May 24, 1894 THE WEALTH MAKERS. II! I$ Of Wilt A DISASTROUS STORM SWEEPS OVER LAKE MICHIGAN. EIGHT VESSELS LOST OFF CHICAGO. Tea Men Drownnl unit in Every Inntanro Jloatand Cargo Are h Total I.oa The Kchooner Cuiumloeii (joea Down at Milwaukee and Mix of the Crew IVrlKitManufito turliur 1 Wrecked. CiiiCAOo, i;.'., May 21. Tlie storm which ycKterdity nvvont Lakis Michi gan wan the most di,ustrou of 'recent yearn. Light vessel were driven ashore within the city limits of Chi cuffo and out of their erews ten men are known to )n drowned and in every instance boat nnd cargo aro utterly lost One, s-liooner, tho Myrtle, wus wrecked just outside the government pier, within a half mile of Michigan Uulevardc, and six of her crew went down to death in olaln view of the down hundri I boulev l awful 1 big ho indrcda of . people who lined the uvard walks, or watched the yful storm from the whitlows of the hotels which overlook the harbor. Tho wrecks extended from tileneoo on tho north, where tho Lincoln Dull went to pieces, to South Chicago, an air line distance of forty miles. The Myrtle, on which the chief loss or lire occurred, not a single man of ner crew of six escaping, mm water loggea when Mie appeared off the har- oor in the afternoon. She attempted loanenor imt wa ilriven before tne gale and struck the schooner Kvening htar, ana, drifting away from the fcv ening Htar, she struck the schooner Gilford, and, l hows heing stove in, she-began to sink rapidly. She drifted out to sea, her crew being plainly visible, as tliey huddled to gether on top of the cabin. One was X washed away, a heavy wave broko Wf urilln Hurl limn unlvflipiu wn WJsiDic. twio or tiiem Jumped on a plank and floated in close to the break water, where he lost his bold and went down. The two men on the boat went down with her. BTOI1M IS INDIANA. mum -.--'iitrrai i nruuiiiouE rue mate, and Much laiiiuK Wa fullii-teil. JxniANAJ'ouH, Ind , May 21. The storm which prevailed in Indiana did much property damage, and reports received here indicate that tlx. orm was general. At Marlou hnndiv.s of trees were blown down. A portion of tne rstewart glass factory was demol ished, also the Marion brick works. A circus tent won blown down, and a panic ensued, but there was no one i i i - . . ujjureu except, an employe WHO Was situck oy tne center pole. At flloores ville many forest and fruit trees were uprooted and tho damage is great. At Washington the storm was tho severest in many years. The, now iron and steel mills three miles south of Klwood were blown down, causing a loss oi ;ti,uoii. six i.i vi;h i.os r. Schooner Ctiiuutlnic loaudr Off tho Kn trance to Milwaukee Harbor. Mh.wackkk, Wis., May 21. A fierce galo from the north raired on Lake Jiicniganyesteraay, ana a treiuendons ' -sea swept into the ha v. At u o'clock the schooner M. .1. (,'u minings, -grain laden from Chicago, f) undercd just south of the harbor piers, aud five men a and womauperished lie fore the life saviug crew which went to their assistance uould reach them. THE BUSINESS WORLD. The Ohetaetaa to Improvement lo Not Lcn Tlie Ntrlkei and Tariff. Nkw Yoiik, May 21. R. 0. Dun & Cos Weekly Review of Trade says: "Tho obstacles to improvement do not lessen. Tho strikes of coal miners and coko workers have not ceased, but have caused the stoppage of numerous works this week und em barrassment to some railroads. Tho conference at Cleveland exhibited much angry feelimg and wider differ ences thun bad lieen expected, and ems to render agreement more dis nt. "Proceeding- of the senule do not indicate that the latest form of tariff revision has made Ktccdy llnal action