April 20 1804 THE WEALTH MAKERS. Judge Hubbard, attorney for the North Western It. It. Co., met these peaceful Inoffensive, law-abiding men with the tate militia, armed with rifle. They were kept a day and a night In the dirty box car, aud then ordered to more on afoot. The weather was cold and a hall storm set In. The men were thinly clad la nearly wornout garments, but - i 1 ... L a L A .. .1 aK.tW.ati in iVtA unused Chautauqua pavilion at the place the were to stop. They eieayed to make use of it, haying, as they sup posed, a permit frotn the owner. Hut tho paper on being presented to tbo railroad stato machine soldltri who lined up before the pavilion, was found to have been dated back two days. So the brutos, stickling for exactness of orders, and regarding of tlie claim of mergency and the higher law of humanity, forced 1,300 law-abiding American citizens, unsheltered in the sight of shelter, to lie down in the mud, with rain ana hall poltlng them and with fires put out by tbo drenching storm, There wero sink men among them also. It was a fleon of savagery, of utter hcartlcsn's that aroused tbo people of the two ncur cities and sur sounding country to a pitch of aluiokt ungovernable indignation, Hut Oen Kelly tramped through tho mud all night, cheering bis men, and they bore it as brave and patient men faco death, Mass meetings in tho two cities fol lowed and all cUshos wero reprtwntad. Kov. Ve, Duryea, pastor of tho First Congregational church of Omuha, was among those to spunk aud to support with earnest words General Kelly, The railroads wore linked and urged to tako the men on their way, but wero answer ed after this manner by Ilubburd of the North western company; If these tramps and bums try to cap tursoneof our trains thre will be trouble, said Mr. Hubbard. And should they gain possession of a train through any hook or crook, or by tho sympathy of our trainmen, we will ditch tho train if it destroys every car and hurts a lot of men, We will not carry these vag rants for love or money, or be forced to by their capturing our rolling stock. In the eyes of the law they are a band of beggars, who are organized for an un lawful purpose and to prey on the peo ple, who are compelled to feed them and move on t the next station. Why, If we wore to carry this crowd ovor tbo Iowa railroads we would bo compelled to earry 10,000 more hilars out of the state like thorn. They would swamp our roads aud we could do nothing but a charity business, and this is what we do not intend to do. Our roads wero not built for charity. "This movemout must be stopped now and right here, and I don't think the people show good judgment in feeding these people. There is too much false sympathy about these men," If I was the governor, chlppnd in Mr, Maid win. attorney for tne (i Mi St, P, It. R. T would place a sulllclent force behind me to enforce my commands and say to this man Kelly, '')ls)turso your gang, or I will do it for you." 1 would not let them march across this statu in a body and pave the way for tho hordos which we know are preparing to ronow this crowd. Mv idea as to the way to get rid of Ihcso men would be to divide them up Inn parties oi awout twenty Ave and send them In dUTeront direo tlons out of tho state. They should not be permitted to uo ovor this oountry, iinpoHlng on the people, and eating them out of house ana home, and 1 don't think that tho governor should permit it. The rai'road managers do not hesitate to sav that those men should be starved into dUbandlng and thus compelled to go to work or be prosecuted under the vatrranoy laws." says tne twsociaiou press dispatch. This murderous threat of Hubbard's