The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, May 03, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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    May 3. 1S94
3 10 per cent, interest; aud were all
redeemed by the middle of July 1W8.
Under tie act of March 3, 1805, there
were issued, for the purpose of taking
up treasury note and other obligation!
of the government including green
back!, $948,471,600 of llvetwentltri bear
ing (1 percent.
In March 18U7 and July 1W8 there
vera issued $, 150,000 of temporary
loan certificates bearing interest at 3
percent, to redeem compound -interest
The refunding bond of 18SW, of which
tl,500.000,000 were authorized were to
take up previous issues.
Besides those were the bonds Issued
for the Union Pacific railway to the
amount of 101,018,8 W.
Any further question! relative to the
above will be cheerfully answered so far
as the records at hand will permit.
Cbah. T. Giuffw.
: Sam Jones has rcmarkiblo powers of
description, as witness the following
word painting of Congress us be sees it:
"Of all the box anklod, bandy
sbankod, ilea bitten, bob tailed, lop
eared, mangy, courageous, bralnlii'S
Jackasses that ever Hmbled since dud
made Ino world, I think for puro down
right uiiHriedness tho nrescnt gnng in
Congress, headed by Hill In the Bunate
i v ana taiica oy no quorum ' ia vun uuubw,
, .. I I . II tT.. ......
I. 41. ... all "
HuoTHKit Beinuakt of the Tola
Countv Independent says tho cause is
still firrowlnff in "Lltllo Polk," where
Populism is politically enthroned.
(Jen, Weaver bas been secured to de
; liver an address at the County Fair in
E--- - 1
Mr, L. A. Stockton, member of the
Pool!' party national committee, and
editor of the Sidney, Nobraka, people'!
Poalard. has downed his malicious oon
spiring political oneroid in Cheyenne
county who last fall trumped up I
charsreof embezzlement against him
lhe court a few dayi ago decided the
TnasainMr. Stockton's favor, and his
Venomous foes tiro finally and com
DletclvdlioomOted. We hope all our
exchanges will rejoice with and publish
this victory of an honest Populist
Wk Intended before this to partiou
Uarly mention Mr, Woods, tho man who
o beautifully designed the bunding of
our paper. Mr. W. is the teaoher of
drawing at the Woileyan University la
this city, a mm of genius with the pen
oil, and possessing muoh inventive
talent. Any of our exchanges or pri
vate parties who need ornamental pea
work, titles, monographs, to., should
correspond with him, ills prices are
. reasonable.
To ttont! a Bpeakor to Oregon.
Populist IIkaixjuartems, Lincoln,
Nehraska, April, 21, iw4:
There is a movement on foot to send
a speaker from Nebraska to Oregon.
The Oregon election takei plane In Juoe
and there is a splendid ehanoe of Popu
lists carrying the state. If they could
do io, it would create a popular tidal
wave to tho People's party. Tho Ore
gon committee is too poor to pay
' speakers, therefor, the national com
mittee insists that strong Populist
states like Nebraska shall choose some
of their best ipeakora and pay their
expense! and some little compensation
to take part in the Oregon campaign.
Tho money could not be expended to
bettor advantage, for victory ia Oregoa
in July will Aa more to bring about
victory In Nebraska than a dozen
speaker! oould do.
Therefore, the stato committee, while
It makes no assessment for tho purpose,
asks Populists in all parts of the state
tj contribute what they are able to an
Oregon fund. Even though it be but a
mite, every little will help.
The money should ba sent to J. V.
Wolfo, Lincoln, treasurer of the stato
ftcoinmlttce, and should be marked
'Oregon fund."
J. A KlHikKTUN, I), Clicm Dkavih,
Secretary, Chairman,
The members of the Fourth Congres
sional dWtrlot rominltWe of the Peo
ple1! Independent party will meet in
Lincoln, Neb , May ISth, at the same
time and place that tha state executive
committee mn-u,
We ikMre to call ih attention f our
reader to our special olr to all sub'
irrtwr AnyiK'Mon has a chance to from our 1UI of reform
Ittcrnt ur, free.
