May 10, THE WEALTH MAKERS 7 CONDITION OK TKADE. Movement of MrrrliamlUt- Hui-.ll The Indus! rial itu:ti:m. Xew Yokk, May 7. J !;-ad street's Aa.,ii . S . . . . . .... I . .. .na The movement of jjoiK-ral merchan dise throughout the con u try is smaller in volume. Spriny trade i finished, and orders for fall delivery, with few exceptions, are not meeting expecta tions. Jobbers in leading lines at all the larger cities report sales almost without exception as of a hand-to-motith description. The extension of the coal and coke strike, ur-eompan-ied by riots ut Cleveland, and Mesaba, has emphasized the 'depres sion. The industrial situation, there fore, has not improved. Strikes of iron ore miners, anions? Imiidintr : VradcH, with an extension of the coal ! miners' striice, and the iilmost total cessation of operations in the coko regions, have swelled the total num-i ber of idle industrial workers to fully i S1.",K)(. Shut-downs of industrial I concerns dependent on eoke or soft coal for fuel, arc increasing, notwith standing an attempt of coal operatives to get together t arrange u basis of settlement. HARRISON OUT OF IT. Tim Kx-President says lie In Not n Can didate for l're!leut. Nkw Yokk, -May 7. Kx-I "resident Harrison arrived in Jersey City by the Pennsylvania railroad yesterday after noon. Mr. Harrison says his visit to the city is on private business. "1 have been misquoted hy the newspapers, mid the attempt to give any political coloring to my visit here is unwarranted. My law practice is taking up all my time, ami I have no thoughts of politics." "Have you any idea of becoming :v caudidutc for the presidency in IrtiiV.''' was 4,I have not," replied General flarrl soti, in nn emphatic manner. To I ) noli a ITniteit Stiito Mnrliil. Dil.irTii. Minn., May 7. --Marshal Free tried t sHress a disUirbawe among some striking miners at Mount Iron last evening, when Mat Matson threatened him with a revolver. The Marshal promptly shot him twice in the abdomen and he will probably le. Word of the anair was sent, to the strikers 4 Virginia, and a wvob f J. , stnrtoU for Mount iron with tie ttVAtvticl intention of lyiveliing Free. Mo to a a ."nrTragB im.Ikii Opened. Ka.s "tv. K u ii., May 7. -The first srsskm of the emial sufl'niffe Tass iwi-tmjj- was held in the. J''iftli Street miMrt.-u lioiise in Kansas Jit v. I Kan , lat might. The purpose of the meetieg is' to stiniiilate interest in favr T the universal suffrage aiaend nieiit iww pi'iiding before the Kansas legislature. Susan IS. Anthony and He v. Aunut Shaw were the principal Thirty 4!uvn of Kniall 1'ox at AfKrlmin. Awkiwx, Kan.. May t. Tb small pox xare in this city is seri ous pi'prlions. There are no' about thirty cases iu the t-itv mostly con fined to the colored districts. So far butome death has been reported. Mr. McAllister, wife of a colored lii.boivr, res:di).T.g on !' street, South Atchison. Millie lor Senator. . IVwisi.o, Col., May 7. It isolated oi reliable authority that attVw meet ing of ifhe Populist state central com mittee held here Saturday it was unabMnously agreed that J. AYnrnef Milk shwiild receive the musiiiiation .for the goveriiship and tiweruor Weitc! for the United .States seriate and Ueiprcscutativc iiell ( noceed Jiimself. karKN of Ktiiitey.zlemut MUn. Piirtaiiuo, Pa.. May 7- Mure charges uf cmbezzlouu'iit have been made against members of the Order of Nolan. 