that his road would ditch a train If it was taken for Kelly's men, brought down upon his head the severest con demnatlon of tho aroused public, and thousands of Omaha and Council HlufTs citizens turned out en masse, seized a train and took it to Con. Kelly at Weston, where his men waro encamped. Hat he would not accept It, becaune un lawfully keourod. The It 'o and the Worl d Herald have not hung back, but have boon swept forward by the public and have given ex?Heiit reports of the exciting events growing out of the treatment aoourdod the ladmtrlals. They tuve dlsprovon the lies that were published regurdlng them, and are to be commended for their fair aud humane eiTjrts to et General Kelly right before the ntton. la closing we wish to Introduce one railroad man who has gt an Individual hrt In htm. We would feel like boy cutting the Northwestern on account of Hubbard, rtre it not fur St. John . A Hoe reporter secured an Interview with him at Diss Motuus which we give below la full, a printed In the Hunday Hoe, Oneral Manager St. John of the ChlOttgo, llijk Island and I'aelflo t;t way was la the illy this evening, nrrlt lug at fl (t'vKik frtnu Council (Huffs. He Imvv . it ChuK'ii.i midnight. Al Oouiu ll lliuifs be had an iuUirvlow with (itinera! Iw ly id later ImpooUul the . tuy al tVevltin. lid talk dtiWetuly j em some u her railway matt, about th army, It mrHm and the itiuao it U to tit country, Is fact, hu tloe mil thin the o ilo have anything to Kae from the army tu pamlng IhroujU tho (Hiuutry, ltUnili uo ( sudor, In tlllgnl, tluturiulnttl inou," n K Trty ariintitu ttith Amerloau born, Thy aru pciS!), houot a id r iiiaisamw wnu ortfauistM. ititr ar Dtt bums m uif Ihi'tu The i fttuiuuult that hv Iksa tuntiitit abut t. ir 'mi Ing trami snt all Utat sort of Ih'.sg are utktrty uutruo, Iht'lr II m lor t a man i'f biaiai and i hau ur nit I grat di)TmlnM.n, and he U a IvIlyUius nun, o H I a ftt goniuui M aiul thoro'utily hoAav II will ut-trr hnnl" an o'Uraro to Im dutu hv any of hi tuii, (( thrw should be any ti e'lua lot. In th direction, w hU h tttwro vvrtatnly Is He will rot wr mlt any tramp or diereputable person to enlist in bis army, and will remove the first one he can find. He has abso lute control over his men, which he could never have over a body of tramps or dlrtputablu. He said to me that his men would never go back under any circumstances. They are going to Washington, in some way, of that I am sure. We may be wrong, Kelly said to me, 'but we sre determined to go to Wash ington and present a living petition to Congress, one that cannot be thrown in to a waste paper basket. We think we are right and nothing can stop us.' "What they can aconmpllsh I do not see, but they are bound to make a pro found imprssslon. There will be 100, 000 people In the city of Washington by the 10th day of May on this mission. And what can we do about it? Nothing but treat them kindly and let them go. The more opposition they meet the stronger they beoome. The laboring olutises all ovor the country are In sympathy with them. If they hare a few days more of such treatment a they have bad the past two days I tremble to thins: what may happen. Vou can't tell what a man will do when ho is hungry and hunted down, NOT AFRAID TO HAUL THEM, Did you seo the men? was asked. "Yes I stopped at Weston at the re quest of General K el ley and saw the men there. Thpy are of the better cluss, and I would not bo one bit afraid to take them to Chicago or any oiber city, for they will do no harm, They are mostly educated men, mechanics and a number of railway men. They have left families in California, and they hope many of them to get back