it-ttlui recuiM-rat vo ab b ity of the country U so great that I he volume of Imvlnes trnnac"d N large, and seems surprisinirly under the clrcuiuhtance, iiotuihtmuling inllu- cuees which in any ot'ier lutid would chum) dire dUaster. ii-lMm.iii tUrk III, W'AtUJii.Tov May K Coiinm mitu It Umk, Mb.toiirl, I lying in a critical condition In u rivate hiual In tins el t wwU ago he tt eoiiislltnl to submit a auric! surgical operation ir aldney trouble It v the W t opt'iamon of I lie kind cut prr formed inth national capital. Wlul the )h,yiik'!aii '(rt'., (topes i. liK rvvry, M eoii.titlmi Umi. Ii ih.i' tan fnu. ity Law t t admitted . Ill ... . ( in 14'i'Mc. iieiiertii iiarK wa fur l year reiireieutatiie of the Hi.,.. . '111.1114 IIIMIK'I, 411. 1 li.r IIIU Mill.- .number of J t ltrW of th i liou, ( flet lion I.e. l 11.411K . m IliUiilv i laieiv wa ipiMUit ! a rink in he unpen U!ll; MM tut.i t , ortil B, ra a4 HwUrl Mf t i I VI I, tap. Oi.l.s M il II Jvrsl .but V W, liiirlttn I of tbe ,iii,lji itiated aiMM'liklioil, .-.U ! in n v.m .1 ft thu piotmb n ( t of tr- ahd tri t orkei, I; "Of i'uiir 5 .til Hot Mt l.l l iti' ttilltav.l. t Iti year, lifjiw. tl.e nti.n I. a (!u n at to .1 lliit ordcrof bu u ' h'.vlt the Niliy of ttm emuUn i -a I' I to I mil lined Km "a i to t oillliue.l I. ill itl'.ri -HH Ihe, e of the ptnl it ill b. n Ity wifa r. cm..-Iu,:. tliMt if all mil c4tnii rtfuwtl.i .iLiitlie Male then i I trg nH it nntion;! trUu,' TARIFF WORK IN EARNEST. The Senate .( Down to Real Work at I.aat Eleven face fJinponeU Of. Uasijinotox, May 21. White winged peace hovered over the senate yesterday. As a result of tho com promise reached at Thursday night's drawn battle, the resolution to inaug urate longer hours, beginning next Monday, commencing at 10 a. in., was agreed to, and then the senate for the first time since the tariff debate began, settled down to real earnest work on the schedules of the tariff. For five hours the consideration was steadily pushed, the result being eleven pages of tho bill were disposed 'of more progress than has been made in the entire three weeks during which the bill has been eousidered by paragraphs. The "chemical schedule" was completed; and the "earth, earth enware and glass schedule," except ing items m-'.i2 inclusive, which wero passed over by agneenient, was fin ished. Schedule C, metals and manufac tures of iron and stael, hud been reached when the senate at 5 o'clock went into executive session. Tho Republicans won their first vic tory in their efforts to secure higher rates than those granted by the ma jority, They .induced the Jljmocrals to take rough building and monumen tal stone, limestone, fret; stone, gran ite, sandstone, etc., from the free 1 in i and place them on the dutiable list at 7 cents per cubic foot and to increase the duty on thisclass of dressed stone from 30 to ao per cent ad valorem. The feature of tho day was tho de nial of half a dozen Republican sena tors that any agreement had been reached to allow the bill to ultimately come to a vote aud the bold announce ment of Messrs. Frye and Dolph, that they Mood to go to any length and use any parliamentary methods to de feat the passwge of the bill. ; Mr. Morgan's resolution calling upon the attorney general for infor mation as to the existence of a sugar trust in violation of tho law was adopted. AIOIUK PLATE fldl!), lirpresfiitaUve Iiniiliy Wants the Mat ter Further liivrtlg;iitfld. Wahiiixoton, May 21. -Representa tive Diuiphy of New York had a hear ing before tho house rules committee on his resolution to investigate naval armor plate frauds. He went into the details of the frauds to show