1!. P. Jteaty, the ex-supreme secretary of the order, and Y. Over, ex-chairuian of the supreme trustees, were arrested charged with the .em liezzleiweut of nearly 7,0(10 of the society's funds. fxi-pi'iiter t uvi'lel. Alma, h'nu.. May 7. After a lung and hard-fought trial, occupying the entire wek, Jeremiah Carpenter was convicted of murder in .the first de gree, the jury being out but forty minutes. Carpenter was implicated in the mimter of 1'eter Mulenbaeker, a wealthy IJeriiian. on March 17, last. Hallway Depot Itunied. r.iu:cKiM:nxiE, Mo., May ".The ilaunibal and St. .lis- railroad depot at 1 his place, was destroyed by tire last night. All the company's luniks ex cept those of late date now being used were lost; also till the local book of the Adams' express company. On the . o'clock tea table a new ar ticle in cut glass hcautiticK and serves a purpose. Half pitcher and half bot tle in form it holus the alcohol re ijuired for the spirit ltiiup. A ATMTO Wanted. l.lorl "alary III I" 1 1 I J '! Athoineortolravel. it M Bali I W IVhui luui"lid free O VitKKUV. AHtfuata. Me To tha mod ol Bed. Apple via tho Missouri I'tolflo route Feb. lit, for ona fare for tho round trip good SO dayr. Call on Phil Daniels. C. 1. & T. A. 1201 O street LliiIn. Nh HOMESE&KER'S kXCURSlONS One rr for the Round Tt!p. Te'l your Mend In tha t that on May o and ', tho HarllrigUiO route will e.i rouod trip lliB' a the one-way rat to point In Nebakt. Ksosa, oatero C'lo aJo, Southweotern t outh lukuU and northern Wyomltjy. Tltbete eie fond fnr tenty day; liner t4)n-over d will N on lata at all t'alM'ai !( :th Muiouil Ulver. .! iRAWCia, tJ. P A T, A , Uurtlnf'.on lU)it, oaiaha, Neb. Call on (!co, Ni'.vermaa & Po. (or carrUfte, tragon. blndert, and nil farm Implement. We'll ua you rljjhV. Ua NortbMUra Una to Chkmct Lowratet, it tmlni, OSoi 111 O A V Olft NATIONAL PLATFORM. The People's Party Platform Adopted at Omaha July 4, 1802. Assembled upon the HGth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, the Teople's party of America, tn their first national convention, invoking upen their action the blessings of Almighty God, puts forth in the name and on be half of the people of thia country the following preamble and declaration of principles: PREAMBLE. The conditions which surrouild ua best j ustlf v our co-operation. We meet in the midst of a- nation breught to the verge of moral, .political and material mln. Corruption dominates the ballot box, the legislatures, the congress, and touches even the ermine of the bench. rho people are demoralized; most of the states havo been compelled to iso late the voters at the polling places to pre veatunlversal intimidation or bri bery Tho newspapers are largely sub sidized or muzzled, publio opinion illcDced; business prostrated; our homes covered with mortgages; labor impover ished and the land concentrating in tho hands ct capitalists. The urban work men are denied tho right of organisa tion for eelf protection; imported pau perized labor beats down their wages, a hireling standing army, unrecognized "jy our laws, is established to shooj them down; and they aro rapidly de generating into European conditions. Tho fruits of the toil of millions aro boldly stolen to build up colossal for tunes for a few, unprecedented in the hostory of mankind; and the possessors of the?e, in turn, desplso the republic and endanger liberty. From the 6arae nrolific womb of governmental Injustice we breed tho two great classestram pe and millionaires. The national power to create money Is appropriated to en rich bondholders. A vast public debt, j payable in legal tender currency, has oeen funded into gold-bearing bonds, thereby adding millions te the burdens of the people. Silver, which has been accepted coin 6ince the dawn of history has been demonetized to add to the purchasing power of goll by decreasing the rluo of all forms fi property as well as hu man labor,'nd the supply of currency is purposely abridged to fatten usurers, bankrupt enterprise aud enslave indus tries. A vast conspiracy against man kind has been organized on two conti nents and it ia rapidly taking possession Of the world. If not met aad. 