oust where they came from, and find something to do to get their families back. They will never return to tho wcer, for there Is nothing for them to return to. They have been starving there. They are desperate men. des perately In earnest. This thing is gathering like a whirlwind. It Is very similar to tbo French revolution. It is a terrible thing, and it made me sad to Bnd that there wero 1,000 respectable, well moaning men reduced to such des perate straits In this country, Wo ex pect those things in tbe old countries, but it is not part of tbe program of a republic. It makes us feel that there 1 something wrong with the govern ment. Mr. fit, John would not commit him self, but it was very plain, from all his conversation, that be was strongly in favor of tho railways taking the men to Chicago and tho towns along the way bearing a portion of tho burden, and that It is worse than useless to try to disperse or turn bock the army, or to try to starve it. He added that they could not be starved in a ohrlstlan com munity, Tho people will feed them. Asked as to what be thought of the threat of Judge Hubbard, attorney for tbo Northwestern, that the train would be ditched If the army should capture ono and attempt to run it over that line, Mr. St. John said that Hubbard and Baldwin would have rendered tbe railway companies a service by keeping still. "Much brutal utterances drive people mad," he said, ''and i.ro most unwise and injurious to the interests theae men are attempting to serve, as well as wrong la spirit. It has destroyed th usefulness of these men altogether. If It was true that Hubnard was respon sible for the calling out of the militia, he would better not have done so. Tbe railway people have been too much scared about the Commonwealers. I do not blame any one for the calling out of the rnllltla, for they thought it was necessary, but as a matter of fact it was hot. THE POWER OF THE 0E0SS. Let do reader be repelled by this title. No preaching is to follow along mysti cal, conventional lines. Some churches are filled with the sound of the cross, with a word that reaches the ear and affeets chiefly the memory and Imagination; and some saw out and gild and elevate a cross for the eye to see. So a sound, a form, a record, has come to be by very many Buporstltlously invested with or believed in as having objective power to attract and save. This use f empty sounds and forms for the things signified explains why the matseg, the multitudes who most need to be really loved and saved, the poor and tho oppressed, are not attracted to the churches, or to the church idea (tho every day understanding) of the terms, Christ and Cross and Christian. The powtr of the cross Is a present sacrlttclal and suffering power In living men, the Divine power of pourod out unsolunh service ami of receiving in telligently and unresistingly the suffer ing which the seltlsh Inflict. The grea'er the suffering, the great er the power of the cross to make friends and fraternal helpers for the sufferers. The more complete the un iflfl.h outpouring of time and strength and nu sos and manhood to defend the weak, tho mora love and admiration and brotherly help dot s It draw to the man who so gives up care for self to care for others. Charles T. Kelly of San Francisco aud theuxn undsr him hare justglvea to th world a rare aamfle cf the puwurof undeserved suffering to arous sympathy, u lift men to tbe hctghta of luaohiHkl and bind hart to heart, The unemployed and destitute of Saa r'raneUoo awskwued utmost pity la the tuart of a wiiiklngman who was bim. self Inditpvadeiit, who had a sur pl- th'O and might have remained selfishly au votufoi