I) i t 6 THE WEALTH MAKERS. May .5 1S9 I Bj PIEBBE VI7ANT. CnAPTEIl I. Augustus Fitz Clarence Boobie waa yoarg gentleman of exceedingly gooo mtU. at least ai far a the outward Ban waa concerned, who had recent ly arrired In the little village of M with the avowed design of establishing fclmaclf in the practice of the law. He bad taken an cilice opon the mala are aa of the town and over the door had eaaaed to be placed a very showy sign bearing on field azure hie cognomen la golden lettera, appended to which waa the nana! legal addition of "Attor aer and Counselor at Law. No unmet waa be fairly installed in hit now headquartera than be com nencod the study of the law, lLo ladies nd love, of which, however, the last two were destined to receive by far bla c reatest attention. A more absolute devotee ut the shrine of fashion never trlpKra Broadway, Not a mere fop waa be, but the concern trated qnlntessenca of dandyism, be Jeweled, becented and bedecked in the very latent atyle that foreign importa- nona bad developed. Daily be promenaded the pave of the little street, to the envy of the village beaux, who stared with jealous glance JDatty he pntinrnnitni the pare of the Utile uvrett. tu be aauntered gracefully along, twb I fng bia mustache and ruttan with fin mil of aelf evident auperiority and the moat aiiprorne contempt and indifftr enoe to all their operations, It la proper here to bo stated that Ms tailor bad never as yet received an eqtii v lent for the magnificent auit of Fruxii broadcloth, Uenoa velvet and Turk 'a atin that enveloped bia elegant person, bat of what consequence wns that fact to bim, ao long aa the auit retained it priatlno elegance and bia tailor remained Ignorant of hi wherealnrnta? 'WaaBolotilun in oil bin glory an ayed like" Augustus Fita Clarence Hoobie? Could that aitjdent monarch have risen to behold this uniijno spec Ime n of hu manity bo would dotilitleaa have hurried back to hia long repooo heartily ashamed f the shabby appearance of bia own ob solete wardrobe. Time passed on, and our hero bad in gratiuted himself in tho good opinions of many of tho wealthiest families of M , with whom ho waa a general favoriteIn fact, quite the rage and there wua much strife aa to who should make a conquest of tbia "love of a man." He was auch n nice, genteel, moral young man at leaHt "so everybody aaid," and surely ''everybody" ought to know. Aa regularly us the Sahlmth morning dawned and the little bell had censed tolling Augustus, prayer book in hand, aauntered gracefully up the aisle to hid pew, und devoutly bending his head upon his perfumed cambric handker chief offered at least ao people im agined a silent prayer, and then, atter finding tho service for the day, in a clearly audiblo tone be made the re eponaea very reverently and paid the most profound attention to the worthy paster'e discourse, "even unto the-end thereof." Many stolen ghmrea wero directed to ward bun from nil pans of the little church. The chorister stin; bis loud est, and the lady nienilr of the choir evinced a perceptible eoiist'timsms of bia presence within the tacred walls. Acd whin the "f.aty ti'My" of the good dominie wa ended, the but slraiii of the hymn In dud away and the ' benediction bad tm pioiu unct d, what m Jostling and huuj lug down the g.il- j lory statu to obtain a glimpse t.r our hero or prtiatti htumrtd a nw from hla lordship: Thrice happy tu young lady whom be eoiid" viiuli d to set out peny hoiimwnrd, and Imw tunny thoughts WMmlervd to bim lnt.d boiler object in that no ti-d ibivt Hi pri it in thu vtllngu b,id a ti nd mey to iriebr wlty unusually gay, and iiisny I alt and p.itti. wn gh n i;irsly lit honor f htm, llu wa tttl by (ho joiiHK belli, p (ltd by Uuir luduii H loaiumss, tl.ipid u(Mt ilt back familiarly by tl.tr pp4 - In holt, tit limt.tti. n to r. U i.t, din m r end t4 . tuum tti timi tt waa i wdnily ,hffl. wit f.