vOL. V. LET US EX0HA5QE VIEWS. flu ttm time Intervening between now and ibeUate of tbit I'riopU-'a lode(endnt State Convention thlr) and NiiootHtitlnx columnit wtll he opwn to Um PopultHtMOf tbe sta'eto pro j)H candidates fortlie ticket of in. and for Uiiltwl StuiH ftniator, and to show reinton for Individual trHfrtir. W Khali not hav iac for anything mora than nume and brlnf rt-aNom for th choice matin, bwauie w wlb lo bnar from a itreat many, hr.t no mas iik HCHK HHOI'UVKU rolt OrriC'K WHOMKC'lUHtWKU AS WII.V INTKI.LKOTDAI. QIJAI.iriOATION Tit WHlTntt'Wfl.t. HOT PKHMOHAl.tY VOUCH ron. If any candidates seem to lie luadluij whom Mil p-aditr cannot conelntloiiNly mip l.rl. by all Kiian lt us know why thy ar KtremmiiHly oblcld lo. Hut let us reMprctoiie nnovtmr's view, avoid anything- tudliif to aiHhaimony If it bponllle without aacrlllca of principles, and hear wllllimly thoite who dlf f it with im. "In a multitude of counselors there In afuty." Bat with many to hnar from each rouit be brlef.-Kdltor Wkalth Makkkm, For Governor and Can(-resmen. Nebraska, April 14, '94. Editor Wealth Makers: Here 1 my choice for congress: First district, E. C. Hewlck, Lincoln; second district, DCIem Deaver.Omaha; third district, 1). B. Cary, of Fremont; fourth district, Judge Htark, of Aurora; fifth district, John II. Powers, Cornell; sixth district, C. D. Shrader, of Logan Saunders county Is solid on Gaflln for governor. V. A. Bates, Jr. t i.ulce of a Bub-Alliance, IUa-vmaca City, April 20, '9. Elite ' Wealvh Makers: .... Hone Cree k: Alliance, No, 1807, met In regular session, and responding to your leaclinr editorial of March 22nd, requeMtlnsr l?wb of Populists as to who should be our candidates for governor and otbur state officers, selected as their choice for governor, Hou, Joseph Kdgerton; for lieutenant governor, Honest John Powers. We also bad under contemplation Brother Mc Kelghan if we could got him there; if not, Edgerton. H. M. Sawyer, Sec'y. Choice of Chairman Kdmleten of tbe Blith. Eddyville, Neb., April 20' 1894, Editor Wealth Makers: Since you have offered the columns of your paper to publish choices that may be named for state officers, from a Pop ulist standpoint, I would name in ray judgment a ticket that means a tower of strength, and of which the Peoples party could be proud, if they should be nominated and elected. Having perfect confidence in both of the gentlemen as to integrity and capability, I would prefer for governor, J. N. Giflin of Saunders county and for lieutenant governor, Senator J. H, Darner of Dawson county. Tbe above named men are tried and true; their official record has proven them. Yours, J. 11. Edmistem. Practical. Representative Men Ar. Wanted. Sherman Co., Neb., April 23, 1894. Editor Wealth Makers: Your invitation to exchange views is an important one, and I sincerely hope our coming tfopulist convention will act with special reference to fitness of candidates. We are un Industrial pea. pie, the masses of Nebraska are laborers, and it ooours Ui my m!nl that true rep-r-f ntatfon demaads men from the farm and workshop, practical men who not only rympathlite with, but know by actual experience the trials endured, and hopes entertained by a majority of the cltlztini of our great and rapidly growing state. Names sink Into Insig nificance compared with th noble and edurlng principles we have espoused. Wa cannot all be eteeWul to honorable oftVe, but every one of us can b a true and devuted ruirlot and nogreautr hon or falls to the lot of man. Let our motto read Tried ami True Men: l'n tiring Activity, and Victory. C. 11. Km .. A Hi ke WlihaHirm NMieil, Havkukms, Cu , April 21, 'I. Wltor Wa.tl.TM Makkiw J heiog huh of your reader have pro !hmi4 name of their frU'nds far candi dates tur ta dlflrtU slat plttot'S. III pup' sum ef my ft,mtt with tour tniilla hrgotrnoi-, W. Urgaui ilouU. al somiKf, Dan, l.auwri anrncy taial, H, It. ttUi; atu trurtir, fha. MtwUr) audlU'r, lUiuuiuitd; wartltu pu!u otUry, ul aiHuivniU ri sr4 of publio land and