lably st horn In tbe Ikwmui o(hl UmUy. lUivuhl not g the p mr cMipteymeuti he could not f, J and c'o'li iJ lodg e them. And It th ItH'al authotUUs would not, cr by a tngl of unrlgaUous laws Ut'arv4 UisUUyikiuM not, ruvUU work tW the thetuundtst'ikli g It, why ihuuid ln vt'Jrvl to tin lr ititnhtHkd King do- '.io)i J, to their twtag mde tramps and U-f gar? Why fltuuld h trv hluiH'lf aiitttt thtlf being Kree4, through & fault of thi Irs, Invtbs poor bout as side bodied paupers? or it they had too much manhood to accept charity and not enough patience to starve, why not allow them to sink into the dark depths of crime? What could one man do, him uf a worker? He could at least meet them and pity them and talk and oounsel with them He did so. And they reasoned that if work could not be obtained of private parties or the local authorities, they bad no recourse but to ask the govern ment at Washington to guard their liberties, their independence, their in alienable rights. By staying together they couLl secure recognition, they could prove each other's individual need and worthiness, they could keep the old flag, tho blood-bought flag of liberty, above them; and It would cost no more in tho aggregate, and would greatly relieve the people of any single community of tho unavoidable burden of supporting them until work could be obtained, if tbey moved across tLe country to Washington, to the body of men who have power to protect the people in any and every emergency. They asked Mr. Kelly to go with them. He gavo up his good position, left his family, and faced with 1200 unarmed men all danger and suffering and lies and contumely, He and jils regiment started without money, without friends uporf the road, without food, with blaifvots only, to cross a continent, and wer heralded by .the plutocratic press as tramps and vagabonds. Their de fense was their weakness, their mani fest need and their manliness Governor West at Ogden treated them barbarously. - Governor Jackson met them, peaceful, unarmed, loyal cltlzeus, bearing the flag of liberty and justice, mot them with an armed soldiery, and held thorn for a day In tbe Union I'aclflo box car's which brought them from Ogden. They were then told to move on, but were followed to their encampment five miles out by the state soldiers; and with an unoccupied pavilion at hand which might have sheltered them, tbe soldiers forced theso, one and all, to lie down for the nlgbt in the mud, while the cold tain and Icy ball pelted down upon them. Tboy bore this1 brutal treatment, pa tiently, bravely, heroically, And the unspeakable injustice and inhumanity of It all, so manfully endured, drew the warm hearts of tho men and women of two cities to them. Omaba and Coun cil Bluffs were ablaze with Indignation over this night's work, and the entire country was moved at the news of it. General Kelly and bis men have but to continue as tbey have begun to com mand the sympathy and admiration and help of all tru men the wide continent over; and if tbey can endure all suffer ing together, the suffering which brutos will cause, hoping thus to disperse and hide from sight and degrade them, If they will bear all things without being forced apart and out of sight, they will compel the rights of tho crushed, trampled millions at bottom to be reo ognlzed, and laws will bo enacted to protect the weakest and the humblest. FREEDOM'S REVEILLE. Tbe time bas paot for idle rest; Columbia, from your slumber rise! Hep'ace theshield upoa your breant, And cast tbe veil (rout oil yourtoyen. Aid view your torn end stricken fold l)y prowling wolves made desolate Your honor sold (or alien gold By traitors in your