-r bint to c wpt them alb It would It4t t.n no tty aiifptUii.rf iilt Ul a i.it nh fa n.oi aie !e allow am n if Inlet under uh In 'tiiustanct Uu vi iii. tli-ly Itwlldend and gilty .f qtil tn lli rt tin. It W4 It." )oMII lliell elolta wliM thoi,ll hi"'. Tbey is bU utt JMiMiIhS. Ibe "bead and (tout l hi offniluig bad Ho l it. itt, no more," He , a they ttusiiod, liui leg lue pbi Ibry iii fitrmt;r!y ccvnphd. In th gol iaH)of the upsiie -s4 blle lhy wort now huuat fuioltnt f at Iwut SERVED Ru T treated with the utmost tndifferenoo by bia devoted followers. Among their ranka, however, no "bright particular atar" had aa yet aris en npon bia mental vision. No fair one bad made any Indelible impression npon bla apparently susceptible heart. No gracea of form, feature, mind, or, last, though far from least, fortune had served to touch Its tender chorda, "He wan dered in maiden meditation, fancy free." His stock of knowldge wat I'm ited to s familiarity with the current goasipof the day, a superficial acquaint ance with all the latest and moat trashy novela in yellow cover, and a tolerably good memory enabled bim to quote from Byron and Moore to jtiat that extent which gave the lackadaisical young ladiea of M a most exalted idea of bis conversational powers. Charming Au gustus, thou wert all that sentimental schoolgirl coold picture or scheming mamma could conceive of as the bean ideal, not to say beau real, of romantic perfection. Those were thy bulcyon daya when Eyts looked love to eyps, which spok sgsln, And sll wont intirry m a marrlsgs boll, liutliusht Hark I CHAPTER n. Among the village bejlea waa one who was prp-emlnent for beauty, wit and the thoTraand little accomplishmenta which serve to make woman more love ly and to win them the attentions of the genua homo. Kate Lincoln waa a bora beauty none or your die away fairies pale, hectic, consumptive looking creatures, whose chief ambition ia to be thought in an interesting decline nor, on the other hand, was she one of thoso bounc Jng country girls of the milkmaid order, who , . Wslk in the morning And sr shod like niDuntslrissrs, but a refined and perfect lady in every respect. Bright and beautiful waa aha nd justly admired by the whole circle of society in which she moved, fthe was t genuine lover of fun, provided it did not border on rudeness, and her repar tees were provorbial for the delicacy of their satire, which thu most fastidioua could not construe into anything over stepping the hounds of strictert cour teay, Bhe waa envied by not ft few for ber many personal attractions and yet beloved by all. Her natural warm heattedness won ber sincere friends among all classes, and while ber dignity of character always commanded respect there waa nothing forbidding in ber manner, but a certain indescribable something which always made you feel at your ease in her presence. Of course Augustus in bis triumphal progress waa brought in contact