hutldlttgt, l. ( roue, C. H, ire, J. M.Thimtoa. N Itiuk ajr (iitdt or and If you dual ihlaa thsy would "take thn rai," We all know U.mj wwuld U everything else that Is loose, but wouldn't they take the cake, too. But, If you fellows are bound to elect J. N. Gaflln for governor, I suppose I'll have to "turn In" and help you, but It goes "gainst tbo grata to vote for a man that work i for his living, or earns it In any honest way. Why, ho has no prl vate car of bis own nor don't even ride on a pass, Where are you follows at, any way? Yours for justice, W. H. BOBSITER. Gaflln and Other Proponrd. Valentine, Neb., April 20, '94. Editor Wealth Makers: In as much as many have expressed their choice for tbe next s'ate ticket through tbe columns of your valuable paper, I will now give you mine. For governor, lion. J. N. Csfllo, of Saunders; lieutenant governor, W, A. Poynter of Boone; secretary of State, Hon. H. O Stewart of Sioux; auditor, D. Clem Deaver of Omaha; attorney general, J. W. Kdgerton of Grand Is land; commissioner publlo lands and buildings, Prof. W, A. Jones of Hast ings; treasurer, tbe old veteran, Capt Harry of Greeley; superintendent pub lie instructions, J. A, Edgerton, Lincoln; United States senator S. A. Holcomb of Broken Bow. This ticket, a you will readily see, it scattered pretty well from cast to west and north to south. And I believe should tbe ticket receive tbe nomlna tlon it will be elected beyond a doubt. L. W. GOODAKD, Chairman P. P. Co. Cen. Com. A Second for Onstln and Ithodes, ORD, Neb , April 20, '94. Editor Vealtu Makkks: I have read with Interest In your columns the suggestions as to a state ticket. I am not one of those who are willing to excite a man's ambition and tben "let him down." The letter of Hon. W. F. Porter In terested me. I have wondered why A. J. Gustlnof Kearney had not been put to tbe front. As state auditor it seems to me he would be an eminent success And the suggestion that Hon. II F. Rhodes of Valley would be among the most capable men for secretary of state, is all right. I will not d lacuna the other candida'es named but think these two are eminent ly capable, iScient and worthy. We can not afford to nomlnuto and elect In efllcient men. If the Populists gain control of the state they must practice economy and reform; and in order to do this skill must be coupled with con science, D. McCall, (Co. 8upt. of Valley county.) No Fusion. Oak, Neb., April 21, 1804. Kdltor Wealth Makers: In response to your invitation, 'L? t u Exchange Views," I would say that I think it a good idea, otherwise when we as a party meet in convention we would bo liable to fome under the lash of the political bosses, and In that respect would bo no better than the old parties. I say let us have men that are true as steel and that stand fair and square on tba UiBah plat'oi ui. Al J may their names be eanvaisad until every delegate to the State con vontlon may go there with his mind made up a to wt the bjst men for the different otlloi. are, and then work for the butt Interest of the party, t would suggeit, for governor, J, V, Wolfe ol Lancaster; for lieutenant governor, Hon J. N Giftlo of Saundur; sevretiry of state, V. G. Bradley of Nuvkiilt; auditor, Lan MuKyiu,!J of Clay; at'oi ticy general, J. M. IUuu of Adam; eummUloner publld land and buildings, W, P. Purturof Morrlt k; treasurer, J. 51. Power of Hlt hctHk; superlnUindk-nt of publlo Irutruntton A. d'Allemand; fur rvpr. tentative fifth district, tlon. W. A. Mv Kelghao, and fur l. H mi n tur, IW. A. Joms of Adam. I do not etal n Uiat ih(a mn are the bt, but thitj UI laa ha fvund morf th Watar. Y'ur for Niwii with na (uiloa In mint. Giii W, Jor, GNk.KLKY CrNVIM, Nsh , AprtiSU 'tl EdtUir VVkai tii Makih-j: lUIIsvln that r..wh t'ouU b ruvom- plUhsd by d t)uUf who would M th nuMt available candidate fur th Pupa ltU to tuHiilfnU fur governor th fall, I take the opimriunlly aim 44 me by ((.ilnu4 utt Ii4 ! j LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1894 OLD ERROR NVEILED What Prevents Segnlarity