VI a -- "X SSeeeeeM III ' eS H BSMSM BJBJM ej m i m THE WEALTH MAKERS. New 8eries of THE ALLIANCE-INDEPENDENT. OnaelUJatlon of tb Fumcrs Alliances SebrisHa Independent PUBLISHED EVEUY THURSDAY uv The Wealth Makers Publishiag Company, mo M Street, Lincoln, Neb. us? Obohos Hw Oi"o Editor hmm T (iuirri uiimnww ' J. . HVATT,. "If any man meat fall 'or m to x, Than mU I not to climb. Another'! pain I ebooM not for my good. A golden chain, A rot of honor, is too good a prlv To Wropt my butty band to do s wrong Onto fellow wan. Tbl life bftlb woe Bttfllctont, wrought by man's satanlo fei And whotbtt bfttb heart would dare prolong Or add a sorrow to a strlckea eoul That seeks a beallng baltn to make It whole? My boeom owne the brotherhood of man, " Publishers Ananannement. The ubii:rlitlon price of Tin WAtTH Max mi In li.uuimr jreur, In ad'ance, AoMTft In eoilc.ltliis eubRfirtptlniu should be very careful that all name are correctly ....fll .,.4 tirntwr lKMlonil Klven. Wank (or return aubwrlpilonm return envelopes, tr.. mil be hwl ou n,llcatlou to thuj office, a, .iirn vunr uuiiie. No matter bow ofurn ou writ u do not nKlni tbl ltnportr tnl waiter. Kvery week we receive lettew 2.1.1. lInl.u J.AtmauM or WllDOUt KlKtift- turee aud " IM.M.J... ,..... I. .A l.-l.. It I SOUwMUBe U11IK ui . thern. CHAS'lSOf ADOHenn. RHbecrlbere wlnhlag tocbanire their itoNtomneaddrewi muetalwaye live their lormur a wen tw mm, ui.-. -. ireea when cbanK will be promptly made. No treepaite nerel tleUolT the earth t You own no laud upun It. You've lost lor aye your right of birth, And we, by might, have won It. (ietoS I CJet off I OetolJ theearib! Our title prove we own It. tlet off I Oel off I Get off the earth ! We can't bare traiupa upon It. Man communication received in the lust five daji, we could not even look through. They will most of them appear next week. WE wore distressed because we could 1 print twice as much hi our typo and space would permit thli week. These are history making times, With labor bought and eold at com modity, why should not the railroad be asked and compelled to transport labor ers a commodities, at freight rates? Senator Allkn h grand speech In defense of the Commonwealers' rights to peacefully enter Washington and petition Congress, will be printed In our next Issue. Tub great strike on the Northern Paelflo is on, and President Dobs of the American Hallway Union la the right man to, engineer It. He is great in head and heart. Tuerk has boon secret national poli tics behind the action of the railroads and Governor Jackson, And there will also be open polltlos of the widest and warmost kind ahead of that action. I3ilANCUi!.!Sol tue Commonweal Army are bolng organized East and West in many oltlos and twenty or more differ ent bodies, each numbering from 100 to l.liOO, are now on the march, their numbers swelling as they move forward, Just as wu go to prose, too late to set, comes a letter from Congressman McKelghan saying, under no circum stances will he permit his namo to be used as a candidate for the olllco of U. S. Senator. Letter will be published next week. If men huvo no natural right to a place to worl and live, and no legal right to anything to live on until they produce it, it would aeuta that millions today, with co place to work and moneyless, hare no rights except the light to starve, aud uo liberty except to get off the earth. -But whence came the rights of those who fen jo up the earth without using U, and who com mand wealth without producing It? "Certain lewd leliow of the baser sort" were bought by the capitalists to mob the meeting of the lloetou Com monwealers. Fifty thousand whiakj Inspired wen set upon the ipraktr, tore their fUg, threw a lady speaker down and trampled her under foot, and dispersed with violence those who wUhd Vi us the right of free speech J The police preaeat stood In with the rioters and gave the peaceable) abid tag Speakel aud their iV.oud to pro tectlon. IUhWo Is the same old lloeton It was la the days tf WtUlsiu Lloyd .arrl"0 ard Wrmkil Phillips. j I i Till editor t( this Is ahoul send lot the watuHtlpi tif a new sng bvk to the pra. It ill be n,-w wordg and nw muele, JJtt what U awedvd- a IhkiIi that will artiUM lntvae nihul am ta the ranks of the great Induetrtal movement, lu tUle will U "Alma, gcdklon." 