May 17, 1894 TIIE WEALTH MAKERS. VOICE OF THE PRESS. Hard times, the legitimate child of Ticious legislation, is the most eloquent orator on tho stump. Custer County Beacon. ' George D. Melklejohn has faithfully mlsreoresexted the Interests of the people of the congressional district and stood by the Democratic m& adminis tration. The Calliope. ' The Democratic party seems to be vanishing Into thin air. Gradually it is fading from view. Many jealous friends are, making frantic attempts to clutch it before it shall forever disap pear, but they will have to let It go. The spirit has already fled, 'tis only a decaying corpse now to be Been Ponca Gazette. Let us see how that bond business is worked. The bankers gave Carlisle their gold and received their bonds. Now thoy are giving Carlisle treasury notes and greenbacks and getting back their gold at the rateql about $4,000,000 a day. They will next deposit their 0,000,000 of bonds In the sub treasuries and receive $45,000,000 In national bank notes, so that la a few weeks hence they will have thslr gold, their bonds drawing Interest, and $45,000,000 in new bank notes. . A nice little financial a At , l A 1 transaction ior me nnnnw. rimr Stare. Industrial Legion Circular. Omaha, Neb., April l im, Editor Wealth Makers: All farm and labor orders, silver leagues and all other organizations lh full sympathy with the People's Party can be organized into the Industrial Legion for twenty cents, which is sim ply the cost of postage and supplies. All persons, male or female, over four teen are eligible for membership, and where thoy have no organization the Charter fee is one dollar, which is used to pay the expenses of printing and postage. Where the people are utterly unable to afford to pay this one dollar, they can send the postage as abov and cost of supplies. Quartermaster Gener al Geo. P. Washburn has perfected a wonderful plan for the benefit of the Legion. It will be known as Article VII of tho Constitution. It will benefit each member, pay all of his dues, and net all the money that is needed for political and educational work. Jt is simple, easily understood, and has been thoroughly tried, and we earnestly re quest all organizations to turn into In uustrial Legions as rapidly as possible, so as to take advantage of this plan. I'auc Van Peuvookt. 11. E. Tauubneck. Populist papers please copy. Attention Fifth District Populists. HASffiNtJS, Neb., April 30, 1894. Editor Wealth Makers: Tbere will be a meeting of the Peo ple's Party Central Committee, of the Fifth Congressional district of Nebraska at Holdrege on Wednesday, June (Hh, at 8 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of naming a plaoe and date for holding a congressional convention, and fixing a basis of representation for the same. It is earnestly desired that each county be represented by its committee man. But if impossible for you to be present, pleas" delegate your powers to soma reliable Populist of your county; that your county may be represented at the meeting. Francis Phillips, Ch'mn. Com. II. B. McGaw, Sec'y. Alliance Members Take Notice. I am compelled t recall all appoint ments for meetings appointed for Bro. Wardall in the following counties: Johnson, Gage, Saline, York, Hamilton and Polk. Bro. Wardall being one of the directors of the Gulf and Interstate Railway or what is called the North and South railroad was suddenly summwned to Galveston. Texas, for important duty He loft this (Monday) morning and was very sorry that he could not fill the appointments made. My work Is such that 1 am obliged to follow up the work already begun ai more can bs accom plished for the cause of reform to com plete work oommeooed than to fall In this matter. It is booed every mem ber will toe the necessities of the situa tion and be reoonolled to the condition. I shall make meetings In the above counties as soon anpooslble to reach them. W. F. WaiGUT. state Orgsniior. TOTRAVEL3RS Free Kite Free Free. II you are about to make a trip to