The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, May 03, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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May,0., 1894
(Continued from first page.)
jour liberal proportion cf expressing
my Individual eiewa upon tho subject.
Let ua nominate no one bat a straight
tried and true Topullst, one who 1 in
accord with every aentenca of tbe
Omaha platform. Lot us name a man
who hai been Identified with tbe move
ment long enough to Inspire confidence
in our party an to his loyalty. Let u
place at the head of our ticket one who
hai domonatratcd bl executive ability,
and whose qualification! cannot be
queitloned, and wboeo chancer la
above suspicion. Such a man can be
elected, and bis majority would bo ao
great that no counting out process
would bo attempted. A roan combin
ing all tbete qualifications, and many
more equally essential, Is found la tbe
present chair Jian of tbo slate central
committee, V. Oni leaver.
Ever since the Mrto of the Populist
party we bavd carried the state outside
of Omaha. We can always do the same
thing, but tbe question la how can we
get enough votes in Douglas county to
save tho state ticket? The solution to
that question In my mind la, nominate a
man from Omaha who can carry tVat
vote. I believe Mr. Deaver can do ao,
and that no other man In tho Populist
party can carry tho strength In Doug
laa county that will rally to him.
Youra for uccea,
Working for Principle, not Men.
Editor Wealth Makeks.
I wlab to say that I have ne particular
parson In vle to offer as candidates for
the different aflicea to bo filled at the
comtnjf election tbla fall; but I shall
support the I'opullst ticket In full, with
all tho powers of body and mind I pos
sess. It la not aorne particular man or
aet of men we are working for, to place
them In same favored position; but it Is
tbe principles of justice and equal
rights that we as a party are laboring;
for. We must not letoursclvesgetinto
strife over any man, but unlUi grandly
on good competent men, true to tbe
principles of justice to all and special
privileges to none.
Mr. Gibson, my dear brother and
fellow laborer in the grand andglorlona
cause of reform, the cause for which we
aa a people plead stands second to none
but that of Jesua Christ the great poor
msn'a friend. It ia tbe cause of Christ.
Editor Wealth Makers I am
highly pleased with our state paper,
The Wealth Makers. It should be,
it must be read by all hot est voters in
our grand state, I feel confident that if
the honest voters of our state could but
read this paper, or some of our best re
form literature, from now until election
we woull win in this atate at tbe com
ing election. Your humble servant,
Jamkb Crawford.
men aa J. W. K Igertoa, or Hon. Cbarlee
D. Schroder.
.As to state senator in tbla district
Senator Stewart hia proven himself to
be a man of sound judgment and true
to bia constituency, aud let me now re
mind all who are tired of the present
condltlone that tbe primarlea are the
base of reform. Corruption tbero la apt
to lead to tbe hlgheat places of public
trust. Let us put our work-harness on.
with the bamea buckled tight to tbe
collars, ready to meet any emergeney
that may come in our way. ,
John Hake.
Propose Name Aew and Old.
O8CH0LA, Neb., April 23, 1891.
Kdltor Wealth Makers:
The discussion Kolug on In your paper
as to who should be tbe '-Standard
Bearers" to lead ue in the battle ir
emancipation from the money power
snd corrupt state houtte gang this fail,
is suggestive of more consideration than
many of ua are giving the situation.
Without going into dctaila to define
wbat I mean by "not giving the eub
ject due consideration," will say that
we abould meet la state convention this
year not divided as in times pant (stub
bornly divided on men), but united,
and determined that our faces muat be
turned to the enemy, Tbua agreed,
with good men nominated an candidates,
victory will most assuredly porch on
our banner in November. People are
thinklnfc now w the have never
thought before.
1 aball be in favor of tbe ticket nomi
nated by the Populist atate convention,
for I have an abiding faith in our peo
ple, but my individual preference Is
Geo. A. Abbott of K'chardson for gov
ernor, II. G. Klewart of Sioux for
lieutenant governor, D. Clem Deaver of
Douglas for secretary of state, A, J.
(Justin of Kearney for auditor, J. M.
Kugan of Adama for attorney general,
Robert Wllbert Brown for commission
er public lands and buildings, John 11.
Powen of Hitchcock for treasurer, Misi
Lillian Stoner of Cherry for superin
tendent of publio Instruction,
Youra for a ticket of competent, clean
and honest candidates to execute good
principle!. Geo, U. Keimkrt.
Kdltor Polk Co. Independent,
do to tie to, who baa been tried and not
found wanting, a man that can rise
above party and be a aervent for the
Mr. (iiflli ia a mat) that is loved and
honored ad trusted by his neighbora,
and 1 known the atate over for hi
worth. He ia a man of modest demean
or, no wirepuller, aska for no favors,
but is alwaya willing to aerve his atate.
