The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, May 17, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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May 17, 1894
ft llfl FOR ill
CETS' $13,000 IN FEES. FOR
Women Make Mtnh of Them -Button-liolu
llouguot for tbe Army They
Have the Liberty of Toiirka and
Uosnil Come Wheo They I'lesae
.-IJrpuly Marsliala Jarred
by I he People,
Topkra, Kan., May 1 J. Oenera,
Saunders and his commonwcalers are
encamped along1 the Missouri J'aclflc
track In South Topeko in state tents
which were furnished by Governor
..rfswMliiijr at tho request of United
(Slates Marshal Necly. They seem
contented in their present quarters,
us they are being well cared for and
in addition to having all they want to
cat, each member of the army Is
wearing a buttonhole bouquet fur
limbed by a delegation of women
interested in the welfare of tho Ju
lustrialists. United Ktates Marshal Necly has not
yet decided what he will do with the
men, an ho is waiting the arrival of
United .state Attorney l'erry from
Fort Kcott.
A committee of citizens held a meet
ing thin morning and organized for
the purKjso of taking care of the men
in ;ase they should ba kept in Topeka
and should be discharged when their
asf-s come into court. Mayor T. W.
Harrison was made chairman of the
committee. The committee Ih anx
Sous that Marshal Steely bhould take
the men to Leavenworth. If they re
main in Topeka Sunday tho ltev. C.
M. (Sheldon will conduct the religious
Mtrviees in the camp in the afternoon.
TM though the men are prisoners of
the United States they have the liber
ty of the town and go where tliey
please. Tho deputy marshals who
were last night placed as gnards
around the camp wore guyed by the
townspeople so badly that they gave
up their jobs and Marshal Neely has
been urmblo to get guards who will
keep the men in camp.
Handcrti declared to-day that the
army now here numbers 4.10 men and
that nineteen escaped at Kcott City.
The cases against the prisoners will
eorno up for preliminary hearing next
Tuesday. District Attorney I'erry
will be here to look after the inter
ests of the government and (K C.
Clements and Frank Herald have
tendered their services ns attorneys
for the commonwealers.
It la current talk here that Marshal
Neely will, under the law, get. about
$18,000 fees out of the arrest of the
"Coxeyites," the largest item being
tho allowance of ten cents a mile for
each prisoner from the place of arrest
to court, while Commissioner Waggen
er will get over $1,000 and, if the men
should be bound over, his fees will be
increased about 8500.
The "'Commonwealers" March to Ilystts
tllle, Mtl. The People Indignant. (
' 'Wasiusgtox, May H. -Tents were
struck at Camp Tyranny by the Com
monwealers to-day and the army was
soon on the march for the new camp
sear Hyattsville, Md. Carl llrowne
made a parting speech in which he
told the men it would be impossible
for him and Coxey to accompany them
ou account of their engagements in
the police court and the command was
turned over to young1 Jesse Coxey.
Comparatively few persons watched
the departure of the "army" through
the side streets with the bass drum
pounding and all tho banners dis
played. The men- wero pleased at
the prospect of a change and talked
hilariously of the country fare they
expected to get.
Coxey talks enthusiastically of the
support the "army" is receiving from
the West and of tho carloads of pro
visions being shipped for it. He has
received an invitation to the dinner of
the Clover club in Philadelphia' next
Thursday and savs he will be there
uuless prevented by the necessity for
serving an imHrtanl engagement
with the District authorities.
HyattsviUe, where the "army"
camp to-day, Is a small village?
Most or the men are enirairtnl in bust
lies or the government departments
miring tne iy ami there Is much un
easiness. Train stealer torn lo t.rieC.
I'hovo, Utah, May 14..- Carter's Suit
fjike Coxeyites u umbo ring atamt 5tK,
wlm camM'd at Geaeva last night,
marched into Prove to-day, M-ltul a
Union Pacific engine and a iiuinWr of
llio Grande ami Western cars and
Marled Kut over the liio tirttiule
Western, lie fore they got mituf town
the train ran Into an Hn switch and
was derailed. The sheriff of IVovo
called m Governor West lor awmUl
aii.n ami he left at 1 o'clock on a
pecial train with tw,iiaiiU' of
il ilia.
( I uivtllra Mauled tailor frotett.
Ibtisks, Mailt May 4 1. Unit ;ao
rtiiumouwf alers psvwd r't lat nlghl
ti I ul Pacille train. The min
i's uv hauls them under inu.t, but
irfVra itul tu slop fieighl trartit;,
She Mlntavlt Ihrwuah Ike Ilea,
M. pii, M.i,, May I . I...11U
Martin, who until twtmlly kepi on
of the uuwt tjtUiuilid bars In litis rliy,
-MtiiMiUl4 ktilchle by slimiUii a
built I liittt ,U lica.l with a SUil, Ilia
wile iltrtt a 111. ml h Sffs and iu' then
he has it ilcp.'iHleul.
