THE WEALTH MAKERS. May 10, 1S94 if t I ; i i. i ; i I : f ' ! i I HE DOCKED CONGRESSMEN THEY HATE TO GIVE UP FOR ABSENTEEISM. BUSY M-K1HG ALL SORTS OF EXCUSES It I New r.tprritnm tor Thrm sad Something They Have Not IW-ea A rcutfnil to- From Report M tar Mad the ltd union Will lie Small --H lier Lai WaaMngtoa New. , I tv.isinsflTOX, May 7.i onjgrcssiona salaries fur the month of April be- raine duo yesterday, h) morubers had tlielr first experience tvifu tho new procedure of "dockinir" for ab M-nleoinm. Up to Thursday uljrlit SJ3 members bad ft led their certificates showing the nuuibi'r of days, if any, they; had Wert absent. Yesterday iibout fifty tyore certificate wore put in, leaving' about 100 unrieeoiiuted for. In the certificate Ihu far received six days in the greatest number of absent day admitted by any member. The "dodtugu" for this, ut'sill.M and H mill per day, h 10. Tim gn at majority of the member certify thut lliey have not been aoseut at all, and the most of tho) who eertify absence limit tint period to ono or twoihiys. At till ruto this total reductions will lai hinall. The congressmen nro showing much uneasiness iu making out Mitt certifi cates, as thtei'o I nothing bevond their word of honor, to show how many day they have been absent. 'lliey Tcel reluctant to surrender a part of thuir solary and yet aro bound in Honor to report tlie day lor wjiieu deduction should be made. Homo of the certificate wcro written over on both sides, with Bpoiogiua and excuses for absent, members hopiuir in tliat way to secure tnclr full pay and yet admit absence. The sergcant-at-orm note only tha specific statements of iitiscnce and doe not attempt to puis judicially upon th bmg and labored excuses. The only excuse recognized by law in sickness, Uepresentatlvo V. A. Ktonn of IViiiiNvlvauia submitted to tins house, u minority report on tho (ueslion sub mitted by the judiciary committee us Ut the docking of salaries of member for abftenteelani. Tho majority re iwrt upheld the old law, uncle r which deduction for absenteeism arc now being made. Hut Mr, Ntono's report, concurred In by Representative Child of Illinois and L'pdegrafT of Iowa, re view the laws beurlng on congres sional salaries and concludes that sec tlon 40, under which deduction aro made, ha been repealed by impllca- t'0"' T1IK SUUAIt HOfSri'. tleprentatlv Dockery Introduce a Hteulutlon Repealing It. Washington, May 7.H ha been I'onoidered probable that In the eouro of thl seKNlon of tho bonne there might be an attempt inado to attach to one of the appropriat ions an amend ment providing for tho repeal of tho Ktijfar bounty cIiiuho of the MeKlnley. act There ha been hesitation about the matter amon? the Democratic members, as it mljrht be taken a an indication they had some doubts about paNainfr the tariff bill in the senate. Yesterday, however, Mr. Dockery, Democrat of Missouri, introduced the following" resolution, which was re ferred to the committee orx rule: Tbst o much ot tbn act entitled "n act to rnduo rovtmuo. equitl ic dtitlc tnd forothr jiirpfu.' " npiiroveil Ootolwr I, isuu, n pro viau for slid uithorli; tlm luiuo of IIbpimim to produvn autrar snil for ttiu niyinnt of a txMitity to tho prodwnr of nu sr from liccti, Horxlium or ouuo "oliu In th I'nlfd St:iii'i. ir from nuple ua produut'd within tho Vnltpd Slule lis uud t ho siimo l hurnlty rrpraleil to tuka ((!! t July I. iwil. and thurvuflvr It 1)0 unlawful to Uu9 any llcunm to produce KUHiir nrto puy uny bounty lor tho productloa tf KUifar of uny Uliid. undur tho isuij uct Quajr Coutluuc Ills Itcmark. Wasiiwotov, May ".The open scs- hion of the senate yesterday lasted until 3 o clock. Tho tlmo was coti' Mimed entirely by Mr. Quay, who (rave another chapter of his serial Mpccch on tho tariff. Mr. tialllnper rematred by lit side constantly, re lieving the l'ennsylvanlan at inter vals by reading such extracts as Mr. tjnay desired to Insert In his remarks. I'ommltiloaor to Antwerp ExpotHloa. Wasiiisoto!, May 7. Thd president has appointed the following eommis sloncrs to represent the United '.States ut tho Antwerp exposition: (ieorire V. ! y of Delaware; eoiumlkslouer peneral, 11. V. (iilbert, New York; A. K Kvvlng, lllinoU F. A. tiannon, Hulilti(ftin and Alphouo l.'Duo, J.ouUisua, l(lr and lUrltur lull. , Washinoto.v, Mny 