Give ua an honest farmer, no lawyer,
nor old, rich politicians. We elected
Powera and were cheated out of it. We
can electGafila. Some Bay, we must have
a city dude. Well, we have been try
ing tbat kind of men long enough.
Weir may be all right, but what claim
has he on the Independent party? Give
ua old wbeel-horsea. Their ahouldcr
may be a little sore from the collars,
but when it warms up they are there
and stayers. I Indorse W. F. Porter's
letter, every word of it. Youra for
justice. N' t for the corn. If it ia the
coon we are after and tbe cfllces to sup
ply a lot of otllce seekera with a fat j')b,
we might fuse with tho Pemo-Republl-cans.
J. W. Edwakdh.
Can't Find Any Democrat.
Gilkad, Neb., April 2:1, '..
Editor Wealth Makers:
Find enclosed 11.80 with subscription
blank for six subscriptlona, I could get
a great meny more aubscrlbera to our
paper If you would devote a little more
space to general news.
There are so many of our friends that
do not feel themselves financially able
take more than one paper, and
they would like to read of tbe current
events of the country aa well aa the
political newi. .
I am assessor for my precinct and la
traveling around I fall to find any
Democrats since Cleveland'! veto of the
aelgalorage bill, and a great many Re
publicans have changed their vlewa
alnce they have boon convinced of
Sherman's and Grover' great friend
ship. Dave Hill's protection speech
has also helped ua along wonderfully.
If the change baa been as great all
over the state as in my precinct we will
sweep everything in the atate next
Youn for the cause,
Ira C. Dkavkk.
Think I'opulUle Should fleet a
Rising ClTV, Neb., April 19, ISM.
Editor Wealth Makeks:
I will write you a few lines and give
you my views on fusion.
Now in the first place I will Bay 1 am
an Independent from the top of my
head to the sole of my feet, but want to
see Dryan elected again. He la one
Democrat that haa many warm Inde
pendent frlenda In this place, and I be'
lleve it to be our duty to eend him back
to Washington to represent ua for two
more years. If we nomlnato a cundl
date against him wbat can we expect to
gain? Another goldbug republican
Would not that be folly, and just what
the goldbug clique want ua to do?
Let ua ba liberal and stand ty men
thathave the courage to stand up for
right, men tbat G rover with all his
patronage cannot control. Bryan docs
aot aland in with Grover, but Jim
North and Morton do. If Maxwell had
received tho nomination last fall
would nave eupporuu him. Hut no,
he waa too honest for the clique,
Yiur truly,
A. C. Pool.
Tired Paving Interest on Hankers'
IU'Simit., Neb., April 1, WU.
Kdltor Wb.uthIMaiukk;
la response to your Invitation to name
some men (or "Standard Hearerv." I for
one am in favor cf uaadhtawa only who
have been termed la t'ao tntddla of the
road, and who have shown thrm.ulTte
to be uui'Dinprvmlilntf advocates tt
monetary return),
W are f etttug tired of fxyln j Inter
eat on what some fat vaitero Nabob
Ia regard to the sixth entrreaiotial
district I am vtuarely In line for our
present tin tut r, a, O. ., Kent. My
reasons are that h tnuevrr twu on tbe
aid of the comnuta cU of t4c, an
was not afraid to it hi IViUmc on
VhetlJo of right worn 0ei was
poUlv chauco to "tula an i ft! e by ao
4olt!ff lie haa shown hlm!f to U
hit eel aod true t) bit nm.uiunni dor-
in his service at tho capit'-, so
further, II weevereitH'ct to shake i
the iron (riot! the uta owr th
paopla must aecd a lrg auniler
i'0tull inetahpri to th sett isr-f rv
in J 1044 now tutuiber vu?d U mitt
bene fl ted by U iperlence and toii
i all iueh true wen i Mr Kent.
Por the offlctof goveraof I U m l
why w) hoti'4 Ih farther than our
' a. a. a. 1 ft
del ehamnif a Iloa. Joan u.
JM P. g. KiaUr w lurtiy m4 uett
Ilrotlier Miller Ha ill May.
Wjkside, Neb., April 20th,
Editor Wealth Makkus:
And now Brother Gibson I want to
have my say. 1 woum nice tosce every
ate office tilled by ao old wheel horse,
by men who have spent time and muney
to bring about this great political revo'
ution. But any good uilddle-of-tbt.
rood man will satisfy me and we have
plenty of tbem.