I'tilt H.M.N.
TUtSUUi AUUui'M hm fur a!
lUu at ivuu mvh, flit) wr
Manual, at tOocaU i-avh, T5 cent
r u'-tt.
iUtH'tpt Kn-ks fur Hun-AIDanr and
tVmnly AlUa'tty. enti
liwer raa ! vt Aiituc ana
h lUUotini UrtlHi tut white aud
I IVWat-k, 40vi. AJdrs
j lUrtwvll, Nsb.
I have t halt etta m v miles
I aurtU u! l mla am) ltr mil !
I . if Uvy, wtll t cattle t i tn ami
V kr aV II wU M h erain
r i, T, t'At.MSM.
0 .1 ..m,.,,,.,.
th Mit uf Juur frltttJs shvniUI W rt.
) siaut naUNnt Th WLtw MaKana,
Ihew tUeitt Iht lae au4 vail thale at
jaUoa to cur siwHtal vQr, it
Novel Binder Transport.
When the self binder was first made,
it weighed something over a ton and
its transportation from place to placo
was to the farmer what tho elephant is
to a traveling circus. IU full width of
thirteen or fourteen feet monopolized
the wide road? and made it impoeslble
of transport over the narrow ones.
This state of affair led to the adoption
of the binder truck, by means of whlob
the machine was transported sideways.
This invention was considered a great
boon to farmers, but the task of lifting
the heavy machine onto the truck was
alwaya severe and unpliamint, if not
actually dangerous. Hut recently an
invitation has been patented which duos
away with the binder truck altogether.
This dovioe solves tho problrm of
binder transportation by jointing the
platform near the inner end so that in
a few minutes the platform can bo
telescoped in suoh a way that the grain
wheel is brought close to the foot of the
elevators, and the machine runs on Its
own wheels. In this way the machine
Is narrow ao that it van go wherever i
hay wagon oould be drivenover car
row roads, narrow bridges aud through
gatoi. 'J his by reduction la width also
accomplishes a considerable saving of
storage room.
This improvement as far as we know,
has boen put out only by William Deer
lng ft Co., of Chicago. Wo understand
they are protected by strong patents.
If they wore not, the, evident utility ol
this dovioe would cortainly lead to Its
imitation by all makers of harvesters
Wo are credibly Informed that critical
examination of a large number of these
platform! which have been in use fur
three years or more, has shown that the
Joint Is the strongest part of tho plat
form, and that the tendency to sag.
which was predicted by the incredulous,
has steadily refused to show itself.
We want fifty thousand now subscrl
bersto ThkWkalth Makkku, Will
each one of our present subscribers
help us by sending two new nnmes? If
you are unable to get yearly subsoil
bers, send them in for three or six
month!, loo out special offer in
another column,
One Fare for the Round Trip,
Toll your friends in the east that on
May H and ft), the Burlington route will
sell round-trip tickets at thn one-way
rate to points in Nebsaska, Kansas,
eastern Cidoi ado, Ben th western Mouth
Dakota and northern Wyomiag,
Tickets are good for twenty days;
allow stop-overs and will bo on tale at
all Stallone east of the Missouri River.
J. r kanoi 8, (. l. it T, A., lJurllngion
Itoote, Omaha, Neb,
HY MU8. 3, T. KELLIfi, SltO'r.
Saundera County. Brother Wright
visited ui on April 7 and introduced
tho Aid Degree, which semuod to meet
with considerable favor, aeveral taking
insuranoo. We bad a meeting last
night and planned for rone wed effort
to Diake this Alliance tho banner Alll
anoe of tho county, as in days gone by
Please send all the information you can
give in regard to purchasing supplies,
tho key to tho situation here, neglect
of which, it seems to me. once broke us
up. M. 8
lUd Willow County.-We are a little
slow, but our lodge is built oa a solid
rock and will stand until the enemy is
no more. W. I.
