The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, May 17, 1894, Image 1

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    4.- ' , ... ' '
, In the time tnV-.rrealng between now and
the date ol the People' Independent State
Convention thi and succeeding columns will
ej open to the Populist of the Mate to pro
poke candidates for the ticket of 'W. and for
United States senator, and to show reason for
individual preferences. We shall not have
space for anything more than name and brief
ru-vom for the choice made, because we wish
tit hear from a great many. List no ma db
roB. It any caadldatea seem to be leading
whom onr roadera cannot conscleatloualy sup-
port, by all means let us know why they are
J , itrenuouely objected to. But let us respect one
another's views, avoid anything tending to
1 disharmony If tt be possible without (sacrifice
1 of principles, and hearwlllingly those who dlf-
fer with ua. "In a multitucie of counselors
' there is eifcty." But with many to hear from
eachmui be Wef.-Edltor Wealth Makbs.
Ten for Gaffin. One for Holcomb.
Wild, Neb., May 1, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers, and plagve
to wealth taken; ,
I herewith send one dollar to renew
my subscription, and also my thanks
for your defense of the Industrial Army
against the Insults, slanders and false
hoods of the dally, weekly, monthly
agricultural and ecclesiastical liar of
the subsidized press.
I interviewed some ten or a dozen ci
h my acquaintances as to their choice for
head of our state tlcltet. Men imyseu in-
cluaed)' would like to vote for J. N,
Gaffin, one for Judge Holcomb.
Yours for fair play,
Chairman Leonard Entbnelaetlo for
tb Plan.
Wood Lawn, Neb., May 7, 1894,
Editor Wealth Makers:
I desire to second the motion for "a
four horse wsffon campaign" for our
delegates in attendance upon our State
and congressional conventions. At this
time the voice of "the people is the
voice of God," and lei that voice ring
out upon every hill top -and through
every valley in the State; stifle not the
voice of the people by the dim of steam
whistles and car wheels.' Let delega
tlons start early and move slow and
spread the gospel of truth both going
and returning. It will be an ovation
fron start to finish. Come with camp
ing outfits. It will be a pleasant outing.
It will be economy for our friends and
will punish the money bags of our
I hope the state committee will rec
ommend the plan and map out the sev
eral routes to be traveled by the dele
gation, from all parts of the State.
V bom Shall We Nominate.
Editor Wealth Makers:
I answer, an honest man or men.
The past record of our party, though
by far the brightest yet recorded, if
closely examined willl shoir a tendency
to nominate men whose qualifications
were those calculated to "poll a large
vote," rather than the man whose past
record could reflect only credit on our
cause, and whose defeat would be too
noble to discourage even the' weakest.
True, our state in her past nomlna-
. tlons has many a glowing exception to
the rule, but every honest Independent
is painfully conscious that some have
not been.
We, as honest Independents, are here
to stay, and "reformation'' la our mot
to. Then let us reform before we
Reform, by drifting from true integrity.
Don't get in a hurry and expect to
capture the world in a minute ; better
1m defeated honestly and fairly than
knowingly put one bad roan into office.
B. J. W.
Warm lrale From South Dakota.
D ahkishuho, 8. !., May 7, hJ.
Editor Wealth makers:
Fled enclosed one dollar tor renewal
to our g lorlou paper. I must have it
another year, as It is the best paper I
know of,
Voun, a 1'opulUt clear through
tiaftn, llala anJ Hull.
StLTSLfO, Nab.. April 2i.
fdltor WfiLTilMAKtM:
A per your rtii to aaiounce raa
dMatet for Sutofflct, I Uh to same
thrstMg.xid utea a U a ia Nhrtka
or any other state, tit; tor governor,
J, Su U?!1b, of Hauttdf4 count' ftr
llsuUaiot goytrwr, W. K. U!t, of
ihl cauaiji for trouurar, th llun,
O. Hull, of llsrla oouaty.
With tuch men m thata on our tiakat
vri one that hi t spark of loyally
hi heart woul4 be prwl to support
with all confidence and never regret it.
No truer man lives in our state than O.
Hull. Just, upright and a straight in
the middle of the rood man just the
man to handle our state fumds. ' I assure
you he will not deposit our money in an
insolvent bank when he knows of Its
insolvency. '
With a full state ticket of such men
put before the voters of the state this
fall, we are sure of success la November.
fraternally yours,
. Wm. Foster.
I'rofesNor d' Allemands Unseltlah Ad
. vice,
Abapahoe, Neb., May 4, 1894.