north, northwestern Nebraska, the Black mils country or central YYyoun leg. to polnu la the two Dakota, to tit. Taut, Mloneanoll or Duluih, or potnU wrat on theVatitfla lines, to any point in Minnesota, Wlaoonsta, North ra Illinois and Iowa, direct to Chicago Uie east and soutn, you can ohtaia tree of charge at thertty office. IIU O HU or drpot, vurwr 8th and 8 ttrtw, ol Nona Weal ra Hn, complete aat re liable Information of all connections, uwi eve. With jhmomIU of luowa It in' la the stW named vWltort VJ any tt the in can but r tblr Interval by I suing the Northwmiero line. A.H. Fimiitu, City Tlckot AgU,im O itrt : IV. M. bllti'M AN, Oea. Aft "Volt SaTST"" lis Slat AlllaiUtt has for aU- " lidg,at Zj wats vauh, 140 pr 6tt a. .Y.m .-', at It) cnts caub, 75 csaU jr d- tn. lU-vript tooks fvf tiub-AUlaaes and Ittualy AlliaiKxx, JUmU t'nUr rks f Nub-AUtMws and Uuu r AttUn ;" unU. lU.U'liiijf Marblos . white auj 10 Jlsra. "cu, Addr MM 3 V. Kstt.U. tfa-twcll. Neb. Resolution Addressed to Americas Citizens. Woodlawx, Neb., May 2, U.H. Editor Wealth Mailers: At a citizens meeting of the people of Oak and West Lincoln preclnots, Lan. caster county, Nebraska, the following resolutions were presented by the com' mlttee: , ' Whereas. We view with just alarm the excited condition of our people over the Commonweal Army now marenmg on Washington; and, Whereas, We recognize the absolute right and duty of these men at this time to go to Washington, the national capltol of ' our common country, the Congress of the United States being now in section and there present a living petition and evidence or their sunerinr sorrow, want and poverty, in a country burdened witn wealtn and oroaa acres groaning beneath the load of God's bounties; and we recognize that they are there in pursuit of ttielr lawful and natural rig tits ot petition, oi lire, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Therefore: Resolved. That we pledge to them the support of our lives, our fortunes ana our sacred nonor, Kesolvftd, That while we desire peaoe and an honorable adjustment of the differences that now so widely separate capltol aad labor, yet, believing the demands of labor to be just, we will not receae one atom irom weir oemaaa; and we desire to warn all citizens of the United States to guard themselves from denouncing these American citizens as thugs, anarsbists and bums. To dosois to make tho misery of the poor, which is a sin against God and a crime against the human race, which ought not and win not long be endured. Resolved. That copies of these resO' tl'ns be iorwarded to the lower House throutrh our Representative W, .1 1 try an, and to the Senate through W V. Allen. Respectfully, I. N. Leonard, N. Aukerman, F. SCHWIZBB, Committee. Mutnal Insurance, At the annual meeting at Grand Island in December, 1882, President Powers among other committees ap pointed one on insurance. In making Its report the committee gave in detail the progress made in mutual insurance since the mutual law bad taken effect, and then recommended the following resolutions which were adopted without a dissenting voice: Whereas, A mutual hall insurance association for the slate of Nebraska, called the Nebraska Alliance Mutual Hail Association, has been organized by members or this Alliance; and, . Whereas, We believe the principle under wnlch It is organized to be cor rect, and the organization as effected, substantial; Therefore, be it Resolved that the State Alliance do recommend this association to alldesir lng hall insurance. Resolved, That we urge the farmers in every county to organize mutual fire and lightning companies under the new mutuil law, and thus combine to Insure their farm property iu this fraternal way. Resolved, That we recommend the Nebraska Mutual Cyclone Company to all farmers who desire storm insurance at cost. ' HISTORY, In 1891-2 hundreds of farmers asked the secretary of the State Alliance and the writer here to start a mutual hall In surance company. But, as there was no law by which a