How would J. V, Wolfe for governor
and Hon. J. N. GAffia for lieutenant
governor sound 'i or reverse it if you
please? Brother John II. Powera tor
state treasurer, If we could have him
for treasurer I think tbo people would
learn where they are at financially. God
knows if we need a change in any oflice
we do In that. J. W.Kdgerton, Brother
Fletcher of Franklin, or Brother Born
burger of Saunders county for attorney
ireneral: K. Soderman of Phelpa for
commissioner of publio lands and build
ogs, or Bother W. F. Wright aa well
Brother Khodei of Valley county for
secretary of atate; Brother Mclvoynolda
for auditor; Hon. Thomas Majors, Hon.
G. D. Melklejohn, or myBelf for janitor
ail good meu for their respective or
different positions.
I want to say to Brother Oberg that
we ueed Brother Poynter in our con
trresslonttl district for congress. We
think Brother Melklejohn will be weary
by tbe tune he geta through tbla term.
fcelaatisfied he will not want to tell
his oft-repeated story of the forelguor
Dhvintr $Jl0.000,oOQ of our taxes. He
haa told it so olton that I honestly bo
lleve he thtnka it la a fact. He ia i
very candid spoken man, seems to ba in
earnest, and, by tho way, quit a silver
man; and yet 1 do not think it would be
good policy to send as good a man a
he a second tlmo. The atmosphere 1
not good In VhlnHW: henc ho may
become corrupt, aa other good men
Aud in conclusion, let me aty to you
Hrvther Olbeou, go on with the good
work stf well begun. Kvury good thing
is coming our way. Grover, John
Buernun&Co. are making Po,ulUu
by the tltomaud. iWi-ruor WaiU le
ou top and tho anarouiai have gone In'
to their holes or have slunk away with
the r fiirl belwceU ye. tal uht
Work while thdy U.u.
Y out a fur victory,
It. II. Mil.LtK.
V. 8. While Brother MtkWJhi
and M,r are nut strkvly ntlddl-uf
the roJ Pipttili now, tny wilt bo as
wit at Ui y bam we ar on U . W
bae kaa tome m hi'tHik a
Uivy. tta me ail tight now, and there
more to follow, 11, II. M
Fin In All Your I1? a.
idltor Wealth Makers:
Perhaps it Is presumption for a
farmer to write for publication, but in
view of the appalling rate our ahlp of
state, Is rushibg on tbe rocks of perpet
ual debt, repudiation, anarchy, rebellion
and barbariim, one must let off steam,
even if it only helps out the wauto
basket. I know that it ia impossible to
publish a tithe of tho articles that flood
your oflloo, but you can gather ideas,
from most of tbem that you can use.
They show you bow tho People atand
oa tho Issues of the day.
In every issue you should have a
pungent article on the Omaha platform
t la the only possible salvation of our
country and tho world. Tho first six
planka refer to money. Money la the
fundamental (foundation) plank of clvll-
zitlon Henoe, It ia the first question
that should be settled and settled right,
as per tbo Omaha platform. Tbe bettor
plan, referred to in our platform, would
be to make every post oilloe a U. S.
bank, loaning aa well as receiving de
posits If the government can conduct
tbe mall service to tbe superlative sat
isfaction of all citizens, why not the
finances, transportation, telegraph and
telephone aa per the Omaha platform?
We have no government, no king' but
Cogliah gold. Amerloa la a alavepen,
by the grace of the H otliachllda. We
need a graduated land tax and the
nltlatlve and referendum. The ballot
abould annihilate every traitor beneath
the flag. A. B. Flack.
medium of industrial unity. Let us
also understand that just aa long as the
least vestige of clasa prejudice exists
tbatauch unity la impossible.
Ia view of these general and generic
truths let us lay aside this supreme
folly of exalting one particular class,
and berating others.
The class moat berated is the legal
fraternity, ank yet it la undeniably true,
tbat no profession contributes ao'argely,
and none are better wrrkera, or more
true, than ia this class who espouse,
and labor ao earnestly for the soccers of
our principles. What a aorry figure aa
regards ability, numbers and integrity,
the Populists would cut If every mem
ber of the legal fraternity were to leave
ue! Another of our chronic follies ia
the cry of ''Let the office aeek the man,
not tbe man tbe office." From tbla
child's play we are liable to run to the
other extreme of having a hundred
men looking after one office: for it ia a
truth tbat the congressional bee is buz
zing in too many ears.
Again there ia a spirit of chronio in
justice existing amongst our people,
though it is not ao much the result of
Intention as tboughtleaineaa.
