The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, May 24, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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May 2i, 1894
(Continued from 1st page.)
Capitol fcnd let Haleep with the mill
Ion of othen that hT preceded It.
There waa ft singular unanimity of
Opinion between theee leadera of the
Republican and Democratic parties at
to driving poor Coxej and his followera
from the Capitol ground or out of the
District of Columbia Itself.
They turned a deaf ear to the consti
tutional rights of this man. Thej
turned a deaf ear to 70,000.000 of fellow
citizens, who spoke to them through
Coxey. Tbey turned a deaf ear to the
rough and ruthless orer-rldlng df con
stitutional principles. They were com
panions and fellow-factors In praising a
notation of the Constitution of their
natloa. and yet, in the next breath, I
witnessed these distinguished represen
tatives of the two leading political par
ties of this countrj almost tearing the
hair from each other in a heated dis
cission upon the tariff, which, It is
bM, Is designed to relieve the people.
Mr. President, important as tbe tariff
question is, and as I regard It, It Is not
of .the slightest importrnce to the
American people when their primary
constitutional rights are taken from
Sir, when you stifle the rights of the
American citizen, whoever be may be,
who stands peaceably and lawfully un
der the shadow of the flag of bis country
and proclaims bis honest opinions in a
peaceable and lawful manner; when you
deprive him of the right to go to any
branch of his government and petition
it for a redress of his grlevbtces, then
liberty is lout to this country and its
memory is a mockery, and the right of
the people Is taken from thfm by an
unlawful and cruel usurpation of power.
Mr. President, I bavono desire to
consume any more lime in tbe discus
sion of this matter. I have done ay
duty as best I could. I have done it
conscientiously. It is a ead and not a
pleasing duty to perform. If, by doing
so, I shall call down upon my head th
anathemas of those In power, I proclaim
in their presence that I am amply able
to undergo tbe ordeal.
1 f I shall meet with the scorn and in
dignation of any portion of the people
of this country Inconsiderately express
ed and afterwards to be regretted, for
advocating the lights and cause of the
fioor and humble of my nation, then 1
tay to such persons that I prefer their
toorn and indignation.. I preer their
hatred and contempt, under such cir
cumstances, te their approval, applause
and smiles, under such circumstances.
Three Buln-Brec dera.
In order to attain the ends of selfish
nees, we as a people have got to take
trict legal measures against the thins
itself. The three bsslo or fundamental
manifestations of modern selflshnes
are 1 'rofit, Kent and Interest. The tak
ing: of usury or increase in any form or
degree was strictly forbidden by ttu
law of Modes, denounced In severest
terms by the prophet Kzekiel, and is
essentially irreconcilable with the
spirit and tenor of the whole Bible.
Profit, rnt and interest are unscien
tific, and necessarily and always at war
with the welfare of the community. If
wo tolerate them, it means the banish
ment of love and peace, the destruction
of private virtue, the exaltation of cor
ruption and crime, and a community
premium on dishonesty.
A true Christianity cannot posslblj
harmonise with "business principles.''
A cold-blooded determination to dip
something out of our neighbor when
ever his material necessity or desire for
improvement shall force him to our
door, can never survive a genuine ref
ormation. Tue present individualistic constitu
tion, of society Is utterly barbarous, ano
rjvolticg to every truly enlightened
moral sense. It boars the unmistak
aMo Impress of hell all over it. Com
petition is a war in wblch tho conscien
tious and teadcr souled go to the wall
and foouadreUim pours twill galore In
. ii tn troughs of the twine.
We propose to work for a righteous
stem and we propose to get It.
