The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, April 26, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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The Mm Mill at Hark In All the Other
Ue.tero Slate -All Hi Ohio Shaft
Uliui I (own Many Thou.anil.
Jnto IfllnM lu Ilia remi.yl-
aula lleirloo. - Ken.a and
Mlnnrl Men at Work.
Gx.l tun s, Ohio, April 2.1 Itrporta
rr-ir'veil tnmi the various initiiiiir en
tfrs of the country by thr? ofllfors of
the Natlmiu! Mine Workers' aisoeia
liou up to I o'clock this afternoon ara
t hut the order for a national strika
im- lieen ohcvcd in llil statu,
lii, Maryland. Pennsylvania ami
West Virginia, ami that ovur 3S,OiN)
miners Hru now out. The report
irom Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas
mill ColorHilo nrt not so (iicoiirnjfliitf
to the officers, but they express thu
belief that a soon an the men In tint
West Ufiilei'Mttind the Mitlintioil they
will join the strike and make it
national. The Indiana lilock coal
in in eri have a contract which will not
fpire until May I, and lu eonsefiienc
will work until then.
It Is mi open seeret In ColumbiiH
that the operator of tills region
arc in sympathy with the suspension
and hope the miner will win. Tim
operator here riefcire to pay tha cal
propped by the fiilicr but are pre
vented by cert it In operator la tha
I'itt'-biirtf district who hava been
'paving iowrr wuoh.
The strika promises to be the jreat
t in the history of the country. It
will involve, If a great a anticipated,
.nearly J.'(),H) men and will atop work
in mine that produced upward of
100,0011,000 torm of coat hot year In
twelve state and territories Thes
miner received $f3,H0l,fK!7 in wae
In JMK), according to the eleventh
census of the I'uited Mutes. In
that year 1. 'IK, HMD mine produced 7ft-,
Mif.i, 10 ton of coal valued ut MI,.'1!)0,
fi.'ili, hhotild the strike be effective to
the fullest extent anticipated the ef
fect upon the business of the country
will be incalculably InjurloiiN, a the
htrilie will enforce the suspension of
many fiic'torlc and may seriously af
fect the railroad.
Tins miner strike for the ruston
tioiiofthe I titerstuto wage iiifiTcinoiii,
which wa abandoned during laht
All the mine of Jackson county
shut down at II o.clock and 4,000 men
joined the (freat strike;,
.Nevcri hundred of the 10 employed
In I'oineroy lleud had binned an uktco
me ut lat nitfht to alilili) by the term
of the strike. Five operators havo
kinilli'd their willingness to pay tho
price, demuiided.
- J liuimHiiiU (Jiilt Work In Him I iml field,
of I tin Keystone Nlate,
I'iTTStit'ito, IV, April 81. The tfreat
coal fctriko, mo far a thl district Is
concerned at leant, appear to be a
hiicceMM, At noon the U.OOO men in tho
river district and the 0,.V)0 in the rail
road district laid down their pick,
and, receiving their wajfe, quietly
left the mine. Itispittche from the
'Cleartleld district report that the
i; men there also struck and
that the mine are generally
closed. In tho l'hlllipsburn' ' region,
eust if the mountaiiiM, all the mine
are idle anil 5,000 men are Idle, Thu
hiispcnsion in the Cleartleld region
will enforce Idleness upon KM) train
men oil the linffalo, Rochester and
ritlhliurif railroad. In the Councils
ville refrion tho men are atill at work,
but the leaders are expectintr to havo
almost the entire region of men
-out on Monday.
The Houtsdulu ami Oscalo mines
aud the Kcd Sun mine at Wllliumsport
were completely idle at li o'clock.