S Trel tUmi Maatb4.
li m w K. ! May il - 'The tttrHilti
lt Uricin tli first United Malt s
ttarvrv! t, r built on Inland waters,
. as latiMi-hed this afternoon in the
uera tf acvstvt. Ih-rnauit Hiple.
tratuuta UUiart Mstare Its ttwk,
M It us, Mn., May 11. 'I be Ardmoi e
rl twlttfis brltJ a tueeihig yrsterday
(inim st lv a larsr uia)trlty
Evrry Shaft In 1lio Ilittrlct. t'loe1 n
; the hlrllte.
Ilir ii Him,, Mo,, Mav Vb The strike
here is now in full force, every one of
the 1.000 miners being out. Delegate
Jim I'anolio of Lexington time in last
night -with twenty-seven striking
miners and John Craft and ;',. miners
are expected from Pleasant Hill this
Five hundred miners in this section
paraded the principal streets this
morning unit then repaired to 1 ros
nect nark. So far thev have, been or
derly, although thirteen extra police
are on duty, ten of whom are miners.
Editor McGregor of Lexmifton, who
was the chief agitator of the strike
here last venr, eaino in this morning
and addressed the miners just before
When the miners come in from
sonth of town this evening it is ex
pected over.1,500 will be here. An
other parade and demonstration .will
be made lo-night at which tune o,ver
1,000 miners are expected to bo In line.
Only Four I'rmont nt 0rnliilC Hklrmlli-
I11 if for Aliseiitwes.
W ASH1KKTO.V, May 11.-Only four
senators were in tho chamber when
the seiiato met at 11 o'clock this
morning and Mr. Harris, who was
temporarily in the chair, instructed
the clerk to call tho roll. The bells
brought twenty-e'ght senators into
the chamber fifteen less than a
quorum una Meps were immediately
taken to secure the attendance or
absentees. Search of the corridors
and committee rooms of the capitol
was made, but It was twenty-nve
minutes before enough absentees
could be found to muke up the quorum.
Mr. Dolnh made amotion to adjourn
but wit hdrew it upon the suggestion
of Mr, Chandler that such a motion
violated the agreement entered into
just before adjournment last night by
which It was decided to take up t lie
tariff bill at 13 o'clock each day.
Home routine business preceded the
resumption of the tariff debute.
Ail Armed I'orre of Cltlens J'untulox u
.iin(f of Outlaw.
Mi skookk, Ind. Tcr., May 11. An
organized band of horse-thieves tools
possession a few days ago of one of
the ranches of Captain F. H. Severs,
west of here, and held it for several
days with a large herd of stolen
horses, refusing to let the men on the
ranch have uecess to it. This bold act
brought the people up into arms, and
about 100 citizens, under command of
a squad of deputy marshals, went out
to capture them. There were liftcen
or twenty of the horse-thieves.
When they heard they were being
sought they went to the Seminole
country, taking a herd of sixty stolen
norses wit h them, but the deputy mar"
shals uud forco pursued them and
huve not yet returned. The lirst du v
out one of the thieves was arrested
and another shot.
Shot Ileail by llrunkeo J'rhilor.
Stiioxh Cjtv, Kas., May ll.- ICfcrl
Kuhl, son of Peter Kuhl, a prominent
citizen of this county, was shot and
instantly killed while attending to
his duties as deputy postmaster at
Cottonwood Falls yesterday evening
by George Hose, a compositor on the
Chase county t'otirant. Hose tied to
the timber followed by the sheriff ami
scores of men and wos soon captured.
He had been drinking hard for u week
or ten days and when found ' and or
dered to throw up his hands at first
refused, saying: "I shot that young
man, shoot me." He can at present
give no reason for committing the
KiiKlneera' Auxllllary Klg 11 !. -
Sr. I'At't,, Minn.. May M.--Thj
biennial convention of the Urother
hood of Locomotive Engineers will
not be really at work until next
week, when committee reports begin to
come in. Iho indies auxiliary to-day
received tho report of Mj's. Hurry St.
Clair of LogHtisport, Ind., the grand
secretary, showing a total member
ship of ..) m, 11 ml incrcuse of 1,5.VI. It
now has M.07I as a nucleus for an or
phan's home fund.
Hanker (ovkrane no Kmhetler.
DKSVf.11. Col., May H. -The trlul of
William 11. Cochrane, president of the
r irst ah initial oank ol ivi Norte, on
the charge of emWz.ling S' of the
bunk's funds resulted In acquittal. In
accordance with the instructions of
the judge, several tli rectors testifying
that t ockrana used the money with
their ciuiscnt. 1 here ure rive more
esses pending atfulnst Cochrane.