Wbatever It may owl to attain our
vad U really a matter of secondary con
alJuratioa. We can rest assured thai
a o utsrhoo able price will bu dxwatd
el, tod that If we fo after It with dfl
oltj purpooe we will get U. stand fi-om
tolr, gatleu,en! han't get la to
r!, far the old c bar jot It bound tt
roll.--the (Kroan, Cat.) In-lonjtn',
rh M fa r Mh t'utct,
IVul wbo ridicule or nociyr at Cox
y army show a lek of juJgfiuml. A
Kr -at a lack of Judgment at the nuUlil j
( i'raoce ihowvd Hen It laughed at
th rtffcd wol and thettroet tutnut't
that walked th summer of I7f0, A
great a lack nf juJjtufnt . th ur
tier of Ctst' I shooed when Itw;
U(trtd t,HN Uoamttivad aprvatW
wha arjf d London I'.ttn mh
iViwill a Vet to belittle tr W ry lh.
r'oruiaQos of Ike ri?t4 bnd o
utup!i(j it to VaUt(UHi. Vbii
Da y am thy are Jut a wioeg ss aaj
la the fin. plan UUu'4 the aWtot lb.
orowd thai slgoltle John JirowaV
' f.ruj had eaty vn I at trad of twi
hundred. Is the iccoad place 11 It
high time some one was marching onto
Washington whether they can ao any
thing after they get there or not. When
Janata halls become a stockjobbing
office and the House of Representatives
a bear garden to kill time in, it is time
the people went there In person.
But beyond all this the real signifi
cance of Coxey's army is in indicating
the temper of tbe public. Grotesque
and fool-bardy It seemt to walk to
Washington for justice to the people
hinii- that Coxev's
HUH VUD UU www ,
armv does not voice the sentiment of
m!ll!oB of Americans doesn't know wnat
people are tbinking.-Cbadron Signal.
Our letter In the Woi td-Hcrald in
answer to the "Wm V, Allen Man," has
been printed in more than one hundred
capers, of all political shades, jwow, ii
since the impudent slap the administra
tion gave Bland and Bryan tn the face
In the recent veto does not convince
Mr. Bryan that there is no hope of
accomplishing anything for free coinage
In the Democratic party, ana no con
tinues to hanff on to the rotten old
sinking hulk, we shall look upon his
free coinage pretentions In a very pecu
liar liffht-borderlne Into demagogue;
Ism. Mr. Bryan knows, as well as every
historian, that there It no record oi a
nartv reforminff Itself after it once be
came corrupt. He knows that the pre
sent administration has followed me
financial tollcv of the Republican party
He has seen the leaders of both parties
votina side bv tide against every meas
ure of relief to a debt-burdened and un
employed people that has been intro
duced at the special session and during
the present session, lie said, and so
did Bland, that they "had come to the
Dartlnor of the highways," and that li
the Democratic party saddled a gold
basis onto the people thoy would leave
it and affiliate with a party whose plat
form cave out no uncertain 60und Jn Us
demand for the free and unlimited coin-
ago of kilter and gold at the ratio of 16
Now the "fork in the road" has been
reached. The administration haB de
cided by veto that this people must be
content with a gold basis. Will Bland
and Bryan make their words good?
Hiereisno time for any particular
etlquotical formalities. These men
must either be with the l'eople't party
or against it either honest or demago
gues. Tbey are the witnesses, the, peo
ple are the jury. The question is "yes"
or "no." They must answer one way
or the other. Which will it be gentle
men? Beacon Light.
No nlon on Bryan,
The World-Herald has been compell
ed to abandon tbe fusion scheme, bat
cannot refrain from clinging to the
Bryan part of it. Mr. Bryan is a Dem
ocrat and boasts of it, and as long as he
remains a Democrat, no true Populist
should consider his name at all in con
nectlon with any elective office. If Mr.
Bryan will cling to democracy nt its
present Uw ebb, let him take his
chances with It. Democracy has fallen
never again to rise, except perhaps
locally. And Bryan's effort to restore
It may bo aptly compared to Mrs. Part
ington's task of sweeping back the
ocn's tide with a broom. If he 1b
willing to follow a phantom of such
oonBplcuous.mlea, molest him not. The
Populist press has already gone too far
In exploiting Bryan's fame and reputa
tion to the public Our own represen
tatives in Congress, brave and true,
have been neglected in consequence.
Mr. Bryan is ambitious and of course
uoes not wish to retire to private life.
He knows full well that democracy of
Nebraska cannot sustain him In public
life, and he doubtless thinks that owing
to the cordial manner In which he has
been tieated by the Populists, that they
will again come to his resoue. While
Mr. Bryan mty entertain an Idea of
rhls kind, It is hoped the voters think
and act dlfTarently.