There wa tio excitement. The men
are determined and the operator say
that they have sutliclent coul to kee,;
their customers supplied for two or
three weeks. No trouble Is autlcl
putcil unless some of tho operators
should umlei'tuke to start their mines,
in which event tho scene lu the coke
regions will be repeated here,
Many operators In this district de
clare that It is impossible to pay tho
w aifcs mhUc.I by tho miner and say
they are satistt.M to permit the mines
to remain Idle. Hut this doe not rep
resent the sentiment of all the o
trators, many of whom acknowledge
that the wnes demanded could bo
paid If all would keep faltH and not
seek an advantage.
til owl In (aiulirla.
Ai too, IV, April, 'ii Cambria
county ha miners, every one of
whom went out at noon CmUj, Tho
men at tialllten lu that county nuit
wink yesterday mornlnK and all Uiwh
pii. ployed at t'ruK'altty aud
Msi uu n at llnstinu iput at
ii.Hn, All thu other iulr at IUt
iiitr an t thost' at Catlou Joined the
stitker at iiiMiit to day, lliw miners
at lUuiutt Ciceli, fHMiMia, Nmtli
1'i-rk and MU'nner 1 1 Ut continued work
uulU lus'ii I'Mlav, when they aUo
wvnt out 'thl include the rutim
Cambria county milling district,
N.inne here feels competent tolvo
an opinion a to tit outooine of the
strike. It i ifeiieially admitted, Imw
avt-r, that ll m'urrs w ill succeed If
thev can iiold out a mouth. No UU
ftrder has i tweii reuitol In lhl
Si.Mtti liulilrl Ma ! I siiks
I h IhuaMiM.I Ms! . Marrl
!,. Lot is, Mi,. April '.'V Vdlc
from t!it coal lu'ninf dutrUts f
!Hut t t u lliUoU ai of a dildeilly
iiiit l iMi,iit', 'lite men In lhi minus
t to' UnvHle. Nihvssl, Cailiiollla
ami MotonW ara still at work. At
M in us jack ( work, by trou
recent fire in the mine, ha. made
the miners, too poor to strike, lleaides
there as well a all t5 other townt
named, the rate 'f. p.w is satisfactory,
At Virden the miner will work no
til Mar 1. belli? held by it contract.
At DuQuoin a strike ha been on hint
Anril 1 Siruinst a 'tU percent reduo-
tion in '.v. i yeH, No auditions to the
striker" rank are cyorted. At Ht
John the miner hirw t noon, but
onlr about Sot) meoaro concerned.
From IJellevllle. the center of
the largest local district of mine,
it 1 learned that the miner in
that vicinity will remain at work.
They have no wish t'j strike, and, be
side, are too poorly organized to do
Moiikis, 111., April 2. This norm
about 3,000 miiuo of Coal City, Urace
ville, Gardner, Carbon Hill, of thiw
county, and of Clarke City and ISrald
wood of the Name, coal Held, laid
down their tool in pursuance of a de
cision made In tho convention Thurs
day. Their contract do not expire
until May and June, but they ara
striking in response, to the manifesto
of t lie Coin in Iiih convention, pending
further instruction.
Nona of the Men Olwf Ilia National As
social Ion's Order to Strike,
I'itism Ko, Kan., April 23, Tho an
ticipated strike at 12 o'clock to-day
did not materialize lu thl ditrict. It
I thought, however, that when it is
known to the national organization
that the Katisus miner have refused
to come out, an effort will be matte to
induce them to do o.
The call for a dclcirate convention
of dihtrlct No. 14, to lie held In Mis-
aourl, will not be reprccntcd by a
single delegate from the iilue here.
The miner herewith fW exception,
with one accord declare they will not
stop work. The situation at present,
therefore, 1 not at all alarming-.
ftoiia of Dot
Miners Unit Work - A Mass
Mealing llnlil.
MAio t. Mo., April 2.1. -The ehht
tiiiiidred coal miners at licvler did not
throw down t heir pick at noon to-day
in obedience to f reside nt Mcllrlde'a
order, but all held a mass inectinir
thl afternoon to dechlo what they
should do, A stronur cll'ort Is being
made to defeat any strike. The fol
lowers if Mcllride are determined to
rally the men to decide to go out.
So HouIIiwckI MUnourl Strike.