balls of state. Our mother wring tbelr fettered bands; Our elrei fill f aiming by tbe way; The Lion robs them of their lands. Tbe Kagle guard them to betray; Shall they who kill through craft and greed Receive a brand lens black than Caln'H' Shall paid "procurers" of the deed Still revel In their Judas galne? O daught' r of tbe matchless Sire, Whose valor wade your name sublime, Wboae spirit, like a living lire, Lights up tbe battlements of Time, The World's sad heart, with pleading moan, Breaks at your fuel as breaks tbe main, Iu ceaeeleei prayer from cone to .one And shall it plead and break la vain Flteg off that garb of go!den lace That kuaveH have itpun to maek your form And let tbe lightning from your face Gleam out upon ibegatherlus storm That awful faoe w hone ellent look Sweptjo'er the ancient throne of kings, And like the bulu of Ulna! ubook Tbe bat f old ectablUhed Iblugs. Tbe promlee of an age u tie 11 touched wlih gold tbe mountalu iuli, Iu white tteou plow tbe luoralng his. lta tug the morntuf itar has Mmk1, But l!ll the mart red one of yore, Whom tyrant U the M-affoid led TransSgurwl uow foi vertuore- Uate backward u'er the agea dead, And ak, "Uuw long, O Lri! Uow long irer.U eiucal Th human aide, And Cbrui the Uud be crow&4 la euug Wkllet'brUt (he Man Ucruelned? iluf long hall Mammon tongue of frwud At Kieedoitt a 'rhu wag la trt, W bile vbartwrvd muidrr tuiks abroad, Appro! fc eni" I'htiH'b au I luurf The tvif ti4'l not former lad 'TnUV tuiioUin Mrottg aud pi Trah Tha SlltiktttiS ilewm of he pant, CfclUted to tli a. u I mm tortu of Wut& . Tse truth kil , Its e-.ua kli break, lie day with t toullv glory bur, The Might Hk Might ... firuu-r ak And the u4 !' fc duet return Xh long aitjM tiM, tb ur a dim I k lir !,k tfcrtuigh bar i 1,1.1.-4 fa sir ih.i.i-e !th liik of II 1111 WtuM uU U the H4 a n.Md. And (Unkt tr wuuu'alkt, rtM aud fc-i;, Th,'i lu. - dtMtUUU k-MM tiffin lkm ki the ti4 uh- M. l- Uhld Ik! )! tkltft WtH'l, MM ie Ik livlig li.-l ettrtil, Au4 Mitrh Hi . .! ! kljt.l Aihi skikuak a I the J m. i .,uu I kat lle i tt nk Jet ike right. H', tVt klt lut lh ..1 t;. II u kii4 k'l tin ik ia 1 wtiii, An I ki a4 w I m."H.lu ikriil Tv Mi-Hi iiuif am iri -Umttu ttASk In Aivaa, Three Cent Column. "For Bale," "Wantd,""PorErchange."and small advertluements for short time, will be charged three cents per word for each Inner tlon. Initials or a number counted as one word. Cash with the order If you wawt anything, or have anything that anybody elne "wants," make it known through this column. It will nay, TINHLKY Jc HUKKKfT, attorneyeatlaw. 11M6 O St., Lincoln. Neb. w ANTED -Twenty thoiiHand new subscri ber kO IBB n IALTII OlAKCHH. PURK Herman Millet need. Onarsnieed. Send Htamp for sample. D. II. Hrown, Oenoa, Neb mn WAN riCD Fire and cyclone airenu (iood , pay. J. Y. M. Swlgart, Bio'y. Llnooln, Neb ;i7tf MONEY Loaned on Improved Farms at 8 to 7 Percent. 11.0. YOUNU. Broker, 1201 O St., Lincoln, Neb. 4itf I WANT to eetabllMh a PopullMt paper in ome good Nebraska town of J.uou ipula lion or wore. Have good outdt. Addrewi, L. A, Conner, Clark, 8. D. imUH From a choice pen Klngle comb Hrown '4 LegboniH, SI. Ml per telling IS dozen egge from iSpuiletH for montb of February. 11. U, YOUNU. 