There Is in each and every dlttrlct In
i his state, good, true Populists for every
filce and they shoutd be nominated
and supported to the full party strength
Any other procedure will retard the
progress of the party, A faint heart
never won a fair ludy will apply lu this
cate, atid the World-Herald should be
advhV. immediately from all along tbe
tine that when the time comet to nomi
nal a governor there it plenty of avail
able timber in our own ranks. Mln4en
John II, rnwrtV Appwhilmenl,
Bute lecturer J. 11. i'owera of the
r' A. A I. U, will tpt'ftk at the follow
ing plaet on the dales gtn:
lUmWdt, UU-hardtOB May HI,
Kilt City, " '
WrUtm, " '
Jihon, JVtKh " 'j
Auburt " " " 21,
Unvi w " " ;:o,
lUnUr, OU " ;:.
jrai-.u, " " June ,
Paluyra, " " " 1
ThuM will all ( etenhi mevtluw
wntt-M ihfla advrlt'd In the Ivil
i rtwe bill. lMMioal'y lw t
iinlmnU la he day might bo atlt J.
le, Powers r't'tvrt b par i3nit
hat It voUn'atUy toaUihukd la tht
vrral rountUt.
Fft'D4 t( the Alliance ta the'
emiatUt wilt lilvato till wulthoapiibt
n ru giving tbe hmr uf li uay la
auh r-, and ioMfy ttt tut -crw
ary. Wrt J.T Kelllt. Ilartwwil, Nb.
at mmo a MHwlble so the can Inform
me of the
laktTxi Wkalti Mikkri.
Office of
Nebraska State Hail Insurance Association.
Six reasons why every farmer should investigate the merits of the Nebraska
State Hail Insurance Association of Fairfield, Neb., (formerly of Kearney) before
insuring elsewhere:
1st It it the only Hail Insurance company in the world that gives each
member delegate representation in the election op offickbs and manage
ment ot all buslnei s.
2nd. It la the only company that adjusts its losses at the whole and actual
loss sustained and not a prorata of the amount of Insurance carried.
3rd. It la the only Mutual Hail Insuraaoe company that is ao organized as
to be capable of being inoorporetod under tbe Insurance lawt.
4th It Is as cheap as the cheapest and takes contracts sufficient to pay all
losses in full.
5ih. It has saved to Its members, after all losses are paid la full, one-half
of the cost of Hail Insurance charged by stock companies.
0th. This Association has over $.'10,000 In premluma pledged for losses.
For further information Inquire of
J. M. SANFORD, General Manager,
' Fairfield, eb
1 1 1 5 eggs II. 25, 30 eggs $2 00,
V- I CO eggs 83.50, 100 eggs 15 50
I prepay express on order of 50 eggs
and upwards to any point west of Chi
cago and oast of Denver. 12 chicks 15
days old $5.00. Safe arrival guaranteed.
W. J. H1CKOX, Alma, Neb.
' av , i. nw m t m
We have a very choice Un
of teed oau and potato).
HDd for descriptive cta
loKue. Uiaswui.UbEtCD
CO., Llucolu, Neb. .
Subscribe for The Wealth Maicxrs
President, W. I.. Dale, Atlanta,
Vice-Pres., I'rof. W. a. Jouen, Hastings.
Hecaetary, Mrs. J. T. Kellle. Hartwell.
TreiHiintr. Jdinen Cameron, Beaver City.
I. a. t'owon, hute Lwturer, Cornell.
W. P. WrlL-bt, mate Orgaulxer Alliance Aid,
Uothany, NoD.
Cli airman, I. N. Leonard, Lincoln.
K Hodertuan, Heriraud.
L. W Younjj, wiiHonvllle.
C. M Lemar, Waboo.
J. M. Ulmmlcl!, Macon.
Bro. R. B. Powell is to reroganlzo
Jefferson county.
State Lecturer J. H. Powers writes
after his trip in Salino and Jefferson
counties that hit faith In the permanent
establishment oi' the Alliance' lu the
state Is stronger than ever.