KVADA, Mo.. April 2:i. The 1,500
nil miners of Vernon and Kates
counties refuse to join the strike, tho
r-ent.imcnt ladnjf to continue work as
the other miners refused to join the in
in t in; strike some time airo.
Alilemoii Miners Will Klrlks.
Ai ioaisoN, Ind, Tit., April 23. The
Choctu w Coat and Kuilwuy comp;inv
miners have agreed to striko to aid
tin! olher miners to secure a new
sciicrfum of waircs. Men Havo troim to
Hartshorn to persuade or compel the
negro miners to 11 It work Troublu
Is expcidcd here ut any moment.
No t.enersl Colorado Strike.
kvkh, Col., April 23, The indica
tions are that there will bo little or
no striking by coal miners in Colo
rado, Some corporation are two
months behind on nay and employes
may -go out but no In connection with
the general strike,
Iowa Mlluir Coiilliiua to Work,
Oskaloosa, Iowa., April S3. --None
of the miners at tho five Mahaska
camp will come out. All are working
and will so continue according to their
WhkIiIiiuIoii, I ml,, Mlinio Cluneil.
Washington, Ind,, April 2.1. -All the
coal minors in thi district stopped
work ut noon to-dny and thu minus
are deserted. All is quiet.
The Alulmms Slrlks Sprritdliiif.
ItiKMiNtiiiAM, Ala., April 23. At Car
ona, Walker county, to-day, ,100 more
miners joined thosu on a strike.
A ThnuHSiid Working Men and Wommi
Makn llciiioimt ration In Wasliliicton.
Washinuton, April 23, A special
train from Philadelphia brought C70
men aud women from tho mills about
Philadelphia to this city to-day to pro
test against tho Wilson bill. They were
met by 3H0 who arrived yesterday
and marched down Pennsylvania
avenue. In tho front rank was carried
a great silk American ttug, which had
been given by John Wamimukrr for
the demonstration. ltehiml was a
Mack banner with the legend in gold
letters; "Niu-tartisau delegation ,(
American workiugmen from Hristol,
united in defense of their home Indus
tries and to prevcut their transfer to
nations hostile to a liemocratlc or
llemtbllean government," The pro
cession marched to Met.i.ri s hull.
Many senators and cuisrc"'"!.
walking uit the avenue M that Imur
espied Uie parade curiously. ,o
demonstration or any sort was made
bv the siiectator.
tiatheviug In Mcteioi' lull thr
eommittees tlelegatetl t wait uivoil
senators luude their reMi t. Kphrloiu
l.igg reiHirted that Nena .or Vorhees,
I lio chalrmati of the tloiii'ce eoiumtt
tee III charge of the bill, liiid
bent written to and had been
called for at his home and at
the s nate, but could not found.
Jeers greeted this Uuouitcciuc ol,
(Wicrfutcs Mho hail called ipoii N'i.
a tor Hrlce, Srniith and Murphy
Itorled thit tlieo 'Hulol' t'otiUi lot
W found. Senator Hill bud piomUcd
to meet the delegate, and hetisl Mt
t uiuc I oil and tjuiiy bd 'l ooil d l
do all III their pon, to brill the
ito iiioi of tl'e loim ntioii to ti at
t'Mitioa i,f the st nate,
'ihw ieiMilutton adopud bv tha
bieetiti reetti the pi'wHi M$ of Ul-or
Minb t U vliMiii., ll 11 and in
the lout of autiioiUed rcpicsiiils
tlvr 1. 1 ' I'.ilUltdit of .iio ii. it it wt'ik
imu, wilHotit IUHivitio ,.t p,'tty"
it.'H.aii I lloit ti'i t ..tiifce ! matte Hli'
Uting 1 1 'trf w .
III fe'.'it lit sit
r'ili"Ui t that he v
til of U Ull nut ,
Kv . v oi.if 1 ciu4n t
a'Jt'tifd stttltu
i I rvh the IHmvIi
Mf at l'rs,
I sinrld.'ii bat
tllllvl a strong- I, Uer niullr
mpp.ii t in It's ioniiij vanas
Oar Stolen Klectrlo Power.