It is this, that those grand old time
who have labored and suffered reproach
through the incipient stage of this
economic reform who allowed tholr
names to be used aa candidates, when
tbe positions entailed lose of money,
time reputation and loss of labor or
trade. Of course to ba aet up, waa to
bo knocked down, and yet when through
tuolr efforts and sacrifices the time ar
rived when numerical suocohS seemed
possible, and any of these true and tried
were nominated, the old party cura
would aay, "look at your chronio office
leekers!" and our folks would often take
up the cry and cruoify the reputation
of these true reformora. '
We have no axe to grind, nq fault to
find; we regret the existence of these
relics of injustice. Were I to express
my ideas of fitness for governor with
out suggesting their names for such
positions, I would say that J. V. Wolfe,
Senator Jas. P. Mu'.ler and Mayor Weir
aro Illustrations of my idea of fitness.
My beau Ideal of tbeyouog, progressive,
aggressive, safe-to-trust character is
typified ia the person of W. F. Porter
of Merrick. Theso are tko kind of men I
would trust anywhere, and legal educa
tion would do them no harm.
As regard! United States senator,
secure the legislature first; do not let us
bo in too much of a hurry. Wo have
lots of good materia, but as circum
stances alter cases, do not let us make
ourselves ridiculous, by being too pre
mature. Youn for justice,
Gkoroe Lynn.
w ml
and ' ip Ilijilmna for Itrawl.T.
HUrruta una nnpHwuvrr
txri told dint to Ih pmh)!i.
snJ t nnr, for ourriirnplfti"
rtitftlnKti,. lin.f vry kind ol liarwf.aiiw tn'k
'A (M4, tint. til tcntmrioii.1". the)' nri Urr.
Manufacturing Co.,
"a irtBrrnriftajii nrii J' 'tvr
I'urlvttlled for fatit Threnblng, separating and
Kxfiel In all point that go to make up a I'er
fact Pulling and Work lug Knulne. Send for
catalogue. Muutlon thU puprr.
Who?! nor I dntif wnatn or nmm is.
pntt Uith trm IMmwwIi bih Iiim finlaliMl. nL:k.l ulalwl . ftll.l4 to Hull
Ml bury wurk tar 10 Inm
i.u..tjiMI.Bt.lUt Mlii.l.r, H.II Tkr.dlir;ll
f MutHI. Hlf.H.UIri H4lr nil nmyUM
A iH Hl ll(l.lil.l.l.p"l till wNrt. m
ma li.... Tl.l. M.i .n..... ...iul..rf fa ulvslir.
tl.000 now ID b. Wf M'i lr M.dl rrt.d un.bri.. Hd tWeb. Bur l'"m iMtorf m m. daai.r'i u.4 iri rijiu.
rnPP ut Tbla Out ) aa4 I'.-rlar lot muhltia iir larva lra
Ktt ralalwua,alliolala anrl liUmwol lha Worlrl'a fair,
OXFORO MFO. CO. 3i2 W.kiih Art. CHICA60.ILL.
MIXED Paints.
At WHOLEMALK VHICF8. Delivered rw.
For Hounks, Uarun, Koofn, all colors, k BA VB
MlddlHrnfiD's protlw, Ju uhh Al years. En-
dirtea by uraiiK k KarmiTu' Alllunce. Low
B rices will unrprlHe you. write lor aaintKae.
. W. INUKK.SOLL, JC63 l'lymoutti St., lirouk
lyn, N. Y.
Notice to Bridge Contractors.
Notice is hereby given tbat ttealxd proposals
will bertwelved by tbe County OlerU of aunl
era county, Nobranka, at tho Court l(ou In
Waboo until noon of tbe ImcU day of May. IW4,
for tbe of h!1 tuuutrml and of tho
erection of tbe following bridges in said
ltlUD,B KO, 1.
Ons brldire 10 feet lonir on the town line be-
twuen H K:nlijg and Chapman preclude section
To Call the Slate Convention.
Lincoln, Neb., April 14, 1804.
The State Executive Committee of the
People's party of Nebraska haa been
called to meet at the Windsor hotel, at
Lincoln, on Friday, May 18, at 2 o'clock
p. m. The object of tho meeting Is to
fix time, place and basis of rcprcsenta
tloo for tho coming state convention.
The state central committee at its
meeting in Hastings on January 3d,
delegated tbe power of cnlllng tho con
vention to tho excoutlve committee.
Nevertheless we cordially invite to be
present at this meeting all member of
the state central committee and all
other Popullsta who have any special
Ideas to present concerning time, place
or any other matter pertaining to tbat
convention. J. N. Oaffin,
J, A. Khobkton, Chairman.