the com mittee the desirability of probing the matter to the bottom. Mr. Duuphy said the frauds for which tiie govern ment had already assessed the Car negie company 8140,001) occurred be tween November, 18(2,and September, IHm. The same class of evidence, lie said, showed that similar irregulari ties occurred prior to November. ItJOfJ. and subsequent to September, Speaker Crisp and his associates on the committee questioned Mr. liun- phy on the details of the alleged frauds. He speeHied ono instance in which an armor plate on tho Monterey is said to contain a blowhole eighteen inches long. The man who saw the blowhole when tho plate was cast, it was alleged, dropped his card in tho hole, anil issaid to bo ready to locate !,,. Anf.. ..!.,,, .....1 I I. ...I.. I. 1... Hon, but Mr. Duuphy believes they will report buck the resolution with a recommendation that will start tho investigation at once. Kandr Out on Hull. Toi'KKA,- Kan.; May 51. Owing to illness Judge Foster stated yesterday that he would not lie ablo to hear the application of the Sanders industrial ists for rclcasn on writs of IiiiIipilh corpus, and it is probable the applica- tion wi.i tie made m Judgo Williams' court at Wichita. Sauders secured his freedom ,V'CS- I terday by giving a bond in the sum 8300, with K. 11. Snow of Topcka as surety. A Jockey Killed on tho Track. Lot isviu.K, Ky., May 21. Only five races wero run yesterday, tho fourth being . declared off. in the second Judjrn Payne fell just beyond the half mile pole, throwing t.ioodalo. the I jockey, und Virden who wus last and j coining at full speed, stepped on his forehead, crushing it in and causing concussion of the brain, from which lie died about t wenty min utcs after ward, flu was also badly bruised about the bin! v. Howard for tha la) lorn. l'.uooKriKt.p. Mo., May Tho county court of Idnn county held a spcciul session and offered reward of (I, (Min for the capture of lioorgo and Hilly Taylor, I ho cold-blooded :w;i;;g:'VMHv,,mn,y; t i to this amount, Hullivuu county offers whi ami (iovei nor Htone I no. offered j ,..!... ....i.. t ii PHsi inr me state. There U in Jcrtioalcm a branch id tiie Young Women's t'hrisiiun asms-la-tl.ui which uuiiitK-rs about rlhlf meiulM-r. OF HUMOR. " line, do you and mtr cverllltf,'"' "Yea, air," ,:hi Pa." .1 brut her whipr' lUidv-ii hut a lucky fellow lUuui rer l! He mm U,rn ullh a silvrr p-sH In bU tmnith. t.nolge I'll la I it d.t ted. li l.iu.l ii. th , n, J4 back to yini, Mmhlte -Hlldntl thai a fiiimy, Mi it I, it.. tluit v Th- nist..r nai.l t H4ii't, "oit sloeitdai Im bar.) 4, tl 1" ." ald t- ultuteulal nun. Yo know It.v v I. ion k mfferiim Mtiatllli- tin, t in atittg Yei," rf- died he .on lb ell ii; " and . do I Sr piibile," li rk.M I'ping M lli apvaklnr luU t bi.tle Ut. vbrtl U Ht ifni;iitf T.Miri of I in-le ,Ji.!, in,, "i V, fnuil -tt i nil. nit a Iw ! v I ve IdiiMH on iii-Vre b-ttii ligtit till I m lioliil. an' U tb iriiin' i. He M.iv I asi iour father, MU Miij.' ' M..a Mrtferv I but will be lliiliirelt, Mf. Ho. ...lit. I.ul I fthould prefer that Joa i-ure t'igi polo Mit of lh four other gentlemen I in Ifiyryi tt to t hcV are iiuHc M-lrct, OUR NATIONAL PLATFORM. The People's Party Platform Adopted at Omaha July 4, 1802. Assembled upon the Hfnij anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, the People's party of America, ia their first national convention, Invoking upon their action the blessings of Almighty God,' puts forth In the name and on be half of the people of this country th following preamble and declaration of principles: PREAMBLE. The conditions which surround na best justify our