11 contains the gotpvl whUh the uiaaK will lt! and cMtend ff la their fnal tival "lib the u,-apu ly e othrvbrd rlaeses. About la!f t the sv( rfig J Vi'lll ami ad a4oa. ltr(t fot'y aJ f.f'y t Medially tfWihe aew, a4 ehoU txillectloo wf Hfti en or Bnrw t!d, snags, SeaJ in jor erdi i. A ?. wat Kok, ut the price, If tuttk. will be made 33 eeate. G0VERHME3T IMFL0TMEKT iOa THE TJ5EMPL0YED The country ia agitated from center to circumference over the question, what is to be done with the unemployed. The organization of peaceful companies and regiments of landless, moneyless, hnmnlpM men and women and their movement across tiie country to the seat of government to petition not for charity, but work, is a new and mlgbliy awakening, startling fact. It has no parallel in history. Nothing approaches it in likeness except the vast multitude of the hunsrrv and women, led hv aardtt FranraU and national guards, who streamed out of Paris on October Gth, 1780, and marched to the seat of government where the royal court and the National Assembly were sitting, to demand that the load of op- nM..inn ha lifted at on co from tne people. It will not take as much suffer lng today to lead to a violent revolution . t MA s. hundred vears airo, There. fore let the monopoly oppressors and their official tools beware how they annA tba nooule to madnf HS. 'J here are far-reaching sympathies called forth by the spectacle of a body of men who have looked for work in vain until they are penniless, and who, marching unarmed under the Hag of tbelr country toward Washington to plead there for the right to work that they may live by tholr own labor, are fenced In by bayonets and compelled to Ho down in iho mud and endure the pelting of an Icy ball through tho long night shadows. SOMEBODY IS TO BLAME for the suffering forced npon General Kelly's peaceful, patient followers; and the people will not allow murderous rail road attorneys like Hubbard to have their way and starve, or kill, or dlmru out of ifAZ-that's what tyranny wants and pauperise and make unwilling vagrants of them. Neither will thoy allow laws whloh were not framed for the poor or for such emergencies to be invoked against good citizens to take away their liberties, to hedge them abouc with gleaming steel and compel thorn to die like dogs. The treatment which tho railroad and the governor of Iowa have dealt out to General Kelly's men has aroused to the pitch of fury the humane citizens not alone of Omaha and Couucll Bluffs, bnt as many ai have bad a chance to road the facts printed in the Omaha papers. And tho more those men, our brothers, bur fol low citizens, are by the railroads and governors and machine soldiery made to suffer from hunger and exposure, the more will the people be aroused to sweep away their legal wrongs and the iron bands of unfeeling brutes, Uncon- tltutional laws have takon away the independence and inttllenable natural rights by the constitution guaranteed to these men. Therefore, Congress can not refuso to consider their needs end rights If they go to Washington as loyal, peaceful citizens and ask for tho work that makes liberty possible. 'It is not a theory, but a starving con dition,' which confronts the unemployed poor of this land, and the destitute con dition of tho unemployed may not be trifled with by lawmakers who spend their time forever wrangling over tariff theories, while the people through no fault of theirs are perishing. "Government employment for the unemployed." Is tbe aeklng for work that tho people may cease bolcg a burden on those who are at work, a disloyal or unreasonable and unjustifiable politico? Those who would refuse this domain! of ablebidlcd men for an opportunity to live honestly and Independently would compel tholr fellow citizens to wander as tramps and be ut vagrants, on be dumped with do graded paupers, or enter tho ranks of that class of criminals who steal or rob contrary to law. Down, down, down with tho men who will not allow their follow men to live honcetly and honor ably by their own labor, Government employment at produc tive labor would save to the producers that net profit which all private capi talist and money loaners demand, and would enable them to buy luu k out of the markets as much as they produced. So by this method of production and distribution, fur all engaged In It there would lie no market glutting, no panic making, no producing and pouring lut- the market more than they would have power to draw out, B'km HtciHtry Hrt h tupply human tisioi ruof h rilaimJ ftkm k kii 14 