'Over thrown at once, it forebodes terrible social convulsions, the deptrciction of civilization or the establishment of an absolute despotism. We hare witnessed for more than quarter of -century the -struggles of the two great political parties for power and plunder, while griev ous wrongs have been inflicted upon a suffering people. We -charge that tbeeontrolllng influences dominat ing both these parties have .permitted. the existing dreadful condition to4e velop,vrithoutseriouj efforts to pre-vent otj restrained. Neither 4o they-now promise as ny substantial reform. They hive agreed together "to ignore, in the coming campaign, every Issue but one.. They propose to -drown the outcries of plundered people with the uproar of a efcam battle over the tariff, so that capitalists, corporations, nation al banks, riife. trusts, watered etock, the demonetisation of silver mad the oppressions of the usurers ay all be lost sight of. They propose to sacrifice our homes, liv-ee and childrea o the altar of mammon; to destroy the multi tude in order to secure corruption funds from the millionaires. Assembled a the anniversary of the birthday, of the nation and , filled with the spirit of the grand generation which established our independence, we seek to restore the government of the republic to the hands of "the plain people," with whom it originated. 3 We assert our purposes to be Identical with the purposes of the national con stitution: "To form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domes tie tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourt !v es and our posterity." Wo declare that this republic can only endure as a free government while built upon the love of the whole people for each other and for the catUm; that it cannot le pinned together by bayonets; that the civil war is orer and that ttt-ry pamilon and rctinlment which grew out of It mubt d'.o with it, and that we must be In fact s we are In came, the united brotherhood of free men. Our rountry Ends itnelf confronted by condition for which there U no prece dent in the h'.itory of Uo world; our annail agricultural productions amount lo billion -f dol'ars lu value, which nun wltULt a few weeks or months I oicbangvd for billions of dollars of com oiudllSes tortHUiaed In tticlr production; the rtUt'uj cirrency supply U wholly 1'i.v!ihb'. ti traka trl e.v baoge; the rtnulti aw falling prices, tint fotmatloa i.f co'lUiu' and ill.; and tho In i.vri UhiUfD. of the prod.u:!cg t!&. V? pledge. oumwIyc tha If glfti (Hiwcr. a will JW to correct these uvi't I-,. .io and ifMonu'nlu kgi t!on la nccordaatM with the urnii of cir i,'.atforro. We blU? tha 'te itfM of )ivrsiMent- la tthn orJ, of tho pctiple -nlould h upanded as la th: ewe of tl pota' service) as rapidly and as far aa the good senso of an intelligent people and the teachings of experience shall justify, to tho end that oppression, injus tice and poverty shall eventually cease in the land. While our sj mpathics as a party of reform aro naturally upon the side of every proposition which will tend