co-operation. We meet in the midst of a nation brought to the vrge of moral, political and material roln. Corruption dominates the ballot box, tha legislatures, the congress, and touches even the ermine of tho bench. Tha people are demoralized; most of the states have been compelled to iso late the voters at the polling places to pre ventunlvcrsal Intimidation or brl bery. The newspapers are largely sub sidlzcd or muzzled, publlo opinion ulienced; business prostrated; our homes covered with mortgages; labor impover Lined and the land concentrating in the hands of capitalists. Tho urban work men are denied the right of organiza tlon for self protection; Imported pau perlzed labor beats down their wages, a hireling standing army, unrecognized by our laws, Is established to shoot them down; and they are rapidly do generating Into European conditions. The fruits of the toll of millions aro boldly stolen to build up colosssl for tunes for ft few, unprecedented in the boitory of mankind; and the possessors of these, la turn, despise the republic and endanger liberty. From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed the two great classes tramps and millionaires, The national power to create money is appropriated to en rich bondholders. A vast public debt, psyable in legal tender currency, has been funded into gold-bearing bonds, thereby adding millions to the burdens of the people. Silver, which has been accepted as coin since the dawn of history has been demonetized to add to the purchasing power of gold by decreasing the value of all forms of property as well as hu man labor, and the supply of currency s purposely abridged to fatten usurers, bankrupt enterprise and enslave indus tries. A vast conspiracy against man kind has been organized on two conti nents and It is rapidly taking possession of the world. If sot met and over thrown at once, it forebodes terrible social convulsions, the destruction of civilization or the establishment of an absolute despotism. We have witnessed for more than quarter of a century the struggles of the two great political parties ous wrongs nave' been mulcted upon a suffering people. We charge ;,. t,silllnv Irtln.niaa (trim In at., m log both these parties have permitted the existing dreadful conditions to de velop, without serious efforts to prevent or restrain them. Neither do they now promise us any substantial reform. They have agreed together to ignore, I- the coming 'campaign, every issue but one. They propose to drown the outcries of a plundered people with the .i - .Van. nun Oiu faxIW so that capitalists, corporations, nation al banks, rings, trusts, watered stock, the demonetization of silver and the ppresstons of the usurers may all be lost sight of. They propose to sacrifice our homes, lives and children on the j... t i.i ww 01 -nn-lnuu' w Bl'- order to secure corruption funds from the millionaires. Assembled en the anniversary of the birthday of the nation nd filled with the spirit of the grand generation whloh established our independence, we seek to restore the government of the republic to the bands of "the plain people," with whom it originated, j We assert our purposes to be Identical with the purposes of the national con- atltntlnn "Tn fni-m a mni-a iiAi-tnct Ho tranquility, provide fer the common defence, promote the goafral welfare, t and secure the blessing of liberty to ourteUei and our posterity." We deoltre that this republic can only endure at a free government while built upon the love of the whole people for each other aud tor the natlou; that II cannot be planed tog ethf by bayonets; thai the ivll war U ovtr and that every