hail company could be Incorporated, we many times declined; but as the members of the Alliance from many oountles kept asking we would make thetn a proposal which in substance was as uaiows: That if wa should receive promises to the extent or 100,000 acres at 10c per acre, we would send out blank con tracts and thus organize a mutual aid society, , The result was that in a short time we sent out several thousand blank con tracts. Over fourteen nun area were returned carrying 114,00.'U acres. The following December, at the State Alliance in Grand Island- The dele gates present organized the Nebraska Ainanoe Mutual Hall Association and elected oftlcers as follows: President, Clark Olds, Hemingford; vice-president, J. A. Smitb, Cedar Rapids; secretary, J. Y. M. Swlgart, Lincoln; treasurer, G, W. Severns of lloldrego. Mr. Severns resigned soon alter and P. C. Funk of Holdrege was appointed by the hoard to fill the vacancy. EXPLANATION. The Alliance thought best to have local companies do the fire business and recommended that all farmers who desired storm lnsurnoo to patronize the Nebraska Cyclone Company. The above resolutions are the only resolutions that have ever specifically endorsed any in surance company by State Alliance. At the last meeting of the State Alliance It bid godspoea to ail mutual insurance companies, I am sorry to ssy that that includes at least one com pany that la organised for revenue to officers and agent The resolutions above referred to do not hold the Stat Alliance as oo-partners, a any way, soap, or form, and I de not think any one thinks that the sucrc vary of an AUUooe is called upon to colled money or work tor th county is aay wy lcux he it the eerUry ot aa A Ills no. WE WILL HELP. From so many part of the stale farm en write us that they eanaot orgaaW a local flr company but would Ilk to have the cyclone company attach a tire department for the boaefll of just such Uoltd vases a their llwnoe the Cyclone ComfM at IU lao meeting adopted this plea; r'lwt. U mad a department for fire and lightning entirely eeixu-aU front the cjtlon even to the seeptsgot funds Each dpriiaeat Is 10 defray it own VD. heond. whsa as oouety flMy or mora main burs In lh Are J 11 due a I wao dee'm In orgaaUt a local r mint party. They way withdraw wUfctmt fee- Thu we hop Wi aid I the rc monJaUon oi U e Hi I AUtaiue, We do ntrt court any conii alioa wlin any one and pclaUy with tho 0 m auld wild hixtrsi mutual ituuraaoe roalrs lUt ti riJtt la lb Al Mam dcoartmeni May ;:, railed mtt aa etplaatlton frtm us- .Mutoilir. . i V M ; THfjl WEALTH MAKERS ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT. BY MK3. J. T. KELLIE, SKC Y. Twine. We have a still better offer by which our members can get twine on time. Reorganize. I will soon send prices to all county secretaries. Lancaster Co. Our local Alliance has recently appointed a soiling agent and he is in correspondence with a whole sale house in Chicago. We are arrang ing to ship all butter and eggs to this bouse. Our first consignment will be shipped this week. We are proposing to sell our produce for cash, and then do our buying at our own store. . I. N.L. Saunders Co. Oar Alliance was re organized last night by the state orga nizer. Mr. Wright. We enrolled 23 members, 18 mates and S females. I think that our membership will reach 50 Inside of two months. All we want Is some good live issues for them to dis cuss to work up an Interest. F. W. P. Discuss and answer tho Manual study for this quarter, until you can glye a unanimous answer. Also strive to benefit all Immediately by co-operation- On our binding twine olTeryou can save enough to keep up your organization a long time. Furnas Co. We are progressing finely In our sub-Alliance,' but we desire to have a library, which seemnto be im possible at prerent. We are all stirred up with the report of the treatment and arrest of Coxey and his commanders; the brutal treatment of men, women and children by the hireling police; innocent spectators knocked down