to make meat intelligent, irtuous and temperate, we neveitheles3 regard these questions,-important as they are, as secondary to the great issues now pressing for solution, and npon which not only our. individual prosperity, but the very existence of free institutions depend; and we ask all men to first help us to determine whether we aro to havo a republic to administer, before we differ as to the conditions npon which it is to be administered. Believ ing that the forces of reform thia day organized will never cease to move forward until every wrong is remedied, and equal rights and equal privileges securely established for all mon and .rncn of the country, therefore . WE DECLARE i?st That tho union of the labor ftjfces of tho United States, this dsy consummated, shall be, permanent and perpetual. May its spiritenter into all hearts for tho salvation of the republic and the uplifting of mankind. Second -Wealth belongs to him who creates it, and every dollar taken from industry without an equivalent is rob bery. "If any will not work, neither nhall he eat." The Interest of rural and civic Jabor are the same; their ene mies Identical. Third We believe that the time has come when tne railroad corporations will cither own the people or the ppople mug. own the railroads, and should the government enter upon the work of owning and managing any or all rail roads, we should favor an amendment to the constitution by which all persons engaged in the government service shall be placed under a civil service regulation of the most rigid character; so as to prevent the increase of the power of the national administration by ttiiaseof such additional government, employees. PLATFORM. We demand a national -currency, safe, sound and flexible, Issued by the gene ral government sly, a full legal tender for all debts, public and private, and that without the use of banking corporations; that a just, -equitable and efficient means of distribution direct to the people, at a tax ot to ex ceed two per cent, per annum, to be provided, tet forth In tbe subtreasury plan of the Farmers' Alliance, or some better system; also by payments in dis charge of Its obligations for public im provements. We demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio -of If! te I. We demand that the amotrat of circu lating medium be speedily increased to not less than 150 per capita. We demand a graduated income tax. We believe that the moneys of the country should be kept as much as pos sible in the hands of the people, and hence we -demand that all state and national revenues shall be limited to the necessary expenses of tne govern ment, economically and honestly ad ministered. We demand that postal savings banks be established by the government, for the safe deposit of the earnings of the people, and to facilitate exchange. Transportation being a means of ex change and a public necessity, the gov ernment should own and operate tbe railroads in the interest of the people. The telegraph and telephone, like the postofflce system being a necessity for transmission of news, should be owned and operated by the government in the interest of tho people. Tbe land, including all the natural resources of wealth, is the heritage of all the people, and should not be mono pollztdfor speculative purposes, and alien ownership of land should be pro hibited. All lands now held by rail roads and other corporations in excess of their actual need, and all lands now owned by aliens, should be reclaimed by the government and held for actual