paxkloa and reHOhoout which grew out ot it mutt die with it, and .hat we must be la fact m we are ia ame, the united brotherhood of lre UIPR. Our eountry Cads lUelf tftofnotiHl b coadltioat for which them U no prece dent la tha hUtor of (Uu world; oar annul ricultural mKHMoa amoiiot to bUHoni of dollars tt val i, wttkh must mWh.t a ft w wsSi or months W elclitn;d (vir b'.iltonioi dnilaiiul nun ntudlllns ?aaucd la taeir iroUuMua, UieiUtiiijf evirrcety SJppiy U h.t'jf IipmIms, ,i u ike litis ihiitfi tho rt sn'U are faUinti p-ti, tu (.niiaHna df lumlims and lisgi i4 h potai'UlitUCBt Ol th '! 'I Ye fledge ouravlive tha. It In jHi r, e aiil Uher Iweoirei t itir vlU b. wiie aud rMu!ii ttloa la Rtmrdanc tk the teriDi of latform. We bUte that the Kin tif g-iTtamvBt la oll. ordt, ot tho people should U service) as rapidly and as far as the good sense of an intelligent people and the teachings of experience shall justify, to the end that oppression, injus' t:ce and poverty shall eventually ccaso In the land While our s mpathlet as a party of reform are nr.turslly upon the side of evtry proposition which will tend to make men intelligent, virtuous and temperate, we nevertheless regard these quebtlons, important as tbey are, as secondary to the great issues now pressing for solution, and upon which not only our individual prosperity, but the very existence of free institutions depend; and we ask ail men to first help us to determine whether we are to have a republlo to administer, before wo differ as to the conditions upon which it Is to be administered. Belle v ing that the forces of reform this day organized will never cease to move forward until every wrong is remedied, and equal rights and equal privileges securely established for all men and "onion of the country, therefore WE DECLARE ..-st-Tbat tho union of the labor forces of the United States, this day consummated, shall bo permanent and perpetual. Msy its flpiritenter into all hearts for tho salvation of the republic and tho uplifting of mankind. Second Wealth belongs to him who creates it, and every dollar taken from Industry without an equivalent is rob bery. "If any will not work, neither shall ho cat." The interests of rural find civic labor are the same; their ene mles Identical. Third Wo believe that the time bus come when tne railroad corporations will either own the people or the people mus. own the railroads, and should the government enter upon the work of owning and managing any or all rail roads, we should favor an amendment to the constitution by which all persons engaged la the government service shall bo placed under a civil service regulation of the most rigid character; so as to prevent the Increase of the power of the national administration by the use of such additional govern aeut employees. PLATFORM. We demand a national currency, safe, sound and flexible, issued by the gene ral government only, a full legal tender for all debts, publlo and private, and that without the use of banking corporations; that a just, equit able and efficient means of distribution direct to the people, at a tax not to ex coed two per cent, per annum, to be provided, as set forth in tbe subtreaaury plan oi tbe Farmers' Alliance, or some better system; also by payments in dis charge of its obligations for public im provements. We demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver and geld at the present egal ratio of 10 to 1. We demand that the amount of circu lating medium be speedily Increased to not less than 150 per capita. We demand a graduated Income tax. We believe that the moneys of the country should be kept as much