The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, April 26, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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    April '2Ci, 1S94
Clay county baa another new Alliance
No. 2319. 14 t.
Polk County News- In regard to the
Alliance Manual I will ay that we are
ell nleaaed with It. It ban pu
Ufelo our Alliance. Every
.Va. trroat Interest In it.
new membcra this quarter,
itu deelred that all A
C. J. D.
Alllanoti will
report on the uue of the Manual, ualng
the blanka for that purpose when they
bave them. In this way can tell
what each Alliance bellevei and what
they need.
May Alliance Ho. 1772 anawered:
WhatU wealth? Anything which
will boneflt mankind.
How Ultcreated9 Uy labor.
Who ban the firat rls:bt to Ua owner
ship aud prawignlon? The creator.
Ought the law to protect the creator
of wealth in it full ownerehip and p
aeaaion lingua voluntarily rcllnqulahed?
What proportion of each individuals
wealth may be rightfully claimed by the
government? No one should be fined
for producing wealth by labor. The
ncociaary taxation ahould bo made on
tho natural eoiircea of national wealth
which are monopolized by Individual.
What relation have land, mlnei, natu
ral forMtn, stream, etc., to wealth?
Thov are natural sources of weaitn, w
coming wealth by the application of
did the Creator of theie
thlnff five them? To all the people.
Should the law iccure their poBBonlon
to thoao to whom God gave them? Yea
Have the realdenU of one couniry any
rightful claim on the land or other nat
ural resource! of another oowntry? No,
Should allena be prevented from hold,
lag land In thla country by law? Yea,
Ouahtnon rraUlenta toown land? No
Should individuals or corporations bo
permitted to own land? No.
In answer to inquiries Brother W. F.
Wrlf bt says:
As State organlmerof th Alliance and
TnduMtrial Union. Brother Wardall as
national organizer I am commiaaloned
and empowered to organize new AIM
an coa, reorganize old ones, and to dole
gate the aame power I have to all the
county organizers I appoint to do the
same. In addition to thla I am com
nlHaloncd to take into the Aid d
partment any man or woman over 18
.ml under 65 that will agree to our
principles, rpgardlfkia of whether they
bave a subordinate Alliance near them
or not. They remain aa lndopondont
members of the F. A. &, I. U. until there
is a sub. organized near enough for
them to join.
' In this way the national organization
ii gathering the men and women of the
land, and each one la a member of the
national organization regardless of
State Alliance or subs. Another point
many fall to grasp, that the Alliance Aid
is just ai much the work of the Alli
ance aa any part of it, and It Is made the
duty of every State officer and every
county ofllcor of the Alliance to puah
the Alliance Aid as much aa poaalble.
If any one baa any minutes of the
annual meeting of the State Alliance
prior to 181)0 or of 181)1 or 1H93 they will
confer a great favor on the state officers
by forwarding a copy to the state aecre
tary. Rev. J.M. Snyder baa promised to de
vote the summer to Alliance work. He
writes: "For myself I never felt that I
waa more in line of Christian and
patriotio duty than I am now. Of course
1 may not judge wisely. It la caav for
human beings to be mistaken, and I am
cio exoeptlon, but the convlotlon grows
on me that the church has all along
been mistaken in directing all attention
and interest to what will be after we
are dead. The gosixsl was quite as
much for thla world aa for the next
world, and the whole truth la not told
nor applied to human Interest until
thla U done. In thla view of the cane
I am devoted to our cause ao long an my
strength remain,"
(r Interest fu Labor.
Nothlnir that (!od ever created la so
oontotiipHbla aa tho man who, hrcaue
Be la lUlug in rmnfort and aocurliy
hlnmlf. I indir7i-rnt to the wrong
that la htng Intlkfvd upon 1,1a fallow
Thai i a grrsA Juke w have hard
foraeverat yara about the ejpU i
Iowa titntnUlg ih tallroaU. Thv
ra lroada have rcenvly ileer4 o of
their wn int lo- la tu tht higher
state ofl ce, A ' dummj" ttiud Jai-k
mid, bwocr, the nominal gvereor
At th nt$nt ttf tha Amriota
VvderailMo of l.aUr krttt In t'hUaau
lt m-"-!itvr, tl ' ctHHtti iu-r
hlwr y vh tipi 1 1 ail th tui vf
!ert i ne r t'piw a ar ttnui "gvl a
ttunif" If tt tm d kvt i at th frui.t
Thf tuUtit!Uitry wataM!vd a
writ til ih '4.c i'f tl l I ft' i
rrait th r ! 'it ! tU,l rt
tn . ' i- B'ini w !ut iy fur
iitv!t. in mtt ! it (tv mm!.-, mm. I It
novwi'y !'. t w la t i, v tvuittlit
f M rl ! ( ( iU f rvM tUi, 1
rule tf JuUi,
t TboM can be aa doubt tht th Hub.