settlers only. North We atom Una Palaoa 8lepe) and Fast Chicago Train Borvlee. A palace car for Llnoolo HOiio lr dow attached dally lo tho Chlcao lira I ted, lr-avlnf Lincoln at 1:33. Ho bettoi service, lowest rates. Kor ticket, berth reservations etc. call at city office 183 O street, or depot Cor, S and 8th streets. U North western Htio to Chlcaiji l w rates. Kat trains. Office lUi OSt. Tho Opnlt hotel le hf adquarler ol V. II. Itech, DlvUloa Comrosbdtir ol th AucUnt Urvlcr of loysl America. a K-kjoS. W. U. Dkcu. Ho Deal to gal lo St. Taal end the Great Noitawet t. Stirtrlfht. Ihcro Is but one tilwi ijtHO line, To leave l.lnst!n by other road I U ts) turned oter lo the orlh A'ctkrn l!o enroute, Hon that you uartonOie "Nor th WesU-ra" by ue dhaalnB1 ticket of Ma rjreaentnUvei. A, W, KWUlojr City Tkitt AgtnV 111 it, iOth, St, K. T. i'twro at duxit cr ne.r Mb and ii streets. t'es KorthweaUra Ua to Coicafo, Low raws, Faet trains. Cff.ce lmOSk BOOKS FOR THE MASSES. Get these books and our paper as fast as you can into the hands of the ptople, friends, Buy, read and clrcalate. Address all orders to the Wealth Makkr9 Puii. Co., Lincoln, Neb. Civilization's Inferno, BTD.O. FLOWER. Studies la the social cellar. . A dniple. thrilling report of whatTb Arena editor loniml upon with his own eyes in tbe tenement district of Boston. A boon which nmt greatly startle and arouse men. Cloth 11.00, paper SO eenti. Leoking Backward. BY ED WARP BELLAMY A book no one can fiord to miss reading. "It has revoluiiotifrMl the taouuht of tbe country s no other book has ever done." Translated into nearly all JCuropean lorguages. a most entertalnlne story that lew in the full ltrht of heaven on Urn great social problem. Millions have already read It. uloih 11,10, paper 60 cents. The Duties of Man. BY JOSEPH MAZZ1KI. The great Italian, whose heart embraced the world and whotte thought will never die. He uvea ana sunorea lor tne industrial ana politi cal emancipation of the masses. Tostpaid, IS cents. Ten Men of Money Island. BY COL. S. P NORTON. Another book tn scatter everywhere. It Is the money and money question made simple Must Interestingly initrurllve. Eighty-eight pages. Foet paid, 10 cents, it tor 26 cents, Errors in Our Monetary system and the Remedy, BY MAUY E. UOBART. 25 cents. We have not yet seen this boi. but th editor of The Coming Nation Tory strongly recommends It. v "The D -gsand tho Flea's" i? This book lutliostrontfefit piece of isUHcat and allegorical writing which has yet ;rtbMr ed ojjali'xt the form of oppre don aart vll. The doits represent the workers and the flei the blood sucking monopol sis. The etbk-st force thestjryls Rioat a d drspoUn pwr and greod get a fearful shultlna up Vf 'hlx to us previously unhtard of autbor. Dotiirl&tj Mo- ' Galium. Tbe book is finely tlluntravod wltb numerous cartoons, ri uo in paper, j cents. ' Al; A Social VUion. I A new book by a powerful ethlil novelist. Charles K. Daniel, of i'hlildelplila. published hy the Arena l'ubllthinK C'. bhuld be In every true man's library. Full l the new i thought of this time of social awaUeulnff and 'questioning. In laper, W cents UrdurtUrougb us. London Money Power; the Great Red Dragon By I,. B. "oolfolk, I). D. Xew and revised edition. Price In paper, 50 cents. , The New Redemption. This book by Rev. Oeorgo D. Ilerron, U. T Professor of Applied ClirlHiL.tiHy in lown Col lege is virtually a new discovery of both the law aud tbe gospel, an uncovering of the truth from accumulated temole rubulttk, -the truth wblch alotw can