The Vtret ketl seiialla Hank.
Sni tin. Mo., May It. J'.sa ntina
Hon Into the affairs of the First
National bank grows Interesting
tluily. Yesterday it is asserted that
Uccclvcr Latimer will be compelled
to order tin ascsmeiit of list per tie lit
tut the capital stiH'k, w hit h means
that the stockholders will have to
raW '.'"o,ihh1 to pay of? the depositor.
Htantl l for
Yiiiniov May
Dick'' Ittaud left for
s tifhi.
It, 'hiUer
Knt H.y ti
Tucvln' eim
Itighl to attend next
vc III Inn He ileiliiie- to ywv buy
formal stuleinetil in advance of bis
krrital mi the cioiiinl, but be t haiac
terUe a "lie thr report llinlilis
his pui'M to procure ll.e adopt bin of
auy resolution denoiiiteinu Mr. letc
lit lid,
Sir. Vlviil SelU tor t 10 !,
. t mis, My -II.-Umtd HI a test
S-rtttttor of I o)ortdii Milled
from Nr. York ttUv for LiirM'.
I Jo go away oil account tf III health
Slid w ill rol'H hi. y l nl lor rt
rial in.. ml..
f SarletaoM oltall III t
St'tiiSbtttitt, HI., May IL ta)
miner at 1 sulull wviit out l.nlsy
aid mil a mine is no.t 0-11 bi tli
lireat tli lla'n twu .'l.iisi ii,irM
milt's In lUM iieo, and mi git-at U lb
eon tide 10 e fell In the n riu nne ne. 1 of
f hf HiMUJt rula tlvst twer I tsMl
Where Thoy Increase liuties and Chanife
from the Ail talorein to the Speilftr
hyilem- Senator Murphy of ew"
Vork, Voting With His I'arly
MIIIm and Allen Aicalnvt
the Ame lt'jtita. io.v, M"t, 14. The Ke-
publican senators by their votes yes
terday, and also In private conversa
tion, indicated the purpose of voting
for the amendments proposed by tho
Democratic compromise committee
whenever they Increased duties iind
changes from tho ad valorem to tho
fepcciJIc system.
It was noticeable the Democrats,
with the exception of Senator Mills,
stood by the committee recommenda
tion. Senators Hill and irby, concern
ing whoso position there has been
speculation, were absent, but Senator
Murphy, whose position 111111 been con
sidered somewhat doubtft;!, stood
with his party.
This practically solid vof.ft on the
Democratic side has given the ltepub-
) leans no little concern, as they have
been hopeful of creating a division
among t ho Democrats. Sonio of them
predict that tho cohesion so far dis
played will not continue, but the belt
information obtainable at this time
indicates that however unsatisfactory
the bill is to a number of the Demo
crats it will continue, for the present
at least, to receive the voting support
of all the Democratic, senators, with
possibly two exceptions.
Dn the adoption of the ilriaricc com
mittee's compromise amendment yes
terday to the chemical schedule Mills
of Texas,! and Allen of .Nebraska,
voted ugulnst their adoption.
I!nw Over h WIiHMIOO shortage ul I he
Terre Haute t'mivmtloii,
Tkkiik Haitf, lnd May 14. The
board of grand trustees and the grand
executive board of Locomotive Fire
men yesterday considered the com
plaints of firemen against Chief Sar
gent, the latter having refused to
sanction a strike on the Chicago and
Eastern Illinois after the firemen had
voted almost unanimously In favor
of it.
A 111 tin diversion in the meeting
was the reading of the published state
ments about a 9100,000 shortage in t he
llrotherhood funds, and another
about a big row between chief Har
gent and Secretary-Treasurer Arnold
when the latter demanded to know
what had become of the funds. The
oflicers believe these stories were In
stigated by disgruntled members of
tho order who now pretend loyalty to
the American railway union. The
fact Is tho strike fund never reached
but 900,000, and was in -charge of
Chairman Ilines of the grand trustees.
Us disposition has been fully ac
counted for.
rnietl Force of t'ltlen l'urii!n a
(lang of Outlaw.
MiisKt't K.K, Ind. Tcr., May 14. An
organized band of horse-thieves took
possession a few days ago of one of
the ranches of Captain F. It. Severs,
west of here, and held it for several
days with a large herd of stolen
horses, refusing to let the men on the
ranch huve access to it. This bold act
brought the people up into arms, and
about 100 citizens, under command of
a squud of deputy marshals, went out
to capture them. There were fifteen
or twenty of tho horse-thieves.