bard-Jackson gang at Council Bluffs
were acting under orders from New
York, when they outraged American
flltlzdoa la-t week. No matter what
unspeakable deviltry may be committed
by the corporations In an v of the states,
you may rest assured that the chief
nerve centre of the mischief is in Wall
A poldbuffDaDersuckeststbat Coxey'i
man ht enlisted in the regular U. S.
army when they arrive In Washington
and given employment in that way.
This Is a sDlendld idea. Give thews
workmen rifles and bayonets and use
them to fight back other workmen who
msy wish to go to Washington or who
mav become msoonteniea who wjit
oondltlon. The idea Is worthy te have
emanated from the brain of (or. Huh
bard of Iowa.
The Lincoln Labor Club with a mem-
bershlo ef nearly five hundred meets
everv Fridav evenloff at Danish Hall,
119 North Ninth street. These meeting
are well attended, and the applause
which follows each denunciation ol the
Wall street gMg z.ud the railroad com
blnationa is refreshing in the extreme.
The olutocracv went a step too far when
they repealed the Sherman bill, and the
people are getting ripe jor rauicm no
tion that will sweep every vestige of
inequality from the United States.
"Free silver" which is atlll an im
portant lmuo la but a side show com
pared with the momentous questions
that are lorclng themsel ves to the front.
Time semi-l'onullats who fancy that a
conservative platform or a single plank
platform is tho thing, little realize the
temper of the people at the present
time. If the People's party expect to
carry tho labor vote incoming elections
tney must nave a piauorm mat reaunes
farther and deeper than the Omaha
platform. Nothing short of govern
ment ownership and operation of all
the broken down industries of the
country will satisfy tho wage element
in the future.
The members of tho Farmers Alliance
la Nebraska who think that they are
Droo-reaalve must lonk out for their
laurels. The worklnr mon of Lincoln
are not onlv indorsing the Omaha plat
form, but go farther and demand that
the government take possession, unuer
the law of eml.ient domain, of all
crlDDlud industries and operate the
same for the Durnoso of sivlnff employ
tnont to labor, the product of said
factories to be exchanged at actual cost
of manufacture for produce and other
Decenaries for the workmen. With
plenty of employment for tho wage
earners the prices of farm products
will advance naturally.
All workingmon should remember
that as a rule no reliance can bo placed
on the news that comes through tho
associated press dlapatohcs, particular
ly when it relates to tho labor move
ment or to the friends of labor In Con
gress. The associated press has do
generated Into a fake factory, and
when you reud that Senator Alien or
Senator Peffer said so and so, don't vou
believe it without confirmation from
other sources. This thing of foisting
fake interviews upon the Populists is
getting common.
The National Organizer's Dates.
Bethany, Nob., April 14, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Hon. Alonzo Wardall, national or
ganiser of N. F. A. Si I. U. and Alliance
Aid, assisted by W. F. Wright, state
organizer, will hold from two to three
meetings with the Alliances In open
meetings in the following counties, com
mencing in Otoe county, April 23rd,
Union, Cans county, April i.
Loutnvllle, ' " if?.
KnKl. " " " i
Atornnar Vutan, Saundnrs county,
May 1.
" S.
W alioo. 2 d. m "
Carv MchiKil honne. evenlnir
Nolan ' howl bou, 6 inlle north of Lincoln
LnncuHtor county, May 4.
aiitiio, iaiii'ii.HUrc)oiiuiy, may a., i " " 7.
Co. Johnson county, May 9.
Uralt, " " 10.
VeHta, " " 11.
Htrtinmburg, Polk " June .
Oertmla, " " . " 5. '
hlby, " " ,.',. - .'.
Following conntlea.pUeea not yt ilciilgiialPU :
Uaue county, May l'l. 11, us
Jeffursou "
10 17.
" IH, IS, 81.
" ua
" a . ;
" , ,
" - IIOI.
