The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, May 03, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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    MM 1
May 3, 1S94
lepbnrn fciM--ed In Having Twenty-
One l'am-il by lite llounr.
Wabhjxgtox, April :;0. Twenty-one
private pension bills pissed, tells the
story of yesterday work in the house.
Mr. Hepburn of Iowa, woe ha been
harassing the Democratic side daily
for a week, to force action on these
pension bills, fiually succeeded,
through the aid of Mr. Tickler of
South Dakota, who has been acting
frith him, and the bills were passed.
The beneficiary of one of the bills, an
old lady of 0(5, totally blind, the widow
of a soldier of the war of Wi, had
died since her bill was reported from
last Friday night's session. When it
was read and about to be placed upon
its passage, Mr. Taylor of Indiana in
terrupted by saying:
"Never mind, Mr. Sneaker," said
ie, "that bill can be laid aside; the
old lady is dead."
i The members who had been chat
ting and laughing stopped. There
was a moment of silence. The relief
for which the old lady had been striv
ing bo long was at hand, but, like
many other congressional claims, it
came too late.
During the night session Talbprtof
South Carolina and J'ickler of Houth
Dakota became involved in a heated
debate in which the lie was passed.
Both gentlemen were called to order,
Senator Teller Will l're.ent III Ilrport
Regarding; T lie in la tew Va.j.
Vasioton, April 30 Senator Tel
ler said yesterday that lie intended to
bring in his report on the subject of
the live civil
result of his
the Indian ierrl-
xt few days. He
however, that this
report will fully cover the subject.
4 He ay that his committee has by no
means been sallsnert w itii me liinueu
investigation they have been able to
make, and that they intend to con
tinue their consideration of the sub
ject, probably in another visit to the
Indiun Territory, or else in bearing
before the committee on the five civi
lized tribes, of which he 1 chairman
IH literal Product of aiicli.
Ottawa, Out., April 30. A state
ment of the value of the mineral pro
ducts of I'anada for the pant year
ehowaan aggregate of Jl'J.MO.ftW, or
1250,000 less than that of 1 Wl. Nickel
heads the list, the output having beeu
,Wi,Wi tons, valued at 93.07ff,351.
The value of gold was ym. 34 4; cop
per, JM7.".8."4; silver, $.C' 1,4 ;.'(. Three
million und seven hundred thousand
ton of coal were mined, valued at
88.422.2.'.!. The miantitv of iron ore
Tnineu is piuceu at j'i,i' wun, yhhuii-
itt S:.".I8,0I8.
(!oxelle an farad u the Avenue.
" Wasiiinoton, April .'0 Chief of
Poller T.Ioore said yesterday theCoxey
rw emi parade down Pennsylvania
'.venue, as long a it component parts
conduct themselves in an orderly
manner. That this is one of the right
of an organization, he says, and the
police do not intend to interfere.
They cannot allow, however, marched
into the capitol grounds.
A Mi-ajieinan llorrlliljr Mangled.
Pakho.ns. Kan., April The hor
ribly mangled remain of VV. P. How
en, brakeman on Missouri, Kansas und
Texas freight train No. 101, were
found in the yard of the company in
this city, about 3 o'clock yesterday
Jtorning. He is supposed to have
fallen between the engine n.w first
car while endeavoring to get the
IXifended III Mother.
PiTTXiiLiiG, Kan.. April .'10, Yester
day afternoon William Deponttier
struck William Krether on the back of
the head at the base of the skull with
a rock, fracturing the skull, produc
ing death. Deponttier is only about
10 years of age, and the man lie mur
dered was his step-father, who was
drunk and beating 1 lie boy's mother
with his fists at the time.
llHuel.nll Kemill.
At Kansas City -Kuiimis City S, Mil
waukee 5.
At Indianapolis- Indianapolis 17,
Grand Itapldt 15.
At Nionx Citv- Sinn x City '., Minne
apolis !i.
At Toledo Toledo 10, Detroit:.'.
Mr. mid Mr. leveUnd Will Not io,
Washington, April 30. Secretary
Morton states there is no truth what
ever in the report that President and
Mrs. Cleveland ore to visit Urn sixirc
tftry's Nebraska home next month,
, lllck Moore Knocked Out.