with the fair Kate, and after having obtained an introduction waa completely under the spell of ber influence. Rumor bad previously whispered to bim that sho wua the faeiresa of all bei father's wealth, and it required little forethought on bia part to decide that abe waa at least worth an effort of at tainment. Not capable of keeping bis ntentions a aecret to himself, be confid ed them to a'frieud of Kate's, who per ceiving at once the object of hla designs communicated the fact to ber, Katu waa no mean reader of buman nature, and no very deep scrutiny waa necessary on iier part to ascertain the depths of our hero's Intellect. Hlio discovered that be was a hypocrite aa far aa ho knew how to be, unprincipled and by no means aa sapient ua many people of ac knowledged discernment imagined bim. Ilia foppery, his senseless chitchat and above ull his unbounded prida disgusted her, and sho resolvod to bring down the bitter. But how could she effect tho desired humiliation without compromising tho dignity of her character us a lady? A plan soon suggested itself. For tho sue ceasful furtherance of itsho accepted his attentions with tlje utmost grace at ev ery party where both were present, danced, waltzed and conversed with him upon every festive occasion, to tho great surprise und some littlo envy on the part of the feminine portion of the community, to say nothing of tho indig nant looks and speechea of tho beaux. I ho gossips decided that it was a most reprebeiiHive case of flirtation and a downright infringement of tho luws of propriety, of which the fair Kuto ought to l heaitily ashamed, and thny even deputed n committee to wait upon the good natured judge, her father, to re- port tho "disgraceful eouduet of his daughter, " But then they only received their trouble lor their pains, inasmuch as the indue uuvo them to understand that Kato was but exercising the pre rogative of her sex und intimated that thu institution of a homo mission would appear lur ha quixotic than this volun tary and unsolicited Interference with the affair of other. l'or, liicoiikWtcut women! They never ailed to mind thu undent fuhh of the fox und the uiiuttntnable fruit of thu ine, never reflected bow tiuich it would havi) ministers! tu their vunhy could tin ir Killie and Nancy Jam a have la-en the happy n-cliibnt of Atiutitii' Mat. tciiug Btti'iitionw. But noaui li good for. Iiiiot awaited them. Kate, und Kate only, wa llieihom ii oljn tof Angus til' loipvlUt J led I bet Ion, ludkcd by thte nattering indication i t iM ii M to l lii ve lloil h should I II counter li t i'UUck to hi suit, be oit i nine u fniju. nl vuitor at ber father' hue id fevelud with distill-gnt-lo- J ei nit !naii n ly ll Imi w tu the wnl and ned bis In (Ml tunillie t i at Kate tit the ac eo . I iui,iin lit of b r bin. Ilo pi, nd laiU h Ih tid and j-b m -ni l ws enlrenoly iul Ken.luig siid i.lile llml AOfc'ftun, slut conidi i tin mmuiiimt most f. !! h t -i tti fuil.i Mine of bla eutl, 't bdiloir lnlllloii with delight and tnt.ivd ie toth apliilof Uteitt with ll'lHHUi t. T lua land id U A lt vU th MWmurt I'Uio loaU t en. U, (of mi 'iw fur tho round trip f hI 11 day Call on l t.ll bin U, C, V. Ik T, A. It0l 0 itrtal Liaoula, Nab, LJ I lb r Uiib&Q No. io7ni.iik niirioM. Fill each two consecutive blank with word that rhyme. This is a good exercise In language; There Is stretch of aJlver , That nightly in ihs t doth Like