" 31, June 18. , . y.
ihayr "
Ullmora "
Saline "
Seward "
York "
Hamilton "
Bills will be tent out as soon as plaooV
are dealgnatod for last eight counties.
W. F. Wriuht,
: 8tate Organizer.
SUUt Iecturer J, II. Towers
gpeak at the following places on
dates given:
TtlalneCentor, Adama Co., Apiil 27.
Friend, Valine county, May 7.
Toblaa, "
Uarktn,JefferiHn " "
Falrbury, ' "
Kodloott "
Friends ot tho Altlanoe In
I J.
couniK will plrao till out the apitolnt
tnonta giving tho hour of the day in
raoh ctntt, and notify the auu are.
tary. Mia, J.T. KUU. JUrtwoU, Neb.,
aa HHn a inm.lblo m h can iufurtn
ute of the same.
FrlonJ iif the ruo will plta.t r
ini'iuU'r that on atToaatt'f tha ttnanolal
tHodltia tf the stain lrvury the 1,,
turrr Ul gut nothing for la arUe
eivptwht I toluatarlly tottrlt ut.'J
on hia fii'KI of laKtr,
I'aklure Ni.tu e,
I hat au halt action wtU mll
n.irtb uf I.lnuoln and three tiU-a wit
1 1 lUn y, wt'.l -' cattle at 1 1 vo
Borwe at II W fur the u
I.. T I'.M.yaa
"" loit ail.t: "
The S!U AUtatKS) U-r l
l!,lgv, at l era I vAvt,, it
4 '
NUnu;, atJOivni tah, 75 v
l r J t
U V- !ft H-' fvlf h iH ,'r,tH
tVur.'y AUirtt.CTw, i '- (
Orf-r lk Svtt.,!!
:aiuv utJ
1U i, un AUtliUa fi) wMU itiid
bltva, JiU. ,J'trve
Mji. ). T. KM.I.IK.
llrtwU NH,
Ban ar it Natural fit ids ft UrtUm
fMf. m swm etaee Wart a wad to. Ma. WkwtsM-
rkLAawli atohta4eie -e 4 t-uava Msaal la J mee. Mim4
mm WdeyV tri. fkkUiUT A1Uj a ibwmt immJ m
sjsIvshb. T.lM la mm. We (ss e4M mm4 asm kta
rest stMMa mimbtm M awsy stti f fcw
I naM smmi SMi smi "
i r?ea4,M' lUikf lowest Himf
I TO- UA I fuf mtt taww KRr g '
cmtlr vf laMet dwtfM m i M 1m aiv"sa4.
OXrORO MFQ. CO., 340 wabath ., Chicago, fit.
Rare : Hardy : Grapes
ALL FOR $2.75:
6 More Early Black.
b Mu(fr Whim
6 Golden Povkllniton.
6Klvlr Wblte, Vry Prolific.
6 Hrlxlium Dark Rod.
I Veruounni' Kwl.
t lTH(SmMlMn Black.
10 Warden Ulack.
SO Concord.
6 Kajr'a Prollflo Currant.
1 JapanoMt Win Kerry,
Ths above No. 1 wall rooted stock
for 5! 7ft,
pro paid by mall ornxprtwi. 1 Pay's currant
cbolca ot Krax Z'm,, ponl paid.
nfl South agtb St., Lincoln, Neb,
Writ for price Hat In 100 or I . lota. I will
aurnriNS you,
Cattle Robe Tanning Company,
1012 B Street, LINCOLN, NEB.
How to PuiPAHa Hint yon Roiim. a
soon a nidit in riuuovml from ariunal, trim off
nxuu ma ihi(m, Mprcau out on floor, cover wall
wlih Hult, (ruwlluni illI'd hlda will rwiulro
(ipread), leave In ihla condition for t-n to ill
iwu mm uiiB-flHii uaiiona oi man. evmn
Uwn duyx, i lien roll up, fliwh Hide out, tin wtill
nnd Mlilu. CharKHN for tittiniuir will bo from
W.iij to ari.w ou mwlliin myn nldea.
To Hutch kiim and otln-r narilva havlna
choice black bldwM, andlni( three or innro
ii i a on, we win rnturn one robu for the rrmaln
Idk two hldcN. Kreluht to be paid by fthlpiwr.
i.ttcn ana lauauo learner lannea on
torniM, BauiHlea aeut ou aiipllcatlon.
' Managsr.