MinnkaI'oI.ih, Minn., April 30. Dan
Creedou defeated Dick Moore lust
night, knocking hi in out In the ninth
Au Italian physician in n recent re
port ttj that four per cent of the
population of Naples die uuntiully
from impoverish tent of IiumhI, caused
by the lark of meat food
Deut, AUcruft A Co., I.oudon glove
manufacture r, employ I'i.uoi) people.
The new Aiiioritmi street letter
Uixe are about to ln iul.iiii-.l in Lon
don. Some tea recently shipped front the
Mount Vriiion estut t t miM
in l.Suitii for!.' pi i pound.
An e.iu of the yri'iii uiit. Mil, l m
Loudon for l,riKi the hi Uer day. Tliera
are ittveilil of ltu".t en in tho
world two In America.
One of the bill niirihliuvii ui.i
Iiarllament aimed ul the Imtidoit
organ grinder H pi. !;..'. t to Ut
lilut and limit t t hitii of nutiU mat
A IlliiU.. II, rt I'.tlliil.t'i
. ........
jimt ild bv a l.iid' ii itKctioii
wane uncUav of ii M.iiik
. , . ...... .i
WW imt laniiiui til im
M. It
Ill '.he heart of l.uit Ion u pulilie
new risiu iiltitui a libtavUn t any
one ! but Mih r Uu p.tpcr. Tliey
ii..i i ..ii. i. i .t
re t'fiaineu .inn paonn nen, m'y
f.n Hot fan-led IT l.'.ttle lUnu.-e
Ik iIiiii, and the room U utiiilly u I c i
and oid il , I
tribes, the
recent visn u
r vol v. wiiinu inv m
r l ...I, j . i . . .
; drwH tint, believe.
Professor Kemics And row, Mr.
Smarty, yon may name an instance of
capillary attraction. Mr. Smarty
"Tom is particular." In what way?"
"Why, when we became engaged he
hihisted upm my breaking off all my
other engagement.
.Student I will tell yon frankly that
I shall not be able to pay for the suit
till next j'ear. When will you have
it ready? Tailor Next year.
Teacher Johnny you may tell the
class where North America is on the
map. Hrooklyn Sc tolar It's right
west of Greater New York, mum.
"Hollo, Hanks. Keen losing at the
races again, haven't you? Just your
blamed luck." "Not much; away
ahead thi time." "I thought so.
Can you lend me a five?"
Aspiring Poet I'll set the whole
world ablaze yet. Hi Wife I do hope
you will, dear. Would you mind mak
ing a fire in the kitchen stove just as
a matter of practice, you know.
Mr. Isaac I sell you dot coat at a
great sacrifice. Customer Hut you
say that of nil your good. How do
you make a living? Mr. Isaacs Meiu
frient, 1 make a schmall profit on the
paper and string.
Friend So you think English will
become the universal language? Phil
osopher l'niiestiouably. There are
already in it !.'50, 000 words, mostly
from other languages, and it won't
take long to add the rest.
Judge Have you hypnotized the
prisoner? Professor I have. "Well,
what are you waiting for?" "I am
waiting for you to decide whether I
shall make him confess that he did it
or make him confess that he didn't."
Senior Pai tner-I think that new
traveling man of our will make a
great success, Junior Partner How
so? Senior Partner He was in the
ofllce with hi wife this morning and
she didn't get a 'chance to speak or
ten minute.
Guest Landlord, you may bring me
a sirloin steak. I.i-t it be fresh and
juicy, broiled half through, but not
too rare, very tender, and be sure
that you use real fresh butter. Land
lordWhy, if 1 had such a fine thing
as that, sir, I'd eat it myself.
Fogg, dreamily I wonder why it i
that a married man pay so much
attention to women? Mrs. Vogg
He probably think because one wo
man was fool enough to believe all he
said that all other women swallow as
gospel (ruth everything he utters.
Street ciirs were, first used In this
country In 1.V and In England ten
year later.
Artificial wooi I for furniture, roof,
insulator, etc., i now made by burn
ing inagnesite together with wood,
shavings, siiwdiist. cotton, hair or
A German ollccr has invented a mo
tor in which a fine stream of coal dust
i utilized to drive a piston by explo
sion in the same manner as the gas in
the gas engine.