7. Tho boimo yesterday devoted thw day to the eon Mderstlon of tho river and harbor bill, In tho evrnlng private penion bill were CMntildered, noue then at', journud till Monday, 1'uUuwluil Mwlh Sr. .loktiii, Mo., May 7. Some weeks stfoVUUuun !uiitti, a furmer residing JuU series the rlvor lu Kan 4s, i 'fir ad cd Mr, riil trauip by re fiiftlug them fttthl. h.iteo tht lime ho loii l.iit live head of v it'b, a dozen bead of hogs, an I vrlerd,ty tvhvit hi went Into liis tstatde he foun t lu o o( bU l t hoist dead in their MslU, All ltttH'k h bl i.ulwvn poisi'iied. lUlrtl I l ll Kill 4 Sf, .I.rn, M.v, May 7 -l.i-.t ti!ft Ul a str. sk f blue- lUiue shot into tin Mu.tiol ant Kansas telephone rv i haiire, and set Hi m to tlm svUt h lHrd. deslro.vbig alt vlieuiis. I'roui Ihe si it. lilxiiiiN tha it ime rtmimau,- ted lo th btiil,lii(f, bwt were i fciiluttied, Tl ! ss Ml aw.i'.ioi t '-vrt! d'dlai. 'Ihu iltr t 'lldi for llr prolm I on iul the t l pli. iii' system, MJ tuMtivr !., r titsois, hsn.. May 1, - slJo. K i oulier, an ol.l and -!iitUu i rltiooi 'f tht ell r si.l wi ll kaoun in Kan m and ...ithti't Missouri, died yvr tvt'lay 4fti rtiiMii, .! 4 years. HAWAIIAN REGISTRATION. Oaiy Om Ilnadrci) aad Klxhty-l'l tlc oa the IJt. Sax FR.tx isco, May 7. The steam cr Australia, which arrived to-day, brought Honolulu news to April 'Jl. The registration clased April 51, ami i.l Honolulu alone l..Vi7 signed the rolls, Although seemingly small it vviim nevertheleMH a good showing wlii-n tin: f-ut that onl v 1!,H(M voters registered at the last election under the loyalist regime Is considered. I he registered are: Natives, is.".; llawalians lrn foreign, 10; American, Xm; Knglish. J!)5; (fcrinan, IStlj l'ortugucse, 4ls: all others, tiH; total, 1,54)7. Complete return had not In-en received from the other Uland when the Autralla sailed, but the total registration for the group is estimated at about 3,'KIO. A Jarire numix-r ut American sun porters of th provisional government did not register iM'causo they feurcd thut they would lose their American citizenship lv taking the required oath. One of tliese was John Km mcliith, a member of the ad visory council. The Portuguese nominated two candidate of their own, who, from thu number of their countrymen , who i'egistcred, will probably Us elected. f A. Thurston, the Jlavvailiui mlu ister to Washington, I in Honolulu and will remain until after the const) tutlonal convention. He denies the rumor that he has accepted the jiort' folio for minister of foreign ulfuii's. SURROUNDED BY MOBS. Tb Whole of Ilia rniisylvMiil t'okn Ilftlou I'arailed by Foi-elii Slrlkci, (s.Kt,sviM,K, J'a,, Mny 7, 1'rom all parts of (his coke region come, reports of gatherings of foreign strikers", bout tho various coko works, and there is every reason to expect outbreuks ut several points at any moment. I.u rge force of deputy sheriffs, uruicd with Winchesters and large revolvers, ure on duly at each placa and miiv be able to prevent actual hostility, but tho situation Is so critical that these forces are being increased us rapidly us possible. A mob of marched on the I'unl plant to-day. frightening the work men, many of whom dropped thi li tool and iled, Tho atmcurunco of u large number of armed deputies. lust at tins time, However, lind the desired effect und the mob oiileklv dispersed. Other works that are onlv in iiart operation, such as tho Valley plant of i no rncK company, will lie visited lv I he striker and trouble I feureil. The I'VIek people nro determined that the strikers sIihII not trespuss on Ihelr property und deputies aro on the ground iu round numbers with Win chesters. NEGRO MINERS GUARDED, Striker Not Allowed to See lliv Murk- mrn Near llevlrr-Hlrlka Oltjccln, Ma;on, Mo., May 7. A delccation of 3r0 miners, all from llevicr except small delegations from other mining towns in .Missouri, met at Dover yesterday afternoon und, headed by an American flux and a bund of mtible, marched to initio 40, where about forty Alabama negroes ure at work.' to trv to nersuudo them to join the general strike. Kn pcrlntendetit ('randall was there with III Clllirdtt and elerlot and iiuAt tin. names of the miners known to them, Crandull would not all tho men to go Inside tho comnanv's e-round und or. tiered his negroes not to go