We have examined these robea and fled
them to be first data in every particular; an
excellent Nubmitute for the buffalo robe which
la becoming ao rare.-Publ lnhera. 1
Cane, Millet Seeds, Kaffir, Rice and
Jorusalcm Corn Yellow and White Mllo
Maize, all grown in 181K1. For Prices.
Address, McBETH ft KWNISON,
Garden City, Kas.
(Continued from first page.)
ticket the atrongest man, thinking
that bis strength will holp to elect the
weaker ones. We want no men whom
we will have to carry through the cam
pulgn, but rather, able advocates of our
principles and who will not ba an eony
target for tho political guns of tho old
Now as for the head of the ticket, ve
bave a man in this county who is known
throughout the state, a man who wag
speaker of tbo House, last legislature,
and baa won many friends In all parties
by the ability, honesty and fairness
abown while in that responsible posi
tion. By placing lion. J, N. Gaffln as
leader of our state ticket, wo will be
sure ot success, and also certain of hav
ing a man who will receive not only In
dependent votes, but the votes of all
honest voters of other parties. '
A Lincoln Iopullt's Opinion.
Lincoln, Neb, April 10, 181)4.
Kdltor Wealth Makers:
I am glad to see that you have opened
your columns for dlncusslon of the mer
its of candidates for state olTlcf rs this
fall, and hope there will be many ex
presalons of opinion. The coming elec
tion will be In many respects the most
important ever held In the btato, ard it
Is Incumbent on tho Pooplo'a party to
U8o great discretion la Its selection of
candidates. I would say, first, that we
must take no backward stop as to any
reforms which we advocate, and our
party orcuHt declare oltsolf ' -in a clear
and concieo manner on the great topics
which are bt-fore vis as a state and na
tion... The time for a change is at hand,
and every thinking man knowe there
must bo a change that wi:i further de
bnae and ImpoverUh tho great mass of
the people, or a change that will kreak
the shackles of tho corporations and
monejod Interests and enable t!e labor-
er to at cure a juat roooraponio f.r b la
ton. J nt is no time for half way busi
ness, ami every man mut soon di'dara
niinwir one way or the other. Our
Candida e must therefore be free from
all corporation Influence and mut da.
t-taro htiwMf in luagua,'o that cannot
bo uiUlaken. Thla pulnt conceded we
rnu.t cuiuldor the question of availa
bility. The probabilities are that tho ikpub
lloaoa will nominate for tholr standard
binrr. tint "dlatlngulahod" iu
man 1?) Th. Majors, and the iKjitio.
cru'a, if ihey uiuaUsr the cnjrake ti
notu sate a tUkt-l. will aoKci a l aiull-
dalo from Omaha. Tula Ma truu II
wuuiU vt iu thai our candidai abound
come frvJiu Unooln, (irovidcd wa hafe
a man h will couunand the reH ci of
the tmil and who the timrgo id
h! ctiitvU tlwoa, aud IU t it I Ma t en
fi rv thu Ua If l. tu d. Mayur Wwir
U atu'h a ruan; and th nly ttm-Jtlon
witniu t Ula avalllmlity U hit
IVMtiitn In it'ati.ui Utl) rt-f.M-m whl h
v adrHa!. Wo wrtainly d not n'
a man ho u tn thtMm.j-b vvrl
with oir rty, nor tni w ho u aiiitmud
i-f our )ri Ktiu iirlociplva, If Mayor
vlr I aucti lima ahould u t ion
' It h nun Vir ukmu, u', but If tn
It Hltlirg i lakv at) ,-. , UB
miua, und uh tu. imii,, t nit)
Uiiin,l lolbluk that he wmiM rmVtly
m t nit; ui udol MrvngUt tl. .'rtiii,'
av th r u who h t vu i( 'fcUtuini.
: k. ...... . . . i
! rvr M"ii tr'vk-ntr i wtntM itg
.- i ,'iv,:r :m; iir att iij , n
!' . I " Jt-iu ; fur ott'ivl.try
;'. . I. u tn f Htn r, Ui ctt-.ttir
iWir)"MM' la l;.jpru tng tll t h
I li,ii, ai,.l tUti!4 tn in itu bait la
l m .sat
and plants of varieties that will bear
fruit lnNebraska,as evidenced by 13,00o
bushels of apples and eOO bushels
cherries grown in one season in or
chards of
Crete Nurseries!