Tbo Interior Decorative Campany la
one of tho leading and perfectly reliable
business houses In Lincoln. They
advertlte with us too, and you should
patronize tbem liberally.
Wattle (Untn r loern.r.
Wmton. S, b,. Aprti '.'u, htt
Cdltor WtAlTil M.hKM!t;
As a gvHt-t man. u! uur lad'pendeat
HOiloa-e giUpg Ihvtr oidoioa and
CU.'HM Iff gvHUtrWOf I gf4 1,
a .1 I I. a a u..ta
.in tkf in ia'eHaaiUi wuuia
cond th atulntlu of the llo
,1 N, tiaitla if t'i.loe, Stund
.re t uartiy , ml simply UriuM he
It Iruut niy coaaty, bat tM 'au ho la
oaoof the A. Mt level headed Mea U
the party, a tuaa that hat the riwl
of all claneaa of pwpK i araa that will
J ndge I,y nu feara General Uiticuealon
HASTlNiia, Neb., Aprll'iO. '94.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Thank for the coplea of your paper of
April lth. I read with pleasure the
opinions of the different parties aa re
ported la said regarding candidates
to fill the state otlice, that of United
8 ate Sonator and CongresMi.u.
I have my doubU abc'itthe Judicious-
ae and justice of thla method, and
from the one of aeverat reaaonathat
many will receive no mention, that are
equally well qutllllod It not better than
many tbat will be, and quite as well aa
the best on the mentioned lUt.
At thU atage of our movement there
l ne lavk of otHoUl Uiabr, m far aa re
gard ability, capability and availability ',
th only n iohUjo Is a lack of voter, ana
a lingering clannUhneiw regarding
eU iatHir, that etlll tturpotuakta the
brbr ui folly of lueanurtug rights to
olllolal iKtellloa by luoaitvra of the
cla, lnuaJ of the r'tfh of all.
ThU k the tluferlng reoiuant of cla
prvjudloo that ha so long euabled the
MHtitatora of the tolleia to kri the
eutlon of the lndulrtal worU at
eniutty, In a measure, with vavo other,
Theretore ttie farmer say let larmer
U ooinlat4 fo? th1, or thai vUU-e,
We pay thteo fourth at the Ue, aol
for thU ieae" we ar entitled to the
Hteblun. ThU faulty kgU U claitap.
Nvt v a have greakr tUhta than
other tt U not a huvaIIoa of taiet rr
tH'vuikavUm; If It r so, the very por
man though aui vaptble woui4 b
eutultd to no oftU'lal right.
l ua uaderetaad one tor all, taat
ther la no polt way of eevttrlnf la
duttrlal manctaUA, savt through the
A APIITA wanted, Llbarel Halarv
A 11 1 II 17 VA. At home or to travel.
HUlall I W Team furnlitbtHi free.
Hhould have a copy ef
Campaign: Book
Now being inme-d under the dime
lion v( the
People's Party national CommHtce.
Th's work l belnt? coiuulled by N. A
DUSNINti and w 1 be the best worn
ot tt kind published, l will contain
ahout t.'ii) r-airea and will ho old for 2'.
eente a coov i cooUe for tl 00, and la
. . 1 I . - MIL.
lot or too or more iecifti prices win in
muAn. Auvono eeeir ng to Oeeoine aa
airrnt can ti'a an order anj matte a
UeiHwlt ot a ou aa j ai any time tury
with to dUiHatlnue aueney all uneold
coptoe will be taken bat k and money re-
fuolcil. A p'Viai aiMHiuai win t
al or, to all who as all theimelvea ot
thltrtr, Addreae,
Washing U. IV C
Thte araad lHal .nr will lm
furaUheU I f 14 we. lor t cvaie
Tola p"ef U i!e fr tae eprv por
poee ot gfttUetf relUt'U rvlotm liter
tiite onto tie ixoule.
(let un a letf a o'uh a plV.e
ThU iTvr U1 oaly ba o4 tor w dav
ti'Bi a'l monlee ana ivaa an remit
lAB?e jyatle to the
Watchman I'o.