UndandenpiiaU 4id tht lawl authar It us ('.' not pwUt rrt tt in Uu tttt crlmimlt (fie? pfltJjM". it AnVMrs utitxurg t ppl h (VAvrrM to twnt Jwe-.WW, km' tUL'tU frtm ihi dfiddfui lHmktim f tiftiUm fA m hand, 4'ria W tfWt HKiiiiti Um r turn m Ms fAf And if CoBgrves wUI not hear and help thee4 U tloeperale) needwhat thra? lnintedUWs voluntary, wgaaUed d fen tif the pour again! thstr lawful stteutle. "Itator the hand vt man made las, th baud of God wade u ." And ae em pan) leg this Rtotetueat for the t rotrt iU of AwrWa aaoh l ad ti etmittui'toaal right to laUir ta rd't t th Independently and he hapty, will Ki sued dltieitl uprUlpg of the jmtlo lola,t as this touatry ha never -r, l.lfo, liberty, la!or and Ue Ut the Hte, tho lt tli jr oih, I dtttauddt and thero ar Wa million men wkt Ul mareb 1 1 thw ia!U't bi, tth haid on s. N If 8ml tw, to deuuad tr ruhva ttf the op- reet4 TIIE WEALTH The German Reichstag has this month been excited by the serious proiiosltlon of an eminent Conservative leader (not a socialist, take notice) that the govern ment assume entire ownership and con trol of tbe grain traffic of the Empire. Chancellor Capri vl led the opposition, and the bill was rejected by the ma jority. But It indicate what is coming. If the grain trade were In the bands of the people's agents here, instead of in the hands of private speculators, and if we also had transportation at cost over government-owned railroads it would drive a good many thieving toll-gatherers out of business. "MAKE WAY FOB LIBERTY " Tho pass at Thermopylae was not more Important to the Greeks than is tbe passage way to Washington to tho plutocrats, who would stop tbe Indus trials from entering their place power, It is the first critical moment or period in tho reign of plutocracy The millions out of work might Starve or beg, or in tbelr despurato nievd Wat all wages down to the baroxt living limit Ictpt i paratt, unorganhed and unheard, except as individuals in local neighborhoods; and tho pooplA would not bo moved, the American hatred of oppression would not bo awakened, But if tho peaceful bands bcurlng ''Old Glory" are not checked and broken up and dispersed out of sittbt, the wealth making masSea and all justice loving citizens will ho terribly wrought up over the struggle these men are mak ing to be men; and a political uprising and uniting of the industrial millions will place the people's reul represents tlvcs in control of Congress, tho state legislatures and the executive depart incuts of government. There is great danger, too, in apply' ing force, or using starvation to drive these phalanxes of povorty asunder Tbe efforts of Governors West and Jackson, and railroad attorneys Hub bard and Baldwin, Ac, havo roused to a pitch rt resfKtlosB fury two cities and at tho tatao time violently agitated the wholo country, The road to Washing tn can not be closod against tho loyal poor, I twill not answer to provoke violence Tho only thing which can be done is to hear tho people; and when the people who have been defrauded of tbelr birthrights have to bo hoard the end will draw on apace, Would to God tho monopolists would listen to tbe plea for justice and reiinqulnh peacefully their despotlo power; but unjust power was never yet given up without a vlo lont struggle to retain if. TEACHING EVIL IN GOD'8 NAME. Joseph was a provident man. Belaid up the wheat he saved in granaries against bad years. The way to translate that into tbe language of modern life U to save money In a bank or a permanent investment. Even a boy or a girl will slo well to follow Joseph example, and save part of the money be gets, so as to have a little Account in a bank that will be growing all tbe time. It is a splen did hublt. Nobody gets rich that does not look ahead as Joseph did. Wo clip the above from tho notes on last Sunday's lesson, given in the New York Independent. It is impressed up on the young as the Scriptural lesson, the Divine teaching; and if the toxt was Interpreted by all teachers as this New York preacher explains it, the Sunday school scholars of the world, trusting their touchers, have bocn made to think It is a Ado thing to havo a self-growing bank account, to draw usury (all inter est is usury, and condemned by Jehovah ) from tho produot of others' labor, to get rich by taking advantage of the bor rowers' necessities. The wisdom and duty of accumulating In good years for bad years Is acknowltdged, but