Woodlawn, Neb., March 31, "W.
VAiloT Wealth Makers:
Under the above headline the Twea
tie in uentur tor xviarca VZnd, says
that the Niagara Pewer Company h&4
acquired the greatest monopoly la the
world for enslaving the people, and
that the whole profit of it gees into the
pockets of about one hundred men, of
whom the Vaoderbilti, Morgans, Whit
neyi, Lamonts, B rices, Rockefeller
and Thomas C. Piatt are tbe spirits
All the big Ash la both the Republican
and Democratic ranks are In it, and
the Vanderbllt motto is the 'epitome of
Us by-laws. Vandereilt will have the
cheapest electricity 00 tbe continent,
and tbe Erie, Pennsylvania, and other
rivals must compote with his four-track
New York Central, bis two-track West
Shore, and his electric canal, for virtu
ally the state canals will be ; his if he
holds a fifty year's monopoly on the
motive power. It is a glorious consuin
matlon, for there l no escape except by
public ownership of all the vast power
and facilities now developing. Small
capitalists everywhere must choose be
tween a Vaodcrbilt dynasty extorting
from thorn tbe mijor parts of their
profits, or they must unite with the
proletariat in demanding tbe Co-opera
tlve Commonwealth where all nature's
forces being collectively owned, the
country shall be developed for tbe poo
pie, and by the people, without tribute
to stock holder, franchise-holder, or
bond-holder. Economic condition! will
force this issue. Tbe wisdom of the
people must decide it. There is no
time to lose; nor is there any time to
fritter away en tariff or currency Issues
when the ownership of the earth is in
This is interesting for us in Nebraska,
because such kind of a steal only on a
smaller scale will bo made here on the
Platte river canal. Sure enough, they
give it a nicer name to catch fools with;
they call it an irrigation and power canal,
Hut when the gentlemen are through
tbe poople will find out that they have
given away as a gift one of our greatest
natural resources to some private capi
talists to forge new chains of slavery
for tbe people. In this case, too, Van
derbllt s motto "Tbe poople be
dainn d" will be tbe epitome of Its by
Now, gentlemep, just go ahead with
your banner with Vanderollt's motto on
it, Tbe people liko such mottoes and
see that they are executed. Over a
hundred yeursagothe French nobility
had a motto: "Aprcs nous le dulonge''
("After us the deluge"), and tho people
drowned tbe whole crowd in tbe Ilea
a. This time the people may change
the motto a llt'lo so that it shall read:
Vanderbllt and the whole plutocratic
robber outfit be damned." Then It may
put up some extra "flyer trains" with
direct connection to bell and free passos
for the whole crowd to save passenger
rates for tho devil.
Fred Schwkizhk.
Both tho Democratic and Republican
ptrtlcs have established bead-quarters
and are today preparing millions of
campaign documents to bo sent out dur
ing t'ils campaign.
it U ths opinion of tho shrewdest
politician at WanhlnRton, that if the
People's Party takes advantsgo of the
blunders and infamy of tho present
administration, there will be no trouble
In electing: Populist members enough
to hold tho balance of power in the
next Congress. It is also admitted by
tbe closest observers among both the
Democratic and Republican politicians
that the next election of president will
be thrown into the House,' which will
give tbe Populists the power to dictate
who shall bo the noxt president of tho
United States? The election in the
state of Oregon comes off in June, and
in Alabama In August. We are al
most absolutely sure to carry Alabama,
and we stand an even chance with either
of the old parties In Oregon. To holp
to carry Oregon and Alabama Ut to Uolp
put life and ontbuslasm In our party In
every state in tha Union.