Stockpile Alliance No. 1.V23 of Front
ier county has been reinstated; also
Prairie Alliance No. 093 of Shedton,
Buffalo county.
IVwkton Alliance No. (108 of Furnas
county inltltd thirteen new members.
Sheridan county: The Alliances In
this county are in good standing condi
tion. We will another good orgaule
lodge on tVt Utlth Itiit. V. O. M.
Uuhvlll: The rt orgaoltatlon of the
Alliance In this county Is going right
aluog. We will have an Alliance pic
nic at Clinton on the seconJ Saturday
la June. There will ha vocal aad In
strumeou) luutlc, shaking and a good
time generally. All are tnvltod, and
no one will b arre.wJ fur stepping on
tho gra or ctrrylng banner. I think
we khould have AilU'ici pVaU-s all
over the state this iumr, thre or
four In ea.'h e uaty at !-l Oar j
!! are Moor, but would p) rvr with
out tho AtlU ie, Farevaty d Uar U
ttd U AUUqce work thre ttat U-a
K-a dollars Knaoat V th famr.
rrl4at Sh-rlJai iaaty Altianc.
TaU U truo In hUud.Ua caaut; le
eta thy e oira;, ao l If they had
tvgun whn Cr.t ornt d thy mtgki
jat a tralSf.ill; f a huadr h d.iliar.
bavnt for one r snV J, i J
llfv.thor W. I. Wr!ht repoftt that
he a mufauWad aa AllUnc a Alv,
Caas county, aad urganLvd aa Aid 1
gr with Oiue wtmtKtra, W count oa
Hnthr Wright t ( one or two orgaal
rvKni a wek.
. . . . WRITE
1540 O ST.,
I Erroro of Youth, i
Mow DeWlity, YouiWul
IMiscreiions, Lost Manhood,
Watty tn"ti, frwn thn fTti of yoiifliful ltd
firillittfl'!!), MV)lTUJlitttKIUt It pUlA tit W?filC'
that TfAw'A the (fri'-ml nyBtiu mo
much mil IimIh'o iUtntmt nviry other dlwii,
ttiiltfmr(tiiliUH of th irtil minMy uvr !
"Mnf min'i.u-'U thny are Ain-lnrtni for nviry
ttilnic I"it ttiA rltriit (uifl, K'HwiittRtuiiflifiy ttto
tmuy vtihi;ihl filial li'tl that liu-fltciil wifwa
h.iH imuhii-Ml frr th fitllrf ot thld Mim ttf
imtlfiitH, ti(uo nf thf) untlnary miUfH of trfut
ittia ii(tiuii jirn' n Yti tinv hxiwriiivnwa
AMI Ui vvt-fcil ri'W snd coin'mttntt (1 mttmtUm.
ThM af-jiirariyifiRf prfvrljllon UofffrM an a
I'Ktt'fAIN AS I HI'KKKV l.'VHK, M hlllMtrcdil Of
rjiwst Iii ftMrtrWh' hnv lwn r'irttl Kr
t t lical ih uy Um uh ftr nil oDmt Miwii
lull t'd . ivvtVi'Mv Mirf )Kifrwll'MiU rnimt In mini
In thw prpirutlwu of tt'lx frw:rl)fhtu,
It KrythruAjlfii focft
J"tiihnWrt, ftw-hm, w hrji.
Il'liniiiH t Uraclun.
M'iiilii, Htfrklim,
Kk'. IkiikHih umitrin Mcohnlk), 2 ifraln.
Kst. It-puiidrti, 'I (HTUploi,
Clv(rfn, ii, i. Mix," iHH-Hlt. Tak 1 pllt at n p.m., and iui.
AMiruii tfointf tn bt-ti, In mw cwn (t will bit
li.M.-irjr fi.r tlm lwllfiif. to tak two plilN
hJtlnn( mnkiiitf thHfiiiiriborthr'' ftduy. This)
riii'ty in utinu tl uerrywmiUlUn of utwnn
lii'hiUlf ami vtmkwm lu lthr ntx, and Me
I'htl ly In t hoof i;uwn rpniltlnif tuna UiiiruiiHf.
