May IT, 1S94 THE WEALTH MAKERS. 9 Successful Cooperation Dincusaed The executive committee of the Ne braska F. A. & I. l are anxious to hare the members learn by trial the benefits of co operation. In order to stimulate thought, and work in this lice they instructed the secretary to issue an address on the "various phases of, co-operation found successful in this state." This properly includes a history of the state and every enterprise in it. There is nothing worthy of mention in the world which can be called the product of a single lndivl dual's effort or thought. There are many things, however, from which one derives all the benefit. Infancy is not more dependent upon others than is the one who performs the simplest act of toil. Distant toilers must dig the iron ore, others mine the coal, and still others fashion the plow before the far mer can turn a furrow. Co-operation is "acting or operating together for one end It was by the work of a large number for one end that our public highways were put (and are kept) In condition to quickly transport produce to all parts of the earth. But that end at present seems to be to eaable a few to draw big dividends and, not to accommodate the general public. Our poetofHces are one of the success ful examples of co-operation, and show the benefit of having the work "by the people, for the people," benefit all the people ae equally as possible. Imagine the postmaster general charging all the postage "the traffic would bear" for the benefit of himself and a few friends. Our school system is a partially sue cessfui co-operation phase, and its fault is that while each tax-payer in the state co-operates for the purpose of hav leg good schools, our haphazard district system does not allow equal benefits to all. Consevuently one district has nine months school in a year and the next three, and an ignorant class of neigh bors and citizens is the result. But probably the intention was to somewhat limit the article to the forms of co oper ttHUH among Vue ittlllicio ui luc dibic and that is a small matter compared to what "it might have been" or ought They co-operate with nearly all other toilers for the production of wealth, but apt for its distribution. Consequently .while they produce an immense amount of wealth, they are able to retain but very small share. The time was when the farmer was nearly independent. Our competitive system by forcing each to do what thy can do best and cheapest has forced the grain raisers to co-operate with me chanics to furnish improved machinery, weavers to supply clothing, etc., etc These toilers receive but a bare subsls tence, by inr the largest part of all the wealth they both create being consumed in the exchange. How to prevent that is now the ques tion. Modern politicians are not supposed to have any of the ati rlbutes of Divinity; but they certainly do "help those who help themselves." We would have com manded more respect from our law makers if we had set ourselves to work to right every wrong which lay in our power. It is partially our own fault that we are poor. What has been done by one could be by all. There is one club of farmers in Kear ney county, mostly of foreign birth, who have a shipping club and have for years shipped all their own cattle, hogs, etc., and they have made it pay them well. One eiife-Alliance shipped In three cars of coal one winter and saved their members just fifty dollars on each car One Alliance bought Sour from the mill by ihe ton and saved fifty cents a sack from 'he retail price. One Alli ance buys nearly everything in the grocery line at wholesale; they keep the goods in an unused chamber, and each member takasvhat'they wish at wholesale price. This is a store on a small scale and has the advantage of not paying any clerk hire, etc., etc- xney write mat uiey are going to snip their eggs, butter, etc., hereafter. SfWman and Nuckolls counties have Alliance co-operative stores owned by a stock company and managed by a board of directors elected by the stockholders. They have been In lueoessful operation for some time. I will sand a copy of the articles of Incorporation to any Alliance secretary who applies. 10 sneriuan county tney nave a pur chasing i ureau. r'ach sub Alliance ap points a purchasing arot and they form a county orgaohatleo, electing their own o!'.:evr. eicept th president, who Is the president of ths county Alliance. Thry bulk the purchases of the entire Alliances n: the county, and report a grettf)eg taertby; this U a good pla t, specially oa machinery, as we ea get a very considerable reduction by ordering la quantities area If of dlf fertnt cnaktt. Another plan which has worked etoeedlafiy wl! wbtre mem twrtdo net hare tiWiene buying tad caadlUg goods Is to rrl?t aid fiven the merchant for jour trade. H your AUIaaee has twenty families their trade is mat va bidding for and the nerchiats will doll pecl'.ly it they can keep you from putting Ia co-opvr at ire store. They generally eoBJraot to supply ail p.tteaUnjt a mooDmhlp eud fer tea per eeal a'wv coat price allowing a comssiw to laatoa their books when they desire. This saves in vesting any capital, and if you deal with a good experienced firm is a very satis factory way. It is not the wealth person or a class create, but the amount they retain which makes them prosper ous. ,''.".'