Large stock of FRUIT TREES and
TREES suited to Nebraska. The ex
perlence and advice of the proprietor,
who is 'resident of the state Hortlcul
tural Society will be found safe aud use
ful to all. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cor
respond at once before extreme rush
openi. Address,
E. F. STEPHENS, Propr.,
Cret. Neb.
Ash. Box Elder.
Black Locust,
Honey Locust,
Russian Mulberry,
Catalpa Speciosa;
ALL SORTS of Fruit, Shade and Orna
mental xreei, nasts and Vines-
Shipping seaion is at hand. Write
quick for prices. Address,
Youngers & Co..
Locust and Asa Trees,
Fruit Trees, Crape Vines and
Small Frnlt Plants
Send for free price list to
Janscn, Jefferson Co,, Neb.
Or Geo. 1J. Galbbaitu.
pd FltOWEH g
We have averycholca Una m
ot :(J osm md potaia. 2
Bend for lH:rlptIv cam- 2
CO., Llucolu, Neb. W
OlvonawaT Prea. A
nampbiet on potatmt
uu uoan cuiiur tuiuK how to prepare the
1, when to plant, how to plant, how to cultl
nvvy, tint vnnb, Obd. nil Kiveu In (In Lull A lam at
rtwcripuon cauioKUH ua prict iTmI' oi iCu?
choice varlu f potato. Five of tbe bent
klmUof Hilcorn. Tbrwe of choiit kimiM n(
wu corn Three of choliHt kin.iM
(III 1(1
t'lHM.. -,..l ......... .'"-r--'' .V"'"''"'U
BlnKham Pane Co., Iowa
L-Kl Tenaer Yellow I)nt ami Mlilu Count
White. Hem In cultivation.
Won Hint and Hweepxtakes
Iowa Htaie fair 1W aud
iw:. aImo nwdal and di
ploma at World' Fair.
SnlUwJ to central Iowa and
fouth; pur bimhel
two bundel ordern, Huckn
froe: larite order leu. Wriie for cirrnur
Chnti-A l'olundChlua nown bred.
Tested Seed Corn.
Mr Corn took Mtl In iira,nl,ii,. m u.i,...,.
Bute Kalr tu ixiKi, iih ylia oi tw', bimhele
wr . r
Aruftroiii'a Wlil'e dent. A wondrrful
jrieiitmr, iar, handsome ami rliMiim early. The
kliiM of ot corn.
nam'g V.Uow. A lirt,', fine yellow corn
d krain. early. 7 hw Uuli... r,iu mi mi
f f . w "" ""y lor mpU MuiklM
bunliel, to, & bu, Ai vit-euu: IU bu. or nr at
M touts ri h.
Helerewe lrtl Salloual Hunk.
J M. AKMSTRONQ, Qieenwotd, Nab
I 30 riff 12(H),
fin tW 1130. lOOrfc-M V 5i,
1 yrvpajr enrv u orJur tf 30 vtf
anj uiwarj tu any Mint wtt u( CM
tauaidettf( lnt'r. IJthttV i
ilajt till . IK). Safo arrival guaranUH-tJ,
W. I IIICKQX, Alma. Nib.
Middle Men Wal.d
ALI-uku, Nb , April U, hiH.
rMiUr rait it Makkh.'
If rnjr uNvrlvluti U tn tU- otm
Mum ty I can't da Uhoui It,
' I The in oil y m U cotitit ker h u I vniI
(!lU V hi r I'uln UnAf e li'.if J nt
kiu u ni. I m mt ml lie uf-thfl.
fo4 P-pul' l,r t4l mUA're i) ii t
Nflli'Vii In l uK-tr, can't u i.. 4
lu iM t'tlie Vwir, ..
l. lv TtMfvt.
Waan, Uuiianrut rrowenuf fai mand veguudim odi la ui worlu. WtieU. 0t.
Bmrlej. Cora, Clover Tlmocby, Urane, PoLaUe. et., tn normousqoanutln. l.wt,
O00 Httm nd flantb S6 pkic earlleiit Vftfrtat'to eed, nougli for a mrdeo, port
paid for tl 00. It ,k;t lau VevcU.bieiwrdi.6oo. 8y, onr Orekt Northern Oati .
iHTlt lelJel2lboh.fn.iuoDbuh.iownl Old yon over hear thMllcet PVr. of thlkO.u
MV-A '"t"'liruefruponrwHtof to io Mam pa. 10 Karm Heed mpli lOo. With
itlil1 eaWlngiiB, use. Our great ei.tiilgiie. tM rv, for 6" KiBt.ifi. Wrttg to-day.