Wahlatoa. l. C
btocklnit and M Cbaimiun.
lonif In center, I span a feci Iodic on nm b end
I span
King III vnuwri nymtA a iwkv iuu iu w b. nuu, v
Dlle IH feet Ioiik.S pile 14 feet limit; piling to be
driven so brldKe will be 1 foot biKber tbun old
BKIIHil mo. 2,
One brldiro IK feet Ionic between sections It
and 14 Chapman precinct, 6 piling 14 feet long
to he driven so bridge will be one foot higher
than tbe Danu on souin siae.
naiDOi no. 8,
One brldire 6H fuel long known an the Mur
pby bridge between sections 114 and 25 Douglas
precluct, one span In center U fuetlonf, one
spun on each end Zi feet long, 6 piling ) feet
lung, 8 piling 20, 8 piling Ifl, to be driven ho
bridge will be same height a old one at went
mcoaao. 4.
One bridge 00 feet long known n tbe north
Chan Anueriton briuue ou tne town line ne.
tween section in MarriiMHa ana ao jsik, one
span In center 154 feet long, one span IH fmtt
lung on eai n euu, o piling a. inui. luug, o muuai
ana vi ing id iet long oiling to ue un
ho bridge will be 6 feel lower than Hie high
banu on norm siae.
One bridge TO feet long known an the south
Cba. Anderson bridge about 40 roiln Houtb of
bridge No, 4. one span in center) fet long,
one tpan on south end M feet long, one span on
the north feet long, e piling w teei long
lling 1 feet long; piling to bedrlvensobrlil
111 be IS foet above bed of creek.
One bridim 60 feet long, between Hectlons H
and V, town S, range S, t;heeter; I span In -enter
SS fuel long, one (span on each end 14 feet
long, em ing it reet long, a oning it ieet long,
piling to be driven no bridge will be 6 feel
ower man tne nana ou norm aiue. ,
One brldue IS feel long between nectloun H
and , t;hester precinct about HOrodn eouiti of
brldire No. 0. one span xm ieet long, a puicg v
fret long, to be driven so that bridge will be
level with north banu.
Also bids will bt received to repair the break
water In Platte river at tbe mouth of Oloe
creek, 7 piling 18 feet long t be driven e top
Will be saiuu niugnt an rent oi Dreaawnier, to
be girded with 2 UxIM and bolted to piling and
nlanked with M foot plank driven down to
name level an rest of breakwater.
All brldires are to have 14 feet roadwav.
bridges to be built in accordance with plant,,
details and specification on tile for reference
in the ortlceot the county cWrk, and with the
eeveral miecltlcalloiiH abuve enumerated.
All uulH hdouiq state toe enm xor woicn eacn
bridge will he built, referring to the number
thereof an above, and may state tne Bronx eum
for which the bidder will buna an oi iuia
I'l.uriandspepltlratfons conforming to the
nlann. debillNand BDtcllJcHttouH above referred
tn imiHt arcoimiftnv each bid. Each bidder
should accompauy hl bnl with acertliled check
or draft for WW, payable to Maunders county as
a guarantee or gooa laun to ue orreiieq u ue
falla afterwardi to enter into contract and
give bond In accordance with the bid If the
same be accepttd; tbe right to reject any end
W. U. ItiMD.
County Clerk.
By order county conwnliwluners. 4ftt4
TDit eaaTBAi, naa.
Arrival and departure ef trains carrying see
sengera at Lincoln, Neu. Trains maruM
Dally; t, Datly except Sunday; .Daily. eioe4
Monday; I, Dally except ttaturdayi (.Sumlaye
only; 1, Tuesday. Thursdays and 8Urdye
on , Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Burlington HUsouri River.
o a. a ej. a. a.
Ticket office at depot, Seventh ana P its; saa
eorner Tenth ana u at.
Arrive. "
all blue reserved.
Attorcrya-at.Law, 1026 O 8t Lincoln.
In the District Court ef
County, Nebraska.
Cbarl H. Morrill, ix elver,
Charlea H. Juhuaoll. el al.,
To Charlea II Johnaou. Mary A. Johaton
Riihart h. HudnrmM. Maria leal am.
lamiaiu. her huabaud ihret mid leal name tin
known) and V H. aawaiaiier, una riaeui
defendant: You will iak notlra ihl on the
OTthday of .lereutiaer, lews, t nrt 11. Morrill
Lincoln. l)rk. nimi ni milium ia 111
iiutrit'ima t 01 Uaiiraatereouniy, nura
iiKit uu iinnlraiUd llh elhiTi, I ha lit
and praytr of hl h Utliw la to fum'liwure
a eriaiU IMnriaTAH aai'Mia, vj iaaiiM i
J.ihnuia and UarV A JutHimU to lawl kto K
ilnliw aud now brw and uwnaa uy piaiuun
uiiu h liiltnariiid lawbaMi pruiwrty 10 o
I.. ia IKI.e I'll. Ullal Wmy Ulli -"111 uinriHU
Plghualauintilli riiy ul l.lucolu, I aw
riuivf ruumv. Ni-I,ia lo wapm Ilia par
Hia 'l n tertata pr,lJV luxe
July Sro: lm, lr tho auat ( '' liu in
lrt ai al a ir 111 1 aa mt tiiMin v, hi
itua aud l bl July li. twi . aud pUluUit
l .v a Un r bl illrn iiii uiy tw ra
uior4 in la) uiiut adiieieM i 'a dita
nit th ur lh aakld h.-h.I aiay t al
to aaiiiai. iiiv aieoiiat iiea iwau .1
1 a riHtial i aua ' iIU.h
,r lla .11 d vi v . '.