Th iwiiiH-rutlv Knriror thi rtnttlv an
truly nMttmlithiiiK, hikJ lu uo roiitliiuU f'r a
Htmrt ttino vhinw thn UitifiihJ, dHbllltatml,
icrvUiiwuuiuiltlun to vui tif renewed life tuid
lnoiilry rftiitlvntottim rwiowly, w would ay
to ilioMti wh would tirufnr U otilfi It of um, by
Mr,, it Hi fti-'nrly iM'iilfd iru:kAif cotiUln
iuigW pttlu,cnr(iily(umtim4&, will be M-nt
)iy return nuiil from our prlvatn Inhomtory, or
wo will furiiiHti (J Duckjju. which will euro most
en' for
Ar-M r rail on
ri.xi wmtatHiUffu ooiton, nasi, as
?. II.
Webster county Alliance will meet
the 2th day of May at one o'clock P.
M. at Blue Hill, Nebr.
Radical answers to studies for April
and May:
What is money? A credit placed in
convenient form to make exchange of
title, and based upon real wealth. .
What is its relation to wealth? It is
representative of wealth, but of itself
By whom should it be created? By
the authority of the same parties who
create the real wealth.
Of what material should It be made?
Ot any durable, light and most con
venient material and cheap.
Ho much money ought to be created
and kept in existence in this country?
As much as is equal to represent tie
wealth on band.
How can it be put In circulation and
kept in circulation among the people?
By the labor exohange system, which is
the only correct method.
How much should be paid for the vse
of money and to whom should It be
paid? Nothing whatever; that (usury)
la nothing but robbery.
Should the law prevent speculating
in m mey? Lawful money Is a fraud and
where the law regulates, fraud Is com
Should the law pre vt nt the loaning of
money by Individuals or corporation?
Law ba no business with money what
ever. What U a Oeilhle currency? A cur
rency that will increase or diminish
with tho volume of wealth.
Wbt will be tho beat meant for at
taining a ftuxlbte currency l j and
upon tbe depo!! of wealth, at the op
lion of the creator oi product.
Should b inking be iwnultUd by law
ttceptby government agenclvt? lUnk
Ing by law, govei amoal amende, and
lug! tcuder tu'tnejr ara a frad uiwn
Ilia wealth producer and the pertl
who gt up lho U-Uon do not tu
to buuw a iinich as Uy might aSout
law aad uuiny, K. ' F.xlT.
Hrr at ItMnhttlte Jail i'rth.
UraMlLLK, Nb., May If, h'i.
Th 1 Vp!e' party of noethae't Ne
b'Mka will btdd a Fvttrth of July tfle
bfatloaa lUhlll, Nib. and have
tveurvd On Jui l Watr of Iua
Wd'llva' the oration. We tnd a
ordll lav t'atloa to all to come and
cvlabrate with u. Yourt truly.
II. J, 8TASK U iirU.
Red. White. Alfalfa and AMke
Tlmothr. Bine
Top, OdIod ;t.
and a circus on circus day are two kinds of a thing. The greatest circus
is usually on the Bill-boards, and the circus on Circus Day is consequently
a disappointment. There is, of course, the occasional exception which
proves the rule. McCormick Binders and Mowers are an exception. I heii
nromise on the "BiH-boards" is alwavs fulfilled on "Circus Day." F(4
vears the makers of McCormick
tellin? the World that thev could
suranoritv of their machines in
"Bill-boards" of other manufacturers
machines are the best. But "Circus Day" came at length, i ne woria s
Fair urged js'ii these manufacturers to take their machines into the field
that the results might be compared. The McCormick was there; its show
went on. It's promises to the World were carried out. But how about
te other "great and onlys"? They stayed at home consoling themselves
with the reflection that "the people like to be humbugged," and their
artists got up new pictures for the "Bill-boards." Before deciding about
going into these field trials, the competitors of the McCormick went and
examined the crops to be cut, and realizing the severity of the conditions,
they said to themselves: "We don't propose to come here and compete
with the McCormick ;" "a live coward is better than a dead hero ;""a
sucker is born every minute, and we'll catch some of 'em anyway,'
That policy may answer for the "Bill-board" sort of circus; it will not d)'
for the McCormick. Promises must not be broken. If McCormiclk
machines are not better than all others, they must not be so advertised.