Bfs'isTl 7i1i?liir'A(5 jtiiWrsHl VfiHm
Largest Manufaeturera aid Rtailert f Clot bin
In tbe World.
Goods sent O. O. D. subject to examination.
Send us an order, giving: size, style and color
desire a and we will
will please you.
Your money's woitn or your money back.
1013 & 1019 O St , - . Lincoln, Neb.
Burks, Cadman & Co.,
243 4 245 North 10th. Cor. 10th & Q St., Lincoln, Neb,
Buggy, Farm or
Como and get our prices.
1 1 1 1
or walking, have the best at
JUHIShUN DlBk Cultlvatom nwiv dnrn
I . . -J u--...,
Cultivator? Over 65,000 In una.
ana so l tbe price.
1 1 us om
Brown s Combined Stoel Frame AdJiiBtabln Wantprs are the stuff. Wo have hIho
in connection a full stock of Hardware and Garden TooIb which we will ali
at reduced prlcei. Do not forp-K wo have a full stock .,f Harness. Price as
IOW vo. o,
239 & 241 North 10th
Will sell yon a
Sack of (rood llnur for
Suck of 1'tttent Hour for
8 gallon pall of avrup for
17 lb. pail of Jelly for
7 bar good soap for ,
The beat California Peach, "Falka
brand" for
.' 0
Look t' ua wheu you
While fih or Mackerel.
BURK3, OADilAN & 00,
lOth&QSti Kui 239-241
M.lnaitun Kiutl Peak,
tt)tai nt itti lvi)f,
a .in4,
I .k.l
vcl rtikMia,
1 .mmmm. ZZTrT
It 'ee mi mmum
J- iFJFJ' W00 I402 UNIOM Ala,
Red, White. Alfalfa and Abrike Ctovera, ....-
Timothy, BlufGnwe, Orchard Orwa, Ked If lUtl( PITY I'll
Top, Onion SeU.Tree HetdfcCane Seed. IVrttlOAg HI I I f WUS
Boys' twfl-pifiCB suits at $2.00
if u
!' " 3.50
Suits for little toys 2 1-2 to
years at $4 00.
" MEN " " " "
know they are fine, we
made them.
send you goods that
Spring ;:gon
If you want a Plow, cither riding
the lowoNt price.
!! n v..,v.. tut.. nui..
I'attee Tonguelega Cultivators are ail O. K.
ifU 11 I. U tun a." Bllll I KM If Hill I t Nil II (T
Oor, 10th & Q Sts,
The Pest California Partleti Pear. ,
The Pe8t tlallfonila Apricot
The Host California Green CHjre,,
; i ana iteutriue corn for
3 lba. :i irowu rUln. .
i II". dried puiiM. ,
4 H. Citliforiila pruiie, riln cured .23
27 Ibi. New rl.ana auf r c.ii
want geunluo Georgia It-ink CodtWh, Pollck, liernm.
J E. BARBER St 00 ,
243 & 245 N 10th Bt. 10th 4 0 3ti
II Ttiat aeH.nd mh.u Uuw ymi y,lr Vcn. f ,
iv'P. "fl "rkH and tbe rlKhl ,MM., It
oovaiay, n unueiirliimni. our .Wm,t, t.itt u
,inMiti.. ,.iiulu Uu h.1,1 ..... . . ...... .. . ' 11
... . , , i.uijr oi.hiiii lite Ulgliw,! ntrk
prue f ..r yunr W .t, II tiiiilu,l.(.iweiu..d yoiiui,i( J
rH.r. We are rev...iii,H.ui.. ll.e Wm.l trade ,J .
rump 5lfa anj Oukk kt'.urna. H. ha.ed.,,,.
the W m, trade .nil was tii...db'e, l.,.u,d ,uk . . '
l.niiimwiunu inakvrvturiii ..r Wid.a n,i, Ikimm , ,1,.
wemak rviunia lu thai i ,u M( , (mt ,,tl,,.r, ,
uplii tbU.LU-M.em,- Write ..r frier um W. ml ami tbl
..., tui handle Hay , Grain ,t Prwduie , K,,(, 1
jgerchints. in So, Water Street, CM&
SAO It H rait
t JMippora.1
He ! ,
"'"I mil e I
"' iMKKHlllill
Me " li.ii. til
' "wW Im I kleana,
inn Qrothcri
j e.rrj lama r M iaivtingmaa tn t
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