vime untroubled, radisut , Upon wbo bosom The tinted cloiidfwsre rise snd ,' Otiedicnt to the we! wind' , Across this ocean, eonset , A tiny cmft doth lightly , L'nstsld by rock or reef or , A nd piloted by one pal It slips the rosy ripple , Light freighted with fairy . Wo. 10,- "LA R S P ORS ENAO FC LU SI The KtruM-nn Kln. M UMB THE 9G 0 D SHE S W ORE" When the clever boy has read the above t a glance and ha twitted bis sister for not having found it out yet, hu may amue himself hyglvlngtlie names of the nine and the title of the work quoted. tin. 10f,-('roword Knlgmu. In inanition, not In hul; i In open, not in shut; In river, not In lake; In giving, not In take; In looking, not In stare; In frighten, not in scare; In pulpit, not in pew; In boiling, not in stew; In lumlx-r, not In board; In nobler, not In lord. And my whole will appear In the fourth mouth of the year. tin, 110. Rhomboid. Across: 1, A moving power. 'I. One who preserves. 3, Kudden fright without good cause. 4. According to law. S, A vehicle. Down; 1. A letter. 2. A bone. 3. To pierce, 4, Elliptical, 5. To make new, 6. A seaport city of Russia, 7, A keg. 8, An exclamation. (I, A letter. Across: . A klndof duck, S, Preserves, 8, To decline. 4, Regulations, 6. A gum. Down; 1, A letter. 2. A verb. 8. A par ent. 4. Always, 5, To resort, 6. Demand. 7. Affirmation, 8, A musical note. 9. A letter. . o, i 1 1 .- Proverb Making, From the letter contained In the follow ing words form a proverb which counsels prompt and ready actions Hotel. Hblre. Worth. Kite. Is. Jn. tin. 1 1 Double A croftl le. My primal nameMdislliiaulshcd author and my finals a historic town. Crosswords; 1. Moral. 2. A maxim. 8. Consumed. 4. Anything preserved in re membrance. 5, A nickname often given to a young colored man. 0. A carnivorous animal. 7. One of a race that bos no fixed habitation. No, M't.-Trannpoftlllon, A warrior bold of wotldwHe fame, Was "T. Altal"- A heathen king who won a nam indaysitone by. Known as ' "The Scourge of God" through- out All Christendom, In memory he will live no doubt For years to eoine. Armed with the Rcythlan war god's sword. Ho feared no foe. Where'er he led hi savage horde Were grief anil woe. He died upon hi wedding day, Thl warrior bold. In regal slate lit body lay Ciifllnml ill gold. J 4. Anagramo, Names of animals: 1, Shore. 2. Sale. 3, Reed. 4. linwe. 5. Do rouse M. tt. I roll. Adam. 7. Hear. 8, In tram. 9. I, too. rest. 10. Pale cot. 11. Then rap. 12. Pale rod. 13. Hun law. 11, Toast.. 1!. Hales. Id. Fowl. 17. Much in one. 18, Then leap, 19. Clap me, Dora. 20. A lone Del. f.reut I'll ia For I'uz.lern, Now, Ikjs and girls, hern Is trri'ut fun. (Set a crowd together, appoint an umpire to decide on pronunciation (with tho hcli; of the dictionary) und offer a pri.o for tho one who can pronounce all thexo words without a. inlMuke: 'A sruHlegious son of Itelinl who has sufTered from broiichKls, having exhaust ed his llnaiices, in order to uuiku gssl tint deficit resolved toiolj bluimilf to iidnrly, lenient mid il's:llu ooiigbiuyof tbo Ma lay or 1'muaslun rue. Ho accordingly pundiuxH a ciillloiHi mid coral necklace of achameliHin hue, and in securing a suit of risiiiii nt. a principal hotel he engaged the head waiter u Id rontljutor. 