Hitchcock County We have been
working bard to keep up our AUIanoo,
out tiiDoa are nard and mooty scarce
and it is hard to keep up due, l'leuse
write us the doing! of State Alliance
and of other aut-Alliances. I think it
will help our Alliance.
Yours for victory,
J M, B.
I can give news to all better and
fresher through this column than any
ttlur way, and I hope our members will
aeud in all Allunoe new that we may
uave an lautresllng apr i4t u
know of your luowm or failure In
educational, financial, political, and
social matter. r.dltor Alliance depart
Sherman county Our county Al
lianoe waa to have met the bib, but
It raluud acaily all day, uontrtjufntly
there waonly four of u met; so we ad
Jourued until Saturday, The wallir
thn wa still bad, and rvad mudiiy,
but by Urn o'oUk k people br gaa to etime
la from all tllreciloiu, to hi ar W, I..
tirvuno i'f Ktatuey, who was tulvtrtlscd
V iak la the aftorio a aaU evmlitg.
Whll waltlaf f'r Mr, liivtue the
CHtunty AtiUnco bald a short lUMlbg.
Mr, t.rt no ikiui, lu oa the two oV'tn-k
train au4 wn luuuvdUldl to thei
t'tr bouit wlmrw w lUWnt tf to
tf lirMo W, aud it e god, (U
baaIUd hU aujwct In tla h, aad
th ttr. without tfb, M tb
atbr ba4 btwa yotnl thvr would
baveUea a ImmtiM hm4, At It
im tbre m hh va t mht to
btar htm, tlthi!aadtng Itkad raiavd
ail t k rblay aui the -r4
la bad thapo,
JworUr;, hhria IXi. AltUavH
l nrty tvuaty. Yur of MarvH "
rWtd ba takta time Uctjult
with ul pur old miiubr, 1 tut
rvaJy U rvorauU aad Wrlag lata lie
our AllUaiH baver I U.Uk II van N
"THE HUB" has completed a larjre purchase
early spring prices and will sell tho entire great purchase at prices that will make the great
est May Safe "THE HUB" has ever known. We cordially s
Invite You to Attend
and you will not be disappointed for tho Suits are honest, clean and in every way desirable
and will do good service for Men in any line of tusiness. '
Men's pretty gray, blue plaid or
Oaesimero Suits, no shoddy
but clean good wearing Suits QC Afl
regular value $7.60. Now OJiUU
Men's fine wool Oassimere Suits plain
gray color will wear with fle tc
any regular $10.00 Suit Now 03 1 1 3
Men's light brown mixed Cheviot
Suits, basket pattern a nob- OO en
by suit for summer wear, uDiUU
Men's fast color Blue Suits made of
celebrated Wachusett
nannols always sold
$8 00 to $10.00. Now
Men's strictly all wool, genuine Olay
Worsted Suits, Sack or Frock,
easily worth $15.00 -during GQ QQ
our great May Sale Ou UU
M A 1 1 HRnFRSIf you live out
nles of cloth can be sent, but you run no risk
If you need Clothes
Fear God,
Tell the Truth
and Make Money.
done. Hi! tho general opinion of our
member! that dues could not bo met
this year. Perhaps they might next
year. I do not tbink that we have two
rnembwrs, myself Included, that could
ouv dues without taking that much
from ae. lniufllclent food fund - A bad
state of affairs, but true. W. H. H
1 know of one Alliance that was in
that shaoe and many of the member!
were buying Hour. They went to the
mill and made a eoutraut for any of
their member! by presentation of their
toomborhh'.p crd to get flour at whole
salo raws. They saved 50 cents a sack.
Knough to pay thelrdues for six months.