When they heard they wty-e being
sought they went to the Seminole
country, taking a herd of sixty stolen
horses with them, but the deputy mar
shals and force pursued them and
have not yet returned. The first da, v
out one "of the thieves was arrested
and another shot.
KitipiH-la t.rta the Mualeal l'rle.
Hi nuiNsos, Kan.. May 14. Ycstcr
day was the lust day of the musical
gubllee. Frederick Arthur, of Chica
go, was judge of all coutests. The
following prizes were granted for
mixed choriiNOsot not less than twen
ty voices: The tlrst prUe, :m was
taken by I'.iiiporiu, seventy-nine
to'ieex. it It. .tones director; second
prie, s.'.m, by Newtou. tiftytive.
voices, Mrs tiastoii lloyd director;
iMrtl pruo. si:.o, by Anthony, Hfty
voices D. S. Davis director. The
Mule chin 11 prUe, H) went t New
ton. The ladles' chorus prize, aiisi,
went to F.mpoila. Fifteen other
prles ritinring do it l ; w ere
aw artled for vts-ul and Instruments!
soltM, duets, etc,
termer' UtgsaUstlout.
W tsiiiMiMis. May 1 1. 11 r present
Cites of U llinu'fr of larL'0 cities
and raltriMd trunk lines, apiH-arvd
before Uie eieCUtUf coiinnlttee of
the ai iiicrs' aUUiitH, at lu met Dug
jtnleitUy, and urged Ibe tlnii of
t it 1 lou places for tiatUinal t ncaiup
meitt tf the tai'iiiet. w htch the com
inittco had decided It hold yi'Sily,
moiig the i'ltU suiofrstetl wer New
Yoik, l'l.iU.I -i.lila lUlllmnre, I hi
vagt ami LotiUvblts
the " i.l.ig l l attr),
V May II Major Johii
W I'owrll, ul rvlgn'd as tllrettor
f the uvoiotfUsI stiftry, wll; retain
the tiflice of t lm f ot lb buu'Hii ol
rtliiioloiry. a traucU of Urn
Ian iHstltitm Pinf Uiilctttt, slut stitf M Powrll, I a ynun man.
l ut ha at'hlt've't a trl rfjiutsibm
lilel geolugitl mi the survy.
Il Usaidthat l'e vtdit tsttiiaiiiinl Ui
Ihr medals, vrel. t bali, and lher
tibfeets lrertil In U10 tallran
nvUl tiiake i-iiim gold coim than the
i,.iM ,t the itrrB Iiittis'an yireu-
(Contlnuea from nrstpace )
old antltnonopoly war horses. Yes oae
of our generals who has led us in many
a toilsome march against the foes of
human liberty, a man, Mr. Editor, who
in the Senate of the United States was
a thorn In the flesh to the enemy of the
laborer and producers of this land, a
man who fearlessly and ' without any
reserve whatever tore the hypoctritlcal
robes from the representatives of the
m0ney power and exposed their Phari
saical skirts. A man whom the corpo
rations spent more money to defeat
for United States Senator than 20 cf
our best farmers made last year, a man
whose sides ar,e full of the corporations
vile dagger thrust, one who has never
shown one white feather to our political
enemies, one who has more friends
among the Knights of Labor than any
man yet named in your valuable paper
for office, and hundreds yea thousands
among the farmers tbat man is the
able and valiant C. H. Van Wyck.
C. Mars A all.
County Treasurer Olson for OsfJIn.
Wahoo, Neb, May 7, 1804.
Editor .Wealth Makers:
I am much pleased that you have
thrown your columns open to the dis
cussion of our standard bearers In the
coming campaign, and I have watched
with no small interest the emity of
opinions therein expressed. As to the
kind of leaders our party should choose,
all are agreed tbat we need men of
ability, actions and honesty, men tbat
not only command the respect and ad
miration of their friends and party,
tsen; but for the same reasons the re
spect of our political enemies, such men
are the platform of honest men every
where, and such the people will sup
port. Most of the men so far named
are old In our work, whose actions
speak for them louder than words; and
no mistake would be made In the nomi
nation and election of my esteemed
friend and colleague, Speaker J. N.
(Ijtilin, who would bring to the head of
the State the above qualifications, to
gether with probably the broadest
knowledge of (he State immediate con
dition and needs, of any man in it. Be
sides he is a successful agriculturist oj
the practical kind, This kind of knowl
edge, It seems to me, should grace the
head of our agricultural state. I take"
great f leasure la seeing his name so
favorsbly mentioned and am sure that 7
voice the sentiments of every Indepen
dent voter In Saunders county and, I
believe, in the majority of other coun
ties by ntmlng J. M. (iaffln for govern
or. V, U. ULSON.
I'olltli at News From the Firth Dir.