'He thciul Input died u letter of thu moot exceptional callgrnpliy extant inviting tho young lady tu a matinee, hhe revoluil at the Idea, n fum'd to consider herwdf sue- rlllculilo to Id dchln-s and sent n jkiIIui nolo of refusal, on g iving wbli It bo pro cured n citrliliio und howlo knife, wild tlmt he would not now forgo ft tt r hyuieueid With the queen, Went lo all U'l itcd HJHit, scvcn d bis jugular Vi lli and di 'barged the (HuiteiiU of lliecnrtilne into Ms nUlo men. The debris was Mimved by thu oor ulter "Ht liiiligo. kry tu t'mili r. S'a I (xi. Trnioiiloui Wamaw, A run. 1 1 lo iiiv WUklow. Iuv.-nn- t'rirlui. KUt4i'iiuiiil. r. Nil, U.- k-hrdrl WvinUj Hriuk, rink, Ink. I'li4tr, bitir, Mir Nu. tUfJ.-Huld.il rov.rb: b "llslf a butt I Uiur IIihu o bund " "Kutptv U iiik lb riii',t stiiiiid." 3, "ritrik lb iron hii It t but." 1 "Vou cuioeit itiHkallk puroeef asoH"er." No, U"l, - lliUUt limine: l,'iui r 4 l.uii.w. at It, J vu.lt ariit Miund Vtat ,Mili ul l UU.! ,irIOC bet t.'UI.UI Ni. H IttimirUd (Vntral Acrostiet tViiimS, Au'wv, CrttatKurtlsi I. cliAlti. I. IttN't.: a llrfiu. 4. CAiit. , imit'w, 4, I..I.I.. N-, t' -' - A I ,iiUi till, mhmK Ui.yir I U ted - (UtirpbU Anritui (lull vf Mam, AiUuuu mii, Nonb e, U iit, lH ta AiiMw n, Mdii rUMOi M', 'ili hh, null )( Hellllll, UMU mf, Aluo-ll tktl, t"iiS4ell Ml, rijowitef u'f, H irtiwui Imj, Iviite AltM-rt mud, linlinx iirti, Uy "I Kuiidjr, Anil M'lll, 1114 k M , t iw k lf U, Torr i mil, VUuw. IUliHi.4it,ut,lliiii I Uy, Mwi Urry bay, trl id Knr, OitaloW bay, I'aiullea muud, IWibeeet bay, BOOKS TOM TBX MASSES. Get these books sad oar vapor sa fait aa you ess into ua bancs f um md1, frienda. Buy, read sb4 elrcalate. Addreaa sll o-dara to the ALLIAKCft PUIUSBISO COM FAB f Llnoolft, Neb. A Co-opera thra Cammoawealtb. BT LAWHUTCI OSOSXUND. A book for all whe beltov the oompetHlv commercial nnnit media amrsMM bj BiuM ncouutalc isusa of predacuoB tzi dis tribution. A book a lo for those whe believe competition aeoMsary. 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Herron. n n Professor of Applied Christianity in Iowa Col leg 1 virtually a new discovery of both the !w ana me gopei,n nncornng or ta trutu irotn aceumuiatea tempi rnbblih, th truth which alone can save tb Individual and which alone can car tb socletyr It Is th son Del of 1 society r It Is th gas Del of lev In action, th Industrial, commercial cosmI a dltlnsruibed from a Hunday goepi. In clotb binding, )7 page, 7b cent. A Plea for tb Gospel. This book, br tb same author a th nrer-ed- Ing. I a most searching lamination of ttr preaching and work of tke cburcb, Sum pi-Si a above, Tt enta. The Duties of Mas, BY JOSEPH MAJEZOT. Tb great Italian, who heart eabraeed tb world and whose thooght will arr dU. He lived and uRrd for ia Industrial and politi cent. cal niuauvivaiiiwa 01 mm Postpaid, I Ten Men of Money Island. BY COL. S. P. NORTON. Another book to ttfer vrrwhr. It I th pfe Most money and money question madlnDl Interestingly lnstructlv. lgbty-lghtpage. r fiu, iv cea'e, tor so cent. Civilisation'a Inferno. BT B. O. FLOWKB. Studies in tb oclar,cllar. A simple, thrill log repirt of wbatTb Arena dltor looked upon with bis own eye in th tenement diatrinu of fioston. A book which must greatly itartl and arouse men, Clotb 11.00, paor W ent. Looking Backward. BY EDWARD BELLAMY A book no oa can afford to miss read lag. "It ba revolutionized tb thousrht, of theooantrv as bo other book ba ever don." Tram iatd Into nearly all European languages, a most entertaining story that lata in the full light of heaven on the great