-lid. J
Cherry County Our Mutual Hail In
suranoe Company of Lincoln, 1 beiieve
bas done more harm than good to our
order. seat mo different aotoi
amounting to about I KK) for collection,
there is Just uue I cau collect without
bringing suit aud should that be done,
rood bye Alllanoe. I am afraid to face
the music C. W.
J Our brother seem to think there is
soiue connection between the Alliance
and tho Inturance Company mentioned.
There is absolutely none, nor was there
ever. The Alliance never had the
slightest control of or profit from any
Insurance Company, consequently they
can not he held responsible for any of
their acta or dobU. ur secretaries de
not need to feel under any obligation to
collect their bills, and should they
choose to do ao they must bear In mind
that it li private business and to coo
noct it In aay way with the dute Alli
ance is to obtain money under false
pretenses. Tne Aid Degree Life In-
surunoe U a different thing, being ecu-
nucted with tha N, P. A. A I, U.- Ed,
Htut Ilurer ,1, H, 'or rnru
tat hi meeting In HufYalo county
were well avumdod and that a spirit
quiet determination to pv-rtnire in the
good work was every w hi re luaatfuattHl.
Arrauf omvut were made t rvoriranUs
the whle ro inly a UV a puitU,
N'etaaba County. I be Manual ha
been but little Uurlnrf the last
uartwr, llovvr, the att.utUit of the
illlaiiiw h Untu valivd lt ouUiuutt.
UlriHittag Ui um i( tU Maaua!, and I
thin a II will mi umd nur ia the future.1
Vt the U.t un' iiiiio iirttU'U In bti)
!nc a Uim'ii.d am) tua u i; In favor of It, ci it,
W i y " jg
...... S).l
improve this goldon opportunity. Time and Tide wait for no man. s
w w f r,. at f ' yx v in
Three Cent Column.
small a4vrUiinu for short tlma, will tw
ehurKd tbrsa eouu pur word fur ewli lunrr.
Hon, Inlitals or a numnor conntd as ons
word, Casta with the ordor
ir you wast anything, or liovo anything tnat
anybody m "wants," niak It known tbroiitfb
tbls column. It will pay,
IMNUhKY It, MUKKKtT, aornys-ai-law,
. HMD U Hi,, Llnooln, Nb,
UURK (irnnn MlHot sond. Ouaramscid.
f hu xUiiid fur tauiiii. D. li. Bmwu.
WANTIOU-Mrmnd rrclone arfnu Oood
liar, J. y. M. hwluiri. Hett'v. Llmw.ln.
tfUNRY laomlon lmnrovd Karma al 8 to 1
III tM.fcwot b.C.VOL'NU. Urokr. IriOl O
a. i . . ii . . i ' . . .
Bit,, PVHi fill
I WANT to emahllNh a PopnllNt patr In
soma ffood Nohranka town of i,nii)tt.
tlonormurn. Have ood outfit, AddreM, L.
A, Connor, Clark, 8. U.
ECO it -From aeholcierMinslBBlenmbJIrown
l,horn, ll.iw mr muinn IM drnwii
from l put lu for month of February, II. d.
YOUNU. liOl U at, Uneoln, Nab. 81if
TINr-KV ft HITKKKTT, atrorne.y at-law,
WA o bt Lincoln, Neb. Abstrauis ex
amlnmt. Fit) II SAI.IC Olt KXCH AN(iK (Jood frmn
1 from aS IO lit tii,p unra A It VUPfTII V
WelUnln, Nsb,
HA VK YOU anything to wll or tradof nto
milvrt1nM t.h fiu.t irhit.k n.tu
and b aurpriKod at tbs roifult.
RKMKMIIKR that Ths Wa,.tii Makshk
Is ths Inst alvniHiii medium lu
tha wHt. Wbn wrlUna to aay of our adver
tlMra don't forgot to tad I nam wbera you saw
tbalr' ail " '
Capital et 00,000.
Got ar Utb and 0 am., Lincoln, su.