The People's Party Is composed of
tbe great common (ample of the country
who are poor and honest. It has no
millionaires, bank or rallrtstd corpora
tion upon which to call for camlgu
Tbe National Committee has ctub
II head-quarters at Washington
jt.,w it cn priK'uro an unlimited
amount of campaign literature at a
mall coat One thousand dollars used
in eur parly will do as much work as a
hundred thousand dollar In either of
the ot I parlies.
AfWr t?rfully conldrlog the above
(auu and the bright propect for our
party la thw coming campaign, we hnsl
It our Imperative duty u appeal to our
hhiIo verrhrvi to wmia to the aid
of the bitUoual com initio la dlrg thl
uroat work, la tba I tut wliH'tUm tur
inrty polled more than a million oWt
fur president.
We row earnestly apisial to 1,000 i
that number u glue us H vatih, M,tMi
to gtva u It raohi 50, WW &0 Mitts h
Jit.tHXt veiiU vaxh, and th temslndrr
tf tha una tmilt'ta Ut give v ID rents
and h coals stfj. We to earnestly
appeal to all iVoplu's Tarty Clubs, I
gloti, an l U ftiut Ui rate what fund
they can fur h4 tnmuulltee, i y Us ins'
up isjIU'cUoii, gMng eutertaUmeu'ii
Ws make tbl mUMt Ihh'iu w
b iivd It our duty to do mk If on
party ever attains success, each mem
ber ef the party must contribute to that
success not only with his ballot, but
with whatever means be can rpare. To
respond promptly and liberally means
sucoest that will bless the nation for all
time to come.
All contributions should be sent to
M. C. Rankin, Terre Haute, Ind., who
is Treasurer of the National Committee.
Very Truly Yours,
J. n. Turner, II, i. Taube.veck,
Secretary. Chairman
L. J. Mc Pa klin M. C. Rankin,
Secretary. Treas urer
D rata'
ftfii'l um 1 ii r fV! natfi tiA
Air . tir'l M ft H II I STMll tm bftf
yf um tm-'st '' )' rfnil
v tio- & fi.r ft 2 O.'l.
In 0 'let f.f tnfwt Mi' Ui hi d wt- 1 1(1
nn I? $t f '.K Hit' . lfrt t m ti tt, at-tn iM
tiH art, yf! -.ih-d, bFMi.fifNil
-'vl"r (,!.. ) HiM! H..-,d
iiK4t wxt'li ftyt.r
i t. tt.tM th atf.Mfl. V'M
f anHiitrv IdOi HI tin- rfisa
ntlU0 A If MlWw lr tat tli
If'lli ltt I'Mrtmt HhA (jlr. 0t
wb.-ttir t.u n m,i lariic' m
0rM' tit ilch AtliU", a
til tisrcjrn Ct Clletge, ill.
flat theaa hooka and on unar aa faat
as you can into the handsel the Deonle.
friends. Buy. read and circulate,
Address all orders to the
Ali.iamcs Pubuihimo Cowpart.
' Linoola, Neb.
A Co-operative Com soon wsalth.
A book for all wha ballata tha eomMtttlvs
comtuarclal alrafrcls iboold bs soparsaSad by
a :ni economic system or prooaciioa aos eis
trlbutlrm. A book also for taosa who Sallara
eomtmviUon nacasssry. rosiaaUl, paptr orrs
The RaDroad Qaeetioa,
Tba roattsr prassntM In tha aM pfss af tbl
book, drawn from all tba Amartean sad Cure
psan Utarstura baarla m tha rauroad prob
lem. Is most valuable, Read this book sad
you will be thoroughly Informed on ooe of the
great orer-aaadoviaf taeelloms ef tbe dsr
Cloth I1.M.
Tbe feven Financial Oonsplraclae.
VbU little book, which has had largaat clrcola-
iian ana lunuenns in toe raruiers Alliance,
show bow ths Money fewer bsa fathered ltd
vast Blunder
A beoli to saw brosdosat orar
tne ISDQ.
foil paid, w eta., I far etc., r for
81a Centuries el Work sod Wages.
Abrtdired Wltb obsrt and mmmirr. The facta
aud tbe thouirbtsomniarrof six lares voinmes.