A useful hand lamp is simply a rial
filled with heated olive oil into which
a small piece of phosphorus ha been
dropped. The light will shine when
ever the bottle is uncorked, admittlug
flie air.
The new magazine rifle which the
French army I experimenting with
can be fired loo time without being
taken from the shoulder and the
cartridge weigli only half a much a
ordinary ammunition.
In the HritWh navy is the most sin
gular ship in the world, the Polyphe
mus. It is simply a long steel tube,
buried deeply in the water, tho deck
rising only four feet above the water'
level. It carries no masts or sails,
und is used as a ram or torpedo boat,
At a recent meeting of the Japan
society in London the chairman made
a practical suggestion. He said that
the sound produced by bamboo pipe
was very soft and mellow; that it was
largely used by the Japanese in the
manufacture of musical instruments,
and it seemed possible that organ
builders might derive udvuntage fro;u
the, use of this reed for organ pipe,
pickings from the papers.
The Constitution, launched in 1797,
is the oldest ship in the United Stotes
There are u number of Kindergarten
schools for blind children throughout
New Kngland.
A paragraph in Kate Field' Wash
ington etates that New England con
tains but forty-one Presbyterlun
The earliest utlvertiseineut in an
F.nglish iuMVmper wuh the notice of
the theft of two hordes lit the Loudon
Impart lul litti lltv'cuccr in DM,
A S.ViDO.uoo Umk, on which work
bus been going on for nearly twenty
years, U I. early HuWhcd. ThU I the
gi'vonitm ill's ollU'lttl account of the
civil war ill I'fil large volumes,
A lunar rainbow u seen recent ly
at I'uiliiun, . C. While a slight
hli.mi'i' was falling tin moon, slume
b.'luhtl) lit the caul Slut ontlilnd
ftt'iWi-t a dark western cloud was seen
a sil.eiv Imw, very tniifht and clear,
for mine minutes,
Wurirti lUanintf Ion, alio am lately
panlom d frmii Auburn. N, V,,!'loii
bv Governor flutter, In what ta sup
Manl to b I lie !at stage of eoIi.itMp
timi, U rapidly it gaining hi health.
HI euu,fli and emac'stioii were
lirollrflll sltoul ' kttwUot g f 0I.41V1I
Thrticlflnntii'U tf Urn tttrlitt -tifth
wtnUliiiir ttuiiUtirnitry of Mr, and M r
Frank r einUU of Gruuby, t uu , r
t-eutlyws tttlKttorthy oh tttu ae
tt.tuit. Mrv Kendall tts ltlivd In
the lr in ttUU'h she vt martini
and rako wUUti wit left oer from
thair tenth wedding nelfl rstloii w
The People's Party riatfbrsa Adopted
at Omaha July 4.1 802.
Assembled upon the 110th anniversary
of the Declaration of Independence, the
People's party of America, In their first
national convention, Invoking upon
their action the blessings of Almighty
God, puts forth In tho name and on be
half of the people of this country the
following preamble aas declaration of
Ths conditions ??h!eh lurrousd na
best Justify our co-operation. We meet
la the midst of ft nation breught to the
rerge of moral, political and material
mln. Corruption dominates the ballot
box, the legislatures, the oongress, and
touches even the ermine of the bench.
The people are demoralized; most ef
the states have been compelled to Iso
late the roters at the polling places to
pre yentunlvemal Intimidation or bri
bery. The newspapers are largely sub
sidized or muzzled, publlo opinion
silenced ; business prostrated ; our homes
covered with mortgages; labor Impover
ished and the land concentrating la the
hands of capitalists. The urban work
men are denied the right of organiza
tion for self protection; Imported pau
perized labor beats down their wages, ft
hireling standing army, unrecognized
by our laws, is established to shoot
them down; and they are rapidly de
generating into European conditions.
The fruit ol the toll of millions are
boldly stolen to build up colossal for
tunss for a few, unprecedented In the
hoetory of mankind; end the possessors
of these, la turn, despise the republio
and endanger liberty. From the same
prolific womb of governmental injustice
we breed the two greet classes-tramps
and millionaires. The national power
to create money is appropriated to en
rich bondholders. A vast publio debt,
payable in legal tender ourrenoy, has
been funded Into gold-bearing bonds,
thereby adding millions to the burdens
of the people.