out und talk to the delegation of strikers, t wo or the ncgroc went and told the whites that thev vmill t,.i strike If tho other negroes would, but the other were afraid Oandull wodhl fire them out of hottso and homo if they did. PRICE OF COAL GOES UP. The aenerat Strike Taka Advautaae of by a Net of t out Opm.lors, Cuicauo, May 7. -Tho price of coul has alvauccd In this city from 52.73 to 94 pjr 'ton, 'Assistant (Icn erul 'Jan.igcr Wool of the Chicago fc ..Hon road said to-duy that the Ohio coal operators had stored In the Lake Krio jxirts lfl3,0CKi tons lust win ter and early this spring. A soon us theso ports had been well rilled they cut their miners wages to t ho lowest limit This action naturally brought on tho strike in Ohio, which was foi lowed by tho generul strike. Tho Ohio combination is now marketing its supply at tho ndvatucd rate and thereby netting a handsome profit. A, P. A. SUPREME OFFICERS. Trsyuor of Iii lrolt t-Uected rreslilent -Aditnt faucet Vic I'rrildvut. Di:s Moists, Iowa, May 7. The su premo council of tho A. I. A. electo.t the following olllers: (supreme presi dent, W. J. II.. Tray nor of Detroit; view president, Uev. Adam Kane -t of Columbus, Ohio; secretary of state, O. C. Jueksoii of I too lie, Iowa; eluipla'n, .1, .1. liosMrof Ihs Angvlesisecrvtiiry, C. T. Il-atty of Sagln:tv, Mleh.t trav urcr, II. M. Murk of MlUvuiiWee! past supreme president, H. F. Ilower of Clinton, Iowa i M'rk''ui)t ut arius, l M, Dunbar; guard, ri, M. Wik U (eulured) of III nni; sciilliu l, William Meeker of Kentucky. Mluvr ( allud Into t n il rv nets Cm tMiit . Ohio, Muv 7. John M luide, presivlt nt of tite Cnlt'd Miiu Wmkt'i's of AinrUi, l-d.i(' i!UHt a c.tll to t!io oi mi uu I I'uio u( tv.lh it t ss n l oiu KU'f t Inr mi li jK utcihlirrt to it iul ,io ut contention to bo ludd lit Cleielund My tl. irv.rtory to n tneelini in Jutiit lib uu) .M'ra'ti t Id'iu all l he ',it thw fiil!ioln; d., Molt. to Ul i Kiliu, Mis, May . . len t M, I'ate, t; t. Cut mi in. and ?. A, ',k., w Ui sis rtiarw'ed w th the utiir Icr of Ml ti.t. 1 1 il'a dur uf iU in th I i'tti m m I on U ctii-n d iv, tti-f iin,i!tfti, -l in t!u vr iiiUi;l ..iu l t iluv au--t plead. -t nt ,. Dill ia Uwd t osi wUU'U js fjriiisii. t. livr AIimui It hi l id iul,, tniwj ii.ii, tii'.tno, t.d , May T - Ml the M;ii. r t tM rejflmi etvpt llmw nt lr havestriuk In vuitiiiy ultS Cit0 1 (lastei n liiuieis. Mtrong guard V tiMititaoivd at all the mints. . BRECKINRID6 SPEAKS OPENS HIS CAMPAICN FOR RE NOMINATION. AS HOTLY DENOUKCES HIS FOES. lrflr T!io AMaltifif Hint to lUt Their lVr - Cimlldrnt That the f uture It III t indli atr Him anil 111 J rlriulu . Hi Meeret Alone incut llwclt lpoii-(aril I'niiu a Sllnl(r. I.KXIM.TON. Ky,, May 7. When Con' gressuiun V. i:. V, lireek in ridge, ar rived here from Washington lust e veil- lg fully f,o men were ut the depot, lead by hU son, Deshu. Ail crowded around hi:a uud shook bis hand. Slid detily an old ex-confederate soldier called for cheer uud these were given with a will nine tunes. Tiie opera house was Jammed ut o'clock when ISrccklnridge uppeurcd on the singe. IJrecklnrlilge speech was mainly lcvoted to a review of ills ciireer in foiigrchs, Jteglniilng with' the rlrs-t election of ( levelu ud iie iiointed out that no inn n iu the Democratic parly hud taken more advanced ground on Hie t it rl ff question or done more to unify t he ptirty on economic nicitsiitVH He replied to theciiiiiu of blsoppon ents thut he wus a flowery orator but not u pructleul stalcsniari, by recltln withgreut purtieulurtt v hlsiuborsoii coininlttees und on tho Hour of con gress, 1 lie CDiicliPllrig portion of the speech was devoted to the scun iiil und oppo- ultiou U) Jib. renominatlon on moral grounds., lie denounced and defied those nHsallliiir him in the neivsniuiers und suid that the future would vindi cate ids devoted friends fi ml confound those who now sought to destroy Ids usefulness, Answering the charge of hypocrisy in tuKinir u Icinllnir part iu religious und moral movements while living u double life, lie suld thut lie wus all this time nuiklriif utoiieinent for it secret sin which lie dared not confess mid doing everything In Ills jwwer to keep others from following in his footsteps. JiroeUnrliltfc was looklnir imiisiiallv well and declared thut he wus in first- class shunc. He hud made no oluiis beyond the speech hero und the one ut l'urls Motiduy. hverywhere ure to be seen llrcckln- ridge campaign buttons, which beui his picture. Thousand of people arc hero und hundreds ure eoni'iiir on vvry train. I lie l.ev. h, II, Ward, rector of Christ Kplseopul church, in .out in a curd uguinst Uriadtlnrldgc's cundl daey. It Is a powerful argument ngalnst reluming iiliu to congress aud winds up in the foi lowing strong man ner: ' i-v The eye of thw wlmlo counlrr ure nt ure. cut li pun Mo AnIiIhiiiI dlslrU't, (Mir ntvu Imnoi' snd sell rcsiH'ct ure at liihu. 