and trampled under foot by their horses. It these are solf-evident truths they should suffer the penalty of the law for thus attacking a peaceful gathering. It rems that all earnest women are arous ing for the Commonweal army. Even our American N. W, S. A., wfalch has heretofore been silent on political issues bids us arouse from our lethargy and work for humanity. I am at work In earnest, and expect to assist the organ izer in eur county. There is such pressing need of organ'zatlon. E. F, W. THE LAIlOK EXCHANGE. Office of Progressive Thought, Olatho Kansas. A fe w good earnest workers in any place can do mors than a majority in tho reform political party. It will bring tho largest reward for the least trouble. They are organizing a Labor Exchange at Bartley, Nebraska, now, and others will no doubt soon follow. I send you 50 of my circulars and it you approve of thetn and want more I will send you some more. In looking your letter over I notice you rather ak the question, "How can farmers do better by the Labor Exchange?"' To tell the 100 ways at least would take more time than I can now devote. But I want you to study a little. Don't the specu lator beat them when the wheat or any other product goes out, and then don't they get beat on every thing that comes In? We have nothing in common with theconHumer who does not produce wealth, therefore they are all burdens. We cannot make the enllra change at once, but we can commence now and gradually improve as we learn the im portance and the plan. When ail the wheat in your county would be handled by one firm of producers (the farmers themselves) Jin the Lbor Exchange, and send it direct to the best market, they can do better and make their own profit instead of letting a speculator make It. Now they are scarce of money to make exchange, but by putting the wheat in the Labor Exchange and each taking out his share in checksthey would have the wheat and the medium of exchange without aay coot of inter est. This saves the Interest on all money for local business at least, and soon others will take them. The wheat can bi sent to market and other things sent back, those things can be drawn with the checks at face value, and the profits of both transactions remain In the L. E.,and belong to every depositor n proportion to the portion of his pro ducts put in. Vhat and product de posited In the exchange U a bstter de posit than gold or sliver to draw checks on. When you put sou in a bank you can draw checks for that amount. Now suppose you put IV) worth of wheat In the L E. why can't you draw VQ worth of wheat or some other product some one has placed there for exchange until your credit 1 out And why i sn't you pass those creclt checks from hand to hand Is paying local debts and alt kind of trade? Study, an J If you can anything let tua kno, and If not let me know lhe trouble, K . F.rnmt. Mors of your friends shoatd he mm tant leader of Til a WaiLTiiMAum. Show tVeiu this lau and call lue.r at- teUa to our ue;l tdter, with iirwmlum. t How's This! WaufNrt) HuMrwt lHr Krl t " 1111 l'irf I tr W lkmk riiMil.aiiia-'a i ) fur lh lan -! M t fc"l Mm ir'. ii Vt . T . kMl l,u,'itM.1ili,tl tikll i auirh I'ltt H Uk.'O tiUrSilr, I UM Sirwllr faa IS ll.t u-l ti.t. rti w4 I v ah in .fwu Tu)(! (rw (.11 Three Cent Column. "For Bale," "WanuxV'For Exchange, "and mail advertisements tor abort time, will be cnargwl throe cents per worfl tor each inr Uon. Initials or a number counted as one word. Cash with the order U you wart anything, or have anything that anybody elHe "w ants," make It known through this column. It will nay, WANTED-Twenty thousand new bubtcrt bers to Tai Wealth Makbhb. 1WANT TO TRADK a good piano for a irood bufjiry honw. Mum be gentln. Ad(lrn, A. Youatf, care Wealth Maker, Lincoln, Neb. TINolky & burke rr, attorneys-at-law. IUM O 8t., Lincoln, Neb. , PCFB German Millet eed. Guaranteed, Stud etainp for nam pie. O. 11. brown. Genoa, Neb 1I7ANTKD Fire end eynlone awnu. Oood VV pay. J. V.M. Bwirt, tko'y, Lincoln, ;)7tf MONEY Loaned on Improved Panne at 6 to 7 Drcnt. H.C.YOCNd. Broker. fl St., Liaooln, Neb, 41 if WANT to utabllxh a Pojullnt paper In eome (rood Nebraska town of l.UtO tiomihi- lion or more. Have good eutllt. AddreiH, L. A, OonHer, Clark, 8. 