Silver, which has been accepted M
coin since tho dawn of history has been
demonetized to add to the purchasing
power of gold by decreasing the value
of all forms of property as well as hu
man labor, and the supply of currency
If purposely abridged to fatten usurers,
bankrupt enterprise and enslave Indus
tries. A vast conspiracy against man
kind has been organized on two conti
nents and it la rapidly taking possessloa
of the world. If aot met and over
thrown at once, it forebodes terrible
social convulsions, the destruction of
olvillzatioa or the establishment of an
absolute despotism.
We have witnessed for more than
fuarter of ft century the struggles
ef the two great political parties
few power and plunder, while griev
ue wrongs have been inflicted
upon a suffering people. We charge
that the controlling influences dominat
ing both these parties have permitted
the existing dreadful conditions to de
velop, without serious efforts to prevent
r restrain them. Neither do they now
promise us any substantial reform.
They have agreed together to Ignore,
la the coming campaign, every issue
but one. They propose to drown the
outcries of a plundered people with the
uproar of a sham battle over the tariff,
so that capitalists, corporation, nation
al banks, rings, trusts, watered stock,
the demonetization of silver and the
oppressions of the usurers may all be
lost sigh t of. They propose to sacriMoe
our homes, lives and children on the
altar of mammon; to destroy the multi
tude in order to secure corruption funds
from the millionaires.
Assembled en the anniversary of the
birthday of the nation and filled with
the spirit of the grand generation
whloh established our Independence,
we aeek to restore the government of
the republio to the bandi of "the plain
people," with whom It originated.
0 We assert our purposes to be Identical
with the purposes of the national con
stitution: "To form a more periect
union, establish justice, insure doses
Ho tranquility, provide fr the common
iefeaoe, promote the general welfare,
and sesure the blessings of llborty to
ourselves end our posterity."
We declare that this republio can only
endure as a frne government while built
upon the love of the whole people for
each other and for the nation; that it
cannot be planed together by bayonet;
that the civil war Is over and that
every pastloa and resentment which
m of It must die with It, and
that we must be in fat as we ere In
aame, the united brotherhood of free
Out country finds lUelt confronted by
conditions for which there Is no pro.
isat la the hUtury of the world; our
annual agricultural production am mi at
te lllUons of dollars U value, which,
must within a fw wscki or niunlbt be
eieaangtid for billions tif duliatiof com
aiodHUs consumed ta toetr proJuctlun;
UeeiUtlng currency supply It wholly
land equate to make this ithaf; the
results are faUlaf prlotrt, the tarnation
f eooiblsts aad rlsfi ead (he lm
awverUsmeat of the prodttotef
We pUJfe ourselves lh, It given
pewcr. will Itbt.r to correct tboe
evils by and raoable lc li
ttles la ereurdeaoe with the tarutl
ei ear platform. We brieve that
the powers of orrsmtal-ta cthsr
wards, H reeele-sheuU be
tteadsd (at la the ctee et the postal
servloe) as rapidly and as far as the
good sense of an intelligent people and
the teachings of experience shall justify,
U the end that oppression, injus
tice and poverty shall eventually
cease In the land.
While our sjm pa thles as a party of
reform are ne.turally upon the side of
every proposition which will tend te
make men Intelligent, virtuous aad
temperate, we nevertheless regard
theso questions, important as they are,
as secondary to the great issues now
pressing for solution, and upon which
not only our individual prosperity, but
the very existence cf free Institution!
depend; and we ask all men to first
help us to determine whether we are to
have a republic to administer, before
we differ as to the conditions upon
which it Is to be administered. Believ
ing that the forces of reform this day
organized will sever cease to move
forward until every wrong is remedied,
and equal rights and equal privileges
securely etablinbed for all men and
women of the country, therefore:
irst That the union of the labor
forces of the United States, this day
consummated, shall be permanent and
perpetual. May its splrltenter into all
hearts for the salvation of the republio
and the uplifting of mankind.