'I'Iip usefulness of Colonel llincklni'ld v In Ihu luuUlntlve liulln of tun nmiim Is fur lliv pn'scnt iiiuucn l lCl lilui, lliercfont, fur III owu uuud nd tor Hie H'idfuril (it Ihu llcliiocrulli! nurtv. wlih. draw from tin1 rime fur cuiirc. nil l llm ru I leva thu piirly Irom snrl his e'iiliiirrjuimii., uud Itmi.y IS'iiioi'ral Iu cuse of liN noriiliia Hun from I lie i,t it id iiecnsnly ut lulliw lo;1 thu Hcpiillriiii ikiiiiIiiOu Iho women of .c. nrrlott IsmuhI thr' Joiiow.iiiA holt night; To llm Voter of I lie Dcnncr.Uli' Purfy: Tlir women of l'ulu inn und the Asliluud ills, irlil prolv.t as ilu-l thn ii'iioiiiliuilon of V CI Hrccldnrid for eon inn As Jvou are be Vtder an trust vou will retuso lo return lilm o your representative.' (ly dulnif o .von will hni subservii t u pence uud pro rss of liiuuiiii snili'ty slilch from every ipmrter clls I or tills ilylituml Imlv actum. Tub Womkn or T.rxixoToM The Owens men lire luird ut work, but will not open their campaign with force uut II Monday. Then they will stiirt In In reul earnest. KANSAS CROPS. Huiidsoniii slioivlug Made ley Seerclnry (oliuro's licpoi'l, ToriKA, Kan., May 7. Secretary Coburnof the stato board of agricul ture has Issued his crop report, which mtikcs a handsome showing. Ho says: "Winter Wheat Rains and favoring weather have caused a development most gratifying; fields thut in tunny counties u month ago were regarded us worthless, now indicate it purtliil crop. From it scattering stand of healthy plants great urens previously promising, but so) posed lo have been much if not fiitully Injured by the freezing weather following March SO, appear us pt'uctlcuUy unharmed, uud this with that not suspected of anv damage I now viirlously described by corre spondents n "good, llnr, wvy t'oul, better than average, limit well gelid-ally, condition l .Mi jHr cent, pros Mels for big crop extra good, better than for wveral year, splendid, su perior, nil right, und In twenty tlve year." t liinch bugs aro rep irted in tur'ons localities, but In scarcely u single liislauco a doing any duniiige ' lititcvcc. No mention is utude ottitiy other insects, torn The 'iiilfurinlv fsvoiuble weulhor and s iil eond.lioii Ibroitili out t'e entire corn bell i'f the stnte are miming ueui-ly or quite (ill of t and tut ve a (forded a seiitoii well iHgli HiijM't'ivdent.'d for I he pl.iiit uf uul Kit mill tlliiii i( eni'it 'I hi acre Mvfc plant ! ttlll iiudiiiiliicllv li,- very laiye. ll.ll. U lull Opl !.... Hill, Wis!um,io( by T. Chairnuii Hatch of the house euiiiiiilttee mi au i u uttiiie hits ttnUlo'd his rejuit t mi IU UHlt options bill ,' d on by the e.mnniH,c and ttill i -t il tolNe uiusk pcolNtlilv t .11 Iv lo".l Week, All of t!e t.bjeil uiirtldo ffittiues wldelt have Iters' iiirt caused llie uitti iq. lions bill In I iv ttitUioLvd biite I en -.ii!i.tiid. li, uu It sections h ImcIi u III liois meet ss tilt any serious .ipiuv situm sre tluukc u latin; In lnck t ktip I lie Ii'kiiUi deitlets In lulu.'i aiv pietly tt !! "Siis'led tMth the bill. I Ull.Ut I l(Mrll M t l..MH14'lH. t in i .i, Mv I In tho littiivtiof lulmi o, ,iaiti.'iUui of t Lit u jo a t.4u ntlllce lots g ue lo t lift i itlw I tei me ; isi acres ot land ll"lt tin beett titcrt'd to thn for ru'onUati i. Ban Doun by a Loaded Handcar. D. T. ALLYS'S BEEI0U3 AOOIDEIT 09 THE B. & M B. B. Hi Escap, Sicknes and Recovery. Pluck, Para!yia-a Railroad a Ingratitude If row iit iTallare, Xtb , Herald.) Last lummer Mr. D. T. AUyn of this place, worked for the IU & M E. B . at a section hand, on the section exteud- tng east, from Tecumseh, the oountr et of Job naon count, Nebraska. Oa the 2d day of July bo met with so acci dent that no trly coat him his Ufa. He and