Tha Only State lank in tha City.
wa aouoiT rAHMtas aDsissaa,
n, I. Htuw. itmi. o M c- ,,. r a
wa.riu,.aarua.V,P, , K. l r,c.H, A.Ca k
13 fgg II l 30 gg 2 0.
w)rggsl&0, lOOrgMlUfl.
i-r- w uq urotr Cr fit! efy
aim upwau tany Mint wen of t't.l
i(fuasio Iioner, ISihluke IS
day old I, wt. bafit ai rival guaranteed
W, HJCKOX, Alma, Nb
. . . WRITE
1540 O ST..
of Men's and Bovs Suits
200 Men's Suits ten dilferent styles
worth from $8.00 to $12 60 and your
choice of entire lot at
1 o
Double and single breasted black
Cheviots, brown Meltons, fine gray
mixed Cheviots, darK, black and blue
plaids, etc., etc., and all at $7,44.
of tbo citv any these
whatever in ordering a
and send
In Cnrpots, Wall Pcipov, Curtainn
and JJraporios.,
In Painting, Frescoing and Doco-rntlng
Best all "wool extra supers
Wall paper
Oat line is too extensive to think of
you through and explain everything. An bonet investigation into our methods,
means a customer every time. Don't forget tho place.
THE . . .
Fnr 00 Wi WW send THE WEALTH MAKERS to te
1 lii yi.w now tiubscrUor utitil AujruKt 1, lb'Jl.
?fV r.0 Wo wU1 80tul THE WWII MAKEKS to uuy
1. Vll ivit m,w .utacrltxT until Jnnuury 1. 1M15, tml a
lalaiul; Stockwt'U'8 Had Hoy; Points for
VnV r0 Wowm'na THE WEALTH MAKEUStoany
1 Vll huIihitUht,, n,.w or 04, ,mtii January I, ly. tl,
and a dioU' Jitm tho following list of book:
Ihttul holder and HmHlwliutr; Tim Initiattvo
an.l Ki fiTvitdum, Ehuu.tu- Th- lKuda r Vu tint;
Error In Odr Mi.rieiaiy Svistctn; Iidu'rlul
1hh1oih; Our lo-publUitn .fnurt li v; Moui-y,
Land and TrunsjMi taiUm.
I'r S 1.00
ill Mnd
itnit lu
fulliiwlnj,' i.t of lKlta: EU'hanl'ai (Vtnut;
JiiMiit EdwaitU, Tbn Cojiihitr Climax; Ur.
HuKuid; A Tramp lit .Wlotv. TIh-m latl 1.Ih
ar u lii! atilb d und alirlf worn, but t ns
tftd for tho f uHmj? litttbT P1 vlit! thoy Irft
tt' r a-i nan.
Hftc I a t'latuo fiir Alliam iuai i tul t t mvui.i i liltttiri f
vuluabbt Uk.I of Informal m ahMiiut ly (, Wlouid hi nrl
tu tat ndvunlui.'v of llm oiiHi tunii v
riu'Mt olf ra will tint tMMimtliaud limy, and v hhiivo ttui
tUtlil to dUctilitlntitt aiiV of tho
md'Htimto .th r frtu tin' llt f
Wealth Milkers Ptib, Co.,
ucouri, rtCQ.
at n. third loaa rrton
suits will be sent on ap-
Fear God,
Tell the Truth
and Make Money.
Interior Decorative Company
Tlioy Don't Want the Earth
They don't expect to get rich out of every eus
tomer that cornea in, They want to deal with
you so that
your friends.
enumerating. But wo will trludlv chow
So. 11th St.. LINCOLN. NEB.
cliou-o inim tho lollowintf list of UkjUs: Sown
Financial Consplrnrifs; Ion Mfn of Mimnv
a i iuu of hvo aubxcruHMs: aiikl Ui
tho fti?cnt w iulitifr tl o club, u boi ' iitiin tin
tiNki m our k!u h- nntti ait ui .t
th mmho valuo.