1). IitGOS From a choice pen lnglemb Hrown 'J lKhoraii, pertettliiK . IN dn.en egue from II) ptiibHH for month of February. II. 0, YOUNU. mi O Hi. Lincoln, Neb. 3Ulf TINHLEY k BUUKETT. otrorneye-at-law, . KKtt O St., Lincoln, Neb. Abeiracls ex amined. rrt frr BALE OR KXCIIAMIK-Uood farm from If) to tVi otir aore. A. M. HARTLEY. West Unlen, Neb. HAVE YOU anything to nell or trade? advertlM the fact through thin c and be enrprlsed at tbe result. LADlKBdelrouof enlaraln Hunt, rentor lng to Maine condition-a before minting, remove wrinkle". Can poalttvely do o, by aii- Hying to Mr J. DAVIS, JH Valpanr block, let roll, Mien. REMEMBER that Tbm Wraltb Makbhb Is tbe best advertising medium In tbe went, wben writing to aay of our adver tltteri) don't forget to tell them where you aw their "ad Capital 1100,000- Comer 181b and O BU Lincoln, Neb, - The Only State Bank In the City. WS SOLICIT 7ARMSBS BCIIKKSM. O. B. Shaw, Trent. C M CRAwroHB, rah WH. FULLKaXOM, V. P. w, E. Tavlou. A. Cah WALL PAPER 4c pep POL.L. Only 1 1 .00 required to paper wallxof room lAxlh Inc.Junliiif burdxr. Head I On. roc uue and get Free I Ob beautiful Numplee. mid guide ow 10 paper. AwntH large xumpie book il.UO Freei witn a iu uu ordnr. v HO OOordnr. Write nulck. HENRY LIHMANH, I'i0 !.'4 Douglas et , OMAHA, NEB LAND i Manufacturing Co. , ST. LOUIS, - MISSOURI THRESHERS rurivallwl lor tot ThreMhlng, eeparatlutc aud clennlDg. TRACTION ENCINES Excel In all polnu that v,o to make tip a Per ttct Pulling and Working KtiKlue. Hfnd tor cutulogue. Meutlon tills pupcr. BOILER. NO STEAM. GASOLINE TRACTION ENGINE 0PUMTU F0H ONE-HALF THE EXPENSE OF STEAM TRACTION. Need no wntcr limilrr, no roal, wood or Hrnw. No ntcnin, cmok. HMirk or No IrfiKxtlitllly of lire or cxpUmloii. Nd uo Kn (jimcr or Hrvnuii. HierU'd iu 5 inlnutte. Junl l ke I binii fur I h t'urin, W rite ior i-aiulottuu. THE VAN DUZCN OAS AND OASOUNC ENGINE CO., CINCINNATI. O. Victory Separator Tho Tho Victory Svparutnr, Slf. KUr, Htiu'kt-r ami llik'k'r At tiuhnu uK with the Minm u1iH Tnu tin Kntjitu, imVvs lhv iiit lomjtKtt' line f thrt'xhin tini thiiKTy in Auurivii. Tho uly i'tiiulctc Mvum outfit nwartl'-il a iiu'thil ami two Iiilini,i' at tho t'otittuhUit Inhibition, ouml 4i iiu h litKr S & utr; 10, 12, II, H ami p-hnrM- jHw r , r.nutni's, Vrn f r l'.l.tlj;t'. THE MINNEAPOLIS THRESHING MACHINE CO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN, W. JLj. PAUL.j MantMtr, ( Ulfoi, lOttt o i LINU!,X, ,NKU j KINGS DOUGLAS ft ' - fN Thoy TV In Cnrpots, Wall Paper, Curtains and Draporlos.- In Painting, Frescoing and Doco rntlng WE AUK BEYOND COMPETITION. IN PROOF OK THIS LET FACTS BE SUBMITTED. Best all wool ext ra supers Ingrain f Wall paper Our line Is too extensive to think of you through and explain everything. An honest investigation Into our methods means a customer every time. Sj jS Don't forget the place. 230-238 0:1 A. 1 ffa i? .... . ARMAGEDDON. Prospectus of the New Song Book for the People. The editor of The Wealth Ma k his has devoted his Bpare time during: tho lat two years to the preparation of a book of songs such as Is needed to edu cate, unite, arouse and Inspire tho wealth makers of the world in their Im 1 ending- conflict with the wealth takers. The battle before us is tho battle of the ages Tbe Armageddon of prophecy, tbe last great cod 11 let between' greed and goodness. It is the organized brotherhood of right, against the legalized deepotlsm of might. Truth has been spreading, love has been growing, fraternal organization has been extending; and tbe increasing op pression of monopoly power Is In these closing years of tbe 10th century pre clpltatlng the final struggle. That it may bo a peaceful political conflict we agitato and pray; but whether peaceful or otherwise It cannot