1KU1 O St. Lincoln, Neb. 8tf TIN'ILKY 4 iHJKICKTT, atrorneys at-law, 102tl o bt., Lincoln, Neb. Abeirauts ex amined. REMEMHKK that Till Wraltii Makkiis Ih the beet advertlMlng medium in tbe west When writing to auy of oijr adver tlHern don't forget to tell them wher- you saw thelr"ad" FnOR SALE Olt KXCHAN(iE-Uood farms 1 from V to I3 per acre. A, 11. HARTLEY, West Uulun, Nvb. HAVK YOIJ anything to Mill or iriide? Then advertUe tbe fact tlu-oiigb thbt column aim oe mirprmea at ine remm IF YOU WAN P to buy, eell, trade or borrew Any thing, milium Iter, you mUn It badly if yon do not make It known tlirwimh thin col umn. Only a C'-nu per word each liiMurtlon Cash with the order. Capital 100,000. Comer li'tb and O His.. Lincoln, Neb. The Only State Bank in the City, WJC SOLICIT FARMSHB BUMMKHS. C. E, Hiuw, 1'rant. C. M CitAwroitn, Caeh Ws. FULLKUTOH, V. P. W. E. I Arum, A. Cafth Notice to Bridge Contractors. Notice Ih hereby given Unit Mealed propomtls will lie received by trie uoiiuiv (Jlnrkor -autiil ere couuty, Nobruwka, at the Court Holme In wanoo until noon or the mtn uav or May. imn, for tbe furi'Uhtng of all uiatrml and of the erection oi tue loiiuwing oriuges ill saiu county. HIllDlil ho. 1. One brldgn 40 feet long on the town line be tweeuM.ocalngand Chapuiaa preclncUeectlon 81 blocking and 'Hi Cbajimau, 1 span 4 feet long in center, I epan S furt long on each end, 6 pile ih reet long, e pile 14 feet long: piling to be driven to bridge will be I foot blgber than old unago. wtiuuis no. 2, One brldgn IS feet lung between sections 11 and 14 Chapman precinct, 6 piling 14 feet long to be driven ho bridge will be one foot blgber Loau me uaua on aoutu iue. UHlDlil no. 8. One bridge 08 feet long known an the Mur phy bridge between eectlona Hi and 25 liotialas precinct, one npun In center 114 feet loiw, one epau on each eud 'ii feet long, 6 piling 80 feel lung, 8 piling 20, 9 piling I if, to be driven o bridge will ne tame height as old one at west eon. vuiwn no. 4. One bridgo 60 feet long known an the north una Aiiueriton uriage on tbo town line be tween tecilou 81 Marrlpoea and 80 Elk, one epan In center 24 feet long, one span IS feet Utug on each eud, tl piling u:i feet long, 8 piling M and 8 piling IS feet long; piling to be driven eo uruiKe win ue a roel lower than the high iwuk un onu 1U. ' BBIIIUI HO. S. One brldire 70 feet Ionic known a tlm anuth Chas. Andereon bndge about 40 rode noutb of nriugo mo. 4. one epan in center 20 feet long, one pan on south nu 'u feet Uuu, one epan uu the north Zi feet long. S nlllnir 82 feet lnuir. S piling IU fuel long; piling to bedrlveu so bridge win up iu luck auuve ueu oi creea. DBIIXiB no, 6. One bridge 80 feet long, between eoctloni aim w, town o, range t, i;keter; I euan In en ter Xi feet long, one eimn on each end 14 feet long, upiung i ieei long, u ninuit U feet lonu. piling to be driven no bridge will be Meet lower tnan tne Dana on norm Blue. n Minus DO. 7. One bridge IH feet long between eectlons H and , ( hester precinct about Ho roil aouth of nriuge no. o, one hp in in reel lonir. S til in if ' fet long, to be driven o that bridge will be level wiiu uwri.il uuuh. AIho bide will b. received to repair the break water in t'latte river at the mouth of Otoe ereek, 7 piling in feet long l be driven mo top win ue mime iieiKiii hr rent oi oreaawaier, to be girded with 2 11x10 and bolted 10 i.ilinii and planked wltb Vi foot plank driven down to name level ax reel or breakwater. All brldgea are to have 14 feet roadway, bridge tj be built In accordance with plane, tieialu and epeidtlcailon on tile for reference In llieolilce of the foiiiity clerk, aud with tbe aevrrai RiiecniratioiiH aiMVe enumerated. All bid Hbould elate the en in for which euih bridge will be built, referring u tbe number then-of a above, and may tute the groKuni nr wtuuu mo umuer win ouiia ail or HAlu oriageit. I'l-u and epecltlcaifons conforming to tbe niaim, aeiuuaaaa Mp-cincMlloiie aixtve referred to muet avoompauy each bid Karh bidder Hhould accumpauy hie bid with ace ri Hied check ordmfi for , payable toHAiinder couniyaa a guarantee or good raim i lie forlelted if be fiille afierwaitl to euter Into contract and glv iMind u a conl.ince with tli bid If the value b ai-cepud; the right to reject miv aud an urn renerveii. ft . I). Uinii Couuty Clerk. By order county oommliutloueni. 