Are other men were working a hand car In front of which wa a push car. Mr. AUyn was standing on the front part or the car, with hi Dock to wara toe airecuoa in which the car was being run. Just at the two ran came together, tae foreman ordered him to step from the car on which they were rldlnff on to the push car, and at toe samo time signalled another of toe men to apply the brake, which alack encd their speed enough to cause a gap oi a lew wet oeiween me csrs. In stepping back to comply with the order be fell upon hi back In the middle of tbe railroad tra-jk and the car, with its iad ot five nierj, tools and watur kefir la nil wclgbloz fully a too, passlngovtr nun. A rod ou the under side of tbe car caught his feet and doubled him up so that bis feet struck hi face. As ho rolled over, the bull wbel struck bjm aoa mulcted tne loiiry that canto o near proving: fatal, f tie car was raised from th rails and thrown off the track lie was carried to town and Dr. Boy der, tho B. & M. J I. H. surgeon at IV cuuineb, was sutumoufd. Afterwards Dr. C. C. G afford. Dr. Yoden and Dr water, au or wymore, iNea, weie called lu consultation, but they could afford no relief. About the 1st t October he became ptralyzed from bit wslitdowo. Thetenreof feeling en tlrely left hit legs, which became drawn one across tbe o'her. Ut, Livingston, or riattsmoutn, aeo . tne head phytt cian or toe u a bi, n. n. system was summoned to trrat tbe case, but finally ioforracdlils patient that he could not live to tea July, IW.J. lio bad not the meant to pay the expenses of a law suit against tbe railroad company, but tbe company's attorneys very willingly com promised tne ciatm lor damages by paying mm v. uuu. uit condition c n tlnucd to grow worso, tbe excruciating tain in bit back never ceasing, until upon tbo recommendation and ov tbe request of a lady friend, Mrs. W, (i. swan, or Tecumseb, .Net),, he bagau taking Pink Pills for Pale People. I'o the Herald reporter he said, "X had co more faith In them tban in eating a handful of dirt," lie commenced tik- irg the pills on tbe -J day of February. taking one aftr each meal, and In t n days time, to bit surprise and Intense doilgnt. the pain began to leave him, For seven months he bad suffered con tinuously, and hit joy wben relief came can be imagined but not described. lie continued taklrg the Pink Pills until tbe fore part of May. About tbo middle of March h could go about bit ordinary work without any inconvenience. lie considers himself entirely cured and feels as well at he ever did, except tbat nit oacic it not as ttrong as tt was ba for j he wt hurt, Ibis spring he moved on to a farm twelvo miles southwest of Wallace, where he has planted a good crop of corn and it doing all bis work without any hired help. Should anyone doubt tbe statements herein made, they are invited to sco blui personalty or write to him, and address him at Wallace, Neb. He it thankful for what Pink Pills have done for hlin, and it willlcc to go to tome trouble to let others know of their wocderful curative prop erties Dr. William' Pink IMlt, it teems, contain in a condensed form all the (de ments ncccseary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shattered nerves. They are an uofal ing speclQo for such diseases a loo mo tor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headaohe, the after effects of tbe grippe, pa'pltatlon of the heart, pile and allow complexions, tbat tired feeling resuMng from nervous prostra tion; all dlscaiet resulting from v. Da ted humors in tbe blood, tuoh at scro fula, chronic erytipelas, etc. They are aid a sptctrlo for troublet peculiar to females, tucb aa suppressions, irregu larities, and all forms of weakest The; build up the blood and restore tbe glow of he ilth to pale or tallow cbeeks. In men they effect a radlc-l cure in all cases arising from mental worry, over work, or excesses o! wba ever nature. Yhesei Fills are Manufactured by the IV. WillUm't Medlclao Comptny, Scherce al, N. Y., and Brock vllle, Oat., act are told in boxs at i0 com a box, or tlx boxes for &o, and are never told la bulk. "Tobacco Oestroyed Nit Nerves and Stomach and Injured Hit Health." VaU'aiuiso. Iud , Nov. 20, 1S91 SUrliw Rrmtdy Company, Ait. 43 San' datph St., C Au-iii;o: CiEitTiyMicN:! used three bo.ot of NO