-:'' There are many things which we can not right except by co-operation at the ballot box. But that Is the best of reasons why we should do all in onr power to give immediate financial ben efits to our members. Legislation in necessarily slow, and we can benefit ouselves thousands of dollars worth be fore election if we will. We hope to the day when every industry -will be well organized and their representa tires ferm a grand co-operative com m-nwealth. Then idleness will no longer tax Industry for support but "ho that will not work shall not eat." Mrs. J. T. Kelue, . See'y N. F. A. & I. U. The Kallroads'the Great Beggars. Oakdale, Neb , April .10, 1894. Editor Wealth Makers: Here is a text which I hope you will use for the benefit of Judge Hubbard aDd his road and give them the scoring they so richly deserve.,, The railroad which the great judge has the honor to (mis) represent was secured by charity. He says, 'Why, If ws were to carry this crowd (Kelly's) over the Iowa railroads we would be compelled to carry 10,000 more idlers out of the state like them," (admitting having 10,000 Kelly men in Iowa! But we guess there are ten times that number). They would swamp the road and they could do nothing but a charity business. Out roads wen not built for charity." Let us see where the charity plea comes In. The Iowa rail roads received as charity, as a free gift, one-eight of all the domain of Iowa, which means many millions of acres of land and many thousand dollars in charity bonds, at the rate of $16,000 per milo. That ain't charity! oh, no! It was a violation of the constitution of the state, all the same, the court hold" ing that the state could not issue bonds for private corporations but the counties, towns and cities could do so Hefty reasoning that. What constitutes a state? We think it's the counties. What a swell head he, Hubbard, must be. "Ditch the train if it destroys every man on it and hurts a lot of cars." That is the kind of charity they the road beggars) should have received at the hands of Iowa settlers. It becomes them to swamp the road and do a charity business, a free gift of all that wealth, and extortion in passenger and freight charges and must appoint re ceivers to do their business. That's why the cannot turn Kelly's army on to Washington. Gold at a premium. Hu manity at a discount. Hayseed. An Old Soldier Spetke. Hakrisburg, Neb., April 27, 1894, Editor Wealth Makers: I am glad you changed the name of your paper as I know that there are lots of men that would not take the second look at it. My time is out and has been for some time, but like lots of others I do not like to be without the paper and will send money as soon as I can and may send some more names. It has been a good while since I sent in a list; but we out here are nearly all of us feeling a slight touch of that little depressions in the financial and business departments of this country, which we have been rsading about. But say; how long, oh, how long must we must this Infernal, hellish work? How long before we can get enough voters to open their eyes enough to see so they will help us to send man to con gress to legislate in our (labor and pro ducing class) interests instead of truck ling to England and the bond holders and Wall Street. Mr. Editor, I am a stranger to you all but I hve been cn deck a good while, and while I used , to .be a good Republl can and am yet, I hope, or I know, that am a genuine Abe Lincoln Republican. Still, from the standpoint of the party to day, I am an anarchist, a coclallsf, or some other dsspisable thing that ought to be driven from the face of the earth. We are, Mr, Editor, or once was, supposed to be a free and Independent people. But my Clod, is it so? Can it be possible that we still rettln the free and independent principles that our forefathers fought, bled and died for. and bequeathed to us as the greatest and most sacred bit stings ever bestowed on posterity? I say, can It be possible, that we as a people itltl retain a spark of those principles? I tell you, Mr, r'.dttor, it looks to me as if the answer must be, No, For have we not time after time for the l&tt thirty years been tending men to our Congress who have Invariably and systematically done the bidding of lotfUod and tie money lords and fhylecks of this coun try? I tell you, sir. It looks like the free and Independent part was mighty sr petered out of any aatioa or conn try, whore thsy will allow any other salUn to dictate what ihey shall or hall not do, especially concerning their most