hoard lng to take advantage of those who must borrow, to dictate lmul table terms and gather wealth produced by others is oppression, Is robbery, Is de structive of liberty, equality and love. It Is not "a splendid habit," buta devil ish crime against GoJ and man. The writer has a baby boy two months old, and his heart is concerned for that hoy's future as a true father s heart must be. Hut he would Infinitely rather his boy should never see the in side of a church or Sunday erhl thr to hare such a false oouoeptlou of right and wrong Died in his forming mind. The question involved In this Sunday sohool teaching, above quoted, ia the fundamental question of equity, justice, righteousness. Wrong teaching upon this question of what Is just, leads to wrong llvlngi and no proWon, no baptWin, no religious labors oa Seeday, no charity collections, no faith in GhrUt's power t save sinners will save here or hereat'tr asyone who lives uu justly, unrihteouly, seldehly. All the evils which adUvt sootety grow out of this f ! teaohtag, that ess rosy command others to produce wvaltk tor him and accumulate as hi own the real, luvrl and dividends which other mea'a labor produce., "SoWdy ge's rich" IW doe m u accumulate from others' t '11; and by these Km t product, which thee vhrtooutrol price aad JloUt term vt tltr.g gain, th n. ' are kept or, and the poort.t l-y ttcvieaad perlh from aorj. 4 for thoe who luuit jleld instead t'f rvoUln Ait loc ni,'i a long, hard, urn rrlala trugI tor pi and broad antt clothing and eheiler, la the Kiel' acta ftorU therv U no law hut !flh ao, no If v, o justice, ao rlgatoeus , no relUtoB. The baud f the in dividual 1 kept OA the ttftBt auJ MAKERS. defensive Against every other man, and every otber man's hand is against him. And yet it is in business, in the every day labors and exchanges whloh we must all live by, that Christianity, or obedience to tho law of justics, must how Itself, must exist, if there is any thing real in ones profession of it. Of what use is it to teach the children and tbe people that God's law is that we must love each other as we love our selves, snd then Interpret tbe Jaw to sanctlen contending with and preying upon one another six days out of seven? Of what use is it to claim that the Bible is the inspired word of God, and that tbe eternal law of justice is, "In the sweat of thy face sbalt thou eat bread," and then accept in tbe church men who live and accumulate by the sweat of others? Of what use is it to preach that men must forsake sin or perish, and then allow them to continue in sin untaught and unrebuked? Tbe cburcb ought to hold up tbe Dlvino standard of righteousness. It docs not do it. It ought to, H must, show what the law of justice and love requires. It does not now know itself. It ought to look into tbe question of tho right or wroug of charging rent, interest and dividends anything in ex Ol'c: of what is lett. Will It do it, when (threat end growing number of teachers, part in snd part out of the church, do oluft that its present practice and teaching or lack of teaching aro im moral? The church bai been mistaken on thi) slavery question. Lt it tot thltik it is above the possibility of being also mistaken on tho fundamental ques tion of equity and the business require ment', of equal, of tiual'ulng, love; or that H can keep silent on this mighty moral difference which separates it from an intomcly earnest company of social reformers. As a church member himse'f the writer begs, urges, insists, that tho ordained expounders of the law preach the Divine law regarding usury bible usury), ront and dividends, and tho immorality of anyono with a mono poly of natural, God given forces acquir ing ' goods and.;, gratifications which another's sweat has produced. THE COS! MOH WEAL MOVEMENT. There are thousands of our readers who must depend on our paper to give them the information which everyone anxious to obtain regarding the Commonweal Army, Us origin, its his tury, its objects, its personnel a its rela tlon to the unsettled social and political questions, Mr. Coxcy is a horso breeder and stock raiser, a man of means, a man of ndopendont mind., And this is what be has said regarding the origin of tho movement: "The idea which is at the bottom of this marcb to Washington plan, is this: I had become convinced that the raonev ques'loa wui at the bottom of our troubles, it is our monetary system which has caused our