of Work and Commercial Certainties. WHY SUPPLIES EXCEED DE MAUDS. Ins quluble Obligations Which Regularly Cause Failure, Liquidation and Cessation of Work. The Cause of Financial Panics. Wcrirlnt tm'ow, from Tbo Arena, part of th oiont valnablH art fl which ban apimarnd forwars In any of the TnaazlniK, an artlcla ntHId, "TbH i'uuMo of Financial l'aulcn," by Mr, J, K liMNnntt of M Jyoulu, W shall Klvs cur roaditr-) m-rn of it lu uoc'fdiiiit 1mum of True Wba th Makkun, Fri-t. r. the papira contalntnif what ws print of it and give them wldMHf circulation potmlbln. Tb wond an third lntnliiunti will Kotdown to tba hum of Ujh vl, and will contain nfw ancuruont ani,truin. ewtoh wsai.th hakkun J (Contluued from laxtwk.) Tbe argument of Bastlat is consider od the argument par excellence for the justification of Interest takiog. If that argument has not proved Interest tak ing right, political economy has so for failed to justify it. Tbe wbolo gist of Bastlat's argument Is reciprocity of ser vices. Tbe lender docs tbe borrower a service by allowing the latter to ure bis wealth, and tho borrower should do a like service in return. Paying interest on tho money borrowed is such a ser vice, and unless tbe borrower pay in terest, Busliat bold that be returns nothing or tbe loan. I contend that tbe argument I- entirely mistaken; that tbe lender do"S tbe borrower an Inci dental service by lending him wealth, but by that vcrv act be does himself a far greater servlco, as ltU absolutely necessary to hnd wealth to preserve it; that the borrower do;s tbe louder a very groat iorviod by taking Lis wealth, keeping It for blui, and returning it to him without deterioration. I have al ready given a few instances. Basf at insist, and rightfully, that money Is not wealth, but tbat we must cuusldcr real wealth, of which money U but the representative. But this entirely disposes of bli first illustration of sixpences and crowns. If money is not wealth we cannot use it in proving tho laws of wealth, If Paul's sixpences consisted of property which be did not wUh to use for a year, it would have deteriorated In value at the end of that time, acd I submit that Peter or any other borrower would be doing Paul a sjrvioe by returning It to him unim paired at tbe end of twelve months. In his next illustration of trading a horse for a ship, Bxstlat introduces a fallacy which is the groundwork of his phu.lble but unsound argument for tbe justification of interest. The capitalist who actually lends wealth Is ono who has wealth which he cannot use Immediately, r which he wishes to lay by and save for use at tome future time, He Is one who has enough for the prcseut besides that which be leads; lent capital Is surplus capital, as far as th owners are concerned. Haatlat's capitalist is a poverty-stricken laborer who 1 aked to fold his arms and whistle while another laborer takes his tools and uw them for his own benefit. In lending, this condition never exists, The wealth wbloh Is borrowed could not have been ued In production If It had not ba borrowed, t'u) Ing a roan to lie Idle or to work llh Interior tool, wktleby the Uho of his own he might hava done better, I om-thUig iulW) Irrelevant to the q ue ttoa of Intoreit. lU-'Ut uses It to cover up tne rial question at lue, Publlo policy ha condemned such ac tion loiig agu. Let u eontdr the ral eai'lta'uv, the leiuUir ( surplu wealth. No If II taliat should iy thntauian afur trading a ship for a turn, look tho houiHt li live la and wttt-t to b r row the ship f ir a joar, and that the man atu traded the hutt for the ihlp had nituthrf hmi whteh ho at content to llftt In, and could ci t bin If u tlii hip for a trar, be iOd It a v Utid th condition undgr whleh loac a really made, th mw ship (twavr wouivl l. juit to no Uo mvKoU'He i iltlti(T up the hiiu.n a he would bavo a g'Hht a ho i t tho In, JU would wtitil ih thin kept for hint a ar with tmt d Hurt intmf In value. If the man li4h.lj,.t traded It away should take thU ship an 4 u (t, aud return It to tbe