vital Interna, as has been the case with our law makers and Keg land well I tm t already made this too Iobj a U oa jur valuable time but pUa eicuse me as this Is the firt time. y, I would like to shake the hand of comrade Judf Wilton, Ha hit nt all or. I was a number f Co. A. 14lrt P. N. I., and I know that he has the same patriotism in his veins that coursed in them in them in 61 to 65 they are the men for me. Then there is poor Uncle Tobe I would like to offer him some consolation, but will say to him come oyer on the Lords side and be saved. Yours truly, Old soldier Report of the Work In Baundei s. Editor Wealth Makers: r riaay nignt oi last ween 1 reorgan ized the Alliance at Colon, Saunders county, with twenty-three members, and established the "Aid degree." This makes the Alliances and three degrees for Saunders county the past month Brother Teachman of Caresco will carry forward the work in the county, Speaker Gaflin and wife and Brother C. M. Lemar and wife were a along the number at Colon. Brother Lemar one of the executive board of the State Alliance. Saunders county is the baa ner Alliaace and People's party county of the river counties of the state, and to their success, as such, is largely to be attributed the fact of their co-operative work. Saunders county has In success ful operation six fire and lightning mu tuai insurance societies, which are saving annually to the farmers fully 110,000. They have also seven co-operative shipping firms in the county, Speaker Gaffln being in charge of the one at Colon. He Informs me that as manager of the co-operative society he has corn for the month of April kept the price of corn at least two cents per bushel higher than it would have been if their co-operative society were not in existence. The farmers shipping through this society receiving at least two cents per bushel more than they otherwise would haye received; and in addition to this extra two cents per bushel, he cleared above all expenses for the month of April 1323, which will be divided pro rata among the stock holders. The other shipping co-operative firms lam Informed, did equally well. Sunders county snd Furnas county are waking up to the benefits of co-operation. Other lines will be taken up soon. The county treasurer, Brother Olson, has complied with the law in re gard to loaning the county funds. He Informed me he had out 165,000, and In a few days would have 83,000 more, making $70,000 that the county gets four per cent Interest on. If the aver age dally balances keep up to that amount the county will receive $2,500 to $2,800 as Interest on the funds, sav lng the people that much in the line of taxation to pay running expenses. In many counties of the state where Republican and Demccratlc county treasurers holds the cash box, the law is not complied with, and those countlc s are losing the interest on their money and the swag paid these officials by the banks for the county funds deposited with them goes into the county tress urer's pocket and as much as is neces sary is used to elect himself to office again. Great Is the Rep-o-Demo o sys tern. But its all on account of the tariff, you know. The New Era of Wahoo has now at the helm a live and earnest set of Pops who, are -waking things up lively. Having the largest circulate n in the county they are doing splendid work. Every reformer in Saunders county should rally ta their support. The meetings of Brother Wardall and Lmyself were well attended In that county and much interest awakened by Brother Wardall In co-operative work, Saunders county will not be found want ing or wait ng when called upon for her share of ammunation for the com ing battle. . W, F. WliGHT, State Organizer To Call the State Convention. Lwoolw, Neb., April 14, 1894, The State Executive Committee of the People's party of Nebraska has been called to meet at the Windsor hotel, at Lincoln, on Friday, May 18, at 2 o'clock p. m. The object of the meeting Is to fix time, place and basis of representa tion for the coming state convention. The state central committee at its meeting In Hastings on January 3d, delegated the power of cidllng the con vention to the executive committee. Nevertheless we cordially incite to be present at this meeting all members of the state central committee and all other Populists who have any speolal ideas to present concerning time, place or any other matter perUlnlnir to that convention. J. N. Gaffih. J. A, Kegihto:, Chairman. 8 cretarT, Unlike the Dutch Process (7t No Alkalies , jf J on Other ( lumlnil, V ri'flrOr 1 A"f- pet.ailka ! ;sjBreakfastCocoa mklrh U Atafutftu fare m4 uluklt. aa Mrla tare tim-m f of t ' taiit u iuk, rtrit ar uk. ai It fat m.ttm mtso. wMHivAi, Imiw ir. Man vh c a tmiK It l dclH'tuue, ttuttmuii,, ad tuut, i.tlTtA. " U t r M)elU), W, BAKIR & CO.Dofcheiter, Urn. ti jm' 'W'l .;.'