financial treublsa. thrown men out of work, and made millions suffer. I have been trvlntr for seventeen or eighteen years to bring this faot to general public attention. It can only be brought forward by some means mat win rivet attention to It." Tho Bucoecs of the unprecedented scheme to rivet attention is already manifest. The old party press which bus bceu suppressing news and con spiring to keep silent and continue tho sham tariff fight forever, has been com pelled to devoto largo space to tbe Commonwealers under Coxey and Kelly; the country Is becoming more and more aroused. Sympathy for the unemployed who are marching under tho old Hug to petition Congress for tho right to work in order to live and live Independently, 1 being stirred up every where among all lovers of freedom; and Congress, wito. the Commonwealers yet in tho distance, has been compelled to open the discussion regarding them and their anticipated petitions. Tho fUt plan of the powers that con trol the dally preei to prejudice the publlo mind against tho Commonweal- ers by calling them tramps and vaga bonds and lawlcss.dacgerous characters, has completely failed, though the mst viciously lying dallies of the east and wont are still trying to make it go. The effort to drive them back with guns and curt order and physical power ha also failed. Tho brutal treatment of the K'ellj division At the baud of murderous railroad oftMala And the machine soldier of monopoly -tool governor, ha drawn the attention of mtillout to their outraged rtghu, to their heroic, toldlerly suffering; And, Urttng wltnoulu(Au,wllbout friends, Aad with the worst puetbe slMtder sitnt ahead of them, they cava by their trltot mauHn. captured heat if friend and beaten back all their enemies. Ml. Coiey wUhc Cogra to two bill ta provide employ ate at for the unemployed. Due 1 called the good read bill, and calls fur th leeu of VO.iHkM) In grwnback of full legal terder, Utbuvd by thedlffereet tUto aeoordtug t popuUlle to pay forth entrvK'UoR of Niter roada, aa eooa omte Improvement much nti'J In tttauy part of the I'ntoa. Tfa bill pro tide that thlt liuprvivvmeal shall to wal and Hi itvMtey p'tt voder IK dlrvrilun of th eoerewy of war, the wg t to ba l .oO A day tf eight hour, II (or roaa aw J teaw. The ot)y o Introduced UVU'lrvulaUoA without la Wroet, without bowds, would greatly I u reams the demand tor aa4 ooa4a t va vt all pivduvi of Uto And the dt mand thusmade for all sorts of goods would set everybody needing work at work. Mr. Coxej's second proposed bill is simply a broader one of the same kind. "It provides that when any state, terrl tory, county, township or municipality wishes to make any publlo improvement it can issue a bond Mot to exceed In amount one-half the assessed valuation of the property within it and deposit that bond with tbe secretary of the treasury." Those bonds are to be non Intemt bearing, and when one is received at the treasury tho secretary shall iisuo to its face value of full legal tender treasury notes, less 1 per cent to cover the cost of printing and engraving These are to be repaid at the rate of four per cent per annum, without in torest. This will enablo every town and city to provide employment for all," says Mr. Coxey, The taxpayers of Nebrrska can see at a glance how great a saving It would have been to them had their county court houses i been built under such a law, instead of selling county bonds at a discount and paying a rate of interest which hat more thon doubled the cost Under the not proflt.capltitllstio system of production and distribution tho producers are always obliged to sell their labor or products for 1ine than the consumption prlecr for tho goods. Therefore they cannot buy out ox tuo market as much as they turn in and so from lock of demand for goods and services somo must always be out or worn. According to official statistics in MasHttchusltts thirty per cent of tho workers are out of work a third of tho time. Thoso who are out of work and in need, competing for work.koep labor prices down so that millions with family expenses, pinched and wretchedly in want at best, are unable to accumulate enough to carry them through a pro tracted season of enforced idleness. Such a season as we have boon passing tarougn ror tho last twelvemonths reduocs millions of our moot economic and willingly productive workers to absolute destitution. Wo l,nv th figures to show that the past