Bditor Wealth Makers:
Whilst it must be a source of pride to
each and every one of the old wheel
horse to be mentioned for high honor?
I for one believe that other true and
tried men 'should be placed on our tick
ets. I say this for the good of our
party. To outsiders It seems that there
are but few capable of filling these
office, whereas we have no end of able
men for each and every one of them;
and I will add further that every one
of us will no doubt work as hard if not
harder than we did In our first cam
palgn. I know vf hereof I speak as 1
am la constant communication with
most of these men.
Yours for success.
A. d'Allcmakd.
Good and Able Men Wanted.
Bartxett, Neb., Apr. 30, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers:
While our platform is much, it is far
from being all. - We have had the Dec
laration and the Constitution all our
national life, yet, where are we? We
want men a good as the fathers to stand
on .our platform, men morally and
mentally strong, white ioul$ art in our
cause, men, whoee well rounded person
ality will speak a manhood we can
trust. With such men on our state
ticket,, we can teasonably hope for
victory. But we must gain by the elec
tions in the election of such men. We
must gain by the election of able and
worthy men, loyal to the people in be
ing loyal to the issues before us and
loyal to themselves in truth, thought
and character.
Nebraska has about 250,000 voters; of
these, we claim over 100,000. Surely
we can select a ticket from this number
that will be worthy our united party
support, men whose sterling character
will be tbo forerunner of victory, be
ing men whose manly armor will ex
pose no weakness for the opposition to
Then let us look over our state, wisely
select a ticket, and then with clean
hands and strong heart unite for its
election. W. B. Lynds.
Nominate General Van Wyck for
Rush, Neb., April 22, '94.
Editor Wealth Makers: ; ' -
We have had too'many kick and cuffs
from our old party enemies to go a
sparking them any longer. We have
had this sparking advice In Franklin
county ever since we became a party
and the majority of our voters have
adhered to it and Invariably we have
lost by it. But, Mr. Editor, I will tell
you Franklin county ha on her war
paint now, and no squaw man need ap
ply this fall for her votes, The man
who gets the votes of our county for any
office this fall must be a man who ha
been tried in the .fWmut be a ma a
who has not kept still when our "princi
ple were assailed.
Now, Mr. Editor, after almost four
years of hot, toceuaat warfare with
thotm old parties U there man in our
rank who wouli be found playing back
and forth 'twist our ranks and thilra
with a tittle whUh raf on a stick to
show ha wat not quite an enemjr
If so I ak the brother with whom 1
joy the pleasure of thinking aiiite
politically, don't aeod him out on the
foray thUfalt, Uaa Llut la the camp
with th dog and pooUe,
Now just a llitla more. plea. To
thoaa who get P cotnislttao. loa i
prune tur IJeaa oaa hi U order to
often the wrath of wmo tulikwarm
oUr, It saa aay, w r g-Jag u
have lots of saw tec rut U this tall, and
fou kaow ae convert thinks kt pf
his Nt faith. "
Nof Mk)UjOatboic for gover
or t woaW prefer on of Nebraska'
What Prevents Begulority of Work and
Commercial Certainties.
Inequitable Obligation Which Regularly
Cause Failure. Liquidation and
Cessation of Work.
The Canae of Financial Panic.
(Continued from last week )
I have shown above something of the
growth of invested fortunes under the
law of interest. Let us take a further
survey and consider for a moment the
effect of this Increase. The more capi
tal 'l saved the more there is to bear
interest, hence burdens forever Increase
The wealth of the world is an inverted
pyramid, the misplaced base of which
becomes more unwieldy day by day.
The interest-bearing capital increases
in a ratio which is ever growing more
and more rapid. It is a very well
established fact or rather law of
economics, that the power of producing
wealth decrease in reference to the
labor expended, after a certain limit is
reached. It Is called the law of dim
inlshing returns.
After a certain Axed lhnlt Is reached.
the return which land yields to the
application of additional labor is com
paratively less. AH wealth is produced
by the application of labor to land. We
have, then, under the law of interest,
liabilities more and more rapidly In
creasing and asset arrowine proportion
ally less. The inverted pyramid be
come more and more unstable. No
thinker worthy of the name will uphold
a law which implies such a flat contra
diction of the precepts of nature, and
necessarily keep the world forever
tottering on the brink of bankruptcy.