l ( II AC and It tlestmjcd my taste for tohoceo, lief' J I la gsn lu use I bad wry poor health hun t trouble, and my nerve wt-re sll gone; in fact, my health ws o tad H at I sold my store and spent a yvar out et door to Improve inv real in; I was too nertoo tawtuk N'O-TO HAt! cured me, and my health t better than It has Ihh n for niany auJ uisny a.ay, and 1 am i nly to glad to tto ynu tho Itei ty to ue thl sutimvbt. In oidiv that tunny Others, who aro bring detrtVfd by tde use of tobacco, may we It and h- saved, fj-iltftit U T, lllUur. NO-TO ll.VC li atwilutelv guaranteed to rure asy loroi of tbe tobseot hsbbj you esn buv it at U. T. Claik lrug IV Lincoln. Neb., cur agrul. Call a: d t"'t at" ry t f our ll'tlo tstk, enittied ' iKin't ToUcvo Spit or buioko Your Life Away," Aayeae can obtain fresi tilter liter tnr by addr.ipt The Pan-Aitertcat Hl-MeUtilie AsMvlatlon, iK nvrr. Colo,, aad ottoloalnj pt (, for same, The Cakage LinmtJ (lUy) Gtvet V tbe NorthWo'ru tine un surtstaard sn d terv'ts Ut Cblcagti and e-t.ire cities, A H Helag. (nty Tkkot Ageav Ut tf 10th Itrevt, Lit .oU, a, WORLD'S FAIR AWARDS Ttun unto A anrtonw IMplom for Meanly. rwmwmmm bimi nmpneS.i oi inrite veuiriuK li.vo ln cold (11 wl to Hie pfiiiil. Hi-nd al onr for our romplrl csmloKiieiPiof rvery kindnf oi iPsiunoBisia, tny Hrn frr. ALLIANCE CARRIAGE CO., CINCINNATI. Manufacturing Co., ST. LOUIS, - MISSOURI THRESHERS Unrivalled for fust Threshing, separating and TRACTION ENCINE8 Kxi'fl In all points thtu tro to uisio tip a tVr feet Pulling and Woruiua' KokIqu. bcuU lor cuLuioguo. Mnoilon Oils m MYfrrIFF cannot sec how you do La Bur wr f irmn wlnl or ask la TfTinml Iflah l.a HIm...wIm J DiiUhI, fik.k.1 pl.l,4 , 1i,f . J Is IKbl an li.jr urki riiHniil cr IV V. nro mill lillmal I. aokkla WImIw, 1II rr Slolll,slf..iilB lliUfiilf Hoi Ui.lllukaatiililiiw uu oh.f.M SDIIiir'tTrMl. No mhhi-v r.'.utr.d In lltuu. fl.OMMw (aim. tt'Mid'i fsli M.4l awwiM mulihia and aiUcS Bat frits rxiorf tut Kn il,r'i i,l .g.iil't piuflu tOCt ' MOS to-' l1 miKihlna ik Una Om rlttC aulovu.ll.aMmm)lal.Hh4 Worl.l'a fair, OXFORD Mrs. GO. 3U Wttuk Art. CHICA80.ILI. Notice to Brldg Contractors. Notice 1 fasrebv clren that ahuIiM urnttnsnt will be received uy the Couuiv ulnrk of -unl. er county, Nebrislca, at thu Court Ilou.e in wupoo iiiuii noon of tbe nun day of May. Ih'j.i, for the fur t.litua of nil umurnal and of the motion of tne followintc bridge In suld county. uu mot no. 1, Una brldtre 40 feet loos on iu town line h. tweeu a ocslntf and Chapman product miction ill siockIuk and 3d CUujinian, I paa Si feet lung id center, i spaa 8 rent lonfr oa eacn sua, o nil IS feel Ion if. 6 title It fret loiiu: ulllnir ta im drivi-u to bridge will be 1 foot timber ica old VllUgB, uitinuiso. 3, One brlilire IH foot Ions btwn Mctlnna 11 and II Cbaimian proclum. o pnlug 14 leet ioul to be driven so fcfldgs will be one foot blgbvr vumu I.HV lBllll UU ajum tu. naiiKjiao. 3. One biidae 6H feet looa known as the Mnr, pby brldue between seclloo 24 and 3ft l)ouln yieviui;!, vue iniu iu ceuusr xi left IODv, Oue span o eacb end ii feet looif, t piling 30 feet Umd, pllma -jo, 3 pllintt in, to be driven o oruiBe win do tame oe ant a oiu one ai sat eua. BIIHGI no. 4. One brlda HO feet Ions known as lh nnnh tuus ADui-rsoB Driuae on tlie tuwit lue be, tween secuou 81 Marrlrsisa and Elu. mi. suuo in cnoir inot iiunf, oue spaa in leet 1hu on eacb end, s piling HI foot louif, 3 iillltig SI and 8 pilluir 10 font lonui pllliiK to be driven so bridge will be e feet lower tban tne blub uaui VII UU1UI SIUV. unmet no. 5. One brldue TO feet Inntr Uttnwn aa tha amith Cbss. AuOerson bndge about 40 rods soutb of umiue no. i, ouo siisu in center i f. et loni. on pao un soma end 20 feet Ping, oue snun en too Bonn s teet long, o piling fi fett long 0 imuiK m iwi tong; piling to be driven so briilse will be 16 fuel sbi.v bed of creek. BRIDGE SO, 0. One briil lie IK) feet long, bntween section uuu v. wiwu o, range e, unestur i snau In en. tor US fuel long, one span on eacb end 14 feet long. 6 piling is feet long, 6 pi, ing 1 1 ;(t long, piling to be driven no bridge will bo tleel uei mitu me onus on noria iiae. BUIIK.EKO. 7, One bridge IS feet lontr between sac t Inn. s ana , nosier precinct about so rods south of bridge No. e, one opto Is feet