winter more than a tenth part of tho people n tbe cities and manufacturing towns nave boen kept alive by deirradinir onarny. tho suffering has been an palling. But only a few of the charity workers have seen it. Tho dead sua of poverty rises higher and higher, and those who must sink into ft can soldora rise out of it. Every porlod of businoNS stagnation drags down fresh thousands who before were struggling to keep from the verge of want. And while all this has boen golnp on the wealth takers, without labor, by moans of rent, interest and monopoly enforced profits, have been concentrat ing the national resources, the land the mines, tbe oil wells, tho steam and olectrio energies, the transportation properties, etc., Into their hands and disinheriting' God'e poor. They have grasped the two great political ma chines and run them on business principles-for private profit. So liberty has come to be for millions nothim? real, nothing in reality but permission to beg or starve. Something had to bo done. Something has been done. Mr. Coxey started with loss than a hundred men from Masslllon Ohio, and has continued his march through fennsylvanla over the enow-covered mountains into Maryland, and Is still moving on. His band of Common wealers has grown as It progressed, and groat crowds have poured out to seo and cheer and feed them as they moved from town to town. At Alleghany City Pa., tho people of the city (and Pitts burg) poured out to meet them in such a deuse crowd that Director Murphy of the department of publlo safety got alarmed and btougbt tbe Commonweal ers by another road Into the city. The Chicago Herald reporter telegraphed April 3rd to bis paper as follows: uo uuuuroti tuoueaud peooie saw Commander Coxey' army of ragged aud dust sulnt-u men eater this city this afternoon. Jhs demonstration acwrdtd la in mistraolt vnalurts hits no pirai,ti in history, A baroarlan, returning (rum a campaign with tho scalps of hi foes strung to his ImU, could not hav arouuod more euthuelaiira than marked the progress of the siwllhtmnd horse- inau and ((Uarryman, wbo I now on his way to Washington, to urge Congres to pas tne gooq roau non-Hit. rest bearing bond bill which be ha framed te thruet into both wing of the vapitol. The New York Trlhuno, though hav ng no word of sympathy for the Com muAwealer And the eauae of the unem ployed, was obliged to say of them; Tbe entry Into (leaver KaM wa In the line of An ovation, the principal street boleg hlockrd with people, who wore attracted more tnrttugti Ulle ouil onj mat anr miter puriHwo, ine aiiuy in arc hi' d owr the leading tnoriiugufarv prettou lu t'Atuplug Alut twelve tWaiu pron vUlusd Ilia rump during Ihwday and Inlt even eg a nt m-elltig imiii q tkit porAHviui, Coxey, llrowue, el. a). tm leg tb chief speaker. MY. t oiey and his command Inn prJl. Cf, 1 art ninwrte, deliver addreeee to b erow J, u acre sr.J acrc uf men, at every stoppteg lae; and the peopl iv turn out to elite f Aed lUteii to thutn huep lht Abundantly supplied with pMUUt, Thettiuveiueutlooetv e the great h art of elf ugg'lng humani ty, and U !4tg together the woi kl niA e. It it alto vailing forth the )MplhW Of Ki tf tueati ho holo 0lrenLiu, lUptirU tA tb New York Tribune U'ed that "lh entire -pu! tlavt the od." April 26, 1894 Simultaneously with the movement in Ohio An organization of unemployed men in San Francisco essayed to start for Washington. The industrial situa tion on the pacific slope has been terri ble for a year. No work could be obtained and something bad to be done. General Kelly, who by the way is one of tbe grandest, noblest, most Christian men (workers only can be such) in the Republic, said to World-Herald re porter. ' Kan Francisco is like a giant rat trap; it is not hard for a worklngmaa to get into, but it is a very hard country to get out of. On the one side is the Puolflo ocean, which can be neither waded nor swam; and on tbe other is 500 miles of the devil's own country, tho Nevada desert. It li hard to tell which is the worst to get aorosi, the ocean or the desert, Afen aro coming la every day. Every man who gets us far west as Chicugo on the way from the east keeps on till he reaches Kan Francisco and then he can neither keep on nor turn back. The streets a full of poor dovlls, who are mechanics or even professional men, nut who are obliged to bruoo tho passerby for some thing to live on. You cannot walk a block in tho evening without