Wealth cannot be produced with suf
ficient rapidity to keep pace with the
demands of interest. The loaned capi
tal of the world must necessarily, then,
absorb all wealth, and the money lender
becomes possessed of all the capital on
earth. Land Is subject to the right of
private property, and may also become
absorbed by the money lender, The
laborer will then be at the absolute
mercy of the capitalist. Deprived of
land In his own right, he must use the
wealth of another. Under the law of
wagef, all that he produces more than
is barely sufficient to keep him alive
must go to the capitalist in interest
and to the land owner in rent. He
must take the terms offered to him and
live on wnat he is allowed by his
masters. If his master does not wish
him to live at all, the worker has noth
ing to do but to break the law or die.
The man undertaking business must
use the wealth and land of the capital
ist, or he must collect Interest oa hi
own, in addition to the amount set
apart for profits. If any capital used
In business collects interest, all capital
used In business must bear interest; for
If a business man could command as
large an inoome by lending hi capital
and running no risks as he could by
engaging la active business, he would
not engage In active bus inoss. Ills ob
ject la becoming an active business
man u to gala both profit and interest,
and hi venture falls of it obiect if ha
doa not succeed In gaining both.
Beside serving our present purpose,
this will justify my first claim aa to tha
amount of interest-beaming capital In
the couitry. If a business man employs
labor, that tabar produce the wealth
hloh l given in interest. If he U
Imply a laborer employing hi own
eapiul, at ara so many small fanner,
be nut make hi lahjr produce Inter
est a well aa prodt. or he Iowa aUbr
time or !utrW Only capital dlulpat
d la uiJertakleg or allow,
rd f 1! IJle fulls to riat i Interest, and
now this la totally lost.
With such a mast of lnwrt.buiBg
ctltl, 1 U any wUr that tha wealth
of the world would aoon aocumu'at ia
lb lands of the ft U la not surpris
ing that eighty pef cent. f the wealth
tuu would dUappcar la a gtueratioa.
The har m or large fortuar will al
ready have bean doaa as awa aa Inter
est and Teat taking ar dropped, and
th worker of future feneration would
aot be arfaotad by tbesa end, bene would
pay ao atuatloa to their holder, That
of thlH country Is owned , by one two.
hundred-fortieth of the population.
Less than fifty thousand of the people
of this country own one half of the
country's wealth. The interest income
of these holders is moro tban sufficient
to met the demands of current desires,
and hence the interest-bearing capital
will be added to continually. Capital
lent and bearing interest steadily in
crease. A class of men is then formed
absolutely secure in the possession of
their property an aristocracy, a caste
founded on wealth. That class will In
time have absolute control as it will In
time own all the wealth. Its Income
will grow at least rapidly enough U
abiorb all the wealth which can possibly
be produced, no matter how rapidly
machinery can be Improved. The more
wealthy 'this caste become the greater
will be the number of people taken
from the producing class and retained
by the wealthy to attend to personal
wants, and the more the actual pro
ducers will be ground down.
" The rent charged for the land, by prl
vate Individuals Is the counterpart ot
interest, yet it may be attacked on a
different principle. It has even lea
excuse for being than ha interest tak
lng. The two charge are interdepen
dent; destroy one and you would do
much to destroy both.
Person may' pronounce it .strange
that the world ha waited until this
day and generation to discover the
wrong of interest taking. The fact Is,
it ha not ' Many important discoveries
have been pot off until the nineteenth
century, but not this one. Plato and
the whole line of Greek philosophers
poke against it, either dlractly or by
implication. The Neoplatonlsts con
demned it The Old Testament is full
of law against It; lai that .volume the
takers of usury (Interest) are placed In
the same catalogue as thieves and other
malefactors. .The Jew obeyed this
law, They did not think of practising
interest taking among themselves.
They practised it on Gentiles on the
principle that a Gentile has no rights
which a Jew is bound to respect. The
hatred of Jews in the middle ages was
largely due ' to their Interest-taking
propensities. Here are a few . refer
ences taken at random that will settle
for the curious the Old Testament view
of Interest taking: Deut. xxiil.19; Neh.
v. 7; Ezekiel xviii., etc, (
The prejudice against the Jen for
interest taking and the views ot
medieval Christians on the subject are
well set forth in the pages of Shake
speare. The conversation of Antonio
and Shylcck is known to everybody.
"Wbendld friendship tak a breed of
barren metal from a friend? I neither
lend nor borrow by giving nor by tak
ing of excess," was the position of
Antonio on interest taking, It was the
view of the Christians of the time,
seemingly fully shared by Shakespeare.