long, 6 pi) I. g v et looir. to bo drlvnn no that brliim win level with north banU. Also bids wtll bt received to renalr IhahraiU water in t'tatte river at tr.e mouth i,f o un croelt, 7 piling IS feet long U be driven so top will be same balirht a rest of breakwater, to be girded with 'i :UI0 aud bolted to mi in and pliusetl with 1 foot plank driven down to same levei a rest of breakwater. All bridges are to have 14 feet roadway, bridties 13 be built in ai;cnrdaiii.a wlih ni.n. detail and speciucatlon on tile for n-farmic! la the ofllce of the roitatv cleru. and viih tha several Mpeeitlcatloit abuve entimrrated. All bids should statn tbe sum for which each bridge will tie built, referring tu the number tbiitvof a above, and mar sute the krro-ssuio for which lbs bidder will bulla all of stld bridges. ri n ana SDeelllrat foil conforming tn tha plans, deuiliaand p ctflcatiou above referred lo in list uocompasy eacb bit Kach bidder should accompany his bid wit h a certified check or draft for !, psysbl loritundsrs county a a guarantee or guod faith to be furre'tod If be full fterward to enter Into routrsct and give bond In a cord sue with tba bid It the same be accept d; the right to reject suv tad an um reaervoa, a, ti. kiso County t-'lerh. fly order taunty commissioner 4M4 TINOLBY ft BURKETT, Attomy-at.Law, ioj8 O at, L ntoln. NOTICE, In the Diatrlct Ct uit f Lancattar County, Ntbraika. C.arlrsil. Mori III. roesiver. vs. Chsile 11. Johnson. t at , IMi'ussut. , TuChitrles II Juhnsiin. Msrv A. Jobroon. nuert . iivunarat'ii, siaria lligraui, laaiMiti, hrr htiatiaiid iiirsl sittt leal name mi. kixiam aud V M t 'adwl4irr, tmn rvUlriit ilrtvltdailt. You Will laka umli a that eu tlie tlttlsy of lwitibr. fhsi'fs II slorrlil. tti'lv r of Ut NairSs Savititfs liana t.f .Intsiln, Kbl-kS, hU I.Uilntl Ih tha lu.tri. tioml l l.att. soar riiuutv. a-S. S.Jiiu. "U iatUvalrt with mhria thaol.) ct stul prtavtirol t hU h kiii,,n Is t.i Immm-i, ..yrv t ,r taut in .r'H isa ttcti. ey I hAll. s II. tall.) SI sir A Jb liitirw K in .! now li. l.l au.l oiii..J v plaltnnl ti-,u tha IiiIikm ina i)mi ini prtiparty to n ... int.e t ii ui.s a i .tii v an, am ut t. in, . ,i,i lU'l.hla ai'illll.iil l.ilt.a rir .l l.lnt.llt. iii um f lotiittr, Nrl'tayafca lo is'iiii 1 1, a fa. HtPttt iil t j r mi iy tuiia daiwtl J,ii fi.l lntl u? isj sum n( tMttt.i wit. in trl.i.t at s li i-ent a ir is.uisuia alt , s.i One and banU'e Ju'y Ut i u, a.i I l,oiiOi1 .iva lis a tl rx Ik tt errrit anl c Iw la I tlttnl lii t tha -.i.iut al i.itfHl I Nt Uu ti ma a it last aal.l uiiaa tur tw .i,.l ti tll lh amnust si l.iuna l Iw au hi ia t iiiii.i tu uir i i pi tittua uu of . ieru the ;i l l ty t.f M iy, lvt( I'd'ax, a 1,(11 .lis lu laiSlsaH Moasni, llarvlvaf HU Hyl lig'rr A O'lrs.ll. SUatlolliai I'm NorthwesWrn Itne to Chtcasn I-'wru, If'Mtttiliia, i)mv M , ... .... The cheaprat plar lor voausntntt il at Je. Nattertnaa'a, lit Houta MntH St JUbooJb. mm k DOUGLAS 3 i m"mrr' wt-iri- TT - WO? ! mm eeeeeeeeeee R I PAN S TABULES! IVI'f REGULATE THE STOMACH, UYER AND DCVYELS AN0 PURIFY THE BLOOD. RIPAXS TABl I.KS are the heat Hetk rlaa kaawa lar ldl-atla, lllllaiiaeaaa, Headaeaa, Ceaatleatlaa, lrspcaka, Chraale Uver Trutitlrs, IMulneaa, lla Cample xlae. Vraeaury, MoVaaiie llrcatb, aa all alia, eraer ml Ika Siatuiuta, Ut ur mm liatret. RJnn Talmi coutain nutliinc Irijurloti to tb uwvit Urlicau. cuiiatltullun. An I'leamut Ut 0. -u", aaie, rim-nun, and elra Imirriunto n"iel tVl,. k.,lfc W..I. . ?KU.U.. t, '.i.a I. . .wuat fr I iirdrrrd'turmiKb ii'sirwt ilniirs'lata' -i u..,.i ire u r nu. a ."jr. THE RIPANt CHEMICAL CO.. srantu arnEET. keh vork cm. t Ali Price ips SfalnHiirklaMk laaarB. Omaaa. Mi OaMaaSSIIltrirairSra, StrflkS, ,aaa aaa naiau, i arta, aauaa. CarriiufM. w.fc.. IB. IIUOH.. iMft t.H.y.. Sfain Malata, laaaniana, frno, riaaM, n.r Milk, UryaartT t4 UUU, SU aallhl Ha BUI., Uiur Cra.iai, lata htm, Traaaa, aa.lla, Harl all. rwwm ntaaaa, la Maawa. ipUMla, Tlata, Vrllla, aaariaaH, 1'atWSlUa, laUM, RaiHlafS, UaaplarU, Man laru. Varan, SarapankMrir faaw, Wiiatrn. EaaSua. Haaa. blslaS fmm sarllrn, faaalaa Hllla? mla llaispa, CTa Han, kallrra, Tisila, UU Hnim, aajr, JMm, itmtar. aallroaJ, fitllm ajul Uaat.r IU O.I!. Saa far fna laialaaia aa m baa ta aa. Saari, iti a. 8rus at., caioaeo malb co., o, hi. Please mention Tbe ealtn M.istr. UY' DIRiCT FROM FACTORY" BIST MIXED Paints. At n-HOLKNAliK rmt rs, I)rlird Free. For House. Llama. Hoof, all color. HAV1C Middlemen proBts, In use 61 years, Bn darned by U range & 1'anurrs' Alliance. Low price will surprise you. WrJte for samples. O W. INCJEltSULL. m Plvmouth St.. iiranli. lyn.N. Y. VorldsFalriilgfest Award on our (CU8A10 and P!