as pos sible in the hands of tbe people, and hence we demand that all state and nations! revenues shall be limited to the necessary expenses of the govern ment, economically and honestly ad ministered. We demand that postal savings banks be established by the government, for the safe deposit of the earnings of the people, and to facilitate exchange. Transportation being a means of ex change and a public necessity, the gov ernment should own and operate the railroads in the Interest of the people. The telegraph and telephone, like the postofilce system being a necessity for transmission of news, should be owned and operated by the government in the interest of the people. Tbe land, including all tbe natural resources of wealth, is the heritage of all the ople, and should not be mono polist d for speculative purposes, and alien ownership ef land should be pro hibited. All land- now held by rail roads and other corporations in xoes of their actual need, and all lands now owned by aliens, should be reclaimed by tho government and held for actual settler only. Worth Western Lin Palaoe Sleeper and Faet Chicago Train Sevvloe. A alaoe car for Lincoln wople is now atutuhod daily to the Chicago lim Hh1, Uaviug Llneola at Ho better sorvloo. lownat rates. For lU ket. bwrth rt)orvaUot:s etc , cn'l at city ollliHi m U street, or depot lor. H and Mh street. Use Northweatem line U Chicgo Iow rat'. a-l Ualu, UCTce) 11 vf Uht. The (ilt hoU'l U hraJ juarti r i l W. H, iKvh Ulrleloa romruemlrr if the Am lent tiJrr of loyal Amrh? 1'. V. H. I'tt ii. H Pitt la get to St. Paul sa4 ttt Ureal Kmthweet. .Hurtrtiht. IhoroU huX -n vli.-t tfiUiu llao. Tt lva l.irtvoia by othe? r'Js I to 1m tiirned or Hi tbe North i't. rtt line enrouw. H tt at you ttartoaUie "North Wet rn" hy pur rhadiijf tltlt'Uof it r-;.renUVUv, A. d. IVIJIng Cty TUsst Ajre HT . tOth, Hi, K T. .Wwrv a? JMtor. err -lh anj M stiwU, t'ee NurlbweiWra l.'es ta Chtoare. BOOKS FOR THE MASSES. Get these books and our paper as fast as you can into we nanasot the people, friends. Buy, read and oircolate. aauress ail orders to the Wealth Makeks Ton. Co., Lincoln, Neb. Civilization's Inferno, BT B. O. FLO WEB. studies in tha aortal cellar. A iimpls, thrilling .c,nn,, aumiuf Aieua Minor loovaq upon wUb bis own eyes tn tha lanamont dlittiioui of uimwiu. a oooa woica mini greatly startle auu aruiua sueo. vuno tl.w, paper Ml CQt. Leoktng Backward. BY EDWARD BELLAMY A book no one can afford to biIm reading. "It baa revolutionized the Ibouuht of taecoantrv a no other bonk has ever done." Tranalatea into nearly all Knropean languages, a most entoruunlugiitorythaMeiNin the lull tight of heaven on the ureal eoclal problem. Millions bave already read It. a loth naoer to The Duties of Man. BY JOSEPH MAZZIwr. The creat I Lallan, whoee heart embraced tha World aaii who thought will never die. Ha lived aud aufTnred for the ludUHtiial and polltl. 111- vi oumuimubmuu oi tne inaawia. Postpaid, IS cent. Ten Men of Money Island. BY COL. 8. F NORTON. Another book to eiuttr everywhere. It Is the money anil money iuitoa madesluiple Moat Intereetlngly lintriirilve. Klgbty-elgbt pages, f oet pelu, II) ceata, i tot 26 cents, . Errors in Our Monetary System and the Remedy, BY MA11Y E. tlOBART. tteenls, W have not yet eeen this book. but the editor of The Couilnir Nation varv strongly recommends it. "Tbe Dogs and the Fleas " Thin book In the etrongent Dlere of eatlrtaal aiiegorv-ai writing wnim bail yet aitar el auatimt the Iiiicrh of onnrerNioa and evil. ThelKripreienttlie worker and tbe flea the blood ucklng nionopoi eiN. The ethical force tlj HI )i y Ik great ai d dMnotle nawer