having one or two poor fellows hit you for something to get fond, I used to be struck by men with union cards every day and everybody elso was tho some, way, if they looked at all promising, "Labor is at a wonderfully low ebb on thoooust," General Kelly suid reflec tively. "Thorn is no hope for the man without a certain job ahead of him, no matter what may bo hi qualifications. Wo huvo in this army men of every walk of life, college gruduatce and professional men as well as laborers, and not one of them bus bi en able to make a success of tho hustle in the beautiful el I mate of California. fh country is lino enough, tbo weather is good and liviug 1 cheap, but money cannot be earned, When asked tho object of the trip to WoHblniton. ho sulo.- "Th.. t...r,.- (it j V. ' ' akisuv unuuur ully Indicates our oui-nniot." n,i ,.. ed to a banner upon which was Inscribed, these words: "Government emDlovmont lor tno unemployed " "We uro hm,! a memorial prepared by our friends in "which w bo roiolv In a. hrtr uJJ that will explain our wants In detail. wish to extend the thanks of th nnti army to the good people of Nebraska iui iuuir urn and ing out The following obligation is taken hv all who Join (ion. Kelly's army: I have sworn to sunnnrt i ha tlon of the United Mate and the in dustrial army: to ohov all Inwrni nu that may be said or banded to mo by those ordered so to do; to rondrr support and assistance to all oBloors and com rades of the army, to never violate any laws of the United tttutoa nr mwi .tuir. or territory in which I, or aid or abet any riotous conduct; to respect the rights of property and law and order; to never act in any manner to bring discredit uoon the. inrinutriui army of the United States. California towns paid b x car fare to bring tho Industrials under Kelly as far ai )gden, whore Gov. West of Utah in tercepted them, eorrallod them with armod territorial soldiers and did his utmost to force tho railroade to take tbe ,200 men back to tho ootst. But thev marched out and found an empty train whloh brought thorn to Council Bluffs. At Grand Island, after repeated calls, Gen. Kolly mounted a box car and ad dressed the crowd in the following language: Citizens of Grand Island. In thn nam of California division of the comrtion. weal army, I thank you for your kind noss and generosity, and hopo to leave a better feeling toward the army be hind, than has preended us through the press. We ure honest lnhnrimr simply asking for justice. No profes sional trump nted apply, we don't enlist them. We have broken no luw nn t.h statute book nor harmed any man. VVe have spent two weeks ou the road. Part of the time In box oars, the remainder oa the bare ground, muny sick and ail suffering, striving for a principle we tuiuk is right. I trust 1 am an honost man. Hut sometimes in the august presence of Utah's governor, when sur rounded by soldiers and Uutllng guns, I almost felt like a convict. Gov, west s tid we must go buck or force would be used. Bat despite bayonets a'.d (iatllng s;un, wHHfHhHr nd more than that are going to Washington. The eyes of tho world are on u, and should the ' authorities of any state harm us, then wllLll bacleurly demonstrated that it U lawlrtte to be poor. I a at not much of a soldier, but I loft a g.nnl one at home; lor when twodaysout I wont btck t set myself tight before the pUUp ut San rrNueUee ou account of intssute ments In the pre... my wifo met me with the words "So deeertor wanted here your pla e I. At the front, ami i will be real guard " Thanking you again for your kind uvea, it Is my hoi and prayer that vou And your may never lt fom, .1 m iu..T... object of publlo charity," " r.Jtior llurr of the AurorA lUfl.u, .ay. the people of Grn4 Island were moat agreeably surprised. , orderly, geutlumrnly set of men wore over seen, ure wa tu bud laiv uo profanity, mi vulgarity hrd from any of limn. Thty Acre jrfoetly drilled, and the dUclpUn was net that of fear but ehulee. Old Glory , le at the f wnr, a.. J many d bjn..M Are kept dUplAyrd, I Lie are 1UW of the luotWie, t.amrmtent Kmidoyiiient for tk- I'nentploysd " "ProterllhelWiUoltU Will mr Wet I Welt," "Gjldat a frrmluie. HuHiauttv m Oleevattt." !Ug M ty la- U I i,f u m.j, h We IW-A t Ak HaKdi,,, and llian- le . All Wo Aik I. f 'ual au4 et lu.'tu te alii Spe. vUl prUllegv tt none " OttiAha fed the UduatrUI houaiifuiU And lhy pe4 tl!euoollliiv,.iTs ere Govruv.r Jaikioa, AetlngAt reu f i