.;.i. urn 'i mm Use Njrthffteia line to C&ufiw Iw raws. Fast (rata. OfBoe UiS OHt. The Sultan Buys a Binder. , His Most Gracious Majesty, the Sultan Abdul Hamid Khan Gazl II., Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, successor to Mo hammed the Prophet, and ruler of the unspeakable Turk, has bought a Deer ing twine binder for ubsoh his Imperial domain. This purchase was tho direct result of the World's Fair; and a direct result of this purchase may be the uni versal adoption of Deering binders in every wheat field in the vast Ottoman Empire. A machine that is good enough for the Sultan, will,, of course, be the one used by every faithful sub ject. Hon. A. G. Asdlkian, the Sultan's agricultural commissioner at the Fair as a member of the famous harvest ex oursion to North Dakota, watched thousand acres of wheat on the Elk Valley farm at Larimore, melt away in a single day before a eavaloade of forty three Deering binders. He was deeply Impressed, and after examining all other makes of machines, reported to Sultan that the Deering binder was the best made in America. His August Majesty thereupon signified that it was hia wish to possess one of these machines, and the wires were straight way laden with messages to that effect As no ordinary adornment was deemed suitable for the Royal gaz, the Deer lng people at once prepared a binder embelished with gilt and silver, gor geous in hand-painted design, and In scribed on its deck -cover with a suit able dedication to his Imperial Majesty. THEN FOLLOWED SOLEMJf FORMALITIES No correspondence can reach the eyes of his August Majesty, the Sultan, that Is not pen-written in black Ink, on a big square sheet of perfectly white paper of a certain quality and weight, folded in a certain way and enclosed in a certain size and shape of envelope properly addressed. After the binder was packed and ship ped the Sultan ; was appraised of the shipment by means of the following letter which religiously complied with all of the formalities just spoken of. Chicago, III., Djc 29, 1893 To His Most Graciots Majesty, the Sultan, Audit. Hamid Kahn Gai Tl , Yildiz Falaoe, Constantino ple, Turret, Your August .Yaj ' sty;-' W e wish to ex press our sincere thanks for the high honor that your Majesty has conferred upon us by ordering the purchase of one of our Self-Binders for use on your Majesty's domains. We have this day snippea ra;our Majesty's First Becre tary Sureya Pasha, the machine in ques tion. We feel highly complimented to learn mat your Majesty's Agricultural Itsore sentatlve at the World's Columbian Exposition. Mr. A. G. Asdlkian. who has carefully studied throughout the World's Fair all the exhibits of agri cultural implements, has come to the conclusion that our Self-Blnders are the best and of the hlehest grade in the United States, and that he has so re ported to vour fllaiestv's Commissioner General, Hakky Bey, we trust that you will have such success In your harvest as will convince vour imperial Majesty that your reo- resen'atlve here was not mistaken in his judgment. In bihalf of my company I slfrn mr- self as Your Majesty's Most Obedient Servant, wir-LiiM jjeerinw, president. This was not alL Formal And care fully prepared letters were addressed to "His Excellency, Hakky Bey, Im perial Ottoman Commlssloner-Ganeral to the World's Columbian Exposition," and to "His Excellency, Sureya Pasha, First Secretary to H!s Imperial Msjesty the Sultan, both being addressed to Yildiz Palace, Constantinople, Turkey. The present Sultan is energetic and progressive in his ideas and is laboring strenuously to advance his people in every way. His use of the Deering binder on his farm will probably bring about a great and beneficent revolution in agriculture, that will e before long ffect the entire convalescence of a na tion that is sometimes spoken of as The sick man of Europe." To Send a Speaker to Oregon. opuwst Headquarters, Lincoln, Nebraska, April, 21, 1S94: There is a movement on foot to send speaker from Nebraska to Oregon. be Oregon election takes place in June and there is a splendid chance of Popu lists carrying the state. If they could do so, It would create a popular tidal wave to the People's party, The Ore gon committee Is too poor to far peakers, threfor, the national com mittee Insist that strong Populist states like Nebraska shall choose some of their best speakers and cay their expenses and some little compensation to taite part In the Oregon campaign. The money could not be expended to better advantage, for vlo'ory In Oregon In July will dt more to bring about victory In Nebraska than a dosa speakers could do. Therefore, the state committee, while It wakes no aetnieotfor the purpose, ak Populists to all parW of the state ta contribute what they are able loan Oregon fund, Kven though it be but a mite, every little will help. The money should ha sent to J. V, Wolfe, Llntfola. treasurer of the state en uttiew, and should be marked "Oregon fod, J, A t'lHlMToK. 