social problem. Millions bar already read It, !ltk 11.1, paper 60 cents. CTOCKWBLLe HAD BOY. Twenty-thre ilde V5 fpiltting dlaloauea. Langh aa (row fnt. MunHy, land sad transportation la broke ,). Warranted to mak mora PuiinlUtt to the square Inch than anything In print Polnta for Thinker knocks tbe G.O. K etlly. (ioveromeat Ownenhlp of Uallroads paralyie 'em. 10 ceatch tbt laueo, pvnpeio, iota hum iron iau I'eopl'ea I'nny Caiiipaicn Iiliernture, We have received from Ileadquartera al Washington tho following list of campaign ll'eruture which can be ob tained at prices Riven by wrl'ing to Ileadquartors for It: "Anulysikot the Mnimy tjiirailon " - ny Xptia tor John I'. Jnii,'. .. . The si it-nee ol Miiiicy Jty mutitlor W tu, M hlewat't . for II ui I 00 I 00 3 00 I MO I SO 1 tli I ou .Oh .;! .03 II 111 40 It S5 Cmiuurf iIih s.,i.ioi4i,'i' It y M-imtor Utewai t Tftj IwUX SIHlSllHdt Itlltllll; - Ilv M-uator V in. V, Alleu Money ijtit'OtliiU (i mil a lkiill htistlllllilllil - liy lautur m V. Allen li M "l ey ljii lull - ly Nwiuior n tn. A I'rfli'f the lii-,im li l.at t'eli. O ... r'ree lHMM"l f Sllvwi Hy t ' i, al. " fpfl 1 IA .US! A I to; 01 .04 Ml 40 1. u i .1 ami tiilr M'Ui-v 4W Jehu i I lu u M r . I b M fjr V'tf tt m My Ji'ii stiiiiiu Sll 1 tut I in 4it TV iM Tun above U only a curtiai list. IHhur will lie AilJvil t.s sihmi at mil Tlie?welif am lurnUhitl al col ami we curuvly rt ijuel that att itaUt, oouuty anJ IihuI couunttiee, also all IVoi'ln' I'rtriy C!uh, Ia gUu, anvl IVo dV imrljf oter aUl in olreutatlrg till ItWratii.-tf. UUlhrt l-o.l U.k U attAnt'm fur iasi yvl atlonttnl At'tlos i tMiiUlnliiif a oinVo lti t rotunn tisik, .ittihleU, e. iwt, f'o , 1U Ih enl OUl from he I tjuarler at an eartv Jay. 8eiJ tma ca' damp for hiiu .Vtel all order la Signed; J.II. TrK, II. I'.. TAViiaNW t'halriuaa. ), II. Tl KK. Htiertitarjr. TakTB WKALTM Mahkhi. I a i i i g a. a. & I I 4! S t ! a a s s CD Ll I Allen Root, 6 tat Stock Agent Nebraska Stat Farmers' Alliance, omoft ao ruAsioux MAjiAona. W. 0. ALLYN, CatU Salesman. A 11 An Print LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Room 220, RjcrcsEiruKfli Plrat Xatlonal Bank of Omaha. Commercial National Bauk. Omaha. U. 8. Yd National Bank, South Omaha. Kb. Saving Lscbang Bank, Omaha. Ceatral City Bank, Central City, Me. J, W. Castor, Pre. B. Linen. Sec. J. P. Rocsb, Vice-Pres O. L Linch. State Agent. T71 farmers luuiuai insurance VjU OF NEBRASKA. Organized in 1891. 4$2,000000 fpsurpc flow Ip t Effect.. DinrcTOKS: J. W. Castor, Emerald. Neb. J. P. House, Alvo, Neb. J, h. Ileruance, Kaytuond, Neb. A, Or"nTnyer, C'heenev, Neb. ll. it. jibvih. rtyrucuse, neo. J A, Kloren. Goe liner, Neb. .1. A. Ilarr, York. Neb. W.J. liildretb, Exeter, Neb. N. . Uyatt, President, eb. Ln-- nit itt i- j r. . tt Price, $4: SEND FOR CATALOGUE. v(Agents Wanted for the A. M05PE. The best few minutes' attention s day will keep it ruonlfJi, Mwl economical: Kuaran feed cost ol running Is one cent per borse power per hour. Address, No, 4t,lSouihweHt Boulevard' Wefair Gas &, Gasoline Engine Co., Kansas 3 - I have a lot of excellent good mare, com rercneron ana wwii. auu raining, MmsTltf FRANK JAMS, I iuu. .ft d . I tt", -ri W t'-asi ..'"I laws' "horse show" ot f 5 Till !-.-f- tie air of 11,"hiiow t "' ; " jf"IS!"AiVrll " v ' i u,n nA won evnTy nr .ffWlr M.'lTi - (hurrlnK one). 45 out of - Z,.i '.V Li l ! i , - two silver medals 0 ipqrw r'r , ,. , ? A Juf' j or ii Kito" draft horses a . r,-'M-m: ... . .