and greed geta fearful limiting up by itli to " I'renuiimy uiiiiiiiru oi aiiinor, uougiae aie Calliun. The book la finely tlliietrated with uuumruuH venuuue. rrice in paper, du ceaie. Ai; A 8ocial Vision. A new b'Mik by nowerfut athtral nnvellat. Cbarlea M. Daniel, of Fbliideluhla. publUhed by tbe Arena Publishing . bbould be la every true man's library. Kill I ef tbe new tnongfit or tnw time oi social awakening aud questioning.. In paper, U) cents. Order through London Monty Power; the Great Red Dragon, BV L. B. x1folU. D. D. New and ravlaed edition. Prli o in paper, W cents. The New Redemption. This book by Rev. neorga I), llerron, D. D., 'rofewtor of Aniilted UhrlHllinltv in Iowa Col. lege 1m virtually a new dlnoovery of both the law and the goeif l,an uncovering of the truth I mm accumulated temple rubblkb, the truth which alone can eave the Individual and iiocietyr It in the gonpol of love In action, tbe iuuutrii, couiinerciai goepei MUietinKUiebea from a Hunday goenel. In cloth bind In a. ITS A Plea for tbe Oospel. Th! book, by tbe same author ai the nrecad a moMt aearchlug examination of tbe preaching and work of the church, Same ynw ae auuve, 10 veu. STOCK WKLLu BAD BOY. Twenty-tbree side, putting dialogue. Iugb and grow fat. nonet, land and tranteortatlun In broken m. Warranted to make more Pot,nlll to tbe anara Inch then anf thing In print, I'oInK for Tblokere niieavuieii.ti. Y. (Illy, uovernnient Ownerabla of Kllr(t paralyiea 'em. 10 cenie eacbi the I aiaiied, poupaid, lor S ceate from this oUce. A Co-operative Commonwsaitb. BY LAWRENCE OSOWLUVD. A book for all who believe the competitive commercial struggle should be superseded by a lutt economic eyntem of production and dis tribution. A book alNO for tbona who believe competition neoeauary. Postpaid, paper covers SO cents. The Railroad Question. BYWM. LARRABEB. The matter preaented in tbe 4MI pages of this book, drawn from all tha Amerlean and tfnra. peau literature bearing on tbe railroad prob lem, 1 moat valuable. Head thla book and you will be tborougbly Informed on one of the great -over-shadowing queetloosof tha day. Uotbtl.U), , , rbe Seven Financial Conspiraclee. BY MRS. S. E. V.EMERY ThlMle book, which has had largest circula tion and influence in tbe Farmer Alliance, ebowe bow the Money Power ban gathered lis viwit plunder. A beok to sow broadcast over me tana. 60 cent. Fost paid, to tie., I tor lb cte., 7 lor Six Centuries of Work and Wages. BY J. E. THOROLD ROGERS. MP. Abridged with chart and suramarv. Tha facta and tbe thoughtaummarrof els large vniumea. hlNtoric collection of most valuable fnfor. nation bearing on the prencat crlwle, by Rev. w. v. r. urn, introduction by Prof, R. T. Of tbe Htate L'mveniltr of WiannBi. i'aoer, 2b cent. Peopl'ee Party Campaign Literature, We bare reoeived from Headquarters at Washington the following list of campaign literature which can, be ob tained &t prices given by writing to Ueadquarters for it: s lilt 8 8 I ti a "Ana!yitof the Money sjiinuoB '-ey houa tor Juba P.Junes,... The Hrlelii-e oi Woliey II r eeuator W u M hiwrl . for t( I w 3 uu .CM II 00 ft S4 I C'-lnlug the heeloran'e' oy eenavnr niewari 1-eiie aoiiele'il Hott.1 -lly.uUr Wu. V. i i I I I I A li a , ,ta o sr. i MiNirV QilMtlon troms l.ct'Ul Hl..M'IIH - My -uur M V Allea,, ., t he Money ue..iu it y euatr s m. A. Peffer Ik luioii.e Tat-Hy tl. t'.i,.., Ml' l t I'tMH.,'" "t M II Vl.f. u. u I Id 1 1 61 5i I M I ISA 1 W illl.t ("Ml if M..y tir Juuu I i M f 11 inrn t,"ietin Hf ,i.'i;y kiiiiiv-u M V - to I to i tM Tie abova it only a partial list. Otbt're 1H t addod ei soon a ut The h.wche are fitraUhrd at ol. and w trarneetiy nr Ut that alt state, f ;-vr and lwal (jouimUWve, a)) all iVoi in ' Tarty C'IjK l'lons and IW pU tNsrty vUms aUt In etrruUttny tLI llUiraUfv, UU the twk laa W) a Irani' oar caie )et aJopwd A ratUue coti'alttiug a onniele Ul uf Nfin'ftt taia. 1'auij-hloU, newt paj vr, li? , w.ll tu itet out fnm hrat .jar Ur at aa e,r day. Sa one cent stamp for ta n. Seta a! I on!