own r at the end of a )ar tk butktrroudlth n ihm It ahould have beea th if the owner had left It ld!, I ft v contend that bo would be doing the now ship owner a favor. The owner of the ship would not only be relieved of the necessity of repairing his vessel, but be would not have tho trouble of taking care of It, and would have it In good order for use at tbe end of tho year. Tbe man who used the ship would also be benefited by its use. There would be reciprocity of services, the require ment of Buniat. As to Bastiat's third Illustration. If Mondor spent his time rind surplus cash in building a house In which to live, and be has no other house, he is not in the position of the lending capitalist. If he have more houses than be can person ally use, be gives up nothing In letting some one else live in one of them. Tbe house which ha cannot or does not wish to use immediately is surplus wealth which Mondor wishes to use at som future time; and such a saving can bo attained by letting some ono use tho property, and, in return for its uho, keep It in repair. K there were no borrowers what would Mondor do with hi extra house? He might close It up and pty for repairs made necessary by the ravages of mould, rot, rats, etc. That is, in Buitiat's Illustration, he would pay the architect three hundred dollars per year to keep the house from becoming a worthless ruin. By giving the uo of tbo bouse to Valerius for a specified time, bo , deprives himself, tben, of tbo opportunity of paying for repairs upon it, If his other house should burn, it is truo, be probably could not gain possession of tbo house, which he lent to Valerius until the term of lease expired. It would be entirely Irrelevant to say tbat Mondor might lend to somebody else. Baitiat thinks that, as a first condi tion of the loar., Valerius should refund the money paid by Mondor to tbe archi tect for repairs of the ravages of time on Mondor's . house. Why should Valerius refund this money? Bastlat sas that it is but fair. Wby fair? Is Valerius responsible for the ravages of time? Did he make tbe natural law that bouses and all other forms ef wealth shall be subject to decay? Do theso ravages make the house more use ful to Valerius? Wby, then, should ho rather than Mondor, boar the brunt of the law?.Bastlat puerilely tays that the decay tcours whllo Valerius is in the house and hence that he should make It good. Would it not have occurred to a greater extent if the house bad been idle? Finally, when the ravages of time are repaired, who gets the benefit? Mondor, certalaly. Mondor, thon should pay the expense of repairs. If Valerius should pay for the repairs, thors would have been no reciprocal service done him for the outlay, and according to Bastiat's own criterion, Valerius could not be charged with the expense. The advantage which Mon dor has deprived himself of for the benefit of Valerius Is the measure of tho service which he did the latter. He probably deprived himself of the oppor tunity to ute bis house for a specified time, should an exigency arise making It donlrable that he should do so. Vale rius, perhaps, hat secure p4selon for a time, and If for this advantage he re funds the three hundred dollars of architect hlre-lf he stand between Major's house and tbe ravages of time ha wore than repays Mondor. Where, then, cx.me In th excu for tnterei I taln? Interest In thl case 1 com monly called rent. Kvry cent oollect ed for rent 1 extortion for which Vale rlu iU no reciprocal sorvlo. Jf Moador 1 paid fur that which he relinquishes, he ha no rUNt to ak how much Valerlu bone.fi 4. It I a lou fUHiut law that he who ha mi st ti.'ed (( wialtn I benefited m.t by it ue. ItastUt Illustration of Malthurla and ! k of earn repeat (ha atna old faiiay, AUllhuno, a coming to the lUutlralloa, iuut hate hit sauk ot euro tolUeon, ! ha mut woik for a pttunea from day in day la oraVr to koeu alive, and la tbat cundtUott U led lolntul hUtvk bf corn to another. tVtt an lUu.lraiioti of a loaning caolU'Ut! If t were a eaplaliil