Booond Wealth belongs to him who
creates it, and every dollar taken from
industry without an equivalent is rob-,
bery. "If any will not work, neither
shall he eat." The Interests qf rural
and civic labor are the same: their ene
mies identical.
Third-We bolleve that the time has
come when the railroad corporations
will either own the people or the people
mus. own the railroads, and should the
government enter upon the work of
owning and managing any or all rail
roads, we should favor aa amendment
to tbe constitution by whloh all persons
engaged la the government service
shall be placed under ft civil service
regulation of the meat rigid character;
so as to prevent the increase of the
power of tbe national administration by
the use of such additional government
Wc demand a national currency, safe,
sound and flexible, Issued by the gene
ral government only, a full legal tender
for all debts, public and private,
and that without the use of
banking corporations; that ft just, equit
able and efficient means of distribution
direct to the people, at a tax aot to ex
ceed two per cent, per annum, to be
provided, as set forth In tbe subtrsasury
plan et the Farmers' Alliance, er some
better system; also by payments in dis
charge ef Its obligations for publlo Im
provements. We demand tbe free and unlimited
coinage of silver and gold at the present
legal ratio of 16 to 1.
We demand that the amount of circu
lating medium be speedily Increased to
not less than ISO per capita.
We demand a graduated Income tax.
We believe that the moneys of the
country should be kept as much as pos
sible in the hands of the people, and
henoewe demand that all state and
national revenues shall be limited to
the necessary expenses of the govern
ment, economically and honestly ad
ministered. We demand that postal savings banks
be established by the government, for
the safe deposit of the earnings of the
people, and to facilitate exchange.
Transportation being a moans of ex
change aod a publlo necessity, tbe gov
ernment should own and operate the
railroads In tbe Interest of the people.
The telegraph and telephone, like
the postofflce system being a necessity
for transmlsuion of news, should be
owned and operated by the government
in the interest of the people.
The land, including all the natural
resources of wealth, is the heritage of
all the people, and should not be mono
polist d for speculative purposes, and
alien ownership ef land should be pro
hibited. Alllandi now held by rail
roads aod other corporations in exoeis
of their actual needn, and all lands now
ownsd by aliens, should bs rsolalmod
by the government and hold for actual
settlers only.
worth Weatom l Palace wtp
and Fast Chicago Train Stnvlce.
A palace car for Llneolu people U
now attached dully to Urn Chli-niro 11m
Ited, leaving f.lneola at 1:35. No ltUir
servlc, lowust rates.
Forthket. berth rrvatUui etc.,
call at Hly ottloe 1 13a U slretit, depvl
Cor, M ana 8th streets.
Ua NorthweeWrn Itno to Chletp
raUio, rat train . t'ftce Hi.
l l.o Opwlt hotel i lo tti'.j W.i r ol
V, it, iKeli, UivUioa IVmmtnder of
tho Aiu lunt Order l l 1! r e
lUnao. W. 1Mkcm.
Ho !Utt M (l la tit, Pint n4 ths
Uitat Nenbl
Nurt rlfhi. Thorn U but vnedlmi't
lyiVin lm, T lea Uiu't!a hy other
nmls U t le turtiud tHr t lit rla
tVetloru line ntxute. Siea that uv
tlart the ".N. rth-VfUrn" ry pur
t'hattliff tlokeUof It teirenUtlv,
A. h. ttwldlnf City TVkvt Atat 1U
k loth, st, K T. twrv at dritr
act ilh and 8 street.
SchcncclaiSy, K.Y.
Went, khoittiaiid. TviMtwrltlna. Koolt-
t keenluu and Tulcfrruphy. Shorthand
VIjvMhII, Three leHMiiim Tree. Send (or P
fl our Ht'KClAL blJMMKK OKFEK.
Fine Stock Auctioneer.
203 0at., Ulpcolp.Tveb
Holsteln Cattle.
Tlilrty-llvenowii bred for prls Urrow. four
tiiale of Jime furrow auu a few fall plf ut
lrU m to Hull the tlmeit,
Beavsr City, Neb
Hog Cholera Cured
(Jkktna, Neb., Nov. 18, 'U.'l.-I here
by certify that llonry Combs operated
r.n mo Vio.ra In A IIITMkt. I Hut. nd UIMA ttlO
wu n. J w u .
oporutlon 1 bavo nver bad my hogs do
so wen. ' 1 neiieve ii w oe a kjuu pro
ventatlve against all diseases. I also
bullevo it to bo to tho Infrent of every
bog ralnor to try it as tho cost is very
little. M. J. Olld-KSPIB.