A blstorlocolleotlonof most valuable fnfor
tiistlon bearing on th praaaal prists, br Rev,
W. U. V. Blls. Introduction by Prof. R. T.
Klv of the sutl Unlreraltr at Wlseonala.
Paper, U cents.
Eirars In Our Monetary Bysten and th
Scents. We bare set Vat san this book,
but tbe ed tor of Th Coals a Nation very
sti'ouKly recontumos It.
"Tbe Dogs and tbe Fleas."
Tbls book Is tbtrea(t piece ef satirical
nd allesorlnal wiitlna which has vet aiuesr-
rl SKulnst tbe force of oppressloa aud evil.
I'lisUoKs represent th workers and tb ness
ths blood-sucking monepolists. Tbe etblosl
force tbe storv Is nreat aad desootla tiewer
and Kresd gat a fearful shaking np by tbls to
ns previously unseats 01 sniuor, uonsiss sin-
Hum, Tbe book is Dnel illusu-aied wltb
numerous cartoons. Pricaln pspst, SO cant.
AIj A Social Vision.
A saw book br a Mwerfal tklRl sovfiut.
Charles H. Dsblel, of Phtlldelpbla. puhllsbed
tV tbe Arena Publishing e. Should be In
evitry true mas' llbrarf. Full at th new
tnoiiuht 01 taia time 01 sooiai awakeainc sun
quusilonlng. In paper, ss oeau. Order throuab
London Money Power the Qreat Red
Bv L. B. 'Woolfolk. ft. D. New and revlMd
edition. Price la paper, (0 cents.
Tbe New Redemption,
This book bv Rev. Oeorr D. Herron. D. D..
I'rctexaor of Applied Christianity la Iowa Ool
lKe Is virtually a new discovery of both tbe and tbe uncovering of the trutb
Irom accumulated temple rubbish, the truth
men aione can save tna inaiviausi sna
iu'li,yr It Is tbe gospel of love In action, tb
InduHtrlal, commercial gospel as dlstlnKiiishsd
frmn a Hunday gospel. la cloth blndlug, 7a
pucs, 76 cents.
A Plea for the Oospel.
This book, bv th same anthor as th nrsced'
Ins. Is a most searching elimination of trr
prt-acblng and work at th church, Same
trii-.e aa above, Tt aents.
The Duties ef Man.
by joskps MAxznri.
I'be great Itallaa, whes heart sabraeed the
orid and who thenntt will never ale. He
lived and suffered far laa Industrial and nolltt-
cat auisnctpatloa el the aiiwt PMrtpstd, II
Ten Men el Money Island.
Another book to soattfer ry where. It la th
monny ana money qaesnen maaesiapie mos
Iniereitllngly tastruetiv.
truetiv. Bigatyigati
Fust paid, 10 esats, for I
Civilisation's laterae.
bt b o. PLomra.
Kindts la the ooialcellar. A laast. thrilling
repiirtof what Tbe Areaa editor looked upoa
with bis own eye In th taaeneal dtatrleia of
ikmiou. a nooa wsica raun greatly staru
and arous men. Vlotk ll.W, paper I
Leeking Backward.
A book neoaaosa afford tossis readtag. "it
bss revolutlontsed the thonsut of theeeantr
sa no other book hs ever don." Translate
Into nesity all Kuropesa lassssg, A moat
entnrtV.ulng try thsllsie hs
itisveia tM mil iiaht 01
?iesa oa me great ovJ
el pratuanv
Uta l.
Save aireaay read Ik
per W
CTOTXWItXa BAB BOY. Teenlf -thw sise.
O iiuiiis dlsluettM. eel rae ItA.
Miiaar, laailss liuiKtrtaUu la States
Wrull tu a, tie nut rrH te U nae
IMS isas aaiisini
llhlns Is S'lat. rlse rv wsissats
Sutxkalliaa. a. V. III.
veraaaat Ovaerasie
t.t KallptaSs aaislneaW.