save tbe Individual nA socletyr It is tbe gospel of love in action, tbe industrial, commercial traspcl a distinguished frqm a Sunday gospel. In cloth binding, 37B A Plea for the Gospel. This book, by tbe same author as the prered Ins. Is a most st-srcblng examination of the preaching and work of tbe church, Same price s anove, ocen's. CTOCKWKIX a mAti BOY. Twenty-three slde vj isiiuioc aimoKuei. J-"Kn ana (trow iu, flontr. Isaa ana trsnikoitiiuon In broken, dines. Warranted to wake mora fof ollits to t iquare Inch than anything In print. Points for Thinkers fcnoefcstbeO.t .K slllr. Uovernnient Ownership of Bsllrosds psmlyies '. 10 cents each i lbs audio), (KwtpaM, Mr U eats Irua this mc. A Co-operative Commonwealth. BY LAWRENCE GSOWLDXD. A book for aU wbo believe tbe competitive commercial straggle should be superseded by a Hunt economic system of production and a is trlbutlon. A book also for those wbo believe competition necessary. Postpaid, paper corers weenie. , The Railroad Question, ' JJY WM. LARRABEE. The matter presented in the 4W pages of this book, drawn from all the American and iCuro eaa literature bearing on the railroad prob em, is most valuable. Read this book and you will be thoroughly informed on one of tbe great over-shadowing questions of the day. Cloth 11.50. The Seven Financial Conspiracies BY MRS 8. E.V.EMKKV This little book, which has had largest circula tion ana innueuoe in the Farmers Alliance, shows how the Money Power has gathered lis vast plunder A book to sow broadcast over the land. Post paid, 10 cts. , S for 35 cts., 7 for 60 cent. Six Centuriee of Work and Wages. , BY J. E. THOROLD ROGERS, M P. Abridged with chart and summary. The facts and the thought summarv of six lares volumes. A historic collection of most valuable infor mation bearing on the present crisis, by Rev. W. U. P. Blits. Introduction by Prof. & T. fay of the State University of Wisconsin. Paper, 2& cents. Peopl'ea Party Campaign Literature. We have received from Headquarters at Washington the following list of campaign literature which can be ob tained at prices given by writing to Headquarters for It: 1 I I I t n 2 s It I I - Analysis of tbe Vi one) Question" - ay ben tor Jobn P. Juna.... The Kcleuos ol oney II y nenator IV 111. M Stewart .sr. for lioo .or. 11 on ii ss s co .! 40 7ft I 00 .0 6f I 1.1 3 00 .03 63 I to SO .01 Ml I 6li t Ml i .04 V I flu 1 00 .os w t iaj I ! N H: I hi t hi (W J tJ I in Coining the S ragr IJy 'euator Hlewarl Iuh and Hslei.f lloudn Hy : senator ivio, v. Allen Miiih- gueaiinn from I-Kji Hiaiiiiixnin Hv neuator M IU V Allen The Mnui-J Que loll My H-Dator Wtit A l'rff.-r U.e Tax 1) l.afe l'ci,. M Pree.'oibsgeof Oliver Hy I. ale ivin r, M. tti'iiod aud Miil Mnry Hy J-bi, I b M n y gu t u iiy Jerry eimin M v.,..' The above Is only a partial list, Olhrtrt will ims added as sisin ai out Tliest (chea ary furnished at cnt and W4 t-ariu-ally rtqu.t that ait ttato, county ard local oommltUra, aUi all I'oopld's Party Clulw, l,igton, am! I V tv pin's party voUr at-t In fln.u'ilnif thli liu rauift'. Itlstlu lmt Ua Ui a Uani'a our cauno yet ad)ttd Acataluifuo containing1 a citnpVo list of rt'forro bmjke, iauti'ti!U, newt papier, ro , will tM aunt out from hoa I-quart-rs at an ear!? day. &ed one o ol stamp far aaine, fck nd aU orders to Started; J. II., WOP no. Ac. II. K, TAt'nr.xtu u. Cbalrmaa. J. II, Tt RMKR, HcrUry. RATIONAL ... BUSINESS COLLIOK. "HI ALTO BLD'G., NEXT TO POST' , OFFICE," Kansas City, Mo. 1 Most Practical Business College In the j west, bboitband, l ypt-writing, sooa keeping and I'elegrapby. Shorthand I by Mall. Three lessons free. Send for 1 our SPECIAL SUMMER OFFER. 