ti would ht uur Uillva r than he wuhed to u at that tni, and that ' of t?orn would Im Kuiiething which he would ha saving up to u on at in falura tlmn when h wUhed to leiiutit l-llvj ttweutd be torn addi tional k his present wide, If Jruu ihctlJ tak thl corn, and it taeatd of J 1 Hci tnL e- A' cc u- 0 a year, when, if stored, It would bo damaged by weevil, damp and rats, re turn a sack of fresh corn in its .stead, he would do Malthurln a favor. Jerome would at the same time produce corn for himself, the service would be reciprocal, and Bastiat's requirement would be fulfilled. The illustration of James and his plane is still more fallacious. It jum bles together in Jstnes the rights of capitalist, manufacturer, and Inventor. Tbo actual, loaning capitalist, as such, is an idler with more wealth under his control than be can personally use. He neither Invests nor produces. To place James In tho position of the loaning capitalist, we woold have to think of him as making a plane every year to lay by and sell at some future time that be might live at ease on the proceeds, Without borrowers to take bis planes, be would have to store them in some place to keep them. Bust, rot, worm, acd mould would vie with one another in their destruction, so that when James wanted to sell the plane he would find many of them wellnigh worthless. If William should tak the planes and use them and return In their stead good new planes, would he not be doing James a service? James would have bright now planes when he want ed to use or dispose of tbem instead of rusty old ones, as would have been the case bad the planes been stored. Dae tlat admits tbat wearing out within a year is a necessary concomitant of tbe usefulness ci a plane, If William pays for tbat usefulness of interest, wby should ho pay for it again by supplying a new one in the place of tbat which was worn out In earning Interest for James? There Is no justice In James having the bonefit of the usefulness of tbe tool and not being required to stand tbe epene of the wear incident of that usefulness as well as tbo ravages of nature. Continued Next Week Congressman McKeljrbin'a Letter. WAHMNOTO.f, D. C , April 21, '94. Editor Wealth Makers: I have boon Informed that some of your correspondents have mentioned me as tbelr choice for the oftlco of U. S. Sen ator. I desire space In your paper to say to my friends that under no cir cumstances will I permit the use of my name as a candidate for Senator. My decision was mado known to some o! my friends more than one year ago. and it will not bo changed. This Is no hasty conclusion; It was reached after a care ful consideration of my duiy to the Pop ulist party of our state, which has with in Its ranks many able and earnest men, any of whom would do honor to the! state if elected Senator. The course of Senator Allen is ample proof of the fact that the Populists of Nebraska made no mistake in electing him to the high position which he now so ably fills. I have faith In tho Judgment of our people to again make a wise selec tion. I thank my friends for tbelr good opinion of me but I cannot allow tho use of my name as a candidate for the posi tion. The condition of tbe laboring and Industrial classes of our country Is a loud call to all lover of justice and good government, to put aside all per sonal ambition and to make any sacri fice tbat toe:o necessary in order to protect tbtdr interests or defend their rlgdts, I have labored to merit the approval of the people that elected me to the potltlon I now hold, and I am ready and willing to surrender It and to fight la the ranks a a private If they d dealre, 1 am ambition; my ambi tion 1 U do my whole duty, and no personal cotxtderallua or desire for oit'elal potltlon wtll tempt me for moment to allow the u of my name a a na'orlal catulldate, I should ei pact other to put ald personal aruMtloe for the coivmon good, and I ought not to expert other to do what I would not b willing to rlo mjtulf, I aw, Hlr, jour for victory aud right, W. A. Mi 