1), Cl?m iiiii i h!iUrj. Chairman, AGEHTG Wauled, lihaeaj !". Al Bttul Twain ulttM ir V U XUktm, AutiU. u REVIEW OF TRAOE. Warm Wathrr h.n r-tiuiulateil fcul in eaonable l inva. New okk. May 14. JSraiUtreet'a review .if tW ttate of trade says "Prolonged warm weather has stimu lated farm work as well as hales in seasonable lines of merchandise, but renewect tariff imeertainity tends to prolong the peruKl during which mer- chant will continue to buy for actual needs only, evidences of which fact have appeared. Bank clearings this week amount to $1)03,000,000, a de- crease of 5.5 per cent from the week before (which showed an increase) and a decrease of 34 percent compared with tne Kecond week or May last year, wnen 'total clearings were among the largest on record. Clearing Honna Return. Nkw Yoiik, May 14. The following list, compiled by itradstreet'a, gives the clearing house returns for the week ending May 10, 1804,and the per centage oi increase or decrease as compared with the correspond lng week ot JHU3: WEEKLY CUiRS Clearingsj Iiift Deo kana Cily...... W.S.WT 'i'.6 Omuha ft,l:,t!21 Stlt Vtmver 8,ir,47.' 41. tit ,T0Mspl l,62-i,64ft 33.8 Lincoln .., , . 43,l-.f , 10. T Wkhlta 400. TU3 21 S Toptku 473,57 1 1 II Naval Appropriation. Wasiiixoton, May 1. After tion on some minor bills in the house ut 12:17 p. m. yesterday, went into com mittee on tho whole to consider gen eral appropriation bills (Mr. Kit-hard- son of ienneshee iu the chair), and the naval appropriation bill was taken up. Jinc debate on the bill took a very acrimonious character, ami charge and counter-charges d colonization ' in the navy van: were freely passed between Mr. Heed, Mr. Itoutelle mid Mr. Ciunrnings. At o oeioeic, trie nouse took a recess until 8 o'clock, the evening session be- ing devoted to private bills. Awteiubllug of CongreH. VVA8MSGTON, May 14. The bill of Representative ('rain of Texas to change the date for the assembling of ennrri-i'Ks wnw f n vi ii-n hi v vamwtnA in the house yesterday. Democrats and Kepublicaris of the commit- tee joined in unatimous report. The vui proviueti mat tne nrsi session or eacli congress -shall bearin the first luesday after March 4, instead of waiting until the following December. The second session is to beo-in on tho first Monday in January instead of De- ceinuer as at present. Poatal Telegraph Advocate, Washington, May 14. Mr. Marion C. Butler, president of the Farmers' A lit. A T.l. ....!! ! I- an Urcrlliiient, before the irmti iiitm. mittee on postofflces yesterday in sup- port of postal telegraph legislation. The Alliance favored the postal tele- B1aiu buiicuib ucrauae n wuum wrrecii an evil of monopoly. Representative Maguire of California also spoke m 1- , ..1 . V 1 A , , . continuation of his argument on the suDject, wmcb lie began last week. f.lrl Killed by a Dog. KARnonsBL'nri, Ky., May 14. The 13- year-old daughter of John Brand, living in Washington county, met a horrible death yesterday. Hhe had gone to Joel Chamlin's, a neighbor, on an errand. As she entered the. crate tne dog grabbed ner by the throat. tearing it open and otherwise lacer- ateu tne oooy. jne itosr also killed a calf near by. The wrecked fiedaiu iiuuk. Skdalia, Mo., May 14. - Kxamina- tion into the affairs of the . t 1-,- ..A I National bank grows more interesting daily, i esterday it is asserted that Receiver Latimer will be compelled to order au assessment of 100 per cent on tne capital stock, winch means that the stockholders will have to raise :J50,000 to pay off the depositors, To Investigate the t'oxey Movement. Washington, May 14. Chairman McGann of the house labor committee has completed the report favorable to an investigation by a special joint committee of the senate and house on the depressed condition of labor and of the Coxey movement. Hie report advocates immediate action. Shot Himself Through the Head. Sr. Joseph, Mo May 14. Iouis Martin, who until recently kept one of the most splendid bars in this city, committed suicide oy snooting a bullet into his head with a pistol. His wife died a month ago, and since then be has been despondent. The Klehant lead. n:w joiiK, juay n. up, the man- eating elephant, who was given poison vesterday.gave up the ghost at 4:30,and KD,B0"6rtomd for the express pur died without a atrut-irle. After hi P0" of getting reliable reform lltera- demise the nuthorities waited an hour l,M ivu. tiro ihnt Tin nn, ,...