-i).MMt.-e'Vi,'j. iv uo in caso. it ous More State Prize Winners lams' "select 400" stirred un the animals rs ft horses- and no men's horse barred ai.d colt, shown at World's Kalr lams In the oniv In iinut three years, at d lartcuHtuf Clyde and nuueu to me name ot SWEEPSTAKES STUD S lams guarantees to how you the Inreest All of them are "apprved"aud stamtwd" by th Kumiiean (?overnmnt and came !a ''duty free '" That saves buyer 30 nr cent and Insnri-M him a llrst clan borne of xlit bukh breedlnv. No S to 5 year ouls Iphm than l(KS) toa.ioo ibs. TKItM" I, 2 or 8 yearn' time at 5 per cent luu-ri-il with ii) to 6U er cent of a breeding Kuarautee and lams pays the freight No reasonable price refused for Winners in '94 P'lrkt rl.mK f MvrlpH. Shlree und tlurk ifrav my horsed mim be sold. No pets writ lams. L. BANKS PcrcHeron, EngllsU MT hor woo vnor hoaor than aay Importer' la Amrlo at th followjsj ftii lo B?.T,Tulr. re. Mole.; Nbr..a fcui Pair. Mneo In: aa. 1HS K tab 6rt premium nt weertakes over all. , t luutraat aud lotm time tfliilt the t rout orti-es on mil dlstaat. New importatlsu Juet received. W.oJ.o WROUGHTON, Heatings. JSTelo., IMfORTBR AND DEALER In Clydesdale, p German r,(Sr Cleveland Bay Stallions. ia irn oilolted. b table ta Iowa. Addrets, W.J. LADIES V Ik l Iffl m l Hftt4tt4Ai - A. Inl (T4 f.. b'tk't If t Mj 4t l''H4 i W It.. .U t!ll I f 4 UIH r tl it I I . . t'feftb. Nav r t.4 I The Wealth Makers GlOROS 8. Beown, Bog siihbs. & rjnmmnv. Ixcbaoge Building South Oiaha, Neb. (SfBefor (hipping aak u for oondltloa at Market and Price. A. GressaM ter. Trea. 1 Zt-I PRINCIPAL OFFICE: 246 South: f th Street, k.jrGOU.r, ff EB. Correspondence solicited from all jersons lntertt-WKl la mutual Insurance. jieu fuuy nmwi m m urn 9.75. Kimball Pianos and Ornanww Jr,y Omaha, Neb. GASOLINE ENGINES because the most simple. City. Missouri FOR SALE I omwILraffiawM'000 pur bred (records) stallloa F.ncltsh elblr. Also lniMrted American bred Shetland Ponies. This stoek 1 of our own lmnoMs mal or all, a the entire stock must b disposed of. Por a list dwKjripilon addrM, A. L. SULLIVAN. oimu, nsaiiuT auu an naoi. n will Mil OB Th Importlsf Draft Hotm Ooapany. LINCOLN, NEaV IMPORTER AND BREEDER 100 Black Percheron, French Draft, Clydes, Shires and toilers. ,10 horses at Nebraska cd UUUrr liUciillfcll- flrnf. t'W,e competed for 60 Imi and and prlwit. ftl cah for"llKHT SHOW ,slx swiseiistakes prlx.es Than All Importers of Nebraska and wen the 1200 00 prize for ''Kent show over kvkhv Nebraska draft stalllio tu: real live importer of French home s from 1 hblres: unit be is tbe only mau in NeliniHlit collection of llrst cUss draft horsits in Nebraska PerchHroim lend tlnin blarlt Pereherons. All tit. llunl lan II 1, U ...,! rT U Ifn'a FRANK IAMS. St. Paul, fs'eb. WILSOU, Creston, Iowa. -IMI-OilTBB or- SUlre, Belglai ud Coici Bor? Kor siilnly flrst-tlae lmeort4 hrM low City rrm, Ore. WO, low. Tliaoa to farm English Shlro. Percheron, Belgian, Coach, Yorkshire, Coach and to rponlbl parlln. Corroipond Uaa WROUCHTON, HllnK, N.b. UEUYfi. I u wtl t ,1 rvv ... ..., i,M , aantlnj i, '- tltt, ..,! t, - ' ' ""' ' --' l iui,.! .. i ; .ir ' i ' , .iv... !....- ' 4 St ..nl..i...,.r,4,n. '1 iU ' . ........ . .... II m .- , . ... lw " " 11 1 m7i SSI PER YEAR. tie ii' ''rnn.T i MM l-y- b utaip "mm WMaja,i ff iJHMMmialiai a. , . 1 aaa ' r A