested, aad not a single machine was placed hort du combat tbe whole day from any cause." The fame features of excellence that aroused the enthusiasm of the foreign commissioners showed themselves so plainly in the exacting official World's Fair field trials, held in Colorado, that the Deerlng people were given sixteen out of the whole number of twenty-six awards given to the seventeen exhibit ors of harvesting machinery. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have established bead-quarters and are today preparing millions of campaign documents to be sent out dur ing tills campaign. It Is the opinion of the shrewdest -politicians at Washington, that if the People's Party takes advantage of the blunders and infamy of the present administration, there will be no trouble In electing Populist members enough to hold the balance of power In the next Congress. It is alio admitted by tbe closest observers among both the Democratic and Republican politicians that the next eleotion of president will bo thrown Into the House, which will give the Populists the power to dictate who shall bo the next president of the United States? The election ia the state of Oregon comes off In June, and in Alabama In August. We are al most absolutely sure to carry Alabama, and we stand an even chance with either of the old parties In Oregon. To help to carry Oregon and Alabama Is to help put life and enthusiasm in oar party In every state in the Union. The People's Tarty is composed of the great common people of the country who are poor and honest It has no millionaires, bank or railroad corpora tions upon which, to call for campaign funds, ... The National Committee has estab lished head-quarters at Washington where it can procure an unlimited amount of campaign literature at a small co?t One thousand dollars used in eur party will do as much work as a hundred thousand dollars in either of the old parties. After carefully considering the above facts and the bright prospects for our party in the coming campaign, we feel it our imperative duty to appeal to our people everywhere to come to the aid of the national committee in doing this great work. In the last election our party polled more than a million votes for president. We now earnestly appeal to 1,000 of that number to give us 15 each, 10,000 to give us $1 each, 20,000 50 cents each, 20,000 23 cents each, and the remainder of the one million to give us 10 cents and 5 cents each. We also earnestly appeal to all People's Party Clubs, Le gions, and Leagues to raise what funds they can for the committee, by taking up collections, giving entertainments etc. We make this request because we believe it our duty to do so. If our party ever attains success each mem ber of tho party must contribute to that success not only with his ballot, but with whatever means be can spare. To respond promptly and liberally means success that will bless the nation for all time to come. All contributions should be sent to M. C. Rankin, Terre Haute, Ind., who is Treasurer of the National Committee. Very Truly Yours, J. H. Turn kb, II, i. Tacsrneck, Secretary. Cnairmaa. L. J. Mo I'akun M. C Rankin, ix-cn-tary. Treasurer. Subscribedor The W cairn Makers Ml MtHiiiiluL nJ ikirlul H.tntit l.ii aavthtBtf a hi iu tf 8 umn PaU'.as? to writ II. I. Uiaavit Jt t'4. Wtr