'Ktit.iUN. Head your nam a'td adJr tn a pmUl card f"r Information rvi aiding thU ntrprl. You way Ucowe a charter member and socum houie and permanent employment without luonoy, A s'art foe a New ad Nobltr Ctvlll.a ti'. Til a CoMlNtf NATIOM, GrHnburg, Indiana Use Northwestern Una Low rates, lat train, O to I'ht.atK Ottloe 1134 NO. 40 Dolnic Wonder Disseminating Knowledge. ALMA, Neb., April 2.1, 18!i4. Editor Wealth Makers: Enclosed find $1 00 for which you will please credit me with ono year's sub scription to The Wealth Makehs. It has got the right ring to it, and is doing wonders In the dissemination of economic knowledge ' May its power for god never grow ess. Theodore Mahk. County Clerk, Harlan Co. Would be Lost Without It. Wood Lake, Neb., April 17, 1894. Editor Wealth Makers: I received notice some time since of the expiration of my subscription to your excellent paper. Have been waiting for the good prosperous time to come, but it delays. Indulge my delinquency for a while, as I would be lost without the paper. And have Brother Powers acd bis co-workers be active in farming the farmers as we can use them to good sd vantage In the coming fall and in 189(1 If we bava a bountiful crop. Yours, J. M. Callew, The Htate Paper Their Pride. Bkkkdict, Neb., April 21, '94. Editor Wxalth Makers: At an Informal gathering of a fsw of the faithful In my office this afternoon, wo raised tbe enclosed f 4.20 to send your excellent paper to tbe names en closed. In tbe past three year, I have bad tbe pleasure of sending a number of names, as subscribers to our state paper and I have never had a kick from any one. Tue Wealth Makehs Is our pride and joy. A lust cause never fails we are sure to win, tbe nesulng of a new day Is at hand, people are rolling oyer on their bard beds and waking up. We have only to keep a solid front, stand to our principles, put up clean men and the victory Is ours. We are heartily In sympathy with you and will all do what we can to extend the circu lation of your paper, Rsptctfully, job hoover. Joe Talbott. J. W. Huff. H. C. Gkavks. H. WI180M, F. BlLTINOER. iead From Maine to California. WiNTHnoi', Me , Aoril 23. '"M. Editor Wealth Makers: Through tho klndne.s of some friend I have received several copies of your valuable paper and have tburoughly perused your sheet with a great deal of satisfaction, and have placed copies In the bunds of others, where I trust good seed may be sown wi h beneficial re sults. The principles you expose fully meet my approval and should be cordi ally received and accepted by the wealth makers of this land today. Never to my mind has there been a time In tho history of this country when tbe laboring people were so sorely de pressed as at the present They should arise In the majesty of their right and strike at the ballot hos for the rights guaranteed to them on the ba'.tle field of our father, . For nearly 10 years I have believed in the oaue yu so ably represent, I have constay stood for Its advance ment In a community where It seems a great opposition exUti as anywhere on thl cootlueot, fighting for the oppress, ed, single handed and alone. On thl platform 1 shall llv and die, remember ing those memorable words uttered by that famous orator, Pa'rlck Hnry, la the old Virginia court houe; ',tirt tot iit ethttt Ktty tfc, e,f at fur me, f in me li&trtit $r git me aVii.M hope for the dawning of brighter day. 1 trust tho time may suea come when the laboring el tf thU land may throw of! the galling yoke of political tyranny and stand like a noble yvomaoiy in the uutlght uluuitvtiolpUd trtwd on t'overty a'oae prevent my engaging s'.llt iur hChnly In th protmnloa uf of the people' ea. My villi fod wfcUe my pockol b-wk I lean WUh tig you aVadant uecv, aud that leury will r I m perch ciHa our banner. I am very truly your, J, 11. Towafcy, The AUI-vn'tf lnilo'il'lt.t uf Nob k,, one of h best tVp. list per lu the country, hat cbantrcu it name ta t t uuw "111 Wsumi M kh." Wa wish It rnw4 prosper) y under lU aw aiue,-tijt (Idaho) KaUsl,