( cl.nm. I tning before they permitted the mem- uer of me prtw to view the remain The Interior Decorative Campany Is one of the leading and perfectly reliable business houses in Lincoln. They advertise with us too, and you should patronize them liberally. We want fifty thousand new subscri bers to Thk Wsalth Makers. Will each one of our present subscriber help us by sending two new numes? you are unable to burs, send them in for three or sit months. See out special offer In another column. Touiista bom Minnesota. Ftunts. Commencing October 5th, a Tourist whtoh will hold at that polat for ar rival of the 11. C. R A N. train oarry tnt that tr, and via Kansas Citv arrive at l'uebto soooad morning. lieftaalBf Octobnr iota, ToorUt ear will lve Albert ia every TudaT worvilwg and run via Minneapolis it 8V UmU lit, through Anir us to Dm Molaea. arriving at Bigot, ana there lay over i T. a. a V . . and ha taken west oa "lilt rite ri dar morning, and ma via Omaha, Ui cola and Uellevtlie to Puebla as Uisnnila 7n ThtnTt Tn, mM Ib Compiled T N- A. mr. M NMfU. and will U the bVst work H". tT Colllbu?Juihi IU t, ,l kiB PWla. wlU contain riling al l about pages and will be sold for Si -.7: 1 Pi mi u .1?. Hw..t! wU a eopr- eoplre for It 00. and ia Tf tu vui w w a uaviD mjk 1J I The People Are Befog Bobbed The discussion, started by "Ta Wealth Makers" on the present state of the Newberry rate bill has stirred up the Republican papers, and the ar vigorously explaining that the neys for the state are hurryiogthe mat- ter as fast as possible. Perhane the are. but it Is nevertheless true That if thll . , "j10 lan ir ls Td he people of the state re j3n"Obbed of thousands of dollar "lew freight rates, and there ouh to be some way of stopping ItTahU Rock Herald. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have established head-auarter fnd are today preparing millions of campaign documents to be sent out dur ing tUs campaign. It is the opinion of the shrewd politicians at Washington, that if the People's Party takes advantage of th blunders and infamy of the present administration, there will be no troublo In electing Populist members enough .to hold the balance of nower In. thm next Congress. It is alto admitted b the closest observers among both the uemocratio and Republican Dollticiana that the next election of president will be thrown into the Housewhich will lve the Populists the power to dictate who shall be the next president of tho United States? The election In the state of Oregon comes off in June, and in Aiaoama In August. .We are al most absolutely sure to carry Alabama. and we stand an even chance with either Of the Old Parties in Oreann Tv 10 ca5ry 0re6'on nd Alabama is to help pui me ana entnustasm in our party in every state in the Union. The People's Party is composed of the great common people of the country who are poor and honest. It has no millionaires, bank or railroad corpora tions upon which to call for campaign funds. The National Committee has estab- lieled head-quarters at Washington wnere u can procure an unlimited I amount of campaign literature at small cost. One thousand dollam in our party will do as much work as a hundred thousand dollars In either of the old parties. After carefully considering the above facts and tho bright prospects for our party in the coming campaign, we feel It our Imperative duty to appeal to our people everywhere to come to the aid ue nauonai committee in doing this votk. in tne last election our IP4 polled more than a million vote "r president. I WOT w e now earnestly appeal to 1000 of that nnmW -i ...a. . 'V7 DUm .5 40 f176." 15 wch- N-000 o vo u at eacn, jw.uuu 00 cents each. 20,000 25 cents each, and tho remainder of the one million to give us 10 cents and 5 cents each. We alto earnestly appeal to all People's Party Clubs. Le gions, and Leagues to raise what funds they caa for the committee, by takin? up collection, giving entertainment eto. We make this request because we uviicto in our amy to ao so. if our party ever attains success, each mem ber of the party must contribute to that success not only with his ballot, but with whatever means he can tniM tv . . . respond promptly and liberally means success that will bless the nation for all time to come. . All contributions should be sent to M. C. Rankin, Terre Haute, Ind.. who is Treasurer of the National Committee.' v ery Truly Yours. J. H, Turner, H. i. Taitbrvrtv Secretarv. L.J. McPakun M.C. RANKnr. ' becretary. Treasurer. Send your name and address on a postal card for Information regarding this enterprise. You may become a charter member and secure a home and permanent employment without money. A start for a New and Nobler Civiliza tion. Thb Coming Nattdw Greensburg, Indiana. This . errand national paper will bo 13 weeks for l." cent furnished for u among tne people. UD SS larfftt a filllh aa nnatfVli J4 offer will only be good for 60 days! Send alt monies and inaka n Unces payable to the ., National Watclimaii Co, Washington, O. C EVERY POPULIST oud air copy ef ist Campaign : Book Now belti UcjrJ under lae tirv ttua ift tae- People's Party Iiileul Comnailtee. lots of 100 or more special price will b made. Any one desiring to become aa agent can place an order and make a deposit of tW and at any time they wish t dlcoaUaue agoey all unsold ocples will be taken bark and mosey re funded. A special discount wiU bo aiiowr l to all who at ell themselves of this sstsr. Addrtss, NATIONAL WATCHMAN. NATIONAL WATCHMAN CO., Washing tos, U. C,