ltl April tti. tw
lataitall MHII I . KHt vt
tilt StTm.h ltiua. kUau.mia, a.
I'm North "ratfra line t ChU-Mo
hw raw, r'aat tralne. V-flW 111)
The tt.eapet plea tor ttioaunienta li
at tl.HV NaiWnuan . Ill tiouta Mmh
tit , l.t: !a
Anyone eaa t'bta'a fnni silver ltwia
iirtty aal,trin T e k'aa Ameitoaa
Hl MeUilti AaMvlatlon, IVavtr, Cio.
an4c li'at l tor aaitto,
The Vewe i.imite4
UlvraVithe Aontvw i a line ua
eurtievaec J iiad ermloe) to L'tvli-Safo an
eaatora (ttie A t. rVeMInf, Ot
Twhet Ajfeat. IIH. Iota Itrvel, Ua
cola, eb,
KIPANN TABI I.I: are aa hrt, MU
plnc haawa fur Indlc-lloa, lllllmiuiraa.
Meae-ha,CautlpatlM, l)apcf,alu. Ikraala
UTrrTroiibli, OUaini'M, Hud Caaiulralou.
Ilraeiurr, OITraal.a llrculli, aud all tiia
rdara mt Ike Ulumm k, l.lvar and Uavtla.
Klpanii Tahnlr- wntnin mrtliiiig InJuriooa lo
Uia lil'Mt iU-UrMA! rulMllliitM.ll. An l.lnuwl.t U
taWr. aafi. ,.fr,'titai. anrl iflvr lmii.,.lli. n-lirf
l'nr rlal ,. 7f..,iatj l'a lllU!'41''H-).
ttt. Mov Im urdtimi t'u,iia.-n rirarwt lruKKlt.
ort.Tumil. Mi.iu,i fn lr nil. Arlrtrma
$5 t0 $15 '!,? mr
aij'ililvtu.gwtlry aautana
laW.Kar., 40. I'laua tlx
(lnal f Jrwi-lry (Ua4 aa)
ar w, oa all klodi laT airtal
alik anlrl, ailraf or airaai.
Nnp"rlaru;. apttai
kvr'rr Imuaa faaa cmxla uarj
j:.;4,,i fli' f.i H 1 li.J Hi......
jr-JTj " ''.""l Haaau. Wrlwfarnwa.
t' a-. J7 If Im II. K.UKI.Naa
J Ua CttlUaBa a O.
tnrAMTr.n.-A llva man or woman la avar 1
f f fujuntv wlicra hava ii,it alrrailv lrur4 a a
rrnrajralatlra to Mil our "Hrtmiln Sllnr";
SOI.IO Mh ltb. Kiini, rorka and hpoona lu nio. '
auinrr.i awilid nwtal wlilta aa ailvar 1 nonlatatal
wrarofti yuudi guarantwl lu wrf a lllrtlana
ahoutunaiiiuiUialnfillvrn th rhtnra al a lit- 1
fill amraira Tram a'laiw ff wna,aHal .
lime 1 uri
inMt with ready ! aviTywhrn-a, ao (rrrnl la Oat J
arnana rur our rvrya aimai uotnu,
Onr Ona lilt-1
Hon Ouuart' wortU in daily ua. Caaa lit Mnriilaal
Free AiW.reu lBnliarl Nllverwiara) 1
C'0.,INSa , fiuatun, Haa a.
Plattsmouth, via S. I
iieuu ana i.ouisviiie 1
Wahooand Schuyler...
Omaha and Chlcaee
via Ashland cut-off..
Aftlilund, Omaha and
V eltsmouth.... ....
Crete, JiaslinfS and
unnver ,
Lowell and Kearnev..
St. Francis and Ober-1
lin I
Holyoke a Cheyenne....
jjuriington bheciai"
to Denver ana coast
Crete, Beatrloe and
VVvmore..... ,
WuMiihigton and Con
Endlcott aa Red
Oennet, Syracuse, Ne-
braniiacity ana east
Grand Inland Broken
How, Alliance, New
castle, Hherldanand
Deadwood. ..........