-Vt31 . BHOCtDfcK Combined. r--rV UIIOftDtK Combined. Old Reliable" f hp j d. n.Li.H ini la-IUliil fml av tnuriiis4 1h IWivr, I 1IiIl tdl t'owllry 'liter' A-U'ett LOCAL RAILROAD TIME TABLES. TAKDiiD aasTaat Tias. Arrival sod departure of trains carrying tngera si I.lnuulo. Neb. Train marked. Wuil.Vi t, Pally eiccpt aunday; (Dully exoeet Monday: I. Dully except baturdsn I. Sunday onlyj 1, Tiicsduyi, Thuriday aud Balurdsy oa , Monday, Wodoetdsy and Friday a(k BarUogton HUvonrt Blver. a, . q. . a. J Ticket offlcet at depot, Seventh and 7 tit; aad corner Teutb and O bt. Lear. Arriv. Plstttmouth, via S. llnuUSDd Louisville wabooand Hcbuvler.. 10:10. m, t fl:ltp.BV ni:60 BV 11:60. ta. 6:13 p. as tS:30p.aa t 3:60 as t 4:M p. m t oo a. to. J too. m Oinaba sod Cliivsge via Asbutiidcut.011.. Ashlund, Omaha and Plaltsmouih tlU:10. a. t 4:66 p.m. Creto, Hasting and Menvar l?:20p.m. tl2:20 p. m fll:H). tn. I 1:30 p. ffi. 1:80 p.m. ll:Mo. to. t :36 p. m tll:Mp.BI. IliMp.m. 7:49 a. av t 1:40 p.m. t 7:40 a, as. . t 7:40. m. ; Lowell and kenrney.. . St.JVavis and Obey I tin ,. ) Holyoke a Cheyenne.... "Murllnglon tSueclal" to Denver sod coat Crete, Beatrice aad Wymore...., Washington and Con cordia , Endlcoti aa Rod Cloud. . Bcnoet, Byrscuie, Ne braska City and east Grand Island broken How, Alliance, New castle, Sberldan aud Dead wood...., Seward, fork, and Grand Island Atchison, St, Joe, Kansas City, bt Louis and south.... Tecumsen and Table Hock Mliford, David City, sod Columbus 1:40 p.m. 10:00 a. m t 4:40 p.m. t;M.m. t 4:40 p. m tl1:6ta.b t 1:63 p. m. t4:. m. 10:M pas. U:20p.m. 1 1:46p.m. I Hp. as. 1:46 p.m. tlO.OOs.m. IIOp. m 10:8. p.m. t 7:80a m. 11 :8ft m. I t r 6:40 o m. t 7:16a.m. Chicago, Book Iiland 41 raclOo. Passenger atatloa eoroerO and Twentieth lu. City otBce, 1046 O Street. Leave. Arriv.- ("StI ipress to Tope Kan. City, and ka, all point in Kaniat Oklahoma, and Tu ts. West Local freight accom modation, east Local freight accom modation, west Faiexp for Omaha, Co. Hulffs, D.Molne St. Paul, Chic, a east Fastexp to Denver, Col. Spring, Pueb lo and weit. 1 1:20 a.m. t:ll p.m. til :41a.m. til tsa.m !tI3:S8p.m. 1 13:86p.m. 856 p.m. 4:Mp.m- 4:03 p.m. I 56 p. m t 3:a. Local pus for Omaha t!0:Ilp.m. ana council lilun. Union raclfle Railway. Depot corner 0 aad Fourth atreet. City tlek cfB 1014 O street. Leave, I Arrive. Omahs.Co UluB,Chli tan. vain, eust SUd West I ! 0:80 a. m. tS:W m. t 7:30 p. m ta:S5p.ia 110:40 s. m oeairice.uiua tprg, Mannafau, at a weat.Topeka, Ksu a Ctv.eatt. south Davldilty HUOasbrg 1 8:00 p. to I 10 p.m. 1 7:30 p pi. Biotm i y.uavtit uy lAiiuiuoua. nenver, I halt Lake, lleieua, bsu t'rauc-Uco and I I'ortland I 4:10a. m. 9-to a. m. Iteairlcs CWtland.... Mitaoarl PaelQe Railway. Ttoket office at depot and cornr ol Twlfl . ainais Iava. Arrift Auburn and Nebraska I Ctiy Kxpres f Si l.ouls day express. , Auburn and Nebraska I t'llv txiirrsa f St, Lotus night sip ... retuoat, ClkH'ira Hlsuar Valley (oai04oa s-oara wutisa tis ) Depul eoruer K!hlS and H tlreeit. Cllt Tl.k. 1 omv ll-IOtraei. V,,TO La.TiTi7 t'hli'iwo aihI ns IT. ii l Omatis Mmn lHv M I'aut liuluth M411., t i .lur fillitlta I'lllll.ifl Ut Mi.itt I'lrus Alar--s, UWr ,, I'maii ,,,,,, , tVlto, Kratnoitl, Nr !,.., It Nrl.l, ...a p ' t :. 4,1 1 nit t j H',1 Sir as ll.tja. (.1 1 If, Is j.l h.i . I ttp 'il.Mp.m. I Up a, IMpm f m m I IU it as It T6s m f I Wa at 'I M Mllpav a Ha aa I n i-uil, S si.iil Ual a. t lrll.l,... I It Mp m ofOp m. II Mp m loop m. IUpa llttm. 'ps l ate m, MAiivi sr rxruiHiuM, VI the Maiauuil fa,fi Roviu. tin the second Tut sttay In IVoetnbar m ., rVbruarv, Ma-eh. April and May. sui. ts .Ml...uit IWSa ttouto wtlUdl ivunU tt l lit seN tyaJJ nation In Tasss with Dual limit to r turn In thirty day. front dte ssU. over are alUiwrd In Ar.vt., Tpa iu OltlaSoma, New Mutbo and Indian Territory, Cm aud take a !'.,(lilha Hmh Vmu DAMIRU. c, V, Jb T. A. 13UlOitrt. f ar4 llll Claai raalaj i 1