Holdbegb, Neb., May ft, ,
Editor Wealth Makers:
The Republican congressional central
committee met at the Hampton House
parlors last night and fixed the date of
holding thoir convention on August ttb
at this place. Our city Is the future
convention city of the district. It is
centrally located, has excellent railroad
facilities and ample hotel accommoda
tions for all who may attend.
Several of the prospective candidates
for Congress were present, among the
more prominent ones were W. E. An
drews and J. L. Mcl'heely.
Two years ago when t'ae hue and cry
went up tnat Mr. Andrews was just the
man to tan Mr. McKeighan's jacket Mr.
McPheely withdrew from the race for
the nomination when he could have
easily won by several lengths. Since M r.
Andrews so utterly failed Mr. McPheely
thinks that he should be given chance
to prove bis prowesses a candidate, and
as still as it ts to be kept It has leaked
out that he Is looked upon with favor
by many of the Hspublloant of the dis
trict. Mr. Andrews has been indiscreet and
has burned his bridge behind him by
unequivocally expressing his views on
the hauee ot the day in opposition to
to views held by the great majority ot
tbe people ot this district. The pros
peota tor-a heavy Independent vols In
this county is unusually bright.
Ity the way, Church Howe was la the
city Monday night, professedly to ad
dress a (i, A. It. tsmpllre. bulla reality
to make a political speech, la which he
beggsd the old soldiers to return to the
Republican fold. There was th only
place where he could get justice. It
was act arjr to be a Republican tlrst,
and loyal to an old e mrad second. It
aa old soldier should happen to be a
csndlUa'ecn a tlokl other thaa the
itepuhlUan tick si h was t be slabbed
la the back, The trcatmsat accorded
the old soldier la this ooag rosilonal dis
trict two years ago, and la this ct 'ty
last fall, are bright eaaaulsa of justice
rtieeted out to biro The correct Uter
prsJstloa vt such talk is that It Is rak
fcypoorivy. y
llvta N'nlth and taw oibsr briga
diers were bold ta the grltliroa by
o unlU th flesh pihrd and the
tat IrWd.
TUipvfvh was devoid of say i
rlotle senltmsav, aid failed to create
the least nhulsn ua tbe part o( the
aud.Vnej. The eipresthna of dlgwsl
ta the part of tht who were present
measured the MlltnaUoe la vhU a tbe
Speech o laid by them,
Yours truly,
Njy U ,W
-i M..III.U. .Anssu. Hill UltUALa
' eniiA lira as
I and one Diploma (or Beauty.
Mrfnim ana iDraparu.! iver
tUw 01 mi-M voiiicK nv
been aold direct to Uie people,
send at once for our com pine
catalogue i Di of every kind of
wraiic-l A famrwii alno t.ool:
vrau, . nf teHtlmoulum, lliey are free.
til Ban nr tnmn nlmii r Mk lav
rT frn4 HI(S krm kWI Diaclila
sad bMr mtk: naiuitMd for 10Inn oltk
AMMMlUBekMa HI-,S.lf-TMilC7ll
n SkvUie,Self.rMtla( tilm tat m eompUU
M tl Sol lllutanl.i Mpfi Mf bm oa
SC Utt't Trtok No anrf triUlrl la M'mhso.
Im an. Wo. i'i tmit Alnlsl tmudti niAcbMif ud Uwk.
Bo 7 from fulorr Md Mi, anlar'I ud Aftnt'l frotu.
farl IM TkMVH M KU to-aar for maxima or inra irn
r K 1 1 eaMlocua, IMtlmolla anrl Ulimrwa of Ilia World'a Fair.
Notice to Bridge Contractors.
Notice Is hereby given tbat sealed proposals
will be received by tbe County clerk of -aund-rs
county, Nebraska, at tbe Court Home in
Wahoo until noon of tbe IHtb day of May, 1WH,
for tbe f uri'lahlng of all material and of tbe
rrectlon of tbe following bridges In said
llltlDCil mo. 1.
One bridge 40 feet long on tbe town line be
tween M:ocslog and Cbapmaa precincts ancttoa
ill blocking and 3D Chapman, 1 pan Si feet
long in center, I span 8 taut long on each end, 6
pile IM feet I011K, 8 pile H feet long: piling to b'
driven so bridge will be 1 foot higher than old
BHTIH.U so. g
One bridge IH feet lon betu'enn sectioos IS
and It Chapman preclm t, 6 plltug 14 feet Jong
to be driven no bridge will be on a foot blgher
than the bsnlt on south de,
Balnea xo. U.