IScaaweasst lael
BtslleS, pwetaatd, Its) St at
1 thl
rie Ptee PiPr.
II you sr alsiut to inaktt a trip
ninth, nnrthwwswrn rnrasita, in
Uiiuik lll!iMuntry or t ttrsi yoi
lug, U. ,i InW In ttti Iwu llsaolas, f
hi. l aul, JMuniaHii or I'uiuin, n
jhiiuU srituu th I'si llto lln, t' an
jK.lut In Minnesota, Wlaoonstn, Nottl
tn Illinois and Iowa, dlnrl tu VUW4
the east km south, you cait nbtain tr
of charge at tHe nty unlw. i:U O M
or doisit, trnr sin aa.t K ilrl, t
North WMfc i n line, tH.mplittn anl r
ItabUt Infxrntatlott of ail tvoiuaUon
rt ntO, WJ.It SJ liittia .f tiW
Unxs U tH t4tr baiiifd vhlttir U'an
of tin ut t an but i-rt!i Ir lni(n-t t
itlruUtni; C.. ,Nrthtt'rti lln.
A. t. KtiiitiMK
City TUm.H Aif'-t IH1 0
VV, M. Htllt'MA,
ties ,Kj
V!n Nnrthwaterw Uae M ChUg
!siw ratoa, last train, OtiU ll
Ub -
I f so a " lathy " Cn um IK paratir will earn Its ootrt tnr
vou vpry year. Why continue an inferior system
another year at so irn-at a lon' Istiryin Is now tho
only profitable foatureof Agrhsalturo. I'rojK-rly con
luc tel it always pay wcll,aul miu-:t jay you. You
newi a Ht-parator, and you m-eil the ItKST, he
"Itahy."' Ail stylus and canueitles. J'riws, faft,
upwurd. 8eul for new IsM Catalogue.
Cranch Office : General Office :
i-1 1 1
1,1 1..JLUJJ1.. Ji
Allik Root, W. C. Allyn, Gkoroi 8. Brown,
Stat Stock Agent Nebraska Stat Cattle Malesmaa. Hog Balesmaa.
Parmsrs' Alliance,
ornoi amd risAMoisL MAjtsasa.
Allen Root & Company,
Boom 220, Exchange Building
Pint Nationsl Bant of Omaha.
(Commercial National lisuk, Uuiaba.
U. M. Vds Nsttonal Hank, Houtb Omaha.
Neb. Savings k l.xcbaiige Hank, rmsba.
Central City Bank, Central City, Neb.
J. W. Castoii, Prts,
W B. LiaoR, See. J.
O, L. Iil;il,
Farmers Mutual
Oroanissod In 1891.
f2000000 fpsurpe Now TP Effect. a.
W. CssVir. Kmerald. Neb,
J, V. ltoiii, Alvo, Ni.
J. j. IlennaiiRD, Hayiuond. Nfh.
A, yreerismyer, L banner. Neb
It. II. Davis, Hywuxe, Ib
A , Floien, Uoehnsr, Neb.
A, Burr. Vrk, b.
".J. Illldreth, Kxsu-r, Neb.
N. , Ilrstt, l'resldsnt, )eb.
Celebrated Des Moines Equalizers.
No. ft. Four Horxrs for Millkv. fJunir r Walking
tbrreontbelana. No side draft, xwlnas clsar
I have a lot of excellent good
mares, both Perchernus and :
American bred Shetland l'onles,
J i i r i
P . i' W 1 "ri lams' "horse
e" ,-.-,"Vv 1 ? V--' I A tors an.l won
ft. w f ATI -' I - -M (harrlnK one
W 't . 1 K- .J two silver 1.