Address, IIknky ComliH, 11th, and
C'umlnir Ht. Omaba, ftth,
muke hair urow on bald head
ami ou Imre faceo. It Kiliiiuliiua and Invluor
aUHiRMHoTillNUlil.ftS Wll.r., It U Mfl, mire,
certain, T'-Hied foraoyeai n, If It fall money
will be relumed, fnrire metal catiea I'rlce.ll.yS.
Bi 1
IJULIuI lea and ALL facial lmrM-rfeoMotm,
wbiteiiM, aofietm and actually trmiMfunim lbs
uiimt roiiub and muddy corn iilnx Ion, It iimhea
ttieboiiuiiy liuiiUHomir. L niimu'i aim .ue
Prl,.. Mlr'HtltM.
sl rKT Kor ftudaya only ws offer a full l.e
n I VU 0 1 ,.,ie of (Japlllaura. l'rlce l.!Jr, for
only MroiitM. halm of Heauty for DO ceiim,
llotli for only Tr.ceut Bent .free and prn11
anywhere, urmiam rrea. aorni
HUNTIR A CO., Hinsdale, N. H
Is tbe only
Wmn liolusmJ.
IS years i parlance,
Circulars fraa.
Htlmnd FaniamHU,
Free Free Free Free.
If you are about to make a trip to
loi-th, north woh torn Nebraska, thi
Jiack Illllsoountry oi cuntral Wyom
og, to points in the two Dakota, t
l'aul, Minneapolis or Duluth, or
joints went on the I'ucilio linos, to any
olnt in Minnesota, W I neon sin, North
rn Illinois and Iowa', direct to Chicago
he oast and south, you can obtain froc
f charge at the city ofllce, 1133 O St.
r do pot. comer 6th and S streets, of
Vorth Went- rn line, complete and ro
table Information or all connections.
-hU-s cto. With 8000 miles of Its own
ines in the states named visitors to any
f thuru can but serve tbelr intermits by
DHtronlzIng the Morthwentern line.
A. 8. FlKUMNO,
City Ticket Agt., 1133 O street
YV. M. Shipman,
Gen. Agt
line North wos torn line to Chicago
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1139
"Tobacco Users Smile Somstimts"
When told how tobacco hurts thorn:
sometimes they don't, because ahaltercd
nerves, weak , ohronlo catarrh and
loot manhood, tells tho story. Ifyoa
are a tobaooo uattr anu want u nun
poet yourU aliout NO TO UAU, the
wonderful, harmleea, iiuaranttHHl tobao-
co-htttti euro by calling on 11. T. Clark
Urug l'o., our agont, ana necurlnf a
copy of our little b'iok, "lkm't Tolwcoo
KpU or rniko l our i.tre A way;-' iaey
havoauld many boxpa of NO TO MAC,
and thvy are prfpatrd to wll it to you
undrau abntluto guarantue to cure,
llmiks mallnl fre by aiMro'alnc Tint
ST KK 1.1 Si ItkVHiV CUVPAKY, No 11
lUmlolph .St, (.Htlcago, III.
Call tn (Sou. Nsttermao & Co. for
carriage , wagonn, bltulor., and all
farm Implement, we'll u you right
Touitata hom Minnasoie Points.
Cottttnenplnif tK'tovr fith, a TourUi
car Uavva Mlnniap I. atrery 1qui U)
morning n I run to l'liulihi ami vU
Allrt ti (ilutnbus Juitction, er
rl v lost at 11 01 V TO. a l thurw iHitiurcu
with urC it. I. A. I1. train Nv U
wblch will l UI at ha hIb for ae
rlt tf the 11 C. It A N. train tarry
intf tl ati!. and via KauM t'Uy arriw
at I'wHii at'iHiml iiu'tnli .