One bridge (IS feet lon known as the Mur
phy bridge between sections 'U and 85 Douglas
precinct, one spes in center '.il feet Ions, one
span on each end 'ii feet long, S piling Si) feet
lung, X piling -X), ,1 piling 16, to be driven so
bridge will be same height as old one at went
antics so. 4, ,
One bridge 60 feet loni known as the aorta
Chas Aliaeraon bridge on the town Hue be
tween section 31 Msrrlposs and 86 Elk, one
span la center '.'4 feet lonir, one span IH feet
I'tng on eacb end, 6 piling if! feet long, 8 piling
24 and 9 piling 16 feet long; piling to be driven
so bridge will be 6 teet lower than tne high
bank on north slds. .
One bridge 70 feet lo,t known as tbe south
Cbas. Anderaun bi-lUK" JOul 40 rod Mouth of
bridge ISo. 4. one y;. a lu center feet long,
on spaa on south snl ol feet lng, one span on
the north 34 feet long 6 piling 'ii ft long, 6
piling 16 feet long: pi log to be driven so bridge
will be 10 feet above bed of creek.
BSIIKIB mo. 6.
One bridge AO feet long, between sections 8
and S. town 6, range 6, Chester; 1 spaa in -enter
X't feet long, one span on each end 14 feet
long. 6plllng IB feet long, 6 piling I ( feet long,
filling to be driven ho bridge will be 6 teet
ower than tbe bank on north side.
bbidoiho. 7. -One
bridge 18 feet long between sections 8
and S, Chester nrecinct about 80 rods south of
bridge No. 6, one span 18 feet long, 6 piling 1-'
fet long, to be driven so tbat bridge will be
level with uorth bank.
Also bids will be received to repair the break
water In Platte river at tee mouth of Otoe
creek, 7 piling 18 feet long t be driven so top
will be same helurht as rest of breakwater, to
be girded with 'i 8x10 and bolted to piling and
planked with 1st font plank driven down to
same level as rest of breakwater.
All bridges are. to bave 14 feet roadway,
bridges to be. built in accordance with plans,
details and specification on file for reference
la the office of tbe county clerk, and with the
several specifications above enumerated.
All bids should stats the sum for which each
bridge will be built, referring M tbe number
thereof as above, and may state tbe groan Hum
for which the bidder will build all or ssid
bridges. ,
PUns and stMclflcatfons conforming to the
plans, details and sptclBcatlons above referred
to must accompany eacb bid. each bidder
should accompany his bid with a certified check
or draft for UUO, payable to Ssnnders county as
a guarantee of good faith to be forfeited if he
falls sfterwsrds to enter into contract and
give bond In accordance with tbe bid it tbe
same be accepted; the right to reject snv and
an bids reerven. w.ukisd.
uounty wierk.
By order county commissioners. 46t4
Attorneys-at.Law, 1036 O St., L'ncoln.
In tbe District Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska.
Charles H. Morrill, receiver,
Charles H. Johnson, et al..
To Charles H. Johnson, Mary A. Johnson,
Robert S. Henderson, Maria Ingram,
lagram, her husband (tlrst and leal name un
known) and C M. Cadwalader, non-resident
defendants: You will take notice that on tbe
27th day of December, ls3, Charles H. Morrill,
Receiver of the Nebraska Savings Bank of
Lincoln, Nebraska, tiled his petition ia the
District court of Lancaster county, Nebiaaka,
sgainrt you Impleaded with others, the object
and prayer o'. which petition Is to foreclosure
a tartaln mortgage executed by Charles H.
Johnson and Mary A. Johnson to Ueorge E.
Biglow and now held and owned by plaintiff
uikjo tbe following described property to-wlt:
Lot three (Hi. block twenty-nine rjp) of Lincoln
Heights addition to the city of Lincoln, Lan
caster couaty, Nebraska, to secure tbe pay
ment of one certain promissory note dated
J uly In!, isms, for tbe sum of SM0 U) with in
terest at n per cent as par couisms atuctiert
ue and payable-July Int. iBtfl; and plaintiff
prays for a decree that defendant may be re
qulrwl to psy the aroouni sd Judged to be due
oa the sss-s or tbst said premises msytbs'sold
to nstlaf v tbe satouat so found to be dun. You
ate requlrakl 10 sunwer suld petition ou or be
fore the Slut day of May, IWt.
Dated April Mb. I -sit.
Chaki.b K. Houeiu.. Receiver.
4314 By Tlngley A Uurkeiu bia sttoraavs.
Tobacco Deranged my Stomach and my
Entire Nervous System After Using
No to bac I Gained 8ixtten
Pounds in Weight.
I'ruana, Ohio, Not. 21, ltM2.
SUrlinQ Rtmtdit Company, A'o. 43 Ran
dolph St., Chicaqo'.