More State Prize Winners Than All Importers of Nebraska.
tamn' "Niilert 4W silrrnd un tbe animals and wwn the r.'so DO prize for "Hkkt show of
draft liorKHK- and no imiu's liorNt-n barrvil and over kvkkv NitbrsNktv draft stallion, mitre er
colt, shown at World's Pair lams ts the only ral live luiportat of Kronch horsiis from Kranne
In i'i th rue years, ui d laruHtof Clyues sua
i nlltlcd to thi) uiuue of
Isms suararitns to show you tho lamest collection of first class draft horics In Nithrsks
All of tlii'm are "ppruvM"unl Mtitmiu'd" ly
free " Tbst saves buyer 80 per cunt and lusiirns
No S to 6 year olds lis than Irtuo UiUlluo His. TKlf MS 1. 2 or 3 years' time at ft per cent lntereht
with 40 to iW per cent of a breeding Kuarantes and lams pays tbe frelKbt
No reasonable price refused for Winners in '94
Flrnt class Clyds, Shlrs and dark uray Ier
my homes ntust he sold. No hkts Write lams,
Perciieion, En&llsb
horses won mora honor thsa aay ttnporur' ta Arartoa at th fellwls fshjai lava
ML?i?n. MoineSi N.brsssa tiaii Fair. Lincoln! and the KsasaaOlt Kir, 4
y Hlaeh Percberoa stallion, Jeannut,
irsi premlutn and swee .takes over
low lauraat aud long lime vlatt the Ci
yiHnaa-, ivt saw..
on all dlstaak
New Importation 4t relvt
Hastings. 3STe"b
erSaUel" ' 'a
KilloU4. Iuitiss la toa. AaInh,
W, J.
tuial ' Wat ih si,
tit t - -m 14 " l j
.' t a .4
M M I M wait 1st
hku i hmu t, p
,r wivfuanu uav sltaillUlll,
The Alliauco-IndepeiKlonl
L 1- -
Soliih Oraha, Iicb.
tsyitefor shipping ask o for condition ef
Market aud Prices.
P. Ronss, Vlco-I'res
Hlate A (font.
A. Grssmamvek, Tree.
Insurance Co.
246 South? f Oi Street,
kfflCOUri, FED.
Correspondent solicited from all prsr)ns
Interested In mutual Insurance.
Plnwa Wnrln una !,. )- ,k u.,.t
at the corners. Send card fr ctrnuisrai eu:.
Dcs Moines, Iowa
pnre bred (recorded)
tallloas aad
F.niriish Mbire. Also :
Imported sad
s. Tills stoes is of our own Imnorta
ttons and raising, elenu, hsaltby end all rlKhl. Vfe will ell oa ahV
trial or all, a tbe emir stock must be disposed of, For a 111 aasl
description address, A. U. SULLIVAN,
Th Importing Draft Horn Oorspany,
100 Black Percheron,
French Draft, Clydes,
Shires and Coachers.
show" of mi horses at Nebraska
Hu;i,"stiowed unilnr his coinpull
every llrnt iirize nompsteii for
). it) out of 50 Int ami 'im rrlKs,
inilals. Sumicaxli fnr"iiKsT siluw
draft horns h.hU swriisiali-s nrles
tM) uu In cash. He has
Isulrus; una be is tbs only man in Nebraska
th Kuroan Kovernmunt and came In "duty
htm a llrst cIsh horse of Kilt etlae tirxediitK.
heroim , lens than blark I'ercheronn. Ail
St l'aul la on It. & M, aud U. f. Ity's.
St. pawl, pb.
WILSOU, Creston, Iowa.
Istr0HTEIt Of
Shiie, Belglai ci CciU Bona.
and my liaiataa atallloa. asm
ail. For sirltitlf flrsk-claas Ita
VWf Farm, Cretoa, Iowa,
aMvua, aevaf fallal
soma serass, lev
TsUphuM ttrh
In Clydesdale, English Shire, Percheron, Belgian,
German Coach, Yorkshire, Coach and
ualanrl Daw C.allla
. .
,u ",K,n'3I Friis, iorrpoad)
, fciYPMILia
, ... IK. 14, , I ,
fc- ...4 ,,4 . ve I,M
t V. , i. II t It k