Eewanl, York, and
Orand Island...
Atcliisoa, 8L Joe,
Kansas uity, tit.
Louis and south....
TeuumHeh and Table
MUford, David City,
ana uoiumnus ......
tlO: 10 a.m.
4 80 p. m.
t)0:l0a, m.
lt:90 p. m.
1 12:120 p.m.
I 1:110 p.m.
M:M. m.
t 6:36 p. m.
til ;M p.m.
H:Mp m.
t 1:53 p. m.
f :48p.m.
1:46 p.m.
i 10:00
a an
t TMfta m.
tll Ma a.
il:50 a. aa.
t.W p. sa.
t g:80p.aa'
t :Ma aa
T: a. sa.
1 1:40 p. sa.
t 7 44 a. sa,
I 7:44a. aa
1:40 p. aa.
10:00 a. as
t 4:40 p. aa
(10:41 paa.
1:10 aim
t T:)a
Chleaeo, Reok Iiland Pad Bo.
Pasaencer station eorner O and Twentieth Bt
Ulty omce, iiho u n tree v.
Fast express WTope-
lia, iau. kjiij, iuii
all points in Kanaaa
Oklahoma, and Tea
aa. Went
Local freight accom-
Local freight accom-
modal on. went
Fantexp for Omaha,
Co. Huins, P Moinea
St.Paul.Chlo, a eaat
Fast ex p to Denver,
Col. hprinaa, ruue
lo and went.
Local pass for Omaha
11a I'outHiii jnuna.
t I:t0a.m.
tI2:8p m
4:03 p.m
10:11 pra
tl:llp aa.
til M.a.
4:Mp aa
I Hp a
I I:s0a aa.
Union raolfle Hallway,
Depot corner O and Fourth street. City tttkes
offloe 1041 O street.
Leave. '
maha.Co. Bluffs. Chi-
l'uko, v auey, east
and went
IWtrlce, Blue pras,
Manhattan, earn a
weal, ToiieUa, Kaa
ana I ?tw. auat. aouth
David C(iy,htrouibr..
S.oHxri'y.navidnty I
Columnua. imnrrr, 1
Halt Lake. Hniena, I 10 p. m
Ran Krunclaco and I
I'lirtlauil. .......... 1
Beatrtro Cortland. ... 'T ! p rn
t t.CKa.m.
t 7:45a.m.
t OOp.m
t I ttp m
1 10 4 a
4 1 a aa.
a. m.
Mlaauarl I'eeltte Hallway,
Ticket office at depot and corner el Twain
ana u eireeu.
tl Mp m lOOpm.
II Mem I to p .
liapm IUbbs.
mjM B
A"lurn and Nehraaka I
CIIV Kiureaa (
Ht l.uuia ila epre. .
Ai.iMiin and Nftnaaka I
I IIV I al'fa I
ft l.ixila nltil b ,.
remnut, I Iklmrn M MUiourl Vellep
(,'ini,M aoaia weitie tiai )
tVK. iaiaf t:it?Mfc an I H ilraaia. Cllf TtB
ei oaua ui u atiaet.
Uate lArrtva
f ..,
U Jaev
rhKa.;n 4H.I at
I I 1 H..I, hiiu
l iu si fan' Hiii,i,
Mii,a,inn VUr
Mai "U ( l.biula l
M.'in I'l- tia Atar-baa-u,
HaUr .
tViM t'rMint Nat
I itla, I) NlO,
"i.a t h,l,t a 1 a
Jwi II, ( s,,r a I; .i
1 or, ! itt
r',vruu.t at, ,'M, tUI a
I lt,. ltiul...,,. ,
I tip Bt
7 Ma at.
t M
It aa.
I tie ! I II pea,
iti mt m
1 t It ( at
itui.t nutnsitix
' Via th Miteoutt feona Route,
Oa. '.l.e Toila la Itweeam
h'ti January. IVbruarv, tvlatokt. AprU
ana May. ' -4, tfe Mleaourt Vto
It.uiu, will.. 1( tomul trlu lusow taail
tatS.ev U Teiea, with ttnal tliwH W re
t ira la tUlrtv Uaj. frviu ilaM of eUi,
HU'p avers are alU.w4 Arkatuaut, BftilOsUtotkoa. New Mei-ai
Irt.liaa Verrtt.wy, . amt uaa a
t'lpto the .otii, I'ait, Dahiwa V,
JtT.A, UvlUatrwe.