Itrglanlug twikilr lOU, TourUt ear
l'tr'e AlUrt le ry lueatUt
uutrnini, anl run U Mlnn-aimll A SI
.m Uy thrit?b Agu. U lKs Molnma.
arrhliijf at nltfbt, aad tlir lav ovvr
and be takva wm "Htg VUv" rrl
Oar tiurnlnif, ami run tl Omaha,
tHiin ai.4 IMIuUle W 1'uel'lo
Uae Norlawa.tora lis to CMa'.
Urn "Vy
vev,''v f
. Km-lwir ni.r- VL,
I rnnt. Iivunn IMryr
' yilil of ill r mil
J of ill Fmlt mi7 I
..UIil enip, Tu.hj- I V
a in um hnd (eU I. 1 1
iliwtM ud lull trwlIM
prsiiim. MrtulartrM. f-4
, our.prniti. lltreiuartjr, f
WM.STAHL,QuinoyMl 1
Steel Wind Engine
n beau In tiM lnoe IHHt. It
it iii pioNttn sreit mill. i
bl BtAUn. aiHlNOlH. DOHA.
BUM, rOWtftiJl I ' W.ti
ueiirellie lulll for you to buy.
TaouniiiiilA bavs them t
Our tel Towr 4 nnule ate corner pouts.
uUliutlil .uwl irl and
bract.; not fence wlro. Tliey
COHHlHUCVONi much 0hei
ilia wuud and will last a Ufa
time I Our mil), and Uiwert riw
A 1,1. HTKKI, ami srs KUbl-Y
li'irei sud clrculsri, AdJre...
Arkaneae City Knee.
$100 REWARD HflmHi'tbat!0 Pannal
ellmlnaiH from tba nyMUim, 'ot by nutting
txitMinslu.liut uy t'linioM inomuutann kiiiiiik
all kiimh. If you have ever bid private din
Hhim, you have talien Mercury, Amenlc, Clold
lodliln. ma oilier mineral roiiem.
will never be your.elf aifulii until you hava
them all pulled out. 1 bava mathm that aa
sni'SiiliiMTo sr Hot erKi.n.. Hbeumatlem
without KMira. Jf you are notenjoyinjiKooa
healtb, call, or edilreM, wltb atamp. fwul. A..
If. hlplluger, wjt a veuua a.uouiicii uiunn.u.
To Mske a Trip to tbe
Best Advantage It Is Es
sential to
: : START RIGHT. : :
If Going to Kansas Don't Call On Usv
sioux crrr sr. taul, dulutw,
Anv nitlnl In lli two DiiltHta. or OenU-iU WyomiMS,
mil nn it., Because """Only Llnei-""n
8lreottot'',i'"u',t',r"""'"11 j,o4" "
Wn iiiiIii of rrmd, It ill th. Beet'
(Jen'l Agt. City T'kt. Agt.
M 7 So. I Oth It , Llnooln, Nob.
Depul: Corner 8 and Sth strneU,
For Gale,
Electric Motor
In good condition. Will be soldi
CHKAP if, sold soon
11. O. ftKfkkf ,
Corner 11th 4 M Sty,, LINCOLN, NiH
Great Rock Island Rodti
to the: east,
The UlauJ U tirtnut In adopt
lr-f uy advanUe caJt-uUwd Ui lm
wove hvU and live that luiury, fMy
anl itmi! rl ttist pt'p'.itur ir')A da
inaiuU iu tiiulpinont ( thonughly
nnpKio mh v.tihuUd trams, imS
alHivnt dliilnit fan, aU-vivr aad vaaJr
ci l,i . alt ! iniat tUgAUt, n-l vt
wo'Ht'y Imprwvvd jHtttura.
KattMul and vtiU tnanagtineat
and pi;iM, hv'mt M-rv'te from am
lloya ar luiHtrunt lnu, Thay ar
a dud We Uu'y-lii thelViepaay aad ta
trf!-r-oJ ll ta imUiwi tak
!' (Poult f awmi4Uhianl IVaas.
fvr in lino wUl Bn4 Utile cauae f
i'itp!lBt tn that g-vurd.
l'ir f all ('rtU-ur. a to U-avU.iuaiWt
raw, apply ti any isi'va tUkift t'fne
In th rnlUHt MW', CanaU Mtoo
oraddrvM; JNt. HMIAsTtAN,
if I WJJ