Ukntleman: 1 used tobaoju con
stAtuJy from twenty to fort j three; 1
felt tbat I must quit, or m stomach
would be completely cone. I rad one
of your advertisements and thought
It was a "fake,' but resolved to make
one effort to quit. NlJ-IO-UAt' esrne
JuljMlh ISU2, and I eommenctid to us
it at onc. The first two weeks I
gained elt,'hl pounds in weight. In four
weeks I sained slttesn pounds. NO
TtvHAC. completely destroyed my de
sire for tobacco In two wtHiks,
my aietlt btH-atae natural and t ate
breakfast, a thing 1 had not dune before
In tea yssrt, etcvpl simply to drink a
CUP Of CtlffM.
Cttgned) C.
THsre era many tobwoeo users suffsr
Ing from tllaoasee allributed tooaussH
other thaa the ue of tobacco. iMn't
go ob tobacco spilling and suiuktag
yaur llf aw,y, hut rU at ( at II. 1'
I'tatk lrug Co, l.laeola, Neb. out
ak'aw, kud gt a boa of NtVTO-UAU
or a tll'ls Uok that will Will you all
about It. It you (Mtaaot rail, writ fur
took to ,'Tm VrsRt is Ittuntf ?qm
fAaV," No 4.1, Haadolpb ht., t'bhsgo,
Anyone can obtala frv silver liter,
Mrwbv ad4reln The t'aa Aruarlcaa
Hl-MoUUlo A . Is lion, .Wsr, Colo.,
and enulunteg ststjs (orame.
The ebeapeet pla' fur Btoaumsota Is
at Ueo. Nftiterraaa's. 119 South Math
K17ANS TABI I.ES are the Seat Medl.
clae bnowa rr ladlswtlaa, BIIUaaaeaA.
Headache, CaaAtl patina, VjrapeavaU, I hronl
Liver Traxiblra, Olrzlnra. Badlsiaptt lloa,
l7etera, Otferaatx Ureal a, aad all uia.
rdera mt the Sutiaaca, Liver and Uarrela,
rUpaiu Tabnle eootain notblni tu.;urion to
the moot dellcaUi runatltutlun. Are ijant to
take, ufe, effectniU, and irlre iiiUHMiinie relief.
frlceUuxiATial ), 76ul ; I'a. ka'. ' oel,
S. Mar be ordered throiixta uean-at irulat,
or by mall. Hkmple fi-eo br mil!. A.' lre
MIXED Paints.
For Houses, Barns, Roofs, all colors, & SAVE
Middlemen's profits, In use 61 years. En
darned by Grange & Farmers' Alliance. Low
griefs will surprise you. Write for samples.
. W. INOERSOL.L, 268 Plymouth St., Brook
lyn, N. Y.
WAHTE D A live rmn or woman in trerj I
ft countv when we Iiava not AlrvAdr ferured a ,
rrpmeDtatlv to Kll our "Sftudu Slllver".
SOLIO MKTAU Hnlvef, ForkiEiid Spoou. to con- '
tuincrai a (olid mtal while aa ailverc npUIto
wear off 1 goodiKUAranti-ed to wpai-A lifetime t coiH
aboutoneKDUiUiAtornivera me rniriet of a lite- ,
lime 1 AgtmU avenue from .'lto $1(10 per wfek, and
tnMf with nd aalee everywhere, ao ereat le the
deaiand for our Solid MetalGoudi. Over One Mil- I
lion Dollara worth in daily uae. C'tae of HD'.plet I
Free. Adcreae Mianaatra KiiTcrwetr i
i:,UpU U, IsoalAta, Jlataa.
ArrlTsl and departure ot trains carrytar pe
sensers at Lincoln, Neb. Trains marked .
Daily; t, Dally except Sunday; Daily ioe4
Uondsr: I. Dally except Saturday ; I, Sundays
only; 1, Tuesdays, Thursdays ana es
, Monday, Wednesday aad Friday eat
BarllBfton MUujourt Blrer.
o., a. a q. a. a. .
Ticket offices st depot, Seventh sad T sts;
corner xentn ana u a -a
Plsttsmouth, wis So. I
Bend and Louisville (
Waboosnd Schuyler...
Omsba sad Cb'faas I
tl0:10a. m.
t 4:BS b.t.
8:00 s. a.
8:90 p. m.
tl0:10a. m.
t 4:55 p. ax.
12:20 p.m.
112.20 p. m.
i:V) p. m.
:S0 p. m.
11:519. at.
t 6:35 p.m.
ll:53p m.
1 1:53 p. m.
t 4:00 a.m.
1 1:45 p.m.
1:45 .n.
I S:3ftp.m.
t (:40p.m.
t 7:la m.
til :50 a SB.
ii:50a. as.
4:19 p. BS.
t:60a BS
7:40 s. ss.
via AahlAnnc1Jit..n)T t
Ashland, Omshw Act
Crete, Ilasiins snl
Lowell and Kearney.. . .