be averted, It cannot be longer delayed. The new song book is to be called ''Armaueddok." The hook will con tain about 70 songs for the times, over half of them new, and half of the rest are nearly new asd famous, and the remainder are most carefully selected. Fifteen of the numbers are a series of longs sent but by tbe writer two years ago in sheet raulc form, under tbe The titles of the songs which Armageddon will contain are in part as fol lows. v gkt off thk earth, ahmagkddon. THE RALLYING SONG. TRUTH'S APPROACH ING TRl UM PH IF I WERE A VOICE, No. 1. IF I WERE A VOICE, No. 2. HAYSEED IN HIS HAIR. SONS OF AMERICA. THAT HONEST DOLLAR. THE NINETY AND NINE (New). THE WEAKEST MUST Go TO THE WALL. GOD SAVE THE PEOPLE. WE HAVE THE TARIFF YET. THE TAXPAYERS SETTLE THE BILLS. A POLITICIAN HERE YOU SEE. THE MILLENNIUM ARMY. THE FLAG OF LIBERTY. TIIE ALARM BEAT. THE ASTOR PRINCE. THE WORKERS' BATTLE HYMN OF FREEDOM. THE COAL BARON'S SONG. SONG OF TBE MINERS. RIGHT StlALL REIGN. THE ONLY ROAD TO FREEDOM. BECAUSE HE LOVES. EANS PANTS A COMIV. THE KINGDOM OF THE BEAST. 11 aUv asined soogt have mot of them been set t nw mu4o fo' the suthor and compiler by a half dosn very euwlhtnt comper la Lincoln and Chlcsgti, Hut a i'Kt-M or su of the ong hv hco written ly the editor of TllR Wealth MAKtna to be Jolosl U world olhraUHl iunt French. Germsa AiutrUe, English and 8otch-such tunt-s as The MarselKU. Die Waht Asa llbeie, Aaitrlao National Air, Grmea Fatherland, UobU Adatr, Xc Tbe afrivs sng art ! and t(uarletts with plana prl.ids sad awompany mvot, alo many I t biUm! vutces. The muslo cf miwt of to o; Is easy, aad the n i difficult ca bs handled by good voices with thrlll'.Bf , won Jrful effscl. Gb C 11. Uoadjf Chwagsdltrof the Farm, FUld sad i lrsld as. prt4 hlnilf in tt fallowing wwdf praN sad spprttlailoa la rUla tb Cf'fR Gir M h hav f'Tiurd the Buulous of Aru.sgoJ U a It has ta left t Mt. GinrM IUwshI (Uhsoa to InUeduie a new Urn Into the s-a.'s vf the party. l wrlie a rt of paulotlo sosg whlah are hardly surpMt ly any la uur Uuralure twr lftlas if motive and rl snsrlt trm a literary mt ' slew, whtla at to same llin thy am not at all Iskleg la the auUa! jUlit which iut RuHMMsatlly ! preat Ndre any ttmebes IU ihi.rj f popularity. The ar renarlita fur lolr lrU plrlntim sod bomd hJiuaeiiy. la fft. It lhe i'vU ny rlis lo the palriatlo U-l of th ont, hta iUU; e Us alUatal sutfes a psr). Tbs K'SRS sirlhe th a) ocUs r hi.if sympathy, hfai kUsg burner, lt avl Mtlair ruatRi, m tl M tU l.'fller p'rlutle thor, ar touvhrd la r by tie lal vst'4 Uh-r, ' ,V hSgher ?h -. y i.4 U floa the I". sgs, aa I ei tsla'.y much iae U s.d ki IU; tb TO t'Si of ArreddP, wbloh Invlnd the 11 and furaWh a mutfc i,!sr tMii and f.i'.ir tfstmat i4 th .(Uiioa of hutaaa arsds aad Hfbts Th; ar!u,i of jathui. trlotlsm and pjwer, and ate aol larMai? In a jo. ii'. l l .ki..n,. Tt ShW l! be raJy la a ! and wll b st'4 t W Wealth Makers Publishing Co. eTHjES... Interior Decorative Company ARE A PAHT OK THE PEOPLE. Don't Want 'the Earth They don't expect to get rich out of every cus tomer that comes in. They want to deal with you so that ' YOU WILL COME BACK , and send yeur friends. 59c 31c 5c enumeratlne. But we will srlodlr show 80. 11th St.. LINCOLN, NEB. BICYCLES. FOR Bargains..... . . . . WRITE K E. GUTHRIE, 1540 O ST.. LINCOLN, NEB. general title of "Songs of the reople." THE TI M E OF DEUTERONOMY, LOSSES AND LIES. TH E PAUPER'S LAST SMOKE, ' TIMOTHY HAYSEED. BILLY GRIMES THE DROVEH. SUNRISE ON THE HILLS. THE COMING KINGDOM. PLENTY OF ROOM. THE TRULY GREAT. CALLING THE COWS. VOIC3 OF THE MOONLIGHT. RAIN UPON THE ROOF. TOIL SHALL HOVEREIGN BE. A DROWNING CRY. DREAM AND REALITY. THE HOME OF LIBERTY. AMERICAN NATK NAL HYMN(new) SOUND TI1ETOC33N. ENGINE OF REFORM. ONLY A PENNY A LOAF. USE UP THE LAST DOLLAR. OUR LINE OF DEFENSE. IT STUCK IN HIS CHOP. HARK THE BATTLE CRY IS RING ING. THE HOPE OF THE AGES. THE MARCH OF THE WORKERS. BATTLE HYMN OFTHE WRONGED MOLLY AND THE BAUY. ON To WASHINGTON. UmoU, NVbrassi