14 KARAT GOLD PLATE (IT THIS OCT nd ntntt it to Oi wlni your iuiii nnU stl-li fHi ami win! .u thlaWMU-n tv vxpnn turexKmlimttun. Allviruifi fut t Inn mill rniln sm l-tlJI-IH HJIlt With It, Y"MX siulua It and If Juti IW"t 1 a burn. n par ear mumpi. urlcfl, 1. -ft. Mid it Is your. It Is iMiuutlfuilv riiiri-ntr. nil wsri'anii-d tho bent tlm rfM-prr In th World fortlii money and equal In apiMar nvr Ut a gi-niilna Solu 'I., Id W.teh. Wrlia to.l.v i hi. olfur will nut Skui THE NATIONAL MFG. & IMPORTING CO., 334 DEARBORN STREET, Chicago. III. La dndrying Shirts VIADE EASY wlih Ore Iter's prlng and Uslebet Oisom Hoard. A shut fr-'Ll Is stretched like a drum head and as straight as a ribbon. While you an Ironing the Springs aro Pulling No wrinkles nor crooltrd places ponslble. full Instructions for starching, polishing, etc., with each board, hunt by express on receipt of the price, Si.w. Agents wuuieu. E. OREWIIER, Upper Sandusky, O. When writing please mention Wealth Makers. make hair grow on bnld bead. and on bare faces. It stimulate and Invlvor HtHtniom.o ki,s wn.i. It Is safe, sure, certain. Trwled forSO years, If It falls nvney will berviurned. 'rge metal cases Piice.Sl.8ll, n 1 1 II III? UC1I TV A wonderful cjsmetlc rlil II DtfllH cures Hmplea,Freck DilLlJ. las and AL'. facial Imnerfertlons. white.-is. sofisns aril actually traiisforms tbe tiio.t n.v.-t nd niuddy Pumplexum. If makes tnnomejy imncwoine, uneiiuauea auu eaie, 11 HKT far WdnysjBlv we offer afu'isiw ,a tujl caan'ot f arntiaura. Prlco, for otiivPcenu. (Viilni of ,wiiitv for 30 cents tloth for only IrrvrMXiW- free and prepaid ,iywlk.r.i Ct'Jirs;e.; Aodrns . 'VHilM'V?-HtTidl, M. H i"n.ii( -. F-JVl, WQODS. Fine Stdck Auctioneer. 2030Bt., UlpcolTi, Tt-to FURNA8 COUNTY HERD r 3 BIG QERK HOGS AND Holsteln Cattle. Thirty-five sows bred for spring- farrow, four males of June farrow una a few fall pitfs at prices to suit the times. K.S WILLIAMSON, Beaver City, Neb DR. MCCREW ' le the only SPECIALIST WHO TBEATS ALL PRIVATE DISEASES and DEBILITIES of MEN ONLY. Wemen Eclusd. 18 rears esperienoe. Ciroolars free. 14 Ui and Famam 8ts . OauBA, V MypTyiRiE PERMANENTLY CURED pay KO PAY UNTIL CURED WE REFEK rO'J TO 8,000 PATIENTS. Write for Eana References . EXAMINATION FRCC. So Operation. Ho Detention from Business. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. THE O. E. MILLER CO., 307-308 N Y, Life Bldg., OMAHA, NEB. TO TRAVELERS Free Fiee Free Free. If you are about to make ft trip to north, northwestern Nebraska, the D'ack Hills country or central Wyom ing', to p 4nta In the two Dakota, to St. Paul, Minneapolis or Dulutu, or pt.lnU wrston the 1'ecltJo lines, to any polot In Minnesota, Wlwonsin, North em Illinois and Iowa, direct to Chicago tho cast and south, you can obtain I me of chargo at the rlty office. 1 33 O St. ',r (leiJtit. cornrr 8th anrt 8 tret, of Nor- li Vv rn lln. oompluto an-l re Ilablu Information of all oonm-etlona, raws eto. With WKO inll.-s of Iu own lint's In tho states named visitors to any of the ni can but serve their latvrtwta by patronizing tha Northwestern line. A. H. FtitDisa, City Ticket A ., 1 1 SI O street. YY. M. SUIPMAM, L'-t NorthwueUirn line to ('hkairo fvw ravs. last trains, Odlc 1U3 OHt, Tourists (torn Mlrntsi.ts Points. CotnmenHng Oo'oir 6th, a Tourla ear l.