St. Francis and Ober-1
t T:40a. "
t 7:40s. tav
Holvoke ft Cheyenn!.. .
"Burlington bpri.ttil"
to Denver sod oat
Crete, Beatrice wad
1:40 p. as.
i10:00 a. as
It 4:40 b. Hv
Washington and Con
Endloott aa Rod
Cloud, .m.
Benivet, Syracuse, Ne
braska City and east
111:56 s.SS.
iio:4t p as.
Grand Island Broken
Bow, Alliance, New
castle, Sheridan and
Dead wood
Seward, York, aad
M0 p. at
10:S5p as.
t 7:30a. as.
tll:S5a av
Grand Island.
Atchison, bt. i Joe,
Kansas City, St
Louis and south....
Tecumseh and Table
Rock... i
Mllford, David City,
and Columbus
Cliloaf o, Book IsUnd M Pacific.
Passenger station corner O and Twentieth Slav
City office, 1046 O Street. i
Fast express to Tope
ka, Kan. City, and
all points in Kansas
Oklahoma, and Tax
as. West
Local freight accom
modation, east.
Local freight aocom
modatioa, wset.. . . . .
Fastexp for Omaha,
Co. Bulffs, D.Moines
St.Paul,Chio, fteast
Fsstexp to Denver,
Col. Springs, Pueb
lo snd west
Local pass for Omsba
snd Council Bluffs.
tlrJOs m.
712:38 p.m.
:5Jp av
4:03 p. as.
til tea. i
t Bli.l
t S:S0a.l
710:11 p.m.
Union Paclfle Railway.
Depot corner O and Fourth street. City tlchst
office 1044 O street,
Lesvs. f Arrive.
Omaha.Co Bluffs. Cbl
cago, v auey, east
Anri wa.1 .
t:S0s. ru.
S:OOs. n.'
6:00 p. m.
t7:3np IU.
7::!0p. ta
f 8:25 p. m
4,10:40a. m
Betrice.Blue Sprgs,
atannattan, eaai, s
west, Topeka, Kan
ana fit v nsuit. anuth
DsvldCHy Stromsbrg!
twiumuus. uenver,
Salt Lake, Helena,
ban Franclaco and j
Pr,rl.lfLnil - I
4: 10 a.m.
Beatrico. Cortland....
a. ra.
Mlsaoarl Pacitto Railway.
Ticket olflcas at depot and coraer ot Twsift
and O streets.
Leave. Arrive
Auburn snd Nebraska I . .
City Express f at 5 00 p as.
Rl.lAiuia dav express.. ll Mp ra. I SO a aa.
Auburn and Nebraska I ,aA.
CIlyKxpreas ,f ",
8t .Louis night tip .... S 35 p m I St s av
raoaoat. Klkhorn Mlssosrl Valley
(osicaso a sosra-wsarsas lira )
Depot corner Eighth snd H streets. Cttf Tlea
st omt im O slrsst" s'"tr"m
Chli AaO snd ast...,.,
r'r'ni I Omaha, Sious
i'uM Paul.Ouluih
Mamlialinwa, Cedar
' KuiildJ'llnlun. Us
Sluls Viarrs.Alier
detrs, Oakes. .......
Wahue, "remont, Nor
fiH, tl eiitl. ,.i(
hailmn, I as
nf llt r Rif
i.t1IT, la4iiMnt ,
r'rrioiit Sit ttin dat B,
1 9 !3.ISp.aV
I 45 a ill Ma av
T SS s st
I 41 y ss
T Ms at
I Us at
t'fWIUUUI flftgbt.xa.aa
n't T il s av
h ii v :mt i:cruHioM,
VI lha sUiMsVAlla-i Dart.Aa tt.aas.
-ww wwvwwva-ww ST s.iiias nuuia,
tin Uie essxurl TwesUay la Deeenbwr
ItU-V. Januarv. S'ahruarwMAi.,1. a., .il
and May, the Missouri I'aUeo
lUHite will rounil trip ikliets li all
iavU.iv lrt Tese. wllh Qaal Umll to rs
lira In thtrl.y days f nan date of sale.
Mtor-.era a?vf aUowtnl la Arkansas.
Tsa4amtO!glo0tniflf,w luilw AAti
ladiaa IrrU.ry. vhu aa4 uke a
i . 4. a. ii w sire t.
vatti t teu naiiatranaa . i m r...
rarrlairoa. wajmna 1,1 a. Imp. .. .iA
v . w.HMw.vt wta i f
farm lrn)!eaiBU. We'll use you rifli
Use NortwrslerB Uae to CaUaft)
Low rates, last traits, office 1133