If they are so advertised, every Binder, every Reaper and every Mower
Uim ruiritf it niAiiiunt'c nni'tr in ifn nut intn iln fifM and dinu tin.
UllUl IlV laMJ Aft A lllllltbll, d liuilkb iww VI ...ks .w ... ..
That's business. Write to the McCormick Harvesting Machine Ok, ',,
Chicago; or, better yet, call at once on your nearest Mcurmicic ageing
Write for prices and terms to
Attorneys-at-Law, 1026 O St., Lincoln, Nab.
the : . .: '
EVi 1 A A We will send THE WEALTH MAKERS to ten
I? UI now subscribers until August 1, 1894.
For 50c.
Fnr 1 We wiU sond THE WEALTH MAKERS to af'V
J. Ul tflJl.fJV subscriber, new or old, until January 1, I8U0V
and a choice
X Ul Brr,VfV 0no year to a club of five subscribers; and 1fj
the agent sending the club, a choice' from th j
Here is a chance for Alliances and clubs to secure a library kf
vatuablo books of information absolutely free. Who will bo rit't
to tako advautage of the opiortunity?
These offers will not bo continued long, and wo reserve the
right ' to discontinue any of tho books as our sttx-k runs out, and
substitute others from the list of tho same value. s
Wealth Makers Pub. Co.,
II 1 bi Ui
jJ . titi It
v o ooo oo ooo o o
(o Wool FroJuccrs isl Stilpptrs
fe itNuHtllH,
nil nirnMtii ntjn
iau.iMMi,u.o,o,o,o.o.o.o.n.n o o n n n o n rt n a
J. Cr. PEPF-AJEWD, 1400-1402 Ii;
GrAML Orchard Grav
Tree Nii. One !
Grain and Grass Harvesters have beeil
and would at any time demonstrate the
the actual competitive field test. The-
have glaringly proclaimed that their
k. BlNFORp. Agent.
We will send THE WEALTH MAKERS to any
new subscriber until January 1, 1895, and a
choice from the following list of books: Seven
Financial Conspiracies; Ten Men of Money
Island; Stockwell's Bad Bov; Points forJi
from i ho following list of books
and Breadwinners; The Initiative!
Errors In Our Monetary System; Industrial
Freedom; Our Republican Monarchy; Money,
Land and Transportation.
following list of bosks: Richard's Crowr:
Jason Edwards; The Coming Climax; Dil
Huguet; A Tramp In Society. Theso last books
aro a littlG soiled and shelf-worn, but just as
good for tho reading mattor as when they left
the press room.
Mncoun, IMX2D.
jwmi. uimiu ,t,w jott m your Wool. f yn
atrvt-t to iimrkfl una i.) ih HkM buu. It
UiKSlay, it u nitnx ruut iiv ihirlir twiiiy t,yt
lumiilmiHtoty. W U it,.t cutty ul.uiit Um ttliilitl uJ. i i
'i.ufjwirWi.,i( yi,llm,tmtinuK.,y,Mi(jl i
rvtum r r i.lullM.uit.n tl.w Va lrl y lt i
rrwmrl 5la an J i)ukk kvlurnt. . hwa,lw
lt H ta lr. mi a In.tpitil ,f lofctiiK .l
tvUr ic. ml!., to u,V m inrti. rr nuul hhii
rintkr n ti.rm In IK M.nyiU, l wir l.l., r Ihi. k u
WJ til IttU IMf iuut, H rll ir l'tPi n ml iu I ir tu
tfUitutil.iii,f uir KiH r. V r .. u ihiv
himw, t ut hiui ti ll-) i llraln ami l'rtHiu ,f tui i A y
Merchants, III k Mtt Street, Ctiltit
o o o o o onio o o?7
m . a., k ufA iii' i
L , '