-avva Mliim aiK U erry Thurstlaj n-orntng and run l I u-1" and vis Albert l to t'olmni'tis dunotlnn, ar rlelng at 1 1 i)1 1, m, and thtra t mnwt with our J. H. I. A I. train N. 1,1 l U h will hold at that lHiInt (r ar rlvattfthU C It Ai N, tr!ti varry Inj that i?r, an I via KansaaCity arrive al I'lit bl't Njwmd tnornlrg, JWgtanleg 0ulscr IDih, Tourist car alll Albert In every I iijU nirel"g and run t MlnnreimlU A bt. Unils l(y through Afgu in IVa Moloti. arrUlnn tt night, and tber la 'Vr nd h Mken wee' on 'lllg Fl.a" Krl tlar inoriilng, and run vUUivahn, cidn aad Itallev 111 Ui I'uebla m I I 1 Jtll WO mmMk i Ii 1 Slebl'sv a f rtoubloAriing -.A A V l EeWor ttorar- Xtv f Br V I 1 linsOiillilaprwaot , l all iLMfaiifbtAWormr X l r I I I Fruit. Inumbayx li. A liyiald of all Krua anoVx-, JtT"" VI r VaRKUblo crop. Tnunt- I X ml I anriainna. UeodSoU fr IV ,J I l t cwal-xoe aad foil traUiss 1 fJL 9 M .J "ionaprsyiiif. Cimlarir. f 4 THfc KIRKWOOD Stwl o Wind o Esgistv. Has been In oae since 1SS3. lu lathe PI0NUK 871 Cl MILL, has BCAUTY. 81RENQTH, DV- bene th mill for you to buy. Tbousauss have uem I our oti Towrs Bave 4 angle steel corner posts, substantia! steel sins ai4 braees; not fence wire, Tbey are UOHT, illtOHO. SlKPll Jit C0NSWUCV0H. much t-bearei loa wood and will IsK a life time I Our mills aud towers era ACL BTKKL and are KL'UY UUAKANTKEl) Write for. prices an! circular,. Address, Mentioning tbf i paper. KIRKWOOD W1X0 EK8IXE CO.. Arkansas City Kansas. Pearl Steel Mill and Tower, t H SIMPLE. STRONG. DURABLE. (7111 run 29 years wlthtut ell. Will send lliem on 30 day,' letl trial. ana it not sutisinctory to tne pur t-hnser It em lie returned to us aud ws ssv frslahl both wsvi. Ws iflve the Urononiwirmnlyot any company in tne nusinoss. t nere by protoctlnff you utid your cua tonmr oif.ilnst loss in case of un accident. Write for full particulars ' and printed mutter. SDSSCSS BATAVIA WIN0 MILL CO., Batavls, Kane Co., M. f vr-lTo Make a Trip to the ,,. MJ Best Ajvantage It Is Ea f sentialto ; mm : : amni nioni. , If Going to Kansas Don't Call On Us, BUT IP COING TO CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, OSKOSH, SIOUX CITY ST. PA 01., M7LUTH, FREMONT, WORFOLK CKADROJT, HOTSPaiNGS.ItAPlDCITY, I)EADWOOI Anf4olnt In tho two Dskotns or OiiUul WyonwiK. call on ua, BaCaUSS) as tli Only LlnOiemnic 8fjCf to tiiuac sniJ inlrmcdi:W pouita on M Wfl h'" f"1" 01 "alli 11 ' tn SOBt W. M.SniPMAN, t. A. 8. FlELDIKO, en'lA?t. CltyT'kt. Agt. M7 8o. 10th St .Lincoln, Neb. Depot: Corners and 8th street r,. For Sale, A Five BOftSit POWaH" E.cctrlc Motor In food condition. Will bo solrf CHEAP if sold toon f7leO. TCILLy, Corner lltb&MS's.. Lixcoix, NB BEST LINE VQ ST. LOUIS AND IU1 n Great Rock IsiahdRodu WoatcjrC iMifer ' " . , , III TO THE EAST. IEST 019UX8 CAB SERVICE 131 THEWOSU I ho Kot k Island la trcro( tn adopt ing any advance calculated lo lm irutiMNHl and give that luxury, a?ety a'nl coiuftirt thkt HjpnUri'atri)nega tltw itmml It rijuiiitiumi U thoroughly oniiiiU't.i wl.h vt'lbttlid trains, tJisg-olfAc-nt dlntng car. lfM-r and c' air (-.HK-hf, all tuo nut elegant, and of rvo title Improved panrni. r'allfiil aid rapllo managi neat and jHiilU, ti'im-si wrv!t fria em ploytie ar ii.)Mriant l!om. They are a doubUt duty to thu t.mpay and to traveler and It Is anudtlaies lasli dRcult of MHxitttfti)hnitnt )'asn. gent no this line will omf iltlio tuusd foi nuniUlnt on that ground. Kvr f all iart kti a Ui UokcU, m pa, raue, aii'y Wany ctuma ticket wUcn In th UolM 8iau. Canada or Nfeiko or addreas: JNO, HatlAbTI AN, ttan'l Tsk A f. A s. ( t.-as lit, K IT. JOHN, Ua t Msusgsi. Caao,!tt. V r l!l!illiii!v;nii fa ; urn i Jtx'l