The wrltinf sof the fathers of the church
are full of argument against interest
taking. Right down to the time of
Duns Scotua that was the doctrine
preached by Christian philosophers.
Thb school of French philosophers
which culminated ia Proudhoa all
argued against Interest taking. They
did ndt attack the practice at It moat
vulnerable point, and thus fell short of
demonstrating the falsity of the princi
ple on which it 1 founded, and their
w rlting failed f lasting practical effect
Interest taking then, waa a! way doubt
ed bv some of the best and most un
trammelled minds of the world. It has
always buen kept an open question, and
taking sides agaUst tt i no presump
tion. I hope that I hate demonstrated
that Interest taking la wrong,
Destroy interest taking, and a.1 men
would work together In harmony. Ia a
coamunlty where io hoarded fortune
could last more than a alngi geort
lion, all would be obliged to work.
When each man was obliged to do hi
hare of prodjctlre work, he would
soon Cad that he aod hi hroihe- could
woik to greater ttdvautage together
than apart, eves U combining thlr
capital, t.rtat cotupaeie would be
fotmid In whist lha worker would al
so be the atcck holder. Wt should
h no problem of overgrow a fortune
and qua.'14 want. Crate to give the
Aaioe family rent aed Interval, and
their ( woU W tulU fear !.
I'eleaa lU poaaaaaora than rowaaaU'l to
tall la the arm? f prodncar, that for
rCai!aaf4 ms at ra )
Tha American Nation I No Longer a
, Democracy,
The Men Wh Would Secure the At
tention of the Nation a?.d Speak
for Them Are Arrested, Con
vlcted and Sentenced.
Congrtae and the Court fur the Rich
We give balow the address which Mr. Cover'
Commandsr ot the Commonweal, tried In vain
to deliver on th step ot the Capitol at It ash
Inglou, May 1st. it 1 a manly, reasonable,
patriotic appeal for tha rights ot oppressed
American citizens, . It is a plea lor liberty, (or
the help absolutely necessary through nation
al legislation to restore millions ot the long
orpresed poor to their rightful Inheritance
and Independence, ' It Is eloquent. , It 1 pa
thetic, , It will move men who have heart.
It will be answered at the ballot box next
November, and In '98.
The men, the legislators, who refused to
hear Mr, Coxey plead for the unemployed and
destitute, set the police oa him and arrested,
tried and convicted htm for th sole oflsnre-to
them, snd to plutocracy whose corrupted ser
vants they are of attempting peaceably to
k peak for t he rights of men. Citizens of Amer
fct, consider well what all tbbgindicates and
fareehadows. Editor blth Makebs.
The constitution of the United State
guarantee to all citizens the right to
peacefully assemble and petition for re
dress of grievances, and furthermore
declares that the right of free speech
shall not be abridged. , ? : , . :
We stand here today to test these
guarantee of cur Constitution. We
choose this place of assemblage, because
it is the property of the people, and if
it be true that the right of the people
to peacefully assemble upon 4heir own
premise?, and utter their petitions, ha
been abridged by the passage, of law
in direct violation of the Constitution,
we are here to draw the eyes of the
entire nation to this shameful fact.
Here rather than any other spot upon
the continent it Is fitting that we should
come to mourn over our dead liberties
and by our protest, arouse the imperiled
nation to such action as shall rescue the
Constitution and resurrect our liberties.
Upon these steps where we stand has
been spread a carpet for the ryal feet
of a foreign princess, the cost of whose
lavish entertainment was taken from
the public Treasury without the consent
or the approval of the people. Up these
steps the lobbyists of trusts and corpo- j
rations have passed unchallenged on
their way to committee rooms, access
to which we, the representatives of the
tolling wealth-producers, have been de- J
nled. We stand here today in behalf
of millions of toller whose petitions
have been buried in committee rooms,
whose prayers have been unresponded
to, and whoso opportunities for honest,
remunerative, productive labor have
been taken trom them by unjust legis
lation, which protect idler, specula
tors, and gamblers; we come to remind
the Congress here assembled of the
declaration of a United States Sinstor,
'that for a quarter of a century the rich
hav been growing richer, the poor
poorer, and that by the cloae of th)
present century the middle class wt.l
have disappeared aa the struggle for
e xlstence become fierce and relentless.'
We tnd her to remind Congn sof
It promise of returning prosperity
should the sherinaa act be repealed.