-, rt ki U'tutt: S, H. Tt I I.0P-bb, Are, It C T.vt.Jr..jciM CheJrtoa, blood Tonic Builder tend trw riiHI wuivbl4. Dr. VILLIAK.V JIEWCWE CO.. Vr hex Schenectady, N.Y. farsaS. aadBrockvllle.Oof. RATIONAL ... . p m "RIALTO BLD'O., NEXT TO POST- OFFICE," KAMAS CUT, MO. Most Practical Bualneea College In the I we i. enortnana, Type writing, iiook keeptng and Telegraphy. (Shorthand bvMull. Three laaunn a free Inpnrl tnr ' Qour Bl'EClAL BUMMKIt OPPICK. Pk THE KIRKW00D Steel o Wind o Ecl:e Bas been In use ttaee IMS. It IS tbe PIONltB BTCtL MILL. H bas BlAtTY. VKlHtiW, DUUt- Sum, powtrti.n u ih Ua eace tui- mill fur you to buy, Thouaauds bave them I Our Otssl fowsr Bave 4 angle steel corner poets, subeteotlel steel virui anil braoes; not fenee wire. Tbey are utHT, I1R0H0, 8MPU m V0HSTU0JI0 much choapef the wood tud will taut a life tune I Onr mills aud towere am ALL 8TKKL and are FUtLY UUARAMJkKU. Wrlle for price and circular. Addrese. Msotlonlog thf s paper. kip.kwc:d ekc::e cd.. Arkansas City Kansas. Pearl Steel Hill and Tower. SIMPLE. STRONG. DURABLE. Will run.20 tears wrrrwut H. Will aend Uium on 30 da,' lest (rial. ana ii not wiuniuciory to tne pur cliiiiiiir it n be returned to us and we e fMieM haHi mm. IVegive tho tirmftMtmmmtyotanr . ininy 111 ino uuMinuee. mere by proUiuting you and your cus tomer agalUMt loss la case of ao accident. Write for full particulars and printed matter. aooaras BATAVIA WIND MILL CO., iiena. aane CO.. in. lphO-Salino- BATH HOUSE- -- and SANITARIUM. Corner Htb and M Streets, Liauoi-s, Mb. Open at All Hours Day and Night. All Forms of Baths, Tuikibb, Russian, Roaan zed Electric. With siMiclal attention to the application or Na'ural Salt Water Baths Several time stronger than sea water. RhenmatUm. f-kln. Blond and Kervoua Die eeaea. Liver and KUluey I'ri.ublet and Cbronle Allmi'im are treated suoreanfully. SEA DATHINC may be enjoyed at all eeanone In our large HAT WiMMlNUfoOl. tKixUJfeet, !i to in eel reen. healed to uniform temtxrautre of Bu (tegrveN. Drs. M. H. and J 0. hmtt, Manaclng rhysiclan. Great Rock Isujid Roorr iisaiiayz-jCY' mm: TO TllZ Cm r t" r to I UST DIKIX3 CUR SERVICE IHHEWOaU lite H! eland Is orvroitta adopt ing any advanuce calculated, Ui ltt. i-rove iHid and give ttat Uiury. tafniy amt (Hiinfnrt tliot popular l atroaage ! maiule. lie equipment U thorxn'ghly c iin'lulo with vesilbilvd train, inaf nlllivht ulhlng vara, .rvior and c'.al (Hattiee, all Uo mi-t I-gitat, and t4 rw ally Imprtivtd aUorn. r'aUbful and vaiaMw riatvient wnd Killl, hiHteet .irVe frota li') v aro luiairUnt lU ni. They are aUvtitil dtiy-t4 the t: iniiny anJ . ravolreand It is eoituiiluice a iag u'rt.i'til t 'f rMootttIUntotittl l'aeeea gro.i title ilne wiil dnl UtUo taueo Im tnnila!nt on that ground. I'ur f .ill 11 l!ourt aa k lUkrt, tnM raloa, anp'y to aay cvuikia t'.uktt bftte in tin United ctmWe. 1'ana.U or tcikt or a.ldrrtt JNU. KMI4HTI AN Nerve f' o, r mgM P lj?' llnublu AiilliigWvV l a Vif 3 KuwIaiurniiMr X:v 'Isr !" ty. I IT t ! " 1 I emit, Iuiiri n iwnf ' I If tll-i of all I'nJt rniiiS" 10 f jr Vegxteiil er..M, 1lwn.' u I (nlii In iie. Hi.d4'' f.-r Av ISr i u I l v"ietul.ue aod full troatlne f i r n ! '1 eelyaia. tli'euMtrty, 6 9 f tV&ilne WM.STAHL,QuineyM I J 1 gi 6 'iiSLSio l i. V " -e-