4M4 lamoi a, N.. Au. i, ievk SulphwIUttn H llklu.. lam.Oi. N.li. txiUnwii hv bran vhlon ot rkwli.n tui 1 vmm pl, kv uSetJ i,,umI l Jfflr, and kav Kuii lo Ih Hut S),hi,k iuu inktM. ana in u n ruig wl An,.,M '. klng ti I. I kav ia ukM aiiHS twIU in ttttdvt Ih JumIikio ol hi pkiMtuuM, l.l un uHxilh g I ln.iii k mm ih'Wnl iiwki et Ik Iimm, "d iliiwi W n Ulii, k-4 VI 4im Uttk tout iww hI ,.l.a lili kmiM 1 Ihuttiy t'(M'r th r Ufniilt de)-tvnlllliiHI. M. ltn Sku,U, I k, Ihiok, y , t! t'l-l - UM .! MW4ll.U l Ik " Mill l r4i,nl u 4y (mtwnli l Ih M lUU4i ) iail nd m,i Iwiih K , ma :4MHi,M4 Kt liur titd uu vr uit4 64 b e ll4 k tuuiM uf In 'I 4( M.lrt Iwlk )mu ilk ku UM4 l tft.MI v In 1 1. tvunlly I it n-a kiti mi t lu hMMM, kul lu v ru -.S u- tt.wn iIiiwmi mi in r , I w wl Ihtia l Ktia kuM -1 K Urw t l ihw ul tn J v wi m l -l Hl IWW .,.lK.. I WikMt Ui , (l4l tl4. iu lb 4f It. S ,k..MU.m ,Mf..iv (,i,l , M ul ,IT lk IIK-al tv,llv4 i u,i-.t tin M i Mri. l mhr h t,..M,j1 4 ,'., , m ri thl Mk.ti ,tt fl l ! ttl .. ! ll ai.ija, f.4 , 4i I k irtt mink .i,w W4 4 4MI MUt Ul ,r .!), ) M nite Tli 4 sUivo (roui Jmlfti HlrtMtn I tut k aino of ih Mian iuiUr V-i'lmm laltvn havu vt-lve4 wHlmut HiU-lU-tl:-n 'vl whUh will apinar from Urn let Uium In thv i-nlmna. Hl'MMUt SALIMt, IUTH Srith snj M 'r.aa !.!b.-v;! TskTui WrALYrt Markkm, r 1 CLOTH ILLUSTRATED SPRI5G CATALOGUE MM VaeU. Xa III and Boy's Suite ranting from 11.46 to 115 aent free to Ton? TINGLEY & Attorneys-at-Law, 1026 O St. Lincoln, Neb COLLECTIONS MADE AND MONEY REMITTED SAME DAY A3 COLLECTED. Organ Ft Kiialr!jj SEND FOR CATALOGUE. M3vAgents Wanted fop the FOR- o) BARGAINS JaSHM E. R.GUTHRIE, 1540 O ST.. - LINCOLN. NEB. TCht and send Iii Carpotn, Wall Paper, Curtains and Or a porlc&.r , In Painting, Frescoing and Doco ratlng, WE ARE BEYOND COMPETITION. IN PROOF OF THIS LET FACTS BE SUBMITTED. Best all wool extra supers 59c Ingrain , t. gic Wall paper , ., c Our lino Is too extensive to think of enumerating. But we will gladly show you through and explain everything. An honest Investigation Into our tneihoda means a customer every time. K jJ Don't forget tbe placo. 230-238 So. 11th St.. LINCOLN, NEB. A Special Offer To Our Readers An advantageous arrangement, just made, enables us to prosent a most ao oeptab e premium offer. It is this: To any subscriber who will send us 81.25 W0 Will Send THE WkAT.TII MAU-irua nnn mm urwl n'IM. utlu. niu , - - ........... Cook Book, by mall, postpaid. The Tliis is the Book ! IT IS WORTH Economy Wealth VsJbnt Is the VJbltc 1 Mil 1 A CulltHiUon of One Tbouod OrlglosJ and RorUid Ueclpus and SugesUons. K4UU by Kalhryn Armatrmitr. A hanUsom, comnaxt voluma of :ra im In. eluding 40 blank ptf.. for sul litUmal revliH-s ll Is a first olaat laxik of t'ookcrv and Ilausokeor in nmnarvtl hv a nntAtl. cal houst keeiwr, It Is entirely knew; lhat it Is In all reicu superior to all othor tooks, w da dsira that any house keriwr, even if she hav a di'isa other oouk books, will find this no worth to her wore than the full rvtall prlow, and that the author hits fully carried out Iwif tniruMM. "lo prove iuk wiu, hrand and spirituous linuors of an f kiail mav ha dlsp?ned with, and Uat no culinary wiulnnirnt rnx.aluu th Intro duction f the tilin lnt anv houhild TIIK WUITt. KIUUON COOK HOOK Is durably ta.und in the U .l oualltv of eloth (not In inwr wiiti). 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