We stand here to declare by our march
of over 400 tulles through difficulties
and distress, a march unstained breves
the slightest act which would bring the
blush of shamo to any, that we are law
abiding cltUena. and a men our actions
apeak louder than wori. W ar here
to petition for legislation which will
furnish employment for ry nan ail
and willing to work; for legUlatlon
which will bring universal proetttrlty
aad emancipate nir country
from financial bondage tit the lced
ant ol King tieorge, W have com to
thonly aouro which U compek-at to
aid the people la their day of dt dU-
trea. Wa are here to toll our t:ur-1
ntatlve, who hold their by
grace of w: balloU, that the straggle
for ttWUav ha brwme too fierce, ad
talent!, W come to throw up our
det8telM hand, and ay, help or w
d our lovad on nual pari. We
are ag:4 leabltur and rrul war
with the ! of all ruaaktad-a wi
with huagar, wratoheda, and des
pair, aad we k Congrau to ht4 our
NO. 49
petitions and issue for the nation' good
a sufficient volume ot 'the same kind of
money which carried the country
through one awful war and saved the
life of the nation.
In the name of justice through whoso
impartial administration only the pres
ent civilization can be maintained and
perpetuated, by the power of the Con
stitution of our country upon which the
liberties of the people must depend,
and In the name of the Commonweal of
Christ, whose representative we art,
we enter a most colemn and earnest
protest against this unnecessary and
cruel usurpation and tyranny, and this
enforced lubjugation of the right and
privilege of American citizenship.
We have assembled here la violation of
no just law to enjoy the privilege of
every American citizen. We are now
under the shadow of the Capitol of this
great nation, and ia the presence of our
national legislator are refused that
dearly bought privilege, and by force of
arbitrary power prevented from carry
ing out the desire of our hearts which
Is pltdnly i granted undor the
magna charta of our national liberties.
We have coma here through toll and
weary marches, through storms and
tempest, over mountain and amid the
trial of poverty and distress, to lay eur
grievance at the door of onr national
legislature and ask them In tha name
of Him whose banners we bear, in the
name of Him who plead for the poor aad
the oppressed, that they should heed
the voice of depalr and diatrea that is
now coming up from every taction of
our country, that they should consider
the conditions of the starving unem
ployed of our land, and enact such lawe
a will give them employment, bring
happier condition to the peopl and
the fmiie ot contentment to our cltiwa.
Comlag a we do with peace and good -will
to men, we shall nbrait to theso
law, unjust a they are, and obey this
mandate of authority of might, which
override and outrage the law of right.
In doing o, we appeal to every peace
loving citizen, every liberty-loving man
or woman, every one in whoao breast
the fires of patriotism and love of coun
try have not died out, to afslst u In our
efforts toward heUnp I anrs anil imumi!
benefit. j, s Coxev.
Commander ' of ' the Commonweal of
' ChrlSt. - ' - ."
The Ball Started. Keep It Rolling.
Imperial, Neb. , May 5, 1 994.
Editor Wealth Makers:
The thought has occurred to me, that
Independents, throughout the state,
could do a great amount of good to onr
cause by the following means: That la
this. Each member take it upon him
self to furnish gome Republican or
Democrat ot hisjicqaalnianca wlt a
copy of The Walth Makibs, select
ing some one who is quite prominent in
public affair, aid at the same time
rather "on the fenoe," as the saying is.
Or, to make the thing more easy, a
time are hard, let sereral chip in to
gether, and hare Thi Wealth Mas
ers mailed to some 'neighbor for a;
least tlx month. I ksow of seroral
good men in my county, who, I believe,
could be nade good Independents In
thi way.
Tan Wealth Makers la brim full
of good sound reading, and It placed
within the reach of them, would make
many old part men change tnelr view,
or at least aet them to thinking, W
know, from iperleooe, that too many
old party men only read old party pu
pert, and (but their eye and rote the
ticket, never dreaming but what they
are doing the right thing, all on account
of lack of understanding the political
queatlon of the tlsses, which I l:npo
albl If they only read the old pay
I aaeloM herewith 11 00 for which Jou
will plea aand Tut WsULTit M iKa
totbaclo4aUre, to start the
ball rolling. Your for tktory,
- A. N. a, -:
There is great wisdom la th above
plan. It U aot ahootiag at random. It
t working coeiiuatcally. The taraful
aalactloa